St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church 269 Parkville Avenue • Brooklyn, ew York 11230 Rectory (718) 434-8040 Rev. !ukasz Trocha, Pastor Sister Maureen Sullivan, Pastoral Associate Rev. José Lopez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ilyas Gill, Pakistani Apostolate Coordinator Deacon Francis M. Pittie RECITATIO OF THE ROSARY: Monday to Friday MASS SCHEDULE: At 8:40AM before the 9:00AM Mass and after the Saturday: 5:00 PM (Satisfies Sunday Obligation) 10:45AM Mass on Sundays. Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM (Español), 10:45AM, 12:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (Urdu-Pakistani) THE DIVIE MERCY CHAPLET: Monday to Weekday: 9:00 AM Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass. Holydays: 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday: 9:00AM to 4:00PM Tuesday through Thursday: 7:00PM to 9:00PM Saturday 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 12:30PM Emergency calls at any time COFESSIOS: Saturdays from 4:00PM to 4:45PM in the lower church (or any time upon request for appointment). AOITIG OF THE SICK: The celebration of this sacrament takes place within the 9:00AM Mass on the first Saturday of each month (or any time upon request for an appointment). WEDDIGS: Couples must make an appointment with one of the parish priests at least six months prior to their intended wedding date. MIRACULOUS MEDAL OVEA: Wednesdays after the 9:00 AM Mass. SPAISH CHARISMATIC Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. PRAYER GROUP: SPAISH CURSILLO ULTREA: Wednesdays at 7:00PM FILIPIO/EGLISH MARRIAGE GROUP: Thursdays at 7:00 PM. ECOUTER FILIPIO APOSTOLATE: Mass and music in the Filipino language every second Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM followed by the social gathering. RELIGIOUS EDUCATIO CLASSES: Sunday morning from 9:00AM to 10:15AM. BAPTISMS: For Baptism in English or Español, please contact Sister Maureen. Parents must register and attend a class prior to their child’s Baptism. For Baptism in Polish please contact fr. Luke. EUCHARISTIC ADORATIO AD BEEDICTIO: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Saturday morning in the lower church from 8:00AM to 9:00AM. Come at any time during this Holy Hour to pray in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord. Benediction takes place at 8:50 AM. 31th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30th, 2011 MASS ITETIOS SATURDAY, October 29th 9:00 Purgatorial Society (October) + Netti Grosso, + Rose Bernardo, + Ralph Nicholas Pampino 5:00 PM + Rev. Robert Hume SUDAY, October 30th 8:00 + George Payyapilli, Sr. 9:00 Victor Beles 10:45 People of the Parish 12:30 Narcyza Szwanke - Birthday (Polish) 5:00PM (Urdu/Pakistani) MODAY, October 31st 9:00 + Nicolas Rosiclair TUESDAY, ovember 1st - ALL SAITS SOLEMITY 9:00 + All Souls (English) 7:30PM + All Souls (multilingual) WEDESDAY, ovember 2nd -ALL SOULS MEMORIAL 9:00 + All Souls (English) 7:30PM + For Deceased Parishioners & All Souls THURSDAY, ovember 3rd 9:00 For All the Souls FRIDAY, ovember 4th 9:00 For the Soul of Kathy 8:00PM Jadwiga & Jan Mu!y"o (Polish) SATURDAY, ovember 5th 9:00 Purgatorial Society (November) + Lucy Rusolo, + Rose Bernardo, + Peter Wójcik 5:00PM + Lucy Rusolo SUDAY, ovember 6th DAY TIME SAVIGS TIME 8:00 + Proceso Cruz 9:00 + Marco Aurelio Rubio, + Ana Bertilda Rubio Farfan 10:45 + Marion & Frank Dukes 12:30 Ma"gorzata Zajkowska - z pro#b$ z zdrowie (Polish) PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Mary Lou Jean Baptist, Rita Puglia, Aida Mendez, Rosana Hidalgo Spigno, Betty Scharff, Dennis Egen, Vincent Romano, Marino Candulesas WEEKLY COLLECTIO 