Turismo responsable
Turismo responsable
V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 1 de 12 1.- Course Details Código Asignatura 29156 Turismo Responsable Titulación Grado en Turismo Carácter Optativa Curso 4º Créditos P NP Total 1.8 4.2 6 Idioma Semestre 1º Estudios Grado Inglés Profesor Dr. Carles Tudurí Borrás Correo-e [email protected] P: Classroom Despacho Teléfono 971-721133 NP: Homework 2.- Framework The elective subject ‘Responsible Tourism’ belongs to the area of ‘Tourism Planning’, and it has a clear relation with the subject ‘Tourist resources and products’. As avobe said, this is an optional subject belonging to the pathway of ‘Tourism Planning’, offered in the degree. The programme will provide the student with a theoretical framework about responsible and sustainable tourism. It will also provide the necessary tools for the students to be able to apply sustainability criteria to the areas of tourism management in their professional future. The course will also analyze the relationship between tourism and sustainable development in a globalized society. This will lead us to review the changes and trends that are suffering society in general and tourism in particular in recent decades. Apart from this theoretical analysis, the course aims to teach students some of the skills and practices to be used in their future professional development in order to approach tourism in a much more sustainable way. In the understanding that students have already acquired appropriate tourism planning managerial skills during their studies, the course will focus on issues of sustainability and responsible tourism. We will also examine the use of tourism as a way to create wealth and fight poverty, analysing some cases internationally relevant. Furthermore, the relationship between cooperation and tourism in third-world countries also will be treated along the course. V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 2 de 12 Bearing in mind present tourism trends, the interest of the course for students is evident, whatever their field of work: either public or private. Every day more and more tourists are opting for destinations that promote sustainable development programs, so sustainable planning may become a strong growing activity in the coming years. The private sector is also taking into account the issue of sustainability, so we can see in the next few years a greater need for specialists in this field. 3.- Requirements 3.1 Basic requirements. None. 3.2 Recommended requirements It is convenient to follow the ‘29150 Planificación y Evaluación de espacios turísticos’ subject. It is also recommended to have passed the subjects related to tourism, hospitality and travel agencies management. 4.- Competences 4.1 Transferrable skills CG3 Being able to collect and analyse relevant quantitative, qualitative and spatial data, so as to make judgements that include critical thinking on relevant issues in the territorial, social, economic, legal, scientific or ethic realms, related to tourism. 4.2 Specific skills CE3 Recognizing the manner in which social and territorial organization of societies affect tourism patterns and the different ways of development of tourist resorts and the impacts that tourism causes in the natural and human environment of the territories in which it operates. CE10 Applying concepts, techniques and knowledge of the different areas of science to solve problems (with the appropriate legal knowledge), spur development, create wealth and improve the quality of life of people (both tourists and residents) through public sector planning and private land management, risk prevention, conservation and sustainability policies and equality, always looking for quality of life and the tourist experience. CE11 Knowing and applying the concepts, methods and tools that enable responsible management of natural resources, environmental protection and sustainable land V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 3 de 12 use in a manner consistent with meeting responsible for the growing needs of the indigenous, resources and tourists. 5.- Syllabus 1. Knowledge society, globalization and new tourism 1.1. The ethical and responsible tourism. 1.2. The new supply. 1.2. The new demand. 2. Tourism impacts 2.1. Social and economic impacts. 2.2. Cultural impacts. 2.3. Environmental impacts. 3. New formulas of responsible tourism. Supply and demand. 3.1. Ecotourism and environmental management. 3.2. Cultural tourism and heritage management. 3.3. Solidarity trips and work camps. 3.4. Travel agencies and tour operators responsible. 3.5. Sustainability and brand image. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 4. Tourism and development cooperation 4.1. Tourism and NGOs. 4.2. Tourism and development. 4.3. Project planning. 4.4. Project execution. 5. International experiences in responsible tourism 5.1. South Africa 5.2. Costa Rica. 5.3. The certification of responsible tourism 6. Good practice in responsible tourism. 6.1. Environmental. 6.2. Cultural 6.3. Social and economic. V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 4 de 12 6.- Teaching methodology Classwork Modality Lecture Name Theoretical classes Type of Group Large Group Description Case Studies Practical classes Medium Group Different cases will be studied at the local, national and international experience in responsible tourism. Classwork Practical classes Medium Group Individual and group work will be undertaken to develop theoretical and tools concepts proposed in class. Assessment Presentations Small group Focused answers to the proposed issues, clear structure, good critical written and scientific rigor Assessment Written exam Large group Written test with short and/or long answers It will provide students with the theoretical concepts of the syllabus. Homework Modality Group study and assignments Name Home assignments Description Individual study and assignments. Home assignments Each of the topics will include their corresponding practical individual exercises. Revision and study of class notes and revision of case studies. Individual study Preparatory and assignments. examination study Each of the topics will include their corresponding practical group exercises. for written 7.