LONG BEACH CITY COLLEGE SPANISH 9: SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2015 Instructor: Dr. Cynthia A. Quintero Time: T & Th 1:15 -3:45pm E-mail: [email protected] Office: M-201A Office Hours: M/W: 10:20-11:20am; T/Th 9-10:30am Section: 31957 Class Location: LAC- B204 Telephone: 562-938-4611 REQUIRED TEXTS Samaniego, et al., El mundo 21 hispano. 2nd Edition. Heinle Cengage Learning. 2014. Samaniego, et al., El mundo 21 hispano: Cuaderno de actividades para hispanohablantes. Online. 2nd Edition. Heinle Cengage Learning. 2014. RECOMMENDED TEXTS Spanish/English Dictionary Spanish Dictionary REQUIRED MATERIALS 1. Colored Post-It tabs 2. Highlighter markers 3. Three colored ballpoint pens Add/Drop Policies Dropping Students: Students who fail to show up on the first day of class will be dropped from the course after the FIRST HOUR OF THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS, and their seat will be given to a student on the Waitlist. Students on the Waitlist will be added in CHRONOLOGICAL order according to the Waitlist provided to the professor. Any remaining seats not filled by Waitlisted students, will be filled by a lottery system conducted before the end of the first class meeting. COURSE DESCRIPTION Spanish 9: Spanish for Spanish Speakers is an intensive study of Hispanic culture and language using a variety of literary selections by famous Spanish, Latin American, and U.S. Latino authors. Reading selections focus on the historical, political, and social contributions of the different groups under study. The course is designed to increase student’s written and oral competency. Emphasis will be placed upon the building of organizational and writing skills in Spanish by focusing on stylistics. In addition to the emphasis on writing, students will review some of the more complex grammatical structures of the Spanish language. The main class activities will be discussions of specific cultural issues regarding the Spain and Latin America and discussions as they pertain to the reading selections. [1] STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Formulate ideas orally at a medium intermediate level. 2. Formulate ideas in writing at a medium intermediate level. 3. Demonstrate reading comprehension at a medium intermediate level. 4. Demonstrate aural comprehension at a medium intermediate level. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Students will be able to provide critical evaluation orally and in writing on the primary works of literature read. 2. Students will acquire an understanding of the diversity of the Hispanic world through works of literature, music, art, and film presented and discussed in class. 3. Students will develop an historical perspective and sensitivity to the Hispanic culture by comparing and contrasting the materials presented in class to their personal experiences in the U.S.. 4. Through the reading and writing process and the oral discussions, students will acquire the basic grammatical principles of the Spanish language and will have the ability to respond creatively and accurately to different situations, both orally and in writing. COURSE REQUIREMENTS The successful student in Spanish will: ―attend all class sessions ―follow the course syllabus ―study the appropriate grammar sections and complete the reading and workbook assignments at home ―be prepared every day to participate and contribute to class discussions ―hand-in all assignments and compositions on time―late homework/compositions will not be accepted ―take exams as scheduled ―there will be no make-ups ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION (10%) Class attendance is mandatory. Regular class attendance is essential for successful completion of the course. Students are allowed two (2) absences per semester. For any absences beyond this, a student’s FINAL GRADE will be lowered by one (1) percentage point. Punctual arrival to class is essential. Every three (3) tardies will be counted as one (1) absence. In order to receive full credit for daily attendance, students must stay in class for the entire duration of the class period. Leaving class early –for any duration of time– will count as an absence. Absences will only be EXCUSED by showing proof of EMERGENCY. There are no exceptions. It is crucial for all students enrolled in a class in the Foreign Language Department to have the required materials for the level that they are studying by census date (beginning of the third week). A student that does not have required materials (i.e. homework, exercises, books, exams to be reviewed, etc.) will not receive credit for participation or attendance on those particular days. A student may be dropped from a five (5) unit course if absent nine (9) consecutive hours or a total of fifteen (15) hours during the entire semester. If you are absent from class on any particular day, it is up to you to obtain from other students in the class the assignment that is due on the following class meeting, so exchange numbers with a couple of students in class as soon as possible. Try to notify me of absences as soon as possible so that you are not dropped from the course. No texting will be allowed during class time. The Attendance & Participation grade will be affected if students are found to be texting. HOMEWORK (10%) Assignments are designed to complement and reinforce the work done in class. Completing the exercises and readings from the text and the activity book before coming to class will only benefit and ease the learning process, [2] while failing to do so will only make it more difficult for you to keep up with the work. As such, it is critical that all assignments be completed and submitted on a timely basis. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED! NO EXCEPTIONS. COMPOSITIONS (20%) As part of the course requirements this semester, you will write two (2) compositions on topics related to the readings studied in class. All students will be expected to participate in all aspects of the writing process, which includes editing and writing multiple drafts of the same composition. Not participating in the writing process will have a negative effect on the final composition grade. Expectations and topics will be given when assigned. ORAL PRESENTATION (10%) All students will prepare and deliver one (1) oral presentation of 4-6 minutes in duration. Topics will vary and will be related to cultural topics presented in class, ranging from cultural themes to social-political themes. Preparation for the oral presentation includes: 1) preparing an outline of the presentation, which will have to be distributed to all students before the presentation; and 2) delivering the presentation using either a poster board or PowerPoint slides. Students will not be allowed to read straight from note cards. Students who are caught doing this will receive very few points, thus affecting the overall grade of the presentation. Remember that material not generated by you must be cited appropriately or it will be considered to be plagiarism. Students who fail to show up on the scheduled date of their presentation will receive a zero for the Oral Presentation grade. No exceptions. EXAMS (30%) Lesson exams are cumulative and comprehensive in nature. There will be two (2) exams―Lecciones 1 & 2 and Lecciones 3 & 4 ―covering reading, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and accents. Exams will also consist of listening and reading comprehension as well as writing. Information for these will be given upon completion of every two lessons. Missing one or both exams will have a negative effect on the final grade. Information studied in Lesson 5 will be assessed in the Final Exam. FINAL EXAM (20%) The Final Exam will focus on Lessons 1-5 and will cover all components studied throughout the semester. Information for the Final Exam will be given at least one week before the scheduled exam date. Any student who misses the final exam will receive a zero