management plan for balearic boat seines - STECF
management plan for balearic boat seines - STECF
MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR BALEARIC BOAT SEINES October 2012 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 2 de 69 1. Introduction This Management Plan (MPBBS) focused on the traditional seines “jonquillera” and “gerretera”, has the aim in one hand of fulfilling what is requested in the article 19 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 of 21 December 2006 regarding management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea, amending Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1626/94, and in the other hand, to provide scientifica and technical support to the request for exceptions due to the accomplishment of certain technical measures described in articles 9 and 13 of the mentioned Regulation previously mentioned. The exception requested is based on the fact that local fishing modalities such as jonquillera and gerretera are mono specific, and they use in the sack a lower mesh than those established for this kind of fishing equipment and that they are drawnt at a shorter distance from the coast and in lower depth waters than allowed by the Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006. This MPBBS has been structured according to the article 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy Management plan for Balearic boat seines 3 de 69 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 4 de 69 2. Aims The first aim of MPBBS is to ensure the long term sustainability of transparent goby and lowbody picarel fisheries. In this sense, MPBBS establishes appropriate levels of reference for the yield of the fleet, as well as management measures agreed with the sector, aimed at reducing the pressure on the stock if the reference values are not attained. As a second aim, MPBBS provides for the reduction of the percentage by weight of bycatch species. The achievement of this objective is considered very realistic with the addition of the measure reflected in section 4 of the Draft Decree establishing the Management Plan for the traditional boat seines in the waters of the Balearic Islands included in this document. With the implementation of this measure is expected a reduction approximately from present 6% to 3%. This will further ensure the monospecific feature of the fishery and its little or negligible impact on the rest of fishing species exploited by other modalities in the area. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 5 de 69 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 6 de 69 3. Target species The traditional boat seines of Balearic Islands operate on two gobid species and the lowbody picarel, changing with season and island. 3.1. Target species of jonquillera boat seine 3.1.1. Transparent goby Aphia minuta (Risso, 1810) Local common name: jonquillo Spanish common name: Chanquete Description: Elongated goby, with laterally compressed body. Many sensory papillae are located on the head, which is big, but does not present oculo-scapulars channels. Big mouth with a single row of teeth in the lower jaw. Lateral series of between 18 and 20 cycloid and very deciduous scales; naked nape and predorsal area. Pelvic disk full, elongated in males. In the Mediterranean it does not exceed 60 mm in total length and despite being semi-transparent, shows a brown-yellowish pattern of background with small dark spots along the base of the second dorsal, anal fins and head. Distribution and biology: Mediterranean, including Black Sea, and Eastern Atlantic from Norway to Morocco. Nectonic and gregarious species of benthic habits when it reproduces and living on detritic bottoms from shallow water coastal up to about 100 m depth. Is a shortliving species which dies in their first year after its reproduction in winter. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 7 de 69 3.1.2. Ferrer’s goby Pseudaphya ferreri (De Buen & Fage, 1908) Local common name: Cabotí, cabot Spanish common name: Roseti Description: Elongated goby, with laterally compressed body. Big head with oculo-scapular and pre-operculum channels present and many sensory papillae. The mouth, also big, has a single series of small teeth without conspicuous canines on the lower jaw. Body covered with ctenoid scales, between 25 and 30 in the lateral line, present also in the predorsal area. The scales are cycloid in the ventral area located between the head and the abdomen. Complete pelvic disc. Semi-transparent and darker background coloured than Aphia, shows some faint orange spots around the body and a series of lateral dark spots that culminate in a black stain, largest and very conspicuous on the caudal peduncle. If it dies out of the water, shows an orange background coloration that distinguish it from the pale yellowish transparent goby. It grows to a size of 3.5 cm total length (males); females mature from 2.6 - 2.7 cm long Distribution and biology: Mediterranean endemism, abundant in the Western Basin and the Adriatic, reaching Israel and Egypt in the Eastern basin. Nectonic and gregarious in detritic coastal bottoms. In Balearics is frequent between december and april forming large shoals. Predates mainly on small planktonic invertebrates. Reproduces in June. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 8 de 69 3.2. Target species of gerretera seine. 3.2.1. Lowbody picarel Spicara smaris (Linnaeus, 1758) Local common name: Gerret Spanish common name: Caramel. Description: Elongated body (total leght about 5 or 6 times the height) cylindrical and slightly compressed, which becomes laterally compressed with age in males. Pointed head with a small and characteristically protractile mouth, with small and corneous teeth. The dorsal fin, of uniform height, is high and more developed in males. Ctenoid scales, with between 75 and 81 in the lateral line. Sexual dicromatism: males with bright grey-bluish back, with blue, green and yellow spots especially on the odd fins and head. Females are less colourful with dark brownish back. When excited, both sexes show wide and dark transverse bands on the flanks. The belly is silver and both sexes have a very characteristic rectangular black stain on the flanks. The mediumsized males rarely exceed 20 cm in total length and females 16 cm. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 9 de 69 Distribution and biology: The species is, sensu lato, endemic from the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, present also in the Atlantic coasts of Morocco and Portugal. Nectonic habits, it forms large banks who roam near the bottom. Prefer the coastal detritic bottoms associated or not to seagrass beds, and coastal detritic bottoms to 100 m depth. Is a protogynic hermaphrodite, which breeds from March to May in the Balearic islands (Lozano, 1953). Males excavate a nest in the sandy bottom, which defend against intruders and where females lay eggs. Feeds on zooplankton. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 10 de 69 4. Boat seine modalities in Balearic Islands (jonquillera and gerretera) Artisanal fisheries have been since ancient times an important activity in the Balearic Islands. It is variable and multispecific, exploiting the resources of opportunistic way in certain forms. However, there is a fairly definite pattern of rotation that associates the modality with the season of the year, which is repeated annually. Considering the most important artisanal fisheries, and especially on the island of Majorca, the transparent goby or jonquillo (Aphia and Pseudaphia) fishing from December to March, the red lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) from April to August and the dolphin fish (Coryphaena hippurus) from September to November; therefore creates a fishing cycle linked to the biology of the major species. There are also other important artisanal fisheries as the cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) from February to May, gerret d’ artet lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris) from December to April, the Red Rock mullet (Mullus surmuletus) from July to November and the palangró (small bottom longlines) which exploits different species of high commercial value like grouper, sea-bream, dogsteeth, etc. (Epinephelus marginatus, Sparus pagrus, Dentex dentex, etc.), mainly from September to December but with less seasonality than other modalities. All these fisheries can be combined at the discretion of the fishermen that are conditioned by the market, environmental conditions, the evolution of catches, the significant increase in some not exploited populations, etc. The fishing with the present boat seines began, probably, from the fishing of littoral fishes with primitive beach seine, evolving later to gears such as the artet or bolitx, for boat or beach, respectively; in the Balearic Islands there are documented references on this type of gear since the 16th century. Occasional catch of transparent goby and lowbody picarel led design of special nets, by adjusting the mesh of the sack for each species and arming the network for not to drag on the bottom but just only brush it, that led to the current boat seine gears: the jonquiller o xarxa jonquillera (for transparent goby) and artet de gerret or gerreter (for lowbody picarel). Management plan for Balearic boat seines 11 de 69 Although in the past they might have been probably used in all the major islands, today they are restricted to Mallorca for the jonquillera and, in the case of the gerretera to the Pitiusas (Ibiza and Formentera) and, occasionally, Mallorca. In Menorca the use of the jonquillera is already documented in the early 20th century but nowadays is not used anymore. The antiquity and tradition of these arts is considered a fundamental feature to request the protection of these modalities in the waters of the Balearic Islands. 4.1. Jonquillera 4.1.1. The fishery of transparent goby (jonquillo) with the jonquiller As a consequence of the presence of coast shoals of Aphia and Pseudaphya during winter and early spring, part of the artisanal fleet of Mallorca focuses on its capture. Every year they begin this modality (more than thirty in average in the last ten years) and the number of them that keep the activity throughout the season depends on greater or lesser abundance of the resource and the success of their catches. It must be considered that the seasonal occurrence of the resource of the jonquillo is a relief for other resources, notably those exploited with trammel nets or coastal longlines, because boats undertaking boat seine fishing cannot combine it with any other gear. The target of this fishery are the adults of the transparent goby, and though the Spanish name is "chanquete" has nothing to do with the currently prohibited fishing larvae and juveniles of clupeiformes that took place years ago in the Spanish Mediterranean south coast region (area of Málaga) in a similar way to the Italian “bianchetto”. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 12 de 69 The shoals are located with sonar and distinguished from other groups such as Clupeidae or carangids, through the dropping of a stone in the middle of the shoal: If they don’t flee and are located again in the same then are pelagic gobies and fishermen proceed to the fishing action. The seine is dropped forming a circle around the shoal and then the ropes are slowly and balanced pulled recovering the net. There is a slight drag of the seine which forces the fish to concentrate and eventually enter in the sack. All this procedures make this fishing highly selective, considering that, moreover, the fishermen are not interested in to catch other species because it lowers prices, given the difficulties of the separation of this small size species. It also contributes to the selectivity that, sometimes, the concentration of resources in large schools implies that a single net dropping can obtain captures enough to reach the maximum daily catch established by local legislation. The maximum daily quota is regulated through annual regulation and in recent years has been 30 Kg for transparent goby or 50 Kg if mixed with Ferrer’s goby. These daily catch quotas have more a commercial purpose than a regulation of the fishing effort, because of an stabilization of market prices as there has not been any significant decrease in unloadings, which could suggest that the stocks might be in danger of overexploitation. