May 22, 2016 - St. Martin de Porres
May 22, 2016 - St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church Psalm 147: 3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” Parish Staff Rev. Charlie Garza [email protected] of [email protected] Mailing Address: P.O.Box1062 DrippingSprings,Texas78620 Dan Pearson Deacon Physical Location: 26160RanchRoad12 [email protected] DrippingSprings,Texas78620 Edward Rositas Deacon - Pastoral Associate 512‐858‐5667 [email protected] fax:512‐858‐1467 Of ice Hours Judy Tixier Business Manager Monday–Friday:9:00am–4:00pm [email protected] Ext. 202 Pastor Ext. 203 Kevin Kapchinski [email protected] Michele Van Nostrand [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Ext. 204 SVdP Financial Assistance Ext. 209 After Hours Parish Emergency 512-618-9691 Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation Ext. 206 Masses Weekends: Saturday 5:00pm Sunday8:15am,11:00am,5:00pm 1:30pm(Spanish) Weekdays: Tuesday‐Thursday5:30pm Friday 12:00pm Thomas Dale [email protected] Director of Music Mary Gomez of [email protected] Clergy Administrative Asst. Ext. 201 Laura Zordilla Coordinator of Parish Communications Ext. 205 [email protected] Denise Abele [email protected] Coordinator of Marriage Preparation 512-541-5901 Sacrament of Reconciliation Friday 11:30am‐12:00pm Saturday 4:00pm–4:45pm Tuesday 6:00pm‐7:30pm orbyappointment THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, 2016 Today we celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday. We are taught there is one nature in God, and that there are two processions, three persons, and four relations that constitute the Blessed Trinity. The Son “proceeds” from the Father, and the Holy Spirit “proceeds from the Father and the Son.” These are the two processions in God. And these are foundational to the four relations that constitute the three persons in God. These are those four eternal relations in God: 1. The Father actively and eternally generates the Son, constituting the person of God, the Father. 2. The Son is passively generated of the Father, which constitutes the person of the Son. 3. The Father and the Son actively spirate the Holy Spirit in the one relation within the inner life of God that does not constitute a person. 4. The Holy Spirit is passively spirated of the Father and the Son, constituting the person of the Holy Spirit. ************************************************* Thank you to Connie Brownson and her team for organizing the Fun Run and making it a fun event for all that attended! Thank you to Susan Bonner and all those who made our Ministry Fair a success! Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, Fr. Charlie MISSION APPEAL 2016 DAUGHTERS OF DIVINE LOVE CONGREGATION Daughters of Divine Love Congregation is an international Order of Religious women, founded in Nigeria in July 1969 by Late Bishop Godfrey MaryPaul Okoye. The congregation is of Pontifical Right and has over 900 professed members. Our Formation house is blessed with many vocations: Aspirants, Postulants, and Novices. The sisters are engaged in variety of apostolate in different parts of the world, including United States of America, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Germany, England, Italy, Switzerland, Nigeria, Chad, Gabon, Cameroon, Mali, and Kenya. We minister in all walks of life where the manifestation of God’s love is needed. In Texas we minister in: Our Lady of Sorrows School, McAllen, Texas St. Francis of Assisi School, Houston, Texas Harlingen Medical Center, Harlingen, Texas St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School, Humble, Texas Our apostolates include: Working among the very poor of our societies: the rejected, the homeless, challenged children and adults in homes and in the streets, homes for battered women and children, babies affected by drugs. School work: as Principals, Teachers, Teacher-aids, Counselors, and Caretakers. Hospital work: as Doctors, Nurses, Administrators, Pharmacists, Chaplains, and Caring services. Parish Apostolate: Pastor-assistants, Director of Religious Education, Eucharistic ministers, CCD and RCIA teachers. Youth ministries in parishes and schools Our source of income is very limited to stipends, donations and Appeal making, so we really need money in order to continue these apostolate, especially in Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, and African countries. We also need funds to enable us: To maintain and train the novices and postulants in our formation houses in preparation for active apostolate. To embark on a self-help farm project for the novices, to enable them to produce some of the food they need and for the poor around them. To give adequate training and education to our sisters to prepare them for these apostolate. We do great works in different places but it wouldn’t be possible