FS No. 30: Dieser Spezialtyp lässt Stonewash- und Chlorbehandlung sowie Extremwäsche bis 95°C zu. Besonders zu empfehlen für Goldstickereien auf Jeans (Stonewash-Behandlung), Berufsbekleidung und alle Lederwaren wie Schuhe, Taschen, Gürtel etc. Insbesondere für Uniformabzeichen, bei denen Metallgarne eingesetzt werden, gilt FS No. 30 weltweit als Standard. FS No. 30: Questo filato metallizzato speciale è resistente allo stone-wash, al cloro, ed è lavabile fino a 95°C. FS no. 30 può essere considerato il filato standard per ricami su abbigliamento sportivo, costumi da bagno e per distintivi. Raccomandato in particolar modo per dare un tocco metallico a ricami su jeans, abbigliamento da lavoro ed a pellame come scarpe, borse e cinture. Utilizzabile su ogni tipo di articolo in particolar modo dove vengono richieste durata e resistenza. FS No. 30: Ce fil métallisé spécial peut passer au stone-wash, résiste au chlore et supporte des lavages à 95°C. Le FS No. 30 constitue un standard reconnu mondialement pour la broderie sur les vêtements de sport, les maillots de bain et les badges destinés aux uniformes. Un effet métallisé surtout recommandé sur les jeans, les vêtements professionnels et tous les articles de cuir comme les chaussures, les sacs et les ceintures. A utiliser sur tous les types d´articles, et particulièrement là où solidité et résistance jouent un rôle primordial. FS No. 30: Bu özel metalik iplik taş yıkamaya ve ağartıcı maddelere karşı dayanıklıdır. Ayrıca 95 C’ye varan sıcaklıklarda yıkanabilir. FS No. 30 spor giyimde, mayolarda ve üniforma armalarında kullanılmak üzere dünya çapında bir standart sunar. Özellikle denim kumaşlarda, iş kıyafetlerinde ve ayakkabı, çanta ve kemer gibi tüm deri ürünlerin üzerine yapılacak metalik işlemeler için tavsiye edilir. Her türlü üründe, özellikle kalıcılığın ve dayanıklılığın büyük önem taşıdığı son kullanıcıya yönelik ürünlerde kullanılabilir. Non-tissés E-ZEE - de la variante facile à déchirer à la variante à découper, dans multiples grammages et compositions. E-ZEE STICK ON - das selbstklebende Vlies von MADEIRA. Wasserlösliche AVALON Folie "wash away", ein Muss z.B. für Stick- und Frotteeware, erhältlich in verschiedenen Stärken und Strukturen. Löst sich beim Dämpfen oder Waschen rückstandsfrei auf. MadeirAS Film "heat away" - eine Spezialfolie in verschiedenen Stärken für unterschiedliche Anwendungstechniken. Mühelos mit Bügeleisen oder Hitzepresse entfernbar. MADEIRA`s comprehensive range of backings and toppings - researched & developed to suit all embroidery requirements - pucker is reduced and the best results achieved. silver 31 E-ZEE backings - from very easy tear to cutaway, in a variety of weights and compositions. E-ZEE STICK ON - Self Adhesive Backing silver 30 WASH AWAY - AVALON Special Water Soluble film & fabric- extra stability on knitwear or towelling - disappears completely after washing or steaming. gold 32 HEAT AWAY- Special MadeirAS heat sensitive film - available in different weights for many applications. Removed by heatpress, transfer press or iron. gold 33 No. 40 ® dtex 135 x 2 den 120 x 2 Art. No. 918 10 x 5.000 m E-ZEE STICK ON - non-tissé autocollant. No.40 Art. No. 919 10 x 1.000 m ELIMINABLE AU LAVAGE - AVALON - Film ou tissu hydrosoluble - parfaite stabilité sur la maille et l´éponge - disparait complètement au lavage ou à la vapeur. ® POLYNEON No. 60 dtex 84 x 2 den 75 x 2 No.60 Art. No. 924 10 x 