ENTREPRENEURSHIP SYMPOSIUM April 8th, 2011 IEDE Business School is pleased to invite you to the first entrepreneurship symposium, which will be held on April 8 on the La Moraleja Campus of Universidad Europea de Madrid. The aim of the symposium is for students and professionals to benefit from the experience of leading entrepreneurs, learn about the models of success stories and participate proactively in a Q & A session. The opening session will be held at 17:00 and led by Joseph Ramos, Dean of Universidad Europea de Madrid’s School of Social Sciences. Papers will then be presented. Date: April 8th. Start time: 17:00. Location: La Moraleja Campus Avda. de Bruselas, 14. 28045 Alcobendas. Directions: http://www.uem.es/es/como-llegar/campus-la-moraleja Contact and confirmation: Rafael López - +34 91 657 41 02 [email protected] SCHEDULE 17:15 — ROUNDTABLE 1: FINANCE AND START-UP MODERATOR: José Ramos, Dean of the UEM School of Social Sciences - First Paper: (15 minutes) Alejandro Vesga (Editor of the magazine Emprendedores) - Second Paper: (15 minutes) D. Iñaki Ortega (CEO of Madrid Emprende) - Third Paper: (15 minutes) Sebastián Ojeda (CEO of Banca Empresas Bankinter) - Q & A session (10-15 minutes) 18:15 - Break - Coffee (15 minutes) 18:30 - ROUNDTABLE 2 : ENTREPRENEURS MODERATOR: José Miguel López-Crego Gómez, Director of the Executive MBA program at IEDE - Fourth Paper: (10 minutes) GRUPO EMIRA / Efrén Miranda (Events Planner, Websites, etc.) - Fifth Paper: (10 minutes) KIWOKO / Javier Osa (Over 50 Pet Stores located in malls) - Sixth Paper: (10 minutos) NIUMBA.COM / Mª José González Barros (Portal Inmobiliario) - Q & A session (10-15 minutes) 19:15 — ROUNDTABLE 3 : COMMUNICATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP MODERATOR: Fernando Tomé, Executive Director of the IEDE Business School - Closing lecture: (20 minutes) Manuel Campo Vidal (Chair, Spanish Academy of Television Arts and Sciences) Admission is free and, as on previous occasions, you may invite a colleague to attend this session free. Please confirm attendance by emailing the names of those attending to [email protected].