Prerequisite: SPN 111 4 credits
Prerequisite: SPN 111 4 credits
SPN 112 Fall 2013 - COURSE SYLLABUS SECTION: ___________ CLASS TIME: ______________________ CLASS LOCATION: _______________ INSTRUCTOR: _______________________________________ E-MAIL: ______________________ OFFICE HOURS: _____________________ OFFICE LOCATION: __________________________ Course Description SPN 112: ElementarySpanish II An introduction to spoken and written Spanish, stressing pronunciation, speaking,comprehension, reading, and writing. Language laboratory supplements class work. Intended for students with a High School Regents score of 75 - 84. All entering students who have not taken the Regents exam should take a placement exam to evaluate their proficiency. Please see for more information. Prerequisite: SPN 111 4 credits Course Learning Objectives: SPN 112 is the second semester of a beginning level course. Upon completion, students will be able to engage in each of the following language skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing, using most of the verb tenses and modes of the Spanish language. In particular, students will be able to decipher and establish the temporal relations between events, and to reference a series of individuals or items by detailed description of their attributes or actions. Students will understand texts in a variety of topics and begin to understand and follow movie and video clips in the target language. By the end of the course, students will be able to acquire the following proficiencies: • Listening -‐ Students will be able to engage authentic materials as they are presented in news media and other -‐ standardized contexts such as public instruction and announcements. Obtain comprehension of prompts used inside or outside the classroom and in everyday activities where personal interaction with Spanish speakers occurs. • • Speaking -‐ -‐ The student will develop narrative capabilities using the preterit, the imperfect and the present perfect. Be able to express opinions and influence a third party using the subjunctive. -‐ -‐ Express emotions and speak of personal health. Advise and give commands on a variety of topics. Reading -‐ Develop the ability to read magazine or online articles, and short narrative text. -‐ • • Comprehend simple informative texts on varied topics: history, politics, medicine and art. Writing -‐ Draft texts of approximately 125 words on a variety of topics, both creative and informative. -‐ Culture -‐ Compose informal correspondence. Become aware of the nuances of the diverse Hispanic and Latino populations through the study of history, geography, politics, art, customs, religious observances and culinary practices of Spain and Latin America. 1 COURSE REQUIREMENT TEXT: Elizabeth E. Guzmán, Paloma E Lapuerta, and Judith E. Liskin-Gasparro, UNIDOS Classroom Manual. First edition. Pearson. v The ISBN for the Classroom Manual + MySpanishLab access is 0205954545 MySpanishLab is mandatory. Students must have access to My Spanish Lab by the first week of classes, otherwise the student will not be able to complete the assignment portion of the course and 25% will be deducted from the final grade. SPN 112 Course is Ø Took Ø Took Ø Took IMPORTANT Ø Ø Ø ONLY offered for those students who meet the following criteria: the Regents exam in High School and scored between 75- 84 the AVANT Placement test and scored more than 74 SPN 111 Course or a similar level course. REMARKS: This course is not for students who took the Regents exam in High School and scored more than 85 This course is only for non-native speakers of Spanish. Students registered in this course have not taken and are not taking Spanish courses at the 200, 300 or 400 level. METHODOLOGY OF THE COURSE: This course adopts an interactive approach and is designed according to the “flip” teaching model where students are expected to learn outside of the classroom –working with MySpanishLab on a daily basis – in order to apply what they have learned in the communicative classroom. Ø The student obligation is to come to class prepared to apply the material they have learned through MySpanishLab. The student, thus, is responsible for reading and studying the topic(s) that will be covered in the class session. Since the material builds on itself, students cannot just skip an assignment of MySpanishLab and assume they can catch-up in the classroom. Ø Optimal participation involves using adequate Spanish for the level of the class you are taking (not only with the instructor, but also with classmates), voluntary participation in class activities, cooperation in group work and respect for classmates, the instructor and the course. Ø Behavior that is not conducive to a productive learning environment will not be tolerated and disciplinary action at the appropriate administrative level will be sought accordingly. Ø ATTENDANCE TO CLASS IS MANDATORY! CLASS ATTENDANCE: Attendance to class is mandatory, and it will be taken at the beginning of every class and lab period. Since this is a 4-credit course. each hour counts as one absence. As such, if a student is absent on the day when class and lab sessions are held and he or she misses both sessions the student will have accrued two absences. Likewise, if a student is present in class and absent for lab or vice-versa, he or she will