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*Este programa puede ser objeto de modificación al inicio del
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A. Antecedentes Generales.
Nombre de asignatura
Carácter de la asignatura
Pre - requisito
Co - requisito
Ubicación dentro del plan de estudio
Numero de clases por semanas
Horas académicas de clases por período
Horas académicas de prácticas por
período académico
Sports Marketing and Management
No tiene
IV, V año Semestre 1 2016
2 Modules
B. Unit overview
Sport is an important part of modern society, from a cultural and economic
perspective. The Sports management and marketing develops students' awareness and
knowledge of a range of business disciplines that directly impact the success of
sporting codes, competitions, organizations, teams, individuals and facilities. Sports
management and marketing, as a practice will be considered in the context of
government, not-for-profit, and professional organizations within the sports industry.
The introductory course allows students to visualize new career paths in a range of
sport-related associations and business organisations, and focuses on the application
of knowledge of management, marketing principles in a sporting context, given the
development of the new ministry of sports.
The subject is in line of the Universities key objectives of globalization,
entrepreneurship and leadership and ethics
C. General Objectives
1. Articulate their understanding of sport and culture in a local and national context and
explain the significance of sport within local, national and global culture and industry
2. Discriminate between the marketing management of sport properties, and the
marketing management through sport properties in the form of sponsorship and the
implications for strategy development
*Este programa puede ser objeto de modificación al inicio del periodo
* This syllabus may be subject to change at the beginning of the semester*
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3. Critically assess the relevance of the contingency marketing planning framework for
sport marketing
4. Develop a fan profile based on level of team identification as an indication of fan
5. Determine the role of promotion in marketing and in particular in marketing
communication and branding strategy
D. Contenidos
Unit areas
Develop and visualize sports related
Sports management
1. Introduction into the sports business activities for organization and
non for profit
industry and management
To design and manage new sports
Developing project and ideas projects for the local economy
for sports development
Understand the interconnectedness of
sport and business, particularly
2. Designing the marketing mix
marketing, and those factors that
in sports
differentiate sport marketing from
mainstream marketing
3. Leadership
How to develop and design effective
sports programs to create a competitive
To install confidence in the student’s
ability to generate and lead teams in
new concept design for sports related
E. Learning Expectations and Teaching Methodology strategies
Dynamic teaching through a blend of powerpoint, videos, seminars and case based group
Research activities: Undertaking extensive research is an essential criterion for excelling in
your assignment work. The reason for this is obvious: if you are going to manage multimillion dollar sporting events, you will need to possess an extensive understanding of this
topic area.
Case-based teaching: Unlike many of the ‘generic’ business units you may have
Undertaken, this unit relates to a specific industry. Hence it is vital that it is taught
and learned using content specific to managing sports events. For this reason, your
lecture notes, assignments and exam will often focus on actual examples from the
sports events industry.
Problem-based learning: The reasons for this are similar to those mentioned in the
previous point. In order to be a successful event manager, you will be required to critically
analyze every situation in order to identify opportunities and problems at the earliest
Possible moment. And the best way to develop such a skill is via problem-based
*Este programa puede ser objeto de modificación al inicio del periodo
* This syllabus may be subject to change at the beginning of the semester*
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F. Evaluation
Assessment Item
Assessment 1
(Individual) case studies
Mid Term exams in
class certamens
Assessment 3 group
projects (5% of this is
the presentation)
Media report
Final exam
Total 100%
Due Date
1. 24 March , TBA
1. 14 April
2. 24 May
21 and 23 June
25 %
1. 5 April, 2. 26
April 3. 31 May
29 June
G. Bibliografía
Sports Marketing, 2nd edition, by Sam Fullerton, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2010. (ISBN13 978-0-07-338111-4)
Sports marketing, Michael Fetchko Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1 edition 2012 ISBN13: 978-0132135467
Managing sports facilities Publisher: Human Kinetics; 3 edition, 2015 SBN13: 978-1450468114
Sports in society: Issues and Controversies Jay Coakley McGraw-Hill Education;
11 edition (March 10, 2014) ISBN-13: 978-0078022524
Contemporary Leadership in Sport Organizations: david scott , Human Kinetics;
1 edition (March 3, 2014) ISBN-13: 978-0736096423
Extra material
Harvard Business review
This is Service Design Thinking: 2012 (Stickdorn, M., Schneider, j.
Lovelock, C. H., & Wirtz, J. (2007). Services marketing : people, technology,
strategy. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Lovelock, C. H., & Wirtz, J. (2007). Services marketing : people, technology,
strategy. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Apart from books, you will find it valuable to get into the practice of reading relevant
articles from journals and periodicals (including newspapers and magazines).
Journal of sports management and marketing
Sports Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 38-47.
European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33-34, pp. 402-418.
Strategy andLeadership, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 9-14.
Journal of Business Research, Vol. 55, pp. 611-622.
