April 24, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church


April 24, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Paul the
Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
18223 Point Lookout Dr.
Nassau Bay, Texas 77058-3594
281-333-3891 / Fax: 281-333-3815
Monday – Thursday Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12-1 p.m., M-F)
The Clergy Staff
Pastor, Rev. Wencil Pavlovsky
(Ext. 325)
Rev. James P. Bradley
Deacon Scott Daniel
(Ext. 337)
Deacon Arturo Monterrubio
Deacon Servando Rojas
(Ext. 337)
Deacon Jim Lockwood
Deacon Hector Romeu
The Pastoral Staff
Adult Faith Formation
Heidi Clark
Children’s Ministry
Sara Fontana
Early Childhood Program
Vicky Kuehnel
Liturgical Ministry
Joyce Lubofsky
Multicultural Ministry
Esperanza Monterrubio
Music Ministry
David Rofrano
Youth Ministry
Katie Mahoney
Business Manager
Maria Conner
Theresa Waller
Facilities Director
Michael Centanni
Parish Secretary
Laura Ruzicka
Assistant Secretary
Elena Capetillo
(Ext. 328)
(Ext. 339)
(Ext. 340)
(Ext. 333)
(Ext. 321)
(Ext. 332)
(Ext. 301)
(Ext. 330)
(Ext. 341)
(Ext. 343)
We Celebrate the Eucharist
(Ext. 323)
(Ext. 302)
Gabriel Project
(Ext. 338)
Parish-based crisis pregnancy ministry
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Office Hours:
Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thursday 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Appointment required for Financial
Assistance but not for Food Pantry
Mass in English
Tuesday – Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish)
Jueves (Thursday) a las 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Mass in English
Saturday Vigil at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday at 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish)
Domingo (Sunday) a las 12:00 Mediodía
Confessions: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: Continuously in the Chapel
6:00 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 a.m. Saturday
Volume XVIII No. 1833
The Finance Council
assists the Pastor in a
consultative role with
administration of parish
goods, encouraging
support of Parish and
stewardship programs
for Time, Talent and
Treasure. For more
info contact the
Finance Council at
2016 Members
Fr. Wencil Pavlovsky
Chima Akanwa
Maria Conner
Jim Daniel
Ramiro Novoa
Clemente Quinatana
Kathy Tamer
Diana Tran
The Pastoral Council is
a representative body
of the faithful, whose
focus is on the parish
community and
fostering the mission of
the Church. It is
presided over by the
Pastor, with members
assisting in a
consultative basis to
represent the interests
and spiritual well-being
of the parish. For more
information, contact
the Pastoral Council at
2016 Members
Jesus Adame
Judith Crowley
Mario Moreno
Carlos Parra
Demetrio Quezada
Brenda Sanzone
Cruz Torres
Yvonne Vigue-Rodi
Aaron Walz
Susan Wells
Barbara Wirth
Regis Wrobleski
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
April 17 Financial Stewardship
April 24, 2016
Administración Financiera 17 de abril
No On line deductions this period.
$ 15,961.23
$ 15,961.23
$ 0.00
No Deducciones De Línea Durante Este Periodo.
Building Loan Payment
March Capital Campaign Donations
$ 36,900.34
$ 19,023.30
Préstamo del Edificio
Donaciones de la Campaña Capital de marzo
Deficit funded from parish and ministry
operating budgets
2016 DSF
Pledged To Date (*173 Parishioners)
Paid To Date
*Increases as parishioners Respond to
Archdiocese Appeal.
**Half of all amounts donated over the
$130,000 goal are applied to our
building debt. The other half will go
into Archdiocese DSF accounts.
