Aide Memoire on Training on Integrated Regional Development
Aide Memoire on Training on Integrated Regional Development
UNCRD LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN OFFICE BOGOTA-CUNDINAMARCA REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD INTERNATIONAL FORUM “FROM CITIES TO REGIONS-THE CHALLENGES OF INTEGRATED REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN BOGOTA-CUNDINAMARCA” AND IN-COUNTRY TRAINING COURSE ON INTEGRATED REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT WITH FOCUS ON BUILDING CAPACITY FOR LOCAL AND MUNICIPAL PARTICIPATION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REGIONAL AGENDA 2005-2008 IN BOGOTÁ-CUNDINAMARCA (November 28 to December 1, 2005, Bogotá, Colombia) AIDE MEMOIRE BACKGROUND The Bogotá-Cundinamarca Regional Planning Board (RPB) was installed in 8 February 2001, as the result of a goodwill agreement signed by the Mayor of Bogotá, the Governor of Cundinamarca, and the Director of the Cundinamarca development agency (CAR, Spanish acronym), to strengthen cooperative links between Bogotá and Cundinamarca and promote social, environmental and economic development. From the beginning, the UNCRD was invited to join this initiative through the provision of technical support. Central Government also participates in the RPB, where it is represented by the National Planning Department (DNP, Spanish acronym). Bogotá is the capital city, with a population of around 7 million; and Cundinamarca has a population of some 2 million, living in 116 municipalities. All are territorial entities with autonomous jurisdictions and administrations, and there is no regional authority responsible for managing cross-jurisdictional and cross-sectoral issues. There are wide existing regional disparities between socioeconomic groups in terms of income, employment, and access to basic social services; and wide existing disparities between the provinces, municipalities, and urban and rural sectors, in terms of income, and of institutional capacity to face state-wide problems. The governments of the region are facing an increasing number of challenges, related to threats to their population linked to poverty, violence, and degradation of environmental resources. There is a clear need for cooperative management between different levels of government (national, regional and local) and the private sector and the civil society to solve existing threats and problems. Regional governance in Bogotá-Cundinamarca (B-C) requires a new type of shared leadership, one which is capable to serve as a catalyst of the needs and demands of public and private interest groups and of directing them in their search of common objectives. The main objective of this project is to support the RPB in building technical and institutional capacity of regional governments and key public and private stakeholders to work in cooperation and with a shared vision of the future of the region and to develop strategic actions and projects that address critical threats and obstacles there. The intention is that all the population—especially the most vulnerable groups— should have access to the social services required for development. The region will have to become more productive, with a higher and more equitable income per capita if it is to attain this objective. 1 UNCRD supports the RPB with technical assistance, and with the design and implementation of a training programme to build technical and institutional capacity for an integrated and collaborative development of the region. Development of human resources in this field is considered as critical key to build the required institutional capacity and to make planning and management of regional development effective under the RPB’s leadership. The training package has included the development of four training courses (TCs), workshops, forums, study tours, and a programme for the diffusion of the results obtained during the process through a website. The TCS have been aimed at enabling participants to gain a broader appraisal on integrated regional development concepts and strategies, exchange knowledge, experiences, and common information, learn from relevant national and global case experiences, and acquire practical tools to jointly identify and analyze existing problems. TCS also aimed to enable participants to assess their needs for institution building, develop skills for collaborative management, prioritize appropriate responses to the particular situation, and incorporate concrete strategies, activities and projects in an action plan. To date project outputs include: A group of approx. 