1.500 m MADEIRA tiene una línea completa de bases y sobres para el bordado, investigados y desarrollados siguiendo las necesidades de los bordadores, se reducen las arrugas y se obtienen los mejores resultados. AVALON HIDROSOLUBLE - Film especial soluble al agua, da estabilidad al tejido de punto y al tejido de rizo, desaparece completamente después del lavado o vaporizado. Polyester Stickgarn 100% Polyester Filament Polyester Embroidery Thread max. 20g CL/I max. 30°C • max. 30 min MadeirAS - una lámina especial soluble al calor, disponible en differentes grosores para muchas aplicaciones. Se elimina con una prensa de calor o plancha doméstica. Hilo para bordar La vasta gamma di non-tessuto e pellicole della MADEIRA, concepita e sviluppata per soddisfare tutte le esigenze del ricamo. Raggrinzimenti vengono ridotti, ottenendo così i migliori risultati. gold 37 E-ZEE non-tessuto - da strappare o da tagliare, disponibili in una vasta gamma di pesi e composizioni. gold 34 E-ZEE STICK ON - non-tessuto autoadesivo. No.30 IDROSOLUBILI - AVALON Pellicola e tessuto idrosolubili - per una stabilizzazione ottimale sulla maglia o spugna. Sparisce completamente dopo il lavaggio o con il vapore. Art. No. 980 10 x 5000 m 50% metallis. Polyester 50% Polyester TERMOSOLUBILI - MadeirAS una pellicola speciale termosolubile - disponibile in due spessori diversi per molteplici applicazioni. Si elimina con una termopressa o con un ferro da stiro. dtex 84 x 2 den 75 x 2 65#9 Las bases E-ZEE para tirar o cortar con variedad de grosores y composiciones. E-ZEE STICK ON - Base autoadhesiva. dtex 135 x 2 den 120 x 2 POLY NEON 65#9 75#11 Heat away - un film spécial de la série thermofusible MadeirAS, disponible en différentes épaisseurs pour de multiples applications. S´enlève à la presse à température, à transfert ou au fer à repasser. MADEIRA Garnfabrik Zinkmattenstraße 38 Postfach 320 D79003 Freiburg Germany Tel. + 49 761 510 40 0 Fax + 49 76150 01 01 [email protected] www.madeira.com Filato da ricamo POLYNEON FS No. 30: Este especial hilo metálico puede ser lavado a la piedra, es resistente al cloro y aguanta lavados hasta los 95°C. El hilo FS Nº 30 está indicado para ropa deportiva, de baño e insignias para uniformes. Especialmente recomendado para puntadas metálicas en ropa vaquera, ropa de trabajo y pieles, como zapatos, bolsos y cinturones. Se puede usar en toda clase de artículos, particularmente en los que por su uso la durabilidad es esencial. E-ZEE Stickvliese - erhältlich in unterschiedlichsten Gewichten und Materialzusammensetzungen vom leicht wegzureissenden "tear away" bis zum stabilen "cut away". POLY NEON POLYNEON Fil à broder Linha para máquina de bordar Polyester nakış ipliği 2008 FS No. 30: This special metallic thread can be stonewashed, is chlorine resistant and can be washed up to 95°C. FS No. 30 offers a worldwide standard for Sportswear, Swimwear and Uniform Badges. Especially recommended for metallic stitching onto Jeans, Workwear, and all leather goods such as shoes, bags and belts. Use on all kinds of articles and particularly on end use items where fastness and durability are essential. Tout un choix de supports divers - conçus et développés pour satisfaire à tous les besoins en broderie - minimisent les fronces et optimisent les résultats. made in Germany Color card 80 resistant metallic MADEIRA’s breite Palette an Vliesen und Stabilisatoren wird allen Anforderungen moderner Maschinenstickerei gerecht und sichert beste Verarbeitungseigenschaften. 