MASS SCHEDULE Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
MASS SCHEDULE Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe MOST REVEREND SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE November 23, 2014 MONSIGNOR JOHN TALESFORE Archbishop of San Francisco Pastor and Rector MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:45 am; 8:00 am; 12:10 pm SATURDAY 6:45 am; 8:00 am 5:30 pm (Vigil Mass) Cantor & Organ SUNDAY 7:30 am Cantor & Organ Schola Cantorum 9:00 am (Gregorian Chant) 11:00 am Cathedral Choir 1:00 pm (Español) Coro Hispano BAPTISM INFANTS: Second Sundays at 2:15 p.m. (415) 567-2020 Ext. 208 Tercer Domingo a las 2:15 pm (415) 236-1557 Contact Fr. Marvin Felipe NIÑOS: Informes con Sofia Aguilar ADULTS OR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN: Contact Doug Benbow (415) 567-2020x220 FIRST COMMUNION Cathedral Parishioners, contact the Parish Office (415) 567-2020 Primera Comunión en Español: Informes con Rosario Morales (415) 509-7533 CONFIRMATION Cathedral Parishioners contact Doug Benbow (415) 567-2020x220 ESCUELA DE CATEQUESIS Informes con Rosario Morales MARRIAGE Please contact Mimi Ruiz at least 6 months prior to ceremony. (415) 509-7533 (415) 567-2020x254 RECONCILIATION / CONFESSION Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-12:00p.m.; Saturday, 4:00-5:00 pm or by appointment MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Contact Sr. Esther McEgan (415) 567-2020x218 ANOINTING OF THE SICK Cathedral Parishioners, please call Parish Office to speak to one of the priests. FUNERALS Contact Doug Benbow for Funeral/Memorial arrangements (415) 567-2020x220 BEREAVEMENT Contact Sr. Esther McEgan (415) 567-2020x218 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Fridays Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm ORGAN RECITAL Sundays at 4:00 pm; exceptions noted in prior bulletin Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—November 23, 2014 Welcome! If you are a visitor to the Cathedral, we want you to know how welcome you are whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or from another parish here in the Archdiocese. Thanks, in part, to the generosity of visitors like you, we are able to celebrate the liturgy in a fitting and beautiful way, and also we are able to give spiritual and emotional support through a variety of services to the community. Your gift is greatly appreciated; our parish family is small and we rely on the generosity of you, our visitors, to help sustain this magnificent Cathedral church for future generations. CATHEDRAL OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION Telephone: (415) 567-2020 Website: The Suggested Stipend/Offering For Mass is $10.00 PASTORAL STAFF AND CLERGY Msgr. John Talesfore, Pastor Rev. Marvin-Paul R. Felipe, Parochial Vicar Most Reverend William Justice, In residence Msgr. Michael Padazinski, In residence Rev. Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon Sr. Esther McEgan, Pastoral Minister x 209 x 208 Saturday November 22-Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 5:30 pm Sunday November 23 x 203 x 218 CATHEDRAL LITURGY/SPECIAL EVENTS + Feliciano and Carolina Dizon 7:30 am Intentions of Justina M. Welsh 9:00 am Intentions of the Carmelite Nuns of Cristo Rey 11:00 am Intentions of All Parishioners 1:00 pm + Salvador y Dolores de Vega y familiares Vega For Cathedral Special Events, Persons Baptized in another Christian tradition and interested in becoming Catholic please contact: Director of Liturgy: Doug Benbow x 220 Cathedral Sacristans: Antonios Stefanos and Arturo Macias x 212 Cathedral Welcome Desk: Patricia Hernandez Monday November 24-Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 56; Lk 21:1-4 Wedding Coordinator, Wedding Anniversaries: Mimi Ruiz: x 254 Devotions: Mary Ann Eiler, Volunteer x 224 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm Intentions (thanksgiving) of Adolphus Nwihim + Debritu Asrat Intentions of Kerry Breen 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm + Aurea and Eleuterio Magbilang + Thomas Welsh Intentions of the Asuncion Family CATHEDRAL MUSIC Director of Music: Christoph Tietze Music office Assistant: Stephen Walsh Spanish Choir: Ricardo Fonseca Cathedral Cantors: Stephen Walsh, Mimi Ruiz, Claudia Landivar x 213 x 233 CATHEDRAL OFFICE x 215 x 200 Cathedral Finances, Controller: Alisa B. Weber x 202 Development Dept., Interim Director: Cheryl A. Clarke x 229 x 200 x 207 CATHEDRAL EVENT CENTER Director: Diane Luporini Event Center Supervisor: Bobby Johnson x 201 x 221 GIFT SHOP Manager: Chris Weimer Telephone: (415) 567-4040 Cathedral Office Hours Mon.–Fri: 8:30 am- 5 pm (Closed for lunch 12p.m.