1st Collection - Your Gift to St. Rose of Lima Parish 2nd Collection - Your Contribution for Maintenance & Repairs COLLECTIO COMPARISO Weekend of 10/22/11 - 10/23/11 $3913 Weekend of 10/23/10 - 10/24/10 $5054 DOATIOS FOR THE MOTH OF OCTOBER Host: Donated by Ernie & Viring Bustamante Candles: Donated by Ernie & Viring Bustamante DOATIOS FOR MOTH OF OVEMBER Host: In Loving Memory of Peter Wojcik Donated by Joan Wojcik Candles: In Loving Memory of Peter Wojcik Donated by Beth (Mary Savage) THAKSGIVIG We are in need of canned vegetables and canned yams for Thanksgiving baskets for the needy families of our parish. MASS FOR DECEASED PARISHIOERS A special Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, November 2nd, at 7:30PM in the lower church for all who were buried from St. Rose during this past year: Conrad Bholai, Valarie McCormick, Katarzya Tara, Joseph Caiazza. Ghada Alchadirchy, Elena Escobar, John Patti, Francoise Vilsaint-Ganot, James Durkin, Jean Danielle, Andrew Corleto, Catalina Benton, John O’Flaherty, and Francisca Rivera-Robles. REMEMBRACE BOOKS On November 1st., remembrance books will be placed in front of the upper and lower church and will remain there for the month of November. We invite you to write the names of your deceased loved ones on the pages of these books. As a parish community, all of these faithfully departed will be remembered in our prayers during the “Month of All Souls”. COFIRMATIO EROLLMET CEREMOY The Confirmation candidates of our parish will be formally enrolled in their program of preparation at the 10:45 Mass next Sunday, November 6th. LITURGICAL CHAGES TO EGLISH MASS As you may have heard, there will be some changes in the prayers and responses in the English translation of Mass, beginning the first Sunday of Advent, Nov. 27th -28th. This is to reflect more accurate translation of the Eucharist from Latin. Each weekend additional information will be provided as we prepare for this change. CHRIST JESUS, OUR HOPE Christ Jesus, Our Hope is an on-going strategic planning process of the Diocese which endeavors to strengthen the resources and services offered at the parish level. We pray in union with the parishes of Brooklyn & Queens and ask God’s blessing and guidance as we move forward with this process. Please continue to read the bulletin inserts for the next few weeks which explain Christ Jesus, Our Hope in further detail. There is another article on page 6 of this week’s publication of The Tablet. ALL SOULS DAY EVELOPES All Souls Day is November 2nd. All registered parishioners have received an envelope in their package. Kindly have the envelopes, with the names of your loved ones, into the church by the weekend of October 29th & 30th. This will give us the time to place them on the altar for All Souls Day. Extra envelopes will be available at the doors of the church. OBSERVIG EW LIES I THE SMALL PARKIG LOT The small parking lot adjacent to the church has newly configured parking lines to safely maximize its use. We ask that you park only in the designated parking areas. Please note, the handicapped blue-marked spot is reserved exclusively for the drivers with the disabilities. There are also three spots reserved for Sr. Maureen, Fr. Jose & Fr. Luke. Finally, please try to park first and foremost in the large parking lot where there is always ample space to accommodate everyone :) Thank you for your cooperation. - Fr. Luke TODAY’S READIGS First Reading - Do we not have one father? Did not the one God create us? (Malachi 1:14b -2:2b, 8-10). Psalm - In you, Lord, I have found my peace. Psalm 131 Second Reading - You have received not a human word but the word of God (1 