How to Use the Tool
How to Use the Tool
Check List Tool to judge whether a land is eligible, additional and suitable for A/R CDM in Ecuador How to Use the Tool 1. If the users’ answer for each question can follow instruction of “Yes” or “No” below □ mark in “Check mark” column, the users can mark x (check mark) in □. 2. For the eligibility part, all questions have to be marked to get eligibility for a project considered or proposed. 3. The users are not necessarily required to mark x in □ of all questions in the all parts except for eligibility part. In addition, the users can select questions which can match to component and/or contents of a project considered or proposed. 4. Figures shown in some questions especially of additionality part are not fixed and changeable. No. Question Eligibility Part 1 Was the land forest in end of 1989? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes : not eligible No:eligible Yes □ No □ Yes : not eligible No:eligible Map of agricultural suitability 2003 (TM Landsat 5 and 7 1:50.000 (highlands) 1: 250:000 (coastal area)) SIG - AGRO ¾ Result of a feasibility study to be conducted by the expected investors and/or implementers of the proposed or considered project: Possibility of continuation of current land use, Possibility of other land use except for afforestation etc. should be examined. Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Check with CORPEI (Investment Unit), for information on investment instruments Yes □ No □ Yes : no additionality No:there is additionality ¾ Is the land forest at present? ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Additionality Part 3 Does the land likely have any alternative scenarios other than afforestation? ¾ 4 ¾ In case that expected investors and/or implementers of the proposed or considered project do not have enough capital for the implementation, is debt funding is available for the implementation? Judgment Yes □ No □ ¾ ¾ 2 1990 land cover map to be prepared by JOFCA, CORDELIM Aerial photograph (Catalogue 1:60000 from 1942 onwards; Spcial projects 1:30.000): IGM Results of Interview to landowner, national or local administrative, etc. Land Use/Cover Map 2000 (data sources are TM landsat 5 & 7 in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001.) SIG – AGRO Land/Cover Map 2003 (TM Landsat 5 & 7, 1:50.000 (highlands) 1:250.000(coast)) SIG - AGRO Land use and land cover map 2006, 1:250000; CLIRSEN Aerotransport photographs CLIRSEN Result of Field observation Check mark ¾ 5 In case that expected investors and/or implementers of the proposed or considered project do not have enough capital for the implementation, can the investors and/or implementers access to international capital markets due to real or perceived risks associated with domestic or foreign direct in vestment in Ecuador? ¾ CORPEI Check with (Investment Unit), for information on investment instruments (includes instruments for foreign investment) Yes □ No □ Yes : no additionality No:there is additionality 6 Is there a risk related to changes in government policies or laws to implement the proposed or considered project? Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 7 Is there lack of enforcement of forest or land-use-related legislation to implement the proposed or considered project? Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 8 Is there lack of access to planting materials to implement the proposed or considered project? Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 9 In case that proposed or considered project includes a new kind technology in Ecuador in its project component, is there a lack of infrastructure for implementation of the technology? ¾ Relevant laws, rules and norms: Forestry Law (Ley Forestal), Environment management law (Ley de Gestión Ambiental), Environmental strategy for sustainable development (Estrategia Ambiental para el Desarrollo sostenible del Ecuador), Strategy for the sustainable forestry development of Ecuador (Estrategia para el Desarrollo forestal sustentable de Ecuador). ¾ Search for other relevant laws rules and norms (e.g. Forestry law, norms for cultivated forests): CIFOP ¾ List of relevant rules and laws, as well as services of legal advisement: ECOLEX ¾ List of relevant laws and rules general information: DNF ¾ Check for current status with ECOLEX, DNF, CIFOP ¾ Implementation of National Reforestation Plan (Plan Nacional de Reforestación): DNF National Direction of Forestry (Ministry of Environment). ¾ Technical support related to the elaboration of the National Reforestation Plan: CIFOP ¾ Check also for available resources in the Ministry of Environment and local Governments (available resources for implementation of reforestation activities). ¾ Private Seed bank and nursery: CORMADERA ¾ Private Seed Bank: PROFAFOR ¾ Check for public Seed Banks and nurseries nearby the project area (especially in areas with regional reforestation plans, e.g. Loja) ¾ Check for nurseries