COURSE GUIDE: Physical Oceanography Third degree in Marine
COURSE GUIDE: Physical Oceanography Third degree in Marine
1 Guía Docente Physical Oceanography PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 COURSE GUIDE: Physical Oceanography Third degree in Marine Science Catholic University of Valencia Year 2016-2017 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 Guía Docente PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Year 2016-17 COURSE GUIDE TO: Physical Oceanography ECTS SUBJECT: Physical oceanography 6 Field: Oceanography 36 Module: Professional module 66 Type of learning1: Compulsory Year: 3º CC Mar Semester: 1º Teacher: Amanda Sancho García Department: Applied Science and Technology E-mail: [email protected] ORGANIZACIÓN DEL MÓDULO ____________________________________________________________________________ Professional 66 ECTS Duration and temporal location within the curriculum: the three materials that make up the module are offered in two different courses. The subject “Oceanography” is taught in the first and second semester of third year, the art “marine living resources” is taught in the second half of third grade, and “Marine and Coastal Management” in the first half. Subjects and Courses Subject Oceanography 1 ECTS 36 ECTS Course/ Semeste r Physical Oceanography 6 3/1 Chemical Oceanography 6 3/1 Courses Formación básica (materia común), Obligatorias, Optativas, Prácticas externas, Trabajo Fin de Grado. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 3 Guía Docente Physical Oceanography PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography 6 3/1 Geological Oceanography 6 ·3/1 6 3/2 6 3/2 Aquaculture 6 3/2 Fisheries 6 3/2 Coastal Planning and Management 6 4/1 Marine Pollution 6 4/1 Legislation and Economy 6 4/1 Methods in Oceanography I: Physical and Geological Methods in Oceanography II: Chemical and Biological Marine Living Resources Marine and Coastal Management 12 18 COURSE GUIE TO THE SUBJECT: Physical oceanography Prerequisites: Physics knowledge GENERAL GOALS a. b. c. d. e. Acquire general knowledge in Physical Oceanography. Solving Physical Oceanography problems. Solving work practices and individual and work team. Knowledge and manage software application of Physical Oceanography. Analyse and interpret oceanographic data BASIC AND GENERAL COMPETENCES 2 Competences measuring scale 1 2 3 CG1 Capacity to analyze and synthesize. X CG2 Capacity to organize and plan X 4 CG3 Mastering Spanish oral and written communication X CG5 Knowing and applying Basic ITC skills related to marine science X 2 Enumerar correlativamente todas las competencias. Cada una de ellas debe ser ponderada de 1 a 4 utilizando como criterio el grado de contribución de la asignatura/materia a la adquisición y desarrollo de la competencia. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 4 Guía Docente PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 CG6 Capacity to manage information (capacity to look for and analyze information coming from different types of sources) CG7 Decision making 1 2 3 4 X CG8 Capacity to work in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary team X CG9 Interpersonal skills X CG10 Critical and self-critical capacity CG11 Capacity to learn X CG12 Capacity to adapt to new situations X CG13 Capacity to produce new ideas (creativity) X CG14 Leadership abilities X CG16 Capacity to apply theoretical knowledge CG17 Research skills X CG18 Sensitivity to environmental issues X CB2 Students are able to apply knowledge to their work in a professional way and have the competences enabling them to state and defend views and opinions as well as perform problem-solving tasks in their field of study. CB4 Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized or non-specialized audience. X CB5 Students develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies with a high level of autonomy. X CG1 Capacity to analyze and synthesize. X SPECIFIC COMPETENCES3 1 CE1 Knowing and understanding contents, principles and theories related to Oceanography 2 3 4 X 3 Seguir correlativamente con la anterior numeración. Las competencias específicas se ponderan de 1 a 4 siguiendo el mismo criterio que con las transversales. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 5 Guía Docente Physical Oceanography PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 CE2 Knowing basic sampling techniques of water column, organisms, sediment and sea-bottoms as well as basic techniques of dynamic and structural variable measurement CE3 Knowing basic market economy techniques related to marine resources X CE4 Understanding laws regulating use of marine resources and environment CE5 Applying marine environment use planning techniques as well as resource sustainable management CE6 Applying marine instrument techniques X CE7 Collecting, assessing, processing and interpreting oceanographic data, following the most recent theories X CE8 Identifying and analyzing new problems and proposing solution strategies X CE9 Knowing how to carry out experiments and measurements both in the laboratory and during sample collection X CE10 Knowing how to use planning, designing and implementing research tools while surveying and assessing results. CE11 Knowing how to do fieldwork and laboratory experiments in a safe and responsible