Holy Rosary Church - Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Rosary Church - Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Rosary Church Iglesia del Santo Rosario 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario July 31, 2016 Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday Vigil/Sábado de Vigilia 5:30pm Sunday/Domingo 7:15am, 8:45am,10:30am 12:10pm and 1:45pm Spanish/Español 5:30pm Life Teen/ Jóvenes Weekday/Diarias Lauds & Rosary/Laudes y Rosario Mass/Misa Vespers/Vísperas Mass/Misa 7:30am 8:00am 5:15pm 5:30pm Holy Days/Días Santos Vigil/Vigilia 5:30pm Mass/Misa 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:30pm 7:30pm Spanish/Español Reconciliation/Reconciliación Saturday/Sábado 4:00–5:00pm Daily/Diario Upon request/ A petición Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santísimo Weekday/Durante la Semana First Friday/Primer Viernes 8:30am–5pm 24 hours/24 horas Parish Office 1313 A Street Antioch, CA 94509 Phone: (925) 757-4020 Fax: (925) 757-6828 Español: (925) 757-4084 Email: [email protected] Website: www.holyrosaryantioch.org Office Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30am–8:00pm (closed 12pm–1:30pm) Saturday 9:00am–4:00pm Sunday Staff will be available in the courtyard after Mass Photos from July 24th mass Holy Rosary Mission Statement/Declaración de la Misión del Santo Rosario To be disciples and to make disciples. Ser discípulos de Jesús y hacer discípulos. Our vision is To become a center of formation for discipleship and evangelization. Llegar a ser un centro de formación para el discipulado y la evangelización Parish Administration Fr. Roberto Corral, O.P., Pastor 757-4020 Fr. Francisco Vicente, O.P., Parochial Vicar Fr. David Bello, O.P., Parochial Vicar Fr. Bart Hutcherson, O.P., Parochial Vicar Jackie Hooke, Pastoral Associate 757-9515 Deacon Jerry Grigg 757-4020 Deacon Charles Silvernale, O.P. 757-4020 Dominicans in Residence Fr. Edward Krasevac, O.P. Parish Office 757-4020 Oficina Parroquial Barbara Daniels, Office Manager Elena Zermeño, Secretary Jorge Aragon, Finance/Business Manager Religious Education (CCD) Yolanda García Janet Branson, Secretary Rita Cross, Secretary 757-9515 Holy Rosary School757-1270 Timothy Hooke, Principal Youth Ministry757-9515 Lizette Suarez Music Ministry 757-1977 John Glick, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy Beatriz Figueroa, Renovación Carolina Bruno, Unidos en Cristo 437-4074 Jose Cadena, Voces de Cristo Nicholas Hernandez, Santo Rosario Hermanas Dominicas757-7333 Sor. Raquel Avelar, O.P. Sor. Maria de Los Angeles Gomes Ramirez, O.P. Sacramentos/Quinceaneras/CCD Alejandrina Martinez 757-4084 Registration Baptism Please stop by the church office or visit our website to register. Registration enables you to enroll in sacramental and Religious Education programs and receive regular parish mailings 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month (Last Sunday in Spanish) at 3:30pm in the church. You must be a registered Parishioner at Holy Rosary. To register for baptism, please call the church office at least two months prior to preferred date. office@ holyrosaryantioch.org www.holyrosaryantioch.org Pastoral Council / Consejo Pastoral Teresa Celli Cathryn Freitas Suzanne Glynn Cara Grahman Bob McDonald Larry Mori Chris Trotta Cathy Vanderklught Finance Committee / Consejo Economico Fr. Roberto Corral Jorge Aragon Domingo Delgadillo Jackie Hooke Liza Lucio Bob Martin Joe Stiglich *Holy Cross Cemetery Holy Angels Funeral & Cremation Services East 18th Street, Antioch 925-757-0658 *We recommend using Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services at Holy Cross Cemetery. Their staff will contact the parish office to assist you with your arrangements. Photography by Juan Tinnirello Bulletin Board cases designed by Kathy Sturgeon Bulletin Editor Karri Reiser [email protected] (deadline for admission into next week's bulletin is 5pm Monday) Additional images courtesy of https://www.google.com/search Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Weddings Weddings should be scheduled at least six If you have a serious months in advance. or ongoing illness or if Preparation information you are scheduled for is available at the church surgery, contact the church office immediately office. Please