St. Clement of Rome Church - St. Clement of Rome Parish
St. Clement of Rome Church - St. Clement of Rome Parish
St. Clement of Rome Church 3990 West Esplanade Avenue Metairie, LA 70002-3027 Volume 30 Number 52 December 25, 2011 PARISH CENTER 4317 Richland Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: (504) 887-7821 Fax: (504) 454-3906 E-mail: [email protected] PRIESTS Rev. Luis F. Rodríguez, Pastor Rev. Peter P. Finney, Parochial Vicar DEACONS Kenneth Boe David Caldero PARISH STAFF Cynthia Bird, Operations Manager Deacon David Caldero, Faith Formation Director Kevin Fountain, Maintenance Technician Blanca González, Office Assistant Louis Hackett, Music Director Flor Hernández, Evening Office Assistant Theresa Laughlin, Administrative Assistant Gail Stromeyer, Technology Coordinator PARISH SCHOOL 3978 West Esplanade Ave., Metairie, LA 70002 Telephone: (504) 888-0386 - 885-8273 (fax) Chad Howat, Principal Dr. Patricia Speeg, Assistant Principal MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL 4:00 pm SUNDAY 8:00 am 10:00 am Noon 2:00 pm (ESPAÑOL) 6:00 pm MONDAY — SATURDAY 8:15 am TUE., WED., & THURS. 6:00 pm RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS Saturday Sunday 3:00 – 3:45 pm 1:30 – 1:45 pm (Spanish) 5:00 – 5:45 pm If requested, before any Mass or by appointment PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please notify the Parish Center when a parishioner is in the hospital or unable to attend Mass. BAPTISMS Children under seven years of age are baptized on the first and third Sunday of each month after the Noon Mass. Please contact the Parish Center to schedule an appointment. MATRIMONY Contact a parish priest or deacon at least six (6) months before the desired wedding date. FUNERALS Please contact the Parish Center before making the final arrangements with the funeral home. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our adoration chapel is open 24 hours daily. To volunteer for one hour each week, contact the Parish Center. Visit our Website at Follow us on twitter@St Clement of Rome. Like us on facebook “St. Clement of Rome Parish” THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD ST. CLEMENT OF ROME PARISH DECEMBER 25, 2011 CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION DIGNO DE CELEBRARSE Let’s do something rather daring. Imagine, if you will, this day without carols, no child in the manger, no Christmas trees, presents, or fine, big meal. How would you celebrate? For the first three hundred years after Jesus’ time Christian communities did little to mark the occasion of Jesus’ birth, although commemoration of Jesus’ death and resurrection were given great prominence. It was relatively easy to ascribe a date to Easter, because it happened at the time of the Jewish Passover. However, the scriptures are silent about the date of Jesus’ birth. After the Roman Empire stopped persecuting Christians, the church was free to add celebrations to its official calendar and finally settled on December 25 for Christmas. No one knows exactly why this date was chosen. Christmas became a more elaborate festival during the Middle Ages, but with the rise of Protestantism in England and Germany, the feast was suppressed. Puritans who came to America did not celebrate Christmas, calling it pagan and popish. Only in the nineteenth century, especially after Charles Dickens published his runaway best-seller A Christmas Carol, did people begin to observe Christmas again, but often more as a family festival than a religious event. In one of today’s readings, Saint Paul tells us what is at the heart of this day: “When the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy, he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our savior, so we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life” (Titus 3:4–7). Now that is really something to celebrate! Hagamos algo bastante atrevido. Imaginémonos este día sin villancicos, sin el Niño en el pesebre, sin árboles de Navidad, sin regalos ni comida de Noche Buena. ¿Cómo celebrarías tú? En los primeros trescientos años después de la época de Jesús, las comunidades cristianas no hacían casi nada para recordar el nacimiento de Jesús, aunque sí le daban prominencia a la conmemoración de su muerte y resurrección. Asignarle una fecha a la Pascua era relativamente fácil ya que sucedió durante la Pascua judía. Sin embargo, las Escrituras guardan silencio de la fecha del nacimiento de Jesús. Después que el imperio romano dejó de perseguir a los cristianos la Iglesia tuvo la libertad de celebrar las fiestas oficiales de su calendario y finalmente decidió la