May 22, 2016 - Ascension Catholic Church
May 22, 2016 - Ascension Catholic Church
The Most Holy Trinity May 21 & 22, 2016 MAILING ADDRESS: Office Phone# : (512)321-3552 Weekend Masses: 905 Water St. Bastrop, TX 78602 Emergency: (512)549-3709 Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Domingo: 12:00 p.m. (Español) Weekday - English Only-In Chapel: Monday: 7:30 a.m. Communion Service Tuesday thru Friday: 7:30 a.m. Mass Holy Hour English 7:00 p.m. Last Thursday of Month Hora Santa-Español 7:00 p.m. Primer Jueves del Mes SACRAMENTS Baptism & Marriage: Please call the office Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:30 –4:45 p.m. or by appointment Anointing of the Sick: Upon Request SACRAMENTOS: Bautismo & Matrimonio: Favor de contactar la oficina Reconcilacion: Sabados 3:30—4:45 p.m O por cita May 29, 2016 Ascension will celebrate The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or the Feast of Corpus Christi with a procession around the church property, visiting 5 altars. The altars are being prepared by groups that represent the Ascension Congregation. This Feast dates back to 1209, with official recognition in 1261. "Why have a procession? The procession is a profession of faith: the Solemnity of Corpus Christi developed at a time when Catholics were both affirming and defining their faith 'in Jesus Christ, alive and truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist," (Homily of His Holiness Benedict XVI, June 7, 2007.)and the procession is a public statement of that belief. The procession will occur as the conclusion of the 10:00 AM Mass. Please plan to join the procession around 11:00 a.m. Station: First Station: Second Station: Third Station: Fourth Station: Fifth Station: Theme: Bread of life Nourished by Word and Eucharist Faithfully departed, purgatory Vocations, Family Faith, Hope and Love Assigned To: Liturgical Ministries Formation Ministries Hispanic Ministries Community Life Ministries Service Ministries This Week YTD Regular Collection $9,315.11 $176,920.36 Operating Expenses Children’s Collection $3,988.68 $124.50 $153,651.54 $2,576.16 PARISH STAFF\EMPLEADOS Bertha Flores Sandra Gilliland Levi Broussard Joe Alba Rosie Letendre Brian Lemelle Debbi Lowry Bernell Sample Julia Tucker Byron Appelt Tomas Silva Leroy Lott Lydia Peña Emily Kaminski Irma Vazquez Silvia Trujillo Dennis Platt Sara Barkley David Falcon Elaine Weiss David Barkley Jim Peery Joann McCoy Silvia Castillo Ramon Magaña Barbara Bienfang Arlene Does Collin Camp Doris Reed Mary Owen Lia Lopez Briana Lopez Gilbert Pacheco Warren Beauclear Ron Sebert Richard Ashline Nova Leigth Nazaria Rodriguez Pete Vigil Sandra HernandezAdame James Robertson Sara Elizabeth Collins Joyce Cheyney Lupita Vigil Makenna Wilhelm Ronnie Broce Monique Hennington Charlie Pacheco Jim Pivar Deborah Reed Arthur Rivas Josh Lopez Angela Malek Myrtle Wilhelm William Lopez Jerry Meredith Liz Hurd Sarah Ramos Benita C. Segura Amy Buettener Susana Castillo Maria Lara Rev. Ramiro Tarazona: Pastor [email protected] Bill Hobby: Deacon [email protected] Raymond Tatum: Bus. Admin. [email protected] Deborah Esquivel: D.R.E. [email protected] Priscilla Ruiz: Youth Minister [email protected] Debi Goode: Director of Liturgy [email protected] Kathy Venzon: Bookkeeper [email protected] Steve Urrutia: Maintenance [email protected] Sue Tellez: Secretary [email protected] Youth Mass Building Fund $3,981.91 $7,3083.12 Thank you for your faithful Stewardship of our Parish and for your generous donations MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS DIRECTORY Altar Servers: Nicole Herring - [email protected] Altar Society: Dora Castañeda [email protected] Baptism: Rita Dickman—[email protected] Casitas: Virgil Almogabar—[email protected] Choir: Raymond Tatum—[email protected] Evangelization: Tessy Dorantes—(512)848-4420 Extraordinary Ministers: Debbie Moore (225)802-4702 Finance Council Chair: Reid Sharp Guadalupanas: Maria Silva—[email protected] Hispanic Ministry: Robert & Aida Casillas (512)581-7336 Knights of Columbus: Mike D’Antonio— [email protected] KOCA: Mary