
371 East Main Street
Middletown, Delaware
3rd Sunday
of Easter
April 19, 2015 Saint Joseph Church
We, the faithful of St. Joseph Parish,
willingly accept our baptismal call
to gather and worship as a community,
to proclaim the Word of God,
and to serve in the image of Jesus Christ.
Nosotros, los fieles de la Parroquia de San José,
aceptamos de buena voluntad
nuestro llamado bautismal
a reunirnos y adorar como comunidad,
a proclamar la Palabra de Dios,
y a servir en la imagen de Jesucristo.
St. Joseph Church:
East Main Street, Middletown, DE
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM
Sunday Masses:
7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM
Misa Dominical:
2:00 PM (Español)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Masses:
8:30 AM
Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM
St. Rose of Lima Mission:
Lock St, Chesapeake City, MD
Sunday Masses:
8:00, 9:30 AM
Wednesday Mass:
9:00 AM
Reconciliation: Sunday at 9:00 AM
St. Francis Xavier Shrine:
Church Road, Warwick, MD
As announced
Finance Council: John Sanders (410-275-1428)
Pastoral Council: Amy Brenner (302-299-3076)
Saint Rose of Lima Church
Rev. David F. Kelley, Pastor
Rev. John A. Grasing, Associate Pastor
Tim Enright, Deacon
Fred Wendt, Deacon
Bob Altmiller, Facilities’ Manager
Nathan Costa, Coordinator of Liturgical Music
Jackie Delaporte, Special Assistant, Sacristan
Diana Gotthold, Formation Office Assistant
Rosemary Hadland, Coordinator of Music Ministry
Odile Jacob, Organist
Mary Kirk, Formation for Children
Richard McAloon, Business Manager
Pat Sparks, Parish Secretary
Antonia “Tonie” Vandenberg, Ministerio Hispano
Mark Winterbottom, Formation for Youth
E-mail: [email protected]
Pastoral Center / Centro Pastoral:
371 E. Main Street
Middletown, DE 19709
(entrance on Cleaver Farm Road)
302-378-5800, 302-378-5808 (FAX)
(toll-free from Maryland: 888-433-1874)
Ministerio Hispano: 302-378-5805, Ext. 104
Office Hours / Horario de la Oficina:
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Christ the Teacher Regional Catholic School
2451 Frazer Road
Newark, DE 19702
Sr. LaVerne King, RSM – Principal
Commitment Weekend
April 18 & 19 — Third Sunday of Easter
As St. Luke recalls for us in today’s Gospel, only after the Apostles had
Jesus chose the Apostles as witnesses to His mission and true identity. If
anyone among them thought that Jesus had some other way of telling the
The Annual Catholic Appeal, with its theme, “He Reveals Himself in the
Catholic community and to reach out to serve others—the hungry, the
homeless, the unemployed, the distressed, the unchurched, our children, and
Weinviteyoutoparticipateinthe2015AnnualCatholicAppeal.Pleaserespondbypledgingasacri icialgiftto
Compromiso de in de semana
18 y 19 de Abril—Tercer Domingo de Pascua
ComoSanLucasnosrecuerdaenelEvangeliodehoy,só lodespué sdequelosapó stoleshabı́anabsorbidoel
asombrodeveraJesú svivocuandopensabanqueestabamuertohacı́alaimportanciadesuspalabras
adquierensigni icado.
Jesú seligió alosApó stolescomotestigosdesumisió neidentidadverdadera.Sialgunodeellospensaronque
Jesú stenı́aalgunaotramaneradedecirlealmundoacercadesı́mismo,estospensamientosfuerondespedidos
ComoseguidoresdeCristo,tambié nnosotrosconvertimoseninstrumentosdeDios.Tenemoseldesafı́odevivir
comoJesú slohizoconunaefusió ndeamorycompasió nporlosdemá s.
LaCampañ aCató licaAnual,consutema,"Elserevelaenlafracció ndelpan,"invitaacadaunodenosotrospara
nosotrosaunirsecomocomunidadcató licayparallegaraserviralosdemá s‐loshambrientos,lossinhogar,los
desempleados,losa ligidos,losquenotieneniglesia,nuestrosniñ osynuestrosancianos.
