Víctor Maojo, MD, PhD, FACMI - Docencia TFB-UPM


Víctor Maojo, MD, PhD, FACMI - Docencia TFB-UPM
Víctor Maojo, MD, PhD, FACMI
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
28660 - Boadilla del Monte (Madrid)
Telephone: (+34) 91 336 68 97
Fax: (+34) 91 352 48 19
email: [email protected]
Prof. Victor Maojo created the Biomedical Informatics Group in 1993. In 1994 he got two grants
from the Spanish Ministerio de Sanidad and in 1995 a large award from Hewlett Packard USA
($200,000) which allowed to create the basic infrastructure of the group.
Teaching. Since 1990 he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Biomedical
Informatics, Knowledge Engineering, AI applications, History of Science and Cognitive Science.
Training. He has sent students to various international universities, such as Health Science and
Technology (Harvard-MIT), with whom he developed an intense exchange program, with six
students, Rutgers University, the University of Utah and the US National Cancer Institute. He has
participated in pioneering activities in medical informatics at the UPM, with undergraduate and
Research. In 1996 he began to work on biomedical database integration, which later led to work
on clinic-genomics database integration, a research that he pioneered with the First European
In 2008-2011 he was the coordinator and scientific leader of the Action Grid project, which was
the first EC-funded project in the new area of Nanoinformatics. In this area he has written several
seminal papers, which have contributed to consolidate the field. He participates as co-editor in a
forthcoming book on Nanoinformatics principles and practice, edited by Elsevier.
Other research areas include artificial intelligence in medicine, clinical guidelines and protocols,
image processing and analysis, data and text mining, information retrieval, internet-based
applications, models and tools for clinical trials and semantic interoperability.
He is now coordinating the AFRICA BUILD project, including WHO and four African partners from
Mali, Cameroon, Egypt and Ghana, to create centers of excellence in Africa where the use of
information technologies can be used to improve health research and care. Through the Africa
Build portal and a social network specially created for the project, the project aims to create a
self-sustainable South-South infrastructure to carry out e-learning activities in the health domain.
MD, Universidad de Oviedo
MSc in Knowledge Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
PhD in Computer Science, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Phd in Medicine, Universidad de Coruña
HISE initiative. Hewlett Packard USA. 1995.
Best research group. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. 1997.
Best research group. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. 1998 (note: after
1998, the SEIS established a maximum of 2 awards for the same group)
(Elected) Fellow, American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI), for his contributions
to the field of medical informatics.
Special participations:
Distinguished talks and keynotes: ISMDA, MIE, CBMS, University of Coruña, Oviedo,
Complutense de Madrid, Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, University of Utah (3rd
Reed Gardner lecture), Medical College of Georgia, Georgia Tech, Harvard University,
Emory University, University of Rome, Goethe University, Linköping University (doctoral's
opponent), Hewlett Packard Germany, and other participations in Cairo, Buenos Aires,
Chile, Ghana, Korea, China, among others
Chairs and Session Chairs: Medinfo, CBMS, MIE, Conceptual Modelling, ISMDA, among
Boards: more than 20 international conferences
Journal Boards:
Methods of Information in Medicine
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
Journal of Fuzzy & Intelligent Systems
Postdoctoral research:
Georgia Institute of Technology (with Prof. Norberto Ezquerra): Visiting Professor and
Medical Informatics Program, Health Science and Technology, Harvard-MIT (with Prof.
Robert A. Greenes): Research Fellow
Participation as evaluator:
European Commission (1997-current). FPIV,V,VI and VII (expert and rapporteur)
Belgian, Swiss and German agencies
Instituto de Salud Carlos III: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria
Comisión Nacional, programa de Tecnologías de la Información, Ministerio de Ciencia,
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Agencias del gobierno gallego, vasco y de Castilla la Mancha
Journals: JAMIA, Methods of Information in Medicine, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
Computers in Medicine and Biology, Journal of IBM Research, Journal of Biomedical
Informatics, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Medical Informatics, BMC Medicine
Predoctoral and postdoctoral grants awarded:
Gobierno de Asturias
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (4, one predoctoral in UPM, one postdoctoral in
Georgia Tech, one in Harvard-MIT and one postdoctoral in UPM)
Fundación Banco Herrero
Research projects:
Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana
Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria: 5 projects and 2 networks.
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia: 4 projects
Hospital Clínico San Carlos: 2 projects
CYTED (3 networks)
European Commission (11)::
o INFOBIOMED – Biomedical Informatics to support individualized healthcare
o ACGT – Advancing Clinico-Genomic Clinical Trials on Cancer
o ACTION-GRID. Coordination project on Nanoinformatics (coordinator)
o DICODE - Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making/li>
o INBIOMEDvision - Promoting and Monitoring Biomedical Informatics in Europe
o INTEGRATE - Driving Excellence in Integrative Cancer Research through
Innovative Biomedical Infrastructures
o p-medicine - From data sharing and integration via VPH models to personalised
o AFRICA BUILD - Building a Research and Education Infrastructure for Africa
o EURECA - Enabling information re-Use by linking clinical REsearch and CAre
Patents and software registered :
SIAC: Integrated system for assistance in catastrophes
Mapping tool
Publications (TO BE COMPLETED)
Maojo, V and Kulikowski, C.
Note on Friedman’s What Informatics and isn’t.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. Electronic prepublication May
Maojo V, Pazos J, Kulikowski CA.
Campaign tactics and grants don't mix.
Nature. 2013 May 23;497(7450):439.
Anguita A, Martin L, Garcia-Remesal M, Maojo V.
RDFBuilder: A tool to automatically build RDF-based interfaces for MAGE-OM
microarray data sources.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2013 Jul;111(1):220-7.
Anguita A, García-Remesal M, de la Iglesia D, Maojo V.
NCBI2RDF: Enabling Full RDF-Based Access to NCBI Databases.
BioMed Research International 2013, Article ID 983805, 9 pages.
de la Iglesia D, García-Remesal M, Calle Gde L, Kulikowski C, Sanz F, Maojo V.
The impact of computer science in molecular medicine: enabling high- throughput
Curr Top Med Chem. 2013 Mar 1;13(5):526-75.
García-Remesal M, García-Ruiz A, Pérez-Rey D, de la Iglesia D, Maojo V.
Using nanoinformatics methods for automatically identifying relevant nanotoxicology
entities from the literature.
Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:410294.
Maojo V, Fritts M, Martin-Sanchez F, De la Iglesia D, Cachau RE,Garcia-Remesal M,
Crespo J, Mitchell JA, Anguita A, Baker N, Barreiro JM, Benitez SE, De la Calle G,
Facelli JC, Ghazal P, Geissbuhler A, Gonzalez-Nilo F, Graf N, Grangeat P, Hermosilla I,
Hussein R, Kern J, Koch S, Legre Y, Lopez-Alonso V,Lopez-Campos G, Milanesi L,
Moustakis V, Munteanu C, Otero P, Pazos A, Perez-Rey D, Potamias G, Sanz F,
Kulikowski C. Nanoinformatics: developing new computing applications for
Comput Sci Eng. 2012 Jun 1;94(6):521-539.
Maojo V, Fritts M, de la Iglesia D, Cachau RE, Garcia-Remesal M, Mitchell
JA,Kulikowski C.