100% Polyester filament made in Germany Farbnummern Verzeichnis Index of Colors · Index des numéros de coloris Conversion PANTONE® Color to MADEIRA Color PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Cross-Reference* MADEIRA Fbe. No. Streifen Col. No. Scale Col. Nos. colonne PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Cross-Reference* MADEIRA Fbe. No. Streifen Col. No. Scale Col. Nos. colonne PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Cross-Reference* MADEIRA Fbe. No. Streifen Col. No. Scale Col. Nos. colonne PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Cross-Reference* MADEIRA Fbe. No. Streifen Col. No. Scale Col. Nos. colonne PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Cross-Reference* MADEIRA Fbe. No. Streifen Col. No. Scale Col. Nos. colonne PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Cross-Reference* Pantone® 102C Pantone® 105C Pantone® 106C Pantone® 109C Pantone® 110C Pantone® 111C Pantone® 111C Pantone® 115C Pantone® 116C Pantone® 117C Pantone® 123C Pantone® 124C Pantone® 125C Pantone® 130C Pantone® 130C Pantone® 131C Pantone® 133C Pantone® 135C Pantone® 140C Pantone® 144C Pantone® 144C Pantone® 145C Pantone® 145C Pantone® 149C Pantone® 154C Pantone® 159C Pantone® 162C Pantone® 162C Pantone® 168C Pantone® 169C Pantone® 170C Pantone® 172C Pantone® 174C Pantone® 177C Pantone® 178C Pantone® 179C Pantone® 182C Pantone® 184C Pantone® 187C Pantone® 187C Pantone® 190C Pantone® 194C Pantone® 196C Pantone® 200C Pantone® 202C Pantone® 207C Pantone® 208C Pantone® 208C Pantone® 209C Pantone® 212C Pantone® 215C Pantone® 219C Pantone® 222C Pantone® 234C Pantone® 240C 1623 1956 1727 1735 1724 1759 1959 1980 1824 1792 1683 1772 1672 1624 1825 1725 1793 1626 1906 1763 1955 1625 1869 1870 1973 1753 1817 1882 1858 1819 1777 1987 1899 1620 1616 1779 1815 1994 1707 1839 1721 1981 1713 1747 1982 1986 1782 1835 1635 1990 1787 1984 1785 1783 1709 Pantone® 255C Pantone® 256C Pantone® 259C Pantone® 276C Pantone® 283C Pantone® 283C Pantone® 285C Pantone® 290C Pantone® 291C Pantone® 292C Pantone® 294C Pantone® 295C Pantone® 296C Pantone® 301C Pantone® 308C Pantone® 309C Pantone® 317C Pantone® 321C Pantone® 321C Pantone® 321C Pantone® 323C Pantone® 326C Pantone® 326C Pantone® 336C Pantone® 345C Pantone® 350C Pantone® 356C Pantone® 361C Pantone® 361C Pantone® 362C Pantone® 363C Pantone® 364C Pantone® 365C Pantone® 367C Pantone® 370C Pantone® 375C Pantone® 376C Pantone® 378C Pantone® 389C Pantone® 392C Pantone® 405C Pantone® 406C Pantone® 407C Pantone® 412C Pantone® 414C Pantone® 415C Pantone® 419C Pantone® 420C Pantone® 420C Pantone® 421C Pantone® 423C Pantone® 423C Pantone® 425C Pantone® 425C Pantone® 425C 1719 1911 1833 1632 1675 1874 1829 1953 1674 1628 1843 1742 1643 1934 1992 1677 1692 1685 1846 1888 1652 1746 1799 1979 1647 1905 1988 1701 1749 1968 1650 1770 1768 1748 1769 1950 1649 1756 1940 1790 1664 1886 1660 1859 1812 1862 1931 1687 1810 1811 1741 1918 1614 1689 1739 Pantone® 432C Pantone® 443C Pantone® 455C Pantone® 461C Pantone® 464C Pantone® 465C Pantone® 466C Pantone® 476C Pantone® 477C Pantone® 484C Pantone® 485C Pantone® 488C Pantone® 493C Pantone® 497C Pantone® 499C Pantone® 511C Pantone® 511C Pantone® 512C Pantone® 514C Pantone® 518C Pantone® 521C Pantone® 528C Pantone® 533C Pantone® 534C Pantone® 534C Pantone® 542C Pantone® 548C Pantone® 553C Pantone® 553C Pantone® 