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 13 de 69 The small size of the species, as well as the selectivity aim and results of catches justify the authorisation of the fisheries administration of smaller mesh size than the established for this kind of gear in Regulation 1967 / 2006. 4.1.2. Location of transparent and Ferrer’s goby fisheries This fishing can be undertaken on detritic coastal bottoms in the entire archipelago, but the species are more frequent at the bays of Palma, Alcudia and Pollença where the fishing activity is concentrated, and also in the SW coast of Mallorca and Cabrera Archipelago. While specimens of transparent and Ferrer’s goby have been found in areas of deep platform, fishing takes place exclusively in sandy bottoms from 10 to 40 meters deep approximately. 4.1.3. Classification of transparent goby boat seine The local name for this gear is jonquiller or xarxa jonquillera. Is a boat seine composed of three main parts (wings, sleeve and sack) made of six pieces of net of about 25 m length, with a decreasing mesh as it approaches the sack, called "randa". Wings, attached to the sack, are about 90 meters in length and consist of four parts also with decreasing mesh towards the sack. The top headline is armed with corks and the bottom with leads. The height of the art when in action is 7 metres. The nets used are mesh ranging from 40 mm to 3 mm. The base material is nylon. The net is dropped forming a fence around the area to be traced and is retrieved from the anchored boat by pulling the ends from bow and stern. This fishing is performed on sandy, detritic or flat rock bottoms (Llabrés et al., 1984), unlike trawl nets, lower part of the gear just slightly brushes the bottom surface, so it does not have a detrimental effect on it, because the aim is to get a clean catch. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 14 de 69 The number of boats capable of practicing this fishery is of approximately 90 artisanal Mallorca boats. 4.1.4. Selectivity of jonquiller boat seine This section contains the results of the study of selectivity of the gear made by Brunet in 2004, as well as a study on selectivity and yields with rhombic and square mesh of 40 mm made by the Oceanographic IEO-Centre of Balearic Islands in 2002. These reports studies the selectivity of the boat seine subject of this plan of management in relation to the target species (proportion by weight of each of them and distribution of sizes), as well as identify and determine the importance of bycatch and discards, when part of the capture is returned to the sea during the fishing operation. Brunet’s study (2004 and 2007) show the composition of the catch obtained in 141 hauls made by professional boats over 46 fishing days. The average proportion of target species was 89% in weight (with a range from 56.5% to 99.8% by net dropping). It must be taken into account that the weight per individual of the bycatch species is generally much higher. In number of individuals, target species always exceed 99% of all the studied net droppings. By-catch belong to 56 species of 29 families, mainly sparids of little commercial value. The study concludes that the selectivity of the art is very high and is related to the loss of economic value of the catch if it includes other species. The capture of other different species implies to spend time selecting them. During this selection time fishermen cannot perform new hauls. Furthermore, the fishing operation (haul) must be done on sandy or detritic bottom, the target species habitat, and avoiding rock or Posidonia bottoms to prevent the damage of the gear, which also contributes to its selectivity. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 15 de 69 4.1.5. Catch Evolution There exist accurate data per boat and day since 2002. The reliability given to this figures is the maximum, according to the data collected in the first sale or unloading fish markets. The evolution of unloads of transparent goby catches over the last 40 years is shown in the following graph, and has been made with data from diverse sources. The marked fall in the 1994’s season cannot be attributed to overfishing since in 1993 just a little amount of the stock in the Alcudia Bay was fished. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 16 de 69 Because of lack of information regarding the demography of the species we have considered as abundance index the average performance (CPUE) of the fleet dedicated to its capture. We have taken as effort unit the number of boats and fishing trips. The addition of other components to the effort brought no significant effect. The size of the boat or the power of the engine does not add information to this analysis, probably because the fleet is relatively homogeneous. There are small differences in length and, although horsepower differences are a bit more important, it should be noticed that the powerful boats do not have higher daily yields or more trips per season. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 17 de 69 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 18 de 69 The average monthly daily catch by boat during the last 10 years is summarized in the following chart. Regarding the evolution through the year, we can observe that the average yield increases from the beginning of the season to reach a peak in January and February. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 19 de 69 Although the catch per unit of effort is related to the total catch (of which there is a more complete record) the correlation is bad (R2 = 0.33), so it is not a good data to estimate the CPUE. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 20 de 69 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 21 de 69 4.1.6. Stock size and fishing mortality 45,00 40,00 CPUE mensual (Kg/barca dia) 35,00 30,00 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 25,00 20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00 0,00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Captura acumulada (T) The graph shows the results of the Leslie linear depletion model (which is the most conservative), where the Stock size is always above 47 T. It is often observed a yield increase in the first two months, so the first and second point of each season (December and January) have been removed from the graph. The evolution of the CPUE shows that some years the capture effort has no effect on accumulated catches (zero or negative slope), and the model is not applicable. Season 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Capture (T) 12,5 16,9 26,6 31,6 24,9 9,4 15,8 40,1 24,6 20,2 4,4 Management plan for Balearic boat seines Average Kg/boat day 31,0 31,5 33,6 37,5 32,2 22,3 28,7 28,9 22,5 24,4 17,0 22 de 69 Stock (T) % of stock captured 95 18% 58 59 47 54% 42% 20% 59 41% The table shows that a maximum of 54% of the Stock was captured in the 2004-2005 season. However, on the following season, a stock of 59 T is calculated, showing that the capture by the artisanal fleet has little or no effect on the next season. Anyway, the figure of 40 T is adopted as maximum annual catch per season. Following the management standards proposed for the rosetto fishery, a monthly threshold reference value of CPUE (Kg per boat and day) has been defined, corresponding to the first quartile (25% percentile) of the data of the graph on page 20. Dec Jan Feb Mar Management plan for Balearic boat seines 1st quartile CPUE (Kg/boat day) 15,59 23,20 25,46 21,10 23 de 69 4.2.1. The fishery of lowbody picarel with the gerretera or artet Spicara smaris is very abundant and it was appreciated in the Balearic Islands, that’s what probably led to the development of the gerretera boat seine. Its acceptance has been decreasing over the past decades. According to the historical data series, there are records of catches since 1980. Already in those years was considered as one of the most important species of the Balearic Islands fishing in terms of the volume of catches. "During the day the shoals are captured with purse seine gear, while at night, when they stay on the bottom, they are caught with towed gear". "There is a very specific art of the Balearic Islands, mainly on the island of Ibiza, destined for the catch of this species which is the artet". This paragraph comes from the document "The marketing of the Balearic Sea fishery products" published by the European Institute for Permanent Advice in 1991. 4.2.2. Location of gerretera fishery. Lowbody picarel fishery with boat seine is developed in the Pitiusas islands of Ibiza and Formentera, where it came from probably because in these islands the purse seine is not allowed since decades. It is occasionally practiced at the North of the island of Majorca, in the bays of Pollença and Alcúdia. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 24 de 69 4.2.3. Classification of lowbody picarel boat seine The boat seine for lowbody picarel is locally named gerretera or “artet de gerret”. It is 200m long, divided in three parts. It is made of pieces of net of decreasing mesh from 50 mm in the sides till decreasint till they reach 3 mm in the sack. The top headline is provided with floats and the lower is provided with weights.The fishing method and operation of the gerretera is similar to the transparent goby boat seine and performed on usually sandy or detritic bottoms since they do not produce tears or any damage on the net. The estimated amount of boats which are capable to practice this fishing method are about 12-15 boats in the Pitiusas. Thus, according to the definitions in the article 2 of Council Regulation (EC) N. 1967 / 2006 jonquiller and the gerretera can be classified both as "boat seines". 4.2.4. Gerretera boat seine selectivity There are no field studies on the selectivity of this fishing gear. Sale notes have been studied instead. Through these records, the composition by species of the catch obtained by artisanal boats that captured gerret can be found out. Non-target species landed by the same boat on the same day are boat seine catches, since it is not possible to be fish with gerretera and with trammels or longlines at the same time. The data obtained are shown in the graph and it is the result of 92 unloadings performed by boats of the Pitiusas Islands from 2002 to 2011. Total catch was 7 Tm and were made from December to March in 42 days. As it is shown in the figure, the target species is the main part of the catch (94% of weight). The first non target species is the mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus), underexploited in Balearic Islands and, in second place, squid (Loligo vulgaris). Management plan for Balearic boat seines 25 de 69 4.2.5. Evolution of catches It has been studied the volume of catches by atisanal fishing boats per year and per first sale fish market for those species that can only be captured with this kind of boat seine. This study took place in the three first sale fishing markets of: Ibiza, Sant Antoni and Formentera. There have been different criteria for the classification according to fishing market. In the case of the Formentera data are scarce, with years without catches. Data are shown in the following three figures. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 26 de 69 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 27 de 69 FAO codes: SPC, Spicara smaris; PIC Spicara spp.; ATB Atherina presbyter y SIL, Atherynidae Catches are grouped in the months of winter and early spring. Since the publication of the Decree 17 / 2009, fishing with boat seine is banned from April to September. The following figure shows that there is a clear trend to the reduction of catches, which more clearly affects the trawl fleet. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 28 de 69 4.2.6. Effort and yield Seems proved that the fishing effort throughout this decade has been decreasing for the artisanal fleet, even though the average yield is mantained. The maximum was about 15 T at the beginning of the reported period. The average CPUE per season has a range from 46 to 80 Kg/boat and day without any clear trend. Season Capture (Kg) 2001-2002 15.485 2002-2003 14.257 2003-2004 12.822 2004-2005 8.846 2005-2006 12.049 2006-2007 10.966 2007-2008 6.791 2008-2009 5.531 2009-2010 8.961 2010-2011 6.781 2011-2012 4.575 Management plan for Balearic boat seines Effort (boat day) 211 229 200 178 171 139 147 89 123 85 82 29 de 69 Mean CPUE (Kg/boat day) 73,4 62,3 64,1 49,7 70,5 78,9 46,2 62,1 72,9 79,8 55,8 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 30 de 69 4.2.7 Stock size and reference point for management The depletion model can not be applied because it is a long-lived species, in which the recruitment must be considered and especially the mortality due to be fished with other fishing equipment (trawl) which is quantitatively much more important than this particular boat seine, the gerretera. Putting into practice the proposed management model for the rosetto fishery to the available data (table), monthly reference threshold values of CPUE (Kg per boat and day) has been defined, corresponding to the first quartile of the data show in the figure. Nov Dic Ene Feb Mar Management plan for Balearic boat seines 1st quartile CPUE (Kg/boat day) 18,7 47,9 64,4 65,2 50,9 31 de 69 4.3 Regulations on boat seine gears in the Balearic Islands For decades this fishing activity has been legally covered by regulations of the Balearic Governement, developed by decrees, orders and resolutions of the competent Departement in fisheries matters, published in the Official Gazette which are listed below. Council Regulation (EC) N. 1967/2006 establishes restrictions on fishing gear which requires the publication of a management plan, with the aim of preserve certain fishing activities in present conditions, the only viable for some fishing modalities. These include the Balearic Islands boat seines which have transparent goby, ferrer’s goby and lowbody picarel as target species. The regulation of this modality began in 1985 when, through a Resolution and a Decree, put the basis of the jonquillo and the gerret fishing respectively. • Resolución del Conseller de Agricultura y Pesca, de día 21 de octubre de 1985, por la que se establece la obligatoriedad de una autorización expresa para la pesca de Aphia minuta Establishes a fishing period from Deceber to March for transparent goby. Fishermen organizations must report a list of boats that will undertake the activity. • Resolución de día 13 de diciembre de 1993, por la cual se regula la pesca del jonquillo “Aphia minuta mediterránea” (De Buen, 1931), cabotí “Pseudaphya ferreri” (De Buen et Fage, 1908) “Crystallogobius linearis” (Von Düben, 1845) y especies asociadas para la temporada 1993/94. Establishes a 50 Kg quota by boat and other measures of control and reduction of the effort. It includes additional measures for the Bay of Alcudia. • Orden del Consejero de Agricultura, Comercio e Industria, de 15 de diciembre de 1998, por la que se declara una zona de veda para la pesca del jonquillo (Aphia minuta L.) y especies afines en la Bahía de Alcudia (Mallorca). Ban the transpareny goby fishing during two years in the the Bay of Alcudia. • Decreto 17/2009, de 6 de marzo, por el que se establece un plan de gestión para la pesca con artes de tiro tradicionales en aguas de las Illes Balears Defines the types of gear, the characteristics of boats that can practice this type of fishing and the maximum extent of the fishing season. Dates, fees and authorized boats will be established each season through resolution of the Fishing DirectorateGeneral. • Resolución de la Directora General de Pesca de 14 de octubre de 2009, por la que se regula la pesca con artes de tirada tradicionales en aguas de las Illes Balears durante la temporada 2009-2010. Establishes period and quota and includes the official list of authorized boats. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 32 de 69 • Resolución de la Directora General de Pesca de 5 de octubre de 2010 por la que se regula la pesca con artes de tirada tradicionales en aguas de las Illes Balears durante la temporada 20102011. As the previous one, sets the period, quotas and census of authorized boats. • Decreto 49/1985, de 23 de mayo, que regula la pesca del caramel en aguas interiores del Archipiélago Balear Authorizes fishing of lowbody picarel with traditional gears. Set the minimum size for the species by 11 cm Marine reserves and protected areas • Real Decreto 941/2001, de 3 de agosto, por el que se establece el régimen de protección de los recursos pesqueros del Parque Nacional Marítimo-Terrestre del Archipiélago de Cabrera. Includes transparent goby boat seine as one of the authorized gears in the Cabrera Archipelago National Park. • Orden de la Consejera de Agricultura y Pesca de 1 de septiembre de 2006, por la que se regulan las actividades a desarrollar en la reserva marina de la Bahía de Palma, comprendida entre el Club Náutico de s'Arenal y el cabo Regana. Expressly authorises fishing with jonquiller boat seine in the Palma Bay Reserve. • Decreto 21/2007, de 23 de marzo, por el que se establece la Reserva Marina del Llevant de Mallorca. Expressly authorises fishing with jonquiller boat seine in the East Mallorca Reserve Management plan for Balearic boat seines 33 de 69 5 Request for an exception in the Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 for Balearic boat seines jonquillera and gerretera. Traditional boat seines in the Balearic Islands belong to those defined in article 2 of Council Regulation (EC) N. 1967 / 2006 as "boat seines" (definition 1.a.ii), for whom the countries may allow exceptions regarding the minimum mesh size (article 9.7) and the minimum distance from the coast (article 13. 5). 5.1 Request for an exception to the minimum mesh size The exception regarding what is stipulated in the article 9.3 for boat seines justified by the high selectivity of these boat seines fisheries and with the no significant effects on the marine environment which does not involve dragging on Posidonia beds. By the fact of being considered as “tugged nets”, they are subject to the rules of article 9 on “minimum mesh size”, specifically to the 9.3 and they should respect the same minimum mesh size as bottom trawling , even though these fishing equipment are authorized since it came into force the Decree 49/1985, the Resolution of Agriculturre and Fishery Minister of the Balearic Islands from October 21st of 1985, and the Resolution of 25 November 1987, for a minimum mesh size at the end of the sack which allows to retain catches of species which do not exceed in its adult stage a cylindrical section of few centimeters. The justification for this small mesh size is quite simple: the target species are small sized and catches are always mono-specific. The Article 14 of Council Regulation (EC) N. 1967/2006 envisages that boat seines can be used till the 31st of May 2010 since it has been being used according to national law which came into force before the 1st of January of 1994 (Decree 49/1985, of the 23rd of May, which regulates the fishing of the lowbody picarel in the interior waters of the Balearic Archipelago, Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Balearic Islands Government of the 21st of October of 1985, which states the obligation of obtaining an express authorisation for fishing the transparent goby and the Resolution of 25th of November 1987 regulating fishing of transparent goby (Aphia minuta Risso) and related species for the 1987/88 season). As it is required by the Regulation, the traditional Balearic boat seines fulfill the following requirements: 5.1.1 Fisheries being highly selective Depending on the season and the area, the jonquiller boat seine and the gerretera boat seine are used exclusively for two types of catches. In the island of Mallorca, from December 15th to April 30th, it is traditionally allowed to fish the transparent and Ferrer’s goby. Meanwhile in the Pitiusas Islands, from November 1st to April 30th, the fishery is pointing to the of lowbody picarel shoals. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 34 de 69 The fishing operation is quite simple: once located, the shoal is surrounded with the sides of the net, dragging it slightly to concentrate fish in the sack which is finally hoisted on board helped by a winch. Almost a 100% of the total catch is composed by the target species, consequently discards are non-existent. In addition, the selectivity is a necessary condition to make this type fishing profitable, since as it has been explained in section 4.4, the capture of species not objective entails a loss of effectiveness. 5.1.2 Fisheries having a negligible effect on the marine environment Once surrounded the fish, the net is momentarily trawled on the bottom. By imperatives of the fishing equipment conservation and to ensure a profitable practice, fishermen always try to avoid that the net trawls over the bottom or even brush on the hard rock or Posidonia, which would make the net useless. In any case, the proposal of Decree requires that this fishing operation is carried out exclusively on sandy bottoms and that it does not trawl over the bottom. Frequent inspections ensure that the fishing operation is already being performed in this way. Example of the use of jonquillera seine. Notice that the gear is operated on sandy bottom Management plan for Balearic boat seines 35 de 69 Although it is always desirable to establish restrictions on catches as a conservation measure, in the case of the transparent goby, because of the initiative of the own fishermen associations quotas per boat per day have always existed. These measures are kept in the MPBBS for all species subject to this regulation in application of the principle of caution and to guarantee prices. 5.1.3 Fisheries may not be affecte by what is ruled in the Article 4 section 5 of Regulation Traditional balearic boat seines operate on sandy bottoms. Because of this, they are not affected for what is planned on the article 4.5 regarding small trawling boats wich operate on seagrass beds. 5.2 Request forn an exception regarding the minimum distance from the coast Target species are usually catched of litle depths. The classification of the jonquiller and gerretera as "boat seines” subclass of "tugged nets" and these as "tugged fishing gears", makes them to be affected by paragraph 1 of article 13, regarding minimum distances and depths for the use of fishing equipments which banns "tugged fishing gears" modalities within 3 nautical miles to the coast or within the 50 m isobath if that depth is reached at a shorter distance. To fulfill this rule totally clashes with the fishery of the jonquiller and gerretera boat seine fisheries and would make them completely unviable. In accordance to this situation, the exception is requested with regarding the minimum depth and minimum distance from the coast, since traditional Balearic boat seines fulfill what is decreed in the points 5 and 9 of the article 13 of the Regulation, as it will be explained below. Point 5 of the same article 13 considers this possibility for certain cases. Regarding the traditional boat seines of the Balearic Islands, and according to the possibilities listed in that point, the exception is justified for the following reasons: 5.2.1 Fishery has no significant impact on the marine Environment This issue has been justified above 5.2.2 Fishery affects a limited number of boats The management plan plans a limitation on the number of licences according to a census with a maximum of 60 boats. The detailed census is shown in the corresponding section. 5.2.3 Fishery cannot be undertaken with another fishing gear Management plan for Balearic boat seines 36 de 69 There is no other regulated fishing gear in the Spanish Mediterranean which, by its structure, technical characteristics and mesh, can capture so small species, in particular transparent and Ferrer’s goby. The fishing grounds are small. Mainly because of the limited size of the continental platform and the spatial distribution of the transparent goby, that is confined to certain coastal areas to depths less than 50 m. On top, the fishery cannot be performed with other fishing gears, does not have a significant effect on protected habitats, and it is very selective, since the boat seine operates in the water column without getting in touch with the seabed, as the gathering of seabed material would damage the target species and would make it virtually impossible the catch gathering because of its very small size. In the case of gerret or lowbody picarel, his capture is also possible with trawling nets, but the use of square mesh required by Regulation 1967/2006 has caused a significant reduction in the catch of that species, so the boat seine has become the only viable way for specific capture of lowbody picarel. Specifically, in 2002 (Massutí, Pomar, Guijarro and Guardiola) proved in a pilot study of selectivity of trawl rhombic and square 40mm mesh in Mallorca waters, that significant differences were recorded in yields, which were much lower for the square mesh for lowbody picarel. A later study (Ordines, Massutí, Gujarro and Mas 2006), confirmed the significant reduction in catches of lowbody picarel with the square mesh. 5.2.4 Fishery will be subjected to a management plan The Chapter 6 of the present document contains the Management Plan for Balearic Boat Seines. The possibility of an exception, according to the planned Management Plan, also fulfills the prescriptive conditions of paragraph 9 of the same article 13. 