for the final exam grade, making it difficult to pass the class. GRADE DISTRIBUTION & GRADING SCALE ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION 10% HOMEWORK 10% COMPOSITIONS (2) 20% ORAL PRESENTATION 10% EXAMS (2) 30% FINAL EXAM 20% —————————————————————— 100% A B C D F = 100.00 – 90 = 89.99 – 80 = 79.99 – 70 = 69.99 – 60 = 59.99 – 0 NOTE: THIS SYLLABUS IS A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE STUDENT AND THE PROFESSOR. YOUR AGREEMENT TO STAY IN THIS CLASS CONSTITUES AN ACCEPTANCE OF ITS TERMS. [3] Withdrawal Policy The Withdrawal Policy is set forth in the Long Beach City College Schedule of Classes. Students are responsible for dropping or adding courses officially within the preset dates. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to secure the required signatures. NOTE: There is no smoking, food, or drink allowed in the classroom. Turn-off your cellphones and all electronic devices before entering the classroom. There will be no texting while you are in class. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Long Beach City College Deadlines and Important Dates February 9 - 14, 2015 Late Registration * Permission from instructor is needed to register for classes February 13 - 16, 2015 Presidents Holidays - College Closed March 6, 2015 Deadline to apply for Spring 2015 Graduation at Noon March 10, 2015 Flex Day - No Classes April 6 - 11, 2015 Spring Break - No Classes May 25, 2015 Memorial Day - No Classes ***Final Exams are the last week of classes. [4] DAY-BY-DAY CALENDAR – SPRING 2015 Fecha Material a cubrir 10/02 Introd. al curso. Pres. de estudiantes. Cuestionario & breve composición en clase. Introducción a la Lección 1: “Cuna de sueños” pp.4-5. El alfabeto. Tarea: pp. 4-7. Gramática (G) pp. 20-23. 12/02 Sustantivos y artículos pp.20-23. El alfabeto, la separación en sílaba y las reglas de acentuación. Tarea: pp.8-11. (G) pp.24-29. 17/02 19/02 24/02 26/02 03/03 05/03 Artículos definidos pp.24-29. Sílabas pp.12-13. Diptongos y triptongos pp.36. Repasar reglas de acentuación. Puerto Rico pp.30-37. Tarea: Y ahora, ¡A leer! “Esperanza muere en Los Ángeles pp.17-19. (G) pp.47-50. Presente de indicativo: verbos regulares pp.47-50. Repasar “Esperanza muere en Los Ángeles” pp.19-21. Tarea: Y ahora ¡A leer! “Del montón” pp.39-42. Introducción a la Lección 2: “Raíces y esperanza” pp.58-61 (G) pp.51-53. Repasar “Del montón” pp.39-42. Introducción a la Lección 2: “Raíces y esperanza” pp.58-61. Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos pp.51-53. Acentuación. Tarea: pp.62-65. (G) pp.73-75. Escribir primer borrador: Composición #1. El presente de indicativo: Verbos con cambios en la raíz. pp. 73-75. Palabras que cambian de significado y Prefijos del latín pp.66-67. ¡Luces! ¡Cámara! ¡Acción!: “Castañuela 70: teatro prohibido” p.68. Tarea: Y ahora, ¡A leer! “El arrebato” pp. 69-72. (G) pp.76-79. Corregir primer borrador: Composición #1. El presente de indicativo: verbos con cambios ortográficos y verbos irregulares pp.76-79. México: pp.80-85. Letras problemáticas: la c pp.86-87. Acentuación. Tarea: Y ahora, ¡A leer! “Tiempo libre” pp.91-94. (G) pp.99-103. Adjetivos descriptivos pp.99-103. Usos de los verbos ser y estar pp.104-107. Repasar “Tiempo libre” pp.91-94. Acentuación. Tarea: Estudiar para Examen #1: Lecciones 1 & 2. Terminar Cuaderno: Lecciones 1 & 2. Corregir primer borrador. 10/03 12/03 FLEX DAY – NO HAY CLASES Entregar segundo borrador: Composición #1. El presente de indicativo pp. Dictado. Acentuación. Tarea: Estudiar y completar Cuaderno. 17/03 EXAMEN #1: Lecciones 1 & 2. Entregar Cuadernos: Lecciones 1 & 2. Introducción a la Lección 3: “Camino de los incas” pp.112-115. Tarea: pp.116-119. (G) pp.128-131. Pronombres de objeto directo e indirecto y la a personal pp.128-131. La escritura del sonido /k/ pp.120-121. ¡Luces! ¡Cámara! ¡Acción!: “Cusco y Pisac: formidables legados incas” p.124. Tarea: Y ahora, ¡A leer! “El canalla sentimental” pp.125-127. (G) pp.131-133. Entregar versión final de composición #1. 