Nanoinformatics: a new area of research in nanomedicine.
International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2012;7:3867-90.
de la Calle G, García-Remesal M, Nkumu-Mbomio N, Kulikowski C, Maojo V.
e-MIR2: a public online inventory of medical informatics resources.
BMC Med Inform Decis Making. 2012 Aug 2;12:82.
Perez-Rey D, Jimenez-Castellanos A, Garcia-Remesal M, Crespo J, Maojo V.
CDAPubMed: a browser extension to retrieve EHR-based biomedical literature.
BMC Med Inform Decis Making. 2012 Apr 5;12:29.
Maojo V, Garcia-Remesal M, Bielza C, Crespo J, Perez-Rey D, Kulikowski C.
Biomedical informatics publications: a global perspective. Part II: Journals.
Methods Inf Medicine. 2012;51(2):131-7.
Maojo V, García-Remesal M, Bielza C, Crespo J, Perez-Rey D, Kulikowski C.
Biomedical informatics publications: a global perspective: Part I: conferences.
Methods Inf Medicine. 2012;51(1):82-90.
Hasman A, Ammenwerth E, Dickhaus H, Knaup P, Lovis C, Mantas J, Maojo V,MartinSanchez FJ, Musen M, Patel VL, Surjan G, Talmon JL, Sarkar IN.
Biomedicalinformatics--a confluence of disciplines ?
Methods Inf Medine. 2011;50(6):508-24.
Maojo V, Crespo J, García-Remesal M, de la Iglesia D, Perez-Rey D, Kulikowski C.
Biomedical ontologies: toward scientific debate.
Methods Inf Medicine.2011;50(3):203-16.
de la Iglesia D, Maojo V, Chiesa S, Martin-Sanchez F, Kern J, Potamias G,Crespo J,
Garcia-Remesal M, Keuchkerian S, Kulikowski C, Mitchell JA.
International efforts in nanoinformatics research applied to nanomedicine.
Methods Inf Medicine. 2011;50(1):84-95.
Anguita A, Martín L, Pérez-Rey D, Maojo V.
A Review of Methods and Tools for Database Integration in Biomedicine.
Current Bioinformatics 2010 5:243-269
Garcia-Remesal M, Maojo V, Billhardt H, Crespo J.
Integration of relational and textul biomedical sources. A pilot experiment using a semi-
automated method for logical schema acquisition.
Methods of Information in Medicine 2010 49(4):337-48
Remesal, M., Cuevas, A., Perez-Rey, D., Martín, L., Anguita, A., de la Iglesia, D., de la
Calle, G., Crespo, J., Maojo, V.
PubDNA Finder: a web database linking full-text articles to sequences of nucleic acids
Bioinformatics 2010, 26 (21): 2801-2802
Garcia-Remesa, M., Cuevas, A., Alonso, V., Campos, G., de la Calle, G., de la Iglesia,
D., Rey, D., Crespo, J., Sanchez, F., Maojo, V.
A method for automatically extracting infectious disease-related primers and probes
from the literature
BMC Bioinformatics 2010 Aug 3;11:410.
Maojo V, Martín-Sanchez F, Kulikowski C, Rodriguez-Paton A, Fritts M.
Nanoinformatics and DNA-Based Computing: Catalyzing Nanomedicine.
Pediatric Research. 2010 Jan 28
Martin-Sanchez F, Maojo V.
Biomedical Informatics and the Convergence of Nano-Info-Cogno (NBIC) Technologies
Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 2009: 134-42
De la Calle G, Gracía-Remesal M, Chiesa S, de la Iglesia D, Maojo V.
BIRI: a new approach for automatically discovering and indexing available public
bioinformatics resources from the literature.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2009 Oct 7; 10:320
De la Inglesia D, Chiesa S, Kern J, Maojo V, Martín-Sanchez F, Potamias G, Moustakis
V, Mitchell JA.
Nanoinfromatics: new challenges for biomedical informatics an the nano level.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2009; 150:987-91
Chiesa S, De la Iglesia D, Crespo J, Martín-Sanchez F, Kern J, Potamias G, Maojo V.
European efforts in nanoinformatics research applied to nanomedicine
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2009; 150:757-61
Frey Lewis J, Maojo Victor, Mitchell Joyce A
"Genome sequencing: A complex path to personalized medicine"
Genome Sequencing Technology and Algorithms: 53-75
Maojo V, García-Remesal M, Crespo J
"Detectors could spot plagiarism in research proposals"
Nature: 456(7218); 30
Crespo J, Maojo V "The strong property of morphological connected alternated filters"
Journal of mathematical imaging & vision: Vol. 32, (3). Pp 25-263
Van Mulligen EM, Cases M, Hettne K, Molero E, Weeber M, Robertson K, Oliva B, de la
Calle G, Maojo V / BibTeX "Training Multidisciplinary Biomedical Informatics Students:
Three Years of Experience" Journal of the american medical informatics association;
15: 246-254
Frey LJ, Maojo V, Mitchell JA
"Bioinformatics linkage of heterogeneous clinical and genomic information in support of
personalized medicine"
Yearbook of medical informatics: 98-105
Vidal J, Crespo J, Maojo V.
A Shape Interpolation Technique Based on Inclusion Relationships and Median Sets
Image and Vision Computing.
Volume 25, Issue 10, p 1530-1542
Maojo V, Remesal M, Martín-sanchez F, Billhardt H, Alonso Calvo R.
An agent- and ontology-based system for integrating public gene, protein, and disease
Journal of Biomedical Informatics. Volume 40,, Issue 1 p 17-29
Maojo V, Tsiknakis M.
Biomedical informatics and healthGRIDs: a European perspective
Engineering in Medicine and Biology IEEE. Volume 26, Issue 3, p 34-41
Maojo V, Crespo J, de la Calle G, Barreiro J, García-Remesal M.
Using web services for linking genomic data to medical information systems
Methods of Information in Medicine. 46(4):484-92
Maojo V, Kulikowski C.
Medical Informatics and bioinformatics: Integration or evolution through scientific crises
Methods of Information in Medicine 2006; 45(5):474-82
Alonso-Calvo R, Maojo V, Martín F, Billhardt H, García-Remesal M, Pérez-Rey D
"An Agent and Ontology-based System for integrating Public Genomic Databases"
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2006; 40(1): 17-29
Pérez-Rey D, Maojo V, García-Remesal M, Alonso-Calvo R, Billhardt H, MartínSánchez F., Sousa A.
"ONTOFUSION: Ontology-Based Integration of Genomic and Clinical Databases"
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2006; 36: 712-30
Maojo V, García-Remesal M, Billhardt H, Alonso-Calvo R, Pérez-Rey D, MartínSánchez F
"Designing New Methodologies for Integrating Biomedical Information in Clinical Trials"
Methods of Information in Medicine, 2006; 45(2): 180-5
Pérez-Rey D., Maojo V
"Nuevo modelo basado en ontologías para el KDD en Biomedicina"
Capítulo del Libro TIC en Biomedicina. E-World. Colección Informática.
Fundación Alfredo Brañas. ISBN: 84-934497-3-3
Maojo V, Martín-Sanchez F.
