September 4, 2016 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
September 4, 2016 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church 17270 Ward St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Tel: (714) 963-1811 * Fax: (714) 968-1775 * Email: [email protected] & HolySpiritFV Parish Office Clergy: Msgr. Tuan Joseph Pham, JCL, Pastor Reverend Thomas De Nguyen Reverend Dan Wilder Deacon Phil Goodman Deacon Paul Manh Van Mai Deacon Rigoberto Maldonado Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm Faith Formation: (714) 963-7871 Sr. Cecilia Trang Pham, LHC, Director Roz Esh, English Coordinator Sr. Yen Van Nguyen, LHC, Vietnamese Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry: (714) 330-4063 Chris Ord, Coordinator [email protected] His Hands Service: (714) 968-2111 17101 Ward St., FV, CA 92708 Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 11:00am Bulletin: Please submit your ar ticle by Sunday night a week before the requested date to [email protected] Our Mission We, the Parish Community of Holy Spirit Catholic Church, are a family of many cultural backgrounds. Our mission is to enrich the spiritual life of all parishioners, through the active participation in prayer and the sacraments, promoting opportunities to grow in faith and hope, and providing a place to come together in the love of God and neighbor. We are committed to the needs of our parishioners and to reach beyond to serve the needs of others. We are called by the Spirit to witness the forgiving, healing and saving presence of Jesus as one Church and one people. (Adopted January 12, 2006) September 4, 2016 - 23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time Sacraments Anointing of the Sick: In case of serious illness or emergency, please contact the Parish Office. Baptism: Contact the Par ish Office. Reconciliation: Satur day fr om 3:30pm - 4:30pm or by appointment. Mass Schedule Daily Mass English: 6:30am Mon. - Fri. 9:00am Mon. - Sat. Vietnamese: 5:45pm Friday Sunday Mass Marriage: Contact the Par ish Office at least six months prior to the proposed date. Saturday Vigil English: 5:00pm Spanish: 6:30pm Vietnamese: 8:00pm Eucharistic Adoration: Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 9:00am. 24 Hour Adoration every Friday and on the 4th of each month following the 9:00am Mass. Sunday English: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 5:00pm Vietnamese: 1:30pm, 3:15pm, 6:30pm bâÜ ÑtÜ|á{ Ä|yx Éy cÜtçxÜ SUNDAY’S REFLECTION Invited: The Good News is that we have all been invited invited to the Kingdom, invited to be disciples. It’s a lifechanging invitation, and like so many other such invitations, it requires a great deal of deliberation and discernment. Whether we choose marriage, ordination, single life, or community life, we know the serious planning and consideration that accompany these profound decisions. Like the tower-builder in the Gospel, we have weighed both the monetary and emotional cost. We have pondered and planned our lives in the direction to which we believe God has called us. And while we pray for guidance and acceptance of God’s will, we often fail to understand so much. Like Solomon, we turn to God for wisdom and counsel in our life-changing decisions. JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY: Weekly Reflection Question “For who can learn the counsel of God? Or who can discern what the Lord wills? For the reasoning of mortals is worthless, and our designs are likely to fail.” (Wisdom 9:13–14) Adult: How do you try to discover what God is asking of