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The rock tombs of El Amarna - NYU | Digital Library Technology
NYU IFA LIBRARY 3 1162 04538737 1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF EGYPT Edited by F. Ll. GRIFFITH SE VENTEEX'JII MEMOIR THE EOCK TOMBS OP EL AMARNA PAET V -SMALLEE TOMBS AND BOUNDABY STEL.VE BY N. Di: G. DAVIlvS FORTY-FOUR PLATES AND COLOURED FRONTISPIECE LONDON' SOLD AT Tin: OFFICES OF THE EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, 37, CSrkat Kosskll Stukkt, W.C. AND PlERCK BUILDINO, CoPLKY SQUARE, BOSTON. MaSS., U.S.A. AND BY KEGAN PAUL, TREXrH, THObNER & B. QUARITCll, 11, CO., Dryden House, Ckkuaud Stklkt. Grafton Street, New Bond Street, Bedford Street, Covknt Garden, W.C, and ASHER & CO., 13, AND HENRY FROWDE, Amen 43. Corner, E.C.. and 01 and mos 50, 93, .^ouo, \V. \V. Untkb den I.inhen, Fifth Avwtje, New Bkrun York. K nJ,. El Amarna V. Frontispiece. LU 0. UJ < > O z Hi S. UJ s: E = u. " I O ^ UJ S; < h- o UJ m CO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF EGYPT Ll Edited by F. GRIFFITH SE vi:xri:i:\ i ii mkmoir THE HOCK TOMBS OF EL A MARNA PAET V -SMALLEE TOMBS AND BOUNDAl^Y STELAE BY N. im: G. DAVIES FORTY-FOUR PLATES AND COLOURED FRONTISPIECE LONDON SOLD AT The 0KF1CE8 OF 'I'HE EGYPT EXPLORATfON FUND, 37, Uueat IUsskli, Stukkt, W.C. AND Pierce Huildino, Copley Squake, Boston. Mass., U.S.A. AND iiy KKGAN PAUL, TRENCH, H. ASIIIM; & CO., AND l:!, HENRY I'RUBNEI? & CO., Dryden Mouse, (Jl'AKITCH, II, (iRAKTON .STRr.F.T. \mi:n Corner, E.C., IIMIS am. Gebrakd Street. .Vew Bond .Street. Hkhfoud Street, t:ovENT Garden, W.C. and FROWI'K, 43. !II and .")0, '.». Soiio. \V. Unter dkn Linden, Berlin Fii'tii Avenuk. New York W. ui^f-rn wcviorr 1 I-dSUUN I'HINTKli BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SuNS, LIMITED, STHEET. T)CRE STAMFORD STRKKT. S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET. : NEW YORK UMiVEHSlTY LIBRARY IT S3 W EGYPT EXPLOEATTON FUND prcslOcnt P. G. HILTON PRICE, Esq., Dib.S.A. UlcespresiDciits The Et. Mox. The Earl of Cromer, John Sir Evans, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., Maunde-Thompson, K.C'.ll, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A. SiH ]]. G.C.B., G.C.M.G.. K.C.S.I. (Eg>-pt) The Hon. Chas. L. Hutchinson Prof. T. Day Seymour (U.S.A.) (U.S.A.) Prof. Ad., Ph.D. (Germany) LL.D. Prof. G. Maspero, D.C.L. (France) The Rev. Prof. A. II. Savce, M.A., LL.D. Prop. W. W. Goodwin (U.S.A.) , Joriah Mullens, Esq. (Australia) I 1bon. Jlreaeurers Edward H. A. Grueber, Esq., F.S.A. "Ibon. .1. S. T. IL n.wiAn, Esq., M.A., K.C, V.D. Mouerly Bell, Esq. The Hon. J. R. Carter (U.S.A.) (U.S.A.) K>^(|.. M.A. of Connnittce PuoF. Alexander Macalister, M.D. Mrs. McClure. C. F. SoMERH Clarke, Warren, Esq. Secretary Cotton, Members R. The Rev. W. MacGreoor, M.A. RoiiEUT MoND, Esq., F.R.S.E. Esq., F.S.A. Newton Crane, Esq. (U.S.A.) W. E. Crum, Esq., M.A. The Marquess of Northampton. Louis Dyer, Esq., M.A. (U.S.A.) Sir Arthur John Evans, Esq., Francis \Vm. Pehcival, Esq., M.A., l'\U.S. PlSOl". IjUNEST A. (JAUU.NKU, M.A. D.Litt. John Ward, Ll. Griffith, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. T. F. G. Kenyon, Esq., M.A., E. Lilt. M..\.. B.u«t. Mrs. Tiharu. Emanuel AL Cnderdown, Esq., K.C. F. I). Heuhert Thompson, Esq., ]'\S.A. Herbert Warren, Towiiv Whvtk, Esq., M..\. 1-".s(|.. M..\. F.S..\. F.S.A. CONTENTS I'AOF. Li^r l':.\TKs 111- C'liAi'TKi; 'I'oMii 'I'liK i. May. (11 I'n'\inus Wdi'k A. T>. vii Ardiili-ci iiijil I'^'iituros. I'lxtii'iiir [»jt('ii(ir \'nnlt ( '. I). f^cciics A. ami Inscriptions. NDrtli tliiek'ncss 2 South thickness 2 West 3 Muv, ClIAlTKi; . AVall liic Official TlIK II. Smiih Side : 4 . Tii\ll>, nv AnY. Arc liitcc-lurai I'Vaturcs. Kx tenor (i Interior 7 Elllraiirr 7 Corridoi' 8 ?)uriai shaft 8 . Shrine. Pi. Scenes I'. I'crsoual 8 8 it . D. Votive stelao ( 'hai'TKi; Chai'tkh 1 1 1. I\. K S\iAi,i, oi; l".\i\sii:i Tin: nKr.Kiiots A. I'rayers hy II. Iliiriai I lie petitions deceasod . i:ii To\|i; Tkxt If. 17 CONTENTS. Chapter V. The Boundat!y Stelae. A. Their distrilmtion B. Their history C. and rontents Descriptiou of the Stelae D. Previous work on the site 19 20 22 27 E. The earlier proclamation 28 F. The later proclamation 31 Index 35 LIST OF PLATES WITH KKKERK.N'GES TO THK PA(iES UN WHUH THKV ARK DE.SCRIBKD. I'.\f:K.S I. II. III. IV. V. VI. May'. I'laii iiiid s('i-rii)ii . cnliiniii. aoil iii.-^cription.s . 'i'oiiili (if Sc'ctiiiii, N. W. The (}uay wall. Tumi. If). ,, VTTI. Sliiine . ,, and Tombs 18 and XIV. Tomlj.s : wall left : IL', liO. and •J.5a Lintel. Tomb XVI. Tunili L'L.' Lintel, 'i'unib^l. .WII. Tomb 'Jl'. Plan and sections 7i' and *XIX. Site of Tond)s. *xx. *XXI. Fiiiure and Prayer of Steliie of Palslia Stelae of Ptahinay and .\y Tomb Stela I XXVI. Stela S . Interior XXIX. XXXI. XXXI XXXI II. . .\. A and X. Slelae Fnigmeuts. * and 15 I-.', ir, 8 10 10 in. II ly • • .\ 12, It, • • •-'7. 3-J, 33 •-••J, 23, 26 20. :t 1 32 . 32, 33 .... .... {i-niil'nntiil) Stelae 14 7, [ruii/liiiii'd) Te.xt I. 17 . • . . . (fdii/iiiai'd) Stela l.T 14. and sections . . Te.xt XXX. 12, 13. 14. 14 ,, Stela K. I'laii of bounilarv stelae XXVI 11. 14 lu.scription ...... Lower part ('ollnteil text 13. 14, 15, 18 and Ncbwawi *xxn. XXV. 17 .... .... Stelae oi .\n\-nicn and Tliav hi. 17 7, 8, lay .\ny *XXITT. XX VII. j\ 8, 9, . Plans, etc. Plans and sect ion> _'4a. shi'ine of of Sutan. 13 7. 3. i, grattito. Plans, etc. (Sutau). li) .sections 8, 17 Mans and sections i ami . (Pa-aten-em-heb). -14 I'lan ). right wall. Toiiil) I'O. *XX1I. (Any Tonil) 23 Shrine Tunilis 5 3. 4 l:! Outer jamhs and Tnnilis 17 3, 4, 1. . 13 uf .\n\ 'I'onili .\klR'tateii •2. Sections, etc XIII. X\lll. .> Plan .\. XV. Ateu \. ..f Section. XI. XIJ. Ro3-aI family worship.s -' 16 4, 5. •1, S. tliifkiie.s.« aiul janilis VTl. IX. The thif;kne.s.s. 1, I!. Photographic Plates. 28, 29, 30, 31 .30, 31 28, 29. 30. 31 30. 31 Clusuig lines 20. 22. 23, 25 LIST OF PLATES. PLATE XXXIV. *XXXV. *XXXVI. *XXXVII. *XXXVIII. *XXXIX. PAGES A aud Stelae Interior of Torn!) 21. May N. thiekocs.s. : K Stelae Stela K: Stela S and lines Tomb 22. May Stelae A an 2, 33 2, 14 14, 23, 24 24, 25, 27 1-:^ 28, 29, 30, 31 22, 23, 26 N *.VLI. Site of Stela (,). (,» 19, 20, 23, 24, 31, . . Stelae S aud Stelae Hall of ^lap of Aklietateu U *XL. *XLn. Fragraeiit.s. U.f and 23, 25, 26 Stela A 23, 24, 26 . 26 I! Hay) *XLIII. Stela A. {Dr.nrliuj *XL1\'. I'otterv. Frasjment.s of Stelae. I,;/ Phi'tc/fi djilnt' P/fitcs. 23, 24, 27 Site of Stela, S. t Wnun/hf U-ftcrc'l in ike I'luir. 23, 25, 26, 27 THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. PART V. CHAPTEK I. THE TOMB OF MAY (^ A. The Previous Work. existence of this large have l)een tomb (No. patent to visitors at as the entrance The periods all Bouriant JVl. in carried out, b) M. Daressy tomb " M. Ilarsanti ten years p>il)lished most of the texts of liis this name, i on latioii planned as appearance 7, 1 is i,. through tlie the portal. - The approach which has been rock-slope is not much broader Tlir latter has the custom;ir\- and decoration, but the surface abnost destroyed. It <il' the cul tlian Ibrm linlcl is sliowed the usmd dupli- cated .scene of the Royal family adoring Aten. may be gathered tVoni fi'aginents of ihe nmlh end L;i\en on I'lare v.. ihrei' .\s the (^>ueen's sister Mutlienret wen' ineludeil. ••ind ' BoDRiANT, Deux joura do fouillt'it, p. 8 ; I)ai!i;.ssy, The name, though defaced, picked out by me on the left jamb some years ago, as eueil, XV., pp. 38-41. by BiPastpd iiidepeiuleiitly. It — .\lthough the hall its present owing less to the interior, exicpt all it^s filth low down ii.) neai' iL.X'rKHioR. xxx%'.). very unattractive, wliieh o\eilie> (Plaips and a trans- iv. 18.) ambitious enough, wiis plaster. unfinished state than to the blackness and Architectural Features. B. be found on Plate will ]ip. Intkkior (IMate for erased from the inscriptions.' it • Royal Scribe" at the end of the columns on (The text and later, • as well as his title of have been covered over with tenacious This task, however, was ls,s:;. •' (0 the jambs, has been hacked out and the remains was not cleared bv of a " flabellifcn-e," but rmt found lie tonil) tlu' to the followers after their multi- The name of the deceased, was almost completely blocked with sand, what was visible was extremely unpromising, and The royal tudes, attendants on the feet of their lord but ; " : apparently refers here in.scription retinue must 14) i). is absolutoly South Thickness, ami legible on the ceiling; is still anonymous in Man. du Culte d'Atonoii, pliiin liul I., I he entrance where the walls have always protected i)een grime is coui\ due largely, bats which But the .seems also to hall lire a was show filled broke out I'leiid it not fnini and columns that at .some time with coflined atmo.sphere the to here assert their ancient still state of the walls in this This entirely, have housed immemorial, and time privilege. invading sand. the b\- when the mummies a tierce intlanmiabic matcrinl : for hardly able to ac- .seems appearance of the tomb, ami .some Be- count wa.s of the bones recently thrown out are <ertainly also for the calcined, l)Ut whether by th»' excavators or no I on the the tomb pp. 71-77. cannot The .say. ceiling of the liall was intended t<i be THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. by carried twelve papyrus-coliuimy given their final form (see Plate ii. hut, ; usual, only those of the central aisle for details of the west column on the north side of the The adjoining two in the west the stems on the capitals aisle). row merely show the rest on the north ; North Thickness.— (Plates as have beeu hand the left iii., On xxxvi.)'. in the thickness of the wall of rock the scene of the worship of the Aten by the Royal family takes the main place, and below this was' The King the prayer and praying figure of May. and Queen, who present the censer and libation- are even less advanced, while on the south one vase to the sun from behind a laden altar, are Of the remaining two, followed by three of their daughters and by Mut- is a square pillar. still only the have been detached from the abaci mass of unremoved rock which still this fills corner of the hall to within a yard of the ceiling. The tomb usual features of this type of though to be found, in an unfinished are state, viz., the doubly-corniced door which was the promise of an inner chamber, and the shrines for statues of the deceased at each end of the nearest crossaisle. is undecorated and now much The North Shrine contains a standing Mav, which, though the merest hozzo figure of allows his long wig and the fan of office over his right The north and shoulder to be divined. south walls of the hall are in the roughest state, but at it is evident that the inner row of columns was least usual form. to The presence of this princess here has no special significance. The subjects of the various walls of tomlis in this group seem to have been settled by the example of Ay, who, as father of Nefertiti and of Mutbenret, naturally included the latter the side to terminate The unfinished by in pilasters pillar is still a party-wall of of rock, to which a rough coping has been given in order to the best of the Vault. —A the attached make The text on its May of has under the east wall. At an interment. has been cut The lower half of the away to give a wider passage, showing that the staircase was not part p. 16.^ It is but the kneeling figure ; It can just be seen that ]\Iay was kneeliug with right hand uplifted and the shoulder. his left holding the fan over Apparently he wore the His name, which occurred cap. in the festal middle of the inscription, has been similarly expunged, and this hostility has been also shown to the menti(jn of Royal Scribe and of some other dignity, as on the the nineteenth stair a level space leaves scanty be found will the space covered with coarse plaster. of his office and pene- May translation on been remorselessly destroyed and unremoved mass. trates a short distance for of the prayer of xix., ii., rough place of burial has been in the north-east corner of the tonilj pilaster Pis. in excellent condition provided by means of a stairway, which descends room Royal group. also in the The door mutilated. The last is attended, as she is wont to by her two female dwarfs. Para and Re-neheh." beuret. lie, jambs South Thickness. fall from (PI. iv.), — The same evidence of a appears on the South Thickness fav(_)ur where out.side. May had another address of his inscribed in five columns the full height of the wall, and in In figure.^ overlaid columns over a kneeling shorter this case (probably not only was the figure after defacement) with a of the original design. ' Mon. du Culie d'Atouou, Plate xxxii. The sky scene extends over the doorway on the left hand, C. Scenes and Inscriptions. ii., iii., iv., v., xix., The only mural decorations xxxvi.) witliin the end resting upon the mountains. = (Plates in the its * tomb Cf. Part II., pp. 13, U, Part VI., Mon. du Culte d'Aionou, Pis. xxvi., xxviii., xxxi. PI. xxxiii. A translation is also given in Bee.^sted, Records, II., pp. 412, 413. * The figures shown in Plates xxxiii., x.\xi\'. of the abovu occur on both sides of the entrance and on the work, though south side of the west wall. roughly to resemble the original attitudes. fictitious, since the original is invisible, seem THE rough and most tenacious hieroglyphs also were plaster, filled up. T0.M13 OK MAY. but the incised the Queen, In part owing stem and is made to mooring-stakes at fast with a crowd of craft above and .stern, to the different nature of the defacing plaster, below, similar but simpler, to accommodate the they now assume the form of an inlay and are Royal hou.sehold. legible but a large part ; fouml 1 <iuite obliter- ated and had painfully to pick out the Sometimes original sign thing might may it still filling. the left the process was Some- be done to improve the text, be that the short columns can also recovered be but often clear, and readily and the resulting form uncertain. difhcult and came away this (For a part. in ti'aiislntion see West Wall — South Side. This wall is the the tomb whicli sliows decora- : only one inside tion or prepared to receive is Even here the it. only traced in ink, and only preserved scene is as far up as the protecting bank of sand extended. Fortunately the part saved most that is wliicli The scene seems May have been to of tliat has deviated from the usual model and has given a foreground to the sccne.^ as and we know, this, lay near his picture. with the Eoyal make artist could In the background we is entrance to the palace paths lead fore) to down ; and from il it one hand and the edge on which he Ls he extends the foot (jther His right hand working. Near him a man holds the netting-.shuttle. is may be wrong in fragment of a Museum which came from at Karnak. which .Xtcn sheds mail cain-iiii; nars. Ft is uraeus- forms the piles and At fencing. among the The meat are gardeners shown are a tree up the bank Further also. removing busy which thev have been cutting tions. The strip of leafy shrul)s, is for decora- ground between the palace thickly planted palms, witli clumps of papyrus and fluwors on the right a tree holder, and l)ouquets foliage which is is growing seen, and : in a brick with outlets for the pierced moisture. pieces in gates, in the sunshine, a side runs a light hooped railing to prevent accidents. On is the deck there are three erections. an open, .\t the canopy of which is each end adorned uraei and supported on slender columns. Whether they contain images or deck-.seats for with is no longer clear, but and her daughters Queen that the their Majesties may it are to seen there on the after-deck of their boat, the middle of each vessel construction. side doors is X and windows a much cabin is furnished coluiiinicl aft, whicii in ascends with .\bove this there ia a covered upper-deck, reached companion-ladder be be larger two- seen below, on and Otherwise, the two boats are similarly constructed. Along the storied the wreck of Akhonaton's shows uracus-crowned his niys, Stands of at the top of the steering-paddles. portico would be on the other side of the biiildinj;. scene are taking it." supplying columns here. .similar men Atef-cvown, the Queen the double plume), carved the bank (in a sloping line there- or Elsewhere holds steady for him. oars from a pile or Ijiuding masts. as close to one the barge of the King, at the other that of tenii>le making ing the end taut between his toes, while with heads of their ^lajesties (the King wearing the two diverging two landing-stages raised on carrying uraeus-topped kiosks A is A the tackle. approved fashion, hold- a net in in A papyrus-capitals on either (?) side of Cairo sailor yards, the sails and him crowned gate having seven columns with open - mast, the To etc. the oars ncatlv lashed together, the landing- see a colonnade running along the river-front of the palace. I the riffht lie The barges of the King and Queen are distinguislied not onh' by their .size, but by the l)argcs, Presumably the scene an Egyptian The the i)ank of the stage and gardens, has been included by fact as the at the balcony of the palace, but artist ' busy at work repairing the tackle, and the quay the palace, has interest (Plate v.). reward of river, the foreshore the crews are trimming the shaft of a paddle which a boy below. the On by a inidcr .1 portico to a l<ytlia exactly rc.-icml)hng THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. that of the palace. hath provided, one belo\ed by his Lord every day one whose happiness comes (though) old age arrives and whose would seem from the It ; port-holes that there are cabins also in the hull. body is hale (though) time passes one great in favour and happy in [honours ?] one who followed [his] lord and was the companion (?) ^ of his feet for life, whose love is stable ; columns, from the steering-paddles and from the stern itself, and Ribbons and oay lioht is all from the flutter as ; the Royal Scribe, Scribe of recruits. Overseer of the designed for careless if of Sehetep-Aten, Overseer of the house of Ua-en-ra in hours. This detailed picture Iw a contemporary towns- man, of a spot which we can definitely seer] of all " and visit, firings up before us with the far Past Lord of the locate [He Ra On, On, (3) [Over[the works] of the King, Overseer of the soldiery Overseer of the cattle of the temple of of the says ' : Two in Lands, May. Listen] ye to what * I say, all men (lit. every eye") both great and small; (for) I relate to you Then truly ye shall the benefits which the Ruler did me. '• rare vividness. The picture is border surrounded by a of yellow and red lines outside that shown in the How say, " great are these things that were done iov this no account!" Then truly ye shall [ask] for him King) an eternity of se(?-festivals, an everlasting Then truly shall ho period as Lord of the Two Lands, (i) man of (the plate. "^ The columns tablets of the in the aisle still and black ink of retain traces of the red their do for ' design, showing the King, Queen, and at least one princess, adoring to right and On the Aten. the north half of the west wall are some half- eftaced " year (Plate grattiti " this piece ii. 2 days (?) . perhaps, reading, v.),^ " this piece (?) 