call us at 757-4020 for details. at 757-4020 Today at Holy Rosary This Week at Holy Rosary Sunday 7/31 Monday 8/1 Tuesday 8/2 Wednesday 8/3 Theater Group Performance2:00pm Dominican Hall Baptisms in Spanish 4:00pm Rectory Hispanic Dominican Laity 5:00pmBasement St. Dominic Novena 5:30pm Church Hispanic Dominican Laity 5:00pmBasement St. Dominic Novena 5:30pm Church Baptism Class 7:30pm Parish Center Legion of Mary 9:00amBasement Hispanic Dominican Laity 5:00pmBasement St. Dominic Novena 5:30pm Church Summer Youth Program 7:00pm Life House Thursday 8/4 Fil-Am Prayer Meeting 7:00pm Parish Center Hispanic Dominican Laity 5:00pmBasement St. Dominic Novena 5:30pm Church Friday 8/5 Theater Group Performance7:00pm Dominican Hall Life Teen Youth Group Retreat6:00pm Life House Hispanic Dominican Laity 5:00pmBasement St. Dominic Novena 5:30pm Church Saturday 8/6 Confessions 4:00pmChurch Theater Group Performance7:00pm Dominican Hall Life Teen Youth Group Retreat6:00pm Life House Hispanic Dominican Laity 5:00pmBasement St. Dominic Novena 5:30pm Church Sunday 8/7 Dominican Laity Pasta Lunch12:00pm Dominican Hall St. Dominic Novena 7:30pm Church Capital Campaign • • Holy Rosary Theater Group Performance of Looking Glass Land in Dominican Hall Baptisms in Spanish The Collection Report Report for July 24, 2016 1st Collection $15,556.87 EFT $71.31 Total $15,628.18 Holy Rosary School $718.00 Today's 2nd collection is for: St. Vincent de Paul Next Week's 2nd collection is for: Religious Education Donations Needed We are in need of a medium (5x4) size desk with drawers in good conditions for the Religious Education Director. Please call Yolanda Garcia (925)757-9515 Ext. 46 for more information. Rosary Confraternity You are invited to join in the mission of the Dominican Order by joining the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. The Dominican Order has been praying this “sword of justice” for centuries, imitating Mary by contemplating the life of Mary’s Son. http://www.rosary-center.org/nroscon.htm Mass Intentions Saturday 8:00 am July 30th Sunday July 31st 5:30 pm 7:15 am 8:45 am 10:30 am 12:10 pm 1:45 pm 5:30 pm Alfonso De Guia† Alejandro Saquing† Marion Family Mary McKinnon† Mario Layperade† Sophie Lucido† Raul Martinez† Maria Flores, Antonio Flores Lidia Mariano and Padre Flores† Salvacion Cuenco† Monday Aug 1st 8:00 am Peter Graff† 5:30 pm Capupus Family Intentions Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21 Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt32:35cd -36ab, 39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9;2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 Sunday: Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22; Hb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]; Lk 12:32-48 [35-40] Please Pray for Tuesday Aug 2nd 8:00 am Frank & Gertrude Mendivil 5:30 pm Wednesday 8:00 am 5:30 pm Socorro Mendieta (Special Intention) Aug 3rd Janet Guerrero (Special Intention) Craig Adami (Birthday) Bea Neal Andy Patina Larry Reddick Maria Dolores Gomez Sabrina Rawson Micaela Gomez Tony Rodriguez Thursday Aug 4th Pablo Gomez Gina Rubin 8:00 am Celina Rodriguez Lois Hernandez Jackelin Samalloa (Birthday) Julian Alejandro Illescas Patty Samalloa 5:30 pm George & Josephine Artus Charles Kain Monsignor Raul (Anniversary) Wilma Keim Sanchez Megan Knight Rosa Maria Santos Friday Aug 5th Donna Koehler Peggy Scalise 8:00 am Adelina Batoon Dumag† Kevin Kuntz Gloria Sendaydiego 5:30 pm Capupus Family Intentions John Lawrence Jayne Smith Audrey Leonard Alicia Tinnirello Saturday Aug 6th Roseann Leverich Amh Tran 8:00 am Capupus Family Intentions Elise Lopez Anna VanTassel 5:30 pm Eva Di Marco Mercy Madrid Ilian Villarreal (Special Intention) Irene Chavez Mareno The Ward Family Enrique Martinez Frances Wall-Currier Alex Wilright Cruz Javier Medina Colin Worster Joseph Ming William Myers Virginia Canada Marcus Cardona Yelba Freij Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. — Psalm 90:12 A Message from Father Roberto “Always Our Children: A Pastoral Message To Parents Of Homosexual Children And Suggestions For Pastoral Ministers” The above pamphlet is available in our pamphlet racks at the church exits as well as in the rectory office. The purpose of this pastoral message from the U.S. bishops is to reach out