you? Youth: When is it hard for you to know the right thing to do? PRAYER FOR OUR BELOVED SICK Barbara Arnold Bret Batchelor Ralph Bickles Coralie Bowman Peggy Branley Luz Busco Donald Cashion Rodrigo Castro Barbara Collins Natalie Collison Josie Cox Nick DeMarco Shannon DeMarco Kathy Diersing Paul Diersing Larry Doan Albert Erhard Paul Erhard Robert Espinosa Frank Figueroa Finley Family Patti Fish Lucille Fournier Sabrinna Gabb Mayme Gonzales Joyce Grandison Richard Guarnieri Carmen Hernandez Jeslyn Hoang Troy Ibarra Bruce Karlevas Henry Paul Karwan Theresa Keehfuss Mary Killeen Erwin Kress Ben Lumen Gerry Mariacher Regina McPolye Rudy Mejia Dzung Nguyen Dennis Ortega Sharon Pennington Christopher Rehak Mary Ruth Rivet Dieu Quy Pham Huong Pham Karen Provost Amanda Sanchez Don Schumacher Cozy Shaffer Marcia Slack Cathy Weber Betty West Donna Wilson And for all those in board care homes & housebound REST IN GOD’S LOVE & PEACE Our Parish Community wishes to extend our sympathy to the family and friends of all the faithful departed, especially Kaylin Zimms. WEDDING BANNS Sept. 10 Thao K. Hong & Huy Nguyen Anh Thuy Nguyen & Do Ngoc Vu Sept. 17 Greg & Ignes Islas Sept. 24 Trishia Nhi Le & David Minh Lam Oct. 1 Uyen Pham & Danny Nguyen MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, September 5 - Labor Day 6:30am: All Souls in Purgatory † 9:00am: John & Theresa Tran † Tuesday, September 6 6:30am: Anna Ro Ginger Grace Hughes & Family Mitchell Udell Peace for the World Bob Altenback Lucille Fournier 9:00am: Kristen Dobis Wednesday, September 7 6:30am: Don & Lee Carothers † Lucille Leroux † Marie Cook † All Souls in Purgatory † Theresa & Eraldo Ciccarelli † Phero Tran Duc Hanh † Addy & Bill Fry † Annie McGee † Marylou De La Cruz † Peggy Houle † For the Victims in Italy Earthquake 9:00am: Anthony Budano Thursday, September 8 - The Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30am: Anton Tuyen Vu † 9:00am: Paula Fuertes † Friday, September 9 - St. Peter Claver 6:30am: Angela Conti † 9:00am: Teresa Anh Nguyen † Saturday, September 10 9:00am: Bishop Kevin Vann 5:00pm: Donald Mullin † 6:30pm: Porfiria Salcedo & Rafaella Lopez † Sunday, September 11 - 24th In Ordinary 7:30am: Elsa Ozibko † 9:00am: John O’Conner † 10:30am: George & Esther Blanc 12:00pm: Faith Form. Catechists & Volunteers 5:00pm: Anthony Ha Vuong † († Rest in God’s love and peace) bâÜ ÑtÜ|á{ Ä|yx Éy fxÜä|vx LEGION OF MARY Join us in celebrating the birthday of our Blessed Mother Mary on Thursday, September 8, following the 9:00am Mass. All parishioners are invited to come and participate in a special Rosary procession starting in the Church and ending at the Grotto. You are encouraged to bring Our Mother flowers. Light refreshments will be served. Come and give her honor and love. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoration for September will be on Sunday, September 4 after the 6:30pm Mass until the 6:30am Mass on Monday, Sept. 5. “The Eucharist is the secret of my day. It gives strength and meaning to all my activities of service to the Church and to the world". St. John Paul II LABOR DAY HOLIDAY - Mon., Sept. 5 Mass will be at 6:30am and 9:00am. The Church will be closed at 12:00pm. The Parish Office & Faith Formation Office will be closed. Wishing you and your family a restful Labor Day Holiday. CHILDREN’S CHOIR NEWS-update We will be resuming rehearsals for our Children's Choir on September 14 in the Music Room at 6:30pm. A short and mandatory Parent's Meeting and Introduction will be held. Our choir will sing for special Children's Masses, other