2,800 officials directly benefited from their participation in the training courses, forums, study tours, and workshops, of which approx. 150 correspond to public officials of the RPB that have directly attended the TCs. A Webpage for the dissemination of the results of the research and training process, action planning, plans and projects. A concerted regional action plan and agenda 2005-2008 (related to water resource management; provision of public services (energy, water supplies and sanitation); transportation and mobility; support to the development of productive chains and exports; knowledge and information technology; food security; institutional development and regional governance. A national policy document of the Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social-CONPES (National Socioeconomic Policy Council). Relevant lessons and positive results that can be replicated in other regions. The B-C project is considered as an innovative practice that has attracted the attention of other public administrations and regional development institutions in Colombia and other Latin American countries, interested to learn from the experience. A reform to the Colombian Constitution that will allow Bogotá-Cundinamarca to be established as the first special planning region of the country, to promote social and economic development with local/regional coordination and collaboration (in process). A publication (2 volumes, an executive summary and a set of ‘didactic’ cards) that contains the detailed documentation of the experience, the methodology used, the technical studies developed, the results of each of the phases of the project in all its components, and a selection of the best practices documented. A 20 min. video of the project, which includes interviews with previous and current majors of Bogotá and governors Cundinamarca, current and previous director of the CAR, planning directors of the RPB entities, and other relevant project stakeholders. An interregional cooperation/information exchange network that counts on the participation of five regions in Colombia, five in other LA countries (two in Argentina, one in Brazil, one in Chile, and one in Guatemala) in addition to international organizations, universities and research centers. 2 FOCUS AND OBJECTIVES The Forum and TC are envisaged as a continuation of the information dissemination and training programme under the project. In this opportunity, the Forum is aimed at the launching of the recent publication entitled “De las Ciudades a las Regiones— Desarrollo Regional Integrado en Bogotá-Cundinamarca” (From Cities to Regions— Integrated Regional Development in Bogota-Cundinamarca) and video produced by UNCRD under the project, which documents and describes the project experience in the last five years. The forum also aims at the exchange of experience with other regions of the hemisphere, discussing project challenges and providing recommendations on how to face these challenges, particularly in connection with the development of the action lines of the regional agenda selected by the RPB (regional productivity, mobility, access to basic social services, habitat, water resource management, and institutional development/regional governance). The training course, which will be held in conjunction with the Forum, has the main objective of building capacity for local and municipal participation in the implementation of the Regional Agenda 2005-2008 in Bogotá-Cundinamarca, which is currently the main focus of the project. While in the previous courses beneficiaries were mainly officials from the central offices of Bogotá and Cundinamarca, the forthcoming training course participants will be mainly comprised by selected public officials from the 116 municipalities of Cundinamarca and the 20 localities of Bogotá. In this opportunity, public officials from the central offices of Bogotá and Cundinamarca that have been trained in previous courses will serve as facilitators. The Forum and TC will be implemented as follows: Name: International Forum and In-Country Training Course on Integrated Regional Development Management with Focus on Building Capacity for Local and Municipal Participation in the Implementation of the Regional Agenda 2005-2008 in Bogotá-Cundinamarca Dates: Forum: 28 November, 2005 Training Course: 28 November – 1 December 2005 (the forum will serve as the introductory module of the TC). Venues: Forum: Salón de Gobernadores, Gobernación de Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Colombia. Training Course: Club La Aguadora, Bogotá, Colombia. Participants: Forum: Approx. 