555C Pantone® 560C Pantone® 582C Pantone® 618C Pantone® 632C Pantone® 633C Pantone® 637C Pantone® 639C Pantone® 640C Pantone® 644C Pantone® 646C Pantone® 647C Pantone® 647C Pantone® 654C Pantone® 654C Pantone® 667C Pantone® 669C Pantone® 691C Pantone® 712C Pantone® 722C Pantone® 724C Pantone® 726C Pantone® 727C Pantone® 731C Pantone® 731C Pantone® 802C 1641 1613 1757 1920 1730 1673 1684 1659 1945 1821 1878 1653 1917 1836 1942 1720 1789 1788 1712 1983 1834 1831 1844 1764 1963 1871 1962 1669 1798 1970 1996 1706 1809 1895 1896 1893 1695 1977 1761 1671 1776 1975 1966 1967 1627 1634 1818 1853 1726 1857 1884 1927 1657 1758 1850 Pantone® 803C Pantone® 804C Pantone® 805C Pantone® 810C Pantone® 811C Pantone® 812C Pantone® 874C Pantone® 875C Pantone® 1215C Pantone® 1235C Pantone® 1235C Pantone® 1235C Pantone® 1245C Pantone® 1355C Pantone® 1375C Pantone® 1385C Pantone® 1505C Pantone® 1565C Pantone® 1585C Pantone® 1595C Pantone® 1605C Pantone® 1625C Pantone® 1635C Pantone® 1665C Pantone® 1675C Pantone® 1767C Pantone® 1775C Pantone® 1785C Pantone® 1787C Pantone® 1787C Pantone® 1795C Pantone® 1797C Pantone® 1805C Pantone® 1807C Pantone® 1817C Pantone® 1817C Pantone® 1817C Pantone® 1905C Pantone® 1925C Pantone® 1945C Pantone® 1945C Pantone® 2415C Pantone® 2567C Pantone® 2577C Pantone® 2603C Pantone® 2613C Pantone® 2623C Pantone® 2665C Pantone® 2685C Pantone® 2685C Pantone® 2706C Pantone® 2735C Pantone® 2746C Pantone® 2746C Pantone® 2747C 1883 1937 1954 1925 1946 1910 1855 1885 1861 1923 1951 1972 1791 1826 1755 1773 1765 1752 1778 1621 1856 1820 1952 1678 1898 1816 1948 1907 1754 1908 1637 1838 1639 1974 1654 1958 1999 1921 1993 1681 1781 1710 1711 1631 1880 1633 1680 1832 1722 1922 1629 1766 1767 1930 1676 Pantone® 2757C Pantone® 2915C Pantone® 2945C Pantone® 2975C Pantone® 2985C Pantone® 3015C Pantone® 3105C Pantone® 3125C Pantone® 3145C Pantone® 3155C Pantone® 3242C Pantone® 3258C Pantone® 3278C Pantone® 3292C Pantone® 3295C Pantone® 3295C Pantone® 3298C Pantone® 3302C Pantone® 3375C Pantone® 3415C Pantone® 3425C Pantone® 3435C Pantone® 4545C Pantone® 4645C Pantone® 5005C Pantone® 5145C Pantone® 5255C Pantone® 5405C Pantone® 5405C Pantone® 5425C Pantone® 5435C Pantone® 5545C Pantone® 5605C Pantone® 5615C Pantone® 5743C Pantone® 5743C Pantone® 5815C Pantone® 5815C Pantone® 7401C Pantone® 7403C Pantone® 7408C Pantone® 7409C Pantone® 7420C Pantone® 7425C Pantone® 7427C Pantone® 7434C Pantone® 7445C Pantone® 7446C Pantone® 7448C Pantone® 7449C Pantone® 7453C Pantone® 7455C Pantone® 7456C Pantone® 7463C Pantone® 7468C 1743 1828 1842 1932 1827 1797 1892 1694 1991 1891 1645 1847 1868 1985 1780 1849 1879 1704 1845 1750 1851 1902 1738 1926 1941 1731 1997 1961 1964 1960 1718 1903 1705 1668 1795 1969 1794 1796 1622 1670 1971 1771 1784 1786 1638 1919 1630 1933 1617 1887 1830 1642 1943 1976 1852 Pantone® 7469C 1762 Pantone® 7474C 1890 Pantone® 7476C 1690 Pantone® 7478C 1702 Pantone® 7482C 1651 Pantone® 7482C 1751 Pantone® 7482C 1989 Pantone® 7483C 1904 Pantone® 7484C 1703 Pantone® 7488C 1901 Pantone® 7489C 1848 Pantone® 7499C 1661 Pantone® 7499C 1666 Pantone® 7499C 1863 Pantone® 7503C 1939 Pantone® 7504C 1728 Pantone® 7507C 1723 Pantone® 7519C 1744 Pantone® 7519C 1872 Pantone® 7519C 1929 Pantone® 7521C 1656 Pantone® 7526C 1658 Pantone® 7531C 1928 Pantone® 7531C 1936 Pantone® 7532C 1663 Pantone® 7532C 1745 Pantone® 7533C 1957 Pantone® 7536C 1662 Pantone® 7544C 1840 Pantone® 7545C 1841 Pantone® 7546C 1944 