Szelag—[email protected] Lectors (English): Debi [email protected] Lectors (Spanish): Oswaldo Toj—[email protected] Men’s Fellowship: Virgil Almogabar— [email protected] Nursing Homes (weekdays) Dan Krischke— [email protected] Pastoral Council Chair: Robert Casillas (512)581-7336 Prison Ministry: Dan Krischke- [email protected] Sacristans: Generosa Lowden (512)321-3552 Sandwich Ministry: Steve Venzon Spanish Choir : Ismael Vences (512)850-1922 Women’s Fellowship: Ginger Morris [email protected] Ushers: Jose Gonzalez—(512)633-0162 $0.00 $285.66 MEETINGS AND GATHERINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon. May 23rd: 6:00 p.m.: CRSP Men Spanish-Hall Tuesday. May 24th: 6:00 p.m.: CRSP Women-Hall, RE204 7:00 p.m.: Men’s Group-RE103 7:00 p.m.: Women’s Group-RE104 7:00 p.m.: Rey Jesus-RE Meeting Room 7:00 p.m.: Carismaticos-RE102 Thursday, May 26th: 9:00 a.m.: Devocion de la Sangre Preciosa-Chapel 6:00 p.m.: Legion de Maria-Old Parish Offices 7:00 p.m.: Holy Hour English-Chapel 7:00 p.m.: Movimiento Conyugal-RE203,205,206 Friday, May 27th: 8:00 a.m.: Eucharistic Adoration 7:00 p.m.: Carismaticos-Parish Hall Saturday, May 28th: 6:00 a.m.: 3:30 p.m.: Pro Life: Charles Elliott— [email protected] Funeral Food Coordinator: Putzie Martin [email protected] CRSP Hombres: Edwin Montenegro (512)748-8003 CRSP Mujeres: Veronica Sanchez (512)466-1580 Matrimonios Conyugal: Fransisca Ramirez (512)844-2340 Sandwich Ministry—Hall Confessions Altar Flowers for this weekend: 45th year Anniversary of Larry & Hazel Foor Honor someone by donating Altar Flowers Cost: $45 Mass Intentions and Daily Readings Mon. May 23rd 1 Pt 1:3-9\Mk 10:17-27(347) Communion Service Tues. May 24th 1Pt 1:10-16\Mk 10:28-31(348) †Eugenia Benedicto Wed. May 25th 1 Pt 1:18-25\Mk 10:32-45(349) For all the priests Thur. May 26th 1 Pt 2:2-5,9-12\Mk 10:46-52(350) †Maria Romero Fri. May 27th 1 Pt 4:7-13\Mk 11:11-26(351) †Bonifacio Renteria Sat. May 28th Jude 17, 20b-25\Mk 11:27-33(352) 60yr Anniversary of Barbara & James Jochetz Sun. May 29th Gn 14:18-20\1 Cor 11:23-26\Lk 9:11b-17(169) 8: Francelina Jerez 10: †Thelma & †George Bousquet 12: †Jesus Zamora K thru 4th grade June 6, 7 , 8 9:00 a.m. to Noon Fun In the Son 5th thru 7th grade June 13, 14 , 15 9:00 a.m. to Noon GOSPEL MEDITATION In today’s Gospel, Jesus says the Holy Spirit will guide us “to all truth.” What are you doing in prayer and in your spiritual life to cultivate the path to truth? Is it time to start or is it time to try something new? En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús dice que el Espíritu Santo nos guiará "a toda verdad"¿Qué está haciendo en oración y en su vida espiritual para cultivar el camino de la verdad? ¿Es tiempo de comenzar o es tiempo de intentar algo nuevo? ASCENSION PARISH WILL BE HOSTING A BLOOD DRIVE ON: SUNDAY, JUNE 12 8:00 a.m. TILL 1:30 a.m. GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICO Los invitamos a la oracion, alabanza y compartimiento de la palabra de Dios todos los Viernes de 7:00—9:00 p.m. Para mas informacion llame al: (512)845-4148 o (512)947-3170 Electronic Giving is a convenient, consistent way to help our church grow. Consider scheduling a recurring electronic contribution today. It’s easy! You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis. Get started today! Ask for an authorization form in the church office. SPECIAL INTENTION Add your father’s name to the special intention list for June 18 & 19, 2016. The names will be included in the father’s day blessing via the parish bulletin. Registre el nombre de su padre en la lista de intenciones especial de Junio 18 & 19, 2016. Los nombres seran incluidos en la bendicion especial por medio del boletin. SPECIAL HEALING MISSION WITH PAUL RYMNIAK June 6, 7, & 8 starting at 7:00p.m. St. Mary of the Visitation 205 W. Pecan Lockhart, TX 78644 (512)398-4649 TRINITY SUNDAY The mystery of the Trinity invites us to understand that God though one, is relational in being. God is love and love creates relationship. By baptism, we are brought into relationship with God and each other so that we can embody