December 13th, 2015 - St. Matthew Catholic Church


December 13th, 2015 - St. Matthew Catholic Church
December 13th, 2015
3rd Sunday of Advent
Saturday 4:30pm;
Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am
& 12:00pm Español (Spanish)
Weekdays: 8:00am Mon, Wed — Sat
12:05pm on Tues
Holy Days/Días Santas
8:00am, 12:05pm, & 6:30pm
Church 229 S. 28th Ave.
Parish Center
(behind the school/atrás de la escuela)
221 S. 28th Ave.
Phone/Teléfono: 715-842-3148
Office Hours/Horas
(Memorial Day — Labor Day)
Mon - Thur: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Pastor Rev. Robert Thorn
Associate Pastor Rev. Dan Thelen
Deacon Rev. Mr. Tom Tierney
Plant Manager Jason Seliger
DRE & Hispanic RE: Patricia Cicha
Dir. Youth Ministry Janet Nichols
Pastoral Care Norma Kipp
Secretary Ann Graveen
Bulletin Editor Lori Zimick
Finance Secretary Barb Splinter
We, the members of St. Matthew
Parish, called to be brothers and
sisters in Jesus Christ, desire to
praise God in our everyday lives
by our common worship and by
dedicating ourselves to sharing
our faith and our talents in service
to one another and to the world
Daily before Mass & Wed. 4:30 PM
Prayer for Priests
included with rosary Mon., Wed. & Fri.
Wednesday 5:00 PM
Wednesday 4:50 PM and after Mass on
1st Friday of the month
Every Wed. after 8 AM Mass until 5 PM.
Pax Christi Adoration Chapel-Marathon
Tues. 9 AM-11 PM; Wed. 9 AM-Thurs. 10
PM; Fri 9 AM-6 PM; Sun. noon-10 PM.
St. Therese-Rothschild
Tues. after 8 AM Mass to Fri. 7:30 AM.
Entrance available after 6 PM by ringing
main entrance doorbell. Call 715-3598352 to volunteer.
Confessions :
3rd Sunday of Advent
"I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals." So said John the
Baptist in reference to Jesus. Tax collectors, soldiers, and countless
other people gathered to hear John preach. There was an excitement in
the air as they were all "filled with expectation." For generations upon
generations they had been waiting for the coming of the promised
Messiah--the Christ. And now, John the Baptist had appeared with such
a striking message and such a powerful presence that "all we’re asking
in their hearts whether John might be the Christ."
But he wasn't. John's mission was to prepare the way for Jesus Christ.
Saturday 11:00 AM to noon or by
In the process, however, people began
attraction. He set the record straight
Arrangements must be made at the rectory
office. The next class is scheduled for
January 11, 2016 at 6:30 PM in the
Parish Center. Preparation classes are
required of parents and recommended for
godparents. Contact Nancy 715-675-6796,
to register for classes. Registration is
accepted up to one week prior to the class
Arrangements for marriage must be made
with the Pastor at least 6 months in
advance. Call Fr. Bob to arrange your
Anointing of the Sick:
If you are entering the hospital for a
scheduled surgery and wish to celebrate this
sacrament prior to your hospitalization,
please contact Norma. If you would like
Fr. Bob to visit you during your hospital stay,
leave word upon entry as a patient.
to think that John was the main
though, when he emphasized that
"one mightier than I is coming." And
then he made the remark about not
being worthy to do even the most
humble act of service--loosening sandal straps--for the Lord.
Imagine what the people must have been thinking. They all found John
to be such a remarkable man, and yet he declared that he wasn't
worthy? If this great prophet was so humble, how much more should
they humble themselves in preparation for the coming of the Messiah?
And shouldn't we do the same?
As we mediate upon the coming of Christ this Advent season, we would
do well to make our approach towards Christmas with humble hearts.
