attention: mrs. oviedo
attention: mrs. oviedo
(Spanish for Children) WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: WHO: PRICE: HOW: After school Spanish Classes Wednesday afternoons 3:45 to 4:30pm In K1 room Students from K1 and K2 $15 per class (checks to be made out to Mrs. Oviedo) Send check and form to school with your child Mrs. Oviedo will be offering "After School Spanish Classes" to students in K1 and K2. There will be planned lessons each week. September 8, 15, 22, 29: Greetings - Saludos Numbers - Nurneros Stories: "La oruga muy hambrienta", "Buenas Noches Luna" Movie: "Dora tiene un perrito" October 6, 13, 20, 27: Colors - Colores Shapes - Figuras Animals - Animales: de la granja, salvajes y marinos. Songs: "Cucu, Cucu, cantaba la rana", "Los Pollitos" Movie: "Dora salva a los cachorritos" ATTENTION: MRS. OVIEDO (Send this portion to your child's teacher with payment for the September and October classes) Student's Name Student's Grade Parent's Name Teacher's Name Amount enclosed: $120.00 (September and October '10) Please make check payable to Mrs. Oviedo Parent's Phone Number (Spanish for Children) WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: WHO: PRICE: HOW: After school Spanish Classes Wednesday afternoons 4:30 to 5:15 pm In K1 room Students from 1st through 3rd Grade $15 per class (checks to be made out to Mrs. Oviedo) Send check and form to school with your child Mrs. Oviedo will be offering "After School Spanish Classes" to students in 1st through 3rd Grade. There will be planned lessons each week. September 8, 15, 22, 29: Greetings - Saludos Numbers - Numeros Colors - Colores Alphabet in Cursive - EI abecedario en letra cursiva Movies: "Todos gritamos por un helado", "En la playa" October 6, 13, 20, 27: Shapes - Figuras Animals - Animales: de la granja, salvajes, marinos y nocturnos. Sentences - Oraciones Movies: "EI bebe cangrejo", "Arrullando a un dinosaurio" AlTENTION: MRS. OVIEDO (Send this portion to your child's teacher with payment for the September and October classes) Student's Name Student's Grade Parent's Name Teacher's Name Amount enclosed: $120.00 (September and October '10) Please make check payable to Mrs. Oviedo Parent's Phone Number
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(Spanish for Children) WHAT: After school Spanish Classes WHEN
After school Spanish Classes
Wednesday afternoons 4:30 to 5:15 pm
In K1 room
Students from 1st through 3rd Grade
$15 per class (checks to be made out to Mrs. Oviedo)
Send check and form to school w...