"Bioinformatics: towards new directions for public health"
Methos of Information in Medicine, 2004; 43(3):208-214
Martín-Sanchez F, Iakovidis I, Norager S, Maojo V, de Groen P, Van der Lei J, Jones T,
Abraham-Fuchs K, Apweiler R, Babic A, Baud R, Breton V, Cinquin P, Doupi P, Dugas
M, Eils R, Engelbrecht R, Ghazal P, Jehenson P, Kulikowski C, Lampe K, De Moor
G,Orphanoudakis S, Rossing N, Sarachan B, Sousa A, Spekowius G, Thireos G,
Zahlmann G, Zvárová J, Hermosilla I, Vicente FJ.
"Synergy between medical informatics and bioinformatics: facilitating genomics
medicine for future health care."
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2004; 37(1):30-42
Maojo V, Martín-Sanchez F, Barreiro JM, Sanz F, Díaz C.
"From Past Experiences to the Infobiomed Network of Excellence"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004; Volume 3337:418-426
Sanandrés J, Maojo V, Crespo J, García-remesal M, Gómez de la Cámara A.
A Performance Comparative Analysis Between Rule-Induction Algorithms and
Clustering-Based Constructive Rule-Induction Algorithms. Application to Rheumatoid
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004; Volume 3337:224-234
Maojo V, Kulikowski C.
Bioinformatics and medical informatics: collaborations on the road to genomic medicine.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2003; Volume Nov Dec 10(6):
Rodriguez-Daza L, Laita M, Roanes-Lozano A,Crespo J,Maojo V, Ledesma L,Laita L.
An Outline of an Expert System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Bronchogenic
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003; Volume 2868: 31-38
Vargas D, Crespo J, Maojo V.
Morphological Image Reconstruction with Criterion from Labelled Markers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003; Volume 2886: 475-484
Maojo V, Martín-Sanchez F, Billhardt H, Iakovidis I, Kulikowski C.
Establishing an Agenda for Biomedicl Informatics.
Methods of Information in Medicine, 2003, Volume 42(2): 121-125
Billhardt H, Borrajo D, Maojo V.
Learning retrieval expert combinations with genetic algorithms.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2003;
February 87-114
Billhardt H, Borrajo D, Maojo V.
A context vector model for informations retrieval
Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2002; Volume
53(3) 236-249
Maojo V, Crespo J.
Challenges for future intelligent systems in biomedicine.
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2002; Volume 12(1) 1-3
Maojo V, Martin F, Crespo J, Billhardt H.
Theory, abstraction and design in medical informatics.
Methods of Information in Medicine, 2002; Volume 41(1) 44-50
Martin-Sanchez F, Maojo V, Lopez-Campos G.
Integrationg genomics into health information systems.
Methods of Information in Medicine, 2002; Volume 41(1) 25-30
Crespo J, Maojo V, Sanandrés J, Billhardt H, Muñoz A.
On the Strong Property of Connected Open-Close and Close-Open Filters
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002; Volume 2301: 165-174
Lopez-Alonso V, Moreno Lopez L, Lopez-Campos G, Maojo V, Martin-Sanchez F.
BIKMAS: a Knowledge Engeneering System for Bioinformatics.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002; Volume 2412: 435-440
Billhardt H, Crespo J, Maojo V, Martín F Maté JL.
A New Methos for Unifying Heterogeneous Medical Databases
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001; Volume 2199: 54-61
Maojo V, Iakovidis I, Martin-Snachez F, Crespo J, Kulikowski C.
Medical Informatics and bioinformatics: European efforts to facilitate synergy.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2001; Volume: Dec 34(6): 423-427
Laita LM, Roanes-Lozano E, Ledesma L, Maojo V, Laita L.
A Methodology for Constructing Expert Systems for Medical Diagnosis
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001; Volume 2199: 146-152
Barreiro M, Crespo J, Maojo V.
Inteligencia Artificial en Medicina: pasado y nuevas aplicaciones.
Novatica 2001; Volume 149: 36-40
Barreiro M, Crespo J, Maojo V.
Intelligence in Medicine. Past and New Applications
Upgrade 2001; Volume II, 1: 25-29
Sanandrès J, Maojo V, Crespo J, Gómez A.
A Clustering-Based Constructive Induction Method and Its Application to Rheumatoid
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2001; Volume 2101(42): 59-62
Laita LM, Roanes-Lozano E, Maojo V, Roanes-Macias E, Ledesma L, Laita L.
An Expert System for Managing Medical Appropriateness Criteria Based on Computer
Algebra Techniques.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 2001; p 1505-1522
Maojo V, Sanandrés J.
A Survey of Data Mining Techniques
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2000; Volume 1933: 17-22
Sánchez A, Barreiro J, Maojo M.
Design of Virtual Reality Systems for Education: A Cognitive Approach.
Education and Information Technologies 2000; Volume 5:4(2000): 345-362
Maojo V, LaitaL, Roanes-Lozano E, Crespo J, Rodriguez-Pedrosa J.
A New Computerized Method to Verify and Disseminate Medical
Apropriateness Criteria
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2000; Volume 1933: 212-217
Roanes-Lozano E, Laita L, Roanes-Macías E, Maojo V, Correcdor V, de la Vega A,
Zamora A.
A Gröbner-Based Shell for Rule-Based Expert Systems Development
Expert systems with applications 2000; Volume 18(2000): 221-230
Rodriguez J, Maojo V, Crespo J.
Acceso a MEDLINE en español
I+S, Informática y Salud 1999, Volume Mayo-Junio: 1064-1066
Laita L, Roanes-Lozano E, Maojo V.
Inference and Verification in Medical Appropriateness Criteria Using Gröbner Bases
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1998; Volume 1476: 183-194
Crespo J, Maojo V, Martín-Sanchez F, Rodriguez Pedrosa J, Saez Ayerra L.
Vocabularios Médicos Controlados Multipropósito
I+S, Informática y Salud 1998, Volume Sept-Oct: 873-876
Laita L, Roanes-Lozano E, Maojo V, Diaz A.
A Logic and Computer Algebra Approach to a Decision-Making Problem in Medicine
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisica Nat. 1998, Volume 92, no 4:
Crespo J, Maojo V.
New Results on the Theory of Morphological Filters by Reconstruction.
Pattern Recognition 1998, Volume 31: 419-429
Crespo J, Schafer R, Maojo V.
Image Segmentation using Intra-region Averaging Techniques
Optical Engeneering 1998, Volume 37, N11:2926-2936
Ortiz T, Maojo V, Martinez R.
EEG Asymmetry During Phonemic Discrimination
Journal of Psychophysiology 1993, Volume 7, No4: 308-314
Ortiz T, Maojo V, Martinez R.
A Statistical Correlation Between P300 and Extroversion
Personality and individual Differences 1993, Volume 15 No1: 109-112
Pazos A, Blanco A, Maojo V, Martin F, Barreiro J.
MESTRIMAN:An Expert System for Medical Triage and Clinical Management of
Patients in Catastrophes.
Expert Systems with Applications 1993, Volume 6: 449-457
Maojo V, Puerta A.
Informática Médica: Auge de una auténtica especialidad
BASE-Asociación de Licenciados en Informática 1993
Barreiro JM, Martín F, Maojo V, Pazos A.
Inteligencia Artificial y Medicina: Una simbiosis cientifica.
Journal Cettico 1992, Volume 7:11-16
Pazos A, Maojo V, Martin F, Ezquerra N.
A Neural Network Approach to Assess Myocardial Infraction.
