Semana 14 Checking your knowledge


Semana 14 Checking your knowledge
Checking your knowledge
Checking your knowledge
Let´s start!
Hello Folk! Welcome to the last week of the last semester! ¡Lo hiciste, has llegado al final! Esta última semana del semestre vamos a repasar lo que estudiamos juntos durante el semestre. Los juegos y pasatiempos los encontrarás en
el DVD.
Vamos a concentrarnos en ejercicios de gramática, traducción y escritura. Si tienes dudas, regresa a las primeras semanas de esta guía y repasa lo
What do you know about... ?
¿Cómo te sientes ahora que has llegado a la meta? ¿Consideras que posees
una base en el idioma inglés, que te ayudará a obtener y recuperar información en tu vida profesional? ¿Te sientes capaz de seguir adelante por tu propia
Your challenge is…
Tu reto esta última semana, y de ahora en adelante, será aplicar los saberes
adquiridos durante toda tu instrucción en inglés. Esperamos haber sido de
gran ayuda en tu formación.
Let´s focus…
Let´s focus… on grammar
Repasemos un tiempo verbal muy importante que estudiamos en la segunda semana de este semestre: el past unreal conditional. Recuerda que este
tiempo es muy usado en español. Repasemos su explicación:
Hablamos de past unreal condictional cuando nos referimos a hipotéticas acciones que hubiéramos realizado en el pasado. Siendo así la condición y el resultado irreales. Estas oraciones son usadas para describir situaciones que nunca ocurrieron.
Checking your knowledge
Semana 14
Ejemplo: If he had died young, he wouldn´t have had children
(But he didn´t die young, so he had children).
Emplea el past perfect en el If Clause. Usa Would Have + Past Participle
en el Result Clause.
If I had gotten a major in Medicine , I would have worked in a successful hospital.
Ahora, vamos a realizar estos ejercicios. Observa el ejemplo:
Combina las oraciones para formar el past unreal conditional. Ejemplo:
1. She was sick. She didn’t attend school: If she hadn’t been sick, she would
have attended school
2. He drove too fast. He was in an accident:
3. He didn’t do the homework. He got a bad grade:
4. I missed the plane. I didn’t go to Hawaii:
5. I didn’t understand the grammar. I didn’t pass the test:
6. She didn’t practice. She didn’t perform well:
7. She didn’t read the book. She didn’t answer the questions:
8. She was tired last night. She didn’t go to the party:
9. John Black wasn’t honest. I didn’t vote for him:
10. My computer crashed. I couldn’t write emails:
Semana 14
Checking your knowledge
Si te cuesta hacer los ejercicios o tienes dudas, hazlos con tus compañeros y facilitador en el CCA.
Repasemos ahora el estilo indirecto con tiempos compuestos. Lo estudiamos al principio de este semestre. Veamos el resumen del paso de estilo
directo a indirecto en la tabla 1 -Estilo Indirecto - Tiempos verbales estudiados
durante la semana 2. Luego, realiza los ejercicios de selección debajo.
A. Selecciona la opción correcta en estilo indirecto de cada oración.
Ejemplo: Peter: “I cleaned the black shoes yesterday.”
a) Peter told me that he has cleaned the black shoes yesterday
b) Peter told me he cleaned the black shoes yesterday
c) Peter told me that he had cleaned the black shoes the day before.
1. Marcel: “I like to sing that song!”
a) Marcel told me
b) Marcel told me that he likes to sing that song.
c) Marcel told me that he had liked to sing that song.
2. Jane: “I Didn’t watch the new film!”
a) Jane told me that she watched the new film.
b) Jane told me that
c) Jane told me that she hasn’t watched the new film.
3. Andrew: “We didn’t eat fish two days ago.”
a) Andrew remarked that they
b) Andrew remarked that they eaten fish two days ago.
c) Andrew remarked that they eat fish two days ago.
Semana 14
Checking your knowledge
B. Dando una orden negativa (imperative negative)
Ejemplo: Peter: “Don’t clean the black shoes!”
a) Peter told me not to clean the black shoes.
b) Peter told me clean the black shoes.
c) Peter told me do not to clean the black shoes.
1. Karen: “Don’t play football in the garden!”
a) Karen told me
b) Karen told me did not to play football in the garden.
c) Karen told me not playing football in the garden.
2. Teacher: “Don’t forget your homework!”
a) The teacher reminded me forget my homework.
b) The teacher reminded me not to forgotten my homework.
c) The teacher reminded
3. Mike: “Don’t shout at Peter!”
a) Mike told me
b) Mike told me does not to shout at Peter.
c) Mike told me not shouted at Peter.
C. Dando una orden (imperative)
Ejemplo: Peter: “Clean the black shoes!”
a) Peter told me to clean the black shoes.
b) Peter told me clean the black shoes.
c) Peter told me do clean the black shoes.