way, promoting teamwork X CE12 Describing, classifying and mapping sea bottoms and coastal areas CE13 Looking for and assessing different kinds of marine resources CE14 Designing patterns of marine protected areas management CE15 Identifying and proposing monitoring means for problems of marine pollution X CE16 Proposing management models for endangered species recovery centers CE17 Developing training programs for marine and coastal areas X CE18 Practical experience of researching into marine climate CE19 Deeply understanding operating systems of maritime orientated Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” X 6 Guía Docente PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 companies, identifying their problems and proposing solutions CE22 Practical experience of methods of marine environmental impact assessment LEARNING OUTCOMES (RESULTS)4 COMPETENCES R1- Knowledge and reasonably applied Physical Oceanographic fundamentals in practical cases. R2- Apply the general knowledge of Physical Oceanography. R3- Solve problems related to the temperature, salinity and density of the seawater and plot TS diagrams. R4- Understand the physical processes and the marine dynamics, waves, currents and tides. R5- Know and apply the oceanographic software needed for processing. CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG16, CG17, CB2, CB4, CB5, CE1,CE2,CE6, CE9, CE11, CE17 CG1, CG3, CG5, CG7, CG8, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG17, CB2, CB4, CE1, CE6, CE17 CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG7, CG8, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG16, CB2, CB5, CE1, CE7, CE8 CG1, CG3, CG5, CG6, CG8, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG17, CB2, CB4, CE1,CE2, CE15,CE17, CE19 CG2, CG4, CG5, CG7, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CB2, CB5, CE1, CE7, CE8 ON-CAMPUS EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES 4 Enumerar correlativamente los resultados de aprendizaje siguiendo la nomenclatura propuesta. Nota importante: Las competencias están expresadas en un sentido genérico por lo que es necesario incluir en la guía docente los resultados de aprendizaje. Estos resultados constituyen una concreción de una o varias competencias, haciendo explícito el grado de dominio o desempeño que debe adquirir el alumno y contienen en su formulación el criterio con el que van a ser evaluadas. Los resultados de aprendizaje evidencian aquello que el alumno será capaz de demostrar al finalizar la asignatura o materia y reflejan, asimismo, el grado de adquisición de la competencia o conjunto de competencias. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 7 Guía Docente Physical Oceanography PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 ACTIVITY ON-CAMPUS CLASS PRACTICAL CLASSES Teaching-Learning Methodology Teacher presentation of contents, analysis of competences, explanation and in-class display of skills, abilities and knowledge. Group work sessions supervised by the professor. Case studies, diagnostic tests, problems, field work, computer room, visits, data search, libraries, on-line, Internet, etc. Meaningful construction of knowledge through interaction and student activity. Relationship with Learning Outcomes for the subject ECTS 5 R1-R2-R3-R4-R5 1.48 ECTS R1-R3-R4-R5 0.36 ECTS LABORATORY Activities carried out in spaces with specialized equipment SEMINAR Supervised monographic sessions with shared participation R1-R2-R4 0.1 ECTS GROUP PRESENTATION OF PAPERS Application of multidisciplinary knowledge R1-R2-R4 0.08 ECTS R1-R2-R3-R4-R5 0.12 ECTS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Personalized and small group attention. Period of instruction and/or orientation carried out by a tutor to review and discuss materials and topics presented in classes, seminars, readings, 0 ECTS 5 La asignatura y/o materia se organiza en ACTIVIDADES FORMATIVAS DE TRABAJO PRESENCIAL y en ACTIVIDADES FORMATIVAS DE TRABAJO AUTÓNOMO DEL ALUMNO, con un porcentaje estimado en ECTS. Una adecuada distribución es la siguiente: 35-40% para las Actividades Formativas Presenciales y 65-60% para las de Trabajo Autónomo. (Para una asignatura de 6 ECTS: 2,4 y 3,6 respectivamente). La metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje se describe en esta guía de modo genérico, concretándose en la unidades didácticas en las que se organiza la asignatura y/o materia Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 8 Guía Docente PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 papers, etc. ASSESSMENT Set of oral and/or written tests used in initial, formative or additive assessment of the student R1-R2-R3-R4-R5 Total 0.08 ECTS (2,4*) INDEPENDENT WORK ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY GROUP WORK INDEPENDENT WORK Teaching-Learning Methodology Group preparation of readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc. to be presented or submitted in theoretical lectures, practical and/or small-group tutoring sessions. Work done on the university elearning platform ( ) Student study: Group Individual preparation of readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc. to be presented or submitted in theoretical lectures, practical and/or small-group tutoring sessions. Relationship of Course with Learning Outcomes ECTS R1-R2-R3-R4 1.2 