Climate is Changing Collections Management
Climate is Changing Collections Management
Climate is Changing Collections Management 9 June, 2016 Miami, Florida, USA Neil Gerlowski, MAT, Director Ejecutivo, Jardín Botánico de Vallarta Background on Mexican Botanical Gardens • Approx. 40 member gardens actively involved with the Asociación Mexicana de Jardines Botánicos • Several also involved with international organizations including the American Public Gardens Association and the Botanic Gardens Conservation International • Mostly concentrated in central regions near major cities • Vary from a few large and heavily visited gardens to university gardens with limited public visitation Climate is Changing Collections Management Introductory Information on the Vallarta Botanical Garden (VBG) A Botanical Garden’s Advancements in conserving the diversity of native Mexican Oaks and Magnolias Introductory Information on the Vallarta Botanical Garden (VBG) Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Vallarta Botanical Garden 300-400 m A Botanical Garden’s Advancements in conserving Nevado ColimaOaks and Magnolias the diversity of native de Mexican (Highest Point in State) 4270 m Introductory Information on the Vallarta Botanical Garden (VBG) Climate is Changing Collections Management From: Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) in Mexico and Central America: A Synopsis J. Antonio Vazquez-G; Brittonia, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Jan. – Mar., 1994), 1-23 Magnolia pacifica in the Cerro San Juan Photo: Dr. Miguel Ángel Muñiz Castro Magnolia vallartensis Photo: Dr. Miguel Ángel Muñiz Castro Magnolias in propagation and on display at the VBG A Botanical Garden’s Advancements in conserving the diversity of native Mexican Oaks and Magnolias Magnolia Species at the Vallarta Botanical Garden Diversidad y diferenciación genética de Magnolia pugana y Magnolia pacifica, especies endémicas del occidente de México TESIS Que para obtener el ttulo de LICENCIADO EN BIOLOGÍA PRESENTA AHTZIRI SOCORRO CARRANZA ARANDA Las Agujas, Zapopan, Jalisco, Diciembre de 2014. Amo el canto de zenzontle Pájaro de cuatrocientas voces, Amo el color del jade Y el enervante perfume de las flores, Pero más amo a mi hermano: el hombre. I love the song of the mockingbird, Bird of four hundred voices, I love the color of the jadestone And the enervating perfume of flowers, But more than all I love my brother: man. Nezahualcóyotl (1402 – 1472)