to parents trying to cope with the discovery of homosexuality in their adolescent or adult child. It urges families to draw upon the reservoirs of faith, hope, and love as they face uncharted futures. It asks them to recognize that the Church offers enormous spiritual resources to strengthen and support them at this moment in their family's life and in the days to come. Dominican 800th Jubilee – St. Dominic’s Family From November 7, 2015 – January 21, 2017, the Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, along with Dominicans worldwide, will celebrate the 800th Jubilee (anniversary) of the approval of the Order of Preachers by Pope Honorius III in 1216. In this and coming bulletin messages I will give you some information about St. Dominic and the Dominicans in honor of our jubilee. The founder of our Dominican Order – officially known as the Order of Preachers (that is why we have the initials “O.P.” after our names) St. Dominic – was St. Dominic de Guzmán. The Church celebrates his feast day each year on August 8th. St. Dominic was born around 1170 in a village named Caleruega in the region of Castile in northern Spain. Like all of us, St. Dominic was very much influenced by the family into which he was born, so I think it is important to know a little about them as well, even though we do not Aerial view of present-day Caleruega – the Dominican church, have much information to go by. monastery of nuns and convent of friars is the large complex in the red circle at the center of the photo. Dominic’s father, Felix, was very likely from the noble family of Guzmán (about 35 miles from Caleruega) and may even have been a wealthy magistrate of Caleruega. He was respected for his fairness and judicious rule and was described as “a man looked up to by the villagers.” He is considered a Venerable by the Church. Dominic’s mother, Jane, was most likely from a noble family as well, the family of Aza, (about 20 miles from Caleruega). She was considered “virtuous, chaste, prudent, full of compassion for those who were unfortunate and in distress, and was outstanding among all the women in the neighborhood for the excellence of her reputation.” It seems that Jane was married twice, but it is impossible to determine whether Felix was her first or second husband. Because of the holiness of her life, she was beatified in 1828 by Pope Leo XII. There were at least two other children of whom we know born to Jane and Felix. One was named Antonio. He was said to have been a priest at a hospice where he devoted himself unreservedly to works of mercy in the service of the poor. Apparently, miracles made him famous both before and after his death. Blessed Jordan of Saxony, the Dominican who led the Order after St. Dominic’s death in 1221, claims that Dominic’s other sibling was a half-brother (this Mural of St. Dominic’s family in the crypt beneath the church in Caleruega is why it is believed that Jane was married twice) named Mannes (or Manez). He followed St. Dominic at least from the founding of the Order and perhaps much earlier. He was still alive when St. Dominic was canonized. He too lived a holy life and was beatified in 1833 by Gregory XVI. It is also believed that Dominic had nephews and that perhaps two or three became members of the Order. This implies that Dominic had other siblings in addition to Antonio and Mannes, but nothing is known of them. Religious Education CCD Classes will begin Wednesday September 28, 2016. Registration will be in the Parish Center - Forms are available at www.holyrosaryantioch.org Wednesday, September 7, 2016 Thursday, September 8, 2016 (closed Noon - 1pm for lunch) 9 am to 2 pm 9 am to 2 pm and 6 pm to 8pm Sunday September 11, 2016 9 am to 12 noon The cost will be $100.00 for one child; $150.00 for two children; $175.00 for three children $200.00 for four or more children. Sacrament Fee additional $35.00 (per family) There will be a $25.00 late fee per family if you register after September 21. Policy for all First Communion Students The policy will be that a student entering into a Communion Class will not be registered unless a copy of their Baptism and Birth Certificates are included with their completed registration forms. There is a 2 year requirement for students receiving their First Eucharist Sacrament. If