BULLETIN DEADLINE—Friday by 4:00pm
What have we done to deserve this incredible gift of a Savior? Are we
Visit us online
worthy of his incarnation and his saving death? The fact is that nothing
we could ever do would possibly earn our redemption. May we be
humble enough to acknowledge that our salvation is the greatest gift we
Intercessory Prayer:
If you are in need of prayer, please
call Peggy B. at 715-845-3321 or the
Parish Center at 715-842-3148. Our
prayer group is always ready to be of
help when prayer is needed.
could ever receive.
Looking for Adults excited to help lead children!
Coming soon Little Flowers and Blue Knights to St. Matthew Parish
These two programs are Catholic Youth Organizations to
promote virtue, learn about the saints, and grow in their faith.
The goal of the two programs is to teach what it means to be a Catholic girl or boy and eventually a
Catholic Woman or Man. The program uses crafts or activities.
We will meet once a month on a Saturday Morning, starting in February. We will hold a planning
meeting in January for interested adults. The Little Flowers is designed for girl’s ages 5 to 14 years
while The Blue Knights are for boy’s ages 5 to 11 years.
There are older programs for older youth if adults are interested to lead. For more information please
call Janet @ the parish center 715 842-3148 or email [email protected]
Would YOU like to become Involved?
You are invited to the
47th Annual Community
Christmas Dinner
Inviting interested adults of St. Matthew
Parish to become involved either in the
Education Committee or the Youth
Due to different circumstances a couple
members have stepped down.
Greater Wausau area residents who would be
alone on Christmas Day are invited to share in
the 47th annual Community
Christmas Dinner at noon on December 25th.
The committees meet once a month on
a Tuesday evening, usually 6:30-8:00pm.
The Education Committee oversees the Adult and Religious
programs at St. Matthew Parish. It is a good way to provide
faith filled opportunities for St. Matthew Parishioners.
The Community Christmas Dinner, sponsored by area
churches and community volunteers, is served free of charge.
A free-will offering is welcome. Anyone wishing to volunteer
please give us a call at 715-551-4166.
The Youth Committee helps plan and ignite activities for the
youth of the parish. We welcome all adults young at heart to
join the youth committee.
Please join us for dinner and fellowship at 12 Noon at St.
Paul’s United Church of Christ 426 Washington Street.
If you have questions regarding either of the committees
please contact Janet @ 715 842-3148.
The Wausau Lyric Choir will
perform Lessons and Carols at
First Presbyterian Church,
406 Grant Street, Wausau
Newman Catholic
School News
Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 7:30pm and
Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 3:00pm
There is no charge for tickets, but tickets will be required and
are available through Choir members or at the door.
A free-will offering will be accepted.
Hear the angels sing…
Newman Catholic Schools Christmas Programs
NCECC: St. Michael
Children’s Mass Totes
Dec. 14th – 6:00pm Child Care, Preschool, and 4K
We are so happy that families are using
and enjoying the Children’s Mass Totes
that are in the Parent/Child room.
NCES: St. Anne
Dec. 15th - 6:30pm 3rd – 5th grades
Dec. 17th – 6:30pm Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
It is our hope that the children having a
tote with a quiet activity, a colorful
rosary and a “Picture Missal” gives them something to look
forward to when they come to Mass. It is important for the
children to feel like they are a part of the Mass celebration.
Please join the Alumni events on Friday, January 8 – 7pm.
Help cheer on Newman Girls Basketball vs. Wausau
East. Alumni receive free admission and popcorn along with
other fun!
We do ask the parents to please make sure that all items are
placed back in the tote before it is returned to the Parent/
Child room following Mass.
A special invitation goes out to all Band Alumni to bring your
instrument and join the NCHS Pep Band as they liven up the
gym! Please let us know to expect you by calling NCHS 715845-8274.
While doing a recent inventory it was discovered that we are
missing 3 of the “My Picture Missal” books. If one of these
books inadvertently was taken home, we appreciate your
returning it to the totes.