have accrued one absence for that day. Courses with a class schedule that meets three days per week: For more than 4 absences B —> B-; for more than 8 absences B —> C+ ; for more than 12 absences B -> C Courses with a class schedule that meets two days per week: For more than 2 absences B —> B-; for more than 4 absences B —> C+ ; for more than 6 absences B -> C 2 Courses with a class schedule that meets three days per week: For more than 16 absences the student will not receive credit for the course, and the grade will result in an F. Courses with a class schedule that meets two days per week: For more than 8 absences the student will not receive credit for the course, and the grade will result in an F. Arriving to class more than 10 minutes late or departing from class more than 10 minutes early will count towards a missed class. Every 3 tardies or early departures count as one absence. NUMERICAL EVALUATION: 6% Active Class Participation ((The participation grade will be given twice during the semester, once in the week of the Mid term and again in the last week of classes). 3 quizzes (20% of the 1st quiz is based on an interview to test the students’ Spanish-speaking Proficiency) Homework (MySpanishLab: Late homework will not be accepted) Midterm exam (It will be divided into two parts: a written part 80 points and an oral part worth 20 Points) Final exam (It will be divided into two parts: a written part 80 points and an oral part with 20 points) 18% 25% 24% 27% Date of final exam: ________________________ SUNY at Stony Brook Grade System: A = 94-100 B = 84-86 C = 74-76 A- = 90-93 B- = 80-83 C- = 70-73 B+ = 87-89 C+ = 77-79 D+ = 66-69 D = 60-65 F = 0-59 General Remarks: Ø Ø Ø Ø There will be no make-ups for quizzes or exams, unless you have a written medical reason or other documented excuse. The documentation must be turned in on the first day of your return to class; otherwise they will not be valid. Be advised: It is not allowed to have an Incomplete Grade in this course. If you have a C- or less please see the Instructor during office hours. If you need to graduate DO NOT WAIT until the last day of class to seek help. Oral evaluations: There will be two oral presentations. One will be given during the midterm week (this will count as part of the midterm exam) and the second oral presentation during the final weeks of the semester (this will count as part of the final exam). It will be conducted in Spanish and cannot be read. The purpose of the oral presentation is NOT to memorize or read from a prepared script, but rather to engage in a fluid and spontaneous conversation. Your instructor will provide further details about the content and coordination of partners when it is appropriate. § No reading and no copy of the script or notes are permitted during the presentation. Remember: Reading a text is absolutely NOT ACCEPTED. Points will be deducted if it becomes evident that the dialogue has been memorized. Students are NOT allowed to refer to any notes during the presentation. CLASSROOM PROTOCOL: Each student is expected to exhibit classroom behavior that is conducive not disruptive to the learning environment. The following guidelines must be observed at all times: § Participate when appropriate § Do not leave the classroom during instruction without first informing me § Do not leave the class before the end of class § Do not pack before the end of class § Be respectful to the instructor and the other students § Do not work on other classes’ homework in class § Do not chat with other students during class § TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES BEFORE ENTERING THE CLASSROOM. * If at any time you feel that you need any kind of help, please come to my office immediately. 3 SPANISH TUTORIAL and WRITING CENTER: The Spanish Tutorial and Writing Center “En español” provides free, individual help with Spanish grammar to students enrolled in language, grammar and literature courses. You are encouraged to go there for help: The Center is located at the Melville Library, room N3065, and will be open as follows: Ø Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Ø Wednesday: 11:00- 1:00 & 2:00 - 4:00 pm CAFÉ LATINO The department will hold a weekly conversation workshop Wednesdays from 4 to 5 pm, starting the third week of classes. This is an informal group where you will have a chance to practice Spanish in a relaxed setting. Feel free to stop by for the full hour or as long as you can. UNIVERSITY POLITICES AND PROCEDURES: DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES (DSS) STATEMENT If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services (631) 632-6748 or They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures and information go to the following website: ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT (as approved by the undergrad council): Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instance of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at CRITICAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT (as approved by the undergrad council): Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, and/or inhibits students' ability to learn. As stated in the University Student Conduct Code, "No student shall obstruct or disrupt any educational, research, administrative, social or recreational activity of