The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta
The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta
970-926-2821 The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta. Clara de Asis & St. Mary’s/Sta. Maria St. Clare of Assisi St. Mary’s Church 31622 US Hwy.6 Edwards, CO 81632 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 215 Capitol Street, Eagle, CO 81631 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 April 17, 2016 Beaver Creek Chapel 33 Elk Track Beaver Creek, CO 81620 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, APRIL 16 8:00am Mass (Celebrated only on the First Saturday of the Month 4:30pm Mass (Parishioners of St. Clare, St. Mary & Beaver Creek) 7:00pm Spanish Mass (World Peace) SUNDAY, APRIL 17 8:30am Mass (Peace in Middle East) 8:30am Mass (Ecumenism) 10:30am Bilingual Mass (Religious Orders) 12:30pm Spanish Mass (World Day for Vocations) 5:30pm Mass (Pope Francis) LOCATION Beaver Creek Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s St. Clare’s Beaver Creek Chapel WEEKDAY MASSES Pastor/Párroco Parochial Vicar Fr. James Baird [email protected] Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen (970) 376-5260 Rev. Gerardo Puga (720) 404-3991 Rev. Tomasz Strzebonski (248) 630-5415 PARISH & BUSINESS OFFICE/OFICINA P.O. 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-2821 Fax: 970-926-8973 Parish Business Mrs. Marilyn Brock x103 [email protected] Parish Office/Wedding Coordinator Ms. Kathy Fagan x107 [email protected] Development Director Mrs. Gina Demarest [email protected] ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC SCHOOL Principal Sr. Marirose Rudek R.S.M. Administrative Assistant Mrs. Ginny Cassano 970-926-8980 x 1 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE/CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA P.O. 792 Eagle, CO 81631 Fax: 970-328-6494 245 Capitol St. Eagle, CO 81631 Office: 970-328-3003 Religious Education/Hispanic Ministry Mr. Gelasio Velasco 970– 328-3003 Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano Ms. Carmen Fragozo 970-688-1490 St. Mary’s Preschool/Escolar Sta.Maria Mrs. Agnes Harakal-(Director) 970-328-5699 Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Carleen Sweet 970-331-4211 Catholic Charities 970-949-0405 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Megan McGee Bonta MONDAY, APRIL 18 7:00am Mass (Alyce Ricchuito) 8:00am Mass (Vocations) St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel TUESDAY, APRIL 19 7:00am Mass (Students & Teachers) 8:00am Mass (World Leaders) 5:30pm Mass (Children/Youth Religious St. Clare School Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s Education) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 8:00am Mass (Rob Galvin) 8:15am Mass (Pray for Staff) THURSDAY, APRIL 21 7:00am Mass (William Rudek) 8:00am Mass (Those receiving 6:00pm Sacraments) Beaver Creek Chapel St. Clare School St. Clare School Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s Mass (Missionaries) FRIDAY, APRIL 22 7:00am 8:00am Mass (Catholic Schools) Mass (Pray for Priests) St. Clare Beaver Creek Chapel PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you live here full or part time or are visiting with us this weekend in our parish we welcome you and hope that you enjoy your time here with us. If you would like to receive information about becoming a full or part-time parishioner forms are on our website at Registration forms are also available at the parish office or email : [email protected]. If you have moved, changed your phone number, email or mailing address please update our office. April 17, 2016 4th Sunday of Easter Fourth Sunday of Easter I like to think about all the great shepherds I’ve had in my life. My grade school music teacher, Sr. Genevieve, comes to mind. “Kathy,” she said to me when I was twelve, “here’s the key to the back door of the church. Let yourself in, go up to the choir loft, turn on the organ, give yourself the first note and sing the Mass.” I remember, shortly after my Confirmation, being picked up after school and taken to an inner-city parish to help with a Religious Education class. “Kathy,” said the wonderfully kind director there, “Here’s the book. Here’s the kids. Sing to them. Tell them stories. Teach them to love Jesus” I remember Father Frank Syrianey, he of blessed memory, who was the pastor of my