-1p.m.) 2 Tuesday November 25-Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday November 26-Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19 6:45 am 8:00 am 11:00 am Intentions (birthday) of Michael Welsh + Pilar D. Lorenzo Intentions (birthday) of Isabella Grace Mellett Friday November 28-Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a; Lk 21:29-33 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm Intentions (birthday) of Maricar Aspiras Intentions (health) of John Perry, Jr. Intentions of Kerry Breen 6:45 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Intentions (birthday) of Raymond F. Aspiras Intentions of Danny Seo + Orazio and Lyda Tani Saturday November 29-Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36 CATHEDRAL TOURS Director of Docents: Doug Benbow + Mulugeta Woldmariam + Lourdes Boado + Lucia Hahn Thursday November 27-Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor: Janet Carrillo Receptionist: Michael McKeon Weekend Receptionist: Norma Morales 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm Sat: 9:30 am-3:30 pm Sun: 10:00 am-3:30 pm GIFT SHOP HOURS AND NEWS Advent Candles and Wreathes Now available at the Gift Shop! Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm Saturday: 11am-5:30pm (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30p.m.) (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30p.m.) Sunday: 8:30 am-3:45 pm Telephone: (415) 567-4040 3 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—November 23, 2014 4 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—November 23, 2014 5 6 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—November 23, 2014 7 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—November 23, 2014 Cathedral Upcoming Events November 23 Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens Sunday, 11:00 a.m. November 27 Thanksgiving Day Special Mass schedule: 6:45 am, 8am and 11am NO 12:10 p.m. Mass today November 29-30 SVdP Food Drive Saturday, after 5:30 p.m. Mass; Sunday, after all Masses December 3 Archdiocesan Simbang Gabi 7th Annual Commissioning Mass Archbishop Bernardito Cleopas Auza, principal celebrant Wednesday 7:00 p.m. December 5 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. December 6 Guadalupana Pilgrimage and Mass Saturday, 2:00 p.m. Mass (more details on pg. 9) December 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary *HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION * Monday, 6:45 a.m., 8 a.m., 12:10 p.m., 5:30 p.m. December 10 Advent Lessons and Carols Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. St. Mary's Cathedral Choir and St. Mark's Lutheran Church Choir; this event will take place at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 1111 O'Farrell St., SF December 12 Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe 4:00 a.m. Mañanitas, 6:00 a.m. Spanish Mass, 8:00 a.m. English Mass, 12:10 p.m. Bilingual Mass, 7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass Dec. 14 Msgr. Talesfore’s Farewell Mass and Reception Sunday, 1:00 p.m. Bilingual Mass, reception after Mass Cookies and Carols Sunday, 7:00 p.m. Cathedral Choir, the Archdiocesan Children's Choir, and St. Brigid School Honor Choir; $20 general / $10 students and seniors; St. Francis Hall “Por qué yo amo la Catedral” Please Note: ALL RESTROOMS CLOSED Monday, November 24 and Wednesday, November 26 for PLUMBING REPAIRS please pardon the inconvenience Office and Gift Shop Closed for Thanksgiving The parish office and gift shop will be closed from Weds., Nov. 26th after Mass through Friday, Nov. 28th for Thanksgiving. SPECIAL CATHEDRAL SCHEDULE Next week the Cathedral will close: Wednesday: after the 12:10 p.m. Mass Thursday: after 11 a.m. Mass and Friday: after 12:10 p.m. Mass Monsignor Talesfore’s Farewell Mass Third Sunday of Advent, December 14th at 1:00 p.m. Bilingual Celebration of the Eucharist In Thanksgiving for the Pastoral Leadership of Monsignor John Talesfore Banns of Marriage Maurice W. T. Trinidad and Francine N. C. Perez de Tagle December 13, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. Daniel Miculob and Charmian Buhisan December 13, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. SVdP Food Drive Next Weekend, Nov. 29th and 30th The SVDP conference for Saint Mary's Cathedral will be holding a food collection after all of the masses on Saturday, November 29 and Sunday November 30. We will be collecting non-parishable canned and dry foods. Please keep this in mind, and thanks to all who donated to our clothing collection last month. “Why I/We Love St. Mary’s Cathedral” Aquí esta un ejemplo más de lo que un feligres ha dicho: Here is another example of what one parishioner has said: "Me encanta la grandeza de la propia Catedral con el altar en medio de la majestuosa vista de la creación de un lado y de la civilización, con sus grandes edificios, por el otro. Es un mensaje de que Dios siempre está a cargo tanto de su creación y la del hombre.” Elizabeth "I love the grandeur of the Cathedral itself with the altar in the middle of the majestic view of creation on one