TeinvitamosaparticiparenlaCampañ aCató licaAnual2015.Porfavor,respondaalprometerunregalode
sacri icioparalacampañ adeesteañ o.
Paraaprendermá sacercadelaCampañ aCató licaAnual,,yhagaclicen"Dar"yluego
"Campañ aCató licaAnual."
The Easter season continues with alleluias
permeating the liturgy. During these days we continue
to delve into the story of the early Christian
community as Luke’s second volume, Acts of the
Apostles, is proclaimed as the first reading at Sunday
as well as daily Eucharist. And in the gospel this
weekend we hear the continuation of the story of the
disciples on the road to Emmaus. Recall that the
disciples came to recognize Jesus in the breaking of
the bread. As Luke’s gospel continues, Jesus is said to
have opened the minds of the disciples to understand
the Scriptures. He then tells them that they are
witnesses to His suffering, death and resurrection; that
they are to preach forgiveness in His name. In our own
day we are challenged to come to that same
realization: the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Just as the Lord’s body was broken on the cross so too
in the Eucharist Christ continues to allow his Body to
be broken. As we receive the Eucharist we are
accepting the challenge to allow ourselves to be
broken and poured in service of others as we go into
the world as witnesses.
Next weekend we celebrate First Eucharist with our
children, their parents, families and friends. What joy
to be present to these children as they take this
important step. We are reminded that it is not just their
parents and guardians who form these children. We all
take part in their faith development. For many of us
that is done by setting a good example of Christian
living for them. And, we set a good example when
receiving communion. Here is our annual reflection on
receiving the Lord in Holy Communion:
We approach the Lord’s Table singing (many voices
joined in one hymn is the Church’s way of
symbolizing the unity we achieve in the Eucharist).
The Church reminds us that while each receives
communion individually it is an intensely communal
moment as well. The Lord, through the gift of the
Body and Blood of Christ, transforms us from a
gathering of individuals into a single body, unified by
the Body and Blood of Christ. We are most one when
we receive Holy Communion.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM)
asks each of us to make a sign of reverence prior to
receiving communion. The United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has reaffirmed that the
proper posture for receiving communion is standing.
Further, the USCCB determined that the sign of
reverence, in the United States, shall be a bow of the
head which should be made when you are standing
in front of the minister holding the Eucharist (not
when the person in front of you is receiving
Standing before the minister it should be clear
whether we wish to receive in the hand or on the
tongue. A loud, clear “Amen!” is the appropriate
response to “the Body of Christ/the Blood of
Christ.” Clean, naked hands become the repository
of the Eucharist. For those who choose to receive on
the tongue that means the mouth is to be open,
tongue extended but only after saying amen. When
receiving on the hand once the consecrated host is
placed in the hand the communicant steps aside to
consume the Eucharist. If one chooses to receive
from the cup, which is encouraged, one does so by
sipping from the cup of the Lord’s Blood. The
practice of receiving the Body of Christ in the hand
and then dipping the consecrated host into the
Precious Blood has been reaffirmed as unacceptable
as this is a form of self-communication and is not
allowed in the Roman Rite.
Next Saturday, 25 April, the Sacrament of
Reconciliation will be available until 4:30pm in
order to give adequate preparation time for the
celebration of First Eucharist at the 5:00pm liturgy.
We appreciate your understanding.
If you are interested in joining any area of music
ministry please contact Rosemary Hadland, 302-3785800, ext. 105, or [email protected]. MASS AT ST. FRANCIS XAVIER SHRINE
Mass will be celebrated at St. Francis Xavier in
Warwick, Maryland this Sunday, April 19 at 4:00 PM.
If you have not had the opportunity to visit this historic
church, consider joining us for this liturgy. You’ll be
glad you did!