parish when I was in college. I had no idea then the great blessing of having such a wise, warm priest at the helm a few years after the Council. I rang the doorbell of the rectory one afternoon, and he answered. “Hi, Father,” I said, “you don’t know me, but my name is Kathy.” And he said these unforgettable words to me: “Of course I know you.” That’s a good shepherd. The one who calls forth gifts, who inspires young people to lead, who knows us by name―that’s the Good Shepherd so desperately needed today. A few weeks ago, as they were working on the music for Holy Week, about a dozen of the stunningly talented teenagers in my parish had to be shooed out of church by their brilliant choir director because it was time to lock up. You know what? one said. Church is my favorite place to be. Who are the good shepherds who are helping to build the next generation of believers? Kathy McGovern ©2016 SAVE THE DATE Fr. Hugh Guentner (former pastor of St. Patrick in Minturn) and part of our Catholic valley for 7 years, would like to invite you to celebrate with him for his 25th anniversary of the priesthood on Sunday, May 22nd at 11am at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Denver. Reception to follow at 12:30pm. More details to follow. THE ARCHBISHOP’S CATHOLIC APPEAL Proceeds to the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal fund nearly forty archdiocesan ministries. Consequently, your Appeal donation will help transform the hearts and minds of many who approach the Church for guidance, instruction, and hope. Your gift, for example, will assist in fostering priestly vocations, promoting the sanctity of life, and illuminating the treasures of our faith. May God bless you for investing in the works of his Church. Please visit or call 303.715.3111. YEAR OF MERCY The Church of the Holy Spirit: The Acts of the Apostles – First Part An eight-week Catholic Bible takes place on Monday’s at St. Mary’s. from 6:30pm- 8:00pm ending May 23rd. Held in the little yellow house on Third Street, Eagle next to the Religious Education Center. For more information contact Gelasio Velasco at 970-328-1133. To follow Pope Francis as we proceed in the Jubilee Year of Mercy, please go to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at to find prayers and daily updates. Pope Francis Tweet of the Week. “The Sacraments are the manifestation of the Father’s tenderness and love towards each of us.” CATHOLIC GIFTS AND BOOK SALE ALL ARE WELCOMED The week of Wednesday, April 13-Sunday, April 17 St Clare of Assisi Catholic School Shop now for gifts for upcoming First Communions and Confirmations!! Some items are: Sacramental gifts, medals, rosaries, Catholic books for all ages, English and Spanish and including bibles, fiction, non-fiction, spiritual, picture books and more. Wednesday 8am-1pm Thursday 1-8pm Friday 8am-noon Saturday: Closed Sunday 8am-2pm. For info contact [email protected] FOR A LIMITED TIME Please Pray for all of those who are in need of and have requested our prayers especially: Those in our prayers: Louis Atencio, Ron Nolte, The Dodrill Family, Jack Nolte, Laura Castro, Juana Chavez, Mary Hosa, Jerry Schmit, Mikayla Bergren, Pat Gooch, Dick & Barbara Heatherton, John Sieve, Richard Maine, Jodi Pals, Alice Cassidy, Joe Moschetto, family of Scott Ward, Gertrude Rieckhoff, Duke Fehringer, Joanna Estrada, Savannah Rennie, Claire McAvoy, Tom Hyatt, Dawn Rusinko, Butch Nikolite, Faith Saldana, Marguerite Miller Please pray for the repose of the souls of our faithful departed Christina Nolte, Domenico Fresquez, Ray Romano, David Fiedler, Marguerite Fagan, Rob Galvin, To include names, for Mass intentions or Mass Cards please call the parish office at 970-926-1070 St. Clare & St. Mary’s Parish Activities Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 am Rosary St. Mary's Coffee & Donuts St. Mary’s (second Sunday of the month after Mass) Coffee Social after Mass St. Clare’s 9:15am Monday 5:30-6:30pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration St. Mary’s Tuesday 6:00 pm Choir Practice for Sunday 8:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00pm St. Mary’s Parish Council St. Mary’s (meets second Tuesday of the Month) Wednesday 6:15am Men’s Prayer Group St. Mary’s 6:00pm Choir Practice for 10:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus St. Mary’s (First Wed. of every