5.2.5 To be an authorised activity before the regulation came into force The activity is regulated since 1985 by Resolution of the Local Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, of October 21st of 1985 which establishes the obligation of an express authorization for transparent goby fishing, and the Decree 49/1985, of May 23rd, which regulates the fishing of lowbody picarel in interior waters of Balearic Archipelago. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 37 de 69 5.2.6 Authorized boats must have a track record in the fishery of more than 5 years The previously mentioned Resolution already established an obligation for the fishermen associations of sending a list of boats which practiced this kind of fishing. Since then, every year, all the boats have been registered in the census. On the other hand, the information regarding the fist sale notes, collected since 2001 according to the Council Regulation (CEE) No 2847/93, allows putting into practice objective criteria regarding this condition. The boats which perform the jonquiller and gerretera modalities are boats registered under the typology of artisanal boats in the Official Census of Spanish Fleet. The Council Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 of 12 October 1993 providing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy, makes it compulsory for the first time the issueing of the first sale note for the fishery products. Despite the fact that this Regulation plans that the Commission may exempt boats of less than 10 m of the submission of first sale notes, in the Balearic Islands has always been considered that these small boats must fulfill the same requirements as the rest of the fishing fleet. The modernization of the whole fish markets of the Balearic Islands, and the management developed by the fisheries administration, have allowed that since 2002 more complete notes of sale records are available that include this type of boats. In any case, if necessary, records in paper of previous years are also available. 5.2.7 Fishing effort shall not be increased The MPBBS provides a maximum tonnage, power and number of this type of fishing boats. Also states periods and maximum daily catch for all the target species. 5.2.8 Other conditions set in article 9 In addition, Balearic boat seines fulfill, as it is set in the article 13, the article 4 of the Regulation (protected habitats), article 8.1. h (mesh size under 40 mm for bottom trawlers), also fulfills the article 9.3.2 (regarding the replacement of the 40 mm square-meshed net), because the exception has been also requested in the previous section, and also in the article 23. The characteristics of this kind of fishing, allowed periods, regulation and control of fisheries inspection carried out on the activity of the modalities of balearic boat seines, which will be increased with the implementation of this MPBBS, guarantee that the catches of annex III are minimal and do not target cephalopods. Finally, due to the nature and size of the target species, the boat seine fishery does not compete with any other fishing gear that can capture them since there are no other fishing gears that can capture them. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 38 de 69 5.3 Similar fisheries authorized by the European Union 5.3.1 Fishery of sardine fries caught with boat seine. The article 15 of the Regulation of Mediterranean fisheries provides that marine organisms that do not reach the minimum size specified in annex III (from now on referred as "undersized marine organisms") shall not be caught, retained on board, transhipped, landed, transported, stored, sold, displayed or offered for sale. However point 3 of the same article sets an exception to sardine fry landed for human consumption if its capture has been performed with boat or shore seines and the capture has been authorized according to the national regulations set in a management plan, laid down in article 19, conditioned to fact that the population of sardines were between safe biological ranges. The traditional Balearic boat seines are use the same kind of fishing gear than those authorized by the Regulation for the fishing of sardine fry. However, the jonquiller captures mainly adults, and the rules and regulations regarding the gerretera seine imposes a minimum size of 11 cm to the lowbody picarel. It should be noticed that transparent goby has two generations per year, but only one of them is exploited. 5.3.2 Meditarranean sandeel fishery with sonsera seine in Catalonia. Traditionally practiced in the Catalan coast and its targeted on Mediterranean sand eel (Gymnamodytes cicerelus and G. semisquamatus, and in lesser extent on the transparent goby and the crystal goby) with a seine gear in the shallow waters over sandy bottoms where these species often form large shoals. It is performed from May until December 15th by artisanal boats of less than 73.5 KW of power. There is a draft of the Management Plan of this fishery which first aim is to ensure annual catches of 400 T for the whole fleet of the Catalan coast and the reduction of the by-catch from the 6% to 3%. 5.3.3 Rosetto fishery in some areas of italian waters (GSA9 Zone) Traditionally practiced in the coastal regions of Liguria and Tuscany (Western Mediterranean) and its target is the transparent goby (Aphia minuta) with a seine type gear in the shallow waters over sandy bottoms where the species form large shoals. It is performed from November until March by artisanal boats. The rosetto management plan has the aim to ensure sustainable fishing of transparent goby for the whole fleet. The European Union has adopted a derogation provided in the Council Regulation (EC) N. 1967 / 2006, by the Commission Implementing Regulation 988/2011 of 4 October 2011. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 39 de 69 6 Management Plan 6.1 Condition assessment of the populations According to the article 6 of the Regulation 2371/2002, the management plans will include all the conservation reference points which will be used to estimate the maintenance of the population in those ranges. The letters a) and d) of the point 2, article 5 will be enforced. In general it can be said that there is no concrete information regarding the stocks neither of transparent goby nor of lowbody picarel from the western Mediterranean Sea, or in case it exists, this is incomplete. In fact, it can not be discarded that the stocks of such species in the Balearic Islands (GSA5 zone) shall be considered as independent from the stocks of the continental coast as for some authors (Oliver, P. 1993) “the existence of geographic barriers which separate the continental shelf from the Balearic Islands justifies a separated treatment of these demersal stocks to manage them.” In the case of the transparent goby we could still find some information or studies about its biology such as the one from La Mesa, Ameri, Caputo and Iglesias (2005) which – about the western Mediterranean Sea- says that “the transparent gobby it’s an annual specie that lives less than a year, with a maximal length of 60 mm. The breeding phase is quite long and the spawning happens at least twice during its life circle. It spends the most of its life in the water column as a planktotrophic being which feeds itself from little copepods”. “Characterized for having a pelagic phase while larval, an aggregates phase while youth and a demersal phase, made by adults which migrate to the shore in spring having a wider and more disperse distribution when they get closer to the bottom.” We can also find other studies which are geotropically closer such as the one of Iglesias and Morales-Nin (2001) where they point out that “Aphia minuta has two annual cohorts in the West Mediterranean Sea, corresponding with the autumnal spawning. Meanwhile the summer cohort, corresponding to the spring spawning, grows and reproduces in much deeper areas, nor being an objective for the fisheries. This information has been directly validated through the information received from other areas.” So then, transparent goby and other pelagic gobies have two generations in one year, one which would be susceptible of being fished and a not available or not fishable one. This particular biology makes it extremely difficult to monitor and to estimate these populations. An indirect method of estimation of relative representation, are the sales data are calculated from the first sale notes regulated by Regulation (CEE) Nº 2847/1993 of the Council, from the 12th of October of 1993 which establishes a control system to be applied to the common fisheries policy. These allow us to estimate that, in the Balearic Mediterranean, we are facing a population which is not so affected by the fishing effort and therefore does not require a recovery plan, the primary purpose of Management plan for Balearic boat seines 40 de 69 management plans regulated by Regulation 2371/2002, as transparent goby or lowbody picarel are not considered out of biologic safety thresholds. There exist, as it has been proved, many variables which make it more difficult to get the parameter of the fishery of transparent goby. This, as short life specie, has a similar behaviour to the little pelagic fishes and its annual abundance or scarcity depends a lot of times on mortality not linked to fishing activity. The water temperature, clime and weather conditions which determine the food contribution are variables that affect the presence of shoals close to our coasts. Thus, after several years of low abundance of this specie, we can observe a sudden increase in the populations which induced the sector to limit the fish catches in order to avoid that the market prices get so low. Such density oscillations of transparent goby population density have been noticed by fishermen, the fishing sector and the fishery Administration for many years so we can not consider that the fishery of this specie is under any kind of risk because the decreasing in the population has no relation to the fishing effort. Unfortunately, in the case of the lowbody picarel, the available bibliography regarding its population and its life circle in the Western Mediterranean is not up to date. The most complete work is the one made by Lozano-Cabo (1953) which was used as a reference to develop the regulation about the maximum size (Decree 49/1985). In any case, for both fisheries, all the data will be registered in the daily forms by the authorised skipers, collecting the information about the fishing area and other aspects such as the non target species, timetables and crew. 6.2 Estimation of the impact of the traditional boat seines of the Balearic Islands over the marine ecosystems. The Balearic coast main characteristic is to have a huge amount of marine phanerogams (Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera noltii). In addition to the EU and Spanish regulations, the sea grass fields of the Balearic Islands are as well protected by actual the fisheries regulations. In 1993, the Agriculture and Fishery department published the Order from 21 st of September which regulates fishing, aquaculture and shell fishing over the sea grass fields of the Balearic Islands, banning fishing, shell fishing or aquaculture practices which might cause any disturbance or destruction on the marine phanerogam. The law 5/2005, from the 26th of May, for the conservation of environmental relevant spaces, include some articles regarding the management and protection which can be applied for species and habitats included in the Natura2000, where the Posidonia oceanica fields are named as priority interest habitat. This law settled a disciplinary regulation regarding any aggression over this habitat which can be qualified from low to very severe fault. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 41 de 69 However, as the fishery of the transparent goby with the boat seine (jonquiller) is always made on sand fields and low depth, reaching sometimes the beach shore, there is no possibility to interact with any marine seagrass beds. Actually, if the net would touch in any possible moment the plant or the bottom, it would harm the target specie and the seine. In the case of the lowbody picarel, even if it is fished in detritic bottoms close to those which are inhabited by the marine phanerogam field, the seines are dropt in the water column, without getting in touch at any moment with the marine bottoms, so the recollection of the net with the material from the bottom would harm the target specie as well as the seine. Despite of this, since 2006, it is available for everybody the cartography of the Posidonia oceanica and other phanerogam species. This cartography, as well as the management plans for some Sites of European Community Interest (SCI) with the priority habitat fields of Posidonia oceanica, is available in digital format in the official websites and . The location and cartography of the phanerogam fields guaranties that this way of fishing in the authorised areas does not have a negative impact on this habitat. 6.3 Technical measures for the sustainable management This management plan’s main aim is to establish the necessary technical measures to guarantee a sustainable fishery. The main goal lays on keeping the actual fishing levels, which according to the history of fish catches remains between sustainable ranges, avoiding an increase of the effort because of a hypothetical increment of authorised boats. Another aim pursued with this regulation is to avoid the discard due to a better estimation of certain fish sizes and avoid the use of the seines to catch species which can just be caught using different fishing modalities to the ones which are authorised through this management plan. 6.3.1 Data collection regarding performance The fisherman brotherhoods will collect daily this data, which will be regularly sent to the Balearic Marine Resources Service. This Service will supervise the quality of the data and will issue a yearly report about the status of the fishery which will include the estimation of the season’s CPUE and, if it’s necessary, a suggestion to update the reference value based in the best scientist information possible. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 42 de 69 6.3.2 Closures A minimum closure period will be established for fishing the jonquillo or transparent goby (Aphia minuta), and Ferrer’s goby (Pseudaphya ferreri) with the seines (jonquiller) between May the 1st and 14th of December. A minimum closure period will be established for fishing the gerret or lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris) with the seines (artet de gerret o gerretera) from April the 30th to the 31st of October. The closure periods will be extended or the week fishing days will be reduced to four if average catch per day in three consecutive seasons is under the reference point value. 6.3.3. Quotas a) The maximal quotas per boat and species and day will be the following ones: - Jonquillo or transparent goby: 30 kg - Cabotí or Ferrer’s goby: 40 kg - Gerret or lowbody picarel: 200 kg In all cases, the quota to be applied to the catch, when the catch is mixed, will be the quota of the majority species. b) Despite of the daily quota for the Gerret or lowbody picarel, the maximal weekly quota will be set on 600 kg per boat. c) The maximal quota per season will be 40.000 kg for the whole group of gobidae. If this quota is exceeded the season will be closed till next season. d) The maximal quota per season will be 10.000 kg for the Gerret or lowbody picarel. If this quota is exceeded the season will be closed till next season. e) The minimal CPUE values for the Jonquillo or transparent goby (Considering CPUE values as monthly average of catches per boat and day) are established as follows: December 15,59 kg, January 23,20 kg, February 25,46 kg and March 21,10 kg. In case that the observed value would not reach the minimum CPUE established value, one fishing day per week will be reduced in the week fishing plan. If once this measure is adopted and in the next month the minimum CPUE values are not recovered, the fishery will be closed for the whole month. Values for April are not set because there is no further possible measure to be adopted, because the season would be already over. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 43 de 69 The minimal CPUE values for the Gerret or lowbody picarel (Considering CPUE values as monthly average of catches per boat and day) are established as follows: November 18,7 kg, December 47,9 kg, January 64,4 kg, February 65,2 kg and March 50,9 kg. In case that the observed value would not reach the minimum CPUE established value, one fishing day per week will be reduced in the week fishing plan. If once this measure is adopted and in the next month the minimum CPUE values are not recovered, the fishery will be closed for the whole month 6.3.3 List of authorised boats - All the boats which want to participate in the fishing with traditional seines will have to enrol themselves in the annual census managed by the General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment which is closed every year on the 15th of September. - To be enrolled, the boats must prove that they usually fish with the seines; they must be registered in the Census of the Operative Fishing Fleet as craft fishing boats; to be based in the Balearic Islands and fulfil the following technical characteristics: - Overall length: less than or equal to 12 m. - Tonnage: less than or equal to 12 GRT. - Power: less than or equal to 198.5 KW. - The fishermen’s brotherhood will be in charge of yearly sending to the General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment a list of the associated boats with intention of fishing with the traditional seines. - Yearly, the proficient General Directorate will update with a Resolution the list of the authorized boats for craft fishing with seines. - The maximum amount of censed authorized boats will be limited, while this management plan is active, to the result of the enforcement of the conditions provided in the MPBBS. The total amount of registered boats can not be in any case higher than 80. In the same way, the total tonnage can not go over 600 TRB and the addition of their power over the 7,353 KW. Nevertheless, and according to the evolution of the Balearic navy it is difficult that the can get over the 60 units. - With the aim of homogeneize the sizes of the boats included in the census, those new coming boats and the new constructed ones as a result of the modernization of any of those included in the census, will not have an overall length over the 12 meters nor over a power of 198,53 kW. 6.3.4 Structure and sizes of the seines The jonquillera is a kind of seine made of six pieces of net with a length of around 25m, with a decreasing mesh which is correlatively lower as you get closer to the bottom, called “randa”. The sides, which begin from the sack, have a length of around 90 meters and are made of 4 pieces that have also a decreasing mesh the closer you get to the sack. The top headline is provided with floats and the lower is provided with weights. The high of the seine when it is in action is of around 7 meters. It is made of three main parts (top headline, beam, and sack) and it is because of the way that it is used that it can be named as a seine. The types of net used have a mesh size from 40mm in the sides, decreasing as it gets to the sack. The lower and upper Management plan for Balearic boat seines 44 de 69 ends consist of a headline made of weights and anotherone made of floats, which together create the entry of the beam. The artet or gerretera boat seine is a towed gear with a total length of about 200m, made of of three parts, like the jonquillera. The main difference between them is that the artet’s mesh starts from 50 mm in the sides and decreases till the end of the sack. The method of fishing and working the fishing gear is quite similar to the jonquillera. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 45 de 69 6.4 Regulatory Decree of the Management Plan Once this Plan has been approved, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Territory of the Authonomic Government of the Balearic Islands will proceed to publish the decree that incorporates the legal prescriptions provided in this management plan. According to this versión of the Management Plan, the Decree would be as follows: Decreee XXX/2012 which stablishes a Managemente Plan for the traditional boat seines in the Balearic Islands waters. Fishing with traditional boat seines is regulated by Decree 17/2009 from 6th of March, seting a Management Plan for the traditional boat seines in waters of the Balearic Islands. The General Director for fisheries, through yearly Resolutions, sets the quotes, seasons; authoritzed ports for unloading the catches and publishes the list of authorised boats. The Council Regulation (CE) No 1967/2006 from 21st December 2006 regarding management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea, amending Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1626/94, establishes the adoption, compulsory for the States, of management plans for fisheries using trawls, boat seines, seines, purse seine and dredges within their territorial waters. Such management plans are the indispensable tool for those fisheries which, because of their special characteristics or environment where are developed, require a specific regulation and the application of certain exceptions considered in the Council Regulation (CE) N. 1967/2006. The approval by the European Commission of these exceptions is conditioned to the fact that in the management plans are considered aspects related to the reduction of the effort, or, at least, the commitment of do not increase it, and the conservation of marine ecosystems, among others. In the Balearic Islands is a tradtition to use of the jonquillera and gerretera boat seines, for the capture of the transparent and Ferrer's gobies (Aphia minuta and Pseudaphia ferreri) and lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris), respectively. For the socio-economic importance of this matter and its possible effect on other fisheries, it seems appropriate to establish specific regulation for fishing with such fishing gears, which should take into account, on one hand, the results of the scientific monitoring, and on the other hand, the socio-economic aspects, as well as the opinion of different affected fishermen's associations This Decree incorporates the measures envisaged in the Management Plan for the traditional balearic boat seines approved by the European Commission on date xx/XX/XXXX (MPBBS). This plan provides, among other measures, measures to prevent fishing for transparent goby or "jonquillo" (Aphia minuta) during the summer Management plan for Balearic boat seines 46 de 69 and fall, thereby ensuring that one of the two annual reproductive periods of the species is safe from exploitation. Also introduces measures for the management of the fisheries of the lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris). In addition, it incorporates mechanisms to implement measures for the protection of the resource by the restriction of effort if so advises it the monitoring indicators. The measures aimed at the limitation of the effort are also specified in requirements of prove that they usually fish with the seines, boat length, and maximum power required to boats wishing to perform this fishing. Thus, as set out in the current Decree 17/2009 from 6th of March, which establishes a Management Plan for traditional boat seines in the Balearic Islands waters, to enroll in the Census of fishing fleet as artisanal boats must fulfill the technical characteristics specified in this decree. The total length should be less than or equal to 12 m, the Gross Register Tonnage must be less or equal to 12 GRT, and the power less or equal to 198.53 KW. The primary objective of this Management Plan is the maintenance of the current level of exploitation which, according to the historical record of catches is kept within the margins of a sustainable exploitation, avoiding the increase of effort caused by a hypothetical increase in the tonnage and the power of authorized boats. It is also the aim to avoid the use of the fishing gear for the capture of species reserved for other fishing gears different to those authorized in this Management Plan. Consequently, after the proposal from the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Territory, of Autonomic Government of the Balearic Island, consulted the Advisory Council and considered by Government Council in XXXXX session, Decree: Article 1. About the application This decree will be applicable to all the licensed boats for the mode of fishing with traditional boat seines (jonquillera and gerretera or artet) that develop their activity in the waters of the Balearic Islands. Article 2. Fishing permissions and census of authorised boats 2.1. Are allowed to practice the artisanal fishing with traditional boat seines those boats registered in the official census of the operational modalities of artisanal and bottom longline fishing fleet that demonstrate to perform this modality regularly, before the year 2007, by means of the appropriate official records of sales notes they. 2.2. In addition, the boats will have to fulfil the following technical features: - Total length: less than or equal to 12 m. - Gross Register Tonnage: less than or equal to 12 TRB. - Power: less than or equal to 198.5 KW. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 47 de 69 2.3. The number of registered boats will not exceed 80. Also, the sum of their Gross Register Tonnage shall not exceed 600 GRT and the sum of its power 7,353 KW 2.4. With the aim of homogenize the dimensions of the census boats, those new boats and those of new construction for modernization of some of those belonging to the census, may not exceed 12 metres in length overall (Et) or 198.5 KW of power. Article 3. Transfer of fishing rights 3.1 If the owner of a boat with special fishing permit for fishing with traditional boat seines retires it of the official census of the operational fleet, the single permit can be transfered, at the request of the shipowner, to a boat with the same shipowner, and which does not exceed the maximum dimensions for modality. 3.2 Where the shipowner with a special fishing permit for fishing with traditional boat seines requested the transfer of such permission to another boat, this just may be granted if it fulfills the same conditions as in the previous point in terms of ownership and technical characteristics of the boat. Article 4. Catches 4.1 The only species authorised for fishing with jonquillera are transparent goby (Aphia minuta) and the usually companion species Ferrer’s goby, mediterranean sandeel and crystall goby (Pseudaphya ferreri, Gymnamodytes cicerellus and Crystalogobius linearis). 4.2 The only species authorised for fishing with artet or gerretera is the lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris). 4.3 Fishing with traditional boat seines shall not be combined with any other fishery during the same day. If an authorized boat wants to engage in other fishing activities, the fishing gear must be landed. 4.4 The boat seine target species are those mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article and companions. Any non-target or companion species captured alive individual must be immediately returned to the sea. 4.5 The General Directorate of Rural and Marine Environment shall set the quotas for target species through yearly resolution based on the yearly report of the Marine Resources Service following the provisions of the MPBBS. Maximum quotas by species and boat are as follows: 4.5.1 Transparent goby: 30 Kg per boat and day from December 15th to April 30th. 4.5.2 Ferrer’s goby: 40 Kg per boat and day from December 15th to April 30th. 4.5.3 Lowbody picarel: 200 kg per boat and day with a maximum of 600 kg per week from November 1st to April 30th. In all cases, the quota to be applied when the catch is mixed shall be the one of the majority species. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 48 de 69 Article 5. Annual fishing license 5.1 The boats which want to perform the traditional boat seines must sign up in the annual census that manages the General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment which shall be closed on September 15th of each year. 5.2. The fishermen brotherhood will be in charge of yearly sending to the General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment a list of the associated boats with intention of fishing with the traditional seines. 5.3. Yearly, the General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment will update with a Resolution the list of the authorized boats for craft fishing with seines. 5.4. The maximum amount of censed authorized boats will be limited, while this management plan is active, to the result of the enforcement of the conditions provided in the MPBBS. Article 6. Closures and unloading authorised ports 6.1 A minimum closure period is set for fishing the jonquillo or transparent goby (Aphia minuta), and Ferrer’s goby (Pseudaphya ferreri) with the seines (jonquiller o xarxa jonquillera) between the 1st of May and the 14th of December. 6.2 A minimum closure period is set for fishing the gerret or lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris) with the seines (artet de gerret o gerretera) from the 30th April to the 31st of October. 6.3 The boats authorised for artisanal fishery with traditional boat seines must depart, arrive and unload the catches in the ports associated to the fishermen brotherhood which have special authorisation regarding this kind of fishery. 6.4 The General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment will set through an annual Resolution the concrete closure dates, being possible to extend this period if the monitoring data suggest it following the provisions of the MPBBS. This Resolution will set the maximal quota and the fishing ports authorised to unload and will include an appendix with the year census of boats authorised to fish with traditional boat seines. Article 7. Departure form The skippers of the authorised boats will fulfill a fishing form which will be provided by the General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment. The form will be handed to the Fishermen’s Brotherhood everyday that they depart with the fishing equipment of the boat seine, if they catch something or even if they do not catch anything. The Fishermen’s Broterhood will send these forms to the Marine Resources Service. The non fulfilment of this duty by the skipper will mean the loss of the permission. Article 8. Timetables 8.1 This fishery can just be practised from Monday to Friday. Further limitations can be adopted by Resolution following the provisions of the MPBBS. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 49 de 69 8.2 From the 15th of December to the 30th of April in the jonquillera boat seine case and from the 1st of November to the 30th of April in the gerretera boat seine case, the departure time form the port of the allowed artisanal boats for jonquillera and gerretera boat seines with these fishing equipment will not be arlier than 6:00 AM. 8.3 The jonquillera and the artet boat seines can not be drawn before the daybreak. 8.4 The arrival to the port of the authorised boats must be done before 14:00 h. Article 9. Areas and bottoms authorised for the use of jonquillera and gerretera boat seines. 9.1 Jonquillera and gerretera boat seines can just be drawn over detritic bottoms. It is prohibited to use them over Posidonia oceanica beds. 9.2 Jonquillera and gerretera boat seines can not be drawn over depths higher than 30 meters. 9.3 The use will not be allowed in any case over beaches frequented by bathers or swimmers when there presence is proved or where it could be a danger for them. 9.4 It must be avoided during the whole fishing operation that the net would strongly drag over the bottom. Article 10. Structure and sizes of the boat seines The structure and sizes of the jonquillera and gerretera boat seines are described in the appendix of this Decree. Article 11. Monitoring The General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment will guarantee an apropiate scientific supervision of the management plans because of being species of a short vital cycle. For this reason the measures included in this plan will be reviewed annually in order to consider the possible evolution that might take place in the intensity of the recruitment. Article 12. Sanctioning regime Violations committed against what sets this Decree shall be punished in accordance with the Law 3/2001, from 26th of March, of Maritime fishery of the State. Sole transitory provision Despite the klimitations of length and power provided in article 3.3. may join initially the census all those boats which exceed the limits laid down for such technical characteristics which have the license for boat seines on the 31st of may 2010 and fulfil all the other conditions laid down in the MPBBS. Repealing provision The Decrees 17/2009 from 6th of March, which establishes a management plan for the traditional boat seines fising in waters of the Balearic Islands, and 49/1985 from 23rd of May, which regulates the fishing of lowbody picarel in the waters of the Balearic Archipelago are repealed, as well as any regulations of lower rank which are against this one. Final disposal Management plan for Balearic boat seines 50 de 69 This Decree will come into force the day after its publication in the Official Bulletin the Balearic Islands. Appendix The jonquillera is a kind of seine made of six pieces of net with a length of around 25m, with a decreasing mesh which is correlatively lower as you get closer to the bottom, called “randa”. The sides, which begin from the sack, have a length of around 90 meters and are made of 4 pieces that have also a decreasing mesh the closer you get to the sack. The top headline is provided with floats and the lower is provided with weights. The high of the seine when it is in action is of around 7 meters. It is made of three main parts (top headline, beam, and sack or crown) and it is because of the way that it is used that it can be named as a seine. The types of net used have a mesh size from 40mm in the sides, decreasing as it gets to the sack. The lower and upper ends consist of a headline made of weights and anotherone made of floats, which together create the entry of the beam. The artet or gerretera boat seine is a towed gear with a length of about 200m, made of of three parts, like the jonquillera. The main difference between them is that the artet’s mesh starts from 50 mm in the sides and decreases till the end of the sack. The method of fishing and working the fishing gear is quite similar to the jonquillera Management plan for Balearic boat seines 51 de 69 6.5 Implementation of the Management Plan As it was previously mentioned, even though there are few scientific monitoring data of the target population for the jonquillera modality, the analysis of the evolution of the unloadings of transparent goby and lowbody picarel in the ports of the Balearic Islands allow us to extrapolate in valid way that the jonquillera fishery is in the security ranges. This management plan will be valid for 3 years. During this period the General Directorate of Rural and Marine Enviroment will test yearly (article 19.3 of the Regulation 1967/2006) the status of the populations in order to guarantee the sustainability of the fishery as it is exposed in the point 6.3.1. Besides of this, it will be specially analyzed the evolution of the CPUE in the high season (till January for thansparent and Ferrer’s gobies and till March for lowbody picarel), as is explained in 6.3 section. Minimum values for CPUE will be set for both Jonquillo or transparent goby and Gerret or lowbody picarel (Considering CPUE values as monthly average of catches per boat and day). In case that the observed values would not reach the minimum CPUE established values, one fishing day per week will be reduced in the week fishing plan. If once this measure is adopted and in the next month the minimum CPUE values are not recovered, the fishery will be closed for the whole month. Besides of this measure, if once the season is closed and the studies and yields of it are proved not to be as good as expected, supplementary measures for next season might be adopted such as: - Reduction of the quotes Reduction of the number of authorized vessels Extension of the closures Prohibition of fishing one or more days during the week In the case that the yield remains under the treshold for more than two seasons, it will be forbidden to use the boat seines in the affected areas for at least one year. This kind of measures have been backed up by the sector, which already in 1998 pushed a closure when they faced a fall in the catches in the Alcudia Bay. 6.6 Inspection, control and population monitoring plan As it has been described along the MPBBS, the balearic fishery Administration is clearly aware of the need of a control on these fishing gears, qualified as boat seines. Even though the transparent goby and the lowbody picarel fishery, because of the small size of their fishing equipment and because of the little amount of allowed boats can never be a big problem when interacting with other fisheries, we are aware that we must keep a close control regarding the precepts set in this MPBBS. Because of that, the administation will make controls with some of the mechanisms that are available nowadays such as: - Collect the daily information provided by the skippers of the authorised boats. Together whith the analysis of the information of the first selling notes will Management plan for Balearic boat seines 52 de 69 - - allow us to estimate the CPUE, number used as the index of abundancy for the target species. Inspections and controls of the activity made by the fishery inspectors. This inspections and controls will be held in the sea from the fishing inspection boats, in the ports when the boats arrive, in the fishing markets while the auction process and also while the road transport to the markets, shops and restaurants. Comprobation of the registries of the first selling notes. The Balearic Islands Administrations have developed application to automatically detect the non-fulfilment of some of the precepts of this MPBBS. Specifically, controls are made on the daily auctioned catches by the authorised boats, checking methodically the possible non-fulfillment regarding the maximum catches and the maximum percentatges of bycatch. In these controls would be generated, if necessary, informative reports that whenever it would be legally possible, would lead to the corresponding penalising file. It is necessary to make a scientific monitoring plan in the way to collect the information regarding the biology of the target species of this MPBBS in order to mark out the actual status of explotation of this resource. That is the reason whyit is planned the monitoring of the fishery “in situ” by technicians on board who will study the volume and composition of the by-cath and will at the same time make a sampling of the catches in order to get biological data (first maturity size, reproductive season, etc), supplemented with the monitoring of environmental factors (temperature, salinity, etc). Management plan for Balearic boat seines 53 de 69 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 54 de 69 7 Aspectos socioeconómicos 7.1 Introducción y generalidades Las Illes Balears es una Comunidad autónoma perteneciente al Estado español, estado miembro de la Unión Europea. Situada al este de la Península Ibérica, el archipiélago balear ocupa un territorio de unos 4.984,6 Km2, con una franja marítima de unos 1.400 Km. La pesca de artes menores o artesanal ha sido desde la antigüedad una importante actividad social y humana en las Islas Baleares. Constituye una actividad variable y multiespecífica que en algunas modalidades explota los recursos de manera oportunista. No obstante, hay un patrón de rotación bastante definido que asocia modalidades de pesca con estacionalidad. Así, considerando las pesquerías artesanales más importantes, resulta que el jonquillo -Aphia y especies accesorias asociadas (Pseudaphia, Cristallogobius, Gynnammodytes)- se pesca desde diciembre a marzo, la sepia (Sepia officinalis) desde febrero a mayo, el gerret de artet o gerretera (Spicara smaris) de diciembre a abril, la langosta roja (Palinurus vulgaris) desde abril a agosto y la lampuga (Coryphaena hippurus) desde septiembre a noviembre. Existen así mismo otras pesquerías artesanales importantes como la del salmonete de roca (Mullus surmuletus) desde julio a noviembre y la de palangrillo de fondo, que explota diferentes especies de alto valor comercial como el mero, el pargo, el dentón etc., fundamentalmente de septiembre a diciembre aunque con una estacionalidad menos marcada que las otras modalidades. Estos datos se demuestran al aparecer, en los estudios socioeconómicos, el transparent goby como la especie de arte de tiro más pescada y de mayor rendimiento comercial de las Illes Balears en el primer trimestre de cada año. Sin embargo, el estudio y evaluación socioeconómica se realizará sobre los artes de tiro y no sobre la jonquillera o la gerretera, dado que tal y como se indicó al principio de este plan de gestión son artes muy similares que merecen ser evaluados conjuntamente para tener una idea global de su verdadera repercusión socioeconómica. 7.2 El sector pesquero en las Illes Balears 7.2.1 Análisis macroeconómico. En la actualidad, en las Illes Balears viven poco más de 1,1 millones de habitantes, sin contar la población flotante que representa el turismo. La producción pesquera final (pesca+acuicultura) del año 2010 se situó en 28.738.918 Euros. En cuanto al número total de embarcaciones pesqueras, el número total se sitúa en 412, empleando a 673 tripulantes. El sector de agricultura, ganadería y pesca representa el 1,022 % del PIB Balear. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 55 de 69 7.2.2 Análisis sectorial. El sector pesquero en las Illes Balears cuenta con una flota de 412 embarcaciones para un total de 673 personas como tripulación, según los datos estadísticos de finales de 2010. La principal modalidad es la de artes menores, que con 348 embarcaciones representa el 83% de embarcaciones que operan en las Illes Balears y que ocupan al 58% de de los pescadores. Esta modalidad está orientada a la captura de diversos recursos litorales y es en este capítulo donde se encuentran las embarcaciones dedicadas a la pesca con artes de tiro. Otras modalidades son la de arrastre de fondo, que con 50 embarcaciones representa casi el 12% de las embarcaciones de pesca profesional y emplea un 33% de los pescadores que faenan en aguas Baleares. A mayor distancia encontramos la modalidad de cerco con 9 embarcaciones (2,15% del total), palangre de fondo con 5 embarcaciones (1,2% del total) y palangre de superficie con 3 embarcaciones (0,72% del total). De entre las 348 embarcaciones dedicadas a las artes menores, 36 participan en Mallorca de la pesca del transparent goby, y otras 8 en Eivissa, Formentera y Mallorca de la pesca del lowbody picarel. Es significativo el dato que ofrece el mantenimiento de la actividad a lo largo de los años en el caso del transparent goby. Así, de acuerdo con los datos de los años 2002 y 2003, se puede apreciar que en esos años, 30 embarcaciones de artes menores se dedicaron a la pesca del transparent goby, mientras en 2010 ese número se incrementó hasta las 36. El dato más relevante sin embargo es que de las 30 que ejercían su actividad en 2002-2003, 15 siguen en activo, mientras que otras 21 son embarcaciones nuevas (construidas con la licencia de otras viejas), lo que muestra una tasa de renovación de la flota superior al 50%, demostrando que esta actividad está viva. En cuanto a las embarcaciones que pescan lowbody picarel, de las 15 embarcaciones que existían en 2002-2003, únicamente 8 de ellas están activas en la actualidad, habiéndose producido una única incorporación en los últimos años. En cuanto a las embarcaciones que ya no pescan jonquillo pero que siguen en activo, el número total es de 10 embarcaciones, lo que muestra que la tasa de “cambio” de arte es de un 30%, respecto a la tasa de renovación del 50%. Según el Libro Azul de la pesca balear (1989) el número de embarcaciones dedicadas entonces a la pesca del transparent goby era de 47, con una eslora media de 8,3 m y una potencia de 43 KW. A diferencia de las pesquerías de lanzón del norte de Europa donde las capturas van destinadas en su totalidad a la transformación industrial para la producción de harinas y sus derivados, en las Illes Balears existe un mercado de pescado fresco de transparent goby y lowbody picarel que mantiene la aceptación entre los consumidores. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 56 de 69 7.2.3 Nivel de capturas y precio medio. Según el Instituto Español de Oceanografía “los desembarcos de transparent goby representan un valor aproximado del 4,5% anual de la captura comercializada en el centro de venta de capturas de toda la isla de Mallorca, la lonja de Palma”. En cualquier caso no hay que olvidar que la pesca de transparent goby y lowbody picarel en las Illes Balears es una pesquería local, que pese a la importancia económica que representa para el pequeño colectivo de pescadores, no deja de ser insignificante respecto a las pesquerías gestionadas por la UE en el norte de Europa donde, en lugar de las casi 43 toneladas de jonquillo y lowbody picarel que se pescaron en 2009 destinadas al consumo en fresco, y que marcan el máximo de captura, se están desembarcando, tal como se ha mencionado anteriormente, 400.000 Tm/año, con destino al engorde de otras especies animales a través de su transformación en harinas. El transparent goby es la novena especie en valor en Baleares. En 2010 supuso 415.000 € en primera venta y un 2,0 % del total, un 5,6 % si se consideran sólo las especies de peces. Su importancia económica es muy grande si tenemos en cuenta que se trata de las capturas obtenidas sólo por la flota artesanal de Mallorca en un periodo de cuatro meses y medio. Su peso económico ha ido aumentando en los últimos años como puede verse en la gráfica de la figura 2. Fig. 2 Pese a no disponer de estudios exhaustivos sobre el stock de lowbody picarel en las costas de las Illes Balears, el volumen de capturas, de acuerdo con los registros de ventas en lonja desde 2002 a 2010 varía entre las 285 Tm en 2005 y las 209 Tm en 2011. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 57 de 69 La especie ocupa el decimotercer puesto en ingresos por primera venta en Baleares (460.000 € en 2010), aunque es su mayoría procede de capturas con arte de arrastre, en particular con artes de malla rómbica (en uso hasta 2010). La importancia relativa de las capturas con gerretera debe estudiarse en relación con los desembarcos efectuados en puertos de las Pitiusas porque el uso de este arte en Mallorca es anecdótico. El volumen de capturas de esta especie por parte de la flota artesanal de Ibiza y Formentera, en comparación con las capturas de los arrastreros, se muestra en la figura siguiente. Su importancia relativa ha ido en aumento y es de esperar que la tendencia se consolide a medida que la flota de arrastre vaya adoptando la malla cuadrada. En la figura siguiente se muestra la importancia relativa de las capturas de lowbody picarel y el porcentaje que representa en el total de ingresos por primera venta para la flota artesanal. Se observa que el lowbody picarel padece una desvalorización relativa en comparación con otras especies demersales, similar a la que sufre el pescado azul. El precio se ha incrementado en un 3,8% anual desde el 2002, apenas un 0.9 por encima de la inflación a pesar del descenso de las capturas, que está en torno al 12% anual. Se trata de un problema de mercado que necesita medidas de marketing imaginativas para recuperar la demanda de unas especies cuyos stocks permiten una explotación racional y sostenible del ecosistema marino local. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 58 de 69 Fig. 4 La supervivencia de esta modalidad en las Illes Balears depende de que puedan aplicarse dos excepciones al Reglamento (CE) N° 1967/2006 del Consejo de 21 de diciembre de 2006 relativo a las medidas de gestión para la explotación sostenible de los recursos pesqueros en el mar Mediterráneo y por el que se modifica el Reglamento (CEE) N° 2847/93 y se deroga el Reglamento (CE) N° 1626/94: una relativa a la distancia mínima a la costa autorizada para las redes de tiro desde embarcación y otra respecto a la profundidad mínima autorizada para este mismo arte. 7.2.4 Por zona geográfica Tal como se ha mencionado en el apartado 4.2, la pesca del transparent goby y del lowbody picarel está muy localizada geográficamente. Así, a pesar de que la pesca del transparent goby se puede desarrollar en los fondos detríticos litorales de todo el archipiélago balear, la tradición y la abundancia de la especie hacen que la actividad se de exclusivamente en la isla de Mallorca y se concentre principalmente en las bahías de Palma, Alcudia y Pollença, así como en las aguas de Andratx, Calvià y Cabrera. En cuanto a la pesca del lowbody picarel, y también tal como se ha mencionado en el punto 4.2, la pesca de esta especie se centra principalmente en las Pitiusas y, en Mallorca, en las bahías de Pollença y Migjorn. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 59 de 69 En el punto 7.2.6 se aborda la concentración de embarcaciones de acuerdo con las cofradías más cercanas a las áreas de pesca. 7.2.5 Peso específico del transparent goby y del lowbody picarel dentro del sector La pesca artesanal del transparent goby y del lowbody picarel en las Illes Balears es una pesquería local, que, pese a la vital importancia que representa para el colectivo de pescadores que la ejercen, no deja de tener un pequeño peso especifico respecto a la totalidad de las artes menores que, a su vez, representan el 9% aproximado en capturas, y el 13% en recaudación del total del sector de artes menores de las Baleares. Esta comparativa aún es más destacable si se vuelve a relacionar con el negocio asociado a la pesca del lanzón anteriormente indicado de las pesquerías gestionadas por la UE en el norte de Europa, donde se desembarcan 400.000 Tm/año con destino al engorde de otras especies animales. La pesca artesanal del transparent goby y del lowbody picarel en Baleares en los últimos diez años no ha llegado a superar las 50 toneladas, un 0,000125% insignificante respecto a las pescas del norte de Europa. Estas cifras, sin ser el reflejo de un estudio exhaustivo sobre el stock del transparent goby y del lowbody picarel en las costas baleares, son resultado más del análisis de la demanda del mercado interno, que de la abundancia del recurso. Es, pues, una actividad netamente sostenible. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 60 de 69 También es destacable el hecho de ser pescado capturado para el consumo en fresco, lo que refuerza lo expuesto anteriormente y visualiza un negocio de pequeña escala y de una buena rentabilidad asociada. En el siguiente capítulo se expone la situación actual de esta modalidad de pesca artesanal y, a la vez, se analiza la explotación desde una perspectiva más microeconómica. 7.2.6 La flota De acuerdo con los datos del año 2010, sólo 36 embarcaciones en todo el litoral Balear estaban autorizadas para practicar la pesca del transparent goby. Según los mismos datos, el número de embarcaciones censadas entonces para la pesca del lowbody picarel fue de 6. A continuación se muestra un listado de las embarcaciones censadas para la pesca con artes de tiro para la temporada 2010 – 2011, de acuerdo con la Resolución de la directora general de Pesca de 5 de octubre de 2010, por la que se regula la pesca con artes de tiro tradicional en aguas de las Illes Balears durante la temporada 2010 – 2011, publicado en el BOIB número 15 de 19 de octubre de 2010. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 61 de 69 EMBARCACIÓN ES FORNE ORION III TINU II L’AVANÇADA ES RACONET NA ROSSA NOU RATXA VIRGINIA FELIPE N’ALBA JAIRO SA PEDRUSCADA PASSADOR TERESA SEGUNDO BERNARDINO ES VERGES HERMANOS VERA ELS GORRETES JAUME CUARTO XORIGUER UNO L’AUBA II TOMALU REME TONI III MORON II GERMANS TORRES DANAGUS BARTOLO JUAN NA LLOBRIGA TINA NOAH NOU VISTAALEGRE PETIT FUAT NOU PATRASH BIEL PRIMERO TIZONA AGUILEÑO CINCO HERMANOS CAP NONO DESEO JOVEN ANTONIO EL CORDOBÉS MURENETA MATRÍCULA 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-PM 3ª-IB 3ª-MH 3ª-IB 3ª-IB 3ª-IB FOLIO 2-390 2-404 2-1703 2-1-02 1-1-07 1-1-01 1-3-03 2-424 1-621 2-2-07 1-4-91 1-1899 2-5-05 1-1/2003 1-1810 1-1841 1-2013 1-1975 1-2-2008 1-1661 1-2-91 1-1888 1-1836 1-1871 1-3-05 1-1-06 1-1722 1-4-08 1-1751 2-2-06 2-1-98 2-2-05 2-4-05 2-3-05 2-1-93 4-336 4-175 1-997 2-160 1-1068 2-6 2-1 COFRADIA DE PESCADORES POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA POLLENÇA SÓLLER SÓLLER PALMA PALMA PALMA PALMA PALMA SANTANYÍ COLÒNIA DE SANT JORDI COLÒNIA DE SANT JORDI COLÒNIA DE SANT JORDI ANDRATX ANDRATX ANDRATX ANDRATX CALA RAJADA CALA RAJADA ALCÚDIA ALCÚDIA ALCÚDIA ALCÚDIA ALCÚDIA ALCÚDIA ALCÚDIA ALCÚDIA FORMENTERA EIVISSA EIVISSA EIVISSA SANT ANTONI DE PORTMANY SANT ANTONI DE PORTMANY La mayor concentración de embarcaciones se da en las Cofradías (bahías) de Pollença y Alcudia, congregando 19 de las 42 embarcaciones dedicadas a la actividad, es decir el 45% del total censado. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 62 de 69 Como hemos mencionado anteriormente, de acuerdo con los datos de los años 2002 y 2003, se puede apreciar que 30 embarcaciones de artes menores se dedicaban a la pesca del transparent goby, mientras en 2010 ese número se incrementó hasta las 36. El dato más relevante sin embargo es que de las 30 que ejercían su actividad en 20022003, 15 siguen en activo, mientras que otras 21 son embarcaciones nuevas, lo que muestra una tasa de renovación de la flota superior al 50%, demostrando que esta actividad está viva y que constituye una más que arraigada tradición. En cuanto a las embarcaciones gerreteras, de las 15 embarcaciones que existían en 2002-2003, únicamente 8 de ellas están activas en la actualidad, habiéndose producido una única incorporación en los últimos años. Las especificaciones técnicas detalladas anteriormente (6.3.4), así como el carácter altamente selectivo del arte de pesca (Brunet, 2004 y 2007), dada la proporción media de especies objetivo del 89 % en peso (del 56.5 % al 99.8 % por lance), muestra la alta selectividad de estos artes. 7.2.7 Volumen de capturas y precio medio asociado En las siguientes tablas se mostrará el peso específico que implica la pesca de transparent goby o del lowbody picarel para las diferentes embarcaciones que han pescado alguna de estas especies desde el año 2002. En estas tablas se muestra el volumen de negocio que ha representado para cada uno de los buques en los años que han pescado transparent goby, respecto a las capturas totales anuales. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 63 de 69 Estos datos muestran la importancia de la preservación de esta modalidad de pesca, que al ser aprobado el MPBBS garantizará una explotación sostenible y de gran ayuda para los pescadores. 7.2.8 Histórico del peso específico del transparent goby en el volumen de negocio Fig. 5 Importancia relativa del transparent goby para una muestra de doce embarcaciones. Se muestra el volumen que representa la especie respecto al total anual de capturas de cada buque y respecto al total de ingresos en primera venta. 7.3 La perspectiva socio-económica del MPBBS. Sería totalmente recomendable que el MPBBS actuara, también, como hoja de ruta en la mejora del modelo de negocio de este tipo de pesca artesanal. Las peculiaridades expresadas a lo largo de esta evaluación socio-económica, así como el tamaño del colectivo, deberían trabajarse como factores que faciliten el proceso de cambio. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 64 de 69 El MPBBS, desde esta visión, debería contemplar los déficits o áreas de mejora presentados en el análisis microeconómico, relacionado con la explotación como unidad de negocio. Los aspectos técnicos claves que dinamizarán este tipo de pesca artesanal hacia una mejor realidad empresarial son: - Limitación de licencias - Cuota de captura - Período de veda - Facilitar la movilidad a lo largo de la costa para reducir las distintas capacidades de las embarcaciones (KW, eslora) El objetivo en clave empresarial ha de centrarse en: - La garantía de una pesca sostenible incide directamente en su generación de valor. - El aprovechamiento del periodo de veda como factor de mejora continua. - La armonización de capacidades pesqueras con el fin de garantizar un precio medio más alto. El factor clave más determinante es la visualización de la captura como instrumento regulador del precio medio, y el cambio de la perspectiva actual, donde el poder regulador se ha dejado en manos del canal de distribución. Para verificar el cumplimiento de estos objetivos se evaluará la evolución de los siguientes indicadores: -Precio de primera venta de las especies objetivo. -Precio medio final -Beneficio neto por embarcación y tripulante -Porcentaje de los ingresos anuales Management plan for Balearic boat seines 65 de 69 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 66 de 69 ANEXOS I. NORMATIVA AUTONÓMICA • Resolución del Conseller de Agricultura y Pesca, de día 21 de octubre de 1985, por la que se establece la obligatoriedad de una autorización expresa para la pesca de Aphia minuta • Resolución de día 13 de diciembre de 1993, por la cual se regula la pesca del jonquillo “Aphia minuta mediterránea” (De Buen, 1931), cabotí “Pseudaphya ferreri” (De Buen & Fage, 1908) “Crystallogobius linearis” (Von Düben, 1845) y especies asociadas para la temporada 1993/94. • Orden del Consejero de Agricultura, Comercio e Industria, de 15 de diciembre de 1998, por la que se declara una zona de veda para la pesca del jonquillo (Aphia minuta L.) y especies afines en la Bahía de Alcudia (Mallorca). • Decreto 17/2009, de 6 de marzo, por el que se establece un plan de gestión per a la pesca con artes de tirada tradicionales en aguas de las Illes Balears • Resolución de la Directora General de Pesca de 14 de octubre de 2009, por la que se regula la pesca con artes de tirada tradicionales en aguas de las Illes Balears durante la temporada 2009-2010. • Resolución de la Directora General de Pesca de 5 de octubre de 2010 por la que se regula la pesca con artes de tirada tradicionales en aguas de las Illes Balears durante la temporada 2010-2011. • Decreto 49/1985, de 23 de mayo, que regula la pesca del lowbody picarel en aguas interiores del Archipiélago Balear Reservas marinas y áreas protegidas • Real Decreto 941/2001, de 3 de agosto, por el que se establece el régimen de protección de los recursos pesqueros del Parque Nacional Marítimo-Terrestre del Archipiélago de Cabrera. • Orden de la Consejera de Agricultura y Pesca de 1 de septiembre de 2006, por la que se regulan las actividades a desarrollar en la reserva marina de la Bahía de Palma, comprendida entre el Club Náutico de s'Arenal y el cabo Regana. • Decreto 21/2007, de 23 de marzo, por el que se establece la Reserva Marina del Llevant de Mallorca. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 67 de 69 Management plan for Balearic boat seines 68 de 69 II. BIBLIOGRAFÍA National Management Plan for derogation to mesh size and distance from the coast (Rule (EC) N. 1967/2006, Art. 9) and 13) regarding the use of boat seines for transparent goby (Aphia minuta) fishing in GSA 9. Gazzeta Ufficiale 19/8/2011. Brunet, M. 2004. Estudio de la selectividad del “jonquiller” como arte menor de pesca en las Baleares. Informe para la DGP. Brunet, M. 2007. Situació del jonquillo a l’illa de Mallorca (continuació). 37 pp. Informe para la DGP. Ekatron SL. 1998. Evaluación del stock de “jonquillo” de la Bahía de Alcúdia por métodos acústicos. Informe para la DGP Iglesias, M. and B. Morales-Nin 2001. Life cycle of the pelagic goby Aphia minuta. Scientia Marina 65(3) 183 – 192 Iglesias, M. 1996. Biología y pesca de Aphia minuta (Risso,1810) (Pisces: Gobiidae) en la Isla de Mallorca Instituto Europeo de Asesoramiento Permanente, 1991. La comercialització dels productes de la pesca del mar balear. 174 pp. Conselleria d’Agricultura i Pesca. Magdalena Llabrés y José Mª Martorell, 1984. La pesquería de artes menores. Islas Baleares.1ª parte. Publicación de la Comunidad Autónoma de las Islas Baleares. VIII + 270 pág. Mario La Mesa, Enrico Arneri, Vincenzo Caputo and M. Iglesias, 2005. The Transparent Goby, Aphia minuta. Review of Biology and Fisheries of a Paedomorphic European Fish Reviews In Fish Biology and Fisheries Volume 15, Numbers 1-2, 89-109, DOI: 10.1007/s11160-005-1613-4 Oliver, P. 1993. Analisis of the fluctuations observed in the trawl fleet unloadings of the Balearic islands. Scientia Marina 56(4) 301- 308 Riera, F., Oliver, J. & Terrassa, J., 1995. Peixos de les Balears. Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Ordenació del Territori. Management plan for Balearic boat seines 69 de 69