19/03 24/03 26/03 31/03 El verbo gustar y construcciones semejantes pp.131-133. Bolivia pp.134-137. Repasar “El canalla sentimental” pp.125-127. Temas para conversar. Tarea: pp.138-139. (G) pp.148-151. El pretérito: verbos regulares y Cambios ortográficos en el pretérito pp.148-151. Letras problemáticas: la s y la z pp.140-141. ¡Luces! ¡Cámara! ¡Acción!: “La maravillosa geografía boliviana” p.144. Tarea: Y ahora, ¡A leer! “La frontera” pp.145-147. (G) pp.166-169. El pretérito: verbos con cambios en la raíz y verbos irregulares pp.166-169. Repasar “La frontera” pp.145-147. Ecuador pp.152-155. Tarea: pp.156-157. Hojas de práctica: El pretérito. [5] 02/04 Escribir primer borrador: Composición #2. Letras problemáticas: la g y la j pp.158-159. El pretérito: verbos con cambios en la raíz y verbos irregulares pp.166-169. Tarea: Introducción a la Lección 4 pp.174-179. (G) pp.190193. SPRING BREAK APRIL 6-11 14/04 16/04 21/04 23/04 Introducción a la Lección 4: “Potencias del Cono Sur” pp.174-181. El imperfecto pp.190-193. Letras problemáticas: la b y la v pp.183-184. . ¡Luces! ¡Cámara! ¡Acción!: “Chile: tierra de arena, agua y vino” p.186. Tarea: pp.184-185. (G) pp.193-195. Corregir primer borrador: Composición #2. El pretérito y el imperfecto: acciones acabadas y acciones que sirven de trasfondo pp.193-195. Palabras homófonas pp.184-185. Y ahora, ¡A leer! “Autorretrato” pp.187-189. Tarea: pp.196-201. Hojas de práctica. Argentina pp.196-201. El pretérito y el imperfecto: acciones simultáneas y recurrentes pp.213-216. Repasar “Autorretrato” pp.187-189. Tarea: Y ahora, ¡A leer!: Continuidad de los parques” pp.205-208. (G) pp.216-221. Entregar segundo borrador: Composición #2. Comparativos y superlativos pp.216-221. Repasar “Continuidad de los parques” pp.205-208. Tarea: Hojas de práctica. Estudiar para el Examen #2. Terminar Cuaderno: Lecciones 3 & 4. 28/04 30/04 Pretérito e imperfecto. Dictado. Temas para conversar. Tarea: Estudiar y completar Cuaderno Examen #2: Lecciones 3 & 4. Entregar Cuadernos: Lecciones 3 & 4. Introducción a la Lección 5: “Aspiraciones y contrastes” pp.226-231. Tarea: pp.232-233. (G) pp.241-243. 05/05 07/05 El infinitivo pp.241-243. Y ahora, ¡A leer! “Elisa” pp.237-240. Tarea: pp.234-235. (G) pp.244-248. Las formas del presente subjuntivo y el uso del subjuntivo en las cláusulas principales pp.244-248. Letras problemáticas: la j pp.234-235. Repasar “Elisa” pp.237-240. Tarea: pp.252-257. (G) pp.249-251. 12/05 Entregar versión final: Composición #2. El subjuntivo en las cláusulas principales pp.244-251. ¡Luces! ¡Cámara! ¡Acción! “Paraguay: al son del arpa paraguaya” p.236. Tarea: Hojas de práctica. Y ahora, ¡A leer! “El derecho al delirio” pp.263-266. Repasar “El derecho al delirio” pp.264-266. Repaso del presente subjuntivo. Temas para conversar. Tarea: (G) pp.267-270. 14/05 19/05 21/05 Mandatos formales y mandatos familiares pp.267-270. Hojas de práctica. Tarea: (G) pp.271-275. Mandatos formales y familiares: con pronombres. Actividades de escuchar. Tarea: Hojas de práctica. 26/05 28/05 DÍA FERIADO –MEMORIAL DAY –NO HAY CLASES Repaso de mandatos formales y mandatos familiares pp.267-270. El subjuntivo en las cláusulas nominales pp.271-275. Temas para conversar. Tarea: Hojas de práctica. Terminar Cuaderno Lección 5. 02/06 04/06 Entregar Cuadernos: Lección 5. El subjuntivo en las cláusulas nominales pp.271-275. Hojas de práctica. Dictado. Tarea: Estudiar para Examen Final. El subjuntivo en las cláusulas nominales: el subjuntivo vs. el indicativo. Tarea: Estudiar para el examen final. 09/06 11/06 REPASO: EXAMEN FINAL EXAMEN FINAL: Wednesday, June 10, 2015: 8:00-10:20am (G) = Gramática *The professor reserves the right to make changes to the Day-By-Day calendar as necessary. [6]
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The Final Exam will consist of reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, accents, history and a composition.
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