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* This syllabus may be subject to change at the beginning of the semester*
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G: Evaluation Descriptions
A. Mid Term exams (Individual): Students are to undertake two mid-term
examinations; dates are to be confirmed during the semester though tentative dates
are already in the weekly planner. The Two exams will be given during the course of
the semester to measure each student’s comprehension of the course material. You
will have one hour and 20 minutes to complete each test. Exams are not open notes.
Each exam will cover the chapters and supplementary materials noted in the dates
outlined in the syllabus. The instructor may adjust the topics to be covered by each
exam based upon progress in coverage in class of the materials to be offered. Ample
notice will be given to the students should adjustments in covered exam materials be
necessary. The Final Exam is not cumulative, but rather will cover materials studied
after the Mid-Term examination
B. Final Exam (Individual): This exam is scheduled for the end of semester and the
allocated time and date will be given. The makeup of the exam will be notified with
plenty of time. It will be designed to have students demonstrate their understanding
of the entire course utilizing all material handed to the student during semester
C. Media report (individual work or dual, T.B.A): Each student will gather at least 3
media items related to a sport and make a brief 10-minute oral presentation including
a 3-5minute Q&A based on sport related articles (Nationally) on any print media or
web based media that cover the topics of lectures.
Each student/s will present once during the semester and media report presentations
will take place on Tuesdays. The purpose of this assignment is to increase students’
awareness of news and issues relevant to sport marketing and management.
PowerPoint or other presentation software (e.g, Prezi) is required.
Written outlines and oral presentations should 1) summarize your selected article(s),
2) explain the relationship between the selected article and a specific topic, and 3)
assess how or whether the information would be useful to sport marketing
professional. If you believe that the information would be useful to sport marketers,
managers explain how the information could be utilized. A written version of media
reports must be sent to the teacher, before the presentation day (by 5:00 pm on that
Monday). Title of the file must be “Your First Name Last Name Media”. This written
media report should not exceed three pages in length and should reflect a brief
summary of the articles with proper citations and their associations to the weekly
topics. Students should make every effort to connect the media reports with weekly
topics. Example Topics: Sport Production Segment, Sport Promotion Segment, Sport
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* This syllabus may be subject to change at the beginning of the semester*
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Performance Segment, Factors influencing the growth of the sport industry,
Distinguishing characteristic of the sport industry, Sport marketing research, Sport
market segmentation strategy, Sport branding, Sponsorship, Sales, local laws and
governance etc.
D. Case Studies During the semester there will be given case studies that you will need
to read, analyze and critique based on questions that the teacher gives for you to
answer, the core concept is to obtain an insight into various scenarios and solutions
play out depending on the cases. You will be given clear indications as to which ones
you are to hand in and if you miss the deadline, there will not be another option. It is
your own responsibility to organize yourself and stay alert to any new uploads or
##please note: that this assessment and evaluation could change given that there is
an awaiting response to have students and teacher attend the facilities of a sporting
facility or facilities and attend an event. Should you choose an event you would only
need to hand in this task and not case studies for an evaluation mark! The task
question will be given to you by the teacher
E. Group Assignment: Students are to form groups of 3 (three) and undertake a
thorough analysis of a sport based in Chile. Students will pick a sport organization,
review their current marketing strategy and propose a new marketing campaign.
Each team will select the sports organization, albeit a team, league, sponsor or
corporation and write a report concerning the management and marketing
environment and experience associated with that specific organization, using primary
research and/or secondary research via outside sources
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn the basic steps
and details involved in the marketing of a sport product/service. This assignment includes
(1) a 10-minute oral presentation and (2) a minimum 3000 written report. With regards to
the section of the marketing plan should enable a sport organization to establish objectives,
priorities, schedules, budgets, strategies. Identifying their target market is particularly
important. Students should reflect and use prior knowledge as well as the lectures and
course materials on the marketing plan. Each group will give a 15-minute presentation
concerning the main points of their business and marketing plan. You are requested to
prepare appropriate PowerPoint slides to facilitate a concise presentation. All group
members must attend the assigned presentation day(s) if they want to receive any credit
for their own presentation. You must submit your PowerPoint slides one day prior to your
presentation day. Failure to do so will result in 20% deduction from your grade
*Este programa puede ser objeto de modificación al inicio del periodo
* This syllabus may be subject to change at the beginning of the semester*
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F. Late policy: LATE POLICY Assignments may be turned in prior to their date due,
or at the beginning of class on the scheduled due date. Students will have to turn in
an electronic copy of the assignment. No make-up assignments or examinations will
be given. Any assignments or exams missed will be recorded as a zero. Should a
student have written proof of a medical problem that prevents taking a quiz/exam,
case, presentation other arrangements will be made on an individual basis. g. All
examinations must be completed in the assigned time. Therefore, DO NOT BE LATE
TO CLASS ON THE DAY OF ANY EXAM. If a student arrives late for an exam
and the first student to finish the exam has left the room, the late student will not be
permitted to take the exam and will receive a zero for that exam
*Este programa puede ser objeto de modificación al inicio del periodo
* This syllabus may be subject to change at the beginning of the semester*