300 people are expected, including the mayor of Bogotá, the Governor of Cundinamarca, and other key public and private stakeholders, experts, academicians, practitioners, representatives of local and municipal governments of Bogotá, Cundinamarca and of other Colombian regions. 3 Training course: 70 selected municipal and local officials from Bogotá and Cundinamarca, in addition to 15 officials from the central offices of the RPB entities. Resource Persons: Staff members of UNCRD-LAC, RPB consultants, officials of the RPB entities, and national and international experts will serve as resource persons and facilitators for the Forum and the TC. Objectives and Expected Outputs Forum. The international forum aims at: (a) Launching of the recent publication and video produced under the project, which documents describe the project experience in the last five years. (b) Exchanging of experience with other regions of the hemisphere, discussing project challenges and providing recommendations on how to face these challenges, specifically on the themes of main relevance to the project and its ‘regional agenda’. (The Forum will be held in one day, and will serve as the introductory module of the Course) Training course. The training course should enable participants to: (a) Be acquainted with the process, outputs, and current status of development of the RPB project, based on the books, didactic cards and video recently produced. (b) Gain a broader appreciation of regional development concepts and strategies and of critical socio-economic, environmental and institutional issues to be addressed in the B-C region. (c) Learn lessons from relevant practical experiences (national and international). (d) Exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas with representatives of public officials of the RPB entities and with other local/territorial administrations of Bogotá and Cundinamarca. (e) Acquire abilities and tools for the development of a joint/collaborative work toward the implementation of the Bogotá-Cundinamarca regional agenda 2005-2008. As the previous courses, the TC has been designed as a participatory and resultsoriented activity. It will be mainly based on the information generated by the project, and on the information, experience and professional abilities of the participants, as well as on their individual initiatives. Through lectures, group discussions on the different topics addressed by the project (and contained in the two volumes and the didactic cards), and group exercises, the TC will address the following main issues: How to efficiently involve the participation of local administrations in the process of regional integration of Bogotá and Cundinamarca? What are the main strengths/opportunities as well as the main weaknesses/threats? How will the local administrations of B-C participate in the implementation of the regional agenda? Who are the main stakeholders? The products obtained will be presented at the end of the course. This output should serve to identify training needs, which will help programming the next phases of the training and participation programme under the RPB. 4 PROGRAMA DEL FORO Módulo Registro Hora 07:30 – 08:00 08:00 – 09:30 1. Antecedentes del proyecto y 28 de Noviembre de 2005 Actividad / Participantes Ponencia Registro de Secretaría, Centro de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Participantes Regional (UNCRD) Presentación del video Instalación Rafael Henao, director (e) Departamento Administrativo de Planeación Distrital (DAPD) Pablo Ardila, gobernador de Cundinamarca; Liza Paola Gruesso, secretaria de Planeación de Cundinamarca Lanzamiento de la publicación Claudia Hoshino, coordinadora, UNCRD-LAC Presentación del proyecto Café Mario Noriega, coordinador técnico, Mesa de Planificación Regional Bogotá-Cundinamarca (MPRBC) 10:00 – 11:45 Comentarios y recomendaciones de expertos 11:45 – 12:45 Panel de discusión José Forjaz, consultor, profesor, Universidad Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique Robert Cervero, profesor, Universidad de California, Berkeley, EUA Adalberto Netto, consultor, Servicio Brasileño de Apoyo a la Micro y Pequeña Empresa, SEBRAE Paraná, Brasil Paul Bromberg, profesor Universidad Nacional, ex-alcalde de Bogotá, DC Panelistas: Representante de Bogotá, DC Hipólito Moreno Gutiérrez, presidente Concejo de Bogotá Rodolfo Serrano Monroy, presidente, Asamblea de Cundinamarca Edgar