5 " ; days ; inscription on the ceiling of the hall, there was one, has That perished. in the is (Plate partly legible. I number As (PL the which iv.), (?) rations " An He King the Two of people worked '^ ; who had been one T that begged ' caused ' held the rank or office of Ha 3. Royal Chancellor. the South Thickness 4. Sole Companion. put into words 5. Scribe of the King. 6. Overseer of the soldiery of the Lord of the to is, despite prince. prince. Two Lands. here.' it adoration of Horakhti[-Aten, the He made my people to grow my (-5) brethren to be many, 2. attempts place to insert all every day, '^ grandiloquence, a description of his career, it is in when Erpa May's loyal attitude to the King, all he caused my He his bounty, 1. May, the Official. on me by and on me. for me (and when) T became lord of a town, he caused me to associate witli Princes and Companions (though) I had been one who He gave to me provisions and held the last place.' May inscription for me, father's Prince established the ii. tion on p. 18.) D. but my on of low origin Ijoth me to grow, he was a man of no property. bread.' entrance man miither's side, caused in the ; ! he caused that " (possibly the date of construc- ." . The tion). if left of my me [such as] he has done for yovi dispenses life " I was a God who If who giveth South and North, living in Truth], life ; Lord we may emend of Cf. III., xxvii. H to of I IV., ; I ii. Reading Lauds, Nefer-khejieni-va-ua-en-ra, the Son of the Sun, living in Truth, Lord of Diadems, Akhenaten, great in his duration of face, ; and of the chief wife of the King, whom Nefertiti, living for ever (2) Read heiress, great in the palace, fair gay with the two plumes, beloved of the Aten, the "The Bearer and he loves. Lady of the ever. Fan on [the right hand of the whom the King of the South hath enlarged King] Reading Lands, Cf. whose .sustenance (or " whose £^a ") - p. l^ead 29. "^^ hxs^ ^ ll« Cf. Mom. du Ih., Plate xxxiv. Cwlte. iVAUmou, , the Sovereign ' •-* ' TL, of the Emending to '"^ ' ' f ^ I., p. Iteadi Hill I ill' and lower down THE TOMB OF MAY. 7. Overseer of the house of Sehetep-Aten.' 8. Overseer of the house of Ua-en-ra in On. 9. Overseer of ill 10. Overseer of 1 Scribe of 1 The two broken titles on the ceiling If 10. (PI. ii.) we are we must list, assign amongst those who early a high place their full and 6 titles to give full credit to this tlirew in lot with the new 'Teaching' and were entrusted with the highest adminis- The trative posts. before his name offices occurring immediately the above in probably those which imposed are inserij^tion duties, detinite while that of Bearer of the Fan, wliirh he places him most l)rought first, King was tliose in and responsible, and the discharge of however, Life, it personal to difficult appears to have been in improbabl}-, met sudden sudden death. short for ^lav, must have l)een if of the sweets of successful amliition and the full satisfaction of well-rewarded activity. one of those who He became entered most closely into the friendship and projects of the King, and has set down in lasting letters, as well as in ture, his pride in the hours with the King on tl ic river 111 liis charming pic- companionship splendid barge. This house mentioned on ostraca at El is Amarna (Gkifkitii, in Petrie, T. A., p. 33, PI. xxii., Nos. 5, 19-22). It appears to be the name of a royal person (" .\ten "), wiietiier it 1)0 who appeases a rarely-meiitioiicd appellation of the King, or his father, or the Aten-name of some other member p. 411) of the Royal s\ii)iX).sos it to 1)0 fimiily. a temple. in the fourtli eoliniin of the left erroi- (ef. Breasted [Records, Tiie writing of the jaml) (PI. iv.) the muddied spelling of Title H im the is a rij^dit II., Imt ; Egyptian not .so may su.spect that this far different His degradation his downfall. was even more swift and absolute than If the names both of and his father his rise. mother his now sought were of no ticcount, the King his out altogether from the book of to blot We life. cannot wonder, as we read May's lavish expres- Akhenaten took sions of gratitude, that care to erase this biography, lest the more pleasure restore his name has been to history. May had Akhetaten, but outside It May's enemies and to baffle It is interesting to find that offices special should stand it as a satire on the favour of kings. it is special of course precisely in Ileliopolis that the jurisdiction the sun-worshipping Our accepted. capital be is little rash King would be most country from of the advanced, therefore from conclude to palace of Akhenaten in < ; for it the that Mi the t<> new the mention the of readily desire for information as administration would of a King at times resided there. The depiction shows that it of three princesses in the coukl the downfall not have been tomb iu.scribed seventh year of Akhenaten, and earlier than the immediately. ' princes from our own but that we contact times the most duties that he its not and, disgrace into The post of Acting Scribe with the King. the to find in his origin the greater ^lay glories in the fact that probably was a cause of perhaps only repeat May and (jffice with associates sentiment was the King. to matter for pride, now the works of the Kinn'. all re(;ruits. Bearer of the fan on the right hand of 12. was wont official whereas he had formerly begged his bread he In. ( The Egyptian rapid rise from low temple of Ra cattle of the tlie ' *'i May probably It is pos.sible occurred almost that he ceeded in Rames or Paatenemheb, as Overseer his office of Overseer of was suc- .soldiery bv of works by Tutu, as Faubearer by Ahmes, and that his honours as Erpa Ihi Prince and Royal Chancellor fell to Nckhtpaaten. name But our knowledge of serilial the iidministration of Hgvpt jand)). aii\thiiig liiit is all too meagre for CHAPTER II. THE TOMB OF ANY The tomb (No. 23) position of this learnt from the leads to it map from the (IV., river, opened howM. Barsanti and other toml^s of the Necropolis.^ cleared this The tomb broad road It was, 1891, when till differs appearance from in all and even in type from most others in the southern and by group, corridor greater its tombs of the N. similarity group hint, confirmed elsewhere, of its the to gives it Even be marking out the spot as the site of an important tomb. ever, not will best A xiii.). ^111 a later position in the series. so, the architect was not able to do mure than indicate was it how pleasing was the design which As his intention to carry out. the exterior it stands, only a rough-hewn sketch which is must complete. The tomb being the imagination set in a hill of very gradual slope, the approach was never by a long One reaches the tomb in a somewhat narrow excavated.'^ flight of steps that the fagade cutting, so oround area and robbed of a great deal of is The eff"ectivenes8. an under- in lies jjortico usual type, extending was not its to be of the the frontage and across shading the door, but took the form of porches Architectdral Features. A. (Plates Exterior. —The though is to many uniijue struction, all tending to tasteful finish tectural tion, the of con- and provision The greatest innovarock tombs in Eoypt, is in of a portico as in temple architecture, in particular set in this respect, it is outside. As this and the palace at El an example of luxury not to be wondered at that the Egyptians de.sired to their " houses yet the speak, Al- only touched intentions just Imilder's plain that the it is column which supports the corniced architraves on either side was to be the only one, being lialauced, no doubt, by a pilaster of the usual it also. But the labour in- volved rarely permitted this in the case of rock tombs, and Any was able to gratify his finer tastes only by restraining his amliitions in point and complexity. form narrow width of the in the rock- wall. hall inside breadth outside. and excavation floor uneven but the of state is are The walls left in the which marks an abandoned enter- in the wall under the portico on the right will be seen three there The would not have justified a greater prise, of eternity" with rounded niches, and a similar one nn the left. These niches contained votive tablets of stone dedicated to Any by still in his household, place when which fortunately were the tomb was cleared, M. Daressy published the texts in the fifteenth volume of the Recueil, pp. 42-45, and the whole tomb has been ' is emerging from the living rock l)elow and around, archi- convenience was well known in domestic as well of size to they were decorativeness. and one rare Amarna so in, details this architectural feature the in if more extended colonnade. the ends of a viii., xi.) tomb Necropolis in regard on either side of the doorway, as included pp. 49-DG. in Mov. <hi Cnltr d'Atonou. Pis., - The slope of the hill ccmtiiiues far the plan, so that an approach at the been quite feasible, beyond the limit of would have floor level and was no doubt contemplated. THE TOMB OF and arc now, with two others, in Cairo thi- The fashioned on the when Museum.' which portal, of the usual form, has is customary scenes and inscriptions also tlie ANY. ; but the wall, so as to admit of the door being thrown King and Queen, back. tints Atcn on offering to table, is On ducing. vases sceptres The (?). on ; The door jambs globular left, Queen and of the fairly well preserved. still not occupied arc but simply petitions, the faces of the youngest princess are repro- King and Queen the right hand the kherp offer side of a central altar- eacli too weather-worn to be worth a l>y Ijy burial of salutation the regnant powers, divine and human, three times repeated on cither side in (Plate xi. ; cartouches of Aten Beneath 14). p. incised The xxxv.). cf. I., later The figures are Any On the right band (Plate xx.) enters, carrying staff with sandals, as in the sunshine he had just been for a if the the text inscribed in front of him befits wlii(-h It is a recension of the Shorter black ink. in Hymn hieroglyphs lines the to the Aten, but the The personal ending obliterated.'^ is hymn as follows is untouched (For trans- most pleasing regards mural finish respects, and the ceiling with its in bright in other cornice under portal of the shrine, tlic of blue, green, blue, red, l)ars in shrine, its too, is sufficiently decoration on the iliirknrss 'J'he h ^_^^J"^^||^ King, the whom ^ / ft iiis whom liis the Lord of the liounty, Inid the h)ves. Two Lands (^) who has reached l.iird llie Offering <if Taiih' liie i>\' Two Atru Lands, S<Tibe of the for the Aten in house of King Aa-kheperu-ra, Any, toniks is again shown in to the northern the full-sized figures of the deceased which occupy the walls the right, strangely enough, being as entering, ward. while tiuit The whole wash, and the wall on the is pictures laid are border of blue and red bands left ; tiiat on represented faces out- out in yellow surrounded by a ; in a good burial, says the .\khctaten.' Steward of the out .Vffinity favourite created by the blessed reward of the walls has lieen hastily yet neatly carried crude colours. / '-The intimate of temple of .Vtea in ^ by the favour of the King, the acting scrilie of the King beloved by him. Scribe of the Altar of perfect to create a true impression. Entrance. — /w^ decoration, yet a the particular user £i r\ eflect, gives an air of gaiety to the hall (Plate xx.). The statue A almost left was given to the tomli .•uul to : U corridor to which the portal creates a a.s complete upper part of the on both sides are the though the tomb had to be for however, he stands left, with upraised hands adoring the sun, an attitude lation, see p. 17.) gives entrance stroll and plucked some Howers on the On bank. river and nosegay and shod adopted here (cf IV., is this —The red, the flesh solid in showing faintly when under only one thick- ness of raiment. form of the prayers and praying figures of Any. Interior. The outlined. enclosed space on the right occupies only half followed by three princesses and by attendants, the lintel, which showed the receive the door-bolt to left, being also neatly shot, (it)." What is with ble.ssed legible of a short biographical notice in front of .\ny on ihe opposite wall adds nothing to On has been scratched roughly in the plaster fiiiure with this. the vacant space on the right-hand wall a many strokes of a sharp point (Plate xi.). the square hole '^ For text and translation .sw Vol. TV.. Plates and pp. 28, 29. xzxii., xxxiii., ' See Ix^low. •' This may he the buiiiiiiig iiieiiiiiiiiod in I., \xx. (p. 3G). THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. for this, like other Any, It evidently represents well-preserved profiles of Any, shows a peculiarity which may have been a consequence of age —a falling tiehtenino; of a namely, of the upper in, on the it The teeth. or lip artist apparently wished to practise Any's portrait or to leave The ceiling has been squared out in readiness (JoRRiDOR (Plate XX.). no finished, trace The hollow them. The shrine with the rock dais filled which the chair of the deceased (.>n is almost is guarded by a in front rounded moulding between finished on top with a edgings, and This is set. parapet neatly little reached by a flight of four is Despite the capital preservation shallow steps. of the tomlj, the statue has suffered considerable to receiv(> a pattern. well with the series of cartouches in the centre, while columns of text occupied the jambs. flat as a guide to the decorators. it lintel —Though the walls are of design found on is bright with colour, cornice, damage. however, It retains, and depicts Any in full wig general form, its sitting in a chair with his feet on a high footstool. which runs along the sides under the ceiling itself in is This very decorative. present besides only in Tomb feature is Scenes. B. With us the 21. (Plates cornice is l)ut to the Egyptian it projects a little it beyond the spring of the slightly vaulted ceiling, as if to suggest that the latter resting on was a light canopy Burial-Shaft.— No chaml)er other than the shrine being provided, the place of interment was A in the floor of the corridor. door in the further wall of the pit admits to a roomy chamber under the shrine, on the left-hand a second pit ov shaft, (NE.) side of which is capable of being covered with remaining in this did The sand slabs. not permit me In the back wall two depth. its the shrine on either side of walls in red paint) is to ascertain little recesses On feet. to the spirit of the deceased. There is one also portal to this is of the usual leading from the outer air. It was decorated, but only in ink, and this has so faded his that prayers we can only were to occupy see the that Any and ends of the helps himself from a table piled with provisions, while Meryra appears to be reciting On efficacy by a the formula? which the right wall him presents his Any ladv, and holds the baton of with is give them accompanied office. Meryra ointment of many (!'), a prayer for above inscriptions both unfortunately almost indecipherable the fi'ao'ments (For is : exhibited, having been secured difficulty, are offered reserve. recipient a cruse act with The happiness. with great on either side of the entrance to the chamber.^ Any the left wall s(-enes are if mainly by a more skilful hand in red line. In ea(_-h case Any, seated on a chair, receives oflerings at the hand of one of his servants named Meryra. A mat is spread lieneath his to serve this purpose either to the excavators or corniced type, as is very rough, and has been much accompanying the — The The sketch (which priate to the place. are cut which have evidently been used to set lamps or candles in, and were probably intended Shrine. are decorated in colour in a very simple way, appro- corrected solid walls. from a shaft The was known rather as a Here form of wall-coping. I'eached ix., x.) a familiar feature of house decoration, translations see with as much 17.) The p. described as " the Scribe of the King, l»eloved of his lord, [Scribe of the altar-table of] the Aten, Scribe of the altar of of the . . works of the Lord of the . [Overseer] Two Lands in Akhetaten, [Steward of the] House of Aa1 Probably the chamber was used for later interments, (he original burial having been disturbed to make room kheperu-ra, for them, for nothing of the burial equipment was found hy the French excavators, if we may judge by their silence. in peace." (Plate X.) who giveth life. Any, maakheru . . . The lady who stands behind Any apparently survived him, for we read. THE TOMB OF ANY. "[His wife(?)] the lady of the house ... he says ordered for thee (?) A (?), . . ., thy house of The Personal. six stelae reproduced were found xxiii., by M. Barsanti cleared records They show. interest, and on Plates xxi., xxii., tomb when this in in 1891,' as the of very are it was Museum exceptional no others have been forth- since we may suppose that Any coming on especially deserved, and in marked measure won, the regard of his servants or friends. The donors site tliis That Any's prol)ably in his exception of his brother, own who The death of Any probably did not take place before the abandonment of the necropolis, for new form the monuments seem would be the U> all expression, though lie The little upon them may is find the characteristic facial man reproduced with From this we gather features of the dead all. It accords life. that no other grave of the The follows On his brother A banned name. officials the left A man works, to his of Steward of the title House of and the office might possibly con- tinue, or even begin, after the king's death, there is no reastm wliy .Any should not have seen four kings on the throne of Egypt, m- why one ' M. Dakessy in his account {Becueil, xv., pp. knows of only five. That of (Ptiih)may ho reports been found in the ilehnu, implyin;,' that th>' discovered in tlieir the Z., 189(), pp. M. Lacau Museum, and indebted to in photographed for Stkiniiorfp niches. with these four in A. this 63-60. for discovering the to sliould 44, 45) to have other four were ha.s I two dealt am fully greatly lost stelae ' (Plate sits in .\.\i.). a high-backed chair placed upon garb who presents hiui with a bouquet by the inscription below: "The Overseer of in official's identified Pakha C^K^ His prayer u "^^ 1 "^^,1) "'«a*'"'™. made(it)."« is /S/i/WVA f o III ^-?ji,n^'^ *M1 C) • (2 >(0 (') ^ See Leorain in Mon. du Culte eFAtonou, pp. S3, 54. The cartouche occurs also, I think, on a fragment from A fragAkheiiaten's temple at Karnak (Cairo Museum). ment from El Amarna depicted by Wileinson in his Mdihrn Egypt, II., p. 69, shows Akhenat<>n olTering to Aten, and describes the gml as dwelling the house of in the midst of King Men-kheperu-ra (Thothmes IV.) house of .Vten in Akhetaten. If this is correct, admit a house of his predecessor shrines (1) may have U'en. III it in the is easy also, what<>ver those ^ No. 29745 in the Museum Journal. Inscriln-d " (ii-otte No. 24, Hag Candil. 26.10.91." Height, 41 cm. breadth, 27 cm. This and the following stela, from their size, seem .'^t«indorl^ to have come from tlie niches in the W. [Mirch. the Syrian." .Von. du Ctille re.ids the name as Pa-kharu, : '• d'Atoiiim, PI. xxvi. Rrugsch Bey for having them work. Any His right hand holds a napkin or sash, his left is upon a b;isket of provisions which stands before him. Any, " blessed with goodly burial," is given his usual titles. that further evidence of Any's age Pakha laid of Akhetaten Ptahmay clung above are as a mat. is King Aa-kheperu-ra. As the reign of that king (Amenhetep 11.) would only carry us back about fifty years, or previous : Stela of such with this six votive stelae referred to gives such sure indications of having been occu- that of his His Votive Stelae. D. an old man, and had joined Akhen- aten's enterpi'ise late in is part Uy be engraved. Of his relationships part. we kiujw nothing. his career the outcome of a This impression a difi'erent category. and that is which on dedicates one of that of the charioteer deepened when we pied, outer door-jambs, need not have entailed any great activity 1. care first Aten cartouches of the the offices which sought some means of o-enuine affection Any was of on seen already with the service, the least pretentious of the stones. fall in doulitful." been for the most part small appear to have officials, name whose more than is life should extend so far back beyond days when Egypt was troubled by religious schism would be a new reason for the esteem in which he was held. eternity. C. search after other Royal persons of this existence Apparently Pakha seta maakhfru, "nrllg," after his name devout anticipation of his own day of death. * in C THE BOCK TOMBS OF EL AJIAENA. 