GD PIII PRIMARIA 12-13 English - Universidad Católica de Valencia
GD PIII PRIMARIA 12-13 English - Universidad Católica de Valencia
1 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 Teaching Guide Teaching Degree in Primary Education Prácticum III School of Teaching and Education Sciences Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Year 2016-2017 2 PCA-27-F-01 Ed.02 TEACHING GUIDE TO THE FIELDS AND/OR SUBJECT ECTS SUBJECT: Prácticum III 6 Field: Prácticum 38 Module: Prácticum and Final Degree Work 50 Educational Model: Compulsory Year: 3rd Semester: 2nd Instructors: Department: Prácticum and Final Degree Assignment Commission Practical Teaching and Final Degree Assignment Commission E-mail: [email protected] MODULE ORGANISATION Prácticum and Final Degree Work 50 ECTS Fields and Courses Field/Module Practicum ECTS Course/ Semester Practicum I 4,5 1/2 Practicum II 6 2/2 Practicum III 6 3/2 Practicum IV 21,5 4/1 Courses ECTS 38 3 TEACHING GUIDE FOR SUBJECT: PRACTICUM III The Practicum III is contemplated as a third level of progression in the knowledge of the teaching task. This way, the students go from being a simple observer of the educative reality (Practicum I), to take part in a punctual and guided way of the classroom context (Practicum II), in order to develop, in the Practicum III, a consensual task agreed with the school’s tutor from a globalizing and integrative view of the different cognitive, emotional and psychomotor and volitional perspectives. The development of that task is going to set in motion, necessarily, the actual implementation in the classroom the entire repertoire of theoretical and experiential knowledge of students. In addition, actions will be required as essential deepening of the teaching as assessment, ethical reflection and the acquisition of professional skills. Also, the student deepens their ICT competence in the development and generation of own educational digital content from various authoring tools and free software. On the other hand, during the stay in the centre of practices the student will be tutorizado by a teacher or master in exercise, to the that will accompany in his daily work inside the classroom. The concretion of the name of said tutor will do in the corresponding year to the realisation of the Prácticum, depending of the centre chosen by the student as well as by the own Direction of the educational centre. Nevertheless, the Commission of Practices of Teaching, attendant of the gestión of the Prácticum, will be informed at all times of who will develop the functions of tutorización in the school before it initiate the period of practices and, to his time, will facilitate to the centre of practical all the necessary information for the good development of the practices of the student. PreviousRequirements: No access requirements. 4 OBJECTIVES OF PRÁCTICUM III a. To develop an specific task in planning a teaching sequence in the actual classroom context. b. Adequately express, orally and in writing, experience in practice as a future professional especially the thoughtful assessment of the work done c. To apply new technologies as an educational resource. d. To start the students in self-assessment of their teaching practice. e. To learn more about the teacher’s professional identity, from the competencies that define his or her profile. f. To insist on the requirements that comes from the ethical and professional commitment of the teacher. g. Reflect on teaching practice in the classroom to innovate and improve teaching, designing learning environments appropriate to the academic and student maturation and thereby promote the development of the same. h. Adapt the exercise of the teaching of educational changes, social scientists and students. GENERAL COMPETENCES Competence measuring scale 1 CG6 - Knowing the organization of primary schools and the diversity of actions comprising operation. Perform the functions of tutoring and counseling with students and their families, meeting the unique educational needs of students. Assume that the exercise of the teaching profession has to be refined and adapted to scientific, educational and social throughout life changes. CG7 - Collaborating with different sectors of the educational community and the social environment. Assume the educational dimension of the teaching profession and promote democratic education for active citizenship. CG8 - Maintaining a critical and autonomous relationship with respect to knowledge, values and public and private social institutions. CG9 - Assess the individual and collective responsibility in achieving a sustainable future. CG10 - Reflecting on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for independent and cooperative learning and promote it among students. 2 3 4 X X X X X 5 CG11 - Knowing and applying in the classrooms the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). To discern selectively the audiovisual information that could contribute to learning, citizen training and cultural richness. X G12 - Understanding the function, possibilities and limits of the education in present-day society and the essential competencies which concern the Primary Education schools and their professionals. Knowing models of quality improvement with application to schools. X CG3 - Effectively address situations of language learning in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Encourage reading and critical commentary of texts from diverse scientific and cultural domains contained in the school curriculum. CG4 - Designing and regulate learning environments in diverse contexts which attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights which satisfy the values of citizenship education. X X CG1- Knowing the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relationship between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge regarding the respective teaching procedures and learning. X CG2 - Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and school professionals. X CG5 - Promote coexistence in the classroom and beyond, resolve discipline problems and contribute to peaceful conflict resolution. Stimulate and value effort, perseverance and personal discipline in students. SPECIFIC COMPETENCES X Competence measuring scale 1 2 3 CE60 - Acquire a working knowledge of the classroom and the management of it. CE61 - Understanding and applying the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom and master the skills and social skills necessary to foster a climate that facilitates learning and coexistence. CE62 - Developing and monitoring the educational process and, in particular, teaching and learning through the domination of the techniques and strategies needed. 