14-243 Germany / Allemagne
14-243 Germany / Allemagne
14-243 BNP PARIBAS ECONOMIC RESEARCH DEPARTMENT /// 27-Oct-14 /// Germany / Allemagne October IFO down to the lowest in two years IFO en Octobre au plus bas depuis deux ans IFO business climate decreased for the sixth consecutive month in October. The continued deterioration in the IFO survey does not bode well for a marked rebound in Q4 activity, following the likely stagnation in Q3 after -0.2% in Q2. L’enquête IFO a reculé pour le sixième mois d’affilée en octobre. Ces résultats ne préfigurent pas une nette reprise de l’économie au T4, après la probable stagnation du PIB au troisième trimestre et sa contraction au T2 (-0,2% t/t) ■ The IFO business climate decreased for the sixth consecutive month in October, down from 104.7 to 103.2, the lowest level since December 2012, while remaining above its long term average. According to the IFO institute, the German economy continues to lose steam. ■ Further loss of momentum in October ▬ Business climate ; ▬ Current ; - - - Expectations ■ The current situation index continued to decline, down 2 points to its lowest level since January 2013, though remaining above its long-term average. Conversely the expectations index declined further below its long term average, down to its lowest level since December 2012. ■ Business climate decreased in all sectors, with the exception of the wholesale trade. In the manufacturing sector, it declined by around 5 points to 1.5, to the lowest level since December 2012, recording the sharpest decline since April 2013. Excluding food, drink and tobacco, the relative manufacturing index even fell below its long-term average. According to the IFO institute and rather awkwardly, the export business expectations, however, was the only area in which manufacturers did express mild confidence. The business climate fell 0.2 point in the construction sector, down to the lowest level since October 2012. In retail trade, it fell from -2.1 to -4.6, standing below zero for the third month in a row. ■ The continued deterioration in the IFO survey does not bode well for a marked rebound in Q4 activity, following Q2 GDP contraction (-0.2% q/q) and Q3 likely stagnation given the poor data for industrial output over the quarter. In addition, there are some doubts regarding the robustness in private consumption as confidence in retail sector continued to decline in October. Source : IFO ■ Data in details Seasonally adjusted Oct 14 Sep 14 Aug14 Business climate* 103.2 104.7 106.3 Current situation* 108.4 110.4 111.1 Business expectations* 98.3 99.3 101.6 Trade and industry -0.6 2.2 5.3 Manufacturing 1.5 6.2 9.3 Construction -7.2 -7.0 -5.3 Wholesale trade -0.2 -2.5 2.6 -4.6 Retail trade Source : IFO - * Index 2000=100, ** Balances -2.1 -0.7 Business climate by sector** Caroline NEWHOUSE [email protected] economic-research.bnpparibas.com ECONOMIC RESEARCH DEPARTMENT ● William DE VIJLDER Chief Economist +33.(0) [email protected] OECD COUNTRIES ● Jean-Luc PROUTAT Head +33.(0) [email protected] ● Alexandra ESTIOT Deputy Head – Globalisation, United States, Canada +33.(0) [email protected] ● Hélène BAUDCHON France, Belgium, Luxembourg +33.(0) [email protected] ● Frédérique CERISIER Public finance – European institutions +33.(0) [email protected] ● Clemente De LUCIA Euro zone, Italy - Monetary issues - Economic modeling +33.(0) [email protected] ● Thibault MERCIER Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland +33.(0) [email protected] ● Caroline NEWHOUSE Germany, Austria -Supervision of publications +33.(0) [email protected] ● Catherine STEPHAN United Kingdom, Switzerland, Nordic Countries – Labour market +33.(0) [email protected] ● Raymond VAN DER PUTTEN Japan, Australia, Netherlands - Environment – Pensions +33.(0) [email protected] ● Tarik RHARRAB Statistics +33.(0) [email protected] BANKING ECONOMICS ● Laurent QUIGNON Head ● Delphine CAVALIER ● Céline CHOULET ● Laurent NAHMIAS +33.(0) [email protected] +33.(0) +33.(0) +33.(0) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] EMERGING ECONOMIES AND COUNTRY RISK ● François FAURE Head +33.(0)1 42 98 79 82 [email protected] ● Christine PELTIER Deputy Head - Methodology, China, Vietnam +33.(0) [email protected] ● Stéphane ALBY Africa, French-speaking countries +33.(0) [email protected] ● Sylvain BELLEFONTAINE Latin America - Methodology, Turkey +33.(0) [email protected] ● Sara CONFALONIERI Africa, English and Portuguese speaking countries +33.(0) [email protected] ● Pascal DEVAUX Middle East – Scoring +33.(0) [email protected] ● Anna DORBEC CIE, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia +33.(0) [email protected] ● Hélène DROUOT Asia +33.(0) [email protected] ● Johanna MELKA Asia – Capital Flows +33.(0) [email protected] ● Ekaterina MOLODOVA Russia and other CIS countries +33.(0) [email protected] ● Alexandra WENTZINGER Africa, Brazil +33 (0)1 55 77 80 60 [email protected] +33.(0) [email protected] ● Michel BERNARDINI Public Relations Officer OUR PUBLICATIONS CONJONCTURE Structural or in the news flow, two issues analysed in depth EMERGING Analyses and forecasts for a selection of emerging economies PERSPECTIVES Analyses and forecasts for the main countries, emerging or developed ECOFLASH Data releases, major economic events. 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