fecha del 25 de diciembre para celebrar la Navidad. Nadie puede precisar con exactitud por qué se escogió tal fecha. La Navidad comenzó a ser una fiesta más elaborada durante la Edad Media, pero con el surgimiento del protestantismo en Inglaterra y Alemania, la fiesta fue suprimida. Los puritanos que llegaron a América no celebraban la Navidad, pues decían que era algo pagano y papista. Sólo en el siglo diecinueve, sobre todo después de que Charles Dickens publicó su libro A Christmas Carol (Un cuento de Navidad, 1843) que llegó rápidamente a ser un éxito editorial, fue que se empezó a celebrar de nuevo la Navidad en los Estados Unidos; sin embargo, era más un acontecimiento familiar que religioso. En una de las lecturas de hoy san Pablo nos habla del punto principal de este día: “Al manifestarse la bondad de Dios, nuestro Salvador, y su amor a los hombres, él nos salvó, no porque nosotros hubiéramos hecho algo digno de merecerlo, sino por su misericordia. Lo hizo mediante el bautismo, que nos regenera y nos renueva, por la acción del Espíritu Santo, a quien Dios derramó abundantemente sobre nosotros, por Cristo, nuestro Salvador. Así, justificados por su gracia, nos convertiremos en herederos, cuando se realice la esperanza de la vida eterna” (Tito 3:4–7). ¡Eso sí que es algo digno de celebrarse! Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Parish Calendar News SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Monday/Lunes Dec 26 PARISH CENTER CLOSED CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 8:15 am Mass Tuesday/Martes Dec 27 PARISH CENTER CLOSED CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 8:15 am Mass 6:00 pm Mass Wednesday/Miércoles Dec 28 8:15 am Mass 6:00 pm Mass 7:15 pm Legion of Mary (PC#2) 7:30 pm Spanish Choir Practice (PC#4) 7:30 pm Boy Scouts (Vosbein Hall) Saturday, December 31 4:00 pm Vigil Mass 6:30 pm Misa de Vigilia (Español) Sunday, January 1 8:00 am Mass 10:00 am Mass No 12 noon, 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm Mass Thursday/Jueves Dec 29 8:15 am Mass 9:00 am St. Anthony Ministry (PC#4) 6:00 pm Mass Friday/Viernes Dec 30 8:15 am Mass Saturday/Sábado Dec 31 8:15 am Mass 4:00 pm Vigil Mass 6:30 pm Misa de Vigilia (Español) Sunday/Domingo Jan 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! 8:00 am Mass 10:00 am Mass No 12 noon, 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm Masses 2011 CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Edmund Daigle In memory of : Carolyn Daigle Elvira Sikorski In memory of : Amedeo Sikorsky Manuela Navarro In memory of Valerie Navarro Patricia Jeansonne In memory of : Lester Jeansonne and The Higgins & Jeansonne Families Ralph Twilbeck In memory of : Joston Fabre America Gacharna The Grajales Family, Gacharna Family & Haddad Family Suzanne & Douglas Boudreaux The Sabrio & Boudreaux Families Georgette Sciortino In memory of : Bee & Dr. George Varino,Rosalie Varino, Ethel Varino, Dominick A. Sciortino and The Sciortino Family Cynthia Bird In memory of : Charles Cabibi, Sr. Cindy & George Bourgeois In memory of : Guy A. Guillot & Gertrude Bodenheimer Dee Guillot In memory of : Guy Guillot Dawn & Jim Miller In memory of : Guy A. Guillot Maria P. Barco In memory of : Berfilio González, José María González& Waldo González The Tomlinson Family In memory of : Will Shepherd In memory of : Lois Bossier Lyn Courrege In memory of : Helen Bianchini Patty Troyer The Troyer Family J.B. Morovich In memory of : Charles & Gert Bourgeois Gwen Asaro In memory of : Virginia Cantrelle Lucas & Rose Marie Asaro Gloria Meo In memory of : Peter Meo & Adele M. Maillet Gayle Golden In memory of : Kirt Golden Theresa Laughlin In memory of : Dot Paschall & Francis LeBon The Levy Family In memory of : Julio Santander Barbara Escudier In memory of : Mike Escudier Josie & Buster St. Pierre Jackie Haffner In memory of: Tom Haffner Frances Hornung In memory of: Stanley Hornung Josephine & Anthony Vicari Edna & Paul Lipani Ione & Jake Hornung Mrs. Antoine The Antoine & Surgi Families E v e r y t h i n g H a s I t s T i m e/T o d o Tiene Su Tiempo Everything on earth has its own time and its own season…/Un momento para todo y un tiempo para cada cosa bajo el sol. And there is a time for healing / Y hay un tiempo para sanar Those who are sick asking the Lord that they may regain their strength. May they find comfort as a result of our prayers, especially, Elesia Alcantara, Irma Alcantara, Tom Archer, Jr., Ferry Becnel, Maria Amalia Bernal, Angie Bernard, Rose Augello, Joyce Bernard, Val Brousse, Teresa Bush Karen Caraway, Avenel Carlini, Earl Carson, Clarence