10 me Ra see to Stela of On '. The scribe holding his papyrus was said it We are permitted to see the noble for, in a second scene, Nebwawi ' : ^. 1 Bring it it.' when he drove along the cleared road from the city to this tomb which was being prepared for him by the order of the forward, gay broad collar round never be executed, decoration, beast for ourselves leads with lotus flowers attached to a not unlikely that Any, having and there is, in fact, a little space of this shape marked out in ink low down in the centre of the righthand wall of the corridor. It may have been intended, therefore, to set the stela up at this point. Never probably had the aged Any had happier moments in his later years than those which he or Thay here commemorates, Nebwawi, dressed says to him roll, ^ ,1 which as to o.x it is caused this charming stela to be made as a provisional seen standing on the right is .^3- Behold the and a just foreboding that these would (Plate xxi.). Any the upper half ^ such as would suitably form a scene on the is walls of the tomb, Nebwawi^ very simply, and ' The subject sayest." with stafT and handkerchief. a devoted to him by any of his servants, though naming and depicting " the charioteer of the Royal Scribe Any, Thay." breezes. what thou 2. A May he bouquet of the Aten. Jlay he knit thy limbs. Mayest thou whenever he rises and adore him, and may he listen Unto thy Ka " give to its King. neck. ii I ' G saith We ' : (?) The conical cap scribe have seen the good things which Any-men - I in is (] being driven in his ^ [] is *''^'= , The costume. gala full on his long wig, a ring is " (|f) in his ear, five His face gives a most life-like impression, his arms. and corresponds exactly to the other profiles which we The head of Thay is probably also modelletl from have. adorn He has ordered for him a goodly burial in Akhetaten.' Stela of U 1"^ Any golden collars hang on his neck, and armlets and bracelets • the good ruler has done to his Scribe of the Altar. .'5. represents Any Thay." charioteer A Nebwawi monument little pair-horsed chariot by f4 III (5 The I (Plate xxii.). with more or life less exactness. The inscription informs us The servant Any-men made ' for (it) w= the n I 1 I I II Royal Scribe Any." On 7^ Any on a folding stool over which a skin is stretched as a seat. Behind him is the latticed door of the shrine in his tomb, and in front of him a table Any-men extends to his spread with viands and flowers. Any, maakheru," master a large jar " for the fc« of the left . /W^AA^ saying, : . " .^ Thay ^ Unlike the other the maintenance of . and lea of makes no contribution to Any, nor is it expressly is 1 No. 29746, Inscribed as above. Height, 42 5 cm. preserved, as well as the gold leaf which overlaid the collar, armlets and has evidently been attempted. Portraiture bracelets. Mon. du Culte d'Atonou, PI. xxvi. ^ Same No. 29748. 23' 5 cm. An condition. It of the car hail' and Height, 27 cm. little stela ; The horses are red, as are The flesh is of the bow-case. and eye black. O Scribe, etc.. Any, in peace with the favour of the me goodly burial, and grants that I sits . May (Ptahmay 1).* on a chair on the A table of kerchief. being addressed . , . . (I provisions is him and he before by ill I May,^ Plate xxiii. holding a kherp baton left, " who carries a scribe's roll and AAAA^A (SIC) O © * No. 29749. lower scene, ^ The if it Same docket. Mon. du Culte d'Atonou, PI. has lost stela its signs before the name have been (^~ erased. (1(1) One "Ptahmay." and Any's The word " Ptah " would no doubt account for an era,sure. This name is common at Memphis, whence many of Akhenaten's craftsmen would be sure to come, and there are men of this name whose relations bear names so well xxv. known in perfect also the panels red, The had one. breadth, coloured yellow, and has a blue rim and blue hieroglyphs. J come would say that they had read ° § docket. exquisitely- worked is 2? ; the colour is still ^S • breadth, 23 cm. No. 29747. 1 AAAAA^ prays Mon. du Culte d'Atonou, PL xxv. Docketed as above. Height, 27 cm. The little stela is carefully worked, and - ... Stela of 5. Any stelae, this I ' orders for his brother breadth, 28 cm. T reach the guerdon (of the dead) in peace.' Let wine be poured (Plate xxii.). the who King, out for thee." Stela of III 'The Royal maakheru, (says) D 4. I sits at El Amarna as to ofier tempting identifications, THE TOMB OF "May there be beer, oxen, fowl made for thee a dij lietep selen of bread, aad a libation of wine and milk." the two brothers are much alike, but the The faces of work is less careful. ANY. Stela of 6. I Any his 11 Ay = (Plate xxiii.). on the left before a small stand with flowers, resting on a footstool. The stela was devoted sits feet who \ shown presenting a bouquet especially Ptahmay, father 670 ib. ; also jumps the 2016). it identification with the ' Prima Pa-aten-em-heb (Lieblein^ Daressy {Eecueil, xv., p. Though " the Scribe May difficulty. impossible reading, of 45) boldly " is not an u Any.^ to f I Ki^m of the Aten, who Q (3 t^ i " (For) thy Ara is .' A bouquet (S. favours and loves thee would be too hazardous to seek an owner of Tomb facie " milk of the kin; mistake for the determinative ^. - 14. but the I 1 must be No. 29750. little stela, features. ^ Height 23 cm. but the face of ; Any breadth 15 cm. still A poor shows the familiar Hitherto unpublished. The reading sdm 'ash was pioposed to me by M. Lacau. 12 CHAPTEE III. SMALL OR UNINSCRIBED TOMBS. In Part IV., Chapter made on tions were of tombs II., some general observa- the architecture and types mains to supplement this by more on the tombs separately. which tion, The starts with the It re- detailed notes official enumera- most northern tomb of the group, will be followed.' Tomb A cleared only the entrance, as no trace of inscriptions was found in the parts which are wont to receive them first. The cornice outside is destroyed. The floor is still deep in The the tomb. aisle is, down the upper part of as usual, higher than the rest of the corridor. Tomb 7b. Tomb This resembled {ib.) Tomb This single and place more than attacked. of is fac^ade quite blank of any record. of the simplest type, the door being set in a is hand the side first but a shallow burial-pit on the right- is found I who had Tomb This ; it cleared empty, though I appeared to be it. (Part IV., Plate xxx.) 9c. chamber within similar to the last, but the is more than a slight But there are of interment. plentiful signs here and slovenly construction, and, as there is an pile of broken vessels of late date outside, it is possible that the rough corridor beyond the hall and the low chamber on the north are later additions. The fac^ade has suffered greatly, and as there was only a remote chance of finding a name in ink on the outer jambs, I did not attempt to remove the mass of sand outside. The door was blocked up with bricks and stones, and loosely-buOt walls of stone had been placed to keep the approach clear. Inside only the upper part is finished. The columns and the walls splay out near the gi'ound and almost nieet.Of the four columns only the two of the aisle have been given any decoration. The sharp rib of the eight imaginary of haste enormous no fissure. is reached by a stairway bvit been elaborated, this well would have been conrerted into ; Tomb Nekht-pa-.\ten. 12. front. (Plate xiv.)* This tomb, which was to have been of the same type as pleted. columns and a roughly cut second chamber is The no doubt, had the tomb enlargement of a natural door Tombs 10 and a much larger tomb, reaching the dignity of a is row The unfinished inside. is an open approach by the removal of the rock-slope in (Plate xviii.) 7c. also (Part IV., Plate xxxiv.) 9d. This tomb within as well as without, but the interior it little tomb shows the usual portal, but This tomb adjoins the last and \\ould probably have has been is trace (Part IV., Plate xxx.) little Tomb and No is visible. 9.\. entrance admits there tomb, of the cross-corridor type, of which I stone chips removed in trimming stalks, rough pit to which two or three steps descend. The front shows no decoration. In the little chamber to which the (Part IV., Plate xxxiv.) 7.\. small shown between the inserted is continued above the sheathing on the capital.^ of inscription the Southern Necropolis. in papyrus stems 13, has only had Inside there is its fa(;'ade a small area of and entrance comand the upper floor, parts of three columns have been detached and remain as Though square pillars of rock. this was but a doorway a projected tomb, the owner had laid claim to it ; to for those who excavated it found traces of three columns of hiei'oglyphs in ink on both jambs outside.^ The first column probably contained an adoration of the Aten and of Royalty, the second the prayer, and the third the titles of the official. I The second column on the ^^ =^,C^ " II A^^,VlA o AB left ended with the third ended with ' Tills ^^/ ^^Ifti/ I name can hardly be anything but On the Above it is an inset of plaster only. column the capital was made too short a defect that was probably rectified by plaster, now fallen away from ^ — S. the neck. ' The map for positions. (Ay) will in Part IV. (Plate xiii.) should be consulted Tombs 7 (Parennefer), 8 (Tutu), and 25 be described in Part VI. Plate xix. will give some idea of the character of the site. In consequence, the plan of the walls as given •^ three feet above lowest floor-level. is taken Having neglected to plan this tomb, I have given here M. Gautier (Mon. du Citlte d'Aionou, I., The scale is jjj, not Jg as marked. 81). ^ Daressy, Becueil, xv., p. 38. The same spelling, and * the sketch plan uf p. the inscriptions after the first sign, from notes made six months later. are confirmed by Petrie SMALL OR UNINSCRIBED TOMBS. an erroneous writing for Nekht-pa-aten, though supported by the corresponding text on the right jamb No A/wv^A^ o owner Tlie man of now trace of thLs inscription of tliis tlio liighest ® -^ /y^ il unprepossessing sepulchre, then, was a the deplorable quality of the rock at this point. fortunately the great hall the fancy to supply what the tombs, must have ranked as complete to allow Unlike the rest of lacking. is The faces eastwards. it xxiv.)' it sufficiently is cornice of the outer and the appi-oach has never been com- lacking, portal is pletely hewn through the rock-slope. But as soon as one enters the hall, blank even of a graffito, but \vith walls as yet unstained and smooth,of its slender spaciousness and the grace its columns make aiii])le One wonders amends. at the feverish energy and courage which could, as if by a magic wand, change this spot in the vast dead wilderness and mystery, and then, serve any purpose, hasten away to of rock into a hall of subtle grace before the new toil could well enterpriser, as far in motive as in distance and human needs. Columnar Hall. The gi-eat hall world of busy its from the By 14 feet high. 53 feet long, 29 is setting the weight. He supported it, tomb low down, and could almost therefore, on twelve columns, which by their comparative slimness and free spacing are more than usually pleasing. columns of the central south side of the The out. aisK' (Plate xxiv.) first cross-aisle Only the four and those of the are in any measure carried rest are in the state of incompleteness shown by two columns in the Section, Plate viii. (cf. Plate xxiv.). On the more finished columns the inserted bunches of stems are not separated below the capital, nor divided into three above it.' A capricious feature is the introduction of three ribs on each of the eight stems, thus dividing each stem into four, a feature which is carried a step further in Tombs 0, 25, Wall-decoration. -The breaking up of the extensive wall is one of the most pleasing elements of the architecture. The mode was suggested by the need for providing a shrine or shrines which the deceased, represented by his surfaces might occupy at sitting statue, These were set his ease. provisionally at each end of the first cross-aisle succeeding aisles, if wall of the main such were provided ; and then in ; back in the Each one hall or of the further chamber. was furnished with a corniced door-frame, and in lofty a superstructure, itself furni.shcd with a cornice, was added above the door. Hence the wall at both ends of each aisle of this In the nearest tomb aisle is corniced, yet in different ways. the cornice double is entablature would have intervened. a single cornice set lower down probably an ; In the second there no door, however, ; The "<:. tablets arc, as usual, so set as to face the visitor as he WMJks out. In the third the single cornice is at the roof, and the door was to be correspondingly raised and reached by a little (light of steps, protected by a low ramp. The door in the back wall also is adorned with a double cornice with intervening open-work, on the ink design of which latter a beginning has been made with diversity of application of the same feature and .succes.sful, and it is still is is both striking further exemplified in the of the Southern Shrine (Plate the lower cornice (which This the chisel.* vii.. CJise Here Section on AB). separate and fixed in a rebate) interrupted over the doorway and down the aisle. Each rectangular slab its place taken l)y Whether was sculptured or it inscribed, or indeed was ever supplied, cannot be determined. Additional Chamueks. cross-aisle — The two shrines be transformed into sitting statues. the the in first contain rough blocks of stone which were West Door gave entrance is The room The heading of Chapter which should have treated viii. of Mim. <hi of this tomb, is Cullf only just begun, but rietlly Perhaps the tomb was needed hur- columns. clustered for burial for ; the owner did not for the w.iit inner room to be completed, but excavated a long fiight of steps in the south-west completely on comer of the hall, which, turning itself in its descent, cnde<l in and an unfinished a small landing burial chamber, twenty-six feet Ik-Iow the floor of the hall. Tomb This (Plate 17. little of the xii.) tomb presents no interesting feature, except a layer upon the oripnal tl'Aloiiiiii, it, tlie appciuhMJ plan and description being both borrowed from an entirely dissimilar tomb, No. 13. But this is not likely to last, unless the kindly sands make a home in it. ^ They were divided, but filled up wilh plaster. ; and diift .vind.' the only i)art applicalile to again intervene to protect the tomb t<» to which the work done indiwtes a low chamber with slim, thickly- IKittery lying in '^ a the setting for which alone remains. (?), that, Iwing ai)parently undisturlx'd, it .showed sherds ' is yet is hewn is the architect gave thickness to the roof ignore and state), roll, cornice, abacus. life — feet wide, in .square pilasters, furnished halls roek-iiewn Ijurial-places in Egypt, and finest columns terminates — remains. and vizier. It miglit bo conjectured that lie was a man of modest prospects, and, being suddenly ennobled on tlie downfall of May, astutely profited by that lesson and avoided ostentation, like Apy and Rames. Most probably these three officials were deprived of more stately tombs by one of the of with base (generally in a rough rank, an trpa- and /la-prince, chancellor, Tomb 16. (Plates vi., vii., viiL, Had this tomb been completed, two rows 13 for countless bats * We shall Tutu, which '' The is small meet with {)ot the divisions were afterwards of xiii.). with a foot and the saucers shown in Plate xliv. came from this tomb. have been found tomb this decoration in the of very similar type (Part VI., PI. in tlie The tall jar is said to excavation of these tombs, having been preserved since then in the house of a guard. The picked up on the site. I .Ml the above snem fragments THE EOCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. 14 Tomb (Plate 18. This tomb Any ; Inside, the cross -corridor has been roughly excavated, xiii.) of the direct corridor type, like the is tomb Yet simple but the corridor is of the shortest. of as the and neatly finished off above with a ridge-pole roof, the back part is still shapeless rock for a third of its height. So soon as a tomb was within measurable distance of completion, Akhenaten or liis architects seem to have lost all interest in it. In this case the shrine which was to be exhall is cavated at the end of the corridor is little better than a hole. many other cases, an inscription was jamb of the outer door, and even cut The lower half, with the name and and measures have been taken for carrying the hall farther back, leaving a row of four columns in the centre. That the latter were projected is shown in addition by a rough sketch of a column in red ink on the west wall, 5 feet high. Tomb (Plates xvi., xxxv.) 21. Leaving the little bay of low rock where only unpretentious tombs were admissible, we come to a hall which, if as usual, a rough approach written on the portal left for half its length. titles of by the deceased, translation is lost to us, but the rest is given on Tomb]9. SuTAU wj') of the same type This tomb, which is uninscribed, equally with is the interior.- After the cross-corridor had been hewn and shrines with double-corniced portals set at the ends, the central aisle A was run out and a single row of three columns arranged for and partly detached on either hand. (The greater part of p. 18. Q ^i ? which is, through the rock-slope to a (now injured contains the opening of the salutations. thieves) There unsightly, affords a unique architectural feature. Nevertheless, as in so (Plates xiv.,xv.). the mass has been removed from behind them on the west but on the other a beginning only was made under side, as the last, but has The square shape the ceiliug.) which allows of the room, more incomplete both without and within, and even the little loculus for burial high up in the Yet so hopeless south wall is probably a later provision. a greater number of columns in the depth than in the was the owner arrested at the first column, and furnished with a cornice (Plate XXXV.). The effect is in itself pleasing, a vaulted roof, is still of seeing further progress made, that he prepared to commemorate himself and his king on the only hand showing the Royal Family at Here on the finished wall-space in the entrance. he caused the usual design, worship, to be traced in ink ; left Beneath this his name, Sutau, Overseer translation on p. 17). his Tomb 20. (Plate The approach state of the interior. the Treasury xv. (Plate ; open court. This idea is supported by the provision of a an outer wall. It if it were a gateway would certainly be permissible to regard this part of the funerary chapel as a colonnaded court with private rooms opening out of novelty which his carried through The door-framing, however, the is in it Tomb 21 was neighbour Any had probable that the owner of corniced portico, and, without this incompleteness foretells yet bewilder- can only give the suggestion of colonnades in an it in figure adopted it as regarding an internal feature of his ; but it is more struck with the provided its tomb. in his significance, The cornice where the architraves rest on pilasters of the usual type but in the aisle it has not yet been completed past the second column on either is carried round to the side walls, ; and its lintel has received the only effort at decoraNot that even this contion that was made (Plate xv.). ventional design of the adoration of Aten by the Koyal order, The sculptor abandoned it, and by some caprice of his the figures of the Queen and her three daughters have lieen omitted on both .sides.' The one prmcess who is visible is the Queen's sister Mutbenret family was carried to a for ; own tomb has not been and ing cornice to the entrance on the inside, as xii.) to this to the outer level, of It is but this has now almost and his prayer were copied in thick black ink, and this has come down to us in a fragmentary state, preserving to us little more than disappeared. is an innovation for the outer hall (cf. IV., xxxviii.). more surprising to find the longitudinal architrave width, finish. side. Tomb 22. This tomb liut (Plates .