GIT-GVU-91-24 Georgia Institute of Technology 1991
Congress contributions
Jimenez-Castellanos, A., Perrin, C., Ramirez-Robles, M., Ingelbeen, B., Maojo, V.
AFRICA BUILD: creating Web 2.0 communities of biomedical researchers. HELINA
2013, Eldoret, Kenya (October 2013). Journal of Health Informatics in Africa, Volume 1.
Ramirez-Robles, M., Jimenez-Castellanos, A., Khalifa, A., Anne, A., Kamga, Y.N.,
Afagbedzi, S., Maojo, V.
AFRICA BUILD Portal: Developing A Social Network Of African Health Researchers
And Educators, IST-Africa 2013 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya (May 2013). p 8
Moratilla, JM., Alonso-Calvo, R., Molina-Vaquero, G., Paraiso-Medina, S., Perez-Rey,
D., Maojo, V.
A data model based on semantically enhanced HL7 RIM for sharing patient data of
breast cancer clinical trials.
14th World Congress on Medical and Health (medinfo2013)
Aso, S., Perez-Rey, D., Alonso-Calvo, R., Rico-Diez, A., Bucur, A., Claerhout, B.,
Maojo, V.
Analyzing SNOMED CT and HL7 Terminology Binding for Semantic Interoperability on
Post-Genomic Clinical Trials.
14th World Congress on Medical and Health (medinfo2013)
Anguita A, Escrich A, Maojo V.
Fostering Ontology Alignment Sharing: A General-Purpose RDF Mapping Format.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2013. 192-970
Jimenez-Castellanos, A., de la Calle, G., de la Iglesia, D., Perez-Rey, D., Hussein, R.,
Khalifa, A., Maojo, V.
Building Sustainable Capacity for Health Research in Africa through Cloud Computing
IST-Africa 2012 Conference
Jimenez-Castellanos, A., de la Calle, G., Alonso-Calvo, R., Hussein, R., Maojo, V.
Accessing advanced computational resources in Africa through Cloud Computing.
25th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System (CBMS
2012). pp 569-572
Jimenez-Castellanos, A., Ramirez-Robles, M., de la Iglesia, D., Maojo, V.
Building sustainable capacity for research for health in Africa: first stages of the AFRICA
BUILD Project.
VPH 2012 Conference
Maximo Ramirez-Robles, Ana Jimenez-Castellanos and Victor Maojo.
A new platform to foster health collaboration in Africa: the AFRICA BUILD Portal.
2012 Africa-EU Cooperation Forum on ICT
Maojo V, De la Iglesia D, Gracía-Remesal M, García-Ruiz A, Muñoz Am, Crespo J.
Nanoinformatics: Bridging the gap on information management at the nano level
(Position Paper).
5th Concration and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio-Convergence Systems,
MNBS 2011. Mondragón (Spain) 5-6 April 2011.
De la Iglesia D, Maojo V, Garcia-Remesam M, Gracia-Ruiz A, Crespo J.
Nanoinformatica: Retos e Iniciativas para la Gestion de la Información Generada en la
Investigación Nanomedica (Oral Communication).
XIV Congreso Nacional de Informática de la Salud, INFORSALUD 2011. Madrid, 22-24
February 2011
Jimenez-Castellanos A, de la Iglesia D, Ramirez-Robles M, Maojo V. The AFRICA
BUILD Project: Building a research and educational infrastructure for health in Africa.
Open Access Africa 2011.
Jimenez-Castellanos, A., Fernández, I., Perez-Rey, D., Viejo, E., Díez, F.J., García de
Kortazar, X., García-Remesal, M., Maojo, V., Cobo, A., del Pozo, F. Patient-based
Literature Retrieval and Integration: A Use Case for Diabetes and Arterial Hypertension.
Fourth International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2011). pp 33 - 41.
de la Iglesia D, Garcia-Remesal M, Crespo J, Muñoz M, Pazos A, Maojo V.
Nanoinformatics: Current Challenges and Trends on Nanomedical Information
Management. Nanoinformatics 2011. Arlington, Virginia (EEUU). 7-9 Diciembre 2011.
pp 8-9
De la Iglesia D, Maojo V, Garcia-Remesam M, De la Calle G, Crespo J.
Nanoinformatics: Challenges in the synergic area betweeen Biomedical Informatics and
Nanomedicine (Oral Communication).
7th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology. Berlin
(Germany), 2-3 December 2010
Maojo V, De la Iglesia D, Garcia-Remesal M, Martín-Sanchez F et al.
Nanoinformatics in Europe: The ACTION-Grid White Paper. Nanoinformatics 2010
Arlington (Virginia USA), 3-5 November 2010.
Maojo V, De la Iglesia D, Martín-Sanchez F et al.
The ACTION-Grid White Paper. Nanoinformatics: Expanding the VPH version towards
VPH 2010. Brussels (Belgium), 30 September - 1 October 2010
De la Iglesia D, Chiesa S, Kern J, Maojo V, Martín-Sanchez F, Potamias G, Moustakis
V, Mitchell J.
Nanoinformatics: New Challenges for Biomedical Informatics at Nano Level.
MIE2009. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009; 150:987-91
Chiesa S, De la Iglesia D, Crespo J, Martín-Sanchez F, Kern J, Potamias G, Maojo V.
European efforts in nanoinformatics research applied to nenomedicine.
MIE2009. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009; 150:757-61
Chiesa S, Garcia-Rernesal M, de la Calle G, De la Iglesia D, Maojo V
"Building an index of nanomedical resources: An automatic approach based on text
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent
Information and Engineering Systems. 2008 Volume: 5178 Pages: 50-57
Maojo V, de la Calle G, García-Remesal M, Bankauskaite V, Crespo J.
An automatic method for retrieving and indexing catalogues of biomedical courses.
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2008 Nov 6:922
Lopez-Alonso V, Hermosilla-Gimeno I, Lopez-Campos G, Maojo V, Martín-Sanchez FJ.
Action GRID: assessing the impact of Nanotechnology on biomedical informatics.