$ 130,000**
$ 75,225.00*
$ 49,519.00
Déficit financiado por Fondos operacionales de la parroquia y
los ministerios
2016 DSF
Prometido al Día (*173 feligreses )
Pagado al Día
*Número aumenta a lo que feligreses responden al
apelación de la Arquidiócesis
**La mitad de todos fondos donados sobre el objetivo
de $130,000 serán aplicados a la deuda de nuestro
edificio. El resto se destinara a cuentas de DSF de la
Is spring cleaning on your mind? Looking for ways to simplify your
week? eGiving through Faith Direct can help! Consider enrolling
today by visiting www.faithdirect.net and using our church code:
TX596. Your gifts through Faith Direct will help stabilize our parish finances,
help you to get rid of the clutter of offertory envelopes in your home, and
give you one less thing to worry about on Sunday mornings.
Thank you for your continued support of our parish family with your time and
talents as well as treasure!
¿Es ta la limpieza de primavera en su mente? ¿Busca manera de
simplificar su semana? ¡eGiving través de Faith Direct puede
ayudar! Considere la posibilidad de inscribirse hoy visitando
www.faithdirect.net y utilizar el código de Nuestra iglesia: TX596.
Sus regalos a través de Faith Direct ayudarán estabilizar nuestras
finanzas parroquiales, ayudan a deshacerse del desorden de los
sobres de ofrenda en su casa, y le dará una cosa menos de qué
preocuparse en los fines de semana antes de misa.
¡Gracias por su constante apoyo a nuestra familia parroquial con su
Tiempo y Talento, así como Tesoro!
Please come by and see our new, SAFE and renovated Choir
area in the church. Once again we are such a blessed
parish family! Due to a very generous donation
and the gifts of Time and Talent of our Volunteers, we have
been able to build a platform that enables safe wiring of our instruments
and microphones. Help us raise the funds remaining to complete funding
this project, by sponsoring payment of one of the following.
Monitor Speakers
Solo Microphones
Choir Microphones
Electrical Outlets
Custom Vocal/Instrument Inputs
Instrument Cabling
Microphone Cabling
Microphone Stands
Volume XVIII No. 1833
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
Readings & Mass Intentions ♦ Lecturas Y Intenciónes de Misa
(4/24/2016 – 04/30/2016)
Sunday (Acts 14:21-27; Rev 21:1-5; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35) Fifth Sunday
of Easter
9:00 AM Kathleen Stellato, Enemies, †Dick Breidenstein
12:00 PM People of the Parish
5:00 PM †Gertrude D’Souza, †Maria Carmen Guardado
Monday (1 Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20) St. Mark, Evangelist
No Mass
Tuesday (Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a)
8:30 AM †Gertrude D’Souza
Wednesday (Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8)
8:30 AM †Gertrude D’Souza
Thursday (Acts 15:7-21; Jn 15:9-11) St. Peter Chanel, Priest and
Martyr; St. Louis Grignion de Montfort
8:30 AM †Gertrude D’Souza, †Gerry Mac Donald
7:00 PM †Carmelina Fernandez
Friday (Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17) St. Catherine of Sienna, Virgin
and Doctor of the Church
8:30 AM Austin Tom, Chan Finch, Alberto Reyes
Saturday (Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21) St. Pius V, Pope Vigil: (Acts 15:12, 22-29; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29)
8:30 AM †Maria DeVote Calzarelli
5:00 PM †Ray Daves, †Lillian Joslin
Please Pray For: Marie & Bernie Brabant, Christie Gaspard, Kay Kirk, Cheryl
Seids, Bettye Beason, Kon Delang, Nelda Zamora, Nelda Davila, Beverly
Bubenik, Maite Evangelista, Kelly Barton, Donald Walker, Jo Michael, Bill &
June Jung, Jerome & Bernadine Berend, John Ryan, Gerald Berend, Carol
Weide, Wynne Gillen, Donna Bova, Bill & Beverly Mann, Victoria Chavez,