Fourth Sunday of Easter
La Palabra en Nuestra Vidas:
26 de Abril de 2015
IV Domingo de Pascua
First Reading: Acts 4:8-12
Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said: “Leaders of
the people and elders: If we are being examined
today about a good deed done to a cripple, namely,
by what means he was saved, then all of you and all
the people of Israel should know that it was in the
name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean whom you
crucified, whom God raised from the dead; in his
name this man stands before you healed. He is the
stone rejected by you, the builders, which has
become the cornerstone. There is no salvation
through anyone else, nor is there any other name
under heaven given to the human race by which we
are to be saved.”
Primera Lectura: Hechos 4:8-12
En aquellos días, Pedro, lleno del Espíritu Santo,
dijo: “Jefes del pueblo y ancianos, puesto que hoy se
nos interroga acerca del beneficio hecho a un hombre
enfermo, para saber cómo fue curado, sépanlo
ustedes y sépalo todo el pueblo de Israel: este
hombre ha quedado sano en el nombre de Jesús de
Nazaret, a quien ustedes crucificaron y a quien Dios
resucitó de entre los muertos. Este mismo Jesús es la
piedra que ustedes, los constructores, han desechado
y que ahora es la piedra angular. Ningún otro puede
salvarnos, pues en la tierra no existe ninguna otra
persona a quien Dios haya constituido como salvador
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29
Second Reading: 1 John 3:1-2
Beloved: See what love the Father has bestowed on
us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so
we are. The reason the world does not know us is
that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s
children now; what we shall be has not yet been
revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we
shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
Segunda Lectura: 1 Juan 3:1-2
Queridos hijos: Miren cuánto amor nos ha tenido el
Padre, pues no sólo nos llamamos hijos de Dios, sino
que lo somos. Si el mundo no nos reconoce, es
porque tampoco lo ha reconocido a él. Hermanos
míos, ahora somos hijos de Dios, pero aún no se ha
manifestado cómo seremos al fin. Y ya sabemos que,
cuando él se manifieste, vamos a ser semejantes a él,
porque lo veremos tal cual es.
The Word in Our Lives:
Readings for April 26, 2015
Gospel: John 10:11-18
Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd. A good
shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. A hired
man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not
his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep
and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters
them. This is because he works for pay and has no
concern for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and I
know mine and mine know me, just as the Father
knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay
down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that
do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead,
and they will hear my voice, and there will be one
flock, one shepherd. This is why the Father loves me,
because I lay down my life in order to take it up
again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on
my own. I have power to lay it down, and power to
take it up again. This command I have received from
my Father.”
Evangelio: Juan 10:11-18
En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a los fariseos: “Yo soy el
buen pastor. El buen pastor da la vida por sus ovejas.
En cambio, el asalariado, el que no es el pastor ni el
dueño de las ovejas, cuando ve venir al lobo,
abandona las ovejas y huye; el lobo se arroja sobre
ellas y las dispersa, porque a un asalariado no le
importan las ovejas. Yo soy el buen pastor, porque
conozco a mis ovejas y ellas me conocen a mí, así
como el Padre me conoce a mí y yo conozco al
Padre. Yo doy la vida por mis ovejas. Tengo además
otras ovejas que no son de este redil y es necesario
que las traiga también a ellas; escucharán mi voz y
habrá un solo rebaño y un solo pastor. El Padre me
ama porque doy mi vida para volverla a tomar. Nadie
me la quita; yo la doy porque quiero. Tengo poder
para darla y lo tengo también para volverla a tomar.
Éste es el mandato que he recibido de mi Padre”.
Presider’s Intentions
This week, our presiders will offer Masses for these
Monday, April 20
8:30 AM (SJ)
Bill Williams
Tuesday, April 21
8:30 AM (SJ)
St. Anselm
Deacon Howard O’Connor
Wednesday, April 22
9:00 AM (SR)
Ralph Kelly
Thursday, April 23
8:30 AM (SJ)
Mary E. Swider
St. George
Friday, April 24
8:30 AM (SJ)
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
Bill Williams
Saturday, April 25
5:00 PM (SJ)
St. Mark the Evangelist
Amy Cancellare
Sunday, April 26
7:30 AM (SJ)
9:30 AM (SJ)
11:30 AM (SJ)
2:00 PM (SJ)
8:00 AM (SR)
9:30 AM (SR)
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Bill Williams
Albert Sokola
Mary Rutkoske
2015 Annual Catholic Appeal –
“He Reveals Himself in the Breaking of the Bread”
The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal will be conducted in
parishes throughout the diocese this weekend. Once a
year, our Bishop asks each of us to make a commitment
to support the work of diocesan programs and
ministries that provide services that no one parish can
offer on its own. Your gift helps bring Christ to those
who seek His presence - the poor, the sick, the
distressed, our children and our elderly.