side and civilization with its big buildings on the other. It is a message that God is always in charge of both His creation and that of man. .” -Elizabeth In Order to Prepare for Next Sunday’s Liturgy: 8 First Sunday of Avent- November 30, 2014 1st Reading: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 * Psalm 80 * 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Gospel: Mark 13:33-37 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—November 23, 2014 Special Second Collection Next Weekend, November 29th & 30th for our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society The second collection for next weekend is for the Saint Vincent de Paul conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Please give generously. Your financial support will help SVdP provide emergency groceries to families in need in our Parish and meals as well as gift bags during the Winter Homeless Shelter that will be held here at the Cathedral in December. Special Second Collection Thank you Catholic Campaign for Human Development Thank you for your contributions to the Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development! Your generous gifts will help CCHD end poverty in the United States through better education, improved housing, and economic development. Gracias por apoyar la Segunda Colecta Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano ¡Muchas gracias por sus contribuciones a la Colecta para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano! Sus generosos donativos ayudarán a CCHD a erradicar la pobreza en los Estados Unidos mediante una mejor educación, mejores viviendas y desarrollo económico. BAPTISMS IN ENGLISH The next Baptisms Preparation class will be on December 7th at 1:00 p.m. and the next Baptisms will be on December 14th at 2:15 p.m. Contact Fr. Marvin Felipe at (415) 567-2020 Ext. 208. Peregrinación Guadalupana a Catedral de Sta. María Sábado 6 de Diciembre, 2014 Cathedral Clean-Up Day SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 20 As we prepare for Advent and Christmas and the thousands of visitors who will come to our church, we’re having another clean-up day. More details in upcoming bulletins. Día de Limpieza en Catedral Anoten la Fecha: Sábado, 20 de diciembre En preparación del Adviento, la temporada de Navidad y los miles de visitantes quienes vendrán a nuestra Iglesia durante este tiempo queremos hacer otro día de limpieza. Más información en las próximas semanas. 7th Annual Simbang Gabi Commissioning Mass Filipino Archbishop Bernardito Auza, appointed by the Vatican as Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, will preside at the 7th Annual Simbang Gabi Commissioning Mass at the St. Mary’s Cathedral on December 3, at 7:30 p.m. The Mass includes a rite that “sends forth” the Filipinos and all Christians, to be the “light of their parishes and communities” as they prepare for the centuries-old tradition of Simbang Gabi, the Filipino Ministry Consultative Board (FMCB) announced. BAUTIZOS EN ESPAÑOL Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a una plática de preparación bautismal. Los padrinos tienen que ser bautizados y por lo menos uno de los padrinos tiene que ser bautizado y confirmado. Si los padrinos son de afuera, tendrán que atender a la clase en su parroquia local. Informes con Sofía Aguilar al 236-1557. Guadalupana Pilgrimage to St. Mary’s Cathedral Saturday, December 6, 2014 Exmo. Señor Arzobispo de San Francisco, Salvatore J. Cordileone, Exmo. Señor Obispo Auxiliar de San Francisco, William Justice, Rev. Moisés Agudo, miles de peregrines de todas partes, con música en vivo, cantantes, Danzas Aztecas y carros alegóricos, que con alegría nos acompañarán en la peregrinación. San Francisco Archbishop, Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone, Auxiliary Bishop, William Justice, Rev. John Balleza (Chaplain for Guadalupana Crusade), thousands of pilgrims , with live music, singers, Aztec dancers and decorated floats, will accompany us with joy during this pilgrimage. Lugar de reunión: All Souls Church, 315 Walnut Avenue, South San Francisco Gathering place: All Souls Church, 315 Walnut Avenue, South San Francisco Bendición de los Peregrinos: 5:30 AM Salida: 6:00 AM Pilgrims blessing: 5:30 AM Departure: 6:00 AM La peregrinación concluirá con una Misa Solemne en la Catedral a las 2:00 PM, celebrada por el Obispo Auxiliar de S.F., William Justice Nota: Habrá transportación del estacionamiento de la Catedral a la parroquia de All Souls a partir de las 4:00AM hasta las 6:00AM. Por la tarde habrá transportación de Catedral a All Souls de 2:30 p.m. hasta 5:30 p.m. Para mas información, llamar al (415) 333-4868 We will conclude the Celebration with a Solemn Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 2:00 p.m. Celebrated by Most Rev. Auxiliary Bishop, William Justice Note: Transportation will be provided from the Cathedral parking lot to All Souls from 4:00 AM through 6:00 AM. In the afternoon from the Cathedral to All Souls Church from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. For more information: (415) 333-4868. 