Mercedes Lopez, Barbara Williams, Ivy Dsouza, Kevin Krengle, Darin Clark,
Clarence Billett, Joseph Ulloa, Beverly & Ken Tiger, Kristen Scott, Allison
Schneider, Tony Falcon, Joyce Curtner, Marichu Arcilla Maullon-Asprer,
Valerie Parisi, Lucio Martinez, Eduardo Gasca, Heather Valarino, Gerald
Rivera, Ann Kuehnel, Martin Olson, Presy Carrera, Sharon Lee, Tom Halle,
Leonel Garcia, Ellen & Sue Guy, Josie Travalos, Ray Fernandez, Carlotta
Del Campo, Brittney Maynard, Daniel Adcock, Ernesto Rumbaoa, Frank
O’Connor, Raymond Ciak, Wendy Wells, Chan Finch, Joe Garcia, Marcial
Bacani, Donna Ruggerieri, Jackie Christ, David Scott, Paul Miller, Madge
Bualexanderduan, Raymond Fernandez, Connie Fernandez, Margaret
Escobedo, Bobby Lopez, Nancy Ware, Trace Cook, Julia Brown, Kenneth
Parker, Daniel Parker, Betty Jean Herron, Gladys Galloway, Maria William
Swenson, Allison Hawthorne Swenson, Bernie Brabant, Mary Lee Knight,
Rose Miller, Austin Gerry, Linda Buckminster, Betty Quebedeaux, Dr. Frank
Greytok, John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Edril Phillips, Judy
Ganske, Josefina Saenz, Eloisa Allen, Betty Johnson, Kristin Scott, Alice
Jean Pursell, Estela Narvaez, Marcos Jimenez, Rebecca Brooklier, Anna
Feiaiullo, Dorothy Breidenstein, Karen Savko, Antoinette Fossatti, Angelica
Mendoza, Ed Baca, Liz, Jeremiah & Justin DeLeon, Wendy Mattingly, Tom
Leahy, Norma Bischel, Sherry Sullivan, Isaiah Pina, Edward Templin, Patti
DiCostanza, John & Carmen Heckler, Brian Lee, Emily Weiss, Pam Collins,
Deanna Stellato, Verr Soltes, Soledad Martinez, Darius Riley, Peggy Vargas,
Louise Temple, Angela Porter, Blanche Riel, Verena Costello, Claire Cavetti,
Chris Hebert, Thomas Frasier, Minnie Hill-Honor, David Cabrera, James
John, Sarah Marcela Poole, Audrey Cegielski, Alma Andreason, Janie
Torres, Evarist Coryat, Robin Schultz, Barbara Hanselkar, Joann Nelson,
and Jackie Lucas.
NOTE: In order to maintain an updated Prayer List, we are
removing names that have been on the prayer list longer than two
months. Please call the parish office, 281.333.3891 to keep a name,
add a name, or remove your name from the list.
April 24, 2016
Liturgy and Worship ~ Joyce Lubofsky
Liturgia y el Culto ~ [email protected]
There will NOT be a communal celebration of the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick this month due to
First Holy Communion. The next celebration will be
Saturday, June 4th.
No habrá la celebración comunal del
Sacramento de los Enfermos en
mayo por razón de la Primera Comunión. La próxima
celebración llevará a cabo el sábado 4 junio.
Mothers’ Day Flowers
Please remember to return your
envelopes for the Mothers’ Day
Flowers in the collection next Sunday.
Flores para el Día de las Madres
Favor de poner en la colecta el
próximo domingo sus sobres para las
flores del Día de la Madres.
The next meeting of the Silver
Linings Bible Study Group will
be Thursday, May 12th, 1:00—
2:30 PM, in Rooms 10/11.
Please plan to join us after
the 9:00 a.m. Mass May 8,
Mother's Day. We will honor
Deacon Jim who has served
our parish so well and is now
retiring, as well as bless our
new renovated Peace Garden which honors our
Blessed Mother and with the new commemorative
brick, many in our parish family community. The
Legion of Mary will have homemade cookies and
fresh coffee to share with us.
Don't forget to bring a flower(s) to present to Our
Blessed Mother and your rosary to pray with the
Legion of Mary.
Volume XVIII No. 1833
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
April 24, 2016
“Ustedes son el cuerpo de Cristo, y cada uno en su lugar es parte de él.” (1 Cor. 12:27)
Para más información acerca de este ministerio comuníquese con Esperanza Monterrubio a
[email protected] o al 281.333.3891 Ext 321.