ECTS R1-R2-R3-R4-R5 2.4 ECTS Work done on the university e-learning platform ( ) Total (3,6*) SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE ACQUISITION OF THE COMPETENCES AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 9 Guía Docente Physical Oceanography PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Assessment Methods 6 LEARNING OUTCOMES MEASURES Percentage R1-R2-R3-R4-R5 50%* Written text with practical and theoretical questions Delivery of directed works, whose objectives and contents will be proposed by the teacher. R1-R2-R3-R4-R5 Laboratory Oral presentation 40%* 0% R1-R2-R4 10%* * ADDIOTIONAL INFORMATION: In order to average a minimum mark of 5 out of 10 is required on the written test and in the other assessment methods. If a final mark of 5 points in each section is not obtained and it is only passed one of them, the subject will be failed although the weighted average will be equal to or greater than 5. The weighted average is also subjected to the presentation of all the work requested. Work delivery types will be individual and group. The percentage of evaluation of this assessment method is broken down into 30% for individual deliveries and 10% for group work delivery. The minimum mark in both types of work should be at least 5 points. The written test represents 50% of the final mark. This test will consist on short questions (30%), problems (10%) and a practical exam of ODV (10%) software. The minimum mark on each section shall be at least 5 points to carry out the weighted average and to pass the written test. The oral presentation should be delivered to teacher previously, on the date specified, for approval. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS UNIT 1. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SEAWATER Lesson 1. Temperature 1.1 Definitions, units and magnitudes 1.2 Spatial distribution and in the water column of the temperature 1.3 Mixed layer formation processes 6 COMPETENCES CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG17, CB2, CB4, CE1, CE17 Técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación: examen-exposición oral, pruebas escritas (pruebas objetivas, de desarrollo, mapas conceptuales…), trabajos dirigidos, proyectos, estudio de casos, cuadernos de observación, portafolio, etc. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 10 Guía Docente PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Lesson 2. Salinity 2.1 Definitions, units and magnitudes 2.2 Spatial distribution and in the water column of the temperature 2.3 Salinity variations due to local conditions Lesson 3. Density 3.1 Definitions, units and magnitudes 3.2 Spatial distribution and in the water column of the density. 3.3 Equation of state (TEOS-10) 3.4 Effect of the temperature and salinity on the seawater density. Lesson 4. Sound and sea ice 4.1 Sound in the sea 4.2 Seawater freezing point 4.3 Freezing processes 4.4 Density and thermodynamics of sea ice 4.5 Brine rejection 4.6 Polynyas Lesson 5. Instrument measuring of temperature and salinity 5.1 Instrument measuring of temperature 5.2 Instrument measuring of salinity UNIT 2. WATER MASSES Lesson 6. Water masses 6.1 Types of water masses and their characteristics 6.2 TS-diagrams 6.3 Caballing 6.4 Vertical stability of water masses CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG17, CB2, CB4, CE1, CE17 UNIT 3. OCEAN CIRCULATION Lesson 7. Thermohaline circulation and wind response circulation 7.1 Thermohaline circulation 7.2 Wind response circulation 7.2.1 Forces 7.2.2 Atmospheric circulation 7.2.3 Main oceanic currents 7.2.4 Western intensification. Inertial currents. 7.2.5 Langmuir circulation. 7.2.6 Ekman surface and bottom layer 7.2.7 Vertical circulation Upwelling 7.2.8 Geostrophic flow CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG17, CB2, CB4, CE1, CE15, CE17 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 11 Guía Docente Physical Oceanography PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 UNIDAD 4. WAVES, TIDES AND COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHY Lesson 8. Waves 8.1 Airy theory 8.2 Wave formation 8.3 Wind 8.4 Sea and swell 8.5 Wave approximation 8.6 Storm surge. 8.7 Tsunamis. 8.8 Data base and measuring instruments Lesson 9. Internal waves 9.1. Characteristics 9.2. Layer model Lesson 10. Tides 10.1 Generation forces 10.2 Datum or reference level 10.3 Tide prediction 10.4 Form factor 10.5 Measuring instruments CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG17, CB2, CB4, CE1, CE7, CE17, CE19 Lesson 11. Estuaries 11.1 Definition 11.2 Classifications 11.3 Estuarine circulation 11.4 Removal time UNIT 5. CONSERVATION OF HEAT ENERGY: THE HEAT BUDGET Lesson 12. Heat budget 12.1 Heat budget term 12.2 Shortwave radiation 12.3 Longwave radiation 12.4 Effect of the Ice and Snow cover on the radiation budget 12.5 Heat conduction or sensible heat flux 12.6 Latent heat flux 12.7 Meridional heat transport CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG17, CB2, CB4, CE1, CE17 PRACTICAL LESSONS UNIT 1. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SEAWATER PR1. On-campus class (computer room). Representation and interpretation of temperature, salinity and density profiles and sections using Ocean Data View software (ODV). PR2. Practical boat. Temperature and salinity measurements (CTD). Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG7, CG8, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG16, CB2, CB5, CE1,CE2, CE6, CE7, CE8, CE9, CE11 12 Guía Docente PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 UNIT 2. WATER MASSES PR3. On-campus class (computer room). Representation and interpretation of TS diagrams using ODV and identification of water masses. UNIT 3. OCEAN CIRCULATION PR4. On-campus class (computer room). Representation of the Ekman layer. Representation and interpretation of geostrophic currents (ODV). UNIT 4. WAVE,TIDES, AND COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHY PR5. On-campus class. Estuaries exercises. UNIT 5. CONSERVATION OF HEAT ENERGY: THE HEAT BUDGET PR6. Practical boat CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG16, CB2, CB5, CE1, CE7, CE8 CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG7, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG16, CB2, CB5, CE1, CE7, CE8 CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG7, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG16, CB2, CB5, CE1, CE8, CE11 CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG7, CG8, CG10, CG11, CG12, CG13, CG16, CB2, CB5, CE1,CE2,CE6, CE7, CE8, CE9, CE11 BIBLIOGRAPHY BASIC: Dijkstra, H.A. 2010. Dynamical oceanography. Springer. 407 pp. Knauss, J.A., 2000. Introduction to Physical Oceanography. Pearson Educación. 309 pp. Siedler, G., Griffies, S.M., Gould, J., and Church, J.A. 2013. Ocean circulation and climate: A 21st Century perspective. Elsevier. 868 pp Stewart, R. H., 2004. Introduction to Physical Oceanography. Texas University Talley, L.D., Pickard, G.L., Emery, W.J., Swift, J.H., 2011. Descriptive Physical Oceanography: An Introduction, 6th edition. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-7506-4552- 2.10033-2. COMPLEMENTARY: Brown, E., Colling, A., Park, D., Phillips, J., Rothery, D. y Wright, J., 2002. Waves, tides and shallow-water processes. The Open University Butterworth Heinemann. 227 pp. Brown, E., Colling, A., Park, D., Phillips, J., Rothery, D. y Wright, J., 2002. Ocean Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 13 Guía Docente Physical Oceanography PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Circulation. The Open University Butterworth Heinemann. 286 pp. Brown, E., Colling, A., Park, D., Phillips, J., Rothery, D. y Wright, J., 2002. Seawater: its composition, properties and behaviour. The Open University Butterworth Heinemann. 168 pp. Castelló, M. 2007. Escribir y comunicarse en contextos científicos y académicos. Ed. Grao. 224 pp. Garrison, T. 2009. Essentials of Oceanography. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 464 pp. Grasshoff, K., Krembling, K., y Ehrhardt, M., 2002. Methods of Seawater Analysis. Tercera edición. 634p. Pond, S. and G.L. Pickard, 1983. Introductory Dynamical Oceanography. Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K., 329 p.e. Rosón Porto, G. y Varela, R. A. 2002 Manual de Oceanografía Física Descriptiva. Vigo. Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Vigo. Sendiña, I., y Pérez, V., 2006. Fundamentos de meteorología. Servizio de Publicacións da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. 194 pp. Tomczak, M. y Godfrey, J.F., 2003. Regional Oceanography: an Introduction. Second edition. Daya Publishing House, Delhi. Trujillo, A.P., Harold, V Thurman, 2010. Essentials of Oceanography. Prentice Hall, 551p Websites of interest: TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING: (students of first registration) CONTENT/TEA CHING UNIT CONTENT/TEACHING UNIT # OF MEETINGS 1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SEAWATER 7 2 WATER MASSES 6 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 14 Guía Docente PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 3 OCEANIC CIRCULATION 6 4 WAVES, TIDES AND COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHY 7 5 CONSERVATION OF HEAT: THE HEAT BUDGET 4 UNIT 1. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SEAWATER PR1. Practical boat. Temperature and salinity measurements (CTD). PR2. On-campus class (computer room). Representation and interpretation of temperature, salinity and density profiles and sections using Ocean Data View software (ODV). 2 UNIT 2. WATER MASSES PR3. On-campus class (computer room). Representation and interpretation of TS diagrams using ODV and identification of water masses. 1 UNIT 3. OCEAN CIRCULATION PR4. On-campus class (computer room). Representation of the Ekman layer. Representation and interpretation of geostrophic currents (ODV). UNIT 4. WAVE,TIDES, OCEANOGRAPHY AND 2 COASTAL PR5. On-campus class. Estuaries exercises. UNIT 5. CONSERVATION OF HEAT ENERGY: THE HEAT BUDGET 1 1 PR6. Practical boat ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MENTION OF DISTINCTION: The mention of Distinction will be awarded to students who have achieved a score equal to or greater than 9.0. The number of Distinctions granted will not exceed 5% of students enrolled in a subject in the corresponding academic year unless enrollment is under 20, in which case only one Distinction may be granted. (Royal Decree 1125/2003). Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 15 Guía Docente Physical Oceanography PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”