Pantone® 8003C 1736 Pantone® 8003C 1860 Pantone® 8003C 1938 Pantone® 8021C 1729 Pantone® 9043C 1804 Pantone® 9060C 1803 Pantone® 9061C 1802 Pantone® 9162C 1822 Pantone® 9180C 1949 Pantone® 9183C 1682 Pantone® Cool Gray 1C 1686 Pantone® Cool Gray 10C 1615 Pantone® Cool Gray 10C 1640 Pantone® Hexa. OrangeC 1965 Pantone® Process BlackC 1800 Pantone® Red 032C 1734 Pantone® Yellow 012C 1924 Pantone® 5455C 1610 Pantone® Hexa. OrangeC 1837 2 9 2 2 2 9 2 2 15 2 2 2 12 2 15 2 9 2 12 10 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 11 3 3 3 10 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 8 3 3 5 7 7 7 5 5 5 7 5 5 *Pantone, Inc. has provided a color reference for each thread color, when possible, which represents the closest available PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Color viewing the colors under cool white fluorescent lighting (4100 0 K). Color appearance will vary based on lighting conditions and angle of view. PANTONE® and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. Portions © Pantone. Inc.,1991 Produced under License Agreement No. 767R between Madeira USA Ltd. and Pantone, Inc. 7 7 5 7 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 8 8 6 4 9 9 4 4 4 9 4 4 9 4 9 15 9 9 9 9 12 11 11 11 13 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 12 12 13 13 12 9 9 12 12 12 11 11 10 3 10 7 8 8 7 7 5 7 8 7 7 1 7 7 1 8 8 8 4 8 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 1 1 1 8 5 8 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 15 15 16 16 15 16 16 12 12 2 16 2 15 12 16 10 10 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 10 5 7 16 3 16 3 3 3 8 11 8 8 5 5 3 3 5 7 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 13 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 12 11 8 8 8 7 7 7 13 9 9 8 9 8 9 9 2 12 2 2 3 5 3 7 5 5 13 8 1 1 1 1 6 MADEIRA Fbe. No. Streifen Col. No. Scale Col. Nos. colonne 6 6 8 4 4 4 4 9 4 15 4 2 2 12 12 12 10 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 1 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 2 12 11 13 13 13 3 13 3 2 12 16 MADEIRA MADEIRA MADEIRA MADEIRA MADEIRA MADEIRA MADEIRA Fbe. No. Streifen Fbe. No. Streifen Fbe. No. Streifen Fbe. No. Streifen Fbe. No. Streifen Fbe. No. Streifen Fbe. No. Streifen Col. No. Scale Col. No. Scale Col. No. Scale Col. No. Scale Col. No. Scale Col. No. Scale Col. No. Scale Col. Nos. colonne Col. Nos. colonne Col. Nos. colonne Col. Nos. colonne Col. Nos. colonne Col. Nos. colonne Col. Nos. colonne 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1645 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 13 13 12 12 13 3 13 13 13 3 10 2 2 2 2 2 8 7 13 5 5 7 5 5 7 3 3 3 13 13 1 1 4 9 9 9 4 4 8 10 11 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1689 1690 1692 1694 1695 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 11 10 11 11 11 2 11 11 12 12 2 8 8 12 7 12 12 1 1 1 6 3 7 3 11 2 12 6 13 12 12 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 9 9 3 5 5 7 7 8 13 7 7 5 5 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1733 1734 1735 1736 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1775 1776 1777 10 2 2 10 2 12 11 12 8 1 3 2 11 12 13 13 13 1 1 11 11 8 3 4 4 4 4 10 10 3 10 9 9 10 9 8 7 6 10 7 3 1 1 9 9 4 2 2 10 6 6 3 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1809 1810 1811 1812 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 10 3 4 3 7 5 3 7 5 5 5 7 9 12 2 9 9 9 9 6 8 6 13 13 13 13 13 13 