Sunday Masses throughout the school year, and our Christmas Concert. FMI, please call Carla at (323) 707-4331 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY announces the annual Baby Shower Sunday! The culmination of our baby development in the womb will be celebrated on the weekend of September 17 18. Please bring any baby items to the tables on the patio. The expectant mothers at Casa Teresa and Mary's Shelter are always astounded at the donations of layettes, baby furniture, bottles, hand knitt blankets, bath items, diapers, toys, and cash from our generous parishioners. Celebrate YOUR life by supporting mothers in crisis pregnancies who rise above their difficult circumstances, and put the lives of their babies first over the 'choice' of abortion. One saved child, saves generations!! THANK YOU!!! The Knights of Columbus thank you for joining our Parish Breakfast last weekend. We set a new record for most people on a ‘normal’ day - 214! We hope that you enjoyed the food and friendship. See you at our next breakfast Sunday, September 25, from 8:00 - 11:00am. OUR OFFERING TO THE LORD Sunday, August 28 $23,620 Budget $24,000 Thank you for your generosity! Your weekly support is used to sustain the ministries and ongoing operating needs of our parish!!! OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SOCIETY Mark your calendars! Come join us Wednesday, September 7, in Room #2 for our monthly meeting. The Rosary begins at 5:30pm, followed by our meeting. Invite a friend, all are welcome! Í Marquen sus calendarios! Acompáñennos el miércoles, 7 de septiembre en el Salón #2. El rosario empieza a las 5:30pm, y nuestra junta sigue inmediatamente. ÍLos invitamos a participar y a convivir con nosotros! ¡Invite a sus amistades, todos son bienvenidos! Volunteers Needed to Make Tamales: Please check your calendars and schedules. We need volunteers to help make tamales, on Monday, Sept. 26, Tuesday, Sept. 27, Thursday, Sept. 29, and Friday, Sept. 30 in Doyle Hall kitchen, from 7:00am – 3:00pm. Contact Patty at (714) 926-8500. Thank You! Favor de revisar sus calendarios y horarios. Necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar a hacer tamales empezando el lunes, 26 de septiembre, martes, 27 de septiembre, jueves, 29 de septiembre, y viernes, 30 de septiembre en la cocina de la parroquia, de 7:00am - 3:00pm. Favor de comunicarse con Patty al (714) 926-8500. ¡Gracias! Our Parish does not have a recycling bin. Please do not leave your items next to the trash bins. Thank you! Giaùo Xöù khoâng coù choã ñeå giöõ nhöõng oáng lon, chai loï. Ñeå giöõ veä sinh, xin mieãn ñeå nhöõng ñoà naøy gaàn thuøng raùc. SPANISH COMMUNITY Versículo Bíblico para memorizar: “…Así pues, cualquiera de ustedes que no renuncie a todos sus bienes, no puede ser mi discípulo”. Lucas 14, 25-33 VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY Thoâng Baùo Cuûa Coäng Ñoaøn Vieät Nam ♦ Oración Para Nuestras Familias “Señor, mío Jesucristo quiero seguirte con decisión y entusiasmo y, con tu gracia, estoy dispuesto a cargar mi cruz como auténtico discípulo tuyo.” (La Palabra Entre Nosotros Septiembre 2016, p. 27) Oremos Por Los Afligidos Con Enfermedades... El tierno cuidado de Dios los envuelve, son amados y apoya- ♦ dos en oración... Rodrigo Castro, Fred Konrad, Glenn L., Dan Cruz Gómez, Martha Bermúdez, María Elena Chávez, Roberto Olivo, Gabrielle Gil, Tom Brahan, Rod, Familia Collison, Larry Doan, Nancy Ahlswede, Bob Altenbeck, Charlie, Paul Nosek, Anita Tovar, Gabrielle Gil y Chavelita Orellana. ♦ † Oremos Por Los Difuntos: María