you have any questions, call the Parish Center at (925) 757-9515 Pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Christ the Light Join us and our local parishes for a unique spiritual opportunity as part of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy The Delta Deanery Pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Christ the Light Saturday, August 27th 8:00am Busses depart from Holy Rosary Church 9:30am Journey on Pilgrim's Path 10:00am Multicultural Mass 1:00pm Arrive at Holy Rosary Church Pope Francis encourages all to make a pilgrimage. Bishop Barber has made the Cathedral the exclusive pilgrimage site for the Diocese during the Jubilee Year! Cost: $20 per person To reserve your seat, please call the rectory at 925-757-4020 Baptism Classes Baptism prep class for parents and Godparents 1st Wednesday of each month in the Parish Center 7:30 pm. For more information please call 925-757-4020 Parish Renewal Retreat Save the Date September 30 to October 2 Find out what everyone's talking about WORRY Don’t tell me that worry doesn’t do any good. I know better. The things I worry about never happen. —Anonymous Holy Rosary Youth and Young Adult Ministry Ministerio Juvenil De Holy Rosary Young Adult Group Kick-off Meet & Greet Friday August 19th @ 7pm Building Community Together. TeenHouse Renovation Renovación de Casa Juvenil We are almost done thanks to all the community and their generous help and donations. We are still missing some items. We are looking for the following donations: New or Used in good condition. Ya casi esta terminada gracias a toda la ayuda de la comuni-dad y sus generosas donaciones. Todavia nos faltan algunas cosas. Estamos buscando donaciones de las siguientes cosas: Nuevas o usadas en buena condición. • Vertical Blinds: Persianas Verticales - Rail 6ft Wide — Slats 82” Tall • Screen Door — 30” W 79.5”H • Cash Donations also accepted / Donaciones en efectivo aceptadas Thank you ! Gracias ! Last Summer Event Ultimo Evento de Verano Fri/Sat Aug 5 & 6th Summer Overnight Lock-In Retreat Viernes y Sabado Agosto 5 & 6 Retiro de Verano de encierro. To sign up for any of these events email: [email protected] or [email protected] to sign up. Para inscribirse a cualquiera de estos eventos mande correo a [email protected] o [email protected] For Late Registration email: [email protected] Para Registracion Extendidad mande correo a [email protected] Follow us: @HolyRosaryYaya @HolyRosaryYaya Confirmation 2016-2017 Confirmación 2016-2017 Save the Date: Registrations Wednesday Aug 24 6p-8p Thursday Aug 25 6p-8p More info to come. Guarde la Fecha: Registraciones Miércoles Agosto 24 6p-8p Jueves Agosto 25 6p-8p Holy Rosary Youth and Young Adult Ministry For more information regarding Youth and Young Adult Ministry please contact Lizette Suarez at 925-757-9515 x 48 or 925-967-4503; [email protected] or visit our website at www.hryaya.org. Catequesis Infantil Directora de Catequesis: Yolanda García (925)757-9515 Atención: Habrá un curso intensivo de catequesis del 22 al 26 de Agosto, en el Sótano de 6:00-9:00 pm. Todas las catequistas que ya están sirviendo y demás personas que sientan el llamado del Señor a servir en este hermoso ministerio, son invitados a asistir Directora: Ministerio Hispano Sor. Raquel Avelar, O.P. (925) 757-7333 Oficina Hispana: Alejandrina Martínez (925) 757-4084 Grados: Desde Kínder -5 años,hasta perseverancia -13 años La catequesis en Español es: Todos los Sábados de 9:00 a 11:00 am. Las clases de catecismo inician el 24 de Septiembre, 2016 El costo de registración es de $100 por un niño, $150 por 2 niños, $175 por 3 niños y $200 por 4 niños o más. Requisitos: Se requieren 2 años para recibir el sacramento de la Comunión Segundo año/Curso de Comunión- Traer el Acta de Nacimiento, la Fe de Bautismo y $35 más aparte de lo de la registración. Total $135. Importante: No se registrará a ningún niño si no se traen todos los documentos requeridos. Gracias por su comprensión. Fechas de Registraciones para el curso 2016-2017- Centro Parroquial Domingos 21 & 28 de Agosto de 12:00 pm a 4:00 pm. Lunes 29 y Martes 30 de 6:00 pm a 8:30 pm. EL GRUPO CARISMÁTICO FERNANDO CASANOVA Sábado 13 de Agosto: Gimnacio de Holy Rosary ¿Hora? 8:30 am—6:00pm *Tres Grandes Temas* Donación: $20 Incluye Comida Domingo 14 de