Study Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Study Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Study Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina Body, Gender, and Sexuality in Argentina: Representations, Experiences, Social Movements, and Politics Course number: LAST 3009 BGST/GEND 3002 BGST Programs offering course: GES- Summer Program Language of instruction: Spanish U.S. Semester Credits: 3 Contact Hours: 45 Term: Summer 2016 Course name: Course Description Since the transition of democracy and especially as from the ‘90s, Argentina has made a great progress in the enactment of public policies which main purposes are to reject gender and sexual discrimination and guarantee sexual and reproductive rights. The anti-discrimination law (1988); female quota in Congress (30%) (1991); reproductive and sexual health (federal program) (2002); civil union for same-sex couples (2002 – Buenos Aires City); sexual education at schools (2006); same-sex marriage (2010) and gender identity (2012) are examples of these policies based on discourses that focus on human rights, social justice and diversity as civic values. The human rights discourse facilitates more social acceptability of controversial demands since it seems to be less radical than a socialist one and the institutionalization of social movements because it implies a negotiation with the State. Beyond all these progress in the construction of sexual citizenship many obstacles and resistances persist and abortion is still illegal. This course analyses these processes from an inter/multi/trans -disciplinary approach, based in the results of gender/feminist and LGBT studies in Argentina and a field work experience of each student. In this sense it is a challenging course because we are interested not only in the understanding and command of the course material, but also in the development of abilities to apply these frameworks to analyzing our current times and students own lives Learning Objectives To foster critical reading and thinking about gender and the ways in which the interlocking systems of colonialism, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, and heterosexism shape ordinary life To encourage critical reading and thinking about the ways in which sexual and gender relations are constructed in contemporary Argentina To motivate the appropriation of this knowledge in an experienced-based way that facilitates the comparative reflective between one’s own culture (North American) and the local culture (Argentina). 1 Course Prerequisites N/A Methods of Instruction The course is based in the analysis of a current and relevant bibliographical selection, for the most part produced in Argentina. The course also proposed visits to specific places linked with this syllabus and special lectures given by guest speakers (well know academic who focus their work in one of the syllabus topics). An active participation by the students, during the class has being expected for the professors. In to the local academic culture a student has to be proactive and be part of the debates in class beyond if a specific homework or questions are or not assigned to them. Assessment and Final Grade Participation and readings Midterm exams Final paper Group assignment Attend out class activities 15% 20 % 40% 15% 10% Attendance and Class Participation Regular attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to come to class with the reading done. Videos, films and the contents of websites and blogs proposed in the programs are part of the class material and each student is responsible for this material. Attendance will be taken each class and class participation will be assessed as part of the final grade. The consequences for submitting late work will affect the final grade (for example late papers will be marked down 5% after the first day and 1% every day afterwards), and no coursework will be accepted after the last day of class. 