THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD May 8, 2016 OUR LADY OF LORETTO CATHOLIC CHURCH 1806 Novato Blvd., Novato, CA 94947 415-897-2171 FAX 415-897-8251 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm Mass Intentions May 7 to May 15 BC: Fr. Brian Costello ME: Fr. Manuel Estrada NH: Fr. Neil Healy TD: Bishop Thomas Daly Day Time Intentions Priest Saturday 5/7 9:00am 5:00pm 7:00pm Sue Shirley + Henry Yee + Leslie Arguello (L) NH TD ME Sunday 5/8 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon Sue Maino + Margaret McNern + OLL Parishioners NH BC ME Monday 5/9 9:00am Neil Battaglia + ME Tuesday 5/10 9:00am Monsignor Fred Bitanga + NH Wednesday 5/11 9:00am Helping Hands Members (L) and + BC Thursday 5/12 9:00am Mike Doolittle + NH Friday 5/13 9:00am Alberta Salinas + ME Saturday 5/14 9:00am 5:00pm 7:00pm Ed Lockwood Family (L) Teodoro Quinban + OLL Parishioners NH BC ME Sunday 5/15 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon Margaret DeMartini (L) Aida Dora Hidalgo + For Our Parish Priests BC NH ME May all our deceased Parishioners rest in the loving arms of God. Please pray for our parishioners who are sick and suffering that they may know the embrace of Christ’s healing love. Margaret Bohan, Adita Claire, Jesse Fuette, Fr. Dustin Gorell, Pete Hanley, Jean Holt, Sharon Kielty, Marjorie Lane, Tom Martinez, Julia Matos, Sal Miceli, Wanda Mower, Dalton O’Sullivan, Alice Rosaire, Arlene Schober, Paula and Dan Stilling, Mary Stryker, Jeannia Trujillo, Vince Unsinn, Niloo Vahid, Cathy Westover We are updating our prayer list and have removed names which have been on the list for some time. Please call the Rectory to have someone included on the Prayer List. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Mary, on this day when we honor all mothers, we turn to you. We thank the Lord whom you serve for the great gift of motherhood. Never has it been known that anyone who sought your intercession was left unaided by grace. Dear Mother, thank you for your "Yes" to the invitation of the angel which brought heaven to earth and changed human history. You opened yourself to God's word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Dear mother, intercede for all of our mothers. Ask your Divine Son to give them the grace of surrendered love so that they could join with you in giving their own "Fiat." May they find daily strength to say yes to the call to the sacrificial love- the very heart of the vocation of motherhood. May their love and witness be a source of great inspiration for all of us called to follow your Son. On this Mothers day, Mother of the Word Incarnate, pray for us who have recourse to you. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Rev. Brian Costello [email protected] Ext.227 Mass Times Pastor Monday—Friday 9:00 am Rev. J. Manuel Estrada [email protected] EXT 230 Parochial Vicar Saturday 9:00am 5:00 pm (Vigil Mass) 7:00 pm (Spanish Vigil Mass) Rev. Neil Healy In Residence EXT 233 Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12 Noon Spanish Mass Rev. Mr. Alex Madero, Deacon Patrick Reeder EXT. 234 Parish Manager Eucharistic Adoration Every Friday 9:30am-5:00 pm Office Staff Erin Troy EXT. 222 Allen Shirley EXT. 236 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday3:00pm-4:00pm Our Lady of Loretto School Mrs. Kathleen Kraft, Principal 415-892-8621 Parish Religious Education Amy Bjorklund Reeder, Dir. Grades 1-6 Kathleen Pitti 415-897-6714 Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER 415-301-0514 Rosary Monday—Thursday after 9am Mass and 5:30pm Friday after 9am Mass and at 5pm Sunday at 3:00pm Baptisms Please contact the RectoryCatechesis Required Marriages Please contact the Rectory at least 6 months in advance Our Lady of Loretto St. Vincent de Paul Society 415-497-5090 Visit us on the Web E-mail us: [email protected] Dear Friends, As I mentioned in my Pastor’s Letter two weeks ago, a lot is going on around here as the school year comes to a close. Happy Mother’s Day to all our OLL Mom’s. Today is your special day. I hope it is a good one for all of you. Today’s 2nd Collection is for Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities does a lot of good in this Archdiocese, especially with the poor and homeless. Please be as generous as you can with this once a year collection. Thanks! I am planning a pilgrimage to Rome for Mother Teresa’s Canonization on September 4th. We would be leaving SFO on August 31st and would be coming back on September 10th. Besides Rome, we would be going to a number of different holy sites in Italy, including Assis and Loretto. If interested, please give me a call at the Rectory. During this Holy Year of Mercy, the Pope has asked us to set aside one day for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I was thinking of doing this beginning on Monday, June 20th, with the 9am Mass and ending it on Tuesday, June 21st, again, with the 9am Mass. I am doing this on the day summer begins, the shortest night of the year. If interested in being adorers, especially during the night time hours please let me know. CYO is a great program we have here at OLL which allows our