Agosto: Dominican Hall Desayuno y Tema con Fernando Casanova ¿Hora? 8:30—11:30 am Donación: $10 Incluye Desayuno Boletos: Grupo Carismático Informes: Herminio y Rosa Ríos (925) 756-2747 Rosario Estás invitado a hacerte parte de la misión de la Orden Dominicana uniéndote a la Cofradía del Santo Rosario. La Orden Dominicana ha estado orando esta ‘espada de la justicia’ durante siglos, imitando así a María en la contemplación de su santísimo hijo. http://www.rosary-center.org/nroscon.htm Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Enséñamos a calcular nuestros años para que adquiramos un corazón sensato. — Salmo 90 (89):12 PREOCUPACIÓN No me digas que preocuparme no sirve de nada. Yo sí sé. Aquello por lo que me preocupo nunca pasa. —Anónimo Un Mensaje de Padre Roberto Siempre Nuestros Niños: Un Mensaje Pastoral Para Padres De Niños Homosexuales Y Sugerencias Para Agentes Pastorales Este mensaje pastoral de los obispos de EE.UU. es para llegar a los padres que tratan de hacer frente con el descubrimiento de la homosexualidad en su hijo adolescente o adulto. Se insta a las familias a recurrir a los depósitos de la fe, la esperanza y el amor ya que se enfrentan los futuros desconocidos. Se les pide que reconocer que la Iglesia ofrece enormes recursos espirituales para fortalecer y apoyar a ellos en este momento en la vida de su familia y en los días venideros. El mensaje se encuentra en inglés en un panfleto en las salidas de la iglesia y en la oficina parroquial. En español se encuentra en el sitio web de los obispos estadunidenses: http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/homosexuality/ always-our-children.cfm 800° Año Jubileo de los Dominicos – La Familia de Santo Domingo Del 7 nov 2015 a 21 enero 2017, los frailes dominicos de la Provincia del Santísimo Nombre de Jesús, junto con los dominicos en todo el mundo, St. Dominigo van a celebrar el 800 Jubileo (aniversario) de la aprobación de la Orden de Predicadores por el Papa Honorio III en 1216. En éste y en mis próximos mensajes en el boletín les daré alguna información acerca de Santo Domingo y los dominicos en honor a nuestro jubileo. El fundador de la Orden Dominicana – oficialmente conocida como la Orden de Predicadores (por eso tenemos los iniciales “O.P.” después de nuestros nombres) – era Santo Domingo de Guzmán. La Iglesia celebra su fiesta cada año en el 8 de agosto. Sto. Domingo nació alrededor del año 1171 en un pueblo llamado Caleruega en la región de Castilla la Vieja en el norte de España. Vista aérea de la actual Caleruega – la iglesia Dominicana, monasterio de monjas y convento de frailes forman las grandes instalaciones en el Como todos nosotros, Sto. Domingo fue muy influenciado por la círculo rojo en el centro de la foto. familia en la cual nació; así es que es importante también saber algo de ellos aunque no hay mucha información al respecto. El padre de Sto. Domingo, Félix, muy probablemente era de la familia noble de Guzmán (colocado alrededor de 55 kilómetros de Caleruega), y aun puede haber sido un oficial rico de Caleruega. Era señor de vasallos y de amplios dominios, es el administrador gobernador y cuidador de estas grandes propiedades. De natural bondadoso y apacible, se mantuvo lejos de las armas, cuidando de su casa, de sus hijos, de su esposa, de sus vasallos, a los que quería con amor y grande abnegación y de quienes fue querido y respetado. Murió a los 60 años de edad, con fama de santidad en su entorno y hoy es considerado como Venerable. También es muy probable que la madre de Sto. Domingo, Juana, era de una familia noble, la de Aza (alrededor de 32 kilómetros de Caleruega). Fue considerada “virtuosa, casta, prudente, llena de compasión para los más desafortunados y desamparados, y era singular entre todas las mujeres en el pueblo por la excelencia de su reputación.” Aparentemente fue casada dos veces, pero es imposible determinar si Félix era su primer o segundo esposo. Por la santidad de su vida, fue beatificada en 1828 por el Papa Leo XII. Félix y Juana tuvieron al menos dos otros hijos. Uno, llamado Antonio, fue sacerdote que sirvió en un sitio atendiendo a los pobres con mucho afán. Aparentemente, era muy santo, y muchos milagros Mural de la familia de Santo Domingo en la cripta debajo de la iglesia en Caleruega fueron atribuidos a él