- Workload Modality Nombre Name Hours ECTS % V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 5 de 12 Classwork Lecture Case Studies Classwork Assessment Assessment Homework Group and individual assignments Individual self-study Home assignments 47 30 1 11 3 2 103 60 1.8 1.1 0.03 0.42 0.1 0.07 4.2 2.5 30 19.14 0.7 7.06 1.9 1.2 70 40.7 preparation for final exam Total 43 150 1.7 6 29.3 100 Theroetical classes Practical classes Practical classes Presentations Written exam 8.- Week-by-week schedule WINTER TERM Week 1 In-class activities: 3 hours Lecture: Unit 1: Knowledge society, globalization. Definitions Distance/self-study activities: 2 hours Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 2 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture. Unit 2: Tourism impacts. 2 hrs. Case study: 1 hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Individual self-study: 5 hrs. Impacts. The student will choose a destination and briefly explain what are the positive and negative impacts that tourism has brought to the people of the place chosen. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 3 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture: Unit 2: Tourism impacts 2 hrs. Practical class 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Individual self-study: Preparation of individual presentation. (5 hrs.) Impacts. The student will choose a destination and briefly explain which are the V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 6 de 12 positive and negative impacts that tourism has had on the people of the place chosen. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 4 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture: Unit 3: New forms of responsible tourism 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Group-self-study: Responsible tourism 5 hrs. Responsible Tourism. The students will choose any company or destination applying responsible tourism. Then, the students have to explain the characteristics of this organization, justifying the choice. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 5 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture: Unit 3: New forms of responsible tourism 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Group work. Group presentation. (5 hrs.) Responsible Tourism. The students will choose any company or destination applying responsible tourism. Then, the students have to explain the characteristics of this organization, justifying their choice. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 6 (5 – 9 Nov.) In-class activities: 3 hrs. (Unit 5) Lecture: Unit 4: Tourism and development cooperation 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Individual self-study: Cooperation. The student will choose a tourism cooperation project and explain its operation: participating entities, objectives, activities, investment results, personal opinion. 5 hrs. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 7 In-class activities: 3 hrs. V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 7 de 12 Lecture: Unit 4: Tourism and development cooperation: 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Individual self-study: Individual presentation. 5 hrs. Cooperation. The student will choose a tourism cooperation project and explain its operation: participating entities, objectives, activities, investment results, personal opinion. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 8 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture: Unit 4: Tourism and development cooperation 2 hrs. Case study: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Group-self-study: Presentation of Case Study. 5 hrs. The teacher will present some cases of cooperation that has been developed and the students try to detect errors and propose solutions. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 9 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture: Unit 5: International experiences in responsible tourism 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Group-self-study: 5 hrs. The students will choose an existing sustainable tourism certification and explain it: requirements, cost, implementation, etc. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 10 In-class activities: 3 hrs Lecture: Unit 5: International experiences in responsible tourism 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Group-self-study: Group Presentation. 5 hrs. The students will choose an existing sustainable tourism certification and explain it: requirements, cost, implementation, etc. V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 8 de 12 Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 11 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture: Unit 6: Good practices in sustainable tourism 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 7 hrs. Individual self-study: 5 hrs. The student will develop a small tourism enterprise project, highlighting good practices in responsible tourism. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 12 (17 – 21 Dec.) In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture: Unit 6: Good practices in sustainable tourism 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 9 hrs. Group-self-study: Continued. 