Our parish target is $97,000. Your financial support
also provides funding for our parish since 100% of
monies collected above our target will be returned for
our own ministerial needs.
Please give prayerful consideration to your resources as
well as the thousands of individuals and families who
receive needed assistance through ministries supported
by the Annual Catholic Appeal.
To learn more about the Annual Catholic Appeal, visit and click “Giving” then “Annual
Catholic Appeal”.
Our Parishioners
Sharon Dougherty
Esquina de Aministración
Hopefully by now it is safe to report that we are “in the
clear” in terms of snow removal for fiscal year 2015.
We incurred approximately $5,100 in snow removal
expense for this past season. We budgeted $19,500 for
snow removal based on experience from years past,
which covers both St. Joseph and St. Rose Churches as
well as our Parish Halls and Office grounds. We were
fortunate enough to be spared the full expense and have
resources available to cover these costs thanks to the
generosity of parishioner offertories. Further, we are
blessed to have staff and other volunteers who
contribute considerable time and effort toward ensuring
that our walk-ways are clear during inclement weather
for our convenience and safety.
Esperemos que ahora estamos seguro para informar
le que estamos listos en cuanto a la eliminación de
nieve por el año fiscal 2015. incurrimos aproximadamente $ 5,100 en gastos de limpieza de la nieve de
la temporada pasada. Hemos presupuestado 19.500
dólares para la remoción de nieve en base a la experiencia de años pasados, tanto como aquí en la Iglesia de San José y las Iglesia de St. Rose, así como
nuestros salones parroquiales y Office. Tuvimos la
suerte de ahorrar el gasto completo y tienen recursos disponibles para cubrir estos costes gracias a la
generosidad de ofertorios de los feligreses. Además,
tenemos la suerte de disponer de personal y otros
voluntarios que contribuyen mucho tiempo y esfuerzo para asegurar que pasillos
The collection from April 12 was $16,223 toward our
weekly offertory goal of $15,865. This brings our yearto-date total to $645,492 received toward our goal of
$650,465. Thank you for accepting the responsibility
of faithful stewardship.
La colección del 12 de abril era $ 16.223 alcanza a
nuestra meta de ofertorio semanal de $ 15.865. Esto
trae nuestro total del año hasta la fecha a 645,492
dólares que hace nuestro objetivo de $ 650.465. Gracias por aceptar su fiel responsabilidad de administración.
John Sanders, President, Finance Council
John Sanders , Presidente del Consejo de Finanzas
Social Concerns
Through your generosity on April 12 we received
$333.70 from the Poor Box at St. Joseph. On April
12, $118.00 from the Poor Box at St. Rose of Lima.
Thank you for continuing to assist those in need. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY
The CCEA Community Wellness Director has
moved out of the area. This is a part-time Volunteer
Position which is a critical position for one of our
many ministries. Hours are 9-noon Tuesday and
Wednesday plus meeting attendance and planning as
required. We are looking for a nursing or social
service professional. If you are interested please call
443 553 4049 or email [email protected] for
more information on the position. A volunteer
application is available on-line at http://
Free meals are served every 1st and 3rd Monday at
Dale United Methodist Church, 143 E. Lake Street in
Middletown. For more information please call 302734-2720 or
Our Daily Bread would like to thank the Knights of
Columbus for hosting a pancake breakfast to support
Our Daily Bread.
Parish Life
The people of St. Joseph Parish welcome into our family
Alex Reyes Francisco Perez, Wyatt Andrew Brown,
Eleanor Janey Brown, Landen J. Beaston and Gemma
Mae Vendovern who were baptized last weekend and
Mason John Hortiz, Violet Noelle Everett, and Zoey
Marie Zaun who will be baptized this weekend.