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2008 Nov 6: 1046
Anguita A, Perez-Rey D, Crespo J, Maojo V
"Automatic generation of integration and preprocessing ontologies for biomedical
sources in a distributed scenario"
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical
Systems: Pps 336-341
Martin L, Anguita A, Maojo V
"Ontology based integration of distributed and heterogeneous data sources in ACGT"
Proceedings of the First International Conference On Health Informatics:
Vol. 1, Pages: 301-306
de la Calle G, Garcia-Remesal M, Maojo V
"A method for indexing biomedical resources over the internet"
Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe 2008: Vol. 136, Pages: 163-8
De la Calle G, van Mulligen EM, Molero E, Pérez-Rey D, Martín L, Crespo J, Maojo V
"Education & Research in Infobiomed, the European Network of
Excellence in Biomedical Informatics"
Proceedings of The American Medical Informatics AssociationA Annual Fall Symposium
(AMIA 2007) : 927
11-14 Nov 2007, Chicago, IL (EEUU)
García-Remesal M, Maojo V, Crespo J, Billhardt H
"Sources for Structured and Non-Structured Biomedical Sources Integration”
Proceedings of The American Medical Informatics AssociationA Annual Fall
Symposium (AMIA 2007): 259-263
11-14 Nov 2007, Chicago, IL (EEUU)
Martín L, Anguita A, de la Calle G, García-Remesal M, Crespo J, Tsiknakis M, Maojo V
"Semantic Data Integration in the European ACGT project"
The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 2007): 1042
11-14 Nov 2007, Chicago, IL (EEUU)
Pérez-Rey D, Anguita A, Crespo J, Maojo V
"An Ontology-based and Distributed KDD Model for Biomedical Sources"
Proceedings of The American Medical Informatics AssociationA Annual Fall
Symposium (AMIA 2007): 1074
11-14 Nov 2007, Chicago, IL (EEUU)
García-Remesal M, Maojo V, Crespo J, Billhardt H
“Logical Schema Acquisition from Text-Based Sources for Structured and NonStructured Biomedical Sources Integration”
The Americal Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 2007): 259-263
11-14 Nov 2007, Chicago, IL (EEUU)
García-Remesal M, Maojo V, Laíta L, Roanes-Lozano E, Crespo J
"An algebraic approach to detect logical inconsistencies in medical
appropriateness criteria"
Conf. Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. (EMBC 2007); 1: 5148-5151
García-Remesal M, Gil P, Maojo V, Billhardt H, Crespo J, J. Grundy, S. Hartmann,
A.H.F. Laender, L. Maciaszek, J.F. Roddick
"SAT & ZB: Novel Tools to Acquire and Browse Conceptual Schemas from Public
Online databases for Biomedical Applications"
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (CRPIT 2007): Vol. 83
pp 65-70 / 5-9 November 2007, Auckland (New Zealand)
Anguita A, Martín L, Crespo J, Tsiknakis M, Maojo V
"Solving semantic heterogeneities and integration between clinical and image
databases in post-genomic clinical trials"
4th pHealth Conference 2007, 20-22 de Junio, Porto Carras, Chalkidiki (Greece)
De la Calle G, Maojo V, van Mulligen E, Crespo J
"Iniciatives for Supporting Individualized Healthcare within INFOBIOMED,
the European Network of Excellence in Biomedical Informatics"
4th pHealth Conference 2007, 20-22 de Junio, Porto Carras, Chalkidiki (Greece)
Pérez-Rey D, Aguilera E, Crespo J, Maojo V
"Ontology-based KDD for Distributed Biomedical Sources"
4th pHealth Conference 2007
20-22 de Junio, Porto Carras, Chalkidiki (Greece)
De la Calle G, van Mulligen EM, Molero E, Perez-Rey D, Martín L, Crespo J, Maojo V.
Education and Research in INFOBIOMED, the European Network of Exellence in
Biomedical Informatics
American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA-Annual Symposium) 2007, 11-14 Nov
Chicago 2007
Pérez-Rey D, Maojo V, Marcos-Perchín J, Benito M, Martín-Sánchez F.
Interfaz de Usuario para la Visualización de Información Biomédica en INBIOMED.
Actas del VI Congreso Español de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO 2005), pp.
413-414. Granada., Sept. 2005.
D. Pérez-Rey, V. Maojo, M. García-Remesal, H. Billardht.
“Ontology-based Integration of Biomedical Databases”.
17th IMACS World Congress Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and
Simulation, Paris, France, July 11-15, 2005.
Maojo, V y Crespo, J.
Informática Médica y Bioinformática. Retos científicos. En Martín, F. y López, V (Eds):
Informática Biomédica.
Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa de Informática Biomédica. Madrid, 2004.
Crespo, J y Maojo, V.
Tratamiento y análisis de imágenes médicas: filtrado morfológico y segmentación. En
Martín, F. y López, V (Eds): Informática Biomédica.
Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa de Informática Biomédica. Madrid, 2004.
M. García-Remesal, V. Maojo, H. Billhardt, J. Crespo, R. Alonso-Calvo,D. Pérez, F.
Martín-Sánchez, A. Sousa-Pereira, A. Babic.
ARMEDA II: Integrated Access to Heterogeneous Biomedical Databases.
Proceedings of the World Conference in Medical Informatics (MEDINFO 2004), pp.
1607. San Francisco, Septiembre de 2004. International Medical Informatics
Ferran Sanz, Carlos Díaz, Fernando Martin-Sanchez, Victor Maojo.
Structuring European Biomedical Informatics to Support Individualized
Healthcare: current issues and future trends.
Proceedings of the World Conference in Medical Informatics (MEDINFO 2004)., pp.
803-7. San Francisco, Septiembre de 2004. International Medical Informatics
Association. Internacional.
D. Pérez-Rey, Victor Maojo,M. Garcia Remesal, R. Alonso-Calvo: Biomedical
Ontologies in Post-Genomic Information Systems. Proceedings of IEEE BIBE 2004:
M. Garcia Remesal, Victor Maojo, Holger Billhardt, José Crespo,R. Alonso-Calvo,D.
Perez-Rey, F. Martin, A. Sousa:
ARMEDA II: Supporting Genomic Medicine through the Integration of Medical and
Genetic Databases.
Proceedings of IEEE BIBE 2004: 227-236
R. Bahillo, M. García-Remesal, D. Pérez, R. Alonso-Calvo, B. Romero, J. C. Llorente,
G. Martínez, V. Barbado, C. Moral, A. Martínez-Agra, F. Martín-Sánchez, A. Sousa, I.
C. Oliveira, V. Maojo.
Uso de Tecnologías de Agentes para la Integración de Bases de Datos Clínicas y
Actas del congreso INFORSALUD 2004, 24-26 de Marzo de 2004.
M. García-Remesal, V. Maojo, H. Billhardt, J. Crespo, R. Alonso-Calvo, D. Pérez, F.
Martín, M. C. Zarcero, A. Sousa, J. L. Oliveira, I. Castro-Oliveira, M. Santos, A. Babic.
Designing New Methodologies for Integrating Biomedical Information in Clinical Trials.
Proc. of EUROMISE 2004, Prague, April 12-15, 2004.
Oliveira, IC, Furtado, A., Oliveira, JL, Pereira, AS, Maojo, V,Martin-Sanchez, F., Babic,
A and Lopez-Campos, G.
Integration of Genetic and Clinical Information Sources for Health Applications.
Proc. of Functional Genomics and Disease 2003, Praga.
Maojo, V.
Retos de la Informática Médica. I Jornada Científica de Informática Biomédica.
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid. 14 de Octubre de 2003. Martín-Sánchez, F.,
Maojo, V., Vicente, F., and Hermosilla, I. The BIOINFOMED Study: Towards the
Synergy between Research in Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics. Proceedings of
the First European HealthGrid Conference, pp.178-187, Lyon. 16-17 de Enero de
The BIOINFOMED Study: A Research Agenda in Biomedical Informatics. Ponencia
invitada en un panel, dirigido por el Dr. Ilias Iakovidis, Scientific Officer de la Comisión
Europea. Congreso de la American Medical Informatics Association. Washington, 8-12
de Noviembre de 2003.
Vargas, D., Crespo, J., Maojo, V. y Terol, I.
Medical Image Segmentation using Openings and Closings with Reconstruction
Proceedings of IEEE ICIP 2003, pp.981-84. IEEE. Barcelona. García-Remesal, M.;
Crespo, J.; Silva, A.; Billhardt, H.; Martín, F.; Sousa, A.; Babic, A.; and Maojo, V.:
INFOGENMED: Integrating Heterogeneous Medical and Genetic Databases and
Terminologies. Proc. of KES 2002, pp. 955-959. Milán. Septiembre de 2002.
