ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL. 2011;86(3):77–80 ARCHIVOS DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA ARCHIVOS DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA Vol. 85 Mayo 2010 Núm. 5 Contenido Editorial La retina como marcador biológico de daño neuronal Artículos originales Comparación de tres instrumentos de tomografía de coherencia óptica, un time-domain y dos Fourierdomain, en la estimación del grosor de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina Idoneidad de tratamiento en sospechosos de glaucoma. Estudio de concordancia con el grupo de estudio RAND Atrofia de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Estudio prospectivo con dos años de seguimiento Comunicaciones cortas Hipercorrección secundaria a transposición muscular aumentada Crítica de libros, medios audiovisuales y páginas web oftalmológicos Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology: The Essentials Sección histórica Del mal de la rosa y la queratoconjuntivitis pelagrosa Sección iconográfica El estrabismo de Rembrandt Sociedades y Reuniones Científicas Ofertas de trabajo Indexada en: PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, IBECS, IME, SCIELO, BIOSIS, SENIOR y COMPLUDOC Original article Intraocular levels of pigment epithelium-derived factor in patients with active uveitis C. Marín-Lambíes,* D. Salom, S. García-Delpech, M. Díaz-Llopis Departamento de Oftalmología, Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, Spain A RT I C L E I N F O R M AT I O N A B S T R A C T Article history: Objective: Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is an antiangiogenic/neurotrophic Received on July 12, 2010 dual functional factor, and recently it was also shown to mediate antioxidative and anti- Accepted on Dec. 22, 2010 inflammatory action. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of PEDF in the aqueous humor in eyes with idiopathic acute anterior uveitis (IAAU). Keywords: Methods: A comparative control study. Aqueous humor was collected from 20 eyes of Uveitis 20 patients with IAAU. The control group included 20 aqueous humor samples from Pigment epithelium-derived factor 20 patients who underwent a cataract surgery and without any other ocular or systemic Inflammation diseases. Levels of PEDF were determined with the ELISA test. Cytokines Results: Concentration of PEDF in aqueous humor was remarkably higher in patients Aqueous humor with IAAU than in control subjects (Mann-Whitney U test, P<.001). Levels of PEDF were 6,291,637.70±8,564,836.48 pg/ml (mean±SD) in eyes with IAAU and 449,178.10± 158,670.19 pg/ml in the eyes of the control group. Conclusion: The aqueous humor PEDF levels are increased in eyes with IAAU and may be increased as self-protection against inflammation. © 2010 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved. Niveles intraoculares del factor derivado del epitelio pigmentario en pacientes con uveítis activa R E S U M E N Palabras clave: Uveítis Factor derivado del epitelio pigmentario Inflamación Citocinas Humor acuoso Objetivo: El factor derivado del epitelio pigmentario (PEDF) es un factor antiangiogénico y neurotrófico que recientemente también ha demostrado tener poder antioxidante y antiinflamatorio. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue determinar los niveles de PEDF en humor acuoso de ojos con uveítis anterior aguda idiopática (UAAI). Métodos: Se realizó un estudio comparativo con grupo control. El humor acuoso fue estudiado en 20 ojos de 20 pacientes con UAAI. El grupo control comprendía 20 muestras de humor acuoso de 20 pacientes intervenidos de cataratas, sin ninguna otra *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (C. Marín-Lambíes). 0365-6691/$ - see front matter © 2010 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved. 78 ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL. 2011;86(3):77–80 enfermedad ocular ni sistémica. Los niveles de PEDF se determinaron mediante el test de ELISA. Resultados: La concentración de PEDF en humor acuoso fue marcadamente superior en los pacientes con UAAI que en los sujetos control (test U Mann-Whitney, p < 0,001). Los niveles de PEDF fueron 6.291.637,70 ± 8.564.836,48 pg/ml (media ± DS) en los ojos con UAAI y 449.178,10 ± 158.670,19 pg/ml en los ojos del grupo control. Conclusiones: Los niveles de PEDF en humor acuoso están aumentados en ojos con UAAI lo cual podría considerarse como un mecanismo de autoprotección frente a la inflamación. © 2010 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados. Introduction The pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a glucoprotein that belongs to the superfamily of protease serine inhibitors, with a high neuronal differentiation activity which has proved to be the most potent angiogenesis inhibitor.1 It inhibits the growth and migration of retina endothelial cells and suppresses ischemia-induced retinal neovascularization.2 In addition, PEDF reduces oxidative stress and the production of