the University; nor shall any student create a nuisance to members or guests of the University community" (Article IIA, 8, p. 8, in the Code). Students involved in such conduct are subject to disciplinary action. Disruptive behavior is that which persistently or grossly interferes with academic or administrative activities. Such behavior actively inhibits students' ability to learn, instructors' ability to teach, or the regular operation of the campus. Occasionally, disruptive behavior may even threaten or endanger the physical or psychological health, safety, or welfare of others. Stony Brook University expects students to maintain standards of personal integrity that are in harmony with the educational goals of the institution; to observe national, state, and local laws and University regulations; and to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people.. While the University is a place where the free exchange of ideas and concepts allows for debate and disagreement, all classroom behavior and discourse should reflect the values of respect and civility. Both students and the course instructors share the responsibility to maintain an appropriate learning environment that reflects these values. Students have both the right to learn and the responsibility to participate in and respect the learning process. The Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature will report any cases of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary Committee. This will result in the grade of “Q” on the student’s transcript, which cannot be removed until the student takes and passes a seminar on “Academic Dishonesty”. Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism (copying someone else’s ideas/words without citing them), cheating-during exams, quizzes, copying homework, and all other types. 4 SPN 112 Otoño 2013 PROGRAMA DE TRABAJO SEMANAS Agosto 26 CAPITULOS EXÅMENES / Tareas Introduction to the course Objectives and expectations Capítulo 7 Septiembre 4 Capítulo 7 Septiembre 9 Continuación Capítulo 7 Septiembre 16 Capítulo 8 Septiembre 23 Continuación Capítulo 8 Septiembre 30 Capítulo 9 Octubre 7 Continuación Capítulo 9 Octubre 14 MID TERM QUIZ #1( Capítulo 7 ) QUIZ #2 ( Capítulo 8) Planeación Exámenes Orales/Individuales. (Capítulo 7 al Capítulo 9) Octubre 21 Capítulo 10 Octubre 28 Continuación Capítulo 10 Noviembre 4 Capítulo 11 Noviembre 11 Continuación Capítulo 11 Noviembre 18 Capítulo 12 QUIZ # 3 (Capítulos 10 y 11) Noviembre 25 Continuación Capítulo 12 Inicio de Evaluación Oral Por parejas Diciembre 2 y 9 Revisión * Examen Final: DIA y HORA ____________________ *Make sure you don’t have a conflict with this exam period. There will be NO MAKE UPS 5 SPN 112 CURSO OTOñO 2013 PROGRAMA DE TRABAJO OBJETIVOS Primer día de clases: Agosto 26 o Agosto 27 Bienvenidos a Unidos PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE *Introduction to the course *Objectives and expectations *Introductions and presentations *Learn expressions used in greetings and leave-‐taking Cultura Interactiva: Personas que hablan español LEARNING OUTCOMES Understand class objectives Introduce yourself Learn more about the Spanish-‐speaking world Introduce yourself APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab for your next CLASS!! Capítulo 7 Cultura Interactiva: Argentina, Uruguay y Chile Práctica comunicativa: : GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Talking about the past: Preterit tense of regular verbs (review see Cap. 6) Learning Module: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. Los deportes 2. El tiempo y las estaciones 3. ¿Qué pasó ayer? OBJETIVOS Semana de Agosto 28 -‐Agosto 30 *Connect new information about key industries in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile to what you already know *Learn new vocabulary related to sports, physical activities and weather conditions * Learn new vocabulary related to sports and weather conditions LEARNING OUTCOMES PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE CAPITULO 7 Apertura del Capítulo Cultura Interactiva: Argentina, Uruguay y Chile Compare the ranching and fishing industries in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile with those in your own country Práctica comunicativa: VOCABULARIO EN Talk about sports and the weather CONTEXTO 1. 2. 3. Los deportes El tiempo y las estaciones ¿Qué pasó ayer? Talk about sports and weather conditions Talk about past events APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Capítulo 7 Cultura Interactiva: Argentina, Uruguay y Chile Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Talking about the past: Preterit of reflexive verbs 2. Talking about the past: Preterit of –er and –ir verbs whose stem ends in a vowel 3. Talking about the past: Preterit of stem-changing –ir verbs OBJETIVOS Semana del 4 de Septiembre *Connect new information about key industries in Argentina, Uruguay and PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Continuación CAPITULO 7 Cultura Interactiva: Argentina, Uruguay y Chile LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare the ranching and fishing industries in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile with those in your own country 6 Chile to what you already know Learn the preterit forms of – er and –ir verbs whose stem ends in a vowel * Learn the