Maojo, V.
History and State of the Art in Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics.
BIOINFORSALUD 2002, Valencia. Comisión Europea y Sociedad Española de
Informática de la Salud. 19 de Noviembre de 2002.Maojo, V. Sistemas de
Representación de datos clínicos, imágenes médicas y ayuda a la toma de decisiones.
Encuentro de Informática Biomédica en salud y cooperación internacional, Granada.
Fundación Euroárabe, 11-13 de Diciembre de 2002.
Holger, H., Borrajo, D. y Maojo, V.
Using Genetic Algorithms to Find Suboptimal Retrieval Expert Combinations.
2002 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp.657-662. Madrid. Marzo 11-14, 2002.
López-Alonso, V., Moreno, L., López-Campos, G., Maojo, V. y Martín, F.
BIKMAS-II: A Knowledge Management System for Biomedical Informatics.
Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Assoc. Fall Symposium, San Antonio,
EE.UU. 2002, pp. 1091. American Medical Informatics Association.
Vargas, D., Crespo, J., Maojo, V., Muñoz, A. y Villalobos, I.
Análisis de Imágenes Médicas mediante Filtros Morfológicos por Reconstrucción con
Criterios de Propagación.
V Congreso Nacional de Informática de la Salud, INFORSALUD, Madrid. 17-19 de
Abril, 2002.
García, A., Crespo, J., Maojo, V., Muñoz, A. y Vargas, D.
Base de Datos del Conjunto de Imágenes del proyecto Humano Visual y su acceso a
través de Internet.
V Congreso Nacional de Informática de la Salud, INFORSALUD. Madrid.17-19 de Abril
de 2002.
Maojo, V.
El Cirujano Virtual.
I Reunión Nacional de Realidad Virtual en Medicina y Cirugía. A Coruña. 28 de Mayo
de 2002.
Maojo, V.
Medical Informatics: Challenges. Participación en un panel, dirigido por el Prof. Mark
Musen, director del Laboratorio de Informática Médica de la Universidad de Stanford,
en el congreso mundial de Informática Médica
MEDINFO 2001, Londres. 2001. International Medical Informatics Association.
Maojo, V.
Knowledge, Information and the Importance and Limitations of Computerized Data
Analysis in Medicine. IMIA Satellite Working Conference. Challenges in Medical
Informatics –Successes and Failures-. Madrid, 29-31 de Marzo de 2001. International
Medical Informatics Association.
Maojo, V.
Inteligencia Artificial en Medicina.
Primeras Jornadas CYTED de Telemedicina e Informática Médica. Santiago de Chile,
20-22 de Junio de 2001. CYTED.
Maojo, V.
Access and Integration of Remote Genetic and Medical Databases.
Knowledge Empowering Individualised Healthcare and Well-Being, Bruselas. 14 de
Diciembre de 2001. Comisión Europea.
Billhardt, H., Borrajo, D. and Maojo, V.
Using term co-occurrence data for document indexing and retrieval.
22nd Annual Colloquium on Information Retrieval Research. Cambridge, pp. 105-117.
England. 5-7 April, 2000.
Maojo, V.
Sistemas Inteligentes. Seminario de Nuevas Tecnologías de Aplicación Sanitaria en
Defensa, Madrid. 5-8 de Junio de 2000.
Maojo, V.
Informática Médica y Bioinformática.
BIOINFORSALUD 2000, Madrid. Día 28 de Enero de 2000. Sociedad Española de
Informática de la Salud.
Maojo, V.
Medical Data Mining Techniques (Conferencia de clausura).
International Symposium of Medical Data Analysis (ISMDA 2000),
Frankfurt. Septiembre de 2000.
Maojo, V.
Los nuevos médicos y los nuevos pacientes.
Simposio sobre el Impacto en la Política y Gestión Sanitaria del Siglo XXI. Fundación
Sanitas y Fundación Smith-Kline-Beecham. Madrid, 7-10-1999.
Crespo, J., and Maojo, V.
Shape preservation in Morphological Filtering and Segmentation (invited paper).
XII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, pp.247-256.
Brasil, Oct 17-20, 1999. IEEE Computer Society.
Maojo, V.
Nuevas Líneas de Investigación en la Enfermería del Siglo XXI.
Primer congreso nacional de Informática y Enfermería. Toledo, 19 de Noviembre de
1999. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.Nacional.
Maojo, V.
Internet: Nuevo Reto para la Enfermería.
I Encuentro de Profesionales y Alumnos de Enfermería de Castilla-La Mancha.
Cuenca.11 de Diciembre de 1998.
Rodríguez Pedrosa J, Maojo García V, Crespo del Arco J, Caja Carreras D, Pazos
Sierra A, Barreiro Sorrivas J M.
Una herramienta para la verificación de la consistencia de los criterios de uso
apropiado. INFORMED 98.
VII Congreso Nacional de Informática Médica. Pamplona, 1998. Sociedad Española de
Informática de la Salud.
Víctor Maojo.
Un nuevo método, a través de Internet, para la coordinación y análisis de información
de ensayos clínicos basados en protocolos.
Primer Congreso Nacional INFORFARMA 98, 1998. Sociedad Española de Informática
de la Salud.
Maojo, V.
Sistemas de enseñanza a través de Internet. Un ejemplo con MEDLINE.
Congreso Nacional INFORFARMA 98, Madrid. 1998. Sociedad Española de
Informática de la Salud.
José Crespo, Mónica Hidalgo, Víctor Maojo, Alberto Muñoz, José J. Esparza y José M.
Entorno de Visualización Médica para Neurorradiología y Neurocirugía”.
VII Congreso Nacional de Informática Médica INFORMED 98, Pamplona. 1998.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Juan Rodríguez, Víctor Maojo, José Crespo, Holger Billhardt y José A. Sanandrés.
Acceso a MEDLINE usando un Servidor de Vocabulario con los términos MeSH.
INFORSALUDNET 98, Jornadas Nacionales de Internet en Salud, Madrid. 1998.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
José A. Sanandrés, José Crespo, Agustín Gómez, Víctor Maojo, Holger Billhardt y Juan
Reglas de Predicción Clínica e INTERNET. INFORSALUDNET 98, Jornadas
Nacionales de Internet en Salud, Madrid. 1998. Sociedad Española de Informática de la
Maojo, V.
Sistema multimedia de visualizacion de protocolos de emergencias a traves de
INFORSALUDNET 98, Jornadas Nacionales de Internet en Salud, Madrid. 1998.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Holger Billhardt, Víctor Maojo, Fernando Martín, José Crespo, Alejandro Pazos,
Sebastián Álamo, Juan Rodríguez y José A. Sanandrés. El proyecto ARMEDA: acceso
unificado a bases de datos médicas a través de la World Wide Web”.
INFORSALUDNET 98, Jornadas Nacionales de Internet en Salud, Madrid. 1998.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
José Crespo, Víctor Maojo, Alberto Muñoz, José J. Esparza y Luciano Sáez.
Aplicaciones Médicas de Trabajo Colaborativo en Internet. INFORSALUDNET 98,
Jornadas Nacionales de Internet en Salud, Madrid. 1998. Sociedad Española de
Informática de la Salud.