Please spread the word to fellow alums and join us for an
exciting evening of fun, fellowship and basketball!
Thank You and God Bless our young families!!
It is very important to take advantage of the opportunity for
reconciliation during Advent. In addition to their
regular confession schedules the following parishes will
offer an additional Communal Penance Service with the
Sacrament of Reconciliation at the times and dates below.
Several additional priests will be available to hear
Saint Matthew's Mens Club Christmas Party
Tuesday, December 15, 2014 , School Cafeteria
Social 5:00 p.m. Dinner 6:00 p.m.
Member and guest
White elephant gift exchange—Men bring a gift for a man.
--Women bring a gift for a woman.
St. Matthew
St. Michael
St. Therese
Chicken, Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Green Beans &
Bacon, Coleslaw, Dinner Rolls, Veggies & Dip, Cake for dessert.
$15.00 per person
RSVP by December 7th to:
Matthew Lorge 715-675-5578
Justen Willemon 715-370-1465
Joel Stubbe [email protected]
Sunday, 12/13
Thursday, 12/10
Monday, 12/21
Advent and Christmas Candles,
Christmas Flower Donations
For the Advent & Christmas
Season, candles will be placed
on the pillars in church.
A $10 donation will keep the candle burning throughout the
Season, in memory of your loved one or special intention.
Christmas Decorating,
Sunday, Dec. 20th at 1:30 PM.
Also, donations are being accepted for Christmas flowers to
beautify our Sanctuary this Holy Season. Please specify your
intention, include your name and put it in the Offertory basket
or send it to Barb at the Parish Center, 221 S. 28th Ave.,
Wausau, 54401.
Please bring your families and friends to
join in the fun!
Questions, call Nancy 715-675-6796.
Purchase your SCRIP for Christmas gifts
SCRIP orders can be placed on-line at or by going to the SCRIP
office at St. Michael Parish, 619 Stark St., or
by stopping in the St. Matthew Parish Center
on Monday mornings (before 9:30am).
Prayers and Condolences
Our prayers and sympathy go to the family and
friends of:
Joanne Beauvais, Aunt of Janet (Mike) Nichols,
who died Saturday, November, 21st.
May she rest in Peace
Payment for orders is due upon the
placement of the order. Cards will then be
available for pick up at the Parish Center on
Soup Sale Thank You
SCRIP office hours are Monday’s and Thursday’s
I would like to give a big thank you to all of our soup makers,
Ken Tetters, Judy & Gary Tapper, Diane & Lee Cherek, Ginny
Dederich, Millie Weigand, Karen Vilendrer, Tom Brzezinski, and
Don Gallenberg. With their help we were able to raise another
$1237.00 for the building fund.
We thank you for buying SCRIP and helping the Parish.
Thank you to all the families who bought soup. Please return
your jars and screw lids if you have no use for them. There is
a box in the Angelorum under the table. Thank you again.
—Faye Brzezinski
The fourth century marks an incredible
turn in events. The Christian church is
finally accepted by the Roman Empire.
Persecution stops and the Church is able
to focus upon theological issues. The
Church, however, faces a new enemy that of having power and influence. See
how the saints rise above this. Come to know the great desert
fathers and the first monastic communities.
To the St. Matthew Family:
Food For The Poor wishes to thank you for the
welcome you extended to Father Wirth on our
recent visit to your parish.
On behalf of our brothers and sisters throughout
the Caribbean and Latin America, we thank you
for your compassion and care. We are all blessed
by and grateful for your generosity.
Fr. Dan will have a class following the 12:05 Mass on Tuesday
December 22nd. Classes continue December 29th and then
into January.
Meet in the new Gathering Space in the Angelorum at St Matthew Parish. No cost to participate. No need to have attended
previous classes.
