lista parcial de Artículos y Libros


lista parcial de Artículos y Libros
Esteban Boltovskoy
Boltovskoy, E. 1954. Foraminíferos del golfo San Jorge. Inst. Nac. Invest. Cienc. Nat.,
Rev., Geol., 3(3):85-246.
Boltovskoy, E. 1954. Foraminíferos de la Bahía San Blas. Inst. Nac. Invest. Cienc. Nat.,
Rev., Geol., 3(4):247-300.
Boltovskoy, E. 1954. The species and subspecies concept in the classification of the
Foraminifera. The Micropaleontologist, 8(3):52-56.
Boltovskoy, E. 1956. Application of chemical ecology in the study of the Foraminifera.
Micropaleontology, 2(4):321-325.
Boltovskoy, E. 1958. The foraminifera fauna of the Río de la Plata and its relation to the
Caribbean area. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., Contr., 9(1):17-21.
Boltovskoy, E. 1959. Foraminifera as biological indicators in the study of ocean currents.
Micropaleontology, 5(4):473-48l.
Boltovskoy, E. 1962. Planktonic Foraminifera as indicators of different water masses in the
South Atlantic. Micropaleontology, 8(3):403-408.
Boltovskoy, E. 1965. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Jahreszyklen der Foraminiferen. Internat.
Rev. Hydrobiol., 50(2):293-2296.
Boltovskoy, E. 1965. Twilight of foraminiferology. J. Paleont., 39:383-390.
Boltovskoy, E. & Theyer, F. 1965. Neuere Daten über rezente Foraminiferen Zentralchiles.
Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna, 4(3):143-149.
Boltovskoy, E. 1966. La Zona de Convergencia Subtropical/Subantártica en el océano
Atlántico (parte occidental) (un estudio en base a la investigación de Foraminíferos indicadores). Argentina, Serv. Hidrogr. Nav., H. 640, p. 1-69.
Boltovskoy, E. 1966. Depth at which Foraminifera can survive in sediments. Cushman
Found. Foram. Res., Contr., 17(2):43-45.
Boltovskoy, E. 1966. Methods for sorting of Foraminifera from plankton samples. J.
Paleontol., 40(5):1244-1246.
Boltovskoy, E. 1968. Living planktonic Foraminifera of the eastern part of the tropical
Atlantic. Rev. Micropaléont., 11(2):85-98.
Boltovskoy, E. & Boltovskoy, A. 1968. Foraminíferos y tecamebas de la parte inferior del
río Quequén Grande, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (sistemática, distribución,
ecología). Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nat., Rev., Hidrobiol., 2(4):127-164.
Boltovskoy, E. 1969. Tanatocenosis de foraminíferos planctónicos en el estrecho de
Mozambique. Rev. Española Micropaleont., 1(2):117-129.
Boltovskoy, E. & Lena, H. 1969. Seasonal occurrences, standing crop and production in
benthic Foraminifera of Puerto Deseado. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., Contr., 20(3):8795.
Boltovskoy, E. & Lena, H. 1969. Microdistribution des Foraminifères benthoniques
vivants. Rev. Micropaléont., 12(3):177-185.
Boltovskoy, E. 1970. Distribution of the marine littoral Foraminifera in Argentina, Uruguay
and Southern Brazil. Mar. Biol., 6(4):335-344.
Boltovskoy, E. 1970. Masas de agua (característica, distribución,movimientos) en la
superficie del Atlántico sudoeste, según indicadores biológicos - foraminíferos. Argentina,
Serv. Hidr. Nav., H. 643, p. 1-99.
Boltovskoy, E. & Boltovskoy, D. 1970. Foraminíferos planctónicos vivos del Mar de la
Flota (Antártica). Rev. Española Micropaleont., 2(1):27-44.
Boltovskoy, E. & Lena, H. 1970. On the decomposition of the protoplasm and the sinking
velocity of the planktonic foraminifers. Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol., 55(5):797-804.
Boltovskoy, E. & Theyer, F. 1970. Foraminíferos recientes de Chile Central. Mus. Argent.
Cienc. Nat. Rev., Hidrobiol., 2(9):270-378.