Casey, Doug Casey, Gilda Casey, Joshua Cassaday, Lang Caucer, Anthony Cavalino, Chuck Cavet, Joseph D’Alfonso, Frank D’Aquin, Teresa Díaz, Ryan Dyck, Henry Ecuyer, Paul Feliu, Renee Filostrat, Marvin Firmin, Roy Fontenelle, Walter French, Elizabeth Gaiennie, Warrene Gambino, Ange Garganta, Lou Garrick, Sal Giardina, Danny Goldefer, Hortensia Gonzalez, Bonita Graff, Tina Hanley, Serina Hardy, Keith Heingarten, Rita Hof, Gayle Hoffman, Philip Hoffman, Kit Hollis, Christina James, Rachel Carr Janney, Brian Kenner, Beth Kidder, Pat King, Marie Labella, Brian Leader, Ron Ledet, Bill & Sara Lee, John Liljeberg, Brenden Maestri, Amber Mason, Edna Mejia, Carol Michel, Tricia Michel, Warren Michel, Larry McGinnis, Michael McNally, Irma Montemayor, Zenaida Montemayor, Jake James Morris, Leonel Orellana, Marvin Owen, Barry Palmisano, Jim Paschall, Olga Pérez Arellano, Javier Pérez, Armine Person, Laurie Rabalis, Charlotte Rempel, Jay Rink, Carmen Ruiz, Alexa Schexnaildre, Paul Schuster, John Soto, Susan Staub, Charles Taquino, Jr., Trey Theriot, Kleo Tonglet, Rodney Trentadue, Sr., Paul Trouard, Adam Michael Veillon, Joel Warren, Olivia Williams, Ellis Willis, Mae Wixom, Say Yara, Marilyn Zaeringer, Howard Zeringue Saturday/Sábado December 24 8:15 am Amy & Jimmy Buras † 4:00 pm Domenica Cusimano †, Charles A. Cusimano †, Albert Saputo †, Ann Carroll †, Ruben Ochoa †, Mikie Moran †, Charles E. Langley †, Joseph & Rosalie Molere †, Stephen & Elizabeth Marcev †, Adolph & Maggie Molere †, Ben Lacour †, Ferdinand & Spiridonia Locayano †, Michael & Hazel Cotter †, Lula Prima †, Meek Zorub †, Joan Carr †, Carl J. Giffin,Sr. †, Pauline & Anthony Caldarera †, Theodore G. Aymami †, Michael Escudier †, Pauline Harrison †, Grace & Jerome Peuler †, Jacob Hornung †, Anthony Marino †,Charles Martin † 6:00 pm Alejandra Lacassie † 7:30 pm Berfilio González †, José María González †, Ignacio Chacón † Midnight All Parishioners Sunday/Domingo, December 25 10:00 am Joshua Cassaday, Marilyn Middleton, Ann Carroll †, Angelo S. Leone, Sr.†, Ethel Sciortino †, F. Gordon Keff †, Rita Hotstream †, Helena Miranda †, Otto Schiffman †, Richard D. Pouliot †, Reneé Blache †, Don Smith †, Mike Vujnovich †, Martin & Michael Farrell †, Luna Bodin †, Henry LeBlanc †, Monica Carroll †, Justin Hendricks, Jr., Antoinette Riccabono-Bossier †, Mary Arceneaux †, Jacob Hornung †, Margaret Waguespack, The Middleton Family, Mary Bermingham, Alice Mack, Angelo Tunis †, Patricia Donnelly †, The Paul Trouaro Family, The Brad Zimmermann Family, Fr. Luis Rodríguez Monday/Lunes, December 26 8:15 am Edna McGittigan Tuesday/Martes, December 27 8:15 am Luigia Pieri † 6:00 pm Carlo Montalbano † Wednesday/Miércoles, December 28 8:15 am Dante Iovenitti † 6:30 pm Raymond Gaspard † Thursday/Jueves, December 29 8:15 am Dino Bertucci † 6:00 pm Amy & Jimmy Buras † Friday/Viernes, December 30 8:15 am Albert Saputo † † - denotes deceased ST. ANTHONY MINISTRY REPORT NOVEMBER 2011 Ecclesiastes 3:1,3-5 The best way of supporting our New Orleans Seminarians is by praying for them. Please pray this week for: Tim Trahan Type of Assistance Number Families Total Amount Rent 3 Utilities 3 Other Assistance 0 Total Families Assisted 6 Total of Assistance—NOVEMBER Food Distribution to 103 families $ $ $ 950.00 452.91 .00 $ 1,402.91 VOCATIONS CHALICE SIGN-UP January 8th At All Masses “Help us promote vocations in our Archdiocese” The Vocations Committee of St. Clement of Rome is once again looking for people to pray for vocations. This process will allow parishioners and new families to take home a Chalice and Paten used at Mass to pray for vocations. Along with the Chalice will be books of prayers that will guide the family over six days in praying for vocations. We will present the Chalice to the family after Mass on Saturday or Sunday. The first Sunday the chalice will be presented, it will be blessed and the Chalice will be used to consecrate the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Fourth Confirmation Session Sunday, January 8, 2012 The fourth session for high school Confirmation candidates is scheduled to start on Sunday, January 8, 2011, at 4:00 pm, in St. Clement of Rome Church, followed by the 6:00 pm Mass. All confirmation candidates are required to attend. SCR-SAM-SLKF School of Religion Tuesday, January 10, 2012 The St Clement of Rome - St Angela Merici – St. Louis King of France School of Religion (SoR) will resume their weekly religion sessions, after the Christmas Holidays, on Tuesday, January 10, 2012. Classes are scheduled from 6:30 to 7:45 pm every Tuesday except designated holidays according to the published student class schedule. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — All the ends of the earth will behold the salvation of our God (Isaiah 52:7-10). Psalm — All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God (Psalm 98). Second Reading — God has spoken to us through the Son, the very imprint of God’s being (Hebrews 1:1-6). Gospel — The Word became flesh; from his fullness we have all received grace (John 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 1 Jn 1:1-4; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Mt 2:13-18 1 Jn 2:3-11; Lk 2:22-35 Sir 3:2-7, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] 1 Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 THE GIFT OF GOD’S WORD On this day of gifts and gift‑giving, it seems appropriate that we take a moment to reflect on the great gift of God’s Word. Because it is creative, God’s Word always points to its author, always calls us to respond. Because it is powerful, God’s Word can link the sublime with the ridiculous, the transcendent with the immanent, the divine with the human. Because it is graceful, God’s Word establishes a relationship of deep intimacy between us and God. At the heart of God’s Word lies a tantalizing tension between the mysterious and the mundane. In our liturgical celebration, this unresolved tension both reveals the meaning of life for us and calls us to respond, to act upon that meaning. Once accepted and opened, the gift of God’s Word is a gift that keeps on giving and keeps on calling us to give in return. It dares us to be like the gift‑giver and to become gifts for others, not only at Christmas, but at every moment of life. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The Nativity of the Lord December 25, 2011 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. — John 1:5 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) St. Stephen St. John The Holy Innocents St. Thomas Becket The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph St. Sylvester I TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION An old joke asks, “What time is Midnight Mass?” The answer is not really obvious, since Christmas is unique in having several distinct celebrations. The readings and prayers vary greatly from hour to hour. The Vigil Mass hinges on the family heritage of Jesus and his origins. The concept of “midnight” predates clock time, and really has to do with a celebration in the hours of darkness. Years ago, it was not possible to receive Communion without fasting for a full day, so the late hour of this Mass made it possible for the people to receive. The first Mass after sunrise, the Mass at Dawn, was once known as “The Shepherds’ Mass,” and later Masses set aside stories of Jesus’ birth to focus on the key to the day’s celebration: John the Evangelist’s majestic theology of Christ’s identity as the Word made flesh, dwelling among us. One feast, four separate Masses. Only monasteries manage the whole round. Parishioners typically take just one entry point into the mystery. Yet there is much to savor and celebrate in the coming of Christ into the world. Christmas is not a day, but a season. You still have two weeks to send those Christmas cards before you’re officially late! —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LOVE Let those who never loved before, love now: Let those who always loved, love the more. —Anonymous Living Stewardship Now Christmas in the Church’s calendar is a season that starts on Christmas Day and continues until the Baptism of the Lord on the first Sunday after January 6. Try extending your celebration through that time, with small gifts and good deeds of your choosing. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Todos a una gritan alborozados. Verá la tierra entera la salvación que viene de nuestro Dios (Isaías 52:7-10). Salmo — Los confines de la tierra han contemplado la victoria de nuestro Dios (Salmo 98 [97]). Segunda lectura — Dios nos ha hablado por medio de su Hijo, la imagen fiel de su ser (Hebreos 1:1-6). Evangelio — El Verbo se hizo carne; y todos recibimos de Él en una sucesión de gracias sin número (Juan 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Hch 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 1 Jn 1:1-4; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Mt 2:13-18 1 Jn 2:3-11; Lc 2:22-35 Eclo 3:2-7, 12-14 o Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] o Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lc 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] 1 Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27; Sal 67 (66); Gál 