without the help from God’s people around us. Their generous gifts enable us to continue sowing the seed of Divine Love all over the world, among all God’s children. FAITH FORMATION ELEMENTARY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 13 - 17, 2016 Monday through Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm ITEMS NEEDED! We are in need of empty 2 liter plastic bottles, spray bottles, plastic drop cloths, MANY cans of Great Stuff foam gap filler. If you can donate any of these items please bring them to the parish office or leave them in the VBS box in the narthex. Questions: Contact Michele Van Nostrand [email protected] or 512-858-5667 ext. 206 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Several volunteer spots are still open for this year’s VBS. We need adults or older teens to work as crew leaders, and we need lots of people to work as assistants. Teens, this is a fun and convenient way to get your volunteer hours and serve your faith community. Adults, we need you to make Cave Quest a success. It’s a fun week, it only takes up your morning, and it is hugely rewarding. Please sign up online today so we can begin planning the greatest VBS ever! YOUTH ADULT Volunteer and Participant Registration: Fee per VBS Participant - $35.00 Music CD - $5.00 Pay online: STEUBENVILLE LONE STAR: THIRST 3 Days | 3000 Teens | One Unforgettable Weekend Join Life Teen and 3000 other high school teens from around the Southwest for the best weekend of your summer at Steubenville Lone Star in Dallas, Texas. Who: Rising Freshmen through Graduating Seniors What: Powerful Sessions, Transformative Worship, Mass, Adoration, Joy When: June 17-19, 2016 Cost: $100 deposit due with for m Registration form available on our parish website. MISSION 2016 ~ JULY 16-23 A one of a kind experience of pilgrimage and mission to San Juan, TX. We'll be staying in the National Shrine of the Basilica of our Lady of San Juan del Valle. We run a Vacation Bible School for a Parish that can't afford it and work on local homes in need of repair in the colonias district. Fr. Charlie will teach an eight week summer class on prayer beginning June 8th. The classes will be held every Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:30am in the Great Room of the Education Center and from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the Parish Hall. There is a suggested donation of $15 dollars to cover the study booklet but no additional fee is required. Please register online at father-charlies-class or by calling the parish office at 512-858-5667 ext 201 or emailing [email protected] by June 1 to be guaranteed a study booklet on the first day of class. Class Dates and Topic: June 8: Types of prayer July 6: Spiritual Senses June 15: Before you pray July 13: Discernment in Prayer June 22: Lectio Divina July 20: Dealing with Distractions June 29: Relational Prayer July 27: Desolation and Consolation Questions: Please call or e-mail Kevin Kapchinski 512-858-5667 x204, [email protected] Baccalaureate Mass Sunday, June 5 at 5:00pm Mass Please join us in celebrating our Graduating High School Seniors. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS The registration period for adults desiring to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will run through Friday, May 31st. Classes for Adult Confirmation will begin June 26th at 11:00am in the Education Center. These classes will run for 12 weeks. Who should attend? This course is for adults over 18 years of age who have been baptized, received 1st Communion, but have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please pray for God's Blessings upon the graduating seniors and their families during this time of celebration and new beginnings. How to register? Please pick up a Confirmation packet at the office during regular working hours or go to our website click on Sacraments tab then to the Adult Confirmation tab and fill out the Adult Confirmation Form and return it to the office. Seniors: If you have not received your invitation to the Baccalaureate Mass via email, please contact Kevin Kapchinski. Is a sponsor required? Yes. The packet will contain information on sponsor requirements. Questions: Contact Deacon Rositas at [email protected] AROUND THE PARISH We are looking for parishioners living or deceased that have served or are serving in the armed forces. Please email your name, military rank & branch of service by Monday, May 23 to [email protected] MAY DIAPER DRIVE FOR OUR LITTLE ONES! Corpus Christi Procession Sunday, May 29th 3:00pm in the Church We will then process with the Blessed Sacrament around the Church grounds. This is a beautiful way to celebrate the gift of the Eucharist and we hope you can join us. "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself." John 12:32 Please bring in a box of diapers, any