Boltovskoy, E. 1971. Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages of the epipelagic zone and their
thanatocoenoses. In: Funnell, B. M. & Riedel, W. R. (eds.), The Micropaleontology of
Oceans, p. 277-288, Cambridge Univ. Press, London.
Boltovskoy, E. 1971. Ecology of the planktonic Foraminifera living in the surface layer of
Drake Passage. Micropaleontology, 17(1):3-68.
Boltovskoy, E. & Lena, H. 1971. The Foraminifera (except family Allogromiidae) which
dwell in fresh water. J. Foram. Res., 1(2):71-76.
Boltovskoy, E. 1973. Estudio de testigos submarinos del Atlántico Sudoccidental. Mus.
Argent. Cienc. Nat., Rev., Geol., 7(4):215-340.
Boltovskoy, E. 1973. Daily vertical migration and absolute abundance of living planktonic
Foraminifera. J. Foram. Res., 3(2):89-94.
Boltovskoy, E. 1973. Reconstruction of postpliocene climatic changes by means of planktic
Foraminifera. Boreas, 2:55-68.
Boltovskoy, E. 1973. Note on the determination of absolute surface water temperature by
means of the foraminifer Globigerina bulloides d'Orbigny. Paläont. Zeitschr., 47(3/4):152155.
Boltovskoy, E. 1974. Globorotalia hirsuta eastropacia n. subsp. - plankktonic subspecies
(Foraminiferida) from the tropical Pacific Ocean. Rev. Española Micropaleont., 6(1):127133.
Boltovskoy, E. 1974. Neogene planktonic foraminifera of the Indian Ocean (DSDP, Leg
26). In: Davies, T. A. & Luyendlyk, B. P. et al., 1974, Init. Repts. DSDP, 26, p. 675-713,
Washington (U. S. Gov. Print. Off.).
Boltovskoy, E. 1976. New observations on the solution of planktonic foraminiferal tests
and spines. In: Takayanagi, Y. & Saito, T. (eds.), Progress in Micropaleontology, Spec.
Publ. K. Asano, Micropal. Press, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, p. 17-19.
Boltovskoy, E. 1976. Distribution of Recent foraminifera of the South American region. In:
Hedley, R. H. & Adams, C. G. (eds.), Foraminifera, 2, p. 171-236, Academic Press,
Boltovskoy, E. 1977. Neogene deep water benthonic Foraminifera of the Indian Ocean. In:
Heirtzler, J. B., Bolli, H. M., Davis, T. A., Sauder s, J. B. & Sclater, J. G. (eds.). Indian
Ocean geology and biostratigraphy, p. 599-616, Amer. Geophys. Union, Washington, D. C.
Boltovskoy, E. 1978. Late Cenozoic benthonic Foraminifera of the Ninetyeast Ridge
(Indian Ocean). Mar. Geol., 26(1):139-175.
Boltovskoy, E. 1980. Benthonic Foraminifera of the bathyal zone from Oligocene through
Quaternary. Rev. Española Micropaleont., 12(2):283-304.
Boltovskoy, E. 1980. On the benthonic bathyal-zone Foraminifera as stratigraphic guide
fossils. J. Foram. Res., 10(3)163-172.
Boltovskoy, E. 1980. The age of the Drake Passage. Alcheringa (Australia), 4:289-297.
Boltovskoy, E. & Zapata, A. 1980. Foraminíferos bentónicos como alimento de otros
organismos. Rev. Española Micropaleont., 12(2):191-198.
Boltovskoy, E. 1981. Foraminifera. In: Boltovskoy, D. (ed.). Atlas del Zooplancton del
Atlántico Sudoccidental. Inst. Nac. Invest. Desarrollo Pesquero, Min. Comerc. Inter. Mar.,
Argentina, p. 317-352.
Boltovskoy, E. 1983. Late Cenozoic benthic Foraminifera off the coast of northwest Africa
(DSDP Site 369). J. African Earth Sci., 1(2):83-102.
Boltovskoy, E. & Giussani de Kahn, G. 1983. Evaluation of benthic monothalamous
foraminifers as guide fossils in Cenozoic deep-sea deposits of the South Atlantic.