1. Andrew: “Clean the blue bike!”
a) Andrew told me clean the blue bike.
b) Andrew told me
c) Andrew told me cleaned the blue bike.
Semana 14
Checking your knowledge
2. Jessica: “Write a text message!”
a) Jessica told me
b) Jessica told me writing a text message.
c) Jessica told me she wrote a text message.
3. Nelly: “Help Peter’s sister!”
a) Nelly told me I should help Peter’s sister.
b) Nelly told me go and help Peter’s sister.
c) Nelly told me
Let´sknow more…
Para saber más, nos enfocaremos en la traducción e interpretación de
textos. Pon en práctica lo aprendido. A continuación, leerás un artículo
sobre Mr. Bean, ¿sabes quién es? Lee todo el texto, aplicando todas esas
estrategias de comprensión lectora que has practicado a lo largo del
curso de inglés. Luego, traduce el texto completo al español.
Mr. Bean
Mr. Beanis a British comedy television series,
starring Rowan Atkinson. The program was produced by Tiger Television, a company in which
Atkinson has a stake. It is written by Atkinson,
Robin Driscoll and Richard Curtis. The first episode was broadcasted on 1 January 1990, with
the final episode, “Goodnight, Mr. Bean,” on 31
October 1995.
In the show, Atkinson plays a selfish, sometimes ingenious buffoon who
frequently gets into hilarious situations due to his various schemes and
The show relies upon physical comedy, with very little dialogue. It features Mr. Bean trying to undertake what would normally be considered simple
tasks, such as going swimming, redecorating, or taking an exam. One of his
acts, most beloved by fans, is stuffing a turkey and getting it stuck on his head.
The humor largely comes from his original solutions to any problems, and a
total disregard for others when solving them.
Mr. Bean is the only significant character in the program. Other characters
exist simply as foils for his various antics, and besides the star, there is only one
Checking your knowledge
Semana 14
recurring supporting character: his sometime “girlfriend” Irma Gobb (played
by Matilda Ziegler).
More humorously, perhaps, he acts as a character who is always having odd
things happen to him. However, the producers of the show claim that it is intended to show his status as an ordinary man cast into the spotlight. Regardless
of meaning, this is clear: Mr. Bean is alone in the world, is frequently childlike,
and often seems unaware of basic aspects of the way the world works.
Apply your knowledge
Redacta textos siguiendo patrones de estructuras. Lee la siguiente entrevista; luego escribe acerca de las características de la persona entrevistada.
Interview to Daddy Yankee Daddy Yankee, tell us about your life before you became an
Daddy Yankee: I was born Raymond Ayala. I was an aspiring baseball player
and I was hit in the leg with a bullet at the age of 16. I was no longer able to pursue athletics, so I devoted myself to music. Growing up near San Juan, who were some of your early musical influences?
Daddy Yankee: there were a lot of people whose careers I was following. People like Rakim, he was one of my favorites. Public Enemy, Kool G
Rap, King Sun, KRS One, all of them. You are starring in the soon to be released film Talento de
Barrio, which is said to somewhat parallel your own personal life.
In addition to starring in the movie you will also be releasing the
film’s soundtrack. Can you talk about the project and what fans
can expect?
Daddy Yankee: Number one, I want to clear up that the film is not my biography, but still, it is a real story about all the situations and the
struggle everybody goes through in the barrio. You have been contributing to various charities and working
with the youth in Puerto Rico. What kind of community related
projects are you currently involved in?
Daddy Yankee: I am [involved] with several charities and I have my foundation Corazón Guerrero and we work hand to hand with people in
jail. Also I’m working with an orphanage to help out all the orphaned kids. What do you think has helped you in being so successful in
music as well as in inspiring and helping to uplift others?
Semana 14
Checking your knowledge
Daddy Yankee: I’ve been successful with music and my works by being an
honest person and being the best person that I could be.
Let´s show what we know…
My favourite singer: Ricky
He is an excellent singer. He is from
Puerto Rico but he lives in Miami.
He sings in English and Spanish. His
songs are very beautiful and famous.
My favourite songs are “Vuelve” and
“Asignatura Pendiente”.
Ahora, redacta tu
texto siguiendo patrones de estructuras.
Observa este texto, para
que escribas uno similar
a partir de la entrevista
que leíste sobre Daddy
He has got a lot of tattoos and he is
very strong but I do not like him physically. He has got a foundation. It is called
Ricky Martin Foundation. He wants to
end with the traffic of children. Besides,
he helps the Red Cross donating a great
part of his earnings.
I like him because he is a good person
and very talented.
Para finalizar, usa tu DVD para que realices todos los pasatiempos que te
dejamos para la culminación de tu aprendizaje en el idioma inglés. Diviértete
aprendiendo. ¡Fue un placer acompañarte en el camino hacia el éxito, que
estamos seguros habrás alcanzado!
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