in the nearby the project area. ¾ Check at CIFOP for further alternatives. ¾ Check with CORMADERA ¾ Check with Ministry of Infrastructure map: SIG - AGRO Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 10 Is the proposed or considered project activity the “first of its kind” (“first of its kind” means that no project activities of this type is currently operational in Ecuador. In case of Ecuador, afforestation activity by using indigenous species might have high possibility of “first of its kind”) ¾ ¾ ¾ Check with the DNF Check with CORDELIM. However, proposed projects are unlikely to be first of their kind Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 11 Is the proposed or considered project site under condition of degraded soil (e.g. water/wind erosion, salination, etc.)? Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 12 The proposed or considered project site was and/or will be attacked by catastrophic natural and/or human-induced events (e.g. land slides, fire etc.)? ¾ Map of soil types 2003 (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:50.000 (highlands) 1:250.000 (coast)) SIG - AGRO ¾ Map of soil fertility 2007 (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:250.000) SIG AGRO ¾ Map of current soil degradation 2000 (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:250.000) SIG - AGRO ¾ Set of Vulnerability and risk maps 2006 (flooding, volcanic risks, land slides and erosion) (Composed 1:250.000) SENPLADES Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 13 Is the proposed or considered project site under unfavorable meteorological conditions (e.g. early/late frost, drought)? Anual precipitation sheet INAMHI National Metereology and Hydrology Institute Instituto Nacional de Metereología e Hidrología Map for hydric deficits 2003 (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:50.000 (highlands) and 1:250.000 (coast)) SIG – AGRO Map for drough months 2003 (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:50.000 (highlands) and 1:250.000 (coast)) SIG-AGRO Map for climate zones (1:1´000.000 to 1:50.000) SIG-AGRO Map for mean annual precipitation (1:1´000.000) SIG-AGRO Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 14 Have pervasive opportunistic species preventing regeneration of trees (e.g. grasses, weeds) broken out in the proposed or considered project site? 15 Have biotic pressure in terms of grazing, fodder collection, etc. broken out in the proposed or considered project site. 16 Have demographic pressure on the land (e.g. increased demand on land due to population growth) broken out in the proposed or considered project site? Map of production unit per land use category; Ongoing (Pilot project: 8 Municipalities GPS Data from PRAT 1:5.000) SIG – AGRO, PRAT. ¾ Map Man – Land Ratio; Ongoing (Pilot project: 8 Municipalities GPS Data from PRAT 1:5.000) SIG – AGRO, PRAT. ¾ Demographic map. ¾ 17 18 19 Have social conflict among interest groups broken out in the region where the proposed or considered project takes place? Have widespread illegal practices (e.g. illegal grazing, non-timber product extraction and tree felling) been done in the proposed or considered project site? To implement the proposed or considered project, are skilled and/or properly trained labor available? 20 To implement the proposed or considered project, is there lack of organization of local communities? 21 Does Communal land ownership with a hierarchy of rights for different stakeholders limit the incentives to undertake the proposed or considered project? 22 Is there lack of suitable land tenure legislation and regulation to support the security of tenure? 23 Are there any absences of clearly defined and regulated property rights in relation to natural resource products and service in the proposed or considered project site? Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality sites local Yes □ No □ interview to of the project Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes : No additionality No:there is additionality ¾ Result of interviews with local population. COMAFORS, ¾ Check with PROFAFOR, and GTZ for forestry projects developed with local communities. ¾ Assessments regarding community land ownership available at ECOLEX. ¾ Check with PROFAFOR, ECOCIENCIA for experiences on forestry projects developed with local communities. ¾ Check the local organization structure. ¾ Set of assessments available at ECOLEX. Check with ECOLEX the overall situation. ECOCIENCIA ¾ Check with information related to land tenure (tools and guidelines). ¾ Check implementation of programs for regulation of land tenure with technical staff of PRAT (certain areas). [Legislation on land tenure of community land] Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Determine by visits to the and interviews to stakeholders ¾ Check with ECOLEX ECOCIENCIA for tools additional information ¾ Determine by visits to the and interviews to stakeholders. ¾ ¾ Result of administrative developer ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 24 Are there formal and informal tenure systems that increase the risk of fragmentation of land holdings in the proposed or considered project site? ¾ sites local and and Check with ECOLEX and PRAT for background information (assessments with focus on land tenure). Check with ECOCIENCIA for tools and guidelines Check with Developers of reforestation activities (e.g PROFAFOR) for practical experiences. Check the community organization, bylaws and internal regulations. Result of interviews to the land owners: identify the community organization and internal regulations. 