Micropaleontogy, 29(3):298-308.
Boltovskoy, E. 1984. Foraminifera of mangrove swamps. Physis, A, 42(102):1-9.
Boltovskoy, E. 1984. Paleocene and Pleistocene benthic foraminiferal faunas of DSDP Site
465; comparison. Rev. de Micropaléont., 27(2):83-87.
Boltovskoy, E. & Watanabe, S. 1985. Foraminíferos bentónicos del Cenozoico (Paleoceno
superior-Cuartario) del Sitio 305 del DSDP (Pacífico Noroccidental). Rev. Española
Micropaleont., 17(2):281-314.
Boltovskoy, E. 1987. Foraminíferos bentónicos del Cenozoico del DSDP Site 167 (zona
batial, Pacífico Central). Rev. Española Micropaleont., 19(1):5-32.
Boltovskoy, E. 1987. Tertiary benthic Foraminifera in bathyal deposits on the Quaternary
World Ocean. J. Foram. Res., 17(4):279-285.
Boltovskoy, E. 1988. Size change in phylogeny of Foraminifera. Lethaia, 21:375-382.
Boltovskoy, E. & Totah, V. I. 1988. Masas de agua y foraminíferos bentónicos en el cono
sur de América Meridional. Rev. Española Micropaleont., 20(3):445-450.
Boltovskoy, E. & Boltovskoy, D. 1989. Paleocene-Pleistocene benthic foraminiferal
evidence of major paleoceanographic events in the eastern South Atlantic (DSDP Site 525,
Walvis Ridge). Mar. Micropal., 14:283-316.
Boltovskoy, E. 1990. Variability of foraminifers, some evolutionary trends, and validity of
taxonomic categories. Acta Paleontologica Polonica, 35(1-2):3-14.
Boltovskoy, E. 1990. On the destruction of foraminiferal tests (laboratory experiments).
Rev. Micropaléontol., 34(1):19-25.
Boltovskoy, E. & Giussani de Kahn, G. 1990. Benthic unilocular calcareous foraminifers in
the late Cenozoic deep-sea deposits of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Rev. Española
Micropaleont., 22(3):361-406.
Boltovskoy, E., Scott, D. B. & Medioli, F. S. 1990. Morphological variations of benthic
foraminiferal tests in response to changes in ecological parameters: a review. J. Paleontol.,
Boltovskoy, E. 1991. Ihering's hypothesis in the light of foraminiferological data. Lethaia,
Boltovskoy, E. & Totah, V. I. 1992. Preservation index and preservation potential of some
foraminiferal species. J. Foram. Res., 22(3):267-273.
Boltovskoy, E., Watanabe, S., Totah, V. I. & Vera Ocampo, J. R. 1992. Cenozoic benthic
bathyal foraminifers of DSDP Site 548. Micropaleontology, 38(2):183-207.
Boltovskoy, E. & Watanabe, S. 1993. Cenozoic monothalamous foraminifers from DSDP
Site 525 (southern Atlantic). Micropaleontology, 39(1):1-27.
Boltovskoy, E., Boltovskoy, D., Correa, N. & Brandini, F. 1996. Planktic Foraminifera
from the Southwestern Atlantic (30o-60oS): species-sspecific patterns in the upper 50 m.
Mar. Micropal., 28:53-72.
Boltovskoy, E. 1956. Diccionario Foraminiferológico Plurilingue. Dirección General de
Navegación e Hidrografía, Publicación Miscelánea 1001. Buenos Aires, 196 pp.
Boltovskoy, E. 1964. Planktological Dictionary in five languages: English, Spanish,
French, German and Russian. Servicio de Hidrografía Naval, Argentina, 107 pp.
Boltovskoy, E. 1965. Los Foraminíferos Recientes. Eudeba, Buenos Aires, 509 pp.
Boltovskoy, E. & Wright, R. 1976. Recent Foraminifera. W. Junk, The Hague, 515 pp.
Boltovskoy, E., Giussani , M., Watanabe, S. & Wright, R. 1980. Atlas of benthic shelf
Foraminifera of the southwest Atlantic. W. Junk, The Hague, 147 pp.