5 hrs. The student will develop a small tourism enterprise project, highlighting good practices in responsible tourism. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 2 hrs. Week 13 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Lecture: Unit 6: Good practices in sustainable tourism 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. Distance/self-study activities: 10 hrs. Group-self-study: Group presentation. 5 hrs. The students will develop a small tourism enterprise project, highlighting good practices in responsible tourism. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 5 hrs. Week 14 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Assessment: Oral presentations 2 hrs. Practical class: 1hr. V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 9 de 12 Distance/self-study activities: 5 hrs. Individual self-study: preparation for final exam: 5 hrs. Week 15 In-class activities: 3 hrs. Theory classes: Conclusions Course 3 hrs. Distance/self-study activities: 5 hrs. Individual self-study: preparation for Final exam: 5 hrs. Week 16 In-class activities: 2 hrs. Assessment: Written examination 2 hrs. Distance/self-study activities: 4 hrs. Individual self-study: preparation for Final exam: 4 hrs. 9.- Assessment Assessment Description Method Written examination Practical classes Individual and group presentations Individual and group assignments R: Recoverable NR: Non recoverable Written tests with short and/or long answers Observation Type R/NR Assessment criteria R Right answers NR Participation Presentations in front of the rest of the group using PowerPoint or similar visual aids R Presentations in front of the rest of the group using PowerPoint or similar visual aids R Pathways A B 40% 75% Focused answers to the proposed issues, clear structure, good critical written and scientific rigor Focused answers to the proposed issues, clear structure, good critical written and scientific rigor 10% - 10% - 40% 25% V. 1.0 GUÍA DOCENTE Turismo responsable Escrito.: July. 2012 Pág.: 10 de 12 10.- Learning resources, bibliography and documentation. Description Jordi Gascón y Ernest Cañada.(2005). Viajar a todo tren. Turismo, desarrollo y sostenibilidad. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial. Brian Archer, Chris Cooper, and Lisa Ruhanen. The Positive and Negative Impacts of Tourism. In William F. Theobald (2005). Global Tourism. London: Elsevier. Link Rainforest Alliance: Guide for Sustainable Tourism Best Practices Link Type Basic Bibliography Basic Bibliography Basic Bibliography Meredith Wray, Dianne Dredge and others: Sustainable Regional Additional Tourism Destinations. Best practice for management, development Bibliography and marketing. Link Spenceley, A.(2008) Responsible Tourism: Critical issues for Additional Conservation and Development, London: Earthscan. Bibliography Sodepaz: Turismo y desarrollo: Experiencias desde la cooperación Additional internacional. Bibliography Link Spenceley, A. (2006). Ecotourism: Benefits for conservation and Other resources local people? African Wildlife, 60 (3), 16-18. Link v.1.1 Junio 2009 CONTRATO DOCENTE EUTFM Contrato docente DATOS DEL ALUMNO APELLIDOS _____________________________Nombre__________________ DNI __________________ Curso ________ Fecha de nacimiento _________________ Población __________________________ Domicilio _________________________________________________ Teléfono _________________ Correo-e: _________________________________ DATOS DE LA ASIGNATURA Asignatura ______________________________________________________ Código ____________ Profesor/a responsable _________________________________ Itinerarios de evaluación propuestos: Actividades (*) Examen final Recuperación (marcad) Recuperable (R) No recuperable (NR) Porcentaje de puntuación Itinerario Itinerario A B R 40% 75% Impactos. El estudiante elegirá un destino turístico y explicará brevemente cuales son los impactos positivos y negativos que la actividad turística ha provocado para la población del lugar elegido. R 10% -- Turismo Responsable. El estudiante escogerá una oferta turística que considere que se puede calificar como responsable y explicará sus características, justificando su elección. R 10% -- Cooperación. El alumno escogerá un proyecto de cooperación turística y explicará su funcionamiento: entidades participantes, objetivos, actuaciones, inversiones, resultados, valoración personal. R 10% -- Certificaciones. El estudiante elegirá una certificación de turismo sostenible que exista en el mercado y explicará su funcionamiento: requisitos, coste, implantación, etc. R 10% -- R 10% 25% 100 100 Buenas prácticas. El alumno elaborará un pequeño proyecto de empresa turística, destacando las buenas prácticas en turismo responsable que aplicaría en su funcionamiento. Total: El itinerario por defecto será el ‘A’. Aquellos alumnos que por motivos justificados deseen acogerse a uno de los otros itinerarios propuestos, deberán firmar este contrato pedagógico. Itinerario seleccionado por el estudiante (marcad): Itinerario A - Itinerario B (*) La descripción de las actividades de evaluación se encuentra en el guía docente de la asignatura. CONTRATO ENTRE PROFESOR Y ALUMNO v.1.1 Junio 2009 CONTRATO DOCENTE EUTFM Los abajo firmantes acuerdan que para obtener la calificación de la asignatura, el alumno será evaluado de las actividades integradas en el itinerario seleccionado. La firma de este contrato implica el compromiso de realizar todas las actividades incluidas en el itinerario seleccionado. (Firma del alumno) Palma, ___ de _____________ de 2________ (Firma del profesor/a)