4 X X X CE63 - R e l a t e t h e or y a n d p r a c t ic e w it h t h e r e a l it y of t h e c l a s s ro o m a nd t h e c e nt e r. X CE64 - Participating in the teaching and learning to know how, acting and reflecting on practice. X CE65 - Participating in improvement proposals in the various policy areas that may be established in a center. X 6 CE66 - Regulate the processes of interaction and communication in groups of 6-12 students. X CE67 - Knowing forms of collaboration and relationship with the different sectors of the educational community and the social environment. X CE77 - Analyzing the results of the processes of teaching and learning to reflect on them and on their own knowledge, skills, attitudes and actions in relation to the teaching profession. X CE78 - Starting in the development of research experiences in the classroom, expanding the use of new technologies applied to teaching. X CE79 - Communicating the experiences and reflections on the intervention in the school in academic forums established for this purpose. CE80 - Knowing publicly defend the work EOG, both the analysis of the relationship between the subjects studied, and proposals for improvement on aspects worked during undergraduate studies. LEARNING RESULTS R1 Students develop and apply a specific task in planning a teaching sequence in the real classroom context. R2 Students are able to analyze the school context to integrate it into the planning of the teaching task. X X COMPETENCES All general competences S 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 78 G 7, 8, 3, 4, 9 S 63, 67, 78 R3 Students use ICT as an educational resource in the planning of the teaching task and reflects on its relevance and appropriateness. G 10, 11 S 60, 63, 65, 78 R4 Student are able to use reflective practice to self-assess the intervention during the teaching practice period as a teacher in training. G 6, 8, 10, 12 S 64, 77 R5 Students integrate to their training process the reflections resulting from the communication with their tutor-teacher. G 6, 8, 10, 12 S 64, 77 R6 Students are able to deepen in the professional competences, as well from the teaching perspective, as from the educator. G 6, 7, 10, 12, 4, 2, 5 S 60, 61, 62, 66, 77, 78 7 R7 Students are able to determine the requests resulting from the ethical and professional commitment. G 7, CG8, CG9, CG12, CG5 S 64, 63, 77 R8 Students communicate rigorously, orally and in writing, the pedagogical reflections, through an appropriate vocabulary suitable to the professional field. G 6, CG8, CG10 S 64, 77, 79 EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY ON-CAMPUS CLASS ON- PRIMARY SCHOOL TUTORIAL Teaching-Learning Methodology Classes, assessment interviews Intervention, analysis and reflection about the school reality and the teaching-learning processes promoted in the classroom and in schools. Personalized and small group attention. Period of instruction and / or guidance by a tutor to review and discuss the materials and topics presented in classes, seminars, readings, papers, etc. Relationship with the Learning Results of the subject R2, R3, R4, R6, R7, R8 ECTS 0.52 ECTS (13 hours) R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 5 ECTS (125 hours) R2, R3, R4, R6, R7, R8 0,16 (4 hours) 5,68 ECTS (142 hours) TOTAL INDEPENDENT WORK ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY Teaching-Learning Methodology COOPERATIVE WORK Development of the subject group activities. INDEPENDENT WORK Development of the independent work activities of the subject. and the report of the teaching practice. TOTAL Relationship with the Learning Results of the subject ECTS ALL LEARNING RESULTS 0,32 ECTS (8 hours) 0,32 ECTS (8 hours) 8 SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE ACQUISITION OF THE COMPETENCES AND SSESSMENT SYSTEM LEARNING RESULTS ASSESSED ASSESSMENT TOOLS Class attendance to 80% of the lessons and participation. Elaboration of individual and cooperative activities of the subject. ALL LEARNING RESULTS Dossier process monitoring practices Guided self-assessment of the student ALL LEARNING RESULTS Allocated Percentage 30% 30%+10% Attendance and fulfilment of tutored 30% ALL LEARNING activities in the school in the period of RESULTS training (by the tutor of the centre of practices) MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF ATTENDANCE TO THE THEORIC LESSONS AND OF OVERCOMING THE TRAINING PROCESS IN THE CENTER Attendance to theoretical lessons is obligatory. In any case, the student must attend to at least 80% of them, justifying the absences always with relevant documents. Should the student exceed 20% of unjustified absences, you will not be able to fulfill the practical experience at the school. To pass the course the student must successfully complete each of the sections that make the subject Prácticum III. CRITERIA FOR GRANTING A GRADE “A” WITH HONORS The qualification of the Prácticum III is organised with the teacher-tutor of the training centre assessment, with the Prácticum III teachers’ assessments; all the assessments have to be of maximum excellence. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 1. SENSE OF PRÁCTICUM III PROFESSIONAL SKILLS ICT SUPPORT TOOLS AS MEMORY OF PRACTICES AND THE END OF DEGREE WORK COMPETENCES G 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, S 60, 61,63, 64,65, 66, 67, 79 9 G 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 2. ANALYSIS OF SCHOOL CONTEXT TEACHING SEQUENCE - TASK INNOVATION WITH ICT IN SCHOOLS S 60, 61, 62, 67, 78 3. REFLECTION ON TEACHING PRACTICE LEARNING AND VALUES ATTITUDES G 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 S 61, 63, 64, 66, 77, 79 COURSE ORGANISATION CONTENTS 1 CLASSES 1. SENSE OF PRÁCTICUM III PROFESSIONAL SKILLS ICT SUPPORT TOOLS AS MEMORY OF PRACTICES AND THE END OF DEGREE WORK 1 2 2. ANALYSIS OF SCHOOL CONTEXT TEACHING SEQUENCE - TASK INNOVATION WITH ICT IN SCHOOLS 4 3 3. 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