inflammatory cytokines in the retina, acting as an endogenous anti-inflammatory factor.3 Recently it was demonstrated that the levels of PEDF in the aqueous humor of uveitis patients correlate with inflammatory markers such as the alpha tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) and the monocyte 1 chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) and could be raised as a reaction system against inflammation in uveitis.4,5 However, the role of PEDF in ocular inflammatory diseases such as uveitis is not yet sufficiently defined. This study assessed the levels of PEDF in the aqueous humor of patients with idiopathic acute anterior uveitis (IAAU) and its possible involvement as a self-protection mechanism against inflammation in acute uveitis episodes. Subjects, material and methods A comparative study with control group. The PEDF levels were determined in the aqueous humor of patients with IAAU. The protocol of the study fulfilled the rules of the Helsinki Declaration and was reviewed and approved by the Ethical Committee of our tertiary hospital. Each patient was requested to sign an informed consent. The study included patients of the uveitis unit of the La Fe University Hospital of Valencia. The aqueous humor samples were collected from 20 eyes of 20 patients with anterior uveitis in acute episodes. All these patients underwent a complete ophthalmological assessment as well as a range of lab tests in order to discard any other possible associated ocular or systemic diseases. The control samples were obtained from 20 eyes of 20 patients at the time of undergoing cataract surgery. The aqueous humor samples of the patients with IAAU were collected under steroid conditions utilizing slit lamp and applying iodinated povidone and after anterior chamber punction with a 30-gauge needle. The aqueous humor of control was obtained with 30 gauge needles before undergoing cataract surgery. In both groups antibiotic prophylaxis was applied with ciprofloxacine eyedrops, Oftacilox, Alcon (1 drop every 8 hours) during 5 days following the extraction. Samples were collected in a volume of at least 0.05 ml for each patient and maintained in sterilized tubes stored immediately at –80°C up to their assessment. The levels of PEDF were quantified utilizing commercial kits of ELISA (immunoabsorption essay linked to enzymes) of the aqueous humor (Searchlight Array; Pierce Biotechnology, Inc., Woburn, MA). The demographic characteristics of the patients were studied with the statistical program SPSS 13.0 for Windows (SPSS for Windows, SPSS Inc, Chicago, USA). In order to compare the PEDF levels in the study groups, the U Mann-Whitney test was applied for independent samples, accepting p<0.05 as a statistically significant value. Results Overall, 20 aqueous humor samples of 20 patients with IAAU were analyzed. The mean age ±SD of this group was of 47± 3.2 years and 30% were female. Similarly, 20 samples from 20 patients who were going to be operated for cataracts were obtained as control group, with a mean age ± SD of 55± 2.7 years. 40% were female. The levels of PEDF observed in the eyes with IAAU were of 6.291.637.70 ± 8,564,836.48 pg/ml (mean±SD) and 449,178.10 ± 158,670.19 pg/ml in the control group eyes (table 1). These results illustrate that the PEDF levels differ significantly in both groups, with considerably higher levels in patients with IAAU compared to the control patients (fig. 1), with these results being statistically significant (U Mann-Whitney test, p<0.001). Table 2 shows the detailed levels of PEDF in each patient. Discussion PEDF, which initially demonstrated to be a powerful angiogenesis inhibitor,1,2 has also demonstrated a potent anti-inflammatory3 and antioxidant action.6,7 However, these actions are not sufficiently clarified. It has been pointed out that the PEDF levels in plasma are drastically diminished in experimental uveitis induced in rats, which would indicate that PEDF could operate as a negative acute phase protein and 79 ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL. 2011;86(3):77–80 Table 1 – Levels of PEDF in aqueous humor and group characteristics. Study groups PEDF levels in aqueous humor (pg/ml) mean ± SD IAAU (n=20) Control (n=20) 6.291.637.70±8.564.836.48 p<0.001a to 449.178.10±158.670.197 PEDF: pigment epithelium derived factor; IAAU: idiopathic acute anterior uveitis. to control group (U Mann-Whitney Test). aCompared Table 2 – Detailed PEDF levels in aqueous humor. 