Amparo Gómez, Antonio Gómez, Carmen Gómez, Helen Shaffer, Enrique Holquín, Connie Mendoza y Angelo. • 2016 - 2017 Inscripciones Para La Formación de La Fe ~ Invitamos a los padres de familia a inscribir a sus hijos en los ♦ programas de la Formación de la Fe. Las clases comenzarán en septiembre para los niños de pre-escolar hasta la preparatoria. Pasen a la Oficina de parroquial. • Bautismo ~ Pláticas Pre Bautismales en español para Padres y Padrinos en Holy Spirit. Para más información comuníquese con María Lubanski al (714) 315-6812. • Necesitamos Lectores/Proclamadores de La Palabra ~ ¿Le gustaría leer? Si usted puede leer claramente en voz alta, le pedimos su apoyo para ser lector los sábados en la Misa de 6:30 p.m. Tenemos muy pocos ministros en esta Misa y es urgente integrar a nuevas personas dispuestas a leer la Palabra de Dios en la Misa. Favor de llamar a Maria Lubanski al (714) 315-6812. • Coro para los niños en español: ~ Si usted está interesado en que sus hijos participen en el coro, comuníquese al número de teléfono de Los Ministerios Hispanos (714) 963-1811 ext. 127 y deje su información, o hable con Carla después de la Misa de las 6:30pm el sábado. Giaùo Xöù seõ coù Chöông Trình haønh höông Cöûa Thaùnh ñeå nhaän ôn toaøn xaù trong naêm Loøng Thöông Xoùt vaøo thöù Saùu ngaøy 7 thaùng 10. Xin ghi danh vôùi Ban Thöôøng Vuï sau caùc Thaùnh Leã hoaëc lieân laïc OÂng Chuû Tòch, Vũ Quaân taïi soá (714) 723-1495. Ñeå coù söï an toaøn cho caùc tín höõu, Nhaø Thôø seõ môû cöûa töø 5:00 saùng ñeán 9:00 toái moãi ngaøy trong tuaàn. Löu yù, xin haõy caån thaän khi ñeå nhöõng vaät quyù giaù trong xe khi tham döï Thaùnh Leã taïi Coäng Ñoaøn. Lôùp Giaùo Lyù cho ngöôøi Lôùn: Neáu quyù vò bieát ai muoán Röûa Toäi, hoaëc Röûa Toäi nhöng chöa Theâm Söùc, xin lieân laïc Thaày Saùu Mai Vaên Maïnh taïi số ñieän thoaïi (714) 457-4701 ñeå ghi danh lôùp Giaùo Lyù Döï Toøng Ñeå giuùp Giaùo Xöù coù theâm ngaân quyõ, xin ñi chôï Saigon City Marketplace vôùi maõ soá 69. . Lòch Trình Coâng Taùc Sinh Hoaït Thứ Bảy, 9/10: CN Thöù 24 Thöôøng Nieân Thaêng Tieán Hoân Nhaân Thoâng Caùo: Chò Phaïm Tuyeát Nga Tröïc Phieân: OÂng Vuõ Quaân Chuùa Nhật, 9/11: CN Thöù 23 Thöôøng Nieân Lễ 1:30pm Lieân Minh Thaùnh Taâm Thoâng Caùo: Chò Nguyeãn Mai Chi Tröïc Phieân: OÂng Nguyeãn Keá Lễ 3:15pm Thieáu Nhi Thaùnh Theå Thoâng Caùo: Chò Nguyeãn K. Loan Tröïc Phieân: Anh Nguyeãn Andy Lễ 6:30pm Ban Tieáp Ñoùn Thoâng Caùo: Chò Buøi Diane Haèng Tröïc Phieân: OÂng Ñoã Trinh OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SOCIETY: Pre-order of Tamales We are now taking pre-orders for tamales, which will be available on December 4 at the Christmas Boutique. This year, in addition to pork, we will be offering chicken tamales, too! If you are interested, you must order online by contacting Carol Souza at [email protected] or call Georgie (714) 349-1560 by Nov. 4. You can purchase warm ones or frozen to keep till Christmas. Payment is due at pick-up time, $22.00 per dozen. Please provide us with your name, phone number, number of dozen you want, your choice of meat (pork or chicken) and whether you want them warm or frozen. Este año como es costumbre están ofreciendo tomar ordenes de tamales por adelantado, las cuales se venderán en el Boutique Navideño en diciembre 4. Además de poder ordenar tamales de carne de puerco, vamos a ofrecer hacer tamales de pollo también. Si está interesado en ordenar tamales de pollo debe enviar un email a Carol Souza al correo electrónico email [email protected] o llamar a Georgie al (714) 349-1560 antes del 4 de noviembre. Pueden