Poner en práctica
las Obras de
Misericordias Espirituales
y Corporales,
Testimonio concreto
de la Unidad y Amor
de los Cristianos
Por favor hagan planes para
celebrar con nosotros antes
de la misa de las 12:00 p.m.
(10:30 a.m.) el 8 de mayo, Día
de la Madre. Honráremos a
nuestro diacono Jim, que ha
servido a nuestra parroquia tan bien y ahora se retira,
así como se bendecirá nuestro renovado Jardín de la
Paz, que hace honor a nuestra santa madre, María y
también con nuestros ladrillos conmemorativos, a
muchos de nuestra familia parroquial. La Legión de
María tendrá galletas sabrosas y café fresco para
compartir con nosotros.
Por favor no se olvide de llevar una flor(es) para
presentar a Nuestra Santa Madre y su rosario para
rezar con la Legión de María.
Volume XVIII No. 1833
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
April 24, 2016
Because Our Faith is too Rich to have ever Learned it All…
Contact Heidi Clark, Director of Adult Ministry, 281.333.3891, Ext. 328 or [email protected] for more information.
Adult faith formation at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church is centered around the understanding that
living “The Way” taught by Jesus Christ is a life-long, evolving journey, involving both effort and decision.
To enable adults to explore the faith and deepen their knowledge of God’s Word, we provide many
opportunities to come together in a learning environment. As a diverse community with a small parish feel, we know it
is important to walk that journey with others and to share what we have learned along the way.
If you or someone you
know is interested in
learning more about
becoming Catholic, our
RCIA program is just the
ticket! The Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process of prayer,
reflection, and learning that allows for the continual
discernment of God's will. Contact Heidi Clark,
281.333.3891 or [email protected]
There is no Silver Linings meeting this month as the
members are on a trip. Regular meeting times on the
second Monday of each month will resume in May.
See you then!
Emotional and spiritual wellness is closely tied to
physical wellness. Zumba is a dance fitness program
designed to make exercising FUN! Classes meet in
Beck Hall or Founders Hall, depending on
Thursdays at 6:45 PM
Saturdays at 10 AM
If you or someone you know is a baptized Catholic
who has received first Eucharist but has not been
confirmed, please contact Heidi Clark, our director of
adult ministry, to make arrangements to complete
your sacraments of initiation:
[email protected] or 281.333.3891, Ext. 328.
All young adults between the ages of 18-24 are invited
to a special, 5-week series on St. John Paul II’s
teachings on the Theology of the Body. This study is
taking a deeper and more mature look at some of the
age-old questions in human history such as, “What
does it mean to be human?” and “What am I
seeking?” This exciting series is being offered at Mary
Queen Catholic Church in Friendswood on
Wednesday evenings from June 8 through July 6.
Each evening begins with dinner at 6:30 PM and
concludes by 9 PM. Registration is required and there
is a $15 fee to cover the cost of the accompanying
workbook. Sessions take place in the retreat house
behind the church and will be facilitated by Scott and
Terri Ryan. For more information, contact Terri at
[email protected] or 281.814.4620.
Countless people in need of prayer have been blessed
by St. Paul’s Prayer Shawl Ministry made up of
dedicated volunteers who knit these special keepsakes
and pray for the recipient while they do. We meet
every other Thursday at 4:00 PM. Our next meeting
will be April 28 in Parlor A. The Prayer Shawl
Ministry is grateful for recent donations of yarn. If
you have yarn or new shawls you would like to
donate, please contact Mary Fitts at 281.486.5895.
Thanks to our Prayer Shawl
Ministry, we have a large
collection of prayer shawls they
have hand-knit, praying for the needs and intentions of
the person who will receive it. If you or someone you
know would benefit from one of these shawls, you
may ask for one at the Welcome Center or contact
Heidi Clark at [email protected] or call
281.333.3891, Ext. 328. There is no charge for these
Volume XVIII No. 1833
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
April 24, 2016
Welcome to SPACE!