Month) MONTHLY 2nd Tuesday 7pm 2nd Saturday 9am Parish Council St. Mary’s Baptismal Prep Class St. Mary’s Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament St. Clare School Chapel Wednesday, Noon-3pm during the school year. St. Mary’s Monday’s from 5:00-6:30pm All are welcome to come and pray. WEEKLY READINGS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Acts 11:1-18/Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4/Jn 10:1-10 Acts 11:19-26/Ps 87:1-7/Jn 10:22-30 Acts 12:24--13:5a/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Jn 12:44-50 Acts 13:13-25/Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27/Jn 13:16-20 Acts 13:26-33/Ps 2:6-11/Jn 14:1-6 Acts 13:44-52/Ps 98:1-4/Jn 14:7-14 Acts 14:21-27/Ps 145:8-13/Rv 21:1-5a Jesus said: "My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish." - Jn 10:27-28a World Day of Prayer for Vocations In 2016 we mark the 53rd anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Moreover, we celebrate it always on the 4th Sunday in Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday. In today's Gospel reading, we hear about the sheep that always know the voice of the shepherd. May we also hear with ears of faith our Shepherd's call to discipleship. Jesus, good and gentle Shepherd, we pray for those among us who hear your voice and call to a vocation in the Church. Help them to be unafraid of that calling from you of service to the universal church. Gift them courage to boldly say yes to your call. Help us to encourage them in their long journey of discernment and formation. We offer our thanks to you for calling us to discipleship in many and various ways, as married men and women, as single men and women, as priests, deacons, and professed men and women. We ask all these things in the name of the Good Shepherd, Jesus, our savior and our brother. AMEN. Catholic Home Missions Appeal (for dioceses in the U.S. and its territories) The CHMA collection funds the efforts of evangelization, religious education, the maintenance of mission parishes, the training of seminarians and lay ministers, and ministry with ethnic groups in the United States, and the island territories in the Pacific and Caribbean. Four out of every 10 dioceses in the U.S. receive support from this Appeal. Four out of every ten dioceses in the United States cannot offer their people basic pastoral care of provide priestly formation and lay ministry training without outside help. The millions of Catholics who live in these places, called home mission dioceses, rely on your generous support of the CHMA. With your support, we can continue to provide essential pastoral outreach in home mission diocese. Sacramental Information Anointing of the Sick If someone becomes hospitalized or ill please call 970-926-2821 x 107. Reconciliation St. Clare’s is on Friday 5:30-6:30pm. St. Mary’s is at 6:00-7:00pm Saturdays. Or to set up an appointment please contact the parish office at 970-926-2821 x 107. Baptism Parents and Godparents are required to attend preparation class before their child is born, usually during the last trimester of pregnancy. Class is held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at St. Mary’s at 9:00am. Pre-registration is required. Please contact the parish office to register at 970-926-2821 x 107 Pre-registration and fully completed forms are mandatory. First Communion & Confirmation Please contact Gelasio Velasco at 970-328-1133. Marriage Preparation Couples need to contact the priest they would like to have witness their vows at least 8 months prior to the proposed wedding date or contact the parish office at 970-926-2821 x 107. PARISH SUPPORT for the week of April 10 & 11 Beaver Creek St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s St. Clare’s Beaver Creek Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. 