25 Are there any barriers relating to markets, transport and storage to implement the proposed or considered project? ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Guides and tools (software) for assessing profitability and market tendencies (commercial). CORMADERA Assessments and studies related to chain production of forestry products, advisory task: CIFOP Check library of CORPEI: Market Intelligence System (SIM) Check with AIMA for further information. Revise assessment studies of CIFOP and ECOCIENCIA Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 26 Do unregulated and informal markets for timber, non-timber products and services prevent the transmission of effective information to proposed or considered project participants? ¾ 27 Do remoteness of A/R activities and undeveloped road and infrastructure incur large transportation expenditures, thus eroding the competitiveness and profitability of timber and non-timber products from the proposed or considered A/R CDM project activity? Topographic maps including street information, catalogue 1:250.000 – 1:50.000) IGM ¾ Result of interviews to local stakeholders. Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality 28 Are there possibilities of large price risk due to the fluctuations in the prices of timber and non-timber products over the project period in the absence of efficient markets and insurance mechanisms? Does absence of facilities to convert, store and add value to production from CDM activities limit the possibilities to capture rents from the land use under the proposed or considered A/R CDM project activities? ¾ Check library of CORPEI: Market Intelligence System (SIM) Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Check library of CORPEI: Market Intelligence System (SIM) ¾ Check with AIMA for further information. Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Result of a Feasibility Study to be conducted by the expected investors and /or implementers. Yes □ No □ Yes:there is additionality No : no additionality Anual precipitation sheet INAMHI ¾ Overall set of information sheets regarding meteorological information INAMHI ¾ Set of maps related to hydric deficits, drough months, climate zones and mean annual precipitation (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:50.000 (highlands) 1:250.000 (coastal area)) SIG – AGRO ¾ Topographic maps of the Catalogue 1:50.000 IGM Yes □ No □ Yes:suitable No : not suitable Yes □ No □ Yes:suitable No : not suitable 29 30 Is IRR less than xx % without benefit by CER? (Base of xx% of IRR is that the discount rate in Ecuador is usually xx%.) Suitability Part 1 (Natural Condition) 31 Does the land have precipitation more than xxx mm/year? This depends very mucho of the used species and even the sit itself 32 Is altitude of the land less than 3500 m for northern Ecuador (from Cuenaca northwards) or less than 3200 m for southern Ecuador (Cuenca Southwards)? ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 33 Does the land have higher slope (e.g. more than 45 degrees)? ¾ 34 Is the land suitable for plantation species to be expected? ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 35 Is the land flooded annually, in the rainy season or in some year? ¾ Suitability Part 2 (Socio-economic condition) 36 Is the ownership of the land clarified? ¾ 3.7 Are there any land conflicts? ¾ 38 Is the land fragmented in very small properties? (e.g. less than 5 ha per owner) There is, INDA might have a general overview of it ¾ 39 Is the land agriculture? ¾ used for intensive ¾ 40 Is the land categorized in the protection area stipulated by the Government? ¾ ¾ Map of Slopes 2003 (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:50.000 (highlands; 1:250.000 coast) SIG – AGRO Site selection tool for Ecuadorian coast. CORMADERA (CORMADERA has map for seven (7) species, Swietenia macrophylla, Cordia alliodora, Cedrela odorata, Tabebuia rosea, Ochroma lagopus, Tectona grandis, Gmelina arborea. The suitability is shown in the grade from 5 to 1.) Map for mean annual precipitation (1:1´000.000) SIG-AGRO, Map of soil types 2003 (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:50.000 (highlands) 1:250.000 (coast)) SIG - AGRO Map of soil fertility 2007 (TM Landsat 5 & 7 1:250.000) SIG AGRO Land suitability Model – ENCOFOR: PROFAFOR Results of