God’s dynamic love to the whole world. How are we being called to bring God’s healing love to our corner of the world this week? DOMINGO DE TRINIDAD El misterio de la Trinidad nos invita a entender que Dios, aunque uno, es relacional en ser. Dios es amor y el amor crea la relación. El bautismo nos lleva a la relación con Dios y con los otros para que podamos encarnar la dinámica de Dios de amor hacia el mundo entero ¿Cómo estamos siendo llamados a llevar la sanación de Dios a nuestra esquina del mundo esta semana? VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH- APRIL Lawrence Hernandez has been a dedicated member of Ascension Catholic Church for more than 25 years. He can routinely be seen volunteering at our church festivals as well as generously donating items to the auction. You will see Lawrence at the 8:00 and 10:00 Masses as your usher, greeting everyone with a good morning or howdy and a smile. He has been an usher for several years. He ensures that everything is ready for Mass. Lawrence implemented the small gift given to first time visitors to our congregation. First time visitors receive a small cross as a gift for visiting our parish and he purchases these items with his own money. This open act of hospitality is just what our parish needed to make families welcome in our church. His dedication and commitment has been appreciated by all. VOLUNTARIOS DEL MES DE ABRIL Lawrence Hernández es miembro de la parroquia de Ascensión por más de 25 años. Ha sido voluntario en los festivales de la Iglesia y tambien generosamente da articulos para la subastas. El ha estado encargado del ministerio de los acomodadores particularmente de la Misa de las 10:00 a.m. Su cortesia y amabilidad son su reflejo de su ministerio. Lawrence implemento un pequeño detalle ofrecido a las familias que vienen por primera ves a nuestra parroquia. Este ministerio de hospitalidad es lo que nuestra parroquia necesita para que las familias se sientan acojidas y bienvenidas en nuestra parroquia. Su dedicasion y compromiso es un jesto Cristiano pero tambien un ejemplo para todos nosotros. WORD OF LIFE: “[M]any assisted reproduction technologies also cause the destruction of human life. This fact is seldom explained to a couple before the various procedures begin.” — Infertility” “Muchas tecnologías de reproducción asistida también causan la destrucción de la vida humana. Este hecho raramente se explica a una pareja antes que comiencen los diversos procedimientos”. — “Infertility (Infertilidad)” I wish to congratulate all graduates on your success! May God's graces be with you as you step ahead towards your dreams God Bless you always! Father Ramiro AD SPACE AVAILABLE CONTACT PARISH OFFICE (512)321-3552 William M. “Willie” Piña BASTROP COUNTY COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 1 804 PECAN STREET BASTROP, TX 78602 [email protected] Rent The Mansion at AD SPACE AVAILABLE CONTACT PARISH OFFICE (512)321-3552 OFFICE: 512-581-4001 DIRECT: 512-332-7295 Frontier Bank of Texas “Know You By Your First Name Banking” Member FDIC Wedding Receptions Quincaneras & Parties Martha Granger 512 944-2112 Wanda Rucker, Mgr. 1500 Chestnut St. Bastrop, TX 78602 512/303-6000 6-7p.m. Buffett 50/50 Drawing 7-10pm Casino - Silent Auction STATE FARM 815 HWY 71 WEST LORI TUGGLE, AGENT 512-581-3939 JAMES ALLEN, AGENT 512-581-3535 CONCRETE & MORE BASTROP THRIFT STORE 1202 Pine St. 512-321-9819 Monday 9-12:30 Wednesday 9-5 Friday 9-12:30 Saturday 9-12:30 Women Working Together Against Poverty Call the store to volunteer or become a member DONATIONS NEEDED Find us on Facebook/ LOCThriftStoreBastrop Sammy Lerma III, MD Family Medicine Serving Texas Families for over 20 years and now in two locations! 1109 Church St Bastrop, TX 7862 Foundations, drive-ways, retainer walls, sidewalks, & other concrete work. Metal building erector FREE estimates Daniel (830)637-0403 428 South Main Elgin, TX 78621 (512)321-3311 Accepting same day appointments Discount for uninsured. PARISHIONER Please patronize our advertisers and let them know you found them through our Sunday bulletin.