comprarlos calientitos o congelados para servirlos en Navidad. Paga su orden cuando la recoge $22.00 la docena. Proporcione su nombre, número de teléfono, cuántas docenas quiere, que prefiere de carne de puerco o pollo y como los prefiere congelados o calientitos. ¡Muchas Gracias! FAITH FORMATION (714) 963-7871 l [email protected] l Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 5:00pm l Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00pm DAY OF PRAYER & REFLECTION Catechists, Teacher Assistants, & Volunteers Saturday, September 17 9:00am - 12:15pm in Doyle Hall Speakers: Fr. Claude Williams, O. Praem Sr. Christen Thanh Nguyen, LHC Angela Trang Nguyen Van Thanh Nguyen Office: Monday - Friday from 9:30am - 5:00pm Classes are based on availability of seating and they will be closed when filled. FIRST PARENT MEETING Discussion for upcoming events of the year; handbook will be given. Please RSVP by September 15 COMMISSIONING MASSES Sunday, September 18 12:00pm, 3:15pm, & 5:00pm • • • • • • Grades K - 5 for weekday English Program Wednesday, October 12 * 7:00pm Grades 1 - 8 for Bilingual Program Sunday, October 16 * 1:00pm EDGE: Grades 6 - 8 English Program Thursday, September 22 * 7:00pm Confirmation 1: Both Programs Sunday, November 6 * 2:00pm Confirmation 2: English Program Tuesday, October 4 * 7:15pm Confirmation 2: Vietnamese Program Sunday, October 9 * 3:00pm FIRST DAY OF CLASS: SEPT. 18, 20, 21, 22, 24 JOB OPPORTUNITY DIOCESAN MINISTRIES CELEBRATION Mater Dei High School * October 15, 2016 “Together We Journey, Together in Faith” Seeking for Part-Time energetic & enthusiastic Young Adult Minister. FMI: contact our office or send your resume to [email protected] The Catholic Faith. On Demand. The best Catholic content. All in one place. Watch and listen to Catholic movies and programs such as the Catholicism with Bishop Barron. FREE for all Holy Spirit Parishioners. “Our gathering this year is very much in the context of the journey of Faith which began for our Diocese in 1976, and of course, is very situated in the missionary and evangelical context of ‘making disciples’ and living the ’Joy of the Gospel’” Bishop Kevin W. Vann You can register online at or pick a booklet in our office. Please contact our office to register together. Discount for group of 15+. Deadline to register is on September 19. Free-will offering. Donation will go toward the Faith Formation Program. Register at Parishioners, enter code: KNHQW4 “anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” Lk 14:25-33 bâÜ ÑtÜ|á{ Ä|yx à{|á ãxx~ 9 axãá tÜÉâÇw à{x W|Évxáx Monday, Sept 5 7:00-8:30am Men’s Bible Study 9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer 9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People Room #4 Room #6 Room #7 Tuesday, Sept 6 9:00-12:00pm ESL Class –HB Adult School 9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer 9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People 9:45-11:45am AFF: Prophets and Kings 7:00-9:00pm Knights of Columbus Room #4 Room #6 Room #5 Rome 7 Doyle Hall Wednesday, Sept 7 9:00-12:00pm ESL Class –HB Adult School 9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer 9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People 4:00-6:00pm Liturgical Dancing 5:30-6:45pm Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:00-7:00pm Stewardship CommiƩee 6:00-9:00pm LAST-MeeƟngs 7:00-8:00pm CharismaƟc Group 7:00-8:30pm Women’s Bible Study 7:00-9:00pm RCIA Year 2 7:00-9:00pm Folk Choir-Rehearsal 7:15-8:45pm Spanish Choir– Rehearsal 7:30-9:00pm BapƟsm Class Room #4 Room #6 Room #7 Church Room #2 Room #1 Rooms #4-6 Room #1 Room #3 Room #7 & 8 Doyle Hall Music Room Church Thursday, Sept 8 9:00-11:00am Senior Grocery DistribuƟon Room #8 9:00-12:00pm ESL Class –HB Adult School Room #4 9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer Group Room #6 9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People Room #7 4:00-6:00pm Liturgical Dancing-Rehearsal Church 5:00-9:00pm 10:30am Choir Music Rm & 9 5:15-7:00pm Legion of Mary – English Room #3 6:00-9:00pm El Camino Real Assembly 85 Doyle Hall 7:00-8:00pm Spanish Community Room #3 7:00-8:30pm 7:00-9:00pm 7:00-9:00pm 7:00-9:00pm BapƟsm Class-VN RCIA Year 1 Cursillo Men’s MeeƟng EucharisƟc Apostles of DM Friday, Sept 9 9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer Group 9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People 4:00-5:30pm Liturgical Dancing-Rehearsal 6:00-8:00pm EDGE Leader Training Rooms #1 & 2 Rooms #7 & 8 Room #4 Room #6 Room #6 Room #7 Church Rooms #7 - 8 Saturday, Sept 10 9:30-12:30pm RE Day of Prayer ALL 1:30-3:00pm VN Language ALL 3:15-5:15pm Liturgical Dancing-Rehearsal Doyle Hall 6:00-8:00pm Legion of Mary Jr.–VN Room #7 6:00-8:00pm 8:00pm Choir Music Rm & #9 Sunday, Sept 11 8:00-10:00am Cursillo - VN Room #3 9:00-10:00am Children Liturgy Rooms #7 & 8 9:00-10:30am 10:30am Choir - Rehearsal Music Room 9:00-1:00pm Secular Franciscan Order-VN Room #1 9:30-11:30am Bible Study: MaƩhew Room #6 10:15-12:00 EucharisƟc Youth-VN Room #3 10:30-11:30am 12:00pm Choir– Rehearsal Music Room 11:00-2:00pm Private Event Doyle Hall 11:30-1:30pm 1:30pm Choir Rehearsal Music Rm & 9 1:00-3:00pm Bible Study Room #7 1:30-3:00pm Children’s Choir-VN Music Room 2:45-4:30pm Sacred Heart of Jesus-VN Room #4 3:00-5:00pm RCIA Year1 Room #7 3:30-6:30pm RCIA-VN Rooms #5 & 6 3:45-4:30pm Kingdom Seekers Choir Music Room 4:30-6:00pm 6:30pm Choir Doyle Hall 5:00-7:00pm RCIA Year 2 Room #7 Save the date: OUR PARISH ANNUAL BLESSING of the ANIMALS Saturday, October 2 after the 9:00am Mass In honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, we will be having our annual Blessing of the Animals in the grass area near the entrance of the Church. This year, we will have pet-sitting upon request so you can attend the 9:00am Mass. Please call Carla if you need her to watch your precious pet at (323) 707-4331. Diocese of Orange - Office of Vicar for Religious VOCATION DISCERNMENT GATHERINGS For men and women (18 - 40yrs old) interested in Religious Life being a Sister, Brother, or Religious Priest are invited to our Discernment Gatherings on September 11. Our gatherings are held in Room 1F of the Pastoral Center, 13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, 92840 at 2:00pm. For more information please contact Sr. Eymard Flood, OSC (714) 282-3114 or email at [email protected] MATER DEI HIGH SCHOOL REUNION : Class of 1976/1977 - 40 Year on Sat., Oct. 8, at 5:30pm Mass in the Mater Dei Chapel and 6:30pm - Reunion Begins at Mater Dei HS - LeVecke Center. FMI, visit & click Alumni/Class Reunions Or call Joe Conway at (800) 660-8141 At the TOUCH of a BUTTON, our parish app will provide ♦ Reminders of mass time, confession time, holy day and holiday Masses. ♦ Daily readings and reflections. ♦ Pray and prayer reminders ♦ Remind you to silence your phone 20 minutes before your selected Mass. ♦ Weekly news, bulletin, and more... So, be sure to download the app after Mass today by visiting or searching for MyParish on your phone's app store, and stay connected with us all week long. Questions? Problems? Come by the Parish Office...we’re here!