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gonzalez - Bcongresos. Software para congresos y eventos.
Pathways across the educational system LAUREANO GONZÁLEZ VEGA Evaluation of Programmes and Institutions ANECA OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 ... My Title ... Breaking barriers ... My Subtitle ... The long and winding road OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking barriers: Spain Spanish HE definition: Law of Education (LO 2/2006) From VET to the University (Bachelors) and back: Entry (RD 1892/2008) Recognition issues (RD 861/2010, RD ****/2011) The Spanish QF for HE (RD 1027/2011) How to become a VET teacher? (OM 3858/2007) OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking (internal) barriers: Spain The Spanish definition of HE HE in Spain includes (LO 2/2006): Univesity degrees (Bachelor, Master, Doctor). VET[>18] (“Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior en la Formación Profesional”). .................................................................................... OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking (internal) barriers: Spain FROM VET TO THE UNIVERSITY RD 1892/2008 plus several adjustments. University entry independent from student origin. Access to the university from VET is organized connecting VET diplomas with the five thematic branches classifiying the different Bachelors. Annex II: for example, Business VET is linked to the university Social Sciences and Humanities branches. OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking (internal) barriers: Spain RECOGNITION ISSUES (I) RD 861/2010 15% ECTS can be recognized by professional experience. ECTS can be recognized from any HE diploma (including VET for Bachelors). Recognition must be always based on the comparison between the LO achieved and the LO intended. QA agencies check that these recognition procedures are appropriate (during the ex-ante accreditation exercise). OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking (internal) barriers: Spain RECOGNITION ISSUES (II) RD ****/2011. ECTS recognition from VET to Bachelors or from Bachelors to VET (even more general: HE). Recognition of 30 ECTS (minimum) when both diplomas are “well connected”. Limits: TFM or similar are never recognized through this way. Recognition must be always based on the comparison between the LO achieved and the LO intended. OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking barriers: Spain How to become a VET teacher? Exactly equal than a high (or secondary) school (OM 3858/2007). teacher Previous to the national exam: a 60 ECTS master (Practicum≥16 ECTS). Master paths: Maths, Sciences, Social Sciences, VET, ... . OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking (external) barriers: Spain The Spanish QF for HE RD 1027/2011 MECES: four levels covering HE defined in terms of LO. Each level and the awards it includes represent a ‘step change’ in the characteristics of awards at that level. There are many awards within each level -they are NOT the same as each other- but they will be similar in ‘demand’ and ‘success’. Self-certification: pending. The Spanish QF for LLL (RD ****/201*): pending. OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking (external) barriers: Spain Our Qualification Frameworks WHAT is our framework for? WHO is our framework for? For everyone … MECES provides a clear explanation in general terms of the new Higher Education qualifications (“grado”, “master” & “doctor”) For students … MECES sets out in general terms what is expected of students to complete their courses and what they will be able to do on completing their course irrespective of the topic they have studied For employers … MECES explains in a straightforward way what they can expect of graduates with the new qualifications and the differences between people with a “grado” and a “master” For staff in Higher Education … MECES provides a general reference document to help with the design of study programmes and their internal and external quality assurance OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Breaking (external) barriers: Spain OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Learning Outcomes the building blocks OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 CONCLUSIONS OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 The Long and Winding Road Mobility Employability Lifelong Learning Qualifications Frameworks Learning Outcomes OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Mutual Trust Transparency Recognition & Pathways Quality Assurance Conclusions We have the analysis and the tools: we must be able to use them conveniently in order to break the barriers and create flexible pathways in HE ................................................... OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Conclusions We have the analysis and the tools: we must be able to use them conveniently in order to break the barriers and create flexible pathways in HE ................................................... Risks: OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Conclusions We have the analysis and the tools: we must be able to use them conveniently in order to break the barriers and create flexible pathways in HE ................................................... Risks: VET must not convert itself into a different pathway to university (without going to employment). OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Conclusions We have the analysis and the tools: we must be able to use them conveniently in order to break the barriers and create flexible pathways in HE ................................................... Risks: VET must not convert itself into a different pathway to university (without going to employment). Recognition: it is not automatic ! OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Conclusions We have the analysis and the tools: we must be able to use them conveniently in order to break the barriers and create flexible pathways in HE ................................................... Risks: VET must not convert itself into a different pathway to university (without going to employment). Recognition: it is not automatic ! VET Institutions (and Authorities) and Universities must cooperate much more that they do currently (another tool: “Campus de Excelencia Internacional”). OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Conclusions La eliminación de todo tipo de callejones sin salida para los estudiantes de nuestro país es una necesidad en un país donde nos podemos encontrar todo tipo de situaciones donde la rigidez administrativa o la tradición heredada hace que muchos de nuestros estudiantes, tras varios años en una universidad, abandonen sus estudios por haber cometido el “pecado original” de no haber acertado en su elección inicial. El Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior tendrá que servir para que los estudiantes puedan moverse dentro de nuestra ordenación universitaria con facilidad por tener los planes de estudios una definición que, confrontada con lo que marque la definición de los niveles en nuestro Marco, permita evitar los complejos trámites y convalidaciones por las que hemos hecho pasar a nuestros estudiantes. Pero además nuestro Marco tendrá que servir para la sociedad perciba a nuestra educación superior como un todo homogéneo y coherente donde, por ejemplo, las enseñanzas universitarias y la formación profesional dejen de darse la espalda (con el beneficio que ello supondrá no solo a nuestros estudiantes sino también a nuestra sociedad empeñada en convertir el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida en una realidad también presente en nuestro sistema educativo). OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 Conclusions Sociedad del Conocimiento Tanto la competitividad a medio y largo plazo basada en la innovación como la apuesta, como país, por la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico dependen en gran medida de nuestra estrategia respecto del aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida en nuestro país. Knowledge based Society (& Economy) Both competitiveness, long and medium term, innovation based and the aim towards research and technological development depend mainly on our LLL strategy (including flexible pathways, recognition of prior learning, .............). OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011 GRACIAS OECD/IMHE – Octubre 2011