Course Options for Psychology Majors


Course Options for Psychology Majors
Course Options for Psychology Majors
Participating in Messiah-Approved Off-Campus Study
Messiah College EpiCenter
June 29, 2011
The following is a listing of courses that we have identified as possible options for students in your
department. This list is fluid and constantly changing. Please use this as a guide to help identify
programs that might work with your curriculum. However, please refer to current course listings for
actual courses that will be offered the semester that you are studying off campus.
City University – Athens
BC 303 Interpreting Statistics & Data
PSY 201 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 202 Understanding Human Development
PSY 311 Writing and Critical Thinking in Social Science
PSY 312 Research Methods and Statistics in Social Science
PSY 317 Social Psychology
PSY 319 Criminal Behaviour
Goldsmiths: University of London
The Psychology of the Person
Biological and Comparative Approaches to Psychology
Information Processing and Cognition
Biological Substrates of Behavior
Personality and Psychopathology
Social Psychology
The Psychology of Life-Span Development
Cognitive Psychology
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Topics in Cognition
Anomalistic Psychology
Organizational Behavior and Health
Topics in Neuropsychology
Psychology and Law
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Behavioral Genetics
Origins of Human Nature: Comparative and Evolutionary Approaches
Addictive Behavior
Human Relationships in Lifespan Perspective
Psychological Approaches to Music
LCC International University
CST 300 Conflict Analysis
PSY 122 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 200 Social Psychology
PSY 201 Human Development
PSY 221 Interpersonal Communication
PSY 252 Marriage and Family
PSY 254 Emotion and Motivation
PSY 303 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 305 Professional Ethics
PSY 310 Theories of Personality
PSY 312 Methods of Social Research
PSY 357 Health Psychology
PSY 362 Cognitive Psychology III: Thinking and Language
PSY 411 Organizational Psychology
PSY 413 Psychology of Religion
PSY 430 Group Dynamics and Leadership
PSY 475 Psychology Practicum
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210 Cultural Anthropology
SOC 215 Social Theory
SOC 265 Social Diversity and Equality
London Internship Program
PS1003 Cognitive Approaches to Mind and Behavior
PS1004 History and Theory in Psychology
PS1005 Biological Approaches to Mind and Behavior
PS1006 Life Span Psychology
PS2002 Cognitive Psychology 1
PS2003 Cognitive Psychology 2
PS2004 Biological Psychology
PS2005 Developmental Psychology
PS2006 Social Psychology
PS2007 Personality and Differential Psychology
PS3002 Concepts and Categorization
PS3003 Judgment and Decision making
PS3004 Memory Trends and Issues
PS3005 Sound and Symbol in Written Language
PS3006 Neurobiological Approaches to Perception, Attention, and Action
PS3007 Approaches to Autism
PS3012 Health Psychology
PS3013 Organizational Psychology
PS3015 Psychology as Philosophy
PS3016 Positive Psychology
PS3017 Social and Emotional Development – The Early Years
PS3018 Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
PS3019 Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience
Oregon Extension
PSY 396 Social Issues in Psychological Perspective
PSY 397 Psychological Perspectives on the Human Condition
PSY 398 Selected Topics in the Psychology of Religion
Oxford Study Abroad Program
Developmental Psychology
Psychological Disorders
Social Behaviour
OSAP offers a wide selection of courses in the field of Psychology. Available courses change with each
semester and Oxford confirms these courses near the date of registration.
Philipps-Universität – Marburg, GERMANY
Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Development Psychology I: Childhood and Youth Development
Social Psychology II
Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso
Christian Anthropology
Developmental Psychology I
Fundamentals of Social Work I
General Anthropology
Man & Games
Mapuche Games
Psychology of Love and Sexuality
Psychology of the Personality
Self Care and Healthy Lifestyle
Social Psychology
Scholars’ Semester in Oxford – Oxford, ENGLAND
Cognitive Neuroscience
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Questions in Science and Religion
Individual Differences
Language and Cognition
Learning and Memory
Memory, Attention, and Information Processing
Philosophy of Science and philosophy of psychology and neuroscience
Psychological Approaches to Literature
Psychological Disorders
Psychology of Religion
Social Psychology
University of Barcelona—SPAIN (BCA)
Bases e Inicios del Desarrollo