Congratulations to you, your parents & godparents. God
bless you as you begin your faith journey.
The following people have registered in our parish
the Fone Family of Middletown
the Chilel Family of Middletown
and Mrs. Weinstein of Middletown
We pray that you will become closer to God through
your participation in our Faith Community. We look
forward to getting to know you. Welcome!
We remember in prayer all those who are ill, especially
Tony Swecz, Elza Kolbay, Christine Laphan, Vera
Gortowski, Jennie Sytnik, Mary Kramer, Brian Conley,
Anne Thomas, Margaret Walters, Marguerite King, Sue
Osborne, Karen McKenna, Antoinette Gelfo, Lea
Castelli, Bruce Wendt, Penny Reuss, Ellen Roberts,
Baby Lucy Garilalbi, Larry Reyes, and Peggy Robinson.
Please remember in your prayers Anthony Black,
husband of Arlene Black; and all our deceased
parishioners, loved ones, and benefactors.
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them. We are launching our new parish website on Monday,
April 20, 2015. The
address will remain Check it out!
Team 3 will clean on Thursday, April 23, 2015
Joan Huhn, Captain
Kathy Wisniewski
Eleanor Knorr
Marie Kreck
Shirley Stafford
Peggy Calvani
Anthony Davies
Audrey Taylor
Eileen Edelin
Kathleen Majewski
Donald Strong
George Vergel
For more information or to volunteer, please call
Loretta Williams, 302-378-8635.
We as a parish are delighted to
welcome four new members into our
faith and into our parish. They entered
the Church through the sacraments of
initiation at the Easter Vigil. We
welcome Lovell Comduah, Kerri
Vasquez, Zane Moss, and Joy Dugan,
who journeyed through the RCIA
process and continue their journey
with our community.
Friday ▪ May 15, 2015 ▪ Back Creek
Golf Club ▪ 11:30 Registration
1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start
Lunch and Dinner are provided
Thousands of dollars worth of prizes will be awarded
Everyone goes home with a prize!
Examples of prizes include:
-Rounds of FREE golf with cart to following clubs:
Rehoboth Beach Y&CC
Tavistock Country Club
Deerfield Golf Club
Odessa National Golf Club
Back Creek Golf Club
-4 Mega Passes to St. Joseph Carnival
-St. Joseph PREP Session for the family
-Four Grand Stand Tickets to NASCAR Race
-$100 gift certificate from Mid County Lanes.
-Gift cards from The Chesapeake Inn + others
-Private Wine Tasting for 20 @ Total Wine & More
-Overnight Stay @ UofD Conference Center in Lewes
-Four passes + first pitch at a Blue Rocks game
-One month Membership to Village Gym
Also… each player also receives a FREE certificate
for a future round of golf including cart!
Please tell all your golfing family & friends.
This is the best golf outing in the MOT area!
Registration forms are available at both churches,
in the Parish Center, and on the Website at:
Please mark your calendars for St. Joseph Parish’s
Annual Carnival which will be held Tuesday, July 14
thru Saturday, July 18.
We invite all parishioners who would like to help
make this year’s Carnival our best yet to join us on
Thursday, April 16, at 7:00 PM in Room 3. Please
call Dominic Marra, 302-378-1568, with any
questions you may have.
Christian Formation
All of the forms necessary for Religious Education
registration for 2015-2016 summer and fall sessions are
now available on the parish website. The updated
Religious Education Registration forms for grades 1st
through 8th and the registration form for the
sacraments of Reconciliation & First Eucharist can be
filled out online. If your child has completed grade
level one and is enrolling in grade level two you must
complete a separate form to register for the
sacramental preparation of Reconciliation and
Eucharist. This is a separate process from Religious
Education class registration and has a separate schedule
and fee.