young people to participate in sports. One of the rules we have is that the family belong to a church and the young person is in religious instruction. Sounds fair to me, but there are a few parents who are challenging this rule. CYO doesn’t ask much, but the little they do ask, some parents have a problem. Sad to say, this would never have happened when I was growing up. Al & Pat Olivier will be moving to Southern California, in the next few weeks, to be closer to their daughter. Al & Pat have been parishioners here since 1963. I hate to see good people like Al & Pat leave. I thank them for their many years of service to OLL and wish them nothing but the best in their new home. Lastly, this is a long overdue thank you to all who made our Easter Celebrations so special this year. Thank you, Altar Society, for the beautiful flowers and decorations. Thank you Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Servers, and Ushers. Without you, we would not have had an Easter. Last but not least, I want to thank our Choir, especially Rich Elliott. You have never sounded better! Your wonderful music made Easter that much more special for me and the parish. Thank you for being the best choir in all of Marin County. Happy Ascension! Happy Mother’s Day! Father Brian Our Lady of Loretto will once again be donating to Get On The Bus this Mother’s Day and Fathers Day. Get On The Bus offers free transportation for the children and their caregivers to the prison. Each child is provided a travel bag, a photo with his or her parent, and meals for the day (breakfast, snacks, lunch at the prison, and dinner). On the trip home, a teddy bear with a letter from their parent and post-event counseling. Get On The Bus is a program of The Center for Restorative Justice Works, a non profit organization that unites children, families and communities separated by crime and the criminal justice system. Golf News: Sponsorship and Reservation forms are now available at all church exits for OLL’s 12th Annual Youth Ministry Golf Tournament on June 23rd at Indian Valley Golf Club. We look forward to your joining us on the course, as a sponsor, or at the dinner in the church hall following the tournament. For more information, visit Thank you! Calendar Reminders from Parish Religious Education Gr. 1-6: May 16: 4pm Closing Mass and Ice Cream Social (THANK YOU KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOR HOSTING!) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CONTINUALLY PRAISING GOD In both the first reading and the Gospel we are told about Christ’s glorious ascension into heaven. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reminds us that Christ has been seated at God’s right hand in heaven, above every choir of angels. There might be a temptation to stay at an awed distance from Jesus Christ. However, the tone of today’s readings is far from that temptation. The tone is exultant and the message is urgent. We are to be his witnesses, and the Gospel describes the first witnesses this way: “[W]ith great joy . . . they were continually in the temple praising God” (Luke 24:53). How can we continually praise God? The answer can be found in the second reading, in which Paul prays that God will give us a “Spirit of wisdom and revelation” in order to know Christ clearly (Ephesians 1:17). We cannot stand at a distance. We are to be enlightened and empowered. MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH TODAY!!!!! 8:30am to 12 Noon Cost is $8 per person or $20 for families, it’s the best deal in town! MENU (Buffet Style): ALL Included Crab Benedict Pancakes Scrambled Eggs Fresh Fruit Free Mimosas Orange Juice Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate Proceeds Benefit: OLL Boy Scout Council This Week at OLL May 8—May 15 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Helping Hands Prayer Group—1pm—Church Al-Anon—Convent – 7:15pm ICF—Hall—5:30pm Our Lady’s Prayer Group—Church—7:30pm Thurs. Choir—Church—6:30pm Fri. Adoration—Chapel—9:30pm to 5:00pm Sat. Cenacle—Chapel—9:30am First Communion—OLL School—11am Sun. PENTECOST Esta semana en OLL 8 Mayo — 15 Mayo Domingo: ASCENSION DEL SENOR Lunes: Martes: Helping Hands Grupo de Oración por la Iglesia-1pm JPC Discipulados—Capilla del Convento –7pm Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro-Chapel-6pm Al-Anon-Convento - 7:15 pm Miércoles: Miércoles de Ceniza Nuestra Señora Grupo de Oración- Capilla– 7:30pm Ensavo del Coro-Espanol—Iglesia—7pm Jueves: Jueves Santo Viernes: Adoration—Chapel—9:30pm to 5pm Sat. Cenacle—Chapel—9:30am Domingo: PENTECOSTES WORK OPPORTUNITIES OLL YOUTH MINISTRY will be sending 25 young people to this year’s Steubenville San Diego conference this Summer from July 29-31. We need your help getting there and we’re willing to work for it! While we will be fundraising in the months to come, each family is responsible for contributing $400 – this works out to be about 2/3 of their total trip cost. We have already had requests from parishioners looking to hire out yard help, set-up/clean-up for events, etc. If you have any opportunities for our teens, please contact the youth ministry office. ([email