“…dedicated to bringing teens into relationship with Jesus Christ, and empowering
young people to become disciples of Him in their everyday life through study of
scripture, catechesis and service…”
It’s our Thanksgiving Celebration! Complete with music, a special prayer service from Father Alvaro, and
spending time in the presence of the Lord!
Your time in High School is almost at a close. Which means we want to celebrate YOU! Our Graduation Mass
is Sunday, May 15, at 5pm followed by our annual Graduation Banquet. A guest speaker, dinner, memories,
and scholarships. We hope and pray you can make it. Email Katie if you have any questions.
Attention Seniors: The 2016 SPACE Scholarship application for $1,000 will be awarded to one St.
Paul’s Senior with exemplary service, outstanding leadership, inspiring parish involvement, and an
impacting devotion to God. Applications may be found under the TV by the youth room.
Interview will follow by SPACE Scholarship Committee.
WELCOME TO EDGE! It’s our 5th Grade Welcome
Night! Bring any 5 graders to EDGE at 6:45pm and get ready to rock!
Registration is NOW OPEN for…
Register your 5th-8th grade students for the funnest week of the Summer!
Hosted at St. Mary in League City from 10am-4pm daily! Total Cost: $140
Monday: Kemah Boardwalk
Tuesday: TopGolf
Wednesday: Movie Theater
Thursday: Main Event
Week long chaperones needed (you get in everywhere for free)
Volume XVIII No. 1833
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
Children’s Ministry
Partnering with parents to keep
the light of faith burning
For information call Sara Fontana 281.333.3891 ext. 339
or e-mail [email protected]
April 24, 2016
Early Childhood Program
Seeing Children Through The Eyes of God!
For information contact: Vicky Kuehnel, Director
[email protected] or 281.333.0176
Spaghetti dinner was a huge success! Thank you to
all who donated and participated in an annual
fundraiser. Those of us that work in the field of
Early Childhood are passionate about teaching and
celebrating our youngest learners. Your support of
our endeavors are greatly appreciated.
During the Week of the Young Child, we had visits
from Texas Parks and Wildlife, and The Bay area
Symphony. Both presentations were truly enjoyed
by the children and the staff.
Parents and Children attend this week.
JULY 29, 2016
Oscar’s Ocean
We are really happy to
announce that we will be
offering Summer Enrichment classes this June!
Imagine exploring the complex diversity of our
amazing ocean without ever leaving the
classroom. This is what your preschooler up to
2nd grade age child can do. Registration forms
are located in the Narthex as well as in the ECP
office. Registration is going on now for the June
6th - 9th and 13th - 16th classes. Tuition fees are
$200 with $35 registration.
Hurry to sign your little one up for some fun
days at SP’s ECP!
Register online!
~ PLUS ~
Check out a week long Family Fun Festival
happening at Circle Lake July 5 – 9th
Reading, it is how people install new software in
their brains. Author unknown
Read to your child every day!
(And pick up a book for yourself
as well)
Volume XVIII No. 1833
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
April 24, 2016
Adoration open hour: 2 AM Thursday. Would you consider spending an hour with the Lord?
You could not stay awake for even an hour? Mark 14:37
Please contact Malina at 281.221.6591 or [email protected].
Hora disponible: jueves, 2 AM. ¿Consideras una hora con Nuestro Señor?
¿De modo que no pudiste permanecer una hora? Marcos 14:37
Favor de llamar o enviar mensaje a Hortensia, 281.731.6539
The Object of the LEGION OF MARY
The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its
members developed by prayer and active co-operation, under ecclesiastical
guidance, in Mary's and the Church's work of crushing the head of the serpent
and advancing the reign of Christ.