Thessalonians 2:7b-9, 13). Gospel - Call no one your father on earth; you have but one Father, the one in heaven (Matthew 23:1-12). SAITS AD SPECIAL OBSERVACES Sunday: Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time; Monday: Halloween Tuesday: Solemnity All Saints Wednesday: All Souls Day Memorial Thursday: St. Martin de Porres Friday: St. Charles Borromeo; First Friday Saturday: First Saturday; Blessed Virgin Mary ST OF FAITH GOD IS I CHARGE “Who do you think you are?!” today’s readings demand. We are brought up short, put in our place, given a dose of reality. Who is God? Who is in charge? Who is the greatest? We begin with a passage from the prophet Malachi, one of the latest prophets, who wrote after the Jews returned from Babylon. Calling the people to task in God’s name, he condemns the divisions and false teachings that have arisen, reminding them that all were created by the one God. Paul tells the Thessalonians the same thing, but in a positive way - praising them for remembering that it is God who is at work within them. Finally, the Gospel presents Jesus speaking out against hypocrisy and vainglory. “You have but one teacher . . . you have but one Father” (Matthew 23:8, 9). We are firmly put in our place. God is in charge. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. LOVE EEDED HERE No one needs love more than someone who doesn’t deserve it. -Anonymous FEAST OF OUR FAITHAST OF FAITH Prayer after Communion The rites following the reception of Communion are very short. It is as if the Church is saying to us that the only way to respond to this great gift is to go forth and live it! But there are some significant rites yet before we are sent forth from the Mass. After Communion, we pray together in silence or sing a hymn; both are ways to thank God for the gift of the Son. Then the priest prays another collect, the Prayer after Communion. This prayer, usually very short, gathers our prayers into one. It reminds us of what we have already experienced: in receiving the Eucharist, we have received a foretaste of the heavenly banquet; we have eaten the bread of angels. This reality, this knowledge, should transform us, so that we may journey through this life with our hearts set on eternal life, and find in the Eucharist - which is food from heaven and daily bread-the strength and hope we need to work toward God’s kingdom of justice here and now. Corinna Laughlin, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch OPE YOUR EARS Those who close their ears to the needy will themselves cry and not be heard. -Old Hebrew proverb BOR TO LOVE We were born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more. -Joseph Cafasso Reminder: All Saints Day, ovember 1st, is a Holy Day of obligation. The communion of saints (in Latin, communio sanctorum), when referred to persons, is the spiritual union of the members of the Christian Church, living and the dead, those on earth, in heaven, and, for those who believe in purgatory, those also who are in that state of purification. They are all part of a single "mystical body", with Christ as the head, in which each member contributes to the good of all and shares in the welfare of all. Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2011 The greatest among you must be your servant. - Matthew 23:11 MSZA "W. W J. POLSKIM: ! niedziele - godz. 12:30; soboty letnie - godz. 20:00 ! w #wi%ta ko#cielne - zapowiedziana godzina SAKRAMET POJEDAIA: ! w Pierwsze Pi$tki Miesi$ca o godz. 19:00-20:00 ! zawsze w nag"ych wypadkach lub po wcze#niejszym umówieniu si% ! w zapowiedziane soboty od godz. 16:00 (dolny ko#ció") ! podczas rekolekcji SAKRAMET MA!