9 12 13 13 5 5 10 8 3 10 10 2 15 15 15 16 6 6 1 1 7 5 5 7 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1874 1878 1879 1880 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1890 1891 1892 1893 1895 7 8 16 3 3 13 13 1 1 1 4 6 4 4 4 15 4 6 10 11 12 10 10 11 11 11 2 11 12 2 15 4 2 10 1 12 1 3 4 5 10 15 12 12 11 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 1896 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1915 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 6 10 10 9 15 9 9 9 9 12 16 16 16 16 7 3 7 13 7 9 5 5 16 2 15 11 10 12 11 1 11 6 5 6 15 11 16 11 12 9 8 8 1 1 11 16 16 7 12 15 2 10 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1 16 2 9 11 8 2 7 7 8 7 7 3 1 1 9 8 4 2 15 10 8 1 1 6 16 4 2 3 3 8 5 4 5 3 4 4 5 6 6 5 5 15 8 8 8 8 POLYNEON POLYNEON No. 60 POLYNEON ist weg en der hohen *Chlorechtheit das ideale Stickgarn für StonewashBe handlungen und für stark beanspruchte Textilien, die häufig gewaschen werden wie Sport, Kinder, Arbeitskleidung, Ho tel und Gastronomie Wäsche. *Empfehlungen für die Chlorbehandlung: Aktivchlor: max. 20 g CL/I Temperatur: max. 30° C Behandlungsdauer: max. 30 min. WASCHHINWEIS: Bestickte Artikel dür fen niemals in feuch tem oder nassem Zustand aufeinander oder zusammenge presst liegen bleiben. Nicht schleudern, be vor nicht gründlich gespült wurde. POLYNEON No. 40 gilt als Standard Garnstärke für alle Stickereien auf stark beanspruchten Tex tilien und ist in allen abgebildeten Farben erhältlich. POLYNEON No. 60 ist das feinste Poly esterstickgarn. Ideale Einsatzbereiche sind kleine Schriften und filigrane Details in der Monogramm und Ab zeichenstickerei und ist in den Farben er hältlich, die mit einem • gekennzeichnet sind. POLYNEON No. 60 1766 • 1955 • 1930 1951 • 1943 1626 1743 1869 1966 • 1625 1767 • 1725 • 1830 1771 • 1676 1861 1967 1622 • 1844 1822 1643 • 1661 1976 1666 1843 • 1683 1642 • Due to its resistance to *Chlorine, POLYNEON is the ideal embroidery thread for stonewash items, those with frequent staining or requiring frequent or heavy duty washing / laundering. Recommended for sportswear, swimwear, children's wear, and workwear including hotel, catering and food trade items. *Recommendations for chlorine treatment: active chlorine: max. 20 g CL/liter temperature: max. 30° C time of treatment: max. 30 minutes. 1765 • 1970 • 1965 1770 1678 • 1848 • 1987 1748 • 1878 1701 1637 • 1650 1838 1749 1839 1988 • 1747 • 1851 • 1754 1651 1734 1702 1781 • 1751 1681 1703 1624 • 1915 1979 1874 • 1772 1620 1750 • 1953 • 1971 • 1707 1989 1675 1980 1733 • 1623 1842 • 1924 • 1742 • 1959 1829 1727 1674 1866 • 1871 1735 1975 1724 1944 • 1792 • 1 2 WASHING INSTRUCTIONS: Never leave damp embroidered items folded or pressed to gether. Do not tumble dry unless the item has been thoroughly rinsed. POLYNEON No. 40 is the standard thick ness for all types of embroidery and is available in all colours on the shadecard POLYNEON No. 60 is the finest of all Polyester embroidery threads. Ideal for small letters for monograms, badges and branding and perfect for fine designs or those which require extra clarity. POLYNEON No. 60 is available in the Colours marked with • on the shadecard. 