\vi., .xvii., xxxvi.) similar in external appearance to the last, is the interior conforms to the usual type of columnar hall. she seems to have been fan-bearer to the Queen, for she The shape is oblong, admitting two rows of four columns each. Of the first row only two are detached and given their approximate outline. The rest have only acquired always carries a fan. their abaci or are rock. be of Eighteenth Dynasty types, but the heaps of sherds outside the chief tombs appear to be chiefly of quite late to forms. cavators, These, I suppose, were thrown out and were already broken for Professor Petrie, in a note, describes l)y the ex- the most part. Tomb 16 as con- taining " burials in palm-sticks, coffins, etc.," and this was also the case doubtless in the other tombs. Most of these still to be formed by the removal of the The ground-plan shows the cross-corridor ; little space cleared beyond but near the ceiling the central aisle is and there the cornice of a door gives promise of a further room or shrine in the axis. A fragment of the design has been carried out on the lintel of the facade, and shows the King, Queen, and three daughters worshipj-iing Aten, and the Queen's sister in carried out to its limit, attendance (Plate xvi.). remains were destroyed, I believe, by the excavators but some probably were taken to Cairo, and may yet be iden; and dated. Perhaps three sculptors were engaged on the scene tified ' simultaneously. - The visitor will seek in vain for the figure and text tomb in Mon. du Ciilte d'Atonou, I., p. 60. Both come from the tomb of Huya at Et Til (III., xxxvii.). assigned to this SMALL OR ININSCUIBEl) Tomb Pa-aten-em-heb 24. ( A^ "^ ' i\ § Tomb H This only the entrance to a tomb, for is it has progresse<l Even the approach has not been liewu out, so that one descends to it by rough steps. It is now destitute of any recoi'd but, when first excavated, the ends of the ; columns of inscription, written in ink on the jambs, were and furnished us with the name of the too sanguine He was named Pa atcn-em-heb, and was a Royal visible owner. Scribe, Overseer of the soldiery of the Lands, Steward of the Lord of the Two Lord of the Two Lands, and Over- 25a. (Plate xiv.) who This tiny chamber was excavated in 1883, and those saw no further. 15 TU.MJiS. it in earlier years rep<jrt traces of illegible inscription on the jambs. The name, however, though written in ink only on the right jamb at the end of four columns of lost inscription, Ls still almost On legible.- the right jamb the upper parts of four columns of the praises of Aten are partially preserved. (1) " Life to the divine and sovereign Father, Horakhti-Aten, who gives life for ever and ever, " Aten within the «frf-festival the Aten (?) Lord of Existence, the Lord who (2) " ." brings Eternity, Lord uf Everhisting, who flourishes the living and great . . . seer of porters in Akhetaten.' Tomb (Plate xviii.) 24a. This again is ( only an entrance to a tomb .md is Will -rr without inscription. (4) ' The authorities for the insciiption cMcil, XV., p. 47, p. 45, column title of Parkssv, Re- BouRiANT, Mon. du Culle d'Aionou, L, and notes by Petoie. and the art; 51 I have bungled my sketch, given by M. in the second each jamb should certainly be accepted. " Praise to thee, with thy rays On 1A°1 O living Aten who illuminest D {P) heaven and on a fragment fallen from it, is found scene. The King, Queen, and three I princesses were adoring Aten from behind altar-stJinds. did not clear the chamber anew. the lintel, part of the usual The was sculptured, according to Petrie. The last title is likely to be a misreading for "Overseer of works," but compare IIT., pp. 8, 9. (?) " (?) inscription It seems to read or something similar. 16 CHAPTEE IV. THE RELIGIOUS TEXTS. As divide befoi'L', 1 — those placed prayers iuto two classes tlii'se mouth iu the of the deceased, and (who) administers the land for Hiui who sden type displayed Jietep on the door-jarabs or the ceiling in short for- rises (8) is visitors for the benefit of the spirit. on the horizon each morning. "(When) his son presents Truth- thee and thou hast granted to him (tu be) a King like the Previous notices are ii.) ; a translation by Mon. du Culte d'Atomou, PI. xxxiii. Breasted from his own copy, Becords, ii., p. 412. " An adoration of Horakhti-Aten, who gives life for ever ; and Truth, Lord of the South and North, who li\'es in Lands, N., ("2) the Son of the Sun, who King ever, (of the) Two of Diadems, A., great in his duration, (and of the) chief wife of the King, whom he loves, Lady lives in Truth, of the Two Lord of who Land.s, rich in love, N., and lives for ever ever. Thy rising who living Aten, is beautiful on the horizon of heaven, dispensest life Thou beauty. Two Lands embrace rays, they (4) for thy lands, to the extent of all that thou hast as the sun thou bringest ; with thy above art bi-ight, great, gleaming, high As the earth. tlieir O Shining on the eastern ! horizon of heaven, thou fiUest the sum ' (all ?) "Thy Thou art them made. and sulijectest Thou eternity. (5) duration and thy years Aten like the N., —him thy him thy givest to thou hearkenest for him to ; in his heart (because) thou lovest child, the who proceeded from thy Men comely is He saith I ' (am) a servant Lord rejoiceth at the number He it. my King rays. ; rejoice to see her beauty. she is for thee She is adorned and ; the Aten dawns in her and Her fills extent beloved, a Son of Eternity, who ?) embraces is I am me my the Alliteration of ' sun ' his Son, his proceeds from Aten, and (Ra) with ' sum ' favours like first of the elders, My lord promotes me Ijecause — my ; I my sapient hke lord, ! (12) he who hearkens to thy teaching me fair buiial as a gift of tomb which thou commandest (in) the cliff of for me thy bounty to repose there Akhetaten, (13) the seat of the elect. multitude of Niles, pouring forth waters daily, N., he (?) ! causest ceasingly. Eternity ! O thou multitude of prayers prospers him that O thou my god, me and by whose bounty I live me to be content in following thee f) thou whom Aten bare, thou art (14) created Thou all who follows thee ! (15) (?), Ua-en-ra, Thou unto how shalt gi-ant to Then mouth holds that he doeth abide eternally. (16) shall his lord give him (?) burial (17) ; (for) his truth." Or "ofiierings." But the spiritual oblation have been typified by a votive tablet (IV., the reference may be to (ra). family. See note, p. 5. seems to p. 19), so that this. Probably the residence of some member 1 my ! - (So also) he (" his heart " is her with his rays. (7) " falsehood ; he be made content by the sight of thee and reach old age " Do thou give to South and North, made May fostered liim, Lands, serviceable to hearken to his voice unceasingly I How prosperous of Life. of seen as a glimpse into heaven. not compassed ' him who multiplies towards Aten, contented with truth " has , inward parts eyes see thy beauty day by day who He . that the Son of the Aten, N., of the sand-grains. do his teaching. of Two of the know loathing, (10) for I that all Royal /tn-priuce, . Lands, Overseer of the House of I set truth in his lord. thou makest him Akhetaten, (a city) very rich (6) in love, possessing favouri abounding in wealth, within which is the bounty of the sun. " punctilious for the ; him life Sehetep-Aten,^ [May]. in the rays are on thy bright image, the Ruler of Truth who proceeded from and crpa-prince Two the Lord of the all the to thy beloved Son. is hereditary the chief of the Bel-hjt. (11) (3) " there be Chancellor and Sole Companion, (9) acting Scrilje of the King, beloved of him. Commandant of the soldiery of . D.\kessy, Rrcueil, xv., pp. 38-9 : May ! "The (Plato Tliickness. to thy fair face, there lookest on him, for he proceeded from Aten, (he) Nefer-kheperu-ra-Ua-en-ra. and health such as the Aten (has) Prayers by the Deceased. North May. 1. Thou rejoicing. rising. They Aten when he his to the Jca, him on His set Him who made to at festival assemble, making ofl'erings to his by mulas, with a view to convenient recitation A. Every land makes him. those prayers of the dy and makes the land belong throne, of the Royal THE RELIGIOUS TEXTS. North Thickness (Plate xv.). Mov. du Culte d'Atunou, PI. Sutau. 2. Previous copy " (9) each generation that Ua-en-ra Do ('(). . . . . ( 10) thou grant to Two Son Land.s, N., (12) of the Sun, A., [great in his whom and the chief wife of the King, duration,] ho . . (14) by thy bounty, (?)] me and though building me was I up, O no account, of Ruler Thou ! . . [en- settest me (l.")) at the head of the daily with workmen exceedingly [numerous (?)],'- (16) saying unto me Do (?) .so that (when) 1 call to " The servant and agent ten, 6. Any. who-is-great-in-his-duration, (18) the King's [Keeper man a courageous (?), (?)] . since thou art one of the King has ordered (?) for thee goodly burial (in) the cliff of Akhetaten, [and a mansion thy ka. of] eternity " (?) which thou in servant and the Scribe thy shrine for art, agent ° the Royal of Any, maakheru, Meryra." gums, (21) (22) the (?), Two Burial Petitions. B. I.May. (19) Left Jamb. (Plate i v.) Previous copies of both jambs PI. x.xxi. Col. Lands, Daressv, Reauil, ; [Adoi-ation 1. of Mon. du Cultf d'Atonou, : xv., p. 41. Horakhti-Aten, King and the Queen.] Sutau." Left Door Janil). Any. Col. (Plait; xi.) Previous copy of the Jambs : Mim. du Culte d'Atonou, PI. xxvii. " Praise to thee, When living he dawns all hajipy with the sight of Ateu, lord of rays. Creator of men May he grant a life and good burial in live. his beauty, " 2. [A dy hetep seten of the Aten, living dwelling in the serf-festival, illuminates the Two Lord May Lands. and great,] heaven and earth, who of he grant that see hLs 1 beauty day by day and that his rays be spread upon my body. "For the ka of one who greatly gratifies his lord one whom all manner of wt)rds are sjiid that he may lay them before the Lord of the Two Lands Bearer of the Fan on the right hand of the King, Acting Scribe of the ; to Akhetaten. "For the lea of Any, maakhvru." Any. the Scribe of the King, the Steward Right Door Jamb. " Praise to thee, O living (Plato who ; King, lieloved by him, May, maakheru." xi.) Aten, lord of duration, who givest repetition (of Life), lord of Fate, fosterest .... .... May he grant a sight of Aten as often as he rise.s, and that thou adore him. May ho listen to what thou sayest and give thee breezes to thy nostril.^ " For the ka of the Scribe of the King, the Scribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two Lands, the Steward Any, Col. Any. Shrine. Left W.ill. (Plato ix.) " Mayest thou receive offerings * [of the King's every shrine of thine, [at] [in the abode] which thou gift (?)] that thy lovest(?). [A dij Lord name May hetep seten of the ka of the King, living of the Two Lands, N., who gives life for ever. "May demesne " For he grant good of buri;il the ka of the unique presence of the Lord of the Two one, " [A dy lives in Truth, May Two in the of k<i who in the fills the of the soldiery of Lands, Acting Scribe, hclep seten of the Lord excellent Lands, one Horus with Truth, the Overseer Col. 4. " by command of his ka Akhetaten. the Lord of the 5. flourish " .'5. in Truth], ears of maakhcru." may (Plate x.) wall. . thy favourite handservant Overseer of the Treasury of the Lord of the i. Right Shrine. • . of silver, gold, unguents, (20) oils, light. «i<i«- (( answer (thou) at (17) the order.' O Ruler .... production (?). Thou madest me Overseer of the Treasury of the Lord of the Two Lands, Servant of Him- .3. Royal Scribe Any, of the ' : one of May [address thee". kheru, Meryra." loves, who lives for ever and ever. (13) "The Overseer of the Treasury, [Sutau, says] my lord(?), who made me into a man. Thou fosterest larging (?) thy beer of thy [house], wine of the (?) which has been oflered in the Presence and [water] from thv sluice (?). Nofertiti, me come to '•" me (?) my eyes to see thee (11) those who hear thy voice (?), the King of the South and North, who lives in Truth, Lord of the is thy name not be to seek [in thy house], since thou art a son [to whom is made (?)] a. dy lietep selen of thy bread and x.xx.i : serviceable to the Father 17 etc.'' of the King, Diadems, A.], great who in his duration. he grant ingress and exit in the King's house, with favour of the good god, until the coming of the goodly guerdon. > Daressy, Becuetl, Cf. may be I ^ I £) "For omitted I., p. Emend in the plate. See Mon. du Culte the Acting Scribe, etc." 52. to '•' C'umiiarc 111., xx., a very similar (cf. Or "in which ihuu Plate X.). prayer, by help of which wi- are able to elicit the meaning of this him whom the King promoted for his success mode his pasitiim, the Overseer of the House of Sehetep-Aten, is n * the ka of excellent achievements, whose conjectured. I I d'Atonou, xv., p. 50. fragmentary text. « Read v>^ ^ art. May there be mode for thee " THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMABNA. 18 Col. 5. " whom he May hetep selen of the Chief "Wife of the King,] (ly Lady loves, and for ever " [A Two of the Lauds, Nefertiti, living she gi'ant her favour firm and fixed and that the Scribe, etc." Right Jamb. May. Col. 1 (Plate iv.) are as on the left " ]Mav Col. 2. Two "For he grant a sluice ' water and a scent of of in the presence of the Lord Jca advanced in good god, one the favourite of the of office in the King's house, of Bearei- the Fan, etc." Col. 3. " May he grant life, prosperity and health, and readiness in the presence of the Lord of the and a life " For the ka a noble by - Two of the beauty happy with the sight (recurring) sun Lands, of each without intermission. the heart is gratified, Overseer of the 4. " May he grant happy recollection the King's house and continuance in the (of him) in mouth of his " For the ka one of the unique one, whom Overseei' of the North Column. " Overseer of 4. [works] of the (?) Tomb For the ka '• in Lord all of the Left Jamb. 18. of [the land]. Two Lands (?), May." (Plate xiii.) Copy by Boueiant, Mission Fran^aise, i., p. 368.-' Col. 1. "Life to the Divine and Sovereign Father, ." Horakhti- Aten . Col. . . " Praise to 2. • thy ka, O living Aten, according to that which thy son says to thee ; he who proceeded from ." thy body, thy child who knows thee and extols thee " who (art) Praise to thy ka, O Ruler of Truth Col. 3. eternal like Aten, thriving and living and conducting^ Aten has given Col. 4. " Praise to thy ka, O birth . . . ^ Ua-en-ra in On, [Acting Scribe, . - . (?), charming ." The text, which was never completely engraved, now lacks also the upper part. * sculptor began to write snw, " a reception of food from the Presence," and corrected . ." . Read ^:3:^ with Bouriant. The plate has followed an erroneous reproduction of Bouriant's copy in 3Ion. The . great royal wife of Ua-en- the plumes and gleaming in apparel ra, tall in .serviceably, etc.]" ^ the of Overseer of the approved in the heart of he recognised as doing House ii.) ; of voice in the palace courtiers. his lord, (Plate Ceiling Inscription. things to which the living soldiery, etc." Col. May. Middle Column. " An adoration of thee (1) when thou dawnest on the horizon, O Aten, Horus (?) of the two Let there be no failure to see Ra horizons (Horakhti). open thy two eyes to see him may thy corpse be firm and . of one great in his office, high in his rank, whom 3. soldiery Lands. the of heart in Akhetaten. For the ka of one who was a favourite of the King of the South when he was a youth and who (now) has reached the goodly guerdon, the Bearer of the Fan on the right " hand of the King, [the Acting Scribe, etc.] thy name established jamb. wind, a reception of favour of the she grant an entrance of favour and an and gladness ; This column and the opening phrases of the others . May " .5. " ever. body be pro\nded with joy of her giving. " For the Jm of the attendant of the King in his splendid barge, he who is sent after the Lord of the Two Lands, Overseer of all the works of the King, the Acting 2. Col. exit of love, it to hsw. Or, perhaps, " his beauty every day." dit Cidle d'Atonou, p. 129. ^ I follow Bouriant, inscription who was damaged. read ~]T' n J before the 19 CHAPTER V. THE BOUNDARY STELAE. Thkir Distribution. A. The Boimdary iSlelat', Amarna on Akheuatua of m lie the which surround the plain of semi-circle of hills El southernmost the east side of the ri\i'r and in through on the west side, does not the on the .1, further south in the desert road behind the lies the hills facing this on the west (Plate xxxiv.). Fourteen arc now known through V, an obliterated ; three (A, B, F)' being The east." three stelae on the western mountains seem to northernmost, the be most on midmost and southern- where the extent of this side, cliff" suit- monuments is very limited. Probably no more were hewn there. Of those on the east side we seem to possess the most northerly a])le for sucli X in for it ; lies beyond the plain at a point A parallel X enters F and B, X, V, J (or P) mountains. hills is position Its on the accurately described in the phrase "the headland of the Northern Stela" (X, hne north the then, A 42). Akhetaten it ; line joining A and X boundary of the llic represents, district degrees several faces magnetic, north, perhaps day.^ A east true uorlii nf X viz., K I adopt the lettering initiated {Tell el Amnivn, represent a wish fjitigiiblo who l)y series The F, much no small measure responsible for the present His uiiiniblished materials also have of volumes. in him - I little tablet, about 5 inscription, of monuments. '•' feel, by should .'! be included. feet, retaining It is a only a trace and having no resemblance to the other It may not even be of this period. In these discussions of position dent on Prof. Potrie's map. 1 am to entirely depen- to J, if not make known proclamation to with more or alreadv fixed ' It and K lived, »,>, IJ. entering Akhetaten S ,liaw a chain <.f would have been at the mouth, no doubt, but for the desire to place X I'. wa^j the later form of the travellei-s by this route: X stelae are distributed sites are fixed obvious intentions. needed ' I, approach on the river bank as the Southern Stela, in several instances. cannot admit that known rest of the unequally and their to the district of the of always been unrcseivedly put at the disposal of other workers, and I shall have to acknowledge my indebtedness to of miles). seem series) exactly." to our knowledge, and, by the whicli he excited, became length many for every of his inde- energy in this district in 1891-2 added so road, where river now ends to include in some the southern Akhetaten by the river bank, so balancini; by Professor Petbie pp. 5, G, Plato xxxiv.), —A, few hundred vards (a and J (second series) Akhetaten K and M, on the of (first less ' M (at (the northernmost), vestige of cultivation th;il drawn from parallel line, however, then .stelae, to represent the Three of the stelae on the east bank date trom an earlier year and contain a special text, south the —seem landmarks (northern, southern and middle, on both banks) mentioned in the text (p. 34). one keeping to the river-bank, the other tra- tlie the mountain-path These six where two narrow tracks into the plain diverge, versing passes near the mouth stela the plain. ^ B through line of the defile througli wliieh from limit of the plain), spur of bank east of the river, but almost exactly through P, which mountains. on the west side and eleven on the M it exactly opposite .s«>m then to so<m after replacinu' (ejist of) B. have been the M as lirst stelae to the South Stela. l)e Ijit<T, made on the mountain-nuid, and from X and P (or J) A and F were determiuetl on the western mount^kin. The sit^- of |{ wa-n lix<>d on liecjiusi- im such I* wius the positions of bold From cliff oilers it itself the ]iosilion of further to the south on this side. V was taken. THE EOCK TOMBS OF EL AMAENA. 