Gómez Martínez, director, Departamento de Planeación de Boyacá Yolanda Gómez Villamarín, asesora de Planeación Municipal, Tunja Luz Elena Chamorro, subdirectora de Ordenamiento y Desarrollo Territorial, DNP su contexto 09:30 – 10:00 2. Aspectos institucionales, de capacitación y participación Moderador: Gustavo Wilches, consultor MPRBC 14:15 – 16:00 Almuerzo Comentarios y recomendaciones de expertos 16:00 – 17:00 Panel de discusión 12:45 – 14:15 3. Aspectos técnicos Moderador: Gustavo Wilches, consultor MPRBC Cierre 17:00 – 17:15 Cierre Anne Vernez, profesora, Universidad de Washington, EUA Christopher Zegras, profesor, Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) Ernesto Barrera, profesor, Universidad de Buenos Aires Juan Mayr, consultor PNUD, ex-ministro de Medio Ambiente Panelistas: Liza Paola Gruesso, secretaria de Planeación de Cundinamarca Carlos García, consultor, acueductos regionales Humberto Molina, consultor MPRBC en aspectos demográficos y población Jaime Ortiz, asesor en movilidad, Gobernación de Cundinamarca Representante del Consejo Regional de Competitividad Elsa García Salazar, gerente del proyecto Gestión Integral del Recurso Hídrico, Aguas de Bogotá Representantes MPRBC 5 PROGRAMA DELCURSO DE CAPACITACIÓN Noviembre 28, 2005 (lunes) Hora 7:30 – 17:15 Actividad / Ponencia Módulo Introductorio: Foro Internacional, Salón de Gobernadores, Gobernación de Cundinamarca Noviembre 29, 2005 (martes) Registro de Participantes Introducción al Curso: Objetivos, alcance, contenidos y metodología 8:30 – 9:30 Hacia la consolidación institucional de la región Responsable Ver detalles en Programa Foro Internacional 7:30 – 8:00 8:00 – 8:30 Secretaría UNCRD Claudia Hoshino, UNCRD 9:30 --10:00 Augusto Hernández, experto en asuntos institucionales Equipo facilitadores– Participantes 10:00 –10:30 10:30 – 11:30 11:30 –12:00 12:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:30 14:30 –15:00 15:00 – 16:00 16:00 –16:30 Aclaraciones, observaciones, participación asistentes (dinámica de grupo) Café Diagnóstico e instrumentos fiscales para la Mesa de Planificación Regional Bogotá-Cundinamarca Aclaraciones, observaciones, participación asistentes (dinámica de grupo) Almuerzo El proceso de participación institucional y social en la construcción de la región Bogotá-Cundinamarca. Aclaraciones, observaciones, participación asistentes (dinámica de grupo) Tendencias del conflicto armado en Bogotá y Cundinamarca y sus consecuencias en la planificación del desarrollo Aclaraciones, observaciones, participación asistentes (dinámica de grupo) Noviembre 30, 2005 (miércoles) 8:00 – 8:30 Registro de Participantes 8:30 – 9:30 Dinámica demográfica y estructura funcional de la región Bogotá-Cundinamarca 9:30 –10:00 Aclaraciones, observaciones, participación asistentes (dinámica de grupo) 10:00 –10:30 Café 10:00 – 11:00 Experiencias nacionales e internacionales en desarrollo regional 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:00 13:00 – 14:30 14:30 – 15:30 Aclaraciones, observaciones, participación asistentes (dinámica de grupo) Plan estratégico regional, planes estructurantes, programas y proyectos Aclaraciones, observaciones, participación asistentes (dinámica de grupo) Almuerzo Estrategias de desarrollo regional integrado desde la perspectiva local (trabajo práctico) Diciembre 1, 2005 (jueves) Registro de Participantes Alternativas para el trabajo en colaboración con municipios y localidades de Bogotá-Cundinamarca. (trabajo práctico) 10:30 – 11:00 Café 11:00 – 12:30 Presentación resultados de ejercicios prácticos a la MPR B-C 12:30 – 13:15 Comentarios 13:15 – 13:30 Cierre 8:00 – 8:30 8:30 – 10:30 Olga Lucía Acosta, experta en instrumentos fiscales Equipo facilitadores– Participantes. Gustavo Wilches, experto en participación, Santiago Beracasa, consultor UNCRD Equipo facilitadores– Participantes Teófilo Vásquez, experto en manejo del conflicto, CINEP Equipo facilitadores– Participantes Secretaría UNCRD Humberto Molina, experto en demografía Equipo facilitadores– Participantes Nicolás Rueda, consultor en desarrollo urbano Equipo facilitadores– Participantes Eduardo Wills, experto en aspectos técnicos, Profesor asociado, Universidad de los Andes Equipo facilitadores– Participantes Equipo facilitadores– Participantes Secretaría UNCRD Equipo facilitadores– Participantes Equipo facilitadores– Participantes Representantes MPRBC UNCRD-MPRBC Equipo de facilitadores: Carlos Augusto Giraldo (facilitador principal), Maria Helena Rodríguez, Santiago Beracasa, Iván Gamboa, Funcionarios Instancias de la MPRBC. 6