preterit forms of stem-changing –ir verbs Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Talking about the past: Preterit of reflexive verbs 2. Talking about the past: Preterit of –er and –ir verbs whose stem ends in a vowel 3. Talking about the past: Preterit of stem-changing –ir verbs Talk about events in the past Emphasize and clarify information APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Continuación Capítulo 7 Cultura Interactiva: Argentina, Uruguay y Chile Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Emphasizing or clarifying information: Pronouns after prepositions 2. Talking about the past: Some irregular preterits Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe Learning Module: Enfoque cultural OBJETIVOS LEARNING OUTCOMES PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Semana del 9 de Septiembre Continuación Capítulo 7 Talk about events in the past Differentiate facts from opinion *Use pronouns mi and ti after prepositions *Learn some irregular preterit forms *Predict and guess content *Use supporting details Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Emphasizing or clarifying information: Pronouns after prepositions 2. Talking about the past: Some irregular preterits *Connect new information about key industries in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile to what you already know Unidos Skills Section: Escucha y Habla Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe Práctica comunicativa: Enfoque cultural Focus on key information to report what was said Predict and guess content Use supporting details Compare the ranching and fishing industries in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile with those of your own country APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Capítulo 8 Cultura Interactiva: México. Learning Module: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. Las fiestas y las tradiciones. 2. Otras celebraciones. 3. Las invitaciones. Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Expressing ongoing actions and describing in the past: The imperfect. A ESTUDIAR y PREPARARSE (to be ready) QUIZ #1 DIA: _____________(TBA for your instructor) OBJETIVOS Semana del 16 de Septiembre * Connect new information about Mexico to what you PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE LEARNING OUTCOMES CAPITULO 8 Talk about a Mexican celebration Cultura Interactiva: México. Práctica comunicativa: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO Discuss situations and celebrations Talk about celebrations and situations 7 already know Learn new vocabulary related to holidays, traditions and celebrations Learn new vocabulary related to celebrations and invitations 1. 2. 3. Las fiestas y las tradiciones. Otras celebraciones. Las inivitaciones. Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Expressing ongoing actions and describing in the pasts: The imperfect. Describe conditions and express ongoing actions in the past Learn the forms of the imperfect and its use APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Continuación Capítulo 8 Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Narrating in the past: The preterit and the imperfect. 2. Comparing people and things: Comparisons of inequality. 3. Comparing people and things: Comparisons of equality. 4. Comparing people and things: The superlative. Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe Learning Module: Enfoque cultural OBJETIVOS Continuación CAPITULO 8 *Make inferences Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Narrating in the past: The preterit and the imperfect. 2. Comparing people and things: Comparisons of inequality. 3. Comparing people and things: Comparisons of equality. 4. Comparing people and things: The superlative *Select and sequence details to write effective narratives Unidos Skills Section: Escucha y Habla between the imperfect and the preterit *Learn to use comparative expressions *Learn to use comparative and superlative expressions *Connect new information about Mexico to what you already know LEARNING OUTCOMES PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Semana del 23 de Septiembre * Learn to distinguish Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe Tell stories about past events Compare people and things Compare people and things Draw conclusions based on what you know. Conduct and interview Make inferences Select and sequence details to write effective narratives Talk about a Mexican celebration Práctica comunicativa: Enfoque cultural APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Capítulo 9 Cultura Interactiva: Guatemala. Learning Module: : VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. El trabajo. 2. Los oficios y las profesiones. 3. Buscando trabajo. Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Avoiding repetition: Review of direct and indirect object pronouns. A ESTUDIAR y PREPARARSE QUIZ #2 DIA: _____________(TBA for your instructor) 8 OBJETIVOS PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Semana del 30 de Septiembre CAPITULO 9 * Connect new information Apertura del Capítulo Cultura Interactiva: Guatemala. about history and work in Guatemala with what you already know Práctica comunicativa: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. 2. 