Our Lady Star of the Sea Praesidium is a unit of the Legion of Mary. As
Mary’s army we not only pray the rosary but we pray for Mary to use our
prayers as needed. We also visit nursing home residents (Regency Village, The
Pointe and Manor Care), assist with Communion Services, Evangelize and host
a Catholic Booth at the Strawberry Festival each year (May 20-22, 2016) and
Book Borrow in front of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Participate in the
Crowning of Mary (May 8, 2016), set an altar for Our Lord at the Corpus Christi Procession (May
29, 2016), assist with Home Enthronements, go on Summer Outings and many other fun activities. For more
information contact Lora Ruzicka at 281-333-3891 ext. 323 or [email protected] .
Pilgrim Virgin Statue Sign Up May 7-8, 2016 ~ after each Mass
The primary purpose of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue home family visitation is to aid families in responding to the
requests made by the Blessed Virgin Mary during her apparitions at Fatima. The essence of her requests is
threefold: Return to God; Make reparation for sins; Pray the Rosary for Peace.
Catholic Home Missions Appeal ~ Strengthening the Church at Home
2nd Collection: April 24, 2016
The Church has great needs around the world, and the United States is no exception. Many dioceses here at
home face challenges due to priest shortages, lack of funds, remote geography, or impoverished parishes. The
Catholic Home Missions Appeal answers these needs and provides grants for projects to strengthen the faith of
the people. Forty-two percent of all dioceses in the United States receive Catholic Home Missions support for
evangelization, catechesis, ministry formation, and other areas of faith development. Through your support, the
Catholic Home Missions Appeal helps to ease the struggle of these dioceses and to form vibrant faith
communities. Please help strengthen the Church at home by giving generously to this appeal.
Office of National Collections
3211 Fourth Street NE •
Washington, DC 20017-1194 202-541-3400 • fax 202-541-3460 •
La Iglesia tiene grandes necesidades en todo el mundo y, en los Estados Unidos, no somos la excepción.
Muchas diócesis, aquí en casa, enfrentan desafíos debido a la escasez de sacerdotes, la falta de fondos, por
estar geográficamente distantes o por tener parroquias pobres. El Llamado para las Misiones Católicas
responde a estas necesidades y otorga donaciones a proyectos que fortalecen la fe de la gente. El cuarenta y
dos por ciento de todas las diócesis en los Estados Unidos recibe apoyo financiero del Llamado para las
Misiones Católicas para la evangelización, la catequesis, la formación en el ministerio, y para otras áreas de
formación en la fe. Gracias al apoyo de ustedes, el Llamado para las Misiones Católicas sirve para aliviar los
esfuerzos de estas diócesis y las ayuda a formar unas comunidades de fe llenas de vida. Por favor, ayude a
fortalecer la Iglesia en casa contribuyendo generosamente a este llamado.
Volume XVIII No. 1833
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
April 24, 2016
40 Churches for 40 Days
St. Paul is participating in The Houston Coalition for Life’s 40 Churches for 40 Days for Life
campaign. Our day to peacefully pray at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility located at 4600 Gulf
Freeway is Wednesday, April 27th from 6:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Please consider being a witness to these
young women and the facility’s workers. We need your prayers and your help in being a visible sign of
God's love and mercy. Changing hearts . . . saving lives. For more information, please contact Marilyn
Daniel at 281.326.3799 or e-mail at: [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your presence.
40 Iglesias durante 40 Días
San Pablo es una de las 40 Iglesias que participa en la Campaña de la Coalición de Houston por la Vida
durante 40días. El día que le toca a san Pablo orar en paz en el centro de aborto de Planificación Familiar situado
en 4600 Gulf Freeway es miércoles 27 de abril de 6:30 AM - 4: 30 PM. Necesitamos sus oraciones y su testimonio
a estas mujeres jóvenes y los trabajadores de la instalación. Necesitamos sus oraciones y su ayuda en ser un signo
visible del amor y la misericordia de Dios. Convirtiendo los corazones. . . salvando vidas. Para obtener más
información, póngase en contacto con Marilyn Daniel al 281.326.3799 o por correo electrónico a:
[email protected]. Gracias de antemano por su presencia.