20 information across the wide valley in which the mountain roads from the south run N with enormous energy and his project initiative. lies in Apparently he did not wait for the completion the middle of the mountain-wall south of the of his designs, but planned out a whole series of U plain, similaily on the east, near the entrance temples, palaces, and tombs in advance, carrying hewn and out their most essential features to begin with. where the Royal tomb to the ravine which also a is The eleven later and as and stelae contain the by A stelae It now completely is B on The make an addi- the western bank end of the usual text (Plate more that a few seem now copy of the have been to xxxiii.). have stelae ; but, as the found, only a were it end of the King's fourth year' he could the Akhetaten describe numerous containing as temples, palaces, and royal and private tombs. On month the 4th day' of the 8th King made year the to our knowledge.^ and then abandoned because the laid out workmen were needed to push forward other schemes. The same procedure probably governed the foundation of Akhetaten, for we find that at and sadly-injured proclama- earlier add much tion could great temple lagged far behind the pictures of seen the feverish haste in which sepulchral halls only differ perished or remain to be discovered limits be that even at the end of his reign the in the addition or omission of un- possible is same pro- may which the toml)s display, and we have already copies collation (Plates xxvii., xxviii.). and tion at the It in the important phrases, the text restored is back-way into Akhetaten. clamation, spelling : of the 4th a public appearance and held a oreat ceremonv of dedication, but neither the place of the ceremonial nor the exact scope Their History and Contents. B. of When Akhenaten (or Amenheteja-neter-heqa- knew him) came Uast, as the orthodox Amarna (probably reign), having second in the to El year of his decided to found a new it is now officially took was not the ceremony If it clear. Akhetaten of dedicating marking its as itself boundaries, well it as of proljably on the anniversary of that event. place capital here which should at least prove a counterpoise to Thebes' Aten could a and without being overshadowed presence of one daughter only, by the peculiar form of the where the worship of soil flourish in purity, older traditions by uncontaminated by ^ Professor Petrie's story of the reign is largely governed by the rejection of this date of the early stelae, which, though not absolutely certain, is vouched for Ijy the and form a more imposing cult, he must have set about Queen's name, and by the contents, which show plainly X K, Moreover, the date " Year 4 that, at that time, only the Stelae projected. I have personally visited ' and made notes of, or com- pletely copied, all of them, according to their importance, This except Stela P. and, M. in of spite Lefebvi'e and native guards. making planned Petrie copied am alone, kind assistance aftbrded his officials, could not be efforts to reach all it. that remains little of Fortunately, Professor it, and as visit almost glad that this stela must remain to his credit since essayed - my to the information he gives, no one can appreciate the fatigue involved beating the bounds of Akhetaten but he in me by found by the combined with the inhospitality of drove me back on two occasions, after could have added but I almost or completely sanded np, This, remote spot, this the is We who has it. have not sufficient material at present to enable " (or M, X) were occurs again in the body of the text, though, unfortunately, in a dubious connection (1. second and 20). The thii'd years, oil- and wine-jars dated may therefore, to the not need to be assigned to Akhenaten's successor (Griffith, in Petrie's If Akhenaten by the fourth year had 32). abandoned his old name, the adoption of the new titulary would in itself be a sufficient reason for the T. A., p. definitely erection of these three stelae. wording of the proclamation (K, col. xi.) to taken in hand, even if their full completion was still a thing of the future. If the King * I take the refer to projects already was a mere boy, may this and much else must be reconsidered. be "the 13th day," and so allow the ceremony which the later stelae describe to have taken ^ It well place on the second anniversary of the first. The pro- us to form any just idea of the position Thebes took during cedure on both occasions was so similar that the earlier this reign. phraseology could be closely followed. THE BOUNDARY STELAE. made After a great sacrifice had been King proceeded city ?), the all of the There stelae. he that he assembled founded Akhetaten liad the one or the and recounted to them dignitaries of the land how (in to the site of this in 21 for other otticiants Then, (?). few words, we in a have what seems to be a brief relation of the which had led to the religious reformation. evils So little is known of Akhenaten's activity in Nubia beyond what the ruins of the temples of Sedeinga, and we must spot in obedience to a divine mes.sage which had Sole)), come the loss of the connection in which the land of Atcn had chosen to liim personally. place for worship without a liis were to reign pair rival, ami this tlie him over the whole for Kush Se.sebe di.sclose, that mentioned (K, is the would not remove Akhetaten boundary-tablets ; the bounds marked out li\- the stelae on and south of the chosen would be confined city way formal north bank of the to the east By settling new enclave on which of ths tlie and that the district, in tliis river. the exact fi'om the limits to the legal ])urdens on the land were fixed fall, and security given The proclamation to tenure. informs us also what had been accomplished or undertaken the b\- least five temples l)uilt Akhetaten or on and liis The King. its to includes at list Aten in the city of island, palaces for himself Queen, a Royal tomli which he commands shall be the burial-place of himself, his wife, his daughter, wherever they and sepulchres tion of Aten'' Ra may chance to for the Mnevis-bull and of Heliopolis),' fur the high-priests of and the "Divine Fathers" of Aten, and is The tomb therefore ahnost certainly tlie tomb wliich the early death of his daughter alteration of the original sumption is buried hero. that the It may have rendered an plan advisable. King also died would bo no wonder Hut the pre- suddenly, and wa.s if, under the circum stances, the walls failed to be suitably inscribed. - This interesting could wish were a ^ little and surprising reading, which I more jussured, I owe to the Editor. The tomb of Meryra, in the N. group, is the only one to come under this head, and its decoration at least known seems to be of a later date, though it may have been profii'st, or have replaced an uninscribed tomb jected from the in the S. group. Ay X M and but : before Meketaten had been born to on the in.serted Southern Stela, K. Un or aliout the second anniversary uf this proclamation another oath was taken by the King.^ The limits of the in public district Akhetaten had now been marked out, not on the river, (additional ?) but also on the desert stelae the side-boundaries more exact terms : sides. of onl\- Six were to be engraved, giving of Akhetaten new and in one to north, nne t<» south, and one between these on the mountain ranges on both sides of the From river. the description given (S, line 9) seem that the King made the Stela visited tlie J.^ it woidd his oath at the site of Afterwards he seems to have Northern ami Middle Stelae on tlie side (S, lines 14, Ki, 17). On the givt'ii date — (itli year, 8th mouth, King intended to be the resting-place of liimsolf and his family. The were engraved on the three K, King, and her figure was the the ravine where Meketateii whs buried iii comprising the royal the task was quite completed (probably well on ea-st ' upkeep of the temples recital, in the 5th year) die,' (the incarna- for the This dues. oath and decree, the duty of sup- porting the worship of Aten in Akhetaten was Aten and by Tlic proclama- line 25). regulations for the festivals of tion closes witli Egypt for the Aten was god also of known lands. Then the King, lifting his hand to heaven, made a solemn vow that he of Greater all regret was not a " Divine Father" of Alcn. * '•" See note 5 on page 20. "South-east" can mean in the stela the southern (cf. S, line IG, where "the NE. point on the east side must mean X). The King " makes southward," .so J is meAut. .\s on the east side the hills closed in on the river on the north and south, there wen- no true NE. and SE. Stelae till V and S were liewn at similar distjini-es from the south and north IxiundaricH n-Stela S is due from the city, so that sixjctively. P or S might be indicated by the phrase, but P is almost inacce-ssible by chariot. The roa<ls which are still U> l)c seen lea<ling up to several of the stelae were pniljably made for tablet'' jirobably the King's visit. THE EOCK TO.MBS OF EL AMARNA. 13th day Aten — the King, after a great to in the city, as on the former occasion, drove southwards in his chariot, and mountain of Akhetaten east sacrifice " '" on the south- made tion defining the boundaries of a proclama- Akhetaten more by means of the six stelae, and swore would never overstep them or suffer precisely that he them to fall into decay/ The district (of which he gave the exact length) he declared to belong- eastern stelae (and also on F) form "' : . . mary in progress numbers was resolved more or eleven stelae beginning of the 8th and time, this an increase in their- In consequence the on. were not ready year.'^ By the till that time a new asseveration of the oath had been arranged for, probably in connection with the dedication of the additional stelae, for the ceremonial this seems time to have taken place on the south-east boundary (S, line 26), where three or four new had been set up (P, Q, E, S). This was the 8th year, 5th month, 8th day, and the Before her name and the side figure were accordingly the " altars (.)f form, of whicli month, They example. are to and were fixed long advance, so in them could be added before- On the rest of the inscription.^ the J was This must not be too strictly interpreted. pushed some hundreds of yards south of K, and the Royal Tomb lies beyond the boundary eastwards. - In consequence of the heavy work entailed on quarriers no work could be done upon the For this reason no tomb shows two daughters, and perhaps all in the S. group are later than the stelae. On every stela the oath and the record of its renewal run on in the same line, and, so far as I can see, without and sculptors, little or tombs. '' sign of erasure, though V, P, J, the stelae most concerned, have lost the part in question. It .seems, therefore, that The engraver of li the whole was cut on all at one time. also knew the form prescribed for the addition but, wishing to give the new oath at length, he changed it to a retro' ; .spective note two added at stelae.^ rounded at the top, and the sky from which Aten sends — " The oath was in the 6th year " . . . —and his divergent rays on the altar and on the royal pair The upper part pondingly arched. by corres- is occupied is and two a .scene showing the King, Queen, princesses adoring Aten, the former generally having their arms outstretched from the shoulder, while the Part of princesses carry sistrums. this division, however, often taken is up by the beginning of the inscription, arranged in vertical being written on the it of the stela in horizontal lines in either direction. In the scene above, the titulary of the sun, The pro- last day). ceedings perhaps took place on some anniversary hand of these Plate xxvi. gives an excellent lower part western stelae seem to have been visited a few that the record of " Description of the Stelae. C. in or festival, it. text could be engraved, longer this columns, the rest of earlier (4 th sum- which the substance of the previous in stelae days the year in B, however, the brief These monuments are of an almost invariable marks had not been begun at it was repeated Akhenaten's third daughter had been born, and western. Probably the work of engraving these land- while took a simple oath had been repeated was appended to products, for ever and ever, from the eastern was it and to the x\teu, with all its inhabitants, animals hills to the oath This On A and .' . * of the royal pair, There in columns. common are and of the is princesses, generally an is added altar-table of form, the two or three panels of which decorated with the then added the new oath thus five : cartouches. " 8th year, 4th The month, last — day ^the oath which the King spake when fixing the stelae ." But he gives a different date in the of Akhetaten. 6th year from that which is unanimously given for the later proclamation, even by A, which presumably followed . B . in ending. • F, which does not share the peculiarities of seems to be earlier ; since it gives a A and B, date (according to Petrie) for the (forthcoming'!) ceremonial on the east side which proved four months too soon. ' The three dedications, then, seem to have briefly pre- ceded the birth of three successive children. Did this domestic King invite the favour of Aten, who " makes the son to live in the body of his mother, nursing him in the body," by these gifts and engagements? THE BOUNDARY STELAE. table is piled with jars, meats, birds, vegetables, flowers, and dishes of burning and often incense, has a back like that of a chair at one end, and the other at ;i kneeling with a cone of food filled figure iioldiuff a dish The (?). altar, or two duplicated royal groups, of the one often is IS Ateu and tlie together and As royal pair." the to these are joined a statues in (concealing the figures for rather more than half and breadth, their obviating .so need of the drapery), they resemble altars, but really show King and Queen "upholding the name of The tablet is sometimes upright, some- the replaced by the columns of text. Aten."^ The King and Queen are clothed in garments The King usually wears the khepei'sh head-dress, the Queen the two feathers times leaning outwards at the top, as of the usual fdini. with horned The bodies disc. faces tlieir most repulsive outlines, on these stelae of the early Indeed, these worst dis- the reign. of years almost are tortions limited to stelae, trial- stelae of the later series, unlike the earlier, groups of statuary of a special are formed side by King being on side in group, the tlie side stela; he somewhat: stouter is The King a combined nearer in build the forms do not greatly differ. A and ever, only in that S, It is is, tlic she, tli.-ui where the stone statuary the They cliai-acter. the following way. in and Queen stand quality, how- of good is .sufficiently well preserved to inform us on points of detail, and the moulding of the l)ody here soft and sions exquisitely is dimen- delicate, despite the exaggerated of the xxxix., and thighs (Plates xxxiv., hips The bodies seem usually to nearly so. The King wears cither xl., xliv.). be nude, or the khepersh or the crown Queen her dI' The I.ower Egypt, the head-dix'ss or a cap flat heads or faces have, in every away.' but ; The statues of the two little The in numl)er. an enormous the (generally the shouhlci- there form), and each grasps These figures are set the iVoin nf uppei- rim of a tablet inscribed with the liack, as if they xliv.). three miles to xli., xliii.) lies the south of Tuneh-el-Gebel, on the face of the western It hills. is 14 feet high and 7 feet columns of text and 6 inches Ijroad, with eight twenty-five liorizontal pi('ser\atiiin (air (I'l. The former lines. xxxiii.) ; are in the latter seem have been systematically battered, but the to and first six are rest last six lines fairly Tiie right. text on the and the ends of the The lower lines are The writing is from left to legible. rapidly decaying. upper scene shows vertical left, lines of and on the right the King and Queen adoring Aten behind a table of oHerings. Merytaten and Meketaten shake sistrums behind her.^ The horizontal ram's horns are added to the disc in the Queen's head-dress. Oil the south side of the stela arc arms out- one group is tjie (H- (Plates are nude, and wear were a free-standing group (Plate A to be They hold one another's arm ISIerytaten reaches out to touch her mother. Stela if figures princesses are always girls are side-lock. hands, and with her free - vertiial clift' The heads and by a stay of rock. two groups broken case, ])cen figures always have their stretched either rrmn elbow better. joined to the are almost invarialdy flanked uu both sides with liur the on a base, and against an arched pieces, etc. The read are given their most exaggerated forms, and the mass solid each narrow names of the The tablets have rounded tops in Q (detaclieil fm_u- ment). In the case of S the lower altar holds the names of the and the Kin;; the higher one adds that of the Quc^n. Probably this is the explanation of the two miHlcls. Their names are totally inisrejul by Piti8.>!K, .Vim. /?<;., Drawn by Uw, MSS., i;98U, fols. Xl-XU the PI. .\iv. first is reproduced in Plato xliii. by kind pcrnii.s.sioii of Sketched also by the Director of the British Museum. •' gofi ; ' : ' As the fragments were left wliore tliey sometimes to be recovered from the sands. iind Q). The heads attached to tlio rmK- of the stntues liv an inset. fell, they iire See below (N wore often separate, and L'HoTK, 303-.tOG. Lcttrex SeriUf, pp. 59, 131, and .^fSS., III.. THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. 24 of statuary, one of each model (Plates xxxiv., On xxxvi.). both the figures are draped. King wears a broad girdle with falling ends, the clinging drapery of the Queen body and indicated on her upper hem of her robe and between her in front, and side of the south " altar." The fringed seen crossing above is and breasts, are folds its gathered together in a knot below them. open Three daughters are shown and named on the Stela delicately is limbs. groups of the royal pair and their two daughters. The It is but a narrow sash knotted on the The navel seems to indicate an under-garment. stela is —According F. " on a low scarp of rock well as the There more nine the last seven that, It is jiecu- though only two daughters inches long, The in- would not even it think, therefore, that I was no upper scene at either there is gone, as is complete. that short so is 49 lines, l)eing fairly contain the royal oath.' B middle of five discernible horizontal lines. first are adorned with cartouches of the Aten. and The scene usually buried in sand. scription A in the a wide bay of desert" south of Gildeh, and upper arms and the breast of both figures are liar to to Professor Petrie, this all and that and name of the remaining forty-one inches under the disc Ankhes-en -pa-ate n were added to those of the were entirely occupied by inscription, or that the shown are in statuary, the figure other two on one north of the side " altar," showing that she was born before the completion The names are of the work. form (cf L., D., Stela south B. —This of Stela A, but halfway l)etween preparation for another likely that it is only Roman of steps, date.