#E$STWA: ! narzeczeni proszeni s$ o skontaktowanie si% z kap"anem przynajmniej 6 miesi%cy przed planowan$ dat$ #lubu SAKRAMET CHRZTU: ! w trzeci$ sobot% miesi$ca o godz. 12:00 (w po"udnie) BIURO PARAFIALE: ! otwarte w godz. 9:00-16:00 & 19:00-21:00 w dni pracy; 8:00-16:30 w soboty; 9:00-12:30 w niedziele ! kontakt telefoniczny po polsku z ks. &ukaszem Trocha: u Ró%y - tel. (718) 434-8040, nast%pnie wybra' #1 w trakcie wiadomo#ci tak by us"ysze' meniu po polsku. PARAFIALA STROA ITERETOWA. Sprawd( nasz$ parafaln$ stron) internetow$ i podziel si) z nami swymi spostrze!eniami: DATA DO ZAPAMI&IA! Zapisz w kalendarzu i niezapomnij!: DZIE$ WSZYSTKICH "WIETCH. wtorek, 1 listopada. Msza #w. po angielsku godz. 9:00 rano w dolnym ko#ciele; Msza #w. po polsku & angelsku godz. 19:30 w dolnym ko#ciele. #roda, 2 listopada. Msza #w. po angielsku 9:00 rano w dolnym ko#ciele oraz 19:30 w dolnym ko#ciele. DZIE ZADUSZY, WYPOMIKI W ITECJI ZMAR!YCH W dniach 1 & 2 listopada, 2011 wszystkie Msze #wi%te zostan$ odprawione w intencji zmar"ych z naszych rodzin. Kopertki na intencje w powy!szym celu znajduj$ si% przy wyj#ciu z ko#cio"a. XXXI IEDZIELA OKRESU ZWYK!EGO Pan Zast!pów mówi: Ja jestem pot!"nym Królem a imi! moje b!dzie wzbudza# l!k mi!dzy narodami. Teraz za$ do was, kap%ani, odnosi si! nast!puj&ce polecenie: Je$li nie us%uchacie i nie we'miecie sobie do serca tego, i" macie oddawa# cze$# memu imieniu, mówi Pan Zast!pów, to rzuc! na was przekle(stwo i przekln! wasze b%ogos%awie(stwo, a przekln! je dlatego, "e sobie nic nie bierzecie do serca. Wy za$ zboczyli$cie z drogi, wielu doprowadzili$cie do sprzeniewierzenia si! Prawu, zerwali$cie przymierze Lewiego, mówi Pan Zast!pów. A przeto z mojej woli jeste$cie lekcewa"eni i macie ma%e znaczenie w$ród ca%ego ludu, poniewa" nie trzymacie si! moich dróg i stronniczo udzielacie poucze(. Czy" nie mamy wszyscy jednego Ojca? Czy" nie stworzy% nas jeden Bóg? Dlaczego oszukujemy jeden drugiego, zniewa"aj&c przymierze naszych przodków? Ml 1,14b - 2,2b.8-10 Jezus przemówi% do t%umów i do swych uczniów tymi s%owam: a katedrze Moj"esza zasiedli uczeni w Pi$mie i faryzeusze. Czy(cie wi!c i zachowujcie wszystko, co wam polec&, lecz uczynków ich nie na$ladujcie. Mówi& bowiem, ale sami nie czyni&. Wi&"& ci!"ary wielkie i nie do uniesienia i k%ad& je ludziom na ramiona, lecz sami palcem ruszy# ich nie chc&. Wszystkie swe uczynki spe%niaj& w tym celu, "eby si! ludziom pokaza#. Rozszerzaj& swoje filakterie i wyd%u"aj& fr!dzle u p%aszczów. Lubi& zaszczytne miejsca na ucztach i pierwsze krzes%a w synagogach. Chc&, by ich pozdrawiano na rynkach i "eby ludzie nazywali ich Rabbi. Otó" wy nie pozwalajcie nazywa# si! Rabbi, albowiem jeden jest wasz auczyciel, a wy wszyscy bra#mi jeste$cie. ikogo te" na ziemi nie nazywajcie waszym ojcem; jeden bowiem jest Ojciec wasz, Ten w niebie. ie chciejcie równie", "eby was nazywano mistrzami, bo jeden jest tylko wasz Mistrz, Chrystus. ajwi!kszy z was niech b!dzie waszym s%ug&. Kto si! wywy"sza, b!dzie poni"ony, a kto si! poni"a, b!dzie wywy"szony. Mateusz 23:1-12 REFLEKSJA AD CZYTAIAMI IEDZIELYMI... Cz%sto bardzo trudno jest przyj$' s"owo, które Bóg kieruje do nas przez ludzi. Wydaje nam si%, !e gdyby osobi#cie do nas przemówi", "atwiej by"oby nam uwierzy'. Ale czy wtedy nie byliby#my w pewien sposób przymuszeni do wiary, pozbawieni wolno#ci wyboru? Bóg mówi do nas, szanuj$c nasz$ woln$ wol%, lecz aby przyj$' Jego s"owa przekazywane za po#rednictwem cz"owieka, potrzebujemy "aski Bo!ej. Módlmy si% dzi# o ni$. I o wiar%, która jest darem Pana. ks. Jaros'aw Ropel, „Oremus” ITEERARIO DE MISAS E ESPAÑOL: !"Domingos: 9:00am. (Español) El 12 de cada mes misa en honor de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe en la iglesia de abajo a las 7:30pm. HORARIO DE LA RECTORIA: !"Lunes a Viernes: 9:00am - 4:00pm. Martes a Jueves: 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Sabados y Domingos: 9:00am -1:00pm. COFESIOES: !"Sabados de 3:30pm - 4:30pm en la Iglesia de abajo (o a cualquier hora por cita) UCIO DE LOS !" Este sacramento se administra en la misa de 9:00am el primer Domingo de cada mes. MATRIMOIOS: !" Las parejas deben de hacer una cita con el sacerdotes 6 meses antes del dia de su boda. BAUTISOS: !" Favor contactar Sister Maureen. Los padres deben registrarsen para una clase, antes del bautiso. ADORACIO AL SATISIMO: !"Cada Sabado en la iglesia de abajo de 8:00am - 9:00pm. OVEA A LA MEDALLO MILAGROSA !"Cada Miercoles despues de la misa de 9:00am. SATO ROSARIO: !"Lunes a Viernes a la 8:40am e la Misa de 9:00am. ULTRELLA-CURSILLO: !"Miercoles a las 7:30pm. EDUCACIO RELIGIOSA: !"Domingos de 9:00am a 10:15am. AQUÍ SE ECESITA AMOR Nadie necesita más amor que alguien que no lo merece. -Anónimo CRISTO JESUS, UESTRA ESPERAZA CRISTO JESUS, UESTRA ESPERAZA es un proceso en nuestro diócesis que se trata de fortalezer los servicios ofrecidos en las individuales parroquias. Para tener éxito en esto, tendrán que haber algunos cambios lo cual todavia no se sabe como o cuanto. Debemos de rogar que el Señor nos guiará en este proceso. Mas información sobre esto se encuentra dentro de este buletín y en las semanas siguientes. LIEAS PARA LOS AUTOS E LOS ESTACIOAMETOS Por favor ponga atención a las lineas que se ven marcadas para los autos en los estacionamientos. Tengan la bondad de aparcar su auto entre estas lineas. Tambien habrán lineas para personas que sean desabilitadas. Habrán espacios especialmente para la Hermana Maureen, Padre Jose y Padre Luke. Por favor no deje su auto en estos espacios. Gracias!! - Padre Lucas DIOS ESTÁ A CARGO “¡¿Quién te crees que eres?!”, demandan las lecturas de hoy. Nos ponen de cortito, en nuestro lugar, con una dosis de realidad. ¿Quién es Dios? ¿Quién está a cargo? ¿Quién es el máximo? Comenzamos con el pasaje del profeta Malaquías, uno de los profetas tardíos, quien escribió después que los judíos retornaron de Babilonia. Amonestando al pueblo en el nombre de Dios, condena las divisiones y falsas enseñanzas que han surgido, recordándoles que todos fueron creados por el único Dios. Pablo dice la misma cosa a los tesalonicenses, pero de una manera positiva, elogiándolos por recordar que Dios es el que obra en ellos. Finalmente, el Evangelio presenta a Jesús hablando contra la hipocresía y la vanagloria. “No tienen más que un Maestro. . . el padre de ustedes es sólo el Padre celestial” (Mateo 23:8, 9). Con firmeza nos pone en nuestro lugar. Dios está a cargo. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. LOS SATOS Y OTRAS OBSERVACIAS Domingo: Trigésimo primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Jaloín Martes: Todos los Santos Miércoles: Todos los Fieles Difuntos Jueves: San Martín de Porres Viernes: San Carlos Borromeo; Primer viernes Sábado: Primer sábado; Santa María Virgen LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura - Adora al Dios que nos creó, y sean fieles unos a otros (Malaquías 1:14b - 2:2b, 8-10). Salmo - En ti, oh Señor, encuentro la paz (Salmo 131 [130]). Segunda lectura - Estábamos decididos a compartir con ustedes no sólo el Evangelio de Dios, sino nuestro ser también (1 Tesalonicenses 2:7b-9, 13). Evangelio - El más grande de ustedes debe ser el servidor de los demás (Mateo 23:1-12). Trigésimo primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 30 de octubre de 2011 El mayor de entre ustedes sea su servidor. - Mateo 23:11