size, and/or baby wipes for St. Martin de Porres’ Gabriel Project. This ministry meets moms during their pregnancy and continues to offer spiritual, educational, and material assistance throughout the baby’s first year of life. Please look for the box in the narthex as the collection point for your donations. MEMORIAL DAY BREAKFAST KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS St. Martin de Porres’ Knights of Columbus (Council 11695) will be hosting a Veterans’ Memorial Day Breakfast at 7:30am on Monday – May 30, 2016 in the Par ish Hall located on Post Oak Road, Dripping Springs. A TOOL TO ENRICH YOUR MARRIAGE Do you want to spend good quality time with your spouse and grow closer to God as a couple and as a family? Come and hear about Teams of Our Lady. TOOL is an international lay movement of over 50,000 couples within the Catholic Church blessed by the Pope that seeks to put Christ in the center of their lives and to grow their marriages. Each team is a small community of 5 to 7 couples of all ages that meet monthly to share a simple meal, pray together, and have a lively discussion. TOOL is not a Marion movement or a scripture study. A 60 minute information meeting could turn into a gift that will bless you, your spouse, and your marriage. On Monday, May 23rd there will be an information meeting at 7:00pm in the main room of the Education Building. Refreshments and cheese will be served. The breakfast honors veterans and is free to all local veterans and their family members. We will also honor our Sheriff’s Department and Constables, EMS, and the Fire Department. For more information please contact Patrick Manning at [email protected] or 512-704-5895. M.O.M.S. SUMMER BOOK CLUB M.O.M.S. will be hosting a Summer Book Club this summer. We will be reading Divine Mercy for Moms by Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet. We will meet every other Tuesday night, starting on June 7 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. If you are interested in participating please email Emily Austin at [email protected] If you can’t make this meeting please call Paul or Chris Sanchez 512-382-7947 or e-mail us at [email protected]. TEXAS TROTTERS Tuesday morning, May 24th, the Texas Trotters will visit the Bob Bullock Texas State Museum to view the multimedia exhibit, Our Global Kitchen. This exhibit explores the historical, cultural, and scientific interaction of humans and food. Such rare artifacts as an earthenware stove from China's Han Dynasty, an Aztec marketplace diorama, vignettes of the dining rooms of Kublai Khan and Jane Austin, and an interactive "virtual cooking" table. Please call Donna Miller at 512-301-7811 for more information on ticket prices and carpooling. Bulletin Deadline: Fr idays by noon (10 days in advance) to Laura Zordilla via email, [email protected] ATTENTION MOMS! Registration for the next M.O.M.S. group is starting now. M.O.M.S. (Ministry of Moms Sharing) is a ministry committed to the spiritual development of all mothers and is designed to support and affirm women at all stages of motherhood. Meetings are held once a month on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, starting in September and ending in May. If you would like to sign up or have questions, please email Emily Austin at [email protected]. We hope you will join us! MASS INTENTIONS STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURER FY 7/1/15—6/30/16 Envelopes, loose checks, and cash. Offertory May 14 – May 15 $ 8,165 Mass Attendance May 14 – May 15 1,121 ********************************** Online Giving via WeShare! Our parish uses an Online Giving system called WeShare that is strengthening stewardship as well as making it easier for members to support our parish. If you would like to enroll, please visit our web page and click on the WeShare link. Stock Gifts: As a r eminder , if par ishioner s want to make donations through stock gifts, contact Lisa Rosenberger at 512-949-2450 or [email protected] Saturday 5/21 Sunday 5/22 Monday 5/23 Tuesday 5/24 Wednesday 5/25 Thursday 5/26 Friday 5/27 Saturday 5/28 Sunday 5/29 5:00pm - +Jim Fortier 8:15am - +Sally Fletcher 11:00am - SMdP Parishioners 1:30pm - Lupe Costilla 5:00pm - Nicole Rice NO MASS 5:30pm - +Jim Fortier 5:30pm - +Tomasa Rodriguez 5:30pm - +David Cr awfor d 12:00pm - +David Crawford 5:00pm - +Jim Fortier 8:15am - +Vincent Charles Cremona 11:00am - +Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Domingue 1:30pm - +Reymundo Guzman 5:00pm - SMdP Parishioners The Sanctuary Candles will burn from Saturday, May 14 thru Friday, May 27 in Memory of: Church Chapel +Ynosencia Herrera Villanueva Family +Daniel Viloria Marilyn Thurman As we celebrate the mystery of the Trinity we also realize the mystery of the tremendous love Christ has for us. Believing in this love can then overflow in thanksgiving