W-APT LEVEL ACCESS ENG. PROF. LEVEL OFFICE OF BILINGUAL MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION BILINGUAL PROGRAM HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY FOR ENGLISH LANGAUGE LEARNERS (Parent Permission/Refusal) ENTRY DATE IN U.S. School RE-ENTRY DATE Date STUDENT’S INFORMATION: M F Student’s Last Name First MI Student’s Address Telephone Attendance Area School Years Previous Schooling Previous School Address (Circle Sex) ID Number Grade (I-94) English Bil Only ESL Programs at Previous School Spanish Only Special Education ALIEN REGISTRATION NUMBER To be filled out only if student has refugee status Learning Difficulties Last Grade Completed Mexican Puerto Rican Hmong Student’s Ethnic Background Student’s Place of Birth Birth date Father’s, Guardian’s or Sponsor’s Name Address Telephone Mother’s, Guardian’s or Sponsor’s Name Address Telephone Other LANGUAGE INFORMATION: What language did the student learn first? Spanish English Other What language does he/she speak most often? Spanish English Other What language is most often spoken in his/her home? Spanish English All What language does the mother/father/guardian speak most often? Spanish English Eng. w/other Optional: Additional Information: NOTE: THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY PARENT, GUARDIAN OR SPONSOR. Parent/Guardian/Sponsor Signature MPS Staff Collecting This Information Date Revised 9/09 BILINGUAL PROGRAM CONSENT/REFUSAL FORM TO BE FILLED OUT AND SIGNED BY PARENT, GUARDIAN, OR SPONSOR: I am aware that my child IS OR IS NOT an English Language Learner (ELL) and eligible for receiving bilingual instruction. I have been informed in my dominant language of the benefits regarding these services to my child. I understand that the goals of the Bilingual Education Program of Milwaukee Public Schools are to help students develop their English and Spanish language skills and to progress through the regular school curriculum using both languages. At this time I prefer that my child, be enrolled in the Bilingual/Bicultural Program at this school, if available. be transferred to a school where he/she will receive Bilingual/Bicultural education. Transportation to and from school may be provided according to Transportation guidelines. not be enrolled in the Bilingual Program at this or any other school. He/She will be part of the monolingual English program. be enrolled at an ESL Stand Alone program. be enrolled in this school’s monolingual program, because I understand he/she is not eligible for the Bilingual Program. Parent or Guardian’s Signature Date FORMULARIO DE CONSENTIMIENTO/REHUSAMIENTO PARA EL PROGRAMA BILINGÜE PARA SER LLENADO Y FIRMADO POR EL PADRE, GUARDIAN O ENCARGADO: Entiendo que mi hijo/hija ES o NO ES un estudiante que aprende inglés (ELL) y elegible para recibir educación bilingüe. Se me ha informado en mi propio idioma de los beneficios que estos servicios aportarían a mi hijo/hija. Entiendo que los objetivos del Programa de Educación Bilingüe de las Escuelas Públicas de Milwaukee es ayudar al estudiante a desarrollar sus destrezas lingüísticas en español e ingles y a progresar a través del programa escolar utilizando ambos idiomas. Por el presente prefiero que mi hijo/hija, sea inscrito(a) en el Programa Bilingüe/Bicultural de esta escuela si está disponible. sea transferido(a) a otra escuela en donde pueda recibir educación bilingüe/bicultural. Se podría ofrecer servicios de transporte, de conformidad a los reglamentos de transporte. no sea inscrito(a) en el programa Bilingüe de esta ni de ninguna otra escuela. El/Ella ingresara en el programa monolingüe en ingles de esta escuela. sea inscrito(a) en un programa de Inglés como segundo idioma. sea inscrito(a) en el programa monolingüe de esta escuela porque no es elegible por el Programa Bilingüe/Bicultural. Firma del padre, madre, o encargado Fecha