10.000.000 10,000,000 PEDF (pg/ml) 8.000.000 8,000,000 6,000,000 6.000.000 4,000,000 4.000.000 2,000,000 2.000.000 0 Control Uveitis GRUPOS GROUPS Figure 1 – Pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) levels in the aqueous humor of 20 eyes with idiopathic acute anterior uveitis (IAAU) and 20 control eyes. The levels of PEDF were different in both groups but significantly higher in patients with IAAU than in controls (U Mann-Whitney Test p<0.001). also that the diminishment of PEDF per se could be enough to induce inflammatory responses. Accordingly, PEDF would constitute an endogenous anti-inflammatory factor, and diminished levels at the ocular level would contribute to vascular inflammation and hyperpermeability. On the other hand, intravitreal PEDF injections and the ensuing increase at the intraocular level leads to a reduction of vascular hyper permeability and inflammation as a consequence of diminished inflammatory factor levels such as the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), monocyte 1 chemoattractant protein (MCP-1), alpha tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) and the intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), as well as in experimental uveitis.3 Feher et al. demonstrated that the retrobulbar administration of PEDF in rats with capsaicine-induced keratouveitis reduced inflammation both in the anterior and posterior chamber. It was also observed that the antiinflammatory effect of PEDF is dosage dependent.8 Patient IAAU: levels of PEDF (pg/ml) Control: levels of PEDF (pg/ml) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 641,290 2,941,700 1,850,000 22,833,900 1,174,114 3,543,100 3,608,200 1,194,840 1,089,740 1,064,980 727,640 1,575,685 3,581,000 4,016,700 4,284,100 21,427,000 31,354,700 4,231,421 8,462,721 6,229,923 343,215 545,145 382,080 265,070 376,785 281,685 510,420 683,900 651,100 644,882 494,800 748,500 549,100 148,500 249,200 345,050 420,500 448,815 399,600 495,215 PEDF: pigment epithelium derived factor; IAAU: idiopathic acute anterior uveitis. Even though there is an abundance of studies about the anti-inflammatory action of PEDF with animal models, studies in humans are scarce. In 2007 Yoshida et al.4 described for the first time high PEDF levels in the aqueous humor of a group of patients with infectious and noninfectious uveitis when compared to a control group. In addition, they pointed out that infectious uveitis exhibited significantly higher levels of PEDF than noninfectious uveitis, and that PEDF increases in proportion to the activity of the disease. For these orphans, the PEDF levels in the aqueous humor are correlated to inflammatory markers such as TNF-a and MCP-1. and they consider that PEDF could be high as a reaction system against inflammation.5 Likewise, PEDF will correlate with endogenous antioxidant factors such as asymmetric dimethyl argynine (ADMA), the levels of which are also high in the aqueous humor of patients with uveitis.6,7 In this study, notwithstanding the limitations thereof such as the small number of percent and the high confidence interval obtained in the group of patients with IAAU, the determination of PEDF levels has allowed us to observe 80 ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL. 2011;86(3):77–80 significantly high levels in a homogeneous group of patients with IAAU when compared with healthy patients. In addition, our results match those of previous studies of uveitis of different etiologies. Therefore, we consider that the elevation of PEDF would constitute a response against inflammation by acting as a self-protection mechanism against it independently of the etiology of the uveitis under study. Conflict of interests None of the authors have declared any conflict of interests. R e f e r e n c e s 1. Tombran-Tink J, Chader CG, Johnson LV. PEDF: pigment epithelium-derived factor with potent neuronal differentiative activity. Exp Eye Res. 1991;53:411-4. 2. Duh EJ, Yang HS, Suzuma I, Miyagi M, Youngman E, Mori K, et al. Pigment epithelium-derived factor suppresses ischemiainduced retinal neovascularization and VEGF-induced migration and growth. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2002;43:821-9. 3. Zhang SX, Wang JJ, Gao G, Shao C, Mott R, Ma JX. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is an endogenous antiinflammatory factor. FASEB J. 2006;20:323-5. 4. Yoshida Y, Yamagishi S, Matsui T, Nakamura K, Imaizumi T, Yoshimura K, et al. Increased levels of pigment epitheliumderived factor in aqueous humor of patients with uveitis. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007;91:149-50. 5. Yoshida Y, Yamagishi S, Matsui T, Nakamura K, Imaizumi T, Yoshimura K, et al. Positive correlation between pigment epithelium-derived factor and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 levels in the aqueous humour of patients with uveitis. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007;91:737-8. 6. Yoshida Y, Yamagishi S, Ueda S, Yoshimura K, Okuda S, Yamakawa R. Aqueous humour levels of asimetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) are correlated with pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) in patients with uveitis. J Intern Med Res. 2007;35:892-5. 7. Yoshida Y, Yamagishi S, Matsui T, Nakamura K, Imaizumi T, Yoshimura K, et al. Positive correlation of pigment epitheliumderived factor and total antioxidant capacity in aqueous humour of patients with uveitis and proliferative diabetic retinopathy. 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