1784 • 1845 • 1981 • 1868 1982 1780 1639 POLYNEON No. 60 fast colors 1985 1616 1879 • 1819 1847 1777 1645 1779 1849 1638 • 1704 • 3 4 El hilo POLYNEON, dado su resisten cia al *cloro, es ideal para bordados que deben ser lava dos a la piedra, o artículos que deben ser lavados frecuen temente, ropa de portiva, bañadores, ropa infantil y ropa de trabajo incluyen do hostelería. *Las recomendaciones para el lavado de trata miento con cloro son: hasta 20 g de cloro activo por litro temperatura: hasta 30° C tiempo de tratamiento: hasta 30 minutos INSTRUCCIONES DE LAVADO: Nunca deje las ropas bordadas húmedas o mojadas plegadas unas a otras, esto especialmente cuando se trata de bordados que se lavan por primera vez. No las centrifugue sin haberlas aclarado cuidadosamente POLYNEON No. 40 es el grueso están dar para todo tipo de bordados y está disponible en todos los colores de la carta. POLYNEON No. 60 es el más fino de los hilos de poliéster. Ideal para letras pequeñas en mono gramas, escudos y aquellos pequeños bordados que nece sitan tener muy buena definición. El hilo Polyneon Nº 60 está disponible en los co lores marcados con la carta de colores. • POLYNEON No. 60 colores sólidos 1986 • 1776 1993 1775 1994 1828 • 1816 • 1932 1815 • 1934 • 1786 1797 1721 1977 • 1921 • 1827 • 1990 1852 1984 • 1762 1787 1992 1783 1896 1788 1695 1710 1893 1709 • 1895 • 1833 1891 1880 • 1694 1633 1892 1631 1888 1832 POLYNEON No. 40 No. 40 No. 40 farbecht POLYNEON POLYNEON POLYNEON No. 40 1991 1922 • 1890 1634 1846 • 1630 1799 1933 1685 Per la sua resistenza al *cloro è il filato da ricamo ideale per trattamenti stone wash, per articoli molto macchiati, soggetti a notevole logorio o a lavaggi frequenti. Raccomandato per abbigliamento sporti vo, costumi da bagno, abbigliamento per bambini, abbiglia mento da lavoro, bian cheria per alberghi e ristoranti. *Raccomandazioni per il trattamento con cloro: Cloro attivo: max. 20 g/l Temperatura: max. 30° C Durata del trattamento: max. 30 min. ISTRUZIONI DI LAVAGGIO: I capi ricamati non devono mai essere lasciati pressati, ripie gati ed ammucchiati quando sono bagnati o umidi. Non centri fugare prima di aver risciacquato i capi accuratamente. POLYNEON No. 40 È il titolo standard per tutti i tipi di rica mo ed è disponibile in tutti i colori della cartella POLYNEON No. 60 È il più fine di tutti i filati da ricamo di poliestere. Ideale per ricamare mono grammi e scritte su distintivi. Perfetto per realizzare motivi pic coli e dettagliati. Po lyneon è disponibile nei colori marcati sulla cartella con • . 1635 • 1669 1919 1668 1917 • 1969 1948 1798 1782 1999 1835 • 1974 1785 1818 1789 1942 1720 1958 1712 1627 1831 • 1997 1719 1983 1911 1731 1834 1887 1680 1962 1711 1760 1632 1652 1963 1996 1964 • 1690 1961 1746 1960 1692 1761 1713 1628 1941 1671 1998 1836 8 1722 1677 1764 5 6 7 POLYNEON No. 60 colori solidi Grâce à sa résistance au *chlore, il est le fil idéal pour les articles à traiter au stone wash, ceux qui sont exposés aux taches ou requièrent des lavages fréquents ou intensifs. Recom mandé pour les vê tements de sport, les maillots de bain, les vêtements d´enfants et professionnels, dont les articles d´hôtel, de restauration et de commerce alimentaire. *Recommandations pour les traitements au chlore Chlore actif: max. 20 g/l Température: max. 30° C Durée du traitement: max. 30 min INSTRUCTIONS DE LAVAGE Il ne faut jamais ent asser ou presser les broderies à l'état hu mide, tout particu lièrement lorsque ces broderies sont lavées pour la première fois. Il faut éviter d'essorer les articles brodés s'ils n'ont pas été bien rincés au préalable. POLYNEON No. 40 est l´épaisseur stan dard pour tous les types de broderies