and praise to the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit guides the food pantry and our home visits when someone calls ext 209 for help. We pray before visits, during a visit (if desired), and afterwards once we know a family's special needs. Some families need help once, and they are back on their feet. Others have disabilities or unexpected unemployment...and we help as much as we can through your donations. Other times, a person longs to know someone cares enough to visit and listen to their story. The Holy Spirit brings hope mysteriously on our behalf. On one visit we were going to pay a PEC bill and learned it was “anonymously” paid, plus someone gave this person we were trying to help a chair for back problems. We intended to provide the chair. The expression of "real" hope for the possibility of being able to work again with this chair, not to mention the gratitude for our prayers was priceless. Thank you for your prayers and support...they are powerfully at work! Special Needs (ext. 209): Pantry: Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Kleenex Tissues Would you like to have a regular Adoration hour with our Lord. He is waiting for you. The available hours in the Adoration chapel are: Monday at 3:00pm, Tuesday at 5:00pm, 9:00pm, 10:00pm, Wednesday 10:00pm, Thursday at 3:00pm, Friday at 8:00am, 11:00am, Noon, 5:00pm. For more information, please email [email protected] SMDP Prayer Blanket Ministry is currently in need of crib size quilt batting. Any donations will be appreciated, and can be left in the Prayer Blanket Ministry box in the narthex. The Prayer Blanket Ministry will be meeting in the Great Room on Thursday, June 30th from 10 AM to 1 PM. We have kits ready to sew quilt tops, and fabric for fleece tied blankets. Drop in and we'll put you to work! SAVE THE DATE ~ “The Cup of Life,” a day of reflection, presented by Beverly Collin, Assistant Director of Cedarbrake, will be held July 30th from 9am to 2:00pm. Those thirsting for a more intimate life of prayer will find a wellspring of enrichment reflecting on the book “The Cup of Life” by Sister Joyce Rupp. Details will follow soon. LA SANTÍSIMA TRINIDAD 22 DE MAYO DE 2016 La Iglesia dedica el siguiente domingo después de Pentecostés a al celebración del día de la Santísima Trinidad. Un solo Dios en tres Personas: El Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. Un misterio es todo aquello que no podemos entender con la razón. Es algo que sólo podemos comprender cuando Dios nos lo revela. El misterio de la Santísima Trinidad. Un sólo Dios en tres Personas distintas, es el misterio central de la fe y de la vida cristiana, pues es el misterio de Dios en Sí mismo. Aunque es un dogma difícil de entender, fue el primero que entendieron los Apóstoles. Después de la Resurrección, comprendieron que Jesús era el Salvador enviado por el Padre. Y, cuando experimentaron la acción del Espíritu Santo dentro de sus corazones en Pentecostés, comprendieron que el único Dios era Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Los católicos creemos que la Trinidad es Una. No creemos en tres dioses, sino en un sólo Dios en tres Personas distintas. No es que Dios esté dividido en tres, pues cada una de las tres Personas es enteramente Dios. Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo tienen la misma naturaleza, la misma divinidad, la misma eternidad, el mismo poder, la misma perfección; son un sólo Dios. Además, sabemos que cada una de las Personas de la Santísima Trinidad está totalmente contenida en las otras dos, pues hay una comunión perfecta entre ellas. Con todo, las personas de la Santísima Trinidad son distintas entre sí, dada la diversidad de su misión: Dios Hijo por quien son todas las cosas es enviado por Dios Padre, es nuestro Salvador. Dios Espíritu Santo en quien son todas las cosas es el enviado por el Padre y por el Hijo, es nuestro Santificador. ****************************************************** Gracias a todos con su ayuda el domingo pasado con la feria de los ministerios. Fue un gran exito! Gloria al Padre, al Hijo y el Espiritu Santo, Padre Charlie CALENDARIO - MINISTRO DE LITURGIA 29 de Mayo Lectores Miguel Torres Paola Rangel Ministerios de Eucaristía Blanca Galindo Alberto Arguijo Oscar Aldama Monaguillos Jose Rios Alexis Aldama Diego Aldama Acomodadores Rudy Sanchez Maximino Díaz Felix Huerta COLECTA DE PAÑALES Estamos colectando pañales, de cualquier tamaño y/o toallitas de bebe para San Martín de Porres' Proyecto Gabriel. Este ministerio cumple con las madres durante el embarazo y continúa ofreciendo espirituales, educativas, y asistencia material durante el primer año de vida del bebé. Por favor deje sus donaciones en la caja en la entrada a la iglesia. Sacristánte Alberto Chiquillo VBS 13 - 17 de Junio Lunes ha Viernes 9:00am - 12:00pm Regístrese en nuestra pagina de internet al: stmar tindp.or g/vacation-bible-school Costo por niño - $35.00, CD de música - $5.00 Traiga su cheque o efectivo a la iglesia oficina Necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar con la escuela biblica (VBS). Adultos, se trata de un compromiso de corto plazo y una gran manera de apoyar a la parroquia. Adolescentes, esta es una divertida manera de conseguir sus horas de servicio. Gracias por su apoyo. Si esta interesado visite nuestra pagina de internet al SACRAMENTO DE CONFIRMACIÓN PARA ADULTOS El período de registro para adultos que desean recibir el Sacramento de Confirmación correrá en mayo que comienza el lunes, 9 de mayo hasta el viernes, 31 de mayo. Este curso correrá durante 12 semanas consecutivas de 7:00pm – a las 8:30pm comenzando jueves, 30 de junio. ¿Quién debería asistir? Este curso es para adultos más de 18 años mayores de edad quiénes han sido bautizados, recibieron la Primer Comunión, pero no han recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación. ¿Cuáles son las exigencias? Por favor recoja un paquete de Confirmación en la oficina durante horas de trabajo regulares ¿Requieren a un patrocinador? Sí. El paquete contendrá la información en exigencias de patrocinador. Ministry Fair Prayer to the Holy Spirit Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Let us pray. O God, who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Terese Peabody Broker, GRI, CRS, ABR, SRES Parishioner 512-699-7711 • 512-628-8554 Stanberry & Associates Realtor [email protected] website: “Terese—the first name in hill country real estate” If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months CALL NOW! Gabriel Project Pregnant? Need Help? 800.393.9954 Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePlease Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Call: 1-877-WE-CARE-2 Cleaning Cathy Call for a FREE QUOTE. 409-679-2211 This call could clean YOUR LIFE! Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • 515378 St Martin De Porres Church (B) The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 FAMILY LAW • MEDIATION WILLS • TRUSTS • PERSONAL INJURY • BUSINESS STARTUPS 512.858.9779 • • Parishioner $ 3 OFF Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA Full-Service Oil Change EXPRESS CARE Come in today! 3994 290E • Dripping Springs 512-858-0889 RANCHES & RIVERS REALTY Please mention this ad when you visit. A $250 donation will be made to St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church for every New or Certified Pre-Owned Subaru Purchased or Leased. 13300 Nutty Brown Rd. Austin, Texas Tel.: (512) 263-2244 Cell: (512) 563-5195 VIBRA REHABILITATION thank you for your consideration HOSPITAL OF LAKE TRAVIS Daniel W. Wolfenstein Getting You Back to Better church parishioner - subaru sales manager • Stroke/CVA Neurological dysfunction • Cardiac/Pulmonary rehabilitation • Post operative rehabilitation • Loss of independence 512-394-1300 WE MAKE ANY KIND OF SIGN. --- Parishioner --- You Have the Right to Choose Stay local for your rehabilitation. Just ask for us by name at any hospital. For more information or to arrange a tour, please contact us at: 2000 Medical Dr., Lakeway, TX 78734 Phone: 512.263.4500 An ideal companion Fax: 512.263.4506 for personal prayer. 512-894-0350 OAK HILL EYE CARE DAVID W. TYBOR, O.D. Eye Exams, Laser PRK/Lasik, Contact Lens and Treatment of Eye Diseases 6000 W. William Cannon, Bldg.A #100 288-0444 Complete Auto Repairs Oil Changes ASE Certified Saint Margaret Sunday Missal In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Gifts, Accessories & Toys Decorating Trims & Designer Fabrics At Discount Prices TRAIL HEAD MARKET Hwy. 290 W. • Dripping Springs Mon-Sat 10-6 Sun 1-6 CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Family Dentistry 512 858-2201 13518 Hwy. 290 W @ Sawyer Ranch 512.436.9693 PARISHIONERS Carol Ann LaRue, DMD Your ad 512.615.3569 BLUSH EVENTS AUSTIN Full Service Wedding Coordinator 512.501.5454 Andrea Wayne Member AACWP Specializing in weddings and other special events. [email protected] Come Join The Flores Family at Our New Dripping Springs Location 2440 East Hwy. 290 (512) 858-2221 Family Owned and Operated 515378 St Martin De Porres Church (A) 13062 Hwy. 290W, Suite 207 Austin, Texas 78737 [email protected] ADOPTION, BANKRUPTCY, PROBATE, WILLS, TRUSTS, SMALL BUSINESS R. Brian Daniel Parishioner Mention This Ad for Discounted Fees could be in this space! Don’t let life get in the way of your LIFE WELL PLANNED We are here because we care. Susan Santamaria, AAMS Richard Santamaria Financial Advisor Registered Branch Professional 14101 W Hwy 290, Bldg 800 Austin, TX 78737 512-894-2137//TF844-347-8350 St. Vincent De Paul Society Vehicle Donation Program Tax Deductible Free Vehicle Pick-Up 1-888-317-7837 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941