antes y después de su muerte. Beato Jordán de Sajonia, el dominico quien dirigió la Orden después de la muerte de Sto. Domingo en 1221, dijo que el otro hermano de éste era medio hermano (por eso se dice que Juana fue casada dos veces), nombrado Manés. Él siguió a Sto. Domingo al menos desde la fundación de la Orden, y quizá mucho antes. Todavía estaba vivo cuando Sto. Domingo fue canonizado. Él también llevó una vida santa y fue beatificado en 1833 por el Papa Gregorio XVI. También se dice que Sto. Domingo tuvo unos sobrinos y que unos dos o tres de ellos se hicieron dominicos. Esto implica que había otros hermanos de Sto. Domingo aparte de Antonio y Manés, pero de ellos no se sabe nada. Marriage Encounter In the second reading St Paul tells reminds us that our life is now “in Christ”. He encourages us to “put on the new self” and to “seek and think of what is above” because we are no longer of this world. Do we have a Christ Centered Marriage? Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on August 5-7 or Nov. 18-20. Early registration, 4 to 6 weeks out is highly recommended. For more information contact Mike & Jeanne @ 925.672.2016 or Joe & Sue @ 925.680.7767 now or go to oaklandwwme.org Weekends are presented in the Pleasanton/Dublin area. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Alphonsus Liguori Tuesday: St. Eusebius of Vercelli; St. Peter Julian Eymard Thursday:St. John Vianney Friday: Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major; First Friday Saturday: The Transfiguration of the Lord; First Saturday St. Vincent de Paul Out of Work? Join Our Part-Time Employment & Job Training Program Information & Application Session Monday, August 1, 2016 2-3:30 PM at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store/Free Dining Room, 1415 Simpson Court, Pittsburg, CA 94565 The Workforce Development Program at St. Vincent de Paul provides training and 24 weeks of $10/hr work experience for those who are new to or have been out of the workforce. The goal of our program is to help participants with barriers to employment enter or re-enter the workforce. Program provides part-time employment for 24 weeks in the thrift store, warehouse or trucking departments. Pre-Selection Workshops: Information & Application Session: Monday, August 1st, 2-3:30 pm (must attend) Job Preparation Workshops: Wednesday, August 3, 2:00pm-4:30 pm Job Search Vision, Goal Setting, Action Planning Friday, August 5, 2:00pm-4:30 pm Master Application (personal information gathering and preparation): Saturday August 6, 8:30am-11:00am: Resume Worksheets and Resume Preparations For more information: call (925) 439-5060 or visit us online at www.svdp-cc.org Holy Rosary Pro-Life Group Baby Bottle Fundraiser *Save your change for our local pregnancy center & Gabriel Project *Save your change to purchase pro-life educational materials and outreach for our parish. Fill the handed–out baby bottles up with your change, bills or check. Bring your filled bottles back to the church or rectory on or before July 31, 2016. This will also be a great reminder & opportunity for those who have not returned their bottles from last year’s campaign. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Gabriel Project Thank you all for your continued support. Here are a just a few of the things that are going on: We participated in the 4th of July parade in Antioch and announced the presence of The Gabriel Project here in Antioch to help pregnant women and women with small children. July 9th the Love a Child Shelter gave away baby clothes, diapers and wipes donated by the Mobile Mall and Holy Rosary parishioners. July 19th : Gabriel Project meeting. We will meet directly after the 5:30pm Mass. Gabriel Project will normally meet monthly on the 3rd Tuesday. July 27th : Mobile Mall in Bay Point at the Ambrose Center. We will be handing out The Gabriel Project information the Mobile Mall and food bank clients. If you would like more information please contact Kathy Sturgeon at 925-248-7009 or [email protected].
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Holy Rosary Church - Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Pastoral Council / Consejo Pastoral
Holy Rosary Church - Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Pastoral Council / Consejo Pastoral