^ By broad, 7 feet a quarry, the side of it making use of natural clifi', signs of surface quarrying are frequent. Stela much in B is is about the same seven horizontal illegible and line lines. of inscription and lines, There are seven or many Columns 1-4 27 entirely the rock here being so, are nearly while the whole has been very badly defaced by hammering. now The are in 75 inches columned also gone. is On both The text. side.s The of figures initial tlie stretched text on broad, arms, behind an oftering-talile. no. 7). ; but, left of The The clifi' is the stela to receive though their place is visible, they K (Plates xxix., xxx., xxxvii., stelae are This must be the spot which M. Daressy erroneously iii, show remain, written from left to right. is Stela date Line 8 begins near the end of line 21 of Stela S. The text extends to the end of line IG of Stela S. The negative was kindly furnished by Professor Steindorfl. * The upper one is gone ; the lower is named Meketaten. ^ ' which have perished. - describes (Recueil, xv., p. The eight horizontal The scene above is on the right of the columns of text and shows the King, Queen, and two princesses ^ adoring Aten with out- statues the left are almost destroyed. very bad condition, the gaps.^ smoothed down on the either side of the The cave. by the engravers with insets The eight columns daughters lifting hands Aten on j^art of fallen out. scene above shows the King, the Queen, and two in adoration of a rough date being indecipherable. eight vertical columns of inscription, and twenty- few hundred stone was bad to liegin with, having to be ex- which now have size as the last, the same condition. hills stela is in great ruin (Plate xxxvi.) ap- tensively patched 14 feet high and 35 feet long. It lies a parently from natural causes, the lower wliere steps lead from the foot of this to the quarried which Hawata. A few up on the from the western river-bank, south rise The high ravine entering the yards to the south of Stela K. forty-one a situated is first been perhaps even gully, ascend to the top of the low face, —This of the village of more It is stela. which The text runs quite gone. them may have a rock face has been cut, which the J. is left. north side of the about two miles to the lies Stela in the invariable 91a-/). iii., top of the stela from right to THE BODNDARY STELAE. xxxviii.). —This monument to the north of cliff and broad, the Stela J. reckon to have been eighty eleven feet I This magnificent ruined by natural decay, the lower is two-thirds being almost useless. from written earlier text, scene above which number, measure in twenty-one vertical columns. monument 70 inches is lines, There were, besides, height.' in It horizontal It contains the to left The right. shows the King adoring the Aten " Behind on the right of the vertical columns. him, his wife and his daughter Merytaten rattle sistrums (the Queen's front of her written is name J ( ^ s=' \\ (| f^ little simply). 1 This leaves no room for further figures border has been erased and, a way but the ; and a side, space having Meketateu, accompanied tiny figure of xxxiii., xl.). 13 high, feet It name added licr reading from this is in largely to left What right. sister's. a miscalculation liy by the lost shows two daughters.^ lower part in away falling The date patching-stones. To right and is an Steindorff cleared the in Plate xl.)." left of the stela, and sheltered The arms of the larger group bend upwards from the elbow. The character of the smaller. learnt from the in a second daughter after the scene was executed. There M.—About inscription stela the and possible) broad. feet but The earlier pro- The scene seems to have shown King, C^ueen and possibly one or two daughters adoring clamation. Aten to the right of There are no statues. liuiiilrcil of It is set several columns of The stela yards imrllinl' K, and mouiilaiii, tlie deep westernmost of four in a just lidiiiid hewn recess. onl}' a is lies at tlie line (59°) This contains one on the west side of the valley and one on the mountain -side, fragments of These belong to the left to right. kho7-s, feet of eleven lines can be read, written from first tlie is across the great valley which leads .southwards two 18 feet high (13 almost obliterated, is — This P. from the SE. corner of the plain. are no statues. Stela (PI. xliv.)." probably of a l)irth of theft The scene lost. stelae which are set in a straight implying the addition or is by the overhang of the rock, are combined statues of the King and Queen and of the two The group on the right hand (west) princesses. Stkla is of 1898 and found heads of the King and Queen (replaced This might represent the sculptor, l)ut left is good condition, but the upper half photograph column near her height being the o-roup of children will best be been rudely inserted, and half- 82 inches broad is half of an attendant,^ has liy — About occupied by twenty-six horizontal lines of text is been smoothed at the (Plates along the southern boundary of the plain, just under the summit. above and in Ijoth N Stkla cut in the high is 25 P Q was blown is placed on the west in the west S on the east k/ior, P east. ifior, R in east mountain -.side. the Stela by gunpowder a few years to pieces ago by Copts, who expected, as all Egyptians do, to find that the stela was a door to a hidden It treasure-chamber.^ was 70 inches broad text. few turn a sheikh's tomb. * For the scone above .see L., D., iii., llOd, and my sketch (ba.sed on that and on photographs) on Plate xxxiii. The faces of the King and Queen are rei>roduce<l in L, D., iii., 29r>, nos. 4."), 4S, and are characteristic for the 11. \2. stelae. ' From ' is the top o£ line 40 to the end of the inscription 66 inches. .xxxvii. - Tiie negative of the photogi-iiph on Plate was kindly furnished by Professor Fdi- the sccni- twenty-one of the .SCO L., D., iii., 1 Sti-inilorfT. lofc, wliiih includes luiriziintiil lines. Not a second daughter. An allcndiinl is not clscwhcnshown on the stelae, but the child was so young that a ' nui-se seemed fittinjj. STKlNlK'ltKF, Bericht d. Kin). Diirch Sn.l.s. die Ljihinchi- Wiiult, G.s. LeiyzKi, I'.'OO, pp. 210--.'12 pp. (photographs). " The nc'atives tor Ixiili phoio;,'niphs of this stela were kindly furnished by Professor SteindorlV. Cf. Hay's account of his visit to the slela at Tuneh. • " The principal pei-sonage oouiniencitl by asking why we had shut up the door as soon as wo saw them coming " (Add. foi- he insisted that the Uiblct c«iuld bo nothing loss . K . . THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMAKNA. 26 and 12 6 inches feet Only a fragment high. The with the heads of the Royal pair remains. former well formed and fragments of the praying to the Aten on either side a central On altar-table. King the left the heads of both 88 Upper Egypt on the Of the text right the Queen wears the plumes. There are I copied two large detached fragments. of the two groups of the King and Queen and The Queen's princesses on either side the stela. nine that of left, ; of Aten and her own, name tablet contains the the King's that of Aten and head of Merytaten from right to Stela Q. One his own.' The writing remains. —This stela occupies a commanding horizontal written from right nearly xli., to inscription of lines left, liut below line 12 None side of a central altar. cartouches are injured. tablet being on the right. of the There were the usual groups of statues on both sides, They higher the are completely smashed, the injuries apparently being contemporary the and on searching the slope and ; hill I foot of found the remains strewn about, but They included badly weatherworn. Queen of the was which loss The injury. (or a princess) in wig, almost defaced ; (1) the head an enveloping (2) the face of the Queen (?) (3) head of the King wearing the crown of the North (4) torso and head of a princess, the ; p. 163). and broad. twenty- in left, is through partly royal family worshipping in the usual both sides of an It above shows the scene way on near which are stands altar, with lotus-Howers. There are fragments still on the King and Queen and another on this (N.) of left Stela S (Plates xxvi., xxxix., xl., xliv.)^ lies Natural caverns at the foot of some R few hundred yards behind a the mountain-side. 100 of the princesses side. high, inches right to left. It is at the foot of 60 inches broad and and contains four (;olunins lines of inscription written from The sculptors chanced on a vein of limestone as hard as alal)aster, so that the greater monument part of the though The work inscription are is marvellously preserved, made upon attacks have been spiteful lately. it is the in above the scene beautifully fine, though the profiles hideous and the forms of the body out- rageous. The usual groups of statuary are and both sides of the stela found on show admiral)le The royal group on the right modelling. of the stela holds tlie Except a narrow girdle round the loins of the King wears (S) tablets at shoulder-heisfht the others are held with ))ent arm. The south both figures are nude. MSS. 31054, inches of by natural decay and patching-stones, of wanton 58 contained from right to written lines (?) and high inches text, and twenty-six all is lost. The scene above shows the King and Queen praying and the two princesses shaking sistrums on either about three-quarters kJior, terribly mutilated, partly It xlii.). high and 52 inches broad, containinc; twenty-seven on the east slope is the stela, showing that tliere was a group of the left. the western track (Plates feet 8 is The is position at the top of a spm- facing northwards down xlii.) an hour's walk from the southern tombs. is the many (5) ; tablets." (Plate eastern the of and Queen are preserved, but are removed on The King wears the crown of Lower the rioht.' Egypt on R Stela King, Queen and two princesses were shown injured little the khepersh (?), for King, figure of the that on the North the stelae (especially curious in S), help this fancy, of which is responsible for many injuries to monuments in has the crown of the North. The south tablet Egypt. ' I discovered and brought away tlu; profile of the - The south 35 inches. ^ See Plate Australia Queen. tablet is 43 inches high; that on the north, ' ; No. 3 xliv. i.s in the Museum of Melbourne, Nos. 2 and i are in the Caii-o Museum. Pkisbe, who appears Man. PI. xiii. Copy by De Brynestyn diawn the scene from memory. Eij., to have THE BOUNDARY STELAE. shows the cartouches of King, Queen and Atcn that on the north shows those of the King and the Aten only.' Stela U (Plates xxv., xxxiv., bottom, to height of the cliflT — This 25 feet from almost occupies the entire bay of the •eastern in a little mountain-range, just to the north of the mouth tomb of the great ravine in which the Royal It of impossible aijsolutely is lies. approach close except by rope-ladder from above, and the text therefore ditticult to secure. is columns and twenty-four from left lines cut On statuary. to hold rock the in groups of the the right (S) was a group of the King and Queen with tablets held breast-high and inscribed with fuller eulogies of the King(?) The princesses are and (^ueen than usual. On the left the remains show almost destroyed. separate statues, more than life-size, of the King and Queen, each holding a narrow high against The statues of the body. the tablet shoulder- daughters are more than infantine in compara- A tive size. broad road leads to it from the of K, 81 inches V Stela high lies to tlic .soutli of the up on the defile its Tlie with broad, tlio position midst northern tlie scene above difhcultv. taten(?). tombs, Owing chosen I fmm Hue 19 signs, TIhtc arc (S). from right to iii., Pkissk, Moil. and dress The left. Work on the Site.' known already to Wilkinson,* and probably Hay, who drew it in 1827, learnt of its existence fnnii Nestor L'Hote vi.sited of it.'' it ami 1830 in Prissk did more, publishing the entire momuiient. pub- l-K.r.sirs date and ntimes. Daressy, it from the citx in A l\w. the hentls, but liiul 7v;/., I'l. xii. sketched by L'Hote, and copied included also in M. •' Sketch in L'Hoti:, Papicrs, figures in Prisse should to those in Plate xxvi. conform in Northern tombs, liy in 1 840,' Prisse. It Darc-^sy's collation. Stela S was found and copied by Pe BrynksTVN.'s cimipauioii. ami pul)lislic<l by the frtilod. to lieing near to the was discovered by H.\RRis and Glipdon pennissi(ii\. 302. have Tlie writing ofterings. Stela A, near Tuneh El Gebel on the West It was side, was the first to be discovered. ' '' King stands and with him the Queen and Mery- D. Previous aint National Museum, Melbourne, Australia, by M. Maspero'a kind made out be In the centre are twenty-one columns Stela l^ a cartouclio of Aten wiis sent to made an attempt .sliowiug to the left the been an altar lieaped with is ' text of the to the nature of the rock, traces of a roa<l leading to fragment only is On directly as now remains but half-a-dozen apparently full line of text, and beyond this there .seems to is 12 extant for tlie is 1893, included this text in a collation.' being apparently opposite B. nothing of room It affords more than is lowest the stela little which pierces them in lines. lished only the in and there al)ove made rough drawings a hills, The on the south. fellow of height feet him. city. is a state of ruin even more lamentable than that in adoration, a deep recess has each side of the stela the contains It the proclamation of the fourth year, but (No. 57). daughters shaking sistrums. been Zebayda, facing the river (225°). eighty and two shoulder of the mountain, above the ruined tomb of the Lady of text written arms,'- high up on set is There arc three and Queen praying with extended On It The scene shows the King to right. east the where the track through side, lies at the point the defile just mentioned strikes the river again. xxxvii.). monument, measuring gigantic top on Stela X, the most northern ; attitude « ' Fuller refereni-es are given elsewhere. Tnpngraphy of Tlirbit, p. 38.3. Lcllrm tnilin, pp. 129-134. Hiiued lie Trataujr, xv., pp. 51-58, also PuissK, Mon. El]., p. 3. p. f.l. THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. 28 M. Daressy pul)lished a latter.' and [>riiite(l photograph [Liveth Father] etc, |" J Q was liy Lepsius, as also Aton every like his father Ijelievc, 1 by Mr. I' might Ncwlierr}^ Prof. Petrie's whole district in V M, R, J, P, etc." Re were the reward of indefatigable scrutiny of the day, the good .... himself .... sky the to of the living that formed when he ]" (?) god (?) Him doing service to him Stelae B, F, Ca^ appearing on the throne of fouud, first (ITI [Liveth HorusJ [' was jjublished the upper part of Stela N." Stela Hor-Aton ( the text (v. supra). K Stela fine the living Aton, lord (?) places [Son of Re], living in Truth, [lord of] diadems, [" Akhenaton, great in his duration, living for ever ; M. Daressy's R 1892.' is included also in (and) the hereditary-princess great in the palace, fair (?), of face, beauteous with the double plume, mistress of happi- collation. [endowed with favours] at hearing whose voice one ]"'' lady of grace, great of love, by whose nature the lord of the two lands is well-pleased, great of to the Aton, contenting in the horizon, for ness, Stela X, the farthest to the north yet dis- me by Breasted has made use of it covered on the east bank, was shown to an Arab in 1901.* rejoices,'- whom for his recent work.^ the Grunau Steindorff, Borchardt and eastern stelae whom he is spoken done,'- is mistress loves, Beauty of the Beauties of Aton, Neferteit 1898, copied the text of in |'' chief wife of Two the of lands, visited I the every (word) that king, living I ]. for ever eight of them, securing excellent photographs, and made excavations at N.'' On Aton when he his love, Year 4 * fourth month of the second season, [day] 4 etc. Prisse, BTon. Eg., 3 ' - L., D. Text, p. p. from rises .... and his horizon Aton the of ]" His ?]. electrum, like the land with fills (and) started [a goodly course ; — made The unique one of Re had made for him his monument in founding for him [Akhetaton] according (?) as [his father had given command] to make it [Heaven was] in joy,'° earth in rejoicing, I"" every heart in gladness, when they saw him. (And his Majesty) offered a [great] oblation his son Liveth the Good God, [Akhetaton in Akhetaton, his place of the beginning which he had for himself that he might rest within it daily (?) for I'" to] The Earlier Proclamation.'^ E. was" day (Royalty) this [Majesty ascended] a great chariot (?).^ ' ' — and PI. xiii. There are squeezes 129. of K in Father to ( Hor-Aton horned of bread, beer, j Indls, Berlin. Amarna, ^ Petrie, Tell '' DAVIE.S, Sheilih Said, pp. el pp. 5, .5, 0, PLs. x.xxiv., '" Records, ^ For references, see ' Plates xxix.-xxxii., xxxviii. (photograph). p. 393. ii., p. 2-5. used are the Stelae K, X, and M. now For legible. K and X I The sources Of M only a few phrases have u.sed my squeezes and photographs and plates revised on the spot. For K, A fragmentary translation is see also L., D., iii., llOfc. given in Bre.\sted, Records, pp. 392-394. The numbers of the lines, where not othei'wise marked, are those of K. The possible in X marked the text of K. lines of By much are Aton was probably the true pronunciation name, which thus differed by only one Amun, the god whom he displaced. ^ are xxxv. off as far and as accurately as " The rendering the later similar titularies aten is is where a much guided titulary of The above of the god to titles of Hor-Aton ( ( N. liy the Akhen] ( A. | I the Queen are those which she Her name bears in the later proclamation. is often tran- scribed Nefertiti. the larger share of any responsibility or credit Griffith, is full ti'anslation of The ordinary given. from Amon, letter abbreviated elsewhere in these pages to and the cartouches '- as far as line xiv. proclamation, '^ two proclamations must fall to to whom the final form it has taken is Of. II., p. 14. Read ^^zz^ for the translation of these Mr. of the god's 6. iif ^^ -^ III at the end of line 1 vii it the end of line ^ ^^ vi. ; at the end also due. " The reading below ^ " read, (I. is confirmed by the recurrence of " year 4 " 20). Day 13," of line viii. '* which the broken signs would date the easily permit us to S-^ at the end of line One was." " On this day ix. " refei-s of course to the opening date, what has intervened being merely later proclamation to the anniversary 15 of this. Lit. " ; Read S III. jirotocol. 