3. *Learn new vocabulary related to the workplace and professions Learn new vocabulary related to employment LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare demographic and economic changes in Guatemala and in the United States Talk about careers and employment Talk about careers and employment El trabajo. Los oficios y las profesiones. Buscando trabajo. Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Avoiding repetition: Review of direct and indirect object pronouns. Avoid repetition Avoid repetition Learn to use pronouns for direct and indirect objects APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Continuación CAPITULO 9 Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Talking about the past: More on the imperfect and the preterit. 2. Giving instructions or suggestions: Formal commands. Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe Learning Module: Enfoque cultural Semana del 7 de Octubre *Learn to distinguish the meaning of verbs like conocer, poder and querer in the preterit and the imperfect. *Learn to form commands to give instructions to a group and to a person you address as usted Continuación CAPITULO 9 Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Talking about the past: More on the imperfect and the preterit. 2. Giving instructions or suggestions: Formal commands Unidos Skills Section: Escucha y Habla Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe *Organize textual information into categories Práctica comunicativa: Enfoque cultural *Connect new information about history and work in Guatemala to what you already know Describe past events in more detail Give instructions and suggestions Use contextual guessing Gather information strategically to express a decision Organize textual information into categories Focus on purpose, content and audience Compare demographic and economic changes in Guatemala and in the United States APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab (Week of October 21) Capítulo 10 Cultura Interactiva: Ecuador. Learning Module: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. Los productos y las recetas. 2. En el supermercado. 3. La mesa. Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Stating impersonal information: Se + verb constructions 9 SEMANA DE OCTUBRE 14 : MID TERM EXAM OBJETIVOS * Connect new information about the cultural and geographic diversity of Ecuador and its impact on food production to what you already know CAPITULO 10 Chapter opener Present information, concepts and ideas about food and public health in Ecuador and other Latin American countries Cultura Interactiva: Ecuador. Talk about ingredients, recipes and meals Talk about ingredients, recipes and meals. Práctica comunicativa: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. 2. 3. *Learn new vocabulary to discuss food and food related activities *Learn new vocabulary related to meals LEARNING OUTCOMES PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Semana del 21 de Octubre Los productos y las recetas. En el supermercado. La mesa. State impersonal information Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Stating impersonal information: Se + verb constructions. *Learn to use se + verb APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Continuación CAPITULO 10 Learning Module: : GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Talking about the recent past: Present perfect and participles used as adjectives. 2. Giving instructions in informal settings: Informal commands. 3. Talking about the future: The future tense. Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe OBJETIVOS PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Semana del 28 de Octubre Continuación CAPITULO 10 *Learn to use the present perfect *Learn to use commands * Learn to form the future *Learn new words by analyzing their connections with known words LEARNING OUTCOMES Práctica comunicativa: : GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. 2. *Summarize information *Connect new information about the cultural and geographic diversity of Ecuador and its impact on food production to what you already know Avoiding repetition: Talking about the recent past: Present perfect and participles used as adjectives. Talking about the past: Giving commands in informal settings: Informal commands Talking about the future: The future tense. Talk about the recent past Give instructions in informal settings Talk about the future Record relevant detail Unidos Skills Section: Escucha y Habla Give and defend reasons for a decision Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe Learn new words by analyzing their connections to known words Práctica comunicativa: Enfoque cultural Summarize information Present information, concepts and ideas about food and public health in Ecuador and other Latin American countries 10 APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab CAPITULO 11 Cultura Interactiva: Cuba, República Dominicana y Puerto Rico. Learning Module: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. Médicos, farmacias y hospitales. 2. Las partes del cuerpo. 