4:4-7; Lc 2:16-21 EL DON DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS En este día de recibir y dar regalos, parece apropiado que tomemos un momento para reflexionar sobre el gran don de la Palabra de Dios. La Palabra de Dios es creativa y por eso siempre apunta a su autor, siempre nos llama a responder. La Palabra de Dios es poderosa y puede enlazar lo sublime con lo ridículo, lo trascendente con lo inmanente, lo divino con lo humano. La Palabra de Dios es llena de gracia, establece una relación de intimidad profunda entre nosotros y Dios. En el corazón de la Palabra de Dios yace una tensión seductora entre lo misterioso y lo mundano. En nuestra celebración litúrgica, esta tensión sin resolución revela el significado de la vida para nosotros y también nos llama a responder para actuar según ese significado. Una vez que la aceptamos y la abrimos, el don de la Palabra de Dios es un regalo que sigue dando y sigue llamándonos a dar a cambio. Nos reta a ser como el dador de regalos y a convertirse en regalos para los demás, no solo en Navidad, sino en cada momento de la vida. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. La Natividad del Señor 25 de diciembre de 2011 La luz brilla en las tinieblas, y las tinieblas no la recibieron. — Juan 1:5 SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: La Natividad del Señor San Esteban San Juan Los Santos Inocentes Santo Tomás Becket La Sagrada Familia de Jesus, Maria y José San Silvestre I TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Además de conmemorar la llegada del Niño Dios, la Navidad en Latinoamérica es un acontecimiento hecho en familia; una celebración de reconciliación. Todos anhelamos la armonía en nuestras relaciones humanas, especialmente en los días festivos y nada arruina una buena fiesta como los pleitos y los rencores. Por eso durante la época navideña hagamos todo lo posible por corregir errores cometidos durante el año con amigos y parientes. Muchas veces estas faltas son imposibles de arreglar, por lo cual Dios nos aconseja el perdón y la reconciliación. Una parábola latinoamericana narra que la “poinsettia,” o flor de pascua, con sus bellas hojas verdes y rojas nace del regalo que un pobre chiquillo le hizo al niño Dios. Mientras otros le daban oro y joyas el muchachito no tenía más que una hierbita. Este don agradó al Niño Dios quien lo transformó en la flor de Navidad. El perdonar puede ser amargo como una hierba, pero es el don que agrada más al Niñito Jesús quien lo transforma en reconciliación. Al buscar la reconciliación imitemos al Dios recién nacido, quien busca la armonía con la humanidad. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos‑Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. AMOR Los que nunca amaron antes, que amen ahora: Los que siempre han amado, que amen aún más. —Anónimo La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora La Navidad en el calendario de la Iglesia empieza el Día de Navidad y continúa hasta el Bautismo del Señor el primer domingo después del 6 de enero. Trata de extender tu celebración durante todo ese tiempo, tal vez con pequeños obsequios y obras buenas. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. SOLEMNIDAD DE MARIA, MADRE DE DIOS Sábado, 31 de diciembre 4:00 pm Misa de Vigilia (Inglés) 6:30 pm Misa de Vigilia (Español) Domingo, 1ro de enero 8:00 am Misa (Inglés) 10:00 am Misa (Inglés) No habrá Misas al mediodia, 2:00pm o 6:00 pm SCR-SAM-SLKF Escuela de Religión Martes, 10 de enero del 2012 La Escuela de Religión de San Clemente de Roma - San Angela Merici – San Luis Rey de Francia reiniciará las sesiones escolares semanales, tras las festividades de Navidad, el martes, 10 de enero del 2012. Las clases son de las 6:30 a las 7:45 p.m. los martes excepto los días designados como días de fiestas según el itinerario escolar previamente publicado. Cuarta Sesión de Confirmación Domingo, 8 de enero del 2012 La cuarta sesión de Confirmación para los candidatos de escuela superior comenzará el domingo, 8 de enero del 2012 a las 4:00 pm en la iglesia de San Clemente de Roma seguida por la Misa de las 6:00 pm. Se requiere la asistencia de todos los candidatos de Confirmación. La mejor manera de apoyar a nuestros seminaristas de Nueva Orleáns es orar por ellos. Por favor, oren esta semana por: Tim Trahan INFORMATION PAGE CHURCH NAME: St Clement of Rome BULLETIN NO. 515146 Date: December 25, 2011 CONTACT: Deacon David E. Caldero 504-887-7821 PAGES 9 TRANSMISSION DAY/TIME: SOFTWARE Wednesday noon Publisher 2007 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Adobe 9 (Message to production if needed)