29 THE BOUNDARY STELAE. polled cense bulls, beasts, fowl, all goodly herbs (?), Akhetaton [for the living ' [on the day of demarcating] Aton and loved] 1"^' the Sovereign lands — who ac]cepted (L. P. H.), Beautiful of the furuis of ( i{c, - Lord of the (?) [favoured Re in gladness, well pleased, which uplifts and for ever (And) [and Aton radiated upon him in life and length J of days, [Said] j"" his Majesty invigorating his body every day]. " Biing nie the companions of the king, the great ones and mighty the laud] in entirety." They were|»''" conducted to him They were on their bellies before his .Majesty, its immediately. : [of ones, the captains of soldiers, (?) smelling [the ground to his mighty His [Majesty unto them said] will]. " Behold : [Akhetaton •' (?) me to make unto him as a monument in the [great] name of [my Majesty] for ever * it was the Aton my father that [brought me to] I"" Akhetaton. Not a noble directed (?) me to it,'' not [any man in] the whole land directed (?) me to it say[ing " It is fitting for his Majesty] that he |"' make an Horizon-of-Aton (Akhetaton) in this place." Nay, but it was the Aton my which] Aton the I''" desires : father that [directed an Horizon of- (?) me] to it, make to Aton (Akhetaton). for the H. found that L. P. not to a goddess, to princess' as owner of |it . Behold it |' .... For Father thing. belonged not to a god, [There . ( no right is I found Hor-Aton .... | it for] . . . Hor-Aton j by command .... ( . did T [except] thy Majesty, [he] doth not '' beneficent another except it |» . .... . of . . To- Mera (Egypt) .... like the horizon of heaven .... Aton .... great .... of making a monument to the living Aton Aton thou drawest (?) unto him every land (?), I". thou adornest for him village[8?] .... which he liath . . . own [made?] for his lands, all self, all countries, the Ha-nebu with their products, their tribute on their backs him that made and breathes the for in seeing Then their Aton heaven for ever and eternally. in his ^Majesty that fcirmid him by whose rays one liveth [may he grant me] eternity I" verily (?) Akhetaton is life, .... air rays his thriving like not hiiii. I As Father my my belonged belonged not .... me .... (?) hand to heaven unto Hiin his lifted Hor-Aton I, saying: him as for any man witness related to for : any king behold Pharaoh : .... ! Hor-Aton f .Vton, ordaining father belonged not to prince, it . it Aton my wife(?) to J monument of the AUm .... knowing the bounds of Lo it is he that putteth in thy heart regarding any place that he desires he doth not uplift the name of find(?)'' .... Aton Beauty 1' Majosty stood] before Father fllor-Aton [his .... (?) I Atmi, Nefcrleit ever and ever, said eternity. I"' his child For Akhetaton ever. of the beauties of Aton was [his] beauties (?) I* I making for him joy .... |" Akhetaton ho rested on [his gre]at throne with which he done .... upon f N.J he making!?) liveth, two of the one of L'niciuc After these things, the good pleasure is legarding Akhetatonforcver p and ever." Every eye seeth(?) .... rays beauteous with (?) love, at .sight of which every land wine, fruits, incense, frankin- life, my father, my remembrancer of eternity, witness of that which belongs to eternity.'" that formeth whom himself with his hands, Whether he without is .... makes every no artificer hath known, who is and setting each day without ceasing. in heaven or on earth [every] eye sees him while he fills [the land with] his beams and established in rising of truth the great and living vigorous in life, wall of a million cubits, to act every- liveth, |^ ] )'" With face to live. seeing whom may my eyes in be satisfied daily, when he rises in this House of Aton beams |" his by self with own his Akhetaton, and fills it ' ' The term probably includes flowers. - The salutation " Life, Prosperity, Health " often attached to mention of Royalty. The preceding phrase • beauteous with ! may be a stainling expression for the acceptance of a royal oftering by the god. ' y, not (I, ci should be read in the Plate. • * M jrives ^^ ' Or " M • m and lays n Read O 1 J, ^vvw> A them upon me ia life and ever.'''' (M.) 0_»_V«=>i AA ^ from a rcNisod copy. here. testified lo has love, length of days(?) for ever and it, .^n1^<Lij?'^' <l I '- I Compare the pictures in covered and embraced by the them extending I III to which the King ni\-s him the sign of Days (?). the Mdii sign of IxMigth of is scon of the sun, some of life and (more rai-ely, THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. 30 make 1 will north of beyonrl make not I wdll place. Akhetaton ' west of it, or east of it, southern the Aton my father in this him Akhetaton south of it, for the for tablet I it. Akhetaton of not pass will southward, neither will I pass beyond the northern tablet of Akhetaton make Akhetaton therein neither will I make for him on the western side of AkhetNay, but I will make (?) Akhetaton for the Aton aton. my Father upon the Orient side of Akhetaton, the place which he did enclose for his own self with cliff (?), and [northward, to] |''-^ him] [for liryt : in the midst of this is Neither it. that I might offer to it, shall. the : ward, or southward |" or westward, or Orient^ward. I will not say " I will abandon Akhetaton, I will hasten away make I will Akhetaton Akhetaton for the in this place Neferteit ] I aton in this place 1 shall be ' made therein in that [multitude of [and the burial ^ I'** daughter Merit-aton shall be made in If I die in of years." any town the King's of] in that multitude it west. of the north, south, my Orient in the multitude of years, I will be brought and father Aton my father made burial who for the Akhetaton. in lives, die in any town Queen Neferteit ( any die] in Akhetaton. j^^ And the sepulchre in the Orient mountain in the be brought and buried in shall .she and Meritaton city of north, south, west, or Orient, multitude of years, I of north, south, west, or Orient, If the King's daughter buried in Akhetaton. made If the great [multitude of years, she shall be brought in the ' of of Mreu (Mnevis) shall Akhetaton, [and he be shall be buried] therein. [The] tombs of the "Great of Seeing""* and the divine fathers of the Aton and the ^ [prie]sts be made in the Or[ient] mountain they shall be buried in them, (?) [of [of the A]ton Akhetaton and l'-" The tomb of the officers, etc., shall be made in the Orient mountain of Akhet]aton and they shall be [buried] therein. For, as (Hor-Aton Father liveth, J| priests more (?) I heard evil unto year things which th]ey than [those they than those are [more 4, evil are ; of Re of the [great] wife of the Aton my for the - Aton my ; Aton make the Shade I will King Aton of this place |'-'' make I will in House a in years] shall and make Akhetaton in this other goodly place Nay, but [I did find (?)] this Akhetaton for for ever (?)." the Aton, which he had himself desired, and with which he is delighted for ever and ever. in Neferteit ; him Queen say unto me |'^ " Behold there is a goodly place for Akhetaton in another place " and I hearken unto her neither shall any noble .... .... of all men who are in the whole land [say unto me] " Behold there is a goodly place for Akhetaton in another place " and I hearken to them, whether it be downstreammade a thereon ( father in Akhet- ; I will make a House of Rejoicing for the Aton my father in the island of " Aton distinguished in Jubilees " in * This shortened form of the Queen's every case on these three stelae where name (though in broken cartouches the longer title and seems a sign of the early date. ^ In each case the day of burial is is used in can be tested, it seems indicated) postponed almost infinitel}'. Akhetaton I will in this place ^ ; [for] the Rejoicing Aton my father in the island of " Aton distinguished in Jubilees " in Akhetaton in this place make all works which [are required] to be done Aton my father in Akhetaton in this place for the Aton my father in will make I will for the I will 'L.P.H.) : in this place make for I will make shall be mountain 1^' the palace the palace of the of Queen Pharaoh Akhet- in ; my made for me a sepulchre in the ( )ri[ent] burial shall be [made] therein in the multi- Grammatically, it is equally possible to translate " I have made," and so in all cases. " = Taia and Merytaton are each given a " Shade of Re Nothing is known of a "Shade of Re" of in the texts. Neferteit, but it is not likely that Taia would be entitled simply " icing's wife " in the reign of Akhenaton. ^ There is still a large cultivable island opposite Et Til, but the river-bed Or perhaps * The title of shifts Read " necropolis." a good deal there. the chief priest of Re at Heliopolis. This more, the adoption of the sacred bull Mnevis show a close connection of Aton worship with the cult of the sun-god at Hehopolis, at any rate in the early years ; it and, tude of jubilees which the Aton my father hath ordained for me, and the burial of the chief vdie of the King 1 f^-^^^ ' ; myself aton in this place. There Queen Taia points to the startling conKing could scarcely have been fifteen years clusion that the old when he pronounced this oath. the furniture of ; Akhetaton I Evidently only the eldest daughter was yet born. Dr. Elliott Smith's examination of the skeleton found with ** make a House p" of is still very unexpected to find animal-worship thus retained in some degree by the " hei-etic." Perhaps this was a concession to Egyptian prejudice and intended to concihate the second or third greatest of the religious bodies in the On the otlier hand, it is struggle with Amon-worship. possible that Heliopolis was one of the main sources of the "heresy." ^ I have neglected to enter in the plate the clearer reading of K, which I obtained on revision .a AAAA^ 1 1 1 H AAj«/sA aft Q : $J$$J,^ ri o THE BOUNDABY STELAE. things] which I have heard iii the year ' more (?) more [heard], are they than those things which evil The Later Proclamation.' F. they than those things which King evil are 31 Year month fourth 6, of the second season, thirteenth j-' day.' I Men-kheperu-re heard 1(1) in the of negroes, in the mouth (?) of [any ?] people IK is 1= X 26/ .... of Kush as far as ... IX 27 [of gaz]elles ^^ . P' iK 31 (- . M 31) my as . . Liveth the Gofxi God, well pleased with Truth, (!), _ _ father ( two . .... [tablet] .... . . . Hoi-Aton feast.s, the chief wife of the King, Neferteit Aton ^'. i'' [''sa tral . I will not .... liveth 1 Stel.\ A. .... every .season " 1'^ . . . he ; if j"^ ^' )-'' 3^ . . . . . . ... to go 1^ ^' I offer the cen- in any I be in offer . . . . . . in city,'' any town every place [unto?] which which he found for . be (?) my him.sclf Stel.\ B. Stel.\ F. desire .... THor-Aton The the south a Jubilee I will celebrate . _ . .... Stela Akhet- celebration . trees . . I'' (?), I the granary (?) ... of (?) . . . . . i J. A III., 303, 304. date in Petrie's notes. Petrie's hand-copy. add it I did not obtain but have noted to the Plates, — My hand-copy of the more Stela H. . it^ — My Hand- legible parts. Photographs by myself and SteindorH'. hand-copy. Photographs by Steindorff. to Aton under (?) Stela S.— Prisse, Mon. Cast from with life and Stela U. his (?) palette 1'. II., of days (?), in [.)oy| and holiday .... Akhetaton for ever and ever. Tn.^ My copy. by in —Prisse, Mon. £g., own hand-copy •^ Petrie for his copy of pp (revised tlJ PI. Petrik, Hand- xiii. and (revised) F and to Professor tion, his revision of Plate .\xv., (End). Plates xxxii. are published ways ^ ; revision of this Photographs by Steindorff and mj-self. most serious indebtedness therefore is to Professor St«iiidorff for his reading). (revised readiiiguf K). " of writing t, lines), from tracings of hius publica and general support xxxiii. (vertical In the collation no notice II. Daressy, foe. cit. by Petrie. Mv own PI. xii. Steindorff. entcr)irise. The whole land was I'"" tig., stiueezes generous contribution of negatives for use and [their misti-ess]. length copy and copy (revised), complete squeezes and photographs. their bellies unto Phariwjli, L. (?) My own cit.). ; the hand of the .... {loc. (photograph). .... I — Daressy photograjihs. My upon . . things that are in thiMvhole land Ilor-Aton and the Queen (?) lord, I"^'" For two or evidential value. little Stela P. My hand-copy of a few shattered fragments. Stela Q.- -My hand-copy (revised) and photographs. Also hand-copies kindly furnished me by Mr. Newberry and M. Maspcro (cojiy by Shabaan Effendi). . I"'"' their tablet of Akhetaton. to the Orient, to Superior of the house of Akhetaton being in A — Only Stela N. .... (?), all they are for father " stylenl — Only my hasty hand-copy of the more legible copy by Petrie. of (?) .... the Jubilee (?) unto the west . Ije readings where they have any importance. the headland of the northern tablet the water in the river ''^ in full (all These only not absolutely erased, but for the is L'Hote, MS. this in time to J -^ A hand-copy and squeezes. — |K40(=X40i 1^ ^' rest near the end). southward 1^ ^2 Daressy, collation xiv. parts (last four vertical lines, end of lines 1-5, lines 8 to he voyage iiorthwurd or whi-tlier ig. ^ .... is it xxvii., three phrases I found myself dependent on Daressy. Aton of [ships supplied] with everything in him voyage, let The partial copy in I If (?). have used for the Plates 1 50-o8, with appendix of most part has very Aton to the (?) hich covered the portions of the stela which could . |"3i aton to Akhet- likewise the festival (?) [of] Aton, the offering .... . . not shall Ra-hor, Horizon-god,"' rejoicing in : My type-printed). make .... Aton my] father in the House [the . ( Pkisse, Mon. .•' foreshore[s],' (?) which Akhetaton in . I indeed will father]. |"' llecucil XV., pp. legible. the central in . . . . . the district in ^ The materials « ' make islands (?) [my . . and Father xxviii., xxxiii., are ill aton, regions. of addax[es] likewise all . Lord of |'' heaven, Lord of earth. Living Aton. Great, Illuminating the .- . Liveth the headland of the . I"'' . shall not be said t ">.... 31 ... l" . mouth (?) of the xxvi., xxix.- stiueezes. been taken of tlie different m, w, pa, or the plural. " Fourteenth day " in Q. In U the date reverse direction (Plate xxxiv., where U is sliould written in Ik) read for N), an Egyptian device for calling attention to a passage. irti*(i!ll]fl^<"-)4 90 III -m A (M:m See Vol. ii., p. 15. But prolmbly the true explanation that " Father mine " was the original nu-aning of this ° is group, but became a is $ @ place of royal residence fl^i, »...,. is probably meant. inappropriate. .st^jiiiiling The epithet, sullix of the«l tii-st where "mine" pei-son .'singular is written with the royal sign, liccause it refers to the King. 10 41 ]jo|.^ Horizon-god," or later " (P)Hn-Hor (i.e. the Sun- THE the Horizc) who giveth In DC ' Liveth name of and for ever life The Lii,'ht eternity, which is At in Akhetaton, the name of whicli 'S\ Living Atcjn, Great, |" within the temple of Aton in Akhetaton.^ sefZ-festival,2 |i in his TOMBS OF EL AMAKNA. liOCK the' Horns " Two mistresses, Strong Bull, Beloved of Aton " " Great in Sovereignty in ^ ; the " (and) started a goodly course ; Beauty of the Forms of Re, Unique one of Re ( Son of Re, " Living in Truth, Lord of diadems Great in his duration, The Good |- Who demarcate ; the Akhenaton life and for ever (?) " it —causing ],^ ever." to be offered of Re, Wliose beauties Aton Sovereign (L.P.H.) for holding Aton, Magnifj'ing His name, Causing the earth to east — the King (A. |< ] ). Neferteit f' On I, Horus), Beauty of the beauties of made " Horizon-god,'' for in the Or " to whom is of ^ Meaning " 6 " Liveth the good God." in sun-god of ' A substitutes to Aton. "Doing ) — as A. my liveth, as j ( I : heart is whom, may to and ever, grow aged hand |, happy it be livina |''- with that multitude of of Pharaoh (L.P.H.), and it they being in the hand of the chief wife of the king, |" their mother, eternally for ever '^ Meaning, "> Or of course, " rode ! on a two-horse chariot." " took the goodly road " ; the idea must be that now goes to the city itself in which the temple of Aton was. " A difficult passage, unless the word "as" may be supplied. Q, U. ''* ser-vices to him," omitting this phrase where " " That which his l-a loveth." N. I the King with the vulture, goddess of the South, and the cobra, goddess of the North. (?) at the south- the royal tent was pitched iu the plain of Akhetaton and identified Pious I be granted that the king's daughter Meritaton and the king's daughter Meketaton, her children, grow old, granted." is A ton years,-^ she being in the may Apparently meaning " celebrating (his own) Jubilee," which the sun-god might be supposed to do unceasingly. ^ Meaning " Horizon of Aton." The king Hor- Aton ( in the parti- the |'M Hor- Queen and her children - * ( granted that the chief wife of the King isfiNeferteit Heliopolis. ' Majesty (L.P.H.) went P southward and halted "As Father Aton Majesty L.P.H. his name the is Ta.T King Tn.J oath pronounced by the king for ever day (Royalty) was in Akhetaton pavilion liis the (?) mountain of Akhetaton,^^ and Aton radiated!'" upon and length-of-days (?),-'- invigorating his body An Living for ever and eternity.'^ this coloured I it every day. (?)-princess, Mistress of the two lands,i= |' eternity, him within to to a great oblation of bread, beer, '-" on his chariot before his Father Chief wife of the King, beloved by him. rejoices. and as liim in life N. ( And Great in the palace, Fair of face. Beauteous with the double plume. Mistress of happiness. Endowed with favours, at hearing whose voice one " for ever — even bulls, jiolled bulls, beasts, fowl, wine, fruits, incense, with the pleasures of His Jca," Doing services to Him that formed him, f Presenting the earth to Him ' that put him on His throne, Provisioning His House of Eternity '" with millions and myriads of things, Up- The hereditary life it,"* goodly herbs, on the day P of demarcating Akhetaton for the living Aton, who accepted, favoured, and loved the Him (and) who giveth |, Aton to the on the 1) all created. Truly pious of heart to his Maker," Contenting belong to his Maker to Akhetaton, (as monument as a Hor- Aton ( >* that his Majesty L.P.H. found had given command to make a monument horned giveth Unique one God,'' I " J '" occasion his father lands well- is of horses and a great chariot p of electrum,i^ like Aton when he from the horizon and fills the two lands with his love first Upholding the name of Aton " the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, " Living in Truth, Lord of the Two Golden Horus The Aton rises The ; " Akhetaton " is His Majesty (L.P.H.) ascended a span pleased." Him that formed occurs below. it Lit. "on the first occasion of finding it, which H. M. cUd." This seems to be the original meaning of the worci, but " dedication " may be more exact here. '-" It is not clear whether the sacrifice was on the '^ R. Or perhaps "administering the earth for Him." " House of Eternity " is a phrase for the endowment estate of tomb or temple. ^' The indefinite pronoun probably, as elsewhere, refers ^ 1" previous occasion, or the present. It is not certain '-' hill-side to the King. '- '^ hills " Regent of the B. substitutes " ever and ever." South and North Lands." Who ' |) O§ . Cf. VL, | is hale, blooming, fl U. and strong for n or possibly " tent of spreading." (?)." -' or the like is meant ; lie be The south-east rays of the of city, near the tablets Aton «ere upon him in life and B has made mistakes here and sculptor of the signs in confusion. left x.xvii. " Probably variegated matwork wliich P, Q, R, S. -- Or " the joy whether this means the southernmost of the river where J is, or the on the east bank /.(•. that the years granted by Aton. King, Queen and cltildren together (in each other's hands). The prayer seems may all to hve long THE BOUNDARY STELAE. " My oath of truth, which and of which I ever " my it Ls not say, " will dusiro to prouounce,' false " eternally for it is : The southern which on the eastern mountain )'* It is the tablet of Akhetaton, (namely) of Akhetaton. this (one) by which - I have made ^ halt I will not pass beyond it* southwards, eternally |'^ for ever. Make the tablet, is 33 south-west tablet of Akhetaton to the north-west tablet on the west mountain of Akhetaton, amounting to 6 a/er, |" J and :} of a khe and 4 culjits, likewise exactly. " And the j'-" area within these four tablets, from the mountain east mountain to the west Akhetaton is south-west tablet opposite on the western mountain of it proper self ' |-' : it belongs to Father meadows, deserts, ( in its —mountains, : Hor-Aton J islands, upper-ground, lower-ground, embankments, men, beasts, groves, which the Atou my father shall (?) bring land, water, villages, Akhetaton, exactly. on the eastern mountain of Akhetaton. It is the tablet of Akhetaton by which I have made j"* halt on the orient^ mountain of Akhetaton: I and beyond it orient-wards, eternally for ever. Make the middle tablet which is (to be?) on the western Aton my mountain of Akhetaton opposite Ukewise as the north-east boundary of Akhetaton, and shall be set likewise on a tablet of stone as the south-west " The middle tablet, which is will not pass it exactly." " The north-eastern taljlct |" of Akhetaton, by which I have made halt. It is the northern tablet of Akhetaton : beyond T will not pass Make over. it the north ' And Akhetaton II north the as far tablet on the east 6 and j afer, h of |-- into existence eternally for ever.'" " I will not neglect this oath which 1 have father eternally for ever boundary, likewise as the north-west bo (to is it, T) on the its exactly. (extends) from the south tablet as measured between tablet and tablet, mountain of Akhetaton, amounting to Me and 4 cubits * ; likewise from the spoiling if it fall, it be shall not be (?) .spoilt, I will |-^ if renew brought about. the stela on " I will * From U in other the ; texts no afford make" would evident that Akhenaton it is remain personally within the was." very fragmentary ; F is destroyed, and A but B, which nmst have been the (?) is of (?) wards eternally ° 8j^(N B S. AAAAAA '" B ater Akhetaton opposite : it tablet which for over." is body"; perhaps seems to read "from the west sculptor, and had to Ihj " B (Plate xxxix.). reads is " of th(^ otliers " [mirth ]- likewise [on?] Akhetaton is still Ainarnu, PI. uncertain ; the khr is uchiiiiiiin, the scliucnium According to Professoi' Petrie's map xxxiv, ; see also tliis volume, X xxxiv.), the distance between the earlier stelue "ives almost 4000 tiie cubit.s to the ater, and the this to witliin a few cubits. and PI. K It is to is B opposite V, ; Akhetaton; of Akhetatoit the south-west boundary of (?) middle AkhetaUm on the west mountain of the [north]-west b<iundary of Akhetaton." U " north[we-st], " the 'B appears to give only " west," S seems to give only i-oom others have lost the passage. for " likewise [the north-west] of Akhetaton." bo hoped A being opposite X, on the distance! X-.J a precise measui'cment will bo taken. On the west to F seems to correspond precisely bank the distance A boundury north-east Akhetaton; likewise on tliat Tims measured, the length ; on(?) the [east] bounilary [of] likewise ou(?) the the equivalent of the Greek a hundred cubits. to P, to P). east was omitted by the In S upon the western beyond it west- 1 will not pass seems to read " west," length of whicli would give to its (X mountain of(?) Akhetaton." The before the name of Akhetulou is pi-obably a mistake. to the likewise on the middle tablet The X of the and " north- J), not in the desert and U) "in regard " bodil}'," "exactly." written over is west." to month The wording " the south ... on the east moun- aler. taken on the river (X to on the western the middle tablet which Hiountiiin of Aklictaton el tirst referred to, gives the following special varia- Make mountain (Tell 8, Royalty was in Akhet- (-" tablet as far as the north tablet mountain Akhenaton. Of the texts on the west bank, tablet here of .shall west tablet," imply that the measurement on the east bank be a possible translation. the earlier decree " east " only in these texts of '^ is it tain," as opposed to the " south-west tablet " but only not to increase the territory of Akhetaton. word from the root meaning " suiu'iso," useil for So be missing,'^ it which U J shows the same text as A ' If washed again afresh in the place in which it This oath was repeated in year a [^1 ^ tion, " of out, it shall not be kicked, it shall not be struck with stones, does not bind himself to is )'-' tablet which evidence. ^ boundary '- It shall not be erased, it shall not be about 4.500 cubits to the ' shall oiiiissiou. Read limit, to the it down-stream-wards, eternally for Petrie's earlier copy of ' |-^ be set on a tablet of stone as the south-east boundary," second season,' eighth day.'* without made nay, but ; Akhetaton. western mountain of Akhetaton opposite |18 things all F ojiposito P. considerably greater, giving iBhh, ichwh compare witii the si'nse " The gOYge canrc also " abortus." in the | § ^ iKvurs hymn texts genoniliy iigieo in this dale, nui !•' K (PuTUli:) THE UOCK TOMBS OF EL AMAUNA. 34 iildii, and Pharaoh L.P.H. mounted stood, on a great ' the chariot of electrum, inspecting the tablets- of Aton which are on the mountain^ as the south-east lionndary of Akhetaton.^ Un " The six tablets which I have fixed for bounilaries of Akhetaton (are) the three tablets upon the orient mountain of Akhetaton together with the three tablets opposite them [the south stela which is upon] the orient mountain of Akhetaton measured to the south stela which is opposite to it upon the western mountain of Akhetaton, becoming the south boundary of Akhetaton and the north tablet which is on the orient mountain of Akhetaton, measured to the north (?) tablet, which is opposite [to it upon] the western mountain of Akhetaton, becoming the northern '' 1 j ; A, B, there added is : ; Year fourth 8, An oath month of the first season, last pronounced by King ( N. f A. ilay.-'^ at the fixing of 1 jj the tablets of [the] boundary of Akhetaton : boundary of Akhetaton likewise the middle tablet which is upon the eastern mountain of Akhetaton measured to the middle tablet which is opposite it upon the western ; " As Father (Hor-Aton ^ and 25) <=^ ' 1 1 : gives the curious date of the mountain "And 1 sixth year, first (?) The sculptor of ' B liveth J month of second season, S S omitted :ind day had 4." of Akhetaton. the breadth of Akhetaton to insert it There were by time this S reads east boundary. many tablets for the south- probably for I as on the other S has a larger space, perhaps originally left vacant. reads " on the east mountain as the south (!) boundary." > B fills up the Aton," and I /^^«A^ ^ F line with with " for the Father, '"""^ fl ll | ^ the living " established to eternity .... ?] its fno Hor-Ato:in fowl, all its people, Aton produces, on which ?] mountains j, its are in the all (?), its cattle, all his rays shine, of Akhetaton, being for the Father, the living Aton, unto the all ottered to his ka, and his rays are beauteous receive them." ; they are when they * and for ever, for is A seems to read five," B " six " ; the latter is what required. (') For the is the to O the living Aton." whicli hea\'en temple of Aton in Akhetaton for ever eternally '' ~ for Fathei- things [which all [they ^ F deserts, its ' things which the tablets. from mountain to of western horizon of heaven. It shall be - is the eastern horizon mountain, from rest of the ' Read ** The rays date, of Aton reach out to the otterings. quite clear, I have Petrie's sujiport. Nr ^ tlie scenes end in hands wliich 3S INDEX. INDEX. .•i6 PAGES Inset stones Island " G, 23, 24, 2ri, Atim distinguished 26 Para I . Parapet 30 in Jubilees' Petrie, Professor Jubilei^ (see " Si'd-festiy; ")• I . Pilasters Portals K.irnak . Kiosks 3, 9 KusH 21, 31 Lacau, M. . Lamps, niches for Later remains . 1, . tomb „ of Meketaten Mensuration Meryea Merytaten Mnevis-bull Mummies Museum, Cairo „ Melljourne MUTBENRET . . 2, 3, 4, 5, Port-holes . Porticoes . Portraiture . 9, 11 Pottery 8 Prayers 10, 11, 13, 10, 17 . . . 2,4,7,8,9.10,12.14,16,17 Princesses (see " Royal Family"). 1,8, 12, 14, 24 Ptahmav 3 May with double cornice ,, 3 , Queen 9, , (see also " Nepertiti " ; "Royal Family ") 10, 11 INDEX. 37 PLATES. NOTE. An index to the passages of the text which will be Erratum : On found on pp. are exphmatory of the several plates vii., viii. Plate xxxiv. read Vertical Lines. U. El Amarna V. TOMB 14 iMAY). Plate SECTION ON '/^^^.^^yy^^'A > -,;,: -yV^y.^.'. ;<'JiiJ!^,^^i^/,^^';s< I. A.B.C.D. t/r El Amarna TOMB V. PLATE 14 (MAY). II. 3iaaiw SM?li*"^gfl»io»ii(?i{«iii i a. a: hiyoN "' i;^°- iTdI ! o « z ^|i!S;r^^^H'i o z ! . ( II !opaiv ,Li»}^\i"'i0'' UJ o i^ /- )-iii l-HBU iPiPSs ««j^^. SaE^iMllt-^^S t§giiEiEii^f^«sii3iia2aM ^^igajopgaiijp HI!ai5fy^JhtfJtj[*«= J(|C( niOI:'MiS'Slit§M¥-^] UJ z o c=eCO-— >— a°iE^il:^^i^ii^S^ffgfeTC^^3 .«iyi!ret^u-ete!iw^=^w]iei|5 I- ^lig^iigpijyi^gst^yim lU CO ^q?^H;i^°aiira^^41D?ti:ii'i^iaB=!S?i o o rIdHUi mMmmmmmm:^^^^ i;$m:b^mmBBc^^^^"m -(» °mi^m\\B^MiiWM'^m^ y^/ ^a^^tiqo^:!!:^^ -)>: w UJ z b^ o I I- I q: O z ^'£0 El Amarna Scale \ V. TOMB OF MAY. ROYAL FAMILY WORSHIP ATEN. Plate III. TOMB OF MAY. El Amarna V. Plate /\ I I ^ '• tl 'M PHP Ujfct % J o L- ^ I t4- &CI If a 5^ ^ "^^ &1S /I Ijikj ^ ^ Si Ei IV. - J 7 1 u " - - El Amarna TOMB OF MA V. ,\ > 8^ I }lo!:\ J. r- u/i^ /<^ I v« ' \ ;*; Scale LINTEL-N. END. J 01 ' 1^ Scale i / sef>ara1e GRAFFITI. ^^\" ^^^^^n! MM nil III! nil Mil nil THE QUAY Scale -WEST WALL. Plate All vh 1 V. i £.:»— El Amarna V. .V-.. ^ii H- TOMB 16-PLAN. Plate VI. iT^tvTvo'A^ UNl^ tRSlT^ El Amarna V. TOMB 16. Plate VII. 1/ El Amarna TOMBS V. TOMB SECTION ON Scale i A.B. 16 SECTION ON E.F. 16 Ai: Plate 23 lANY). //:.'y'?///X4^//'^;^/'T7y.^''-</-''^.y//y'//'.:- TOMB 23 SECTION . '/^z/- ON CD. VIII. f UBHAhY El Amarna TOMB OF ANY. V. '<«;ni Plate IX. -,i-i-; (tugs-' i'-~ < H LL liJ UJ r*- Z \m- X ^'~}\-^. ui 1 rtii m s\ c/) El Amarna V. TOMB OF ANY. Plate X. z-mmzni-^ < h- I a I Hi z I CO NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ,C-r: LIBRARY t:di± El Amarna V. TOMB OF Plate ANY, ^ 7(21 IiQ) I II ^^^ ^m^ z;^ id oj 'M ^ A5! sill '1 IS O OKI III A ^a P • O H \s?^ l-gl Sill GRAFFITO. It Hoi ScaZe EXTERIOR. I DOOR JAMBS. f3 Hoi XI. YOSK UNiVERSlTV W El Amarna TOMBS V. 17 AND 20- Plate m < 2 O _i < XII. 2 < _l CL z o I- o w GD O 5 ICD -J o o o * 2 g Io Ui CO I o m o <N I- r 'fl "11 S> El Amarna TOMB TOMBS V. 18 AND 24-(PA-ATEN-EM-HEB). Plate XIII. 24 INSCRIPTION ON LEFT JAMB. {now erased.) 24SECTION. Scale i« mu I *sr->» I a ? 1 T ^ WT K'/^; ItJ M^ ....::>^y>:><^>Z^i^: SECTION ON A.B. i o xlll r -I TOMB I Jl <S*^.;:..V O I o 18 INSCRIPTION ON LEFT JAMB ^'T^'-r*^^ '<C,''^'y^yl:\--yAyAyyy/C'/j^./Z<yiyj..i-.,i.'.yy^.,,..y,i,ryy-,r X:v-:.,.:..^ Scale TOMB ^ 18 PLAN. ,.cy '-"'' El Amarna V. TOMBS 12, 19 (SUTAU), 25a. Plate XIV. z o »- o UJ w < z Q D o z o _l z < < C4 m o I- El Amarna V. TOMBS 19 iSUTAU> AND Plate XV. 20. ir^^yhJO^^Pg^ZL Jl]in«<l;:f^'j02^ 111 Z IE:->f^' O CM CQ t:7i;»FT?v3?1^M o I- p.'.. ,'>^,ti3ir'riV".'VN0i.Jl-^ z:^;:)rr -'^^iWi :i.^W-llX '^ ^/ » » >r ;C > -^V,i« LI' - M. , j Olsl].: 'tRsin TOMB El Amarna V. Plate XVI. 21. \ \y: (\ //ill ScaJe ikMiJiiM TOMB 1 22-LINTEL. TRANSVERSE SECTION. TOMB 21 PLAN. Scolf LONGITUDINAL SECTION. Scale El Amarna V. TOMB 22. TRANSVERSE SECTION. Plate XVII. ^fitW n^i ^^%*fi;; *=^;? '^mt^s^. ii'S/Ty t^ifetti? LIBRAH;y El Amarna V. TOMBS 7c AND Plate 24a. XVIII. SECTION. TOMB 24A-PLAN. COLUMN A TOMB 7C PLAN. '^^^j jf yyjiy y y^yyyyyyyyy^. -..^ 3ao<J ^^^..^..UJ V ^^W SECTION ON A. B. C. D. EL AMARNA V TOMB OF MAY PLATE XIX -tX-^'L^-ii)^ SITE OF TOMBS 14-22 EL AMARNA TOMB OF ANY V PLATE XX z I 00 /^ 'T^(^ .-il^^*^ >- z < -^- N^ NEW VO^K UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ' : EL AMARNA V PLATE XXI TOMB OF ANY r < -\ O < ' riii ^SSBSSSSS^fS^^^S^^^ EL AMARNA TOMB OF ANY V PLATE < I O < UJ roi^iifi mm I >- /. < -J UJ t- U,- XXII NEVv' YOIiX UMVEHSirr LIBRARY • EL AMARNA V PLATE TOMB OF ANY XXIII > < o < UJ K rr-' :_^r ...^ ifT ,>^- Tic--, ,^-> . wmiiam NEW YOSK UNIVERSITY • LIBfiARY • EL AMARNA V TOMB 16 PLATE XXIV < a: t- z o < u (/) cc u > z < C/) ..£W YOiK UNIVEfiSin • LIBRAfiy • El Amarna fl STELA U LOWER PART. V. Plate XXV. %^^mt"romzm.^m^im^'kBi%¥M^=(°WMh^^ ^e Ki^ifiAB iK=f^waKir^4^si5i h"Ri l\ im^i^^m±mW^m @l3^t? ^(il^iEW5f!®5 Doi;rSP:etM!ie-M!l«SiM(iiil1^1^ M a K^lTJ m ' mmE'M'mmm'^^'oiumnm^iTnmmm^ ^. ?? O n mmmmmm^^m(^LBimmu^nmM^^« i^h^frxmm's,\^m%mfmmmmmsm3ms\\mf 2 limfr * mmmMi(^Sl<^Lm''\WM'i'X ^f 1%-1 m fl§ ^ f 1*2 i !^ f lO 3 =(ptfmi^fi¥^§¥aig ite^iiSi iQil 'A H^^ ^flo m^'^'^^rMt Bmwi^!mT3mMmM'5mm'§-\Ms i"§ 5Js ^1 imJA rm.'^'^Wri^^n^xumi i ^jS'at'ST ^05 flxtHiS'M^J H flSf IMl Wf EfAt+W#>3^Mlv^? Ji'^'2¥tl'?Sl>n??:^.t'M5Mrt^t?^©'>krWi^^& 13 1+ 15 mpB-m.mrmm±mmmm^3.^nBM^Atm^ mmMMmi^¥:mnra?j^^^\Mmmx\\[i 2 a^ i¥!M*.5t?5;4f^i>° =1 16 mwmm^mm^ms V le ''W,/^ ^. 19 20 -m'^ m\}u\m(^^^Mki^^n's^i^'^M}uV^M ^'^ii-^A\li«r^ 21 I I -K^ V^TT^////^/, ^^ 22 23 2-* \%m\n-iwmm '*^y.\n\tmm;.^\ i ^Wfi^ flglJr'tll'?^ '•''^ 1 J ..^^ /%^ "^^^ fli^n mmM&^^ flfi>«ii,t' llt^iTMfllS^^i^ M^mmjH+>iiM,v..a^ii ^l^: 4siJ-^t>Ds«i.?^,ri'#msc =1 LIBfiARV El Amarna V. BOUND, y STELA S. Plate XXVI .-%^-*;%"> El Amarna TEXT OF BOU V. S Q 1 U rin. A "S~ m. CDy omits m- -®' iS> K -® ^^ o Piw f^ i2(f; 31^ i5'^^c:r;;L?^«»^ s^^i """^ "snir -^ il n ^ lU o -w ® -Q—t, -lU -^^fifi omits- -l^-l (tJl- 00m .<£- (® © )N z^:: tr SA^ll §PW Si "S?! cQi r& r a '^yP^. @ I "r-t")"j' 8 ~m 2<f y (0,[ H ]. I = o ai/- Q I fir ;^;^— /:Hiiiiia-yiP^.u:bfijg^?Mg^iBaD naDi O o feo^ ?r - ^iSvJPtT t^a- ^ ""^JT [O3 cO, ~©" "(Wi^^I^'^i^^^P^'^-^-*-)' ^4_,__ ^^ u A C3 in I <& 41Pf^- <;:^ if ® j( ® ARY STELAE. IV Plate XXVII. [eW Y03K UNIV^ ^^ SVi' r^^ Oft~<<'^^l El Amarna TEXT OF BOUND/ V. ''^ if^^}^%§KMtx:sa »f Lt•sxnmwMim ^.: '%." ,^":^- i ('St <^~r >^~^ ii<^ '-ff- r fi ^^^^^ JT r ^^1 ^ -)P -a e. S-= <g.( ® ^ YT¥^si.-&P3 "-^ti^^^n^txssp^' _tQ. l°l °^^L^- -)a )Q. -S A.* CiS) -)^ (€.• jn^ WMMt ^ ggPffiP^ KM V IPgf ^4mmii-. @< im I <? Wgf; I 15" Mi^ -m- UtW^'^T^-^-^ O -A ^'^ Ol((^i-^f=}i B_^.2.^ I <i5. TWMi;fI ^^ -[]— ^-^ (=]i iH_^' a 'W — 111^ TtPi/|lfX5PX1SiSiMn=5^ Kita ^ -mii% MijL. (!§ ^r???Mrggl9lfeg§-\^. £h. W£^^- "^jm- jg", ti^ /) v,C \<k (® 4ra%mmiu:\m -^'^m w~ ii?PlZ^^ ^ML^ ®_ "Tpp Y STELAE {Continued.) Plate XXVIII. 13 s m Wi om [ "\ '^P^,a— WM-^t^P^ V^ -RJI^fP. )Q. J- R -^PP21)p B--9- II ff "^ "r^ ;», A B -;'^« ? u s M (a> 1^ .K f.r) fUi"^ -^r ; ^ M~Ti-^^^i^^ 1.^:^1 ^ -K ® -[ om ]. --{iW u B A N 17 !tCiPSBMlMl»Mlieii^^HMl r,^§PS<:rMf L"t^Y!EP°ftll^L!l ;£^ .';c?^. -tomi fe adcU«] : \^^v^^u^^\MM^ ° >^^)*^d^ imt^MLE^r!! !L_et_^ III III I I '/ ' B '^ — ®9. O Ll^ rt "'Ci'^ ?TfP'5?Lt^.^?n?!fl^f^^^^^:m''M'^ -rtEf^' I -Tt? iQi ff ^^IS © •rfSfi-frtfv^ -)ci >;^= ^^ 2.1 s s Mi^E ° -f-^n He.*i imirsD&fespi^ri^. ii?|p i lei^i 3r .^. @- <i'X -::^-giiPQ?l^,x'JLt- "55" ^€^^. ®f f e ir^S'.^i^ Wif ^'^'^^iir -#- i|iV- M^-^i SBipMtTlf-lM-fls^FO -TjT -rmw4z%r omits ? 1_ mi^ -fp^ss: 'J. -^m "^I^iM^SF-f-^^I^U o^.rs jrrr LIE': El Amarna V. V A oi 5*1! o CJ n ;« III ^> U ^ O i< o I ISO "111 ^^ I iJ}-^ ^?;i .^ui 1' III ?7^l O O o 0^ o in .V n Q •>\ !Vl \. I o o ^ ' ^ '^^ I f1 ^ 1 r=»' :, r n _A K. Plate XXIX. 4^ < r QM^imm^' O IJ^I 6 =-.>- 'in\eiHJ)I CONCLUDING LINES \^^l O Xl§^? o^n n >Si ^1 '^^w^ °?X^ (77-80?) t1 O ^fll'P^^ so O 'Wtw^ ^\ieu "J^"C ^\o y-dw ^xii % %z x^Ji m^>Ti z:\Hn^ a CI ^^' r.?'. try^mo^J^'^' "Tizr "^ v\ _lll -Ti lO !>S'gfl§i\ ^-g.C1^^ ^'3SSti >g ^IZZ.feZr.jR--'- Srf NEW YOgK NEW YU,x university! • LIBRARY • El Amarna STELA V, ^'" 7T,\- -v" W' ,T, ^a°ig^^?4.°V-^^--- f^.:^^^y ^p '-j=fj:i>^^' T]^;j??<i-^Er;-^c-w^-;r4.i IS \X i^MfMm:^^^'. :£ ^{ ^ A^ ?i S^ ^^ n vi?? KW !^f«ife!\\;!£btai^il It.Ji^X-^fJM :, AKi V,:^ia-(1 h> ^ ^1.U]^\"~ 1- -00 20 171 30 35 40 Plate XXX. {continuation,). — .^N \;iU=^^l^i^ Tj^TT ?X\hX^^^^ V\ ,CT '^l~~vT^ '^ i-^rnH o-^^io Tj ' jcsks*j^^'?ir ;j<ifa'i-i.^^^K-:' »srJ°n::'BSj._io>^',^^'ij.L^flgx AC4ar \^i5-^r^S'".efls'i::^n.^t' jk^;^xfliJf-l^"^WA-r^' - <2> V. 4-'t!k"^(Bp:ifl^K>^' .-,^°^ ir^s wi^ir. 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Thickness/ I -I- ^ TOMB 22 L^ STATUES ,.S(.7./ .1' ...iVtRSlTY LIBhARY » j EL AMARNA V BOUNDARY STELAE PLATE XXXVII .tAa 3 < ubrary EL AMARNA V STELA K PLATE XXXVIII CO u z 1 EL AMARNA V PLATE XXXIX STELA S *^,t /,>£• ^>4^Si^.^ Y02a DNlVEHSlIY • LIBRARY EL AMARNA V BOUNDARY STELAE PLATE XL STELA S V ,<C • 3f' • f "'•ft--- { ^ STELA N EL AMARNA V BOUNDARY STELAE SITE OF STELA Q STELA A PLATE XLI . ; UKivERSiry LiersARY • m EL AMARNA BOUNDARY STELAE V PLATE XLII i MM:. T« 3 P^ V R : • ^<A^^^"^ '^'' ^*-'' ^ — ""^ ^'^ ''^ -^' • • w* '"4 •^yi >' '». "^^Bp EL AMARNA STELA A V K PLATE XLIIl ^' ~"^, ^- 'Wt TM .,.) nl, i- '4^ -:.S4> ROBERT HAT. 1(37 EL AMARNA V PLATE XLIV ^^ r»» ^C, '' '\i- < _l u I- - /.'^ >- u ' A t * M o Q. UJ INSTITUTE OF FINE ARTS I II illll 3 III nil III III mill III I UBHARY III III mill 62 02215 5924 1 PUBLICATIONS OF THE EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. THE STORE CITY OE I'lTHOM ROUTE OF THE EXODUS. THE AXI) Memoir Map and By Edodahi);. 13 Plates, Fourth and Kovisod Edition. 25s. DEII! El. liAll.VKI. Partil. .Mimoirfoi- 18:i l-.'i. Hv IOdouard Naville. Plates XXV. -LV. (2 coloured), .\'FV. for 1883-i. Plans. with Description. XV. TANIS. I'uri .Mciniiir li.r issl-.-,. [. Plindebs Petbuo. I!y W. Second Edition. 17 Plates. .M. Plates. I'.ut III.— XAUKRATIS. I. Memoir for 188o-(i. By W. M. Flinuebs Petbie. With Chapters by Cecii, XVI. AM) THE EL-HENNEII. Naville, V. TAXIS. for II., iiirhulin.; Second Edition. XVII. XVI II. "Tahpanhcs") and TELL NEBESHEIl. Memoir for 1887-8. By W. M. Flinders Petbie, F. Ll. Griefitu, and A. S. Murray. 51 Plates. 25s. By. Ernest Part, Memoir II. (Iabdneb and F. Ll. Gbiffith. .\, Plates and Plans. OF THE JEW. Extra 40 Plates. (2 col.), The .Antiquities of 10s.) THE FIRST DYNASTY. By W. M. Flinders Petrib. IV. .Memoir for with Description, Memoir XXI. DIOSPOLIS I'ARVA. iioyal folio. THE SIGN I. Er/ra Volnntf. With I'J Part Plates. P.APYllUS (a XXIII.— EL .Syllabary). By Memoir for l'JOO~l. By W. M. With 63 Plates. 25s. (35 Extra lOs.) By W. M. Flinders Petbie. Komarks by Professor Heinbicu Bbugscu. XXIV. (Out of XXV. II. By Edouabd OP PAUEHI .Memoir for 181)1-2. and THE ToMH KAB, By J. J. Tylob and 10 Plates. 1892-3. Introductory. .\Iemoirfor Edouard Naville. 15 Plates and 25s. Part Memoir II. for l!Mi2-;i. Wiih Gl Plates. IK 25s. Pari III. hV/ni Vnhuiir. ByC.T. CuBRELLY, E. H. Aybton, and A. E. P. Weigall, Su\ With 61 Plates. 25s. Memoir for DEIR EL HAHARI. l'.)<)l-5. l-.Hi;i-l. Chapter 25j. By W. M. by C. T. (Komax Eunasya. Pan By Edouabd Naville. with Description. Boyal folio. V. Memoir for Plates C.XIX.-CL., 30s. 25.S-. XXVIII. XIIL Extra Vnlun,,: Mace, and P. Lu. AKYDOS. Il.\ ll.\ li'l. By C. 25s. XXVII. Ll A. Flinders Petbie. With Curbelly. With 43 Plates. With 32 extra Plates. 10s.) 18 Plates; EL .Vr P. Ll. Griffith. Plans. ABYDOS. XXVI.— EHNASYA. XL -AHXAS EL MEDINEH. By Edouaru Naville, ByW. M. 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W.<' PUBLICATIONS OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF EGYPT. Edited by F. By For 181)0-1. HASAN. Part I. Percy E. Newbeeby. With Plans by G. W. Fraser. I.— BENI 49 Plates (4 -THE MASTABA OF PTAHHETEP AND VIII. AKHETHETEP AT SAQQAREH. Part For II. (Including over 31 Plates (3 coloured). By 1891-2. Measurements by G. W. Fraser. 37 Plates (2 col.). By N. DE 1898-9. Price 26s. 35 Plates. III. ^EL BERSHEH. Part Percy E. Newberry. For 1. 34 By 181)2-:;. Plates (2 , Part By Part II. For 1893-4. With F. Ll. IGeiffith and Percy E. Newberry. 23 Plates (2 coloured). By For 1894-5. XIII.— THE (Hieroglyphics and Manufacture, &c., of Flint Knives.) 10 Coloured Plates. Price 25s. F. Ll. Griffith. By 1895-6. F. Ll. Griffith. 9 Coloured Plates. P ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA. Part For IV. For II. 47 Plates. 27 Plates (21 coloured). Arts, Crafts, &c.) By 1896-7. XVI.—THE L 25s. AMARNA. EL OF By N. DE 1903-4. Part 41 Plates. Davies. G. 25s. By N. de For 1004-5. Davies. G. 25s. 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II.— BENI GRIFFITH. LI. OF AMARNA. EL By N. de 1905-G. Davies. G. 25s. PUBLICATIONS OF THE GRAECO= ROMAN BRANCH. I.—THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI. By Bernard 1897-8. With Hunt. 8 P. v.— THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI. Part I. For Grenfell and Arthur S. CoUotype Plates. For 1902-3. With 6 25s. OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI. II.— THE By Bernard 1898-9. With Hunt. P. Part II. For Grenfell and Arthur S. 8 Collotype Plates, VI.— THE Plates. With 8 III.— FAYCM TOWNS AND THEIR PAPYRI. By 1899-1900. and A. S. IV.-TEBTUNIS Grenfell, D. G. Hogarth, With 18 Plates. 25s. cm VII.— THE Double Volume lor B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, With 9 Collotype Plates. (Not ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS : and VIII.— THE (Yearly Summaries by F. G. Edited by F. Ll. Griffith. From ; PAPYRI. Grenfell and -'V. for S. Part 1904-5 and 1905-6. Hunt. _ By I. B. P. Double Grenfell 45s. OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI. of our Lord," 2s. 6d. each. (1894-5, 3s. 6d. Special Extra Report. from an Early Greek Papyrus. By Part V. {In preparation.) B. 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