José Crespo, Juan M. Granda, Víctor Maojo, Holger Billhardt, Juan Rodríguez y José A.
Acceso a Bases de Datos de Imágenes Médicas a través de Internet.
INFORSALUDNET 98, Jornadas Nacionales de Internet en Salud, Madrid. 1998.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Maojo, V.; Crespo, J.;Villalonga, L
Disseminating multimedia protocols over Internet for emergency and catastrophe
9th World Congress on Medical Informatics. Medinfo 1998. Seul, Korea. International
Medical Informatics Association.
Juan Rodríguez, Victor Maojo, Jose Crespo, Isabel Fernandez.
A Concept Model for the Automatic Maintenance of Controlled Medical Vocabularies.
9th World Congress on Medical Informatics. Proceedings of the World Conference in
Medical Informatics Medinfo 1998, pp.618-622 Seoul, Korea.International Medical
Informatics Association.
Maojo, V.; Lázaro, P.; Martín, F.; Crespo, J., and Pazos, A.
Remote Access to Medical Information for Professionals and Patients.
13th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Technology Assesment in Health
Care, pp.93. Barcelona, Spain. 1997.
Maojo, V.; Lázaro, P., and Crespo, J.
Effective Dissemination of Clinical Practice Guidelines over Internet”.
13th Annual Meeting of the International Societhy of Technology Assesment in Health
Care, pp.107. Barcelona, Spain. 1997.
Maojo, V.; Herrero, C.; Valenzuela, F.; Crespo, J.; Lázaro, P., and Pazos, A.
A JAVA-Based Multimedia Tool for Clinical Practice Guidelines.
Medical Informatics Europe 1997. Porto Carras, Greece, 1997, pp. 348-352.European
Medical Informatics Association.
Fernández, I.; Maojo, V.; Crespo, J.; Alamo, S.; Sanandrés, J., and Martín, F.
ARMEDA: Accessing Remote Medical Databases over the World Wide Web.
Medical Informatics Europe 1997, pp. 681-685. Porto Carras, Greece, 1997.
Alamo, S., Crespo, J; Fernández, I.; Maojo, V.; Martín, F.; Pazos, A; Sáez, L.;
Sanandres, J.
Búsqueda, acceso y recuperación de información sanitaria en bases de datos
heterogéneas a través de la World Wide Web”.
INFORSALUD 97. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. Madrid, 1997.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Barreiro, J.; Crespo, J.; Herrero, C.; Lázaro, P.; Maojo, V.; Valenzuela, F.
Visualización en Internet de Guías de Práctica Clínica y Protocolos.
INFORSALUD 97. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. Madrid, 1997.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Barreiro, J.; Crespo, J.; Maojo, V.; Colás, M.; Fernández, I.; Rodríguez, J.
Herramientas de Trabajo Colaborativo en Internet para Medicina”.
INFORSALUD 97. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. Madrid, 1997.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Ciruelo, E.; Crespo, J.; Gómez, A.; Maojo, V.; Montes, C.; Sanandrés, J.
PREDREUMA: Modelo de inducción constructiva en prognosis y clasificación en artritis
INFORSALUD 97. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. Madrid, 1997.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Crespo, J.; Maojo, V.; Martín, F.; Rodríguez, J.; y Sáez, L.:PREDREUMA: Vocabularios
Médicos Controlados Multipropósito: Un Enfoque Basado en Grafos Conceptuales.
INFORSALUD 97. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. Madrid, 1997.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Crespo, J.; García, M.; Maojo, V.; Pazos, A.; Sanandrés, J.
Navegador para la Visualización de Imágenes Médicas 3D”.
INFORSALUD 97. Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud. Madrid, 1997.
Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud.
Maojo, V.
Cirugía planificada con realidad virtual.
Jornada de Nuevas Tecnologías en Cirugía. Santiago de Compostela. 9 de Mayo de
1997. Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital de Conxo.
Herrero, C.; Maojo, V.; Crespo, J.; Sanandrés, J.; Lazaro, P. A
Specification Language for Clinical Practice Guidelines”.
IEEE EMBS96, Amsterdam.1996. IEEE in Medicine and Biology Society.
Crespo, J.; Maojo, V., Herrero, C. and Sanandrés, J.
Enhancement of MR Images Using Non-Linear Techniques.
IEEE EMBS96, Amsterdam.1996. IEEE in Medicine and Biology Society.
Crespo, J.; Maojo, V.
Tratamiento Morfológico de Imágenes Médicas: Segmentación de Imágenes de RMN”.
Foro Iberoamericano de Tratamiento Digital de Imagenes: Vision Industrial e Imagen
Medica. Valencia, Octubre de 1996.
McCLYT: An Intelligent Expert System for Medical Triage in Catastrophes. The Second
World Congress on Expert Systems. Lisboa. 10-14 Enero de 1994
Pazos, A.; Santos, A.; Rivas-Feal, A.; Maojo, V., and Segovia, J.
EEIE: An Expert System for Environmental Impact Evaluation.
Proc. of IEEE EMBS93, 632-633.. San Diego, EE.UU. 1993. IEEE in Medicine and
Biology Society.
Blanco, A.; Maojo, V., and Pazos, A.
A Qualitative Approach to Diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine"
III IMACS International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning and Decision
Technologies,pp.598-604. Barcelona, 16-18 de Junio de 1993.
Pazos, A., Maojo, V. and Ezquerra, N. Neural Networks in Nuclear Medicine: a New
Approach to Prognosis in Myocardial Infarction. Seventh World Congress in Medical
Informatics (Medinfo 92), pp.659--663 Ginebra, Suiza. 1992.
Alonso, F.; Maojo, V., and Pazos, J.
Technology Transfer in Computer Science.
4th International Seminar in Technology Transfer. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 1992.
Kamae, I; Maojo, V., and MacClay, J
Clinical Guidelines in the Management of Medical Knowledge: Potentials for Active and
Passive Use to Support Patient Care.
V International Symposium in Knowledge Engineering,pp-139-144 Sevilla. 1992.
Barreiro, J.; Ezquerra, N; Martín, F.; Pazos, A., and Maojo, V.
Causal Reasoning in Nuclear Medicine".
V International Symposium in Knowledge Engineering, , pp.145-151. Sevilla. 1992.
Pazos, A.; Maojo, V.; Martín, F; Barreiro, J., and Hernando, A.
Integrated Computer-Based System for Medical Assistance in Emergencies.
13th IEEE Congress in Medicine and Biology, pp.1363-1364. Orlando, Florida, 1991.
IEEE in Medicine and Biology Society.
Maojo, V; Martín, F. and Pazos, A.
Knowledge Engineering Techniques in Medical Decision Making. SIAC: A Practical
IV International Symposium in Knowledge Engineering. Barcelona. Junio 1990.
Maojo, V; Martín, F. and Pazos, A.
Use of Deep Knowledge in Medical Expert Systems: SED, an Expert System in
2º Congresso Portugues de Engenharia Biomedica. Aveiro. (Portugal). Abril 1990.
Maojo, V; Martín, F. and Pazos, A.
Artificial Intelligence Methods in Medical Decision Making: Integrated System for
Medical Assistance in Catastrophes".
2º Congresso Portugues de Engenharia Biomedica. Aveiro. (Portugal). Abril 1990.