Segunda y Tercera Infancia
Fundamentos Socioculturales del Comportamiento
Cambios Evolutivos y Cambios Educativos
Psicología de la Memoria
Psicología y Trastornos de la Personalidad
Psicología de Grupos
Psicología del Pensamiento
Cultural Psychology
Political Psychology
University of Gloucestershire - Cheltenham, ENGLAND (BCA)
CHS302 Managing Partnerships in Community Settings
EL100 Environment and Society
EL102 Management at Work
EL103 The Decision Makers
EL104 Town and Country Planning
EL105 Community and Locality
EL106 Action with Communities
EL108 Project Management in Communities
EL122 People, Place and Change
EL125 Environmental Data Handling
EL199 Skills for Sustainability
EL201 Fieldweek
EL202 Investigative Methods
EL205 Concepts of Heritage
EL208 Managing the Rural Environment
EL210 Community Development Theory and Practice
EL212 Policy, Politics and Government
EL219 Development of Skills in the Workplace
EL221 Social Change and Space
EL229 Local Environmental Action
EL231 GIS and Remote Sensing
EL242 Design in the Community
PY101 Introduction to Psychology
PY105 Social Psychology
PY107 Biological Bases of Behaviour
PY108 Psychology and Society
PY204 Interpersonal and Group Behaviour
PY208 Investigative Methods
PY210 Perception, Learning and Memory
PY212 Psychology and Social Issues
PY213 Individual Differences
PY214 Abnormal Psychology
PY304 Counseling Psychology
PY305 Educational Psychology
PY306 Further Statistics and Investigative Methods
PY307 Psychology of Health
PY310 Clinical Psychology
PY312 Occupational Psychology
PY313 Cognitive Neuropsychology
PY314 The Psychology of Sex and Gender
PY315 History and Theories of Psychology
PY316 Thinking and Reasoning
PY318 Stereotypes and Social Cognition
PY331/338 Investigation
PY399 Independent Study
SWU101 History and Context of Contemporary Social Work
SWU102 Applied Social Sciences
SWU103 Social Work Skills
SWU104 Sociology
SWU105 Human Growth and Development
SWU106 Social Work Values
SWU107 Psychology
SWU160 Learning and Personal Development
SWU201 Practice Placement (100 Days)
SWU202 Risk Prevention, Risk and Protection
SWU203 Evidence Based Practice
SWU204 Managing Practice
SWU205 Social Work and Mental Health
SWU206 Social Work, Criminal Justice and Youth Offending
SWU301 Practice Placement (90 Days)
SWU302 Children and Families
SWU303 The Vulnerable Older Person
SWU304 Disability and Social Work
SWU305 Mental Health and Substance Misuse and Dependence
SWU306 Professional Identities
After careful review of safety concerns in the country of Ecuador, Messiah College’s International Risk
Management Committee has temporarily suspended participation in this program. The program is reviewed
regularly. Participation will resume as soon as it is the committee has determined that students can
participate with the reasonable expectation that they are in a safe learning environment.
University of San Francisco - Quito, ECUADOR (BCA)
SIC 201 Sicología General
SIC 202 Sicología Social
SIC 203 Sicología del Desarrollo
SIC 204 Sicología del Aprendizaje
SIC 206 Teorías de la Personalidad
SIC 210 Historia de la Sicología
SIC 231 Sicología Educativa
SIC 241 Sicología Organizacional
SIC 242 Ecología Laboral
SIC 262 Sexualidad y Atracción
SIC 263 Sicología Aplicada
SIC 301 Sicología Cognitiva
SIC 302 Teorías de la Motivación
SIC 303 Sicofisiología
SIC 304 Medición de Actitudes y Opiniones
SIC 305 Sicología Experimental
SIC 306 Medición en Sicología
SIC 331 Problemas de Aprendizaje
SIC 332 Diagnostico y Tratamiento de Problemas de Aprendizaje
SIC 333 Problemas del Lenguaje
SIC 341 Manejo de Grupos
SIC 343 Diseño de Proyectos Sociales
SIC 344 Sicología Comunitaria
SIC 364 Diferencias Sexuales
SIC 401 Investigación del Comportamiento
SIC 402 Proyecto Práctico Comunitario
SIC 403 Sicopatología y Psicofarmacología
SIC 416 Introducción a la Sicología Clínica
SIC 420-429 Tópicos en Sicología Clínica
SIC 430-439 Tópicos en Sicología Aplicada
SIC 440-449 Tópicos en Sicología Educativa
SIC 450-459 Tópicos en Sicología Organizacional
SIC 459 Tópicos en Sicometría
SIC 479 Tópicos en Sicología Médica
SIC 550 Terapia Cognitivoconductual
SIC 551 Práctica en Terapia Cognoscitivaconductual
SIC 552 Terapia Familiar
SIC 553 Terapias Sicodinámicas
SIC 554 Práctica Clínica en Terapias Sicodinámicas
SIC 555 Evaluación y Diagnóstico de Problemas de Aprendizaje
SIC 555 Práctica Clínica en Teoría Familiar Sistémica
SIC 557 Seminario Psicofarmacología
SIC 558 Terapia Humanista / Existencial
SIC 559 Práctica en Terapia Humanista / Existencial
SIC 560 Psicopatología: Niños y Adolescentes
SIC 561 Neuropsicología
SIC 562 Ética
SIC 563 Temas Especiales en Psicología Clínica
SIC 564 Tesis
SIC E01 Estudios Independientes de Sicología