In Christ,
The Food For The Poor Family
Vande Walle’s
Chocolate Bars
$1.00 each
Religious Education Calendar
Wednesdays 6:15-7:30pm
12/16—Session #14—Grade 9 Parent Meeting “Theology of
the Body” 6:30-7:30 Cafeteria
12/23— NO Session — Winter Break — Merry Christmas!
12/30— NO Session — Winter Break — Happy New Year!
1/6—Session #15
1/13—Session #16—Catechist Connection 7:45-8:15pm,
Choose from:
Youth Mission Trip Teens will be
 Carmel
selling after masses next weekend,
 Carmel Nut
or you can contact the Parish Center
 English Toffee
at Holy Name to find out how you
 Chocolate Truffle
can get them sooner! Please help
 Mint Truffle
support their efforts to go to Peru
 Dark Chocolate
and make a difference!
 Milk Chocolate
 Peanut Butter Melt Away
What is a Steubenville Youth Conference?
Steubenville is a weekend-long retreat with you and 2,000 other high schoolers! You spend the weekend on a college
campus, listening to great speakers, watching skits and funny games, singing, praying, going to Mass reconciliation, and
adoration, chatting in small group, making friends from all over North America, and basically letting your life be ROCKED by
God! Talk to someone who went last year (we took four youth) to find out what a great time they had.
Each year Steubenville tickets go on sale in January and in 24 hours they are sold out! Wow it must be good. This year a
Steubenville conference will be held in Wisconsin! The conference will be in Kenosha at Carthage College. We need to think
about it now to make a decision as January is only a few weeks away.
What a great Christmas gift from a parent, grandparent, or godparent!
July 22-24, 2016
Teens, going into
Carthage College, Kenosha, WI
grade to 12th grade graduates
Speakers; Sr. Miriam Heidland and Fr. Mike Schmitz Paul George, host Sonar Worship Band
Down payment needed by January 4th, 2016
More information please call Janet @ 715 842-3148
Youth Ministry Annual
Tuesday, Jan. 26th, 2015
Where: Holy Name Parish—Simmons Hall - basement
$7.00 for Adults, $4.00 for 3-10 yrs, Free children 2 yrs & under
Includes: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert & juice, milk or coffee
Donations for the Dinner are Needed!
Keeping costs down, will help the teens going on the mission trip raise more money for the cost of airfare and lodging at Casa.
If you are able to donate any of the items listed below, your donation can be dropped off at the Religious Ed office or the Parish
Center. Monetary donations are always appreciated to purchase items not donated.
Supplies with largest amount needed are:
Spaghetti Sauce (cans or jars) Tomato Paste
Spaghetti Noodles
Ground Beef
Garlic Bread
Lettuce (1#or 2 # bags)
And Desserts—Desserts are greatly needed. Anyone that likes to make “sweets for their sweets”, your help would be appreciated.
Desserts can be dropped off the day before or of the Spaghetti Dinner.
All proceeds from this fundraiser to be put
towards the Casa Hogar Youth Ministry
Mission Trip general fund.
Watch upcoming bulletins for
a more detailed listing.
Thank you for your continued support
of this, and all of our youth ministry
The Week Ahead at the Parish
Mon. 12/14:
RCIA, 6:30-8:00pm, Parish Center, Library
Mom’s Group, 6:30-7:30pm, Parish Center
8:00 AM †Richard & †Lavern Boehm &
†Dorothy Vogel
Tue 12:05 PM †Dorothy Schmitz
8:00 AM †James A. Radtke
Thur 8:00 AM †Arthur Hummer
8:00 AM Jacob Rechner
8:00 AM †John & †Mary Ellen Jansky
4:30 PM †James Wiesman
8:00 AM †Scott Zernicke & †Mike Zelenka
10:00 AM †Abuela Luisi
12:00 Noon Living & †Deceased
St. Matthew Parishioners
Tue. 12/15:
Men’s Club Christmas Party (members/guests),
5:00pm, 6:00pm, Cafeteria
Wed. 12/16:
TMIY—That Man Is You, 6:00-7:30am, Parish Center
Children’s Christmas Choir Practice, 5:00pm-6:00pm,
Multi-purpose Room
Religious Education—Session #14, 6:15-7:30pm
Grade 9 Parent Mtg. “Theology of the Body” 6:30-7:30pm,
Confirmation—Lesson #12— “Who is the Holy Spirit?”