4:30pm 7:00pm 8:30am 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 5:30pm 913.00 982.00 1607.00 2731.00 1223.00 1558.00 1315.00 $10,329.00 We are most grateful for your generous support towards all of our parish ministries. Any parishioners who wish to make their monthly offertory donations through electronic banking please contact the parish office at 970-926-1085. M inisterio H ispano I V DOM I NGO DE PASCU A L a historia del Pastor y las ovejas PARROQUI AS Santa Clara y Santa M aría Jesús es nuestro Pastor, pero nosotros tenemos que esforzarnos por ser ovejas buenas. Domingo 17 de Abril, 2016 Petición: Vicarios para las M isas en Español: Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen (P. Tadeo): (970)376-5260 Rev. Gerardo Puga ………………: (720)404-3991 Señor, mi buen pastor, concédeme tener siempre mi conciencia clara: ¡Soy conocido y amado infinitamente! PROGRAM A DE EDUCACI ON RELI GI OSA RETI RO DE PRI M ERA COM UNI ON SANTA CLARA Y SANTA M ARI A SÁBADO 30 DE ABRI L: PARA NIÑOS DE SANTA CLARA HORA: 9:00 AM — 4:00 PM . LUGAR: SANTA CLARA DE ASIS EDW ARDS SÁBADO 7 DE M AYO: PARA NIÑOS DE SANTA MARIA HORA: 9:00 AM — 4:00 PM . SERA EN SANTA CLARA DE ASIS EDW ARDS CO. CONFESI ONES PARA NI NOS QUE RECI BI RAN PRI M ERA COM UNI ON Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards: Martes 19 de Abril/ 7:00 pm. I NFORM ACI ON SOBRE LAS PRI M ERAS COM UNI ONES M I SA DE PRI M ERAS COM UNI ONES EN SANTA CLARA, EDWARDS: SABADO 14 DE M AYO A LAS 4:00 P.M . ( En Español ) ENSAYO DE LA M I SA: V IERNES 13 DE M AYO A LAS 7PM . EN STA. C LARA. M I SA DE PRI M ERAS COM UNI ONES EN SANTA M ARI A, EAGLE: TERCER GRADO : D OM I NGO 15 DE M AYO A LA 1:00 P.M . ENSAYO DE LA M I SA: M I ÉRCOLES 11 DE M AY0, A LAS 7PM STA. M ARI A. GRADOS: 4., 5, 6 Y 7: D OM I NGO 15 DE M AYO A LAS 3:00 P.M . ENSAYO DE LA M I SA: JUEVES 12 DE M AY0, A LAS 7PM STA. M ARI A. M isa de Confirmación Santa María, Eagle: Miércoles 20 de Abril / 7:00 pm. RETI RO PARA QUI NCEANERAS Y SUS PADRES Fecha: Sábado 21 de Mayo de 2016. Hora: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm. Lugar: Parroquia Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards. Inscríbete ya con: Carmen Fragozo al (970) 688-1490 ADORACI ON NOCTURNA Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento en el Altar en Sta. María, Eagle Hombres se reúnen en el segundo Sábado de cada mes después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Mujeres se reúnen el tercer Sábado de Cada mes, después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Para Información comunicarse con José Avilés: (970) 390-3583. Para Jóvenes de Santa Clara Para Jóvenes de Santa María. Junio 5 de 2016 Hora: 10:00 am. En Santa Clara de Asís Junio 5 de 2016 Hora: 2:00 pm. Lugar: Santa Clara de Asís. Ensayo de la M isa: Ensayo de la M isa: Jueves 2 de Junio a las 6pm en Sta. Clara. ORACI ON CARI SM ATI CA Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards Los Miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. Coordinador: Juan Luna. Sub-Coordinadora: Socorrito Márquez. Santa María, Eagle M OVI M I ENTO FAM I LI AR CRI STI ANO CATOLI CO. Contactar a: Antonio Pérez (970)401-0586 & Luz Bacca (970)401-2995 Los Viernes a las 7:30 p.m. Coordinador: María Saldaña Presidentes del M.F.C.C. Viernes 2 de Junio a las 6pm en Sta. Clara. GRUPO DE PREVENCI ON Y RESCATE Movimiento Católico de Evangelización y Acción Social REUNI ONES: Todos los Viernes 7:15pm. hasta las 9:00 pm. En Santa Clara, Edwards. Coordinadores: Mario Montes (970) 331-4420 Anahy De La Fuente C O N F E SI O N E S SACERDOTES EN NUESTRA COM UNI DADPARROQUI AL: EN SANTA CLARA DE ASÍS, EDW ARDS Todos los Viernes de 5:30 a 6:30 pm. Párroco: Vicario : Vicario: Vicario: Reverendo James Baird Reverendo Gerardo Puga Reverendo Geilenkirchen Reverendo Tomasz Strzebonski EN SANTA MARÍA, EAGLE Todos los Sábados de 6:00 a 7:00 pm. “Acercarme Señor a la confesión sacramental, después de un examen de conciencia, revisando cómo estoy cumpliendo la voluntad de Dios”. ENCUENTRO M ATRI M ONI AL ¿Está DIOS en su Matrimonio? ¿Están buscando la manera de incluir a DIOS en sus vidas? ¡Descubran como hacerlo en un Fin De Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial! Reserva tu lugar: Mayo 13 al 15, 2016. Para mayor información contactar a: Felipe y Alejandra Galaviz 303-550-6842/ Jorge y Lily Giner 303-884-6747 LI TURGI A DE LA PALABRA PARA LA CUARTA SEM ANA DE PASCUA Lunes El Pastor y el rebaño. Juan 10, 1-10. Martes Jesús uno con su Padre. Juan 10, 22-30. Miércoles Necesidad de creer en Jesús. Juan 12, 44 -50. Jueves Si me conoces a mi, conoces al Padre. Juan 13, 16-20. Viernes Jesús nos prepara una morada. Juan 14, 1-6. Sábado Muéstranos al Padre. Juan 14, 7-14. D OM I NGO 17 DE ABRI L: LA H I STORI A EL PASTOR Y LAS OVEJAS. JUAN 10, 27-30. BAU TI ZOS EN ABRI L: EN SANTA M ARI A, EAGLE: Sábado 11 de Juni o a l as 4:00 p.m. EN SANTA CLARA DE ASI S, EDWARDS: Domi ngo 24 de Abri l a l as 2:00 p.m. PROXI MAS CLASSES PRE-BAU TI SMALES: EN SANTA CLARA DE ASI S, EDWARDS: Vi ernes 6 de Mayo a las 6:00 p.m. CONTACTO PARA H ACER ENTREVI STA DE BAU TI ZO: U NA CI TA PARA Carmen Edi th Fragozo (970) 688- 1490. E- mai l : Karmenedi th9@ hotmai l .com REQUI SI TOS PARA PODER BAUTI ZAR: 1. Ll evar a l a entrevi sta fotocopi a del Acta de N aci mi ento del ni ño. 3. Fotocopi a del Acta de Matri moni o Catól i co de l os padri nos si son casados. Pedro en su primera epístola (I Pe 1, 18-19). Por eso, sus ovejas " no perecerán para siempre y nadie las arrebatará de su mano" . 