Registrations and your preferred method of payment
are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. New
this year: a copy of the Diocesan “Form A: Annual
Consent and Release” must be filled out and submitted
for each student at the time of registration. Please note
that we have seven different sessions: four sessions that
follow a three hour time frame, two sessions that
follow a two and a half hour time frame, and one
session that follows a ninety minute time frame. As in
the past, confirmation of session selection will be
communicated via email. Registrations being paid with
a credit card may be faxed to the parish office; all
others must be mailed or brought in. FIRST EUCHARIST REHEARSALS
A reminder to parents that we have rehearsals
scheduled for First Eucharist on Thursday evening,
April 23rd and Friday evening, April 24th. Please call
Mary Kirk in the Religious Education office at
302.378.5800, ext. 107 if you have any questions.
Youth Fellowship offers young people an opportunity
to meet and openly discuss faith matters, participate in
exciting group activities, and learn new ways to enjoy
and live life to the fullest. There are also many
opportunities for young people to plan their own events
and activities to share their creativity. All are welcome
to join us for Sunday meetings, which take place from
7:00 to 8:30 PM in the parish center. Upcoming
meetings are April 26, May 3, 17 & 31. CHRIST THE TEACHER SCHOOL
Christ the Teacher Catholic School is accepting
students for the 2015-16 school year. If you want more
information regarding our school, contact Sister
LaVerne ([email protected] or 302-8388850 ext. 129) for an appointment to tour the school.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
program is designed to help Inquirers on their faith
journey. If you or someone you know has expressed an
interest in joining the Catholic Church, please contact
Deacon Tim Enright, 302-378-5800, ext. 119, 302-3767362, or [email protected].
We welcome you to join us for Bible Study on
Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM in the parish center
when we break open the Scriptures for the coming
Sunday. We encourage people to share how the
readings touch their lives or to sit quietly and listen as
others reflect on them. Facilitated by Deacon Fred
Wendt and others, the conversation is easy and
informative. Come when and as often as you’d like. If
you have questions please call Deacon Fred, 302-3785800, ext. 119. ELKTON COMMUNITY KITCHEN
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the
April luncheon. We had a most successful day serving
over 195 meals. Your support continues to make this
such a successful ministry. Mark your calendars for
our next date, June 12. All are most welcome and we
would be glad to have new participants.
In the readings from the Gospels,
Thomas was able to both declare his
doubt as well as be willing to
explore the truth. Take the Readings
and Bring It Home this week by
regarding your own doubts about
faith as well as engaging in a resolution to explore for
more answers in the Scriptures and the Catechism.
Every sacramental act is an encounter with the Divine
Mercy! Pray for our priests and deacons who minister
through those encounters; ask God to bless our Diocese
with more of them! And if you think God might be
calling you to the priesthood or to the diaconate, call or
write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of
Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113;
[email protected]). Be sure to visit our website:!
Dennis and Jan Faust host a Bible Study and Prayer
group on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month in their
home. Please call 302-584-8703 for directions.
A second group, hosted by Ed & Mary Sumner, meets
on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month to discuss the
readings for the following Sunday. Please call 302-449
-2387 for directions.
All are welcome!
Our diocese has codes of conduct adults must follow to
create safe environments and protect children. Reading
and following the code in all situations creates a
culture of protection and keeps our children safer
( scroll to For the Sake of God’s
Children link; scroll to Section One; Volunteer
Covenant) Questions call: Coordinator for Safe
Environments 302-295-0668.
Nuestra diócesis tiene códigos de conducta que
nuestros adultos deben seguir para crear entornos
seguros y proteger a los niños. Leyendo y siguiendo el
código en todas las situaciones crea una cultura de
protección y mantiene a nuestros hijos más seguros
( desplazarse a por el bien de enlace de
los Niños de Dios; desplácese a la Sección Primera;
Voluntario Pacto) Preguntas llaman: Coordinador para
Ambientes Seguros 302 -295-0668.
Each year, parents who send their children to Catholic
schools in Delaware save the State an estimated $150
million while supporting Delaware's public schools
with their taxes. Catholic school parents pay the same
taxes that neighboring public school parents pay,
without the benefit. In return, the State gives these
families a minimal stipend to reimburse them for a
small percentage of their annual transportation costs.
