news - Heat and Drought Kills Trees in Southwest
news - Heat and Drought Kills Trees in Southwest
news - Heat and Drought Kills Trees in Southwest 1 of 4 Miércoles 12 de octubre de 2005 notas de prensa enviar | publicar agencia internacional de noticias 24 horas mapa noticias gratis ¿Qué? |¿Por qué?| Servicios | Contenidos |Aprenda ALTA BOLETÍN - ¿qué es? su email Enviar Contratar > Estás en >> > Tecnología > Ciencias > Medios > National Science Foundation (NSF) NCZ1_2 - publicidad 911 Bark Beetle Treatment Pine Bark Beetle Tree Injection Arborjet Effectively Injects Pines Bark Beetle Control with DIY systemic tree implants that that contain insecticide and food noticias patrocinadas MUNDIAL 2006: España, pendiente de Belgrado Real Federación Española de Fútbol (RFEF) Pine Bark Beetle Great deals on Pine Bark Beetle Shop on eBay and Save! << atrás | enviar | imprimir MUNDIAL 2006: Noche de infarto en Europa UEFA (español) MUNDIAL 2006: Golear y esperar - España necesita vencer por cinco goles de diferencia a San Marino y que Bosnia empate como mínimo en Belgrado. UEFA (español) FIFA WORLD CUP: Europe's night of destiny UEFA (English) Fuente: © National Science Foundation (NSF) Heat and Drought Kills Trees in Southwest Study sheds light on how quickly vegetation may respond to climate change / According to newly published research, a massive die off of pinyon trees throughout the Southwest was caused by higher atmospheric temperatures combined with drought and lowered pest resistance. fotos While the trees ultimately succumbed to infestations of bark beetles, "it was the drought," said research team leader David Breshears, a biologist at the University of 10/12/2005 10:27 AM news - Heat and Drought Kills Trees in Southwest 2 of 4 Arizona. "Beetles don't get trees unless the trees are really water-stressed" and unable to make enough pinesap to defend themselves against the insects, he said. These photos show the massive die-off of pinyon pines that occurred during a recent drought. Breshears, Neil Cobb, director of the Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Paul Rich, research scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in N.M. and their colleagues reported their findings this week in the online Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1987, researchers established a study site in the pinyon-juniper woodland zone at LANL in northern N.M. They measured moisture and temperature of the location and used satellites to determine the extent of tree cover, according to Alan Tessier, program director in the National Science Foundation's division of environmental biology, which co-funded the research with several federal agencies. © D. Allen, U.S. Geological Survey The region's 60,000 square miles (about 155,000 square km) of pinyon-juniper woodlands became a lot less green starting in 2002, the team found. By the end of 2003, more than 90 percent of the pinyons in the study plot were dead. Breshears says such higher temperatures and drought are of the type predicted by climate-change models. The National Science Foundation (NSF), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, NASA and the National Institutes of Health funded the research. datos de la noticia Noticia nº: Ads by Google Douglas Fir Trees Pine Bark Beetle Spruce Trees Cedar Trees White Pine Trees 107739 10/12/2005 10:27 AM news - Heat and Drought Kills Trees in Southwest 3 of 4 Fuente : Marca Ciudad: País: Agencia emisora: Grupo Sección Subsección Fecha emisión: Fecha publicación: Tiempo de lectura National Science Foundation (NSF) NSF Arlington Estados Unidos (no informado) Tecnología Ciencias Medios Ads by Goooooogle White Pine Trees Great deals on White Pine Trees Shop on eBay and Save! Evergreen Trees Fast Growing Privacy Screens that take up very little yard space 11/10/2005 11/10/2005 Pine Bark Beetles Products and information about pine bark beetles. 1 min NCZ3 - publicidad << atrás | enviar | imprimir Últimas noticias de National Science Foundation (NSF) New Collaborations Tackle Biology's Perplexing Questions 11/10/2005 NSF Awards 19 New Projects to Better Understand Genetic Processes in Plants of Economic Importance 10/10/2005 New Grants Are Awarded to Inform the Public and Explore the Implications of Nanotechnology 10/10/2005 Solar Telescope Yields Striking New Sunspot Images 10/10/2005 Team Scores a Success in Protein Folding 10/10/2005 >> ver todas las anteriores agenda No hay actos de agenda nuevos convocatorias entrevistas No hay convocatorias nuevas No hay entrevistas de esta >> ver todas fuente 10/12/2005 10:27 AM news - Heat and Drought Kills Trees in Southwest 4 of 4 >> ver todas >> ver todas << volver | portada | noticias de hoy NCZ2 publicidad White Pine Trees Great deals on White Pine Trees Shop on eBay and Save! Evergreen Trees Pine Bark Beetles Fast Growing Privacy Screens that Products and information about don't take up a lot of yard space. pine bark beetles. White Spruce Trees Shop for Home Furnishing! Compare & Buy from 1000's of Stores Legal | Publicidad | Nosotros | Hágase Partner | Contáctenos | Advertencia Legal: El contenido de las noticias, comunicados, notas de prensa, actos de agenda y entrevistas aparecidas en esta web es responsabilidad exclusiva de la empresa u organización que las emite. se limita a reproducirlas íntegramente. © 2002-2005 NoticiasB2B, S.L. - Todos los derechos reservados; Tel. (00 34) 934 414 008; [email protected] su página de inicio versión 2.0 10/12/2005 10:27 AM