9 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—November 23, 2014 PRAYER REQUESTS ♫♫ CONCERTS ♫♫ For comfort, healing, strength… All concerts are free and open to the public A free-will donation will be requested at the door Alexa Ehlen, Ronald Joseph, Tom Everett, Wanda La Rue, Bill Harvey, Leroy Dawson, Sr. Lorita Moffatt, RSM, Marlis Tanner, Nancy Glasgow, Janine Petersen Serving in the armed forces: We pray for the men and women of our military who offer their lives in service in the hope that all may one day feast at the banquet of peace. Capt.Thomas Dudro, USMC Captain Stewart Hawkins, US Air Force Captain Kasey Wilson Hawkins, US Air Force Stephen J. Woodworth PO 2 US Navy, USS George W. Bush CV79 Col. Maria Paquita Reyes Eoff, US Army LTC. Robert Wayne Eoff, US Army LCPL, Nicholas Flageollet, US Marine Corps Sun 11/23/14 4:00pm Jacob Reed (Yale University), Organist. Please refer all questions regarding our Music Program to: Dr. Christoph Tietze (415) 567-2020, ext 213 SUNDAY AFTERNOON RECITALS November 30, 4:00 pm: Christoph Tietze, Organist. December 7, 4:00 pm: Eric Huenneke (Cambridge, MA), Organist. December 14, 4:00 pm: Vytenis Vasyliunas (Germany), Organist. December 21, 4:00 pm: Anna Maria Lopushanskaya (Russia), Flute, with Christoph Tietze, Organist. December 28, 4:00 pm: Joan Chambers, Organist. January 4, 4:00 pm: Epiphany Lessons and Carols, sung by the Archdiocesan Children’s Choir, Golden Gate Boys choir and Bellringers, and St. Brigid School Honor Choir. Sunday, January 11: NO RECITAL Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society Commander John Owen, US Navy, Chaplain U.S.S Enterprise SR. Christopher Diggins, US Navy For all who have died… Rosemary Cozzo If you or someone in your family is sick or homebound, call Sr. Esther, 567-2020 Ext. 218 to arrange a visit. The SVdP conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral meets regularly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall and we gather to make sandwiches for the homeless shelter on the 4th Tuesday of the month in the Main Kitchen. Both gatherings are from 6:30pm-7:30pm. SVdP HELPLINE 567-2020 ext. 205 The next sandwich making meeting is on Tuesday, November 25 from 6:30-7:30pm in the Main Kitchen. Weekly Collection We will be sharing information with you in the weekly bulletin about how actual collections and other donations compare with our financial goals. Building our yearly budget is straightforward. After estimating expenses, we estimate annual collections and other donations based on what we received in recent years. The result is a considerable gap between expenses and anticipated donations. The Cathedral works hard to close this gap with revenue generated by our Events Center and gift shop, interest income, Archdiocesan subsidy, savings and endowment, plus other donations and special gifts in addition to the regular weekly offering. While sometimes necessary to cover operating costs, it is not fiscally prudent to withdraw funds from our savings or endowment. This is why we are so grateful for annual collections and other donations. For the Fiscal Year 2015, July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, our annual goal is $363,000 or an average of $7,260 per week (excluding Christmas and Easter weeks). We hope this new reporting method provides you with information that helps you thoughtfully consider you giving to the Cathedral. We thank you for your generous support! If you have any questions or comments for us, please contact the Cathedral’s Development Department at 415-567-2020, ext. 229. Weekly Collection November 15th & 16th: Actual $6,125 Goal $7,260 % of Goal 84% Upcoming Second Collections: November 29th and 30th-St. Vincent de Paul Society Cathedral Conference 10 FY ’15 Annual Collection to date Actual $101,940 Other Donations $39,300 and Special Gifts Goal % of Goal $363,000 28% $222,850 17% Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—November 23, 2014 Welcome to St. Mary’s Cathedral CATHEDRAL OF SAINT MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM FORMA DE REGISTRACIÓN Please use this form to register as a parishioner. You may drop this form in the mail, the Sunday collection basket or bring it to our office located in the Cathedral’s lower level. Bienvenido a La Catedral de Santa María Es importante llenar este formulario para tener acceso a los sacramentos como: Matrimonio, Bautismo, Primera Comunion etc..., a demas servicios legales, como cartas de recomendacion, etc… 11 11 Bulletin No. 913134 St. Mary’s Cathedral 1111 Gough Street San Francisco, California 94109 Telephone: (415) 567-2020, Ext. 215 Contact: Janet Carrillo Bulletin for: November 23, 2014