interviews to current afforestation activity implementers through some afforestation organization. Map of vulnerability and risks regarding flooding 2006 (Composed 1:250.000) SENPLADES Carry out interviews with land owners and require official land titles and inscription into the registry of ownership Result of interview to the landowners and stakeholders in the region were activities are to be carried out. Were land is owned by communities internal regulations and bylaws can lead to fragmentation. Carry out interviews with land owners and stakeholders. Land Use/Cover Map 2000: it is available in SIG-AGRO. Check ate the site, field observations. Map of Protected areas (TM Landsat 5 & 7, 1:250.000) SIG – AGRO Request for intersection certification at the DPCC of the Ministry of Environment, or local agencies of the Ministry. Yes □ No □ Yes : not suitable No:suitable Yes □ No □ Yes:suitable No : not suitable Yes □ No □ Yes : not suitable No:suitable Yes □ No □ Yes:suitable No : not suitable Yes □ No □ Yes : not suitable No:suitable Yes □ No □ Yes : not suitable No:suitable Yes □ No □ Yes : not suitable No:suitable Yes □ No □ Yes : not suitable No:suitable Relevant institutions AIMA- Asociación Ecuatoriana de Industriales de la Madera Ecuadorian Association of the Timber Industry Av. República y Amazonas, Edif. Las Cámaras, Piso 7, Quito (593-2) 454-386/454-391/439 559/ 260 980/ 261 031. CLIRSEN - Centros de Levantamientos Integrados de Recursos Naturales por sensores remotos Centre of Natural Resources Monitoring by Remote Sensing Seniergues E4 – 676, Edif. IGM, Quito (593 – 2) 2543 193 CIFOP - Colegio de Ingenieros Forestales de Pichincha Association of Forestry Ingenieurs of Pichincha Province Av. La Coruña N26 - 231, Quito (593 - 2) 2507 310 GTZ - Cooperación técnica alemana German tecnical cooperation Av. Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro Edif. MAG Piso 8, Quito COMAFORS - Corporación de Manejo Forestal Sustentable Association for sustainable forest management Manuel Pumara y Joaquín Paredes 4529, Quito (593 – 2) 2437366 (593 – 2) 3116614 CORMADERA - Corporación para el Desarrollo Forestal en Ecuador Corporation for Forest Development in Ecuador Ignacio San María E3 – 30 y Núñez de Vela Quito, (593 – 2) 2255 685 CORPEI - Corporación para la Promoción de la Exportaciones e Inversión Corporation for Export and Foreign Investment Promotion Av. Amazonas 4430 y Villalengua, Edificio Amazonas 100, Piso 8, Quito (593-2) 2 460606 Cdla. Kennedy Norte, Avda. Francisco de Orellana y Miguel H. Alcívar, Edificio Centro Empresarial Las Cámaras, Torre de Oficinas, 2do piso. Guayaquil (593-4) 2 681550 ECOLEX - Corporación de Gestión y Derecho Ambiental Association for Environmental management and law Av. Gaspar de Villaroel E4-50 y Amazonas, Quito (593 – 2)2251 446 (593 – 2) 2245 871 Ministerio del Ambiente Ministry of Environment Corporación de Promoción del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio - CORDELIM National CDM Promotion Office Av. Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro Edif. MAG, Piso 11, Quito (593 – 2) 2508 510 Ext. 106 Dirección Nacional Forestal – DNF National Direction of Forestry Av. Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro Edif. MAG, Piso 8, Quito (593 – 2) 256 3423/3429/3430/3487 Ext. 21 Dirección Nacional de Prevención y Control de la Contaminación - DPCC National Direction of Prevention and Control of Contamination Av. Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro Edif. MAG, Piso 8, Quito (593 – 2) 256 3423/3429/3430/3487 Ext. 21 www. ECOCIENCIA Investigation Francisco Salazar E14-34 y Coruña (593 – 2) 2231 624 INAMHI - Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología National Meteorology and Hydrology Institute Iñaquito N36-14 y Corea, Quito (593 - 2) 3971 100 IGM - Instituto Geográfico Militar Military Geographic Institute Senierges y Gral. Paz y Miño Sector El Dorado; Quito, Ecuador (593 - 2) 2522 296 INDA - Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agrario National Institute for agricultural development León Vivar S/N y Carrión, Quito (593 - 2)2547 771 PRAT - Programa para la regularización y administración de tierras rurales Program for Regularization and Administration of rural land Av. Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro Edif.. MAG Piso 10, Quito (593 – 2) 2546 498 PROFAFOR - Programa FACE de Forestación Face Program for forestation (Forest absorbing Carbon Dioxid Emissions) Av. Amazonas N33 - 319 y Rumipamba, Quito (593 - 2) 92257 016 SENPLADES - Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo National Secretariat for Planning and Development Juan León Mera y Amazonas Edif. CFN, Quito (593 - 2) 2509 433; 2509 434 SIG – AGRO - Sistema de Información Geográfica del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Centre for GIS of the Ministry of Agriculture Av. Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas Edif. MAG Piso 5; Quito (593 - 2) 2554 318