Spanish 2 Pre-IB (0708810) Year at Glance for 2016-17
Spanish 2 Pre-IB (0708810) Year at Glance for 2016-17
Spanish 2 Pre-IB (0708810) Year at Glance for 2016-17 Quarter Theme, culture and connections Vocabulary Grammar Type of text 1 * Family relationships three generations. * New types of families: monoparental, blended families. * Culture: a. family portraits: Botero, Goya, Velásquez; b. famous families; c. family celebrations (bautizo, primera comunión, quinceañera, matrimonio). - Physical characteristics - Personal relationships - Feelings and moods - Personality traits. - Personal information Suggestions: Santillana 2 pg. 74 Santillana 3 pg. 60 - Adjective and noun gender and number agreement. - Plural of adjectives - Present tense, ser vs estar - Preterit vs. imperfect Letter Email 2 * Personal relationships: love and friendship. * Día del Amor y la Amistad, Día de San Jordi. * Famous couples. - Qualities, flaws, feelings, and emotions. - Conflicts and solutions. - Expressions to extend, accept, and reject invitations. * Santillana 3: pg. 114 * Realidades 3: pg. 196 - Comparative and superlative. - Direct and indirect object pronoun. - Reciprocal and reflexive verbs. - Transitional words and phrases or words to express time frame (todos los días, ese día, un día, siempre, etc). - Preterit and imperfect. Informal written corresponden ce (texting, posting comments, etc). Blogs. 3 * Costumes and traditions: Fashion and traditional clothing (traditional textiles). * Cultural diversity: Festivales (carnavales, máscaras, disfraces). - Clothing and accessories - Describing clothing - Stores and markets - Words and expressions to go shopping and bargaining. * Body Suggestions: Santillana 2: pg. 178 Santillana 3: pg. 168 - Past participles - Impersonal “se” - Present perfect - Positive and negative words to express existence (algo, nada, alguien, etc.) Interviews Advertisemen ts 4 * Costumes and traditions: Gastronomy * Health * Culture: la dieta mediterránea, sistemas de salud y medicina alternativa. * Music: el Niágara en Bicicleta (Juan Luis Guerra), y el curandero (Juanes) * food * shopping for food * cooking * at the restaurant * healthy habits * hygiene * medical consults Suggestions Santillana 2 p. 282 Santillana 3 p. 222 *negative and affirmative informal & commands. * expressions to give advice: tener que, hay que, etc. * subjunctive to give advice. * verbs like gustar * lastimar vs. doler Article Recipes Poster Brochure