D. de la Iglesia, M. García-Remesal, A. Jiménez-Castellanos, V. Maojo. Chapter 2:
Tecnologías NBIC y Nanoinformática. Tecnologías NBIC en Salud: El papel
protagonista de la Nanociencia. Aplicación de especial interés al Cáncer Colorrectal pp
Victor Maojo, Miguel Garcia-Remesal, Diana de la Iglesia, José Crespo, David PerezRey, Stefano Chiesa, Martin Fritts, Casimir Kulikowski.
Chapter 26: Nanoinformatics: Developing Advanced Informatics Applications for
Nanomedicine. A. Prokop (ed.), Intracellular Delivery. Fundamental Biomedical
Technologies, 5: Fundamentals and Applications. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1248-5_26,
Springer Science+Business Media B.V., June 2011
Maojo V, Jimenez-Castellanos A, de la Iglesia D.Chapter 5: Translational
Bioinformatics: toward application and the point of care. Towards Openness in
Biomedical Informatics. Advances in biomedical informatics: COMBIOMED.
Universidade da Coruña. ISBN: 978-84-9749-477-9. (2011) pp 85-92
Maojo V, de la Iglesia D, García-Remesal M. Capítulo 5: Informática Biomédica en
nanomedicina: minería de textos, integración de datos y acceso a recursos. Nano, Bio,
Info y Cogno (Convergencia de Tecnologías NBIC): Conceptos y Aplicaciones. Redes
CYTED NanoRoadmap e Ibero-NBIC. Eds: Jordi Aguiló, Albert Figueras, Ana Maria
Freire, Diana de la Iglesia, Fernando Martin-Sanchez, Alejandro Pazos. Ciencia y
Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED). 2011. ISBN: 978-84-15413-00-4. pp 121 - 138
Frey Lewis J, Maojo Victor, Mitchell Joyce A. "Genome sequencing: A complex path to
personalized medicine" in Advances in Genome Sequencing Technology and
Algorithms. Artech House Publishers I; 2007:51-73. pp 53-75.
Victor Maojo, Miguel Garcia-Remesal, Diana de la Iglesia, José Crespo, David PerezRey, Stefano Chiesa, Martin Fritts, Casimir Kulikowski. Chapter 26: Nanoinformatics:
Developing Advanced Informatics Applications for Nanomedicine. A. Prokop (ed.),
Intracellular Delivery. Fundamental Biomedical Technologies, 5: Fundamentals and
Applications. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1248-5_26, ISBN-10:9400712472. Springer
Science+Business Media B.V., June 2011
Oliveira, J.L., Maojo, V., Martín-Sánchez, F and Sousa, A (Eds). Biological and Medical
Data Analysis. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics Vol 3745. Springer Verlag. Heidelberg,
Maojo, V. and Martin, F. Public Health Implications of Bioinformatics. En Kulikowski, C.
y Haux, R. (Eds) Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2004, pp.137-144. Schattauer 2004.
(por invitación)
Barreiro, J., Martin-Sánchez, F., Maojo, V. and Sanz, F. (Eds) Proceedings of the
ISBMDA 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3337. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
Babic, A., Costa, C., Olivier, JL, Voznuka, N., Oliviera, I., Storm, M., Maojo, V., MartinSanchez, F., Santos, M and Sousa-Pereira, A. Confidentiality and Security Issues in
Web Services Managing Patient Clinical and Genetic Data. Linköpings University. 2003.
Beolchi, L. Telemedicine Glossary. 2003. European Comission (contribution)
Beolchi, L. Telemedicine Glossary. 2002. European Comission (contribution)
Maojo, V.; Crespo, J.; Sanandrés, J. y Billhardt, H. Computational Intelligence
Techniques in
Medical Decision Making. The Data Mining Perspective. En Jain, L. et al
(Ed). Computational Intelligence Processing in Medical Diagnosis, pp.13-44
2002. Springer Verlag.
Crespo, J.; Maojo, V. and Martín, F. (Eds). Medical Data Analysis. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 2199. Springer 2001. Springer Verlag
Pérez Rey, D y Maojo, V. Nuevo modelo basado en Ontologías para el KDD en
Biomedicina. Dorado, J., Míguelez, M. y Pazos, A. (Eds) Ed. Alfredo Brañas. Santiago
de Compostela. 2006
Maojo, V. Nuevos avances de aplicación de la Informática Médica. En Dorado, J.,
Pedreira, N., Rabuñal, JR and Pazos, A. Bioinformatica. Ed. Alfredo Brañas. Santiago
de Compostela. 2004.
Belmonte,M., Coltell, O., Maojo, V., Mateu, J y Sanz, F. (Eds). Manual de Informática
Médica. 2003. Caduceo Multimedia.
Maojo, V y Barreiro, J. Informática médica. Perspectiva histórica y científica. En
Belmonte, M., Coltell, O., Maojo, V., Mateu, J y Sanz, F. (Eds). Manual de Informática
Médica, pp.103-114.. 2003. Caduceo Multimedia.
Maojo, V. y Pazos, A. Aplicaciones médicas de la Inteligencia Artificial. En Belmonte,
M., Coltell, O., Maojo, V., Mateu, J y Sanz, F. (Eds). Manual de Informática Médica,
pp.513-530. 2003. Caduceo Multimedia
Carnicero, J., García, M., Martín, F., Poncel, A. y Maojo, V. (Eds) Luces y Sombras de
la Información de Salud en Internet. 2002. Sociedad Española de Informática de la
Crespo, J. y Maojo, V. Sistemas Inteligentes. En Debates sobre la Salud ante el Siglo
XXI. 2000. Fundación General de la Universidad Complutense.
Maojo, V. y Crespo, J. Nuevos modelos de Atención Sanitaria basados en las
Tecnologías de la Información. En Dorado de la Calle, J. et al (Eds). El Futuro de
Internet. 2001. Ed. Fundación. Alfredo Brañas.
Maojo, V. Modelos Computacionales de Razonamiento Médico. En Ezquerra, N. y
Pazos, A. (Eds): Inteligencia Artificial y Medicina. 1994. Ed. Fundación Alfredo Brañas.
Maojo, V., Pazos, A. y Martín, F. "Gestión de las catástrofes con técnicas de
Inteligencia Artificial". En Chuliá, V.; Hernando, A. y Alvarez, R.(Eds). En Manual de
Asistencia Sanitaria en Catástrofes. 1992. Editorial Arán.
Other Publications
Victor Maojo, Fernando Martín-Sanchez et al.
The ACTION-Grid White Paper: Linking Biomedical Informatics, Grid Computing and
Nanomedicine (2010).
Available at: http://www.action-grid.eu/index.php?url=whitepaper.
Victor Maojo, Miguel Garcia-Remesal, José Crespo, Guillermo de la Calle, Diana de la
Iglesia, Casimir Kulikowski.
Open Results from Biomedical Research Projects: Where Are They ? Science Careers
Available at: http://blogs.sciencemag.org/sciencecareers/2010/05/open-results-fr.html.
May 2010
and last, but not least...
- Writing literary short stories and a blog about Science: http://www.tendencias21.net/satiras/
- Music: piano, guitar, and classical singing (with his friend, the great master Jose Manuel
Menéndez, http://www.profesordecanto.net/)