6:15-7:30pm, Parish Center, Patio Room
Gaudete Choir Practice, 6:30pm, Church
(Misa en Español/Mass in Spanish)
Sun. 12/13:
Liturgical Ministers
December 19th & December 20th
Christmas Church Decorating , 1:30pm
Snow Removal Needed
Looking for a person to assist an elderly,
disabled parishioner with snow removal.
If interested, call Diane at 715-845-3373.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Melissa Willemon
4:30 pm Louise Lach, Michelle Bocke
8:00 am Bernie Dohr, Peggy Bant
10:00 am JoAnn Egelkrout
Our target:
Pledged to Date:
Amt. Under Target:
Total Records:
Parishioners Pledging
Not Pledged
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion
4:30 pm D. Burish, L. Lach, C. Vircks, J. Woelfle, N. Felty,
M. Beattie*, G. Byrne*
8:00 am K. Stencil, Bd. Dohr, D. Lepak, S. Lepak,
S. Peterson, P. Bant*, J. Pritzl*
A time for giving! Please remember to give/pledge, any
amount you are able, to the Diocesan Annual Appeal. As of
this date, we are still a “far cry” from our target of 70,327.
If you need a pledge card, please get in touch with Ann,
715-842-3148 and she will send one to you or help you
over the phone.
10:00 am B. Cveykus, J. Fergot, M. Jelinek, B. Jelinek,
R. Keen, K. Tierney(P)*, E. Tierney*
Ushers & Greeter
4:30 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
Your efforts will bring us to a successful victory in doing
God’s work on earth. Thank you for your generous answer to
our Diocesan Annual Appeal.
K. Chapman, N. Chapman, Justin Kitzrow
J. Henrichs, M. Henrichs, Ted Stencil
R. Krueger, D. Kohnhorst, K. Ellenbecker
4:30 pm Bobbi Jo Zimick, Anthony Lewis
8:00 am Emily Drake, Madison Mosure
10:00 am Arianna Malbone, B. Ellenbecker
Donations must be received at the bank before December
30, 2015 to be included on your 2015 tax statements. We
suggest making your payment by December 24th, to reach
the bank on time. Do not send payments to the Diocesan
Annual Appeal Office. They will not reach the bank before
December 31st.
4:30 pm Dan Larson, Lynn Meyer
8:00 am Annette Southworth, Bill Dohr
10:00 am Nancy Losinski, Dorothy/Choir
Send directly to the address in Milwaukee:
Diocese of La Crosse, P.O. Box 88014, Milwaukee, WI
Weekly Scripture
Readings for the Week of December 13, 2015
Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a/Phil 4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18
Monday/St. John of the Cross: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a/
Mt 21:23-27
Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13/ Mt 21:28-32
Wednesday: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-25/ Lk 7:18b-23
Thursday: Gn 49:2, 8-10/ Mt 1:1-17
Friday: Jer 23:5-8/ Mt 1:18-25
Saturday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/ Lk 1:5-25
Sunday 12/20: Mi 5:1-4a/Heb 10:5-10/Lk 1:39-45
Financial Stewardship
Minimum budgeted amount needed weekly…....$9,612.00
Stewardship last weekend ………………..…..…….…$????????
Amount under budget…………………………...……....$????????
Thank you for generously supporting St. Matthew Parish
Ministro Hispano: P. Roberto Thorn
Dirección: 229 South 28th Avenue, Wausau, WI 54401
Teléfono: 715-842-3148
3er Domingo de Adviento
Yo he escuchado personas que dicen que la Navidad trae
tristeza que ya no es como antes, que en su país de
origen es diferente la forma de celebrar, que la gente no
participa igual, en fin muchas opiniones y poca acción.