protected]; 897-2171 x277) Thanks! If you are interested in learning more about what our teens will experience during this powerful weekend, please visit and click on the “Steubenville San Diego” tab. THIS WEEK IN CONFIRMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY Congratulations to our 2016 Confirmandi! May God bless you & hold you close to his Most Sacred Heart. May you always know of the work of the Holy Spirit in your lives! Thank you to Bishop Tom Daly for joining us for this Sacrament. We are so happy to have you back here with us at Our Lady of Loretto. Monday, 5/9: Middle School classes meet in the convent, 7-8:30 in the Convent. There will be no YM Thursdays until May 26. See you then! Steubenville San Diego Travelers: Ther e will be a parent meeting on Monday 5/16 at 7:30pm in the convent. Please make sure to attend so that we can finalize all paperwork and set our summer schedule! CONTINUAMENTE ALABANDO A DIOS Tanto la primera lectura como el Evangelio nos cuentan la gloriosa Ascensión de Cristo al cielo. La carta de san Pablo a los efesios nos recuerda que Cristo está sentado a la derecha de Dios en el cielo, por encima de todos los coros de ángeles. Puede que tengamos la tentación de mantenernos a reverencial distancia de Jesucristo. Sin embargo, el tono de las lecturas de hoy dista mucho de esa tentación. El tono es exuberante y el mensaje es urgente. Hemos de ser sus testigos, y el Evangelio describe a los primeros testigos de esta manera: “Muy alegres. . . permanecían constantemente en el templo alabando a Dios” (Lucas 24:53). ¿Cómo podemos alabar a Dios continuamente? La respuesta se encuentra en la segunda lectura, en la cual Pablo pide a Dios que nos conceda un “espíritu de sabiduría y de reflexión” para conocer a Cristo claramente (Efesios 1:17). No podemos mantenernos a distancia. Vamos a ser iluminados y fortalecidos. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Jesús les dice a los discípulos que recibirán el poder del Espíritu Santo (Hch 1:1-11). Salmo — Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono (Salmo 47 [46]). Segunda lectura — Que el Padre de la gloria del Espíritu de sabiduría y revelación (Efesios 1:17-23) o Hebreos 9:24-28; 10:19-23. Evangelio — Los discípulos fueron testigos de todos los sucesos de la vida de Cristo. (Lucas 24:46-53). AMOR DE MADRE Hay una sola criatura hermosa en el mundo, y es la de cada madre. —Proverbio chino Queridos amigos, Como ya he mencionado en la carta de mi pastor hace dos semanas, mucho está pasando por aquí como el año escolar llega a su fin. El día de madre feliz a toda nuestra OLL de mamá. Hoy es su día especial. Espero que sea un buen año para todos ustedes. 2ª Colección de hoy es para Caridades Católicas. Catholic Charities hace mucho bien en esta Arquidiócesis, especialmente con los pobres y sin hogar. Por favor sea tan generoso que puedas con esto una vez al año la colección. ¡Gracias! Estoy planeando una peregrinación a Roma para la canonización de la Madre Teresa el 4 de septiembre. Estaríamos dejando OFS el 31 de agosto y estaríamos regresando el 10 de septiembre. Además de Roma, que sería ir a un número de diferentes lugares sagrados en Italia, como Assis y Loretto. Si está interesado, por favor, dame una llamada en la Rectoría. Durante este Año Santo de la Merced, el Papa nos ha pedido que se anule un día por la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. Estaba pensando en hacer esto a partir del lunes, 20 de junio con la misa de las 9 am y acabar con ella el martes, 21 de junio de nuevo, con el 09 a.m. Misa. Estoy haciendo esto en el día de verano comienza, la noche más corta del año. Si está interesado en ser adoradores, especialmente durante las horas de la noche por favor, dar a conocer. CYO es un gran programa que tenemos aquí en OLL que permite a nuestros jóvenes a participar en los deportes. Una de las reglas que tenemos es que la familia pertenece a una iglesia y el joven se encuentra en la instrucción religiosa. Sonidos justo para mí, pero hay algunos padres que están desafiando esta regla. CYO no pedir mucho, pero lo poco que piden, algunos padres tienen un problema. Es triste decirlo, esto no habría sucedido cuando yo estaba creciendo. Al & Pat Olivier se mueven al sur de California, en las próximas semanas, para estar más cerca de su hija. Al & Pat han sido feligreses aquí desde 1963. No me gusta ver buenas personas como Al & Pat licencia. Les doy las gracias por sus muchos años de servicio a OLL y les deseo todo lo mejor en su nuevo hogar. Por último, se trata de un largo retraso gracias a todos los que hicieron nuestras celebraciones de Pascua tan especial este año. Gracias, Sociedad del Altar, por las hermosas flores y decoraciones. Gracias Ministros de Eucaristía, Lectores, servidores y acomodadores. Sin ti, no habríamos tenido una Pascua. Por último, pero no menos importante, quiero agradecer a nuestro Coro, especialmente rico Elliott. Usted nunca ha sonado mejor! Su música maravillosa Pascua hizo mucho más especial para mí y para la parroquia. Gracias por ser el mejor coro en todo el condado de Marin usted. Ascensión feliz! ¡Feliz día de la madre! Padre Brian