4. Pero, para ello, también nosotros tenemos que esforzarnos por ser ovejas buenas de este buen Pastor. Dejémonos, pues, apacentar y conquistar por Él siendo dóciles en el cumplimiento amoroso de su santísima voluntad sobre nosotros. Seamos buenas ovejas por nuestra fe y amor a Él, por la obediencia, la vida de gracia y la fidelidad sincera a sus mandamientos. 5. Si l os padri nos son sol teros, presentar fotocopi a del Certi fi cado de Confi rmaci ón. Di recci ón y tel éfono de l os padres y padri nos. NOTA: Para poder bauti zar, tanto l os padres como parti ci par de cuatro Mi sas domi ni cal es antes de l a padri nos deben fecha del Bauti zo; (El Sacerdote l es entregara una tarj etita de asi stenci a después de cada Mi sa. GRUPO JUVENI L LOS ASI SI S COLECTA ANUAL DEL ARZOBI SPO REUNI ONES: Lo recaudado por la Colecta Anual del Arzobispo sostiene cerca de cuarenta ministerios arquidiocesanos. Como resultado, su donación a la Colecta transformara los corazones y mentes de los tantos que se acercan a la Iglesia en necesidad de guía, instrucción y esperanza. Por ejemplo, su donación ayudara a fomentar las vocaciones sacerdotales, promoverá la santidad de vida, e iluminara los tesoros de nuestra fe. Que el Señor los bendiga por invertir en la obra de su Iglesia. Por favor visite donate o llame al 303.715.3111 Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards. Mar tes a las 7:00 p.m. En Santa María, Eagle: Viernes a las 7:00 p.m. Coordinadores de los Grupos: Diany Marriaga Ricky Lluévanos Doris García Mayra Carrillo Gisela Carrillo ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC SCHOOL BELIEVE IN A HIGHER STANDARD April 17, 2016 Accredited by North Central Association through 20 “Celebrating 16 years of Catholic Education in the Eagle Valley” St. Clare’s Spring Concert: ONE NATION UNDER GOD The students of St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School invite you to their annual Spring Music Concert. Please join us for a beautiful evening of music and celebration of our Great Nation! Admission is free. Everyone is welcome! Wednesday May 18, 2016 6:30pm –8:30pm St. Clare gymnasium KEEPING OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS STRONG! St. Mary’s Preschool and St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School are thankful for the generosity of our Catholic community. With your support, we are able to continue to provide an exceptional Christcentered education for our students. To make a donation please contact Gina Demarest, Director of Development at (970)926-8980 ext. 1 [email protected] BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION You can find box tops on products you regularly purchase including Ziplock, General Mills cereals, Land O Lakes, Yoplait, and Hefty to name a few. Please save your Box Tops and bring to the school or drop in the offertory. Every little bit adds up! THANK YOU! “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” Blessed Mother Teresa Non-Discrimination Statement St. Clare of Assisi School is under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Denver and the direction of the Secretariat of Schools for the Archdiocese of Denver. St. Clare does not discriminate on the basis of gender in its admission policy, treatment of students, or employment practices. St. Clare does not discriminate against students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin and admits everyone to the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available to all students. St. Clare does not discriminate in its education policies, its admission policies, its scholarship and loan programs or its athletic and other administered programs. PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS, FAMILY AND COLLEAGUES!