Fijémonos que el punto clave de la liturgia de este Tercer
Domingo de Adviento es mostrar lo contrario, llamar la
atención en la alegría. La primera lectura del profeta
Sofonías nos indica cual debe ser la actitud al ya casi
llegar al nacimiento del Salvador. "¡Gózate y regocíjate de
todo corazón!" (Sof 3, 14).
Directora de Educación Religiosa: Patricia Rodriguez Cicha
Teléfono: 715-842-3148
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
Horario de Misas en español: Cada domingo a las 12 PM
Catequesis para niños de Jardín Infantil (Kinder) hasta
el 9° grado: En inglés cada miércoles de septiembre a
mayo de 6:15-7:30pm en la escuela.
Catequesis en español: Favor de hablar con el párroco.
Sí, nuestra alegría debe
ser inmensa, de paz y
tranquilidad, de tener
todo listo, de no andar
en carrera y retrasados
en lo más importante:
¡Jesús! La alegría de la
que habla el Evangelio
es la que abre el
camino a aquel que es
la felicidad que no se acaba, la alegría que nos sostiene
en el camino.
Bautismo: Favor de informarnos 6 semanas antes de
celebrar el bautismo. Es necesario para los padres y padrinos
asistir una clase de preparación bautismal. Las siguientes
clases se ofrecen: Sábado el 9 de enero de 2015 a las
Uno de los padrinos tiene que ser católico confirmado en la fé
Católica y practicándola- es decir, que no vive en unión libre,
Que asiste la misa los domingos, y que recibe los
Matrimonio: En la mayoría de los casos es necesario
informarnos seis meses en adelante.
¿Qué alegría pedimos? ¿Qué relación tiene la Navidad
con la alegría? ¿De qué forma vivo yo la alegría? La
Virgen María nos da la respuesta claramente: Vivir la
Navidad como gozo de salvación en nuestra vida de
familia y comunidad. San Pablo nos da otra parte de la
respuesta cuando les dice a los filipenses. "Alégrense
siempre en el Señor; se lo repito: ¡alégrense! Que la
benevolencia de ustedes sea conocida por todos" (Flp 4,
4). La respuesta de Juan Bautista, también vale para todos los tiempos. Nuestra respuesta, ante esta realidad,
es el cómo nos preparamos durante el Adviento. Que la
espera del Niño Jesús sea de compartir lo que somos y
tenemos con un corazón sincero y generoso capaz de
Ofertorio de 6 de diciembre de 2015: $?????
El Grupo de
Danza Folclore
de la Parroquia
San Mateo
Cuando: El domingo 20 de diciembre 2015
Donde: Wausau Center Mall
Lectura/Sal—Letty M.
Ministros de la Sagrada Comunión—Elodia/Roberto
Es la primera vez que el GRUPO de DANZA FOLCLORE de
nuestra parroquia participara en este evento especial.
El evento forma parte de los festejos Navideños de nuestra
comunidad de Wausau.
Como familia de fe cristiana es importante y necesario
apoyar a los jóvenes y a nuestra
Lecturas de la semana del 13 de diciembre de 2015
Domingo: Sof 3, 14-18/Flp 4, 4-7/Lc 3, 10-18
Lunes: Nm 24, 2-7. 15-17/Mt 21, 23-27
Martes: Sof 3, 1-2. 9-13/Mt 21, 28-32
Miércoles: Is 45, 6-8. 18. 21-25/ Lc 7, 18-23
Jueves: Gn 49, 2. 8-10/ Mt 1, 1-17
Viernes: Jr 23, 5-8/ Mt 1, 18-25
Sábado: Jue 13, 2-7. 24-25/ Lc 1, 5-25
Domingo siguiente: Miq 5, 1-4/Heb 10, 5-10/Lc 1, 39-45