2 Weekly Schedule Week 1 Course overview Gender’s Studies in Argentina. The History of Sexuality in Latin America. The social construction of the body. The construction of sexuality. Approaches to the concept of gender. Feminist Perspectives from the Global South. History of the feminisms in Argentina. Readings: Le Breton, 2010 Weeks, 2005, 175-197; Scott, 2008, 48-74. Felitti, 2010, 791- 812; Vázquez Laba, 2012, 1-20. Week 2 Feminism, art and politics. Lecture at MALBA (Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires). Av Presidente Figueroa Alcorta 3415. Lecture at Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti. Espacio para la Memoria y para la Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (Ex ESMA). Av. Del Libertador 8151 Argentina's recent history and gender. The politicization of motherhood. Same sex marriage in context. New family patterns in Latin America and Argentina. Gender roles: practices and identities. Readings: Bellucci, 2000, 267-287; Aucía et al, 2011. Hiller, 2012, 359-368; Wainerman, 2005 3 Week 3 Beyond biology: new approaches on sex education. Between prevention and pleasure. Experiences at schools. The issue of caring. Reproductive rights: only for women?. Legislation and programs. The question of difference: the case of indigenous women. Childbirth as a sexual and reproductive right. The abortion debates. Proposals, actions and reactions. Strategies to install the issue of abortion at the political level. The case of decriminalization in Mexico City Structures of gender violence. Femicide. The role of the media. Prostitution: sex work or sexual exploitation? Readings: Morgade y Alonso, 2008, 19-39. Zamberlin, 2007, pp. 9-20; Vázquez Laba, 2013 Pecheny, 2006; Klein, 19 de abril de 2013; Página 12, 18 de julio de 2013; Monfort, 17 de diciembre de 2010. Russell & Radford, 2006, 33-52. Berkins y Korol, 2007, 5-54; Las 12, Página 12, 8 de abril del 2011; Vargas, 2008, 29-48; Las 12, 8 de julio de 2011. Week 4 Is there a “new man”? Men’s studies in Latin America. Racialization of “machismo”. “Refusing to be a man”: political activism for a new masculinity. Sexuality, politics and religions. The role conservative actors during same sex marriage discussion and current proposal for legal abortion. LGTTBI movements in Argentina: past and present. Same sex marriage and co-maternity as experience. Film to analyze: XXY. Director: Lucía Puenzo. Argentina, 2007. Readings: Connell, 1997, 31-48. Social network Colectivo Varones Antipatriarcales Website Raewyn Connell Vaggione, 2005, 137-167 Meccia, 2011, 145-191. 4 Course Materials Readings AUCÍA, Analía; María Celina Berterame, María Cristina Zurutuza, “Te volvieron a violar” Terrorismo, violencia sexual y justicia”. Síntesis del libro: Analía Aucía; Florencia Barrera; Celina Berterame; Susana Chiarotti; Alejandra Paolini; Cristina Zurutuza, Cladem, Rosario, 2011. df BELLUCCI, Mabel. “El movimiento de Madres de Plaza de Mayo”, en Gil Lozano, Fernanda,Valeria Pita, Gabriela Ini (comp.): Historia de las mujeres en la Argentina. Siglo XX, 2000, pp. 267-287 BERKINS, Lohana y Claudia Korol (comp.), Diálogo: prostitución/Trabajo sexual: las protagonistas hablan, Buenos Aires, Feminaria, 2007, pp. 5-54 CONNELL, Robert W. “La organización social de la masculinidad”, en Teresa Valdes y José Olavarría (eds.). Masculinidad/es: poder y crisis, Cap. 2, ISIS-FLACSO, Ediciones de las Mujeres N° 24, 1997, pp. 31-48. (“The Social Organization of Masculinity” en Masculinities, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1995). FELITTI, Karina. “Sexualidad y reproducción en la agenda feminista de la segunda ola en la Argentina (1970- 1986), en Estudios Sociológicos, nº 84, El Colegio de México, 2010, pp. 791- 812. HILLER, Renata. “En las faldas de O´Donnell: discutiendo los alcances del “matrimonio igualitario” en Argentina”, Soc. e Cult., Goiânia, v. 15, n. 2, jul./dez. 2012, pp. 359-368. MECCIA, Ernesto. Los últimos homosexuales. Sociología de la homosexualidad y la gaycidad, Buenos Aires, 2011, pp. 145-191. MORGADE, Graciela y Graciela Alonso, “Educación, sexualidades, géneros: tradiciones teóricas y experiencias disponibles en un campo en construcción” en G. Morgade y G. Alonso (comp.) Cuerpos y sexualidades en la escuela. De la normalidad a la disidencia. Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2008, pp. 19-39. PECHENY, Mario. «Yo no soy progre, soy peronista»: ¿por qué es tan difícil discutir políticamente sobre aborto? en Carlos F. Cáceres, Gloria Careaga, Tim Frasca, Mario Pecheny (editores), Sexualidad Estigma y Derechos Humanos.Desafíos para el acceso a la salud en América Latina, Lima, Universidad Cayetano Heredia, 2006. RUSSELL Diana E. y Jill Radford (Editoras), Feminicidios: La política del asesinato de mujeres. Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Comisión Especial para Conocer y dar Seguimiento a las investigaciones Relacionadas con los Feminicidios en la República Mexicana y a la Procuración de Justicia Vinculadade la Cámara de 5 Diputados,México, D.F., 2006. “Feminicidio, la política de asesinato de las mujeres”.Introducción, pp. 33- 52. VAGGIONE, Juan Marco. “Los roles políticos de la religión. Género y sexualidad más allá del secularismo” en Marta Vasallo (comp.) En nombre de la vida, Córdoba, Argentina, Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, 2005, pp. 137-167. VARGAS, Graciela. “Enfoque de género y derechos humanos en el tema Trata y Tráfico de Personas: una mirada socio-histórico-cultural” en M. de las Mercedes Isla y Laura Demarco (comp.), Se trata de nosotras.La trata de mujeres y niñas con fines de explotación sexual, Buenos Aires, Las Juanas, 2008, pp. 29-48. VÁZQUEZ LABA, Vanesa. “Las contribuciones del feminismo poscolonial a los estudios de género: interseccionalidad, racismo y mujeres subalternas”, Revista Perfiles de la Cultura Cubana, La Habana, 2012, pp. 1-20. VÁZQUEZ LABA Vanesa; Gabriela Lescano, Solange Godoy y Cintia Orellana, “Sexualidad, salud y autonomía de los cuerpos de las mujeres indígenas del norte argentino”, ponencia presentada en las X JORNADAS DE SOCIOLOGÍA. 20 años de pensar y repensar la sociología. Nuevos desafíos académicos, científicos y políticos para el siglo XXI, 1 al 6 de julio de 2013 SCOTT, Joan. “El género: una categoría útil para el análisis histórico”, en Joan Scott, Género e Historia, México DF, FCE-UACM, 2008, pp. 48-74. WAINERMAN Catalina. La vida cotidiana en las nuevas familias ¿Una revolución estancada?, Buenos Aires, Lumiere, 2005. WEEKS, Jeffrey. “La construcción cultural de las sexualidades. Qué queremos decis cuando hablamos de cuerpo y sexualidad?”, en Ivonne Szasz y Susana Lerner (comp.), Sexualidades en México. Algunas aproximaciones desde la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales, México, El Colegio de México, 2005, pp. 175- 197. ZAMBERLIN, Nina (coord.), Tu cuerpo, tu salud, tus derechos: Guía sobre salud sexual y reproductiva, Buenos Aires, UNFPA Argentina – CEDES, 2207, pp. 9-20. DAILY NEWSPAPER Laura Klein, Entrevista, Pagina 12, Las 12, 19 de abril de 2013. “Cómo sacar el aborto del placard?, 18 de julio de 2013. 6 Flor Monfort, “La mala fama. Entrevista a Marta Lamas”. Las 12. Página 12, 17 de diciembre de 2010. Lucía M. Sabaté, “No son crímenes pasionales. Son femicidios”,Ediciones La Casa del Encuentro. Buenos Aires. “Desclasificados”, Las12, Página 12, 8 de julio de 2011. “Cosa de hombres. Entrevista a Silvia Chejter”, Las 12, Página 12, 8 de abril del 2011 David Le Breton, entrevista, “Internet es el universo de la máscara”, Diario La Nación, 18 de julio de 2010. FILMS XXY (Dirigida por Lucía Puenzo, Argentina, 2007). Online Resources Colectivo Varones Antipatriarcales. Raewyn Connell. Blog sobre el reconocimiento igualitario. GUEST SPEAKERS Prof. Mariela Mosqueira. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Buenos Aires. Phd. Carolina Justo Von Luzer. National Council of Scientific and Technological Research. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Buenos Aires. Phd. María Laura Rosa. Curator. Interdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies, School of Philosophy & Literature, University of Buenos Aires. 7