For the second consecutive year, Governor Jack
Markell is trying to unfairly eliminate this modest
stipend. Last year, the Delaware General Assembly
Joint Finance Committee, at the urging of Catholic
school families and supporters, restored funding for the
stipend in the FY 2015 budget.
Once again, we need your help to tell members of the
Joint Finance Committee that families who sacrifice to
send their children to Catholic schools deserve to keep
their transportation reimbursement stipend. Even if you
sent an email to your representative in the past, we are
asking you to do it again. Go to, click
on the school bus photo and follow the easy steps to let
your voice be heard.
JUNE 12-20, 2015
Registrations for the
youth summer work
camp are open to all
young people, ages
13 through 18. Work
camp will take place
on the parish campuses this year, and the projects
will center around parish improvements and upkeep.
To sponsor the work camp program with your
financial support, or if you are interested in
registering for Work Camp, please contact the Youth
Minister, Mark Winterbottom, at (302) 378-5800,
Ext. 106.
This Week in Our Parish
Monday, April 20
9:30 AM—English as a Second Language in Rm. 6
8:00 PM—Friends of Bill W in Rms. 5 & 7
Tuesday, April 21
9:00 AM—Diocesan Principals Mtg. in Parish Hall
7:00 PM—Christian Formation Committee in Rm. 3
7:00 PM—Cub Scouts in Parish Center
Wednesday, April 22
9:30 AM—English as a Second Language in Rm. 6 10:30 AM—Bible Study in Rms. 5 and 7
6:30 PM—CADC Classes in Rms. 5 & 7
7:00 PM—Parish Choir in St. Joseph Church
Thursday, April 23
6:30 PM—Contemporary Choir in St. Joseph Church
8:00 PM—Friends of Bill W in Rms. 5 & 7
Friday, April 24
No Scheduled Events
The next prayer meeting will be on Wednesday,
April 15 at 7:00PM in Room 6. We will gather to
sing and pray and praise the Lord. There will be a
brief teaching on one of the Charismatic gifts. If you
have any questions, please call John or Cookie
Ruane, 302-378-2217.
Wiso’s Crabs & Seafood
Delaware City, DE
for sponsoring an ad
at our Annual Golf Outing.
Please be sure to visit our parish website and check out
other sponsors of our golf tournament and those
businesses who advertise in our bulletin. Your support
of these sponsors is one way to say thank you for their
Pat’s Pizza Family Restaurant, located at 311 N.
Broad Street in Middletown, will donate 10% of all
receipts we return to them. Please place your saved
receipts in the collection basket or drop them off at the
parish office. We are blessed that our local businesses
continue to support our parish. Please thank them for
their generosity when you visit Pat’s.
This week we received a check from Pat’s Pizza in the
amount $340 for receipts we collected. Thank you
Pat’s Pizza! Please keep the receipts coming!
Saturday, April 25
10:00 AM—First Eucharist Liturgy in St. Joseph
4:00 PM—Confessions in St. Joseph Church
5:00 PM—Mass in St. Joseph Church
Sunday, April 26
7:30 AM—Pancake Breakfast in St. Joseph Hall
8:00 AM—Pancake Breakfast in St. Rose Hall
9:30 AM—Children’s Liturgy of the Word
12:45 PM—Confirmation Session in St. Joseph Hall
2:00 PM—Misa en Español in St. Joseph Church
7:00 PM—Youth Ministry Fellowship
Thank you to everyone
who came out to our March
breakfast. We raised $650
for Our Daily Bread. Our
LAST breakfast is Sunday,
April 26. Proceeds from
this month will be donated
to the Parish Youth Work
Camp. As always, your support of the Knights of
Columbus outreach ministries is appreciated.
Breakfast will be served in St. Joseph Parish Hall
from 7:30 to 11:30 AM and in St. Rose of Lima Hall
from 8:00 to 11:00 AM. Menu includes pancakes,
eggs, bacon & sausage, home fries, coffee, tea, milk
and juice. Cost is $7.00 adults, $6 senior citizens
(60+) and $5.00 for children (10 to 18) under 10 free.
For more information on the Knights or their
charitable works, visit: