January 12th, 2016 Jurisdiction of República Argentina Ill∴ Bro
January 12th, 2016 Jurisdiction of República Argentina Ill∴ Bro
Universi Terrarum Orbis Architectonis Ad Gloriam Ingentis Supremo Consejo del Grado 33° para la República Argentina R I T O E S C O C E S F u n d a d o e l 1 º A N T I G U O d e Y A C E P T A D O s e p t i e m b r e d e 1 8 5 8 January 12th, 2016 Jurisdiction of República Argentina Ill Bro Ilia Koev, 33° Grand Secretary General Supreme Council, 33° of A.A.S.R. for Bulgaria Dear Illustrious Brother: It is my pleasure to announce you on behalf of our Il and Po SGCo, César Diaz Colodrero(33), that on the December 17th General Assembly, your request of recognition was accepted unanimously. The further consideration of our respective representatives will be discussed in a short time. I beg you to present to your SGC Peter Kalpaktchiev, 33° greetings from our Il and Po SGCo, César Diaz Colodrero(33) and from myself. And to you, my best regards. Yours in the bonds of the Order Pablo L. Palacios Wolf Grand Chancellor Supreme Council 33° of A.A.S.R. for the Republic of Argentina.