et est disponible dans tous les coloris de la gamme. POLYNEON POLYNEON No. 60 couleurs solides 1758 1904 1657 • 1900 1927 1647 1726 1903 1857 1902 • 1973 • 1649 1773 1940 • 1870 1769 1723 • 1905 1755 1968 1763 1768 1621 • 1648 1778 1756 • 1752 1706 1898 1790 1856 1753 1795 • 1853 1794 1882 1956 • 1653 POLYNEON, devido à sua resistência ao *cloro, é a linha de bordar ideal para artigos sujeitos a stonewash e para aqueles que requerem frequentes lavagens. Recomendado para roupa de desporto, roupa de natação, roupa de criança e roupa de trabalho, incluindo produtos de hotelaria. *Recomendações para tratamento com cloro: Cloro activo: até 20 g de cloro activo por litro Temperatura: até 30° C. Tempo de tratamento: até 30 min. INSTRUÇÕES DE LAVAGEM Nunca deixe os artigos bordados dobrados ou pressionados jun tos, enquanto estive rem ainda húmidos. Não os ponha na máquina de secar, a menos que o artigo tenha sido comple tamente enxaguado. POLYNEON No. 40 é a espessura normal para todos os tipos de bordado e está disponível em todas as cores do mos truário. POLYNEON No. 60 No. 60 est le plus fin des fils polyester. Idéal pour réaliser de fines écri tures sur les badges et les logos, et est parfait pour les mo tifs détaillés ou ceux qui demandent une précision absolue. Polyneon No. 60 est disponible dans les coloris marqués d´un point • sur la gamme. é a mais fina de todas as linhas de bordar de poliester. Ideal para pequenas letras, mo nogramas, emblemas e marcas; perfeita para desenhos que requeiram definição acrescida. Polyneon 60 está disponível nas cores marcadas com • no mostruário. 1920 1817 1809 1820 1759 1952 1793 1821 • 1757 1899 9 10 POLYNEON No. 40 No. 40 1705 1796 POLYNEON POLYNEON No. 40 POLYNEON No. 60 cores fixas 1957 1614 1663 1613 1662 1610 1862 1687 1860 • 1810 • 1886 1689 1660 1665 1854 1664 1654 1949 • 1859 • 1738 • 1931 1928 1682 • 1872 1938 1728 • 1936 1884 • 1744 1885 1929 1855 1736 1906 1745 1673 • 1729 1939 1656 1684 POLYNEON, ağartıcılara karsı dayanıklılığ ından dolayı, taş yıkama uygulanan, sık sık lekelenen veya çok sık ağır yıkamaya maruz kalan ürünler için ideal bir nakış ipliğidir. Özellikle spor giyim, mayo, çocuk kıyafetleri ve otel, hazır yemek firmaları gibi işyerlerinde kullanılan iş kıyafetleri için tavsiye edilir. Klor uygulaması için tavsiyeler: aktif klor: maksimum. 20g CL/litre sıcaklık: maksimum 30° C uygulama süresi: maksimum 30 dakika YIKAMA TALİMATLARI Nakışlı ürünleri nem liyken katlanmış ya da üst üste konmuş durumda bırakma maya özen gösteril melidir. Nakışlı ürünler iyice durulanmadan kurutucuya atılmama lıdır. No. 40 Multi Colors Fluorescent Fluorescent 1600 1925 1909 1972 1910 1825 • 1907 1824 • 1908 • 1883 1954 1609 1995 1947 1606 1823 • 1837 • 1935 1946 • 1867 1978 1950 • 1937 • 1901 1923 1607 1850 1826 14 15 16 1739 1741 • 1812 • 1686 1603 1811 • 1615 1629 1604 1618 1617 1605 1619 1740 1918 • 1640 1611 1718 • POLYNEON No. 40 her çeşit nakışta kullanılan standart kalınlıkta bir nakış ipliğidir ve katalogta bulunan tüm renk lerde mevcuttur. POLYNEON 1841 • 1612 1601 1840 • 1641 1602 1800 • No. 60 Polyester nakış iplik lerinin en incesidir. Ekstra detay gerekti ren marka logoları, amblemler ve küçük harfler için idealdir. POLYNEON 60 renkleri katalogta • ile işa retlenmiştir. 1945 • 1863 1659 • 1670 • 1926 1672 1658 1791 • 1858 1730 1803 • 11 12 13 • 1805 fluoresc. wht. • 1801 super wht. 1608 1802 snow wht. 1804 natural wht. creme wht.