3. La salud. Learning Module: : GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Expressing expectations and hopes: Introduction to the present subjunctive OBJETIVOS CAPITULO 11 * Connect information about Apertura del Capítulo Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico to what you already know Cultura Interactiva: Cuba, República Dominicana y Puerto Rico. *Learn new vocabulary related to health medical care and the body *Learn new vocabulary related to health *Learn forms and some functions of the present subjunctive LEARNING OUTCOMES PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Semana del 4 de Noviembre Present information about music and dance traditions in Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico Práctica comunicativa: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. Médicos, farmacias y hospitales. 2. Las partes del cuerpo 3. La salud. Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Expressing expectations and hopes: Introduction to the present subjunctive. Discuss health and medical treatments Discuss health and medical treatments Express expectations and hopes APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Continuación CAPITULO 11 Learning Module. GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO: 1. Expressing emotions, opinions, and attitudes: The subjunctive with expressions of emotion. 2. Expressing goals, purposes, and means: Uses of por and para. Unidos Skills Section: Lee and Escribe Learning Module: Enfoque cultural OBJETIVOS Semana del 11 de Noviembre * Learn forms and some functions of the present subjunctive * Learn to distinguish between por and para *Focus on relevant information *Persuade through suggestions and advice *Connect information about PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE LEARNING OUTCOMES Continuación CAPITULO 11 Práctica comunicativa: : GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. 2. Describe emotions, opinions, and wishes Expressing emotions, opinions, and attitudes: The subjunctive with expressions of emotion. Expressing goals, purposes, and means: Uses of por and para . Unidos Skills Section:Escucha and Habla Unidos Skills Section:Lee and Escribe Express goals, purposes, and means Listen for the main idea Select appropriate phrases to offer opinions Focus on relevant information Persuade through suggestions and advice 11 Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico to what you already know Práctica comunicativa:Enfoque cultural Present information about music and dance traditions in Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab CAPITULO 12 Cultura Interactiva: Panamá y Costa Rica. Learning Module: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. Los medios de transporte. 2. El alojamiento y las reservaciones. 3. Viajando en coche. Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Expressing possession: Possessive pronouns A ESTUDIAR y PREPARARSE QUIZ #3 DIA: _____________(TBA for your instructor) OBJETIVOS Semana del 18 de Noviembre *Connect new information about Panama and Costa to what you already know CAPITULO 12 Apertura del Capítulo Cultura Interactiva: Panamá y Costa Rica. *Learn to use possessive pronouns Talk about the social and economic impact of the Panama Canal Práctica comunicativa: VOCABULARIO EN CONTEXTO 1. 2. 3. *Learn new vocabulary related to travel and transportation *Learn new vocabulary related to travel and transportation LEARNING OUTCOMES PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Los medios de transporte. El alojamiento y las reservaciones Viajando en coche. Talk about travel arrangements and preferences Práctica comunicativa: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Expressing possession: Possessive pronouns. Talk about travel arrangements and preferences Express possession and clarify what belongs to you and what belongs to others APRENDA Y APLIQUE Online preparation. See your Assignment Calendar in MySpanishLab Continuación CAPITULO 12 Learning Module: GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. 2. 3. Expressing affirmation and negation: Affirmative and negative expressions. Expressing doubt and uncertaintly: Subjunctive with expressions of doubt. Talking about the past: Review of the preterit and the imperfect. Unidos Skills Section: Lee and Escribe Learning Module:Enfoque cultural OBJETIVOS Semana del 25 de Noviembre y Diciembre 2 * Learn affirmative and negative expressions *Learn to use the subjunctive to express doubt *Learn to talk about past events using the preterit and the imperfect *Focus on logical relationships *Use facts to support a point of view PRACTICA COMUNICATIVA EN CLASE Continuación CAPITULO 12 LEARNING OUTCOMES Práctica comunicativa: : GRAMATICA EN CONTEXTO 1. Expressing doubt and uncertainty: Subjunctive with expressions of doubt. 2. Talking about the past: Review of the preterit and the imperfect. Express affirmation and negation Express doubt and uncertainty Unidos Skills Section: Escucha y Habla Talk about past travel experiences Unidos Skills Section: Lee y Escribe Práctica comunicativa: Enfoque cultural Use background knowledge to support comprehension Engage and maintain the interest of your listeners Focus on logical relationships 12 Use facts to present a point of view *Connect new information about Panama and Costa Rica to what you already know Talk about the social and economic impact of the Panama Canal Ø EXAMEN FINAL: Día______________ (TBA for your instructor )Final Examination Schedule. ev.pdf Ø Make sure you don’t have a conflict with this exam period. There will be NO MAKE UPS 13