Tú Voz, Tú Mundo.” Ana Lainez Verónica Rosales


Tú Voz, Tú Mundo.” Ana Lainez Verónica Rosales
February 25, 2011
Dear Counselor,
The Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital is pleased to announce the 6th Annual Encuentro de
Chicas Latinas de las Girl Scouts: A Convening of Latina
Latina Youth Leaders. The event will be held at
George Mason University,
University, July 66-8, 2011.
2011. The theme of this year’s conference is “Tú Voz, Tú Mundo
The attendees will have an amazing opportunity to explore educational and career choices, to meet
other Latina leaders, and to recognize and develop the remarkable leader within themselves.
The cost for the threethree-day program is $15.00 (financial aid is available), which includes
accommodation, transportation and meals for the participants. The $15.00 is nonnon-refundable
refundable if the
participant does not attend the conference.
conference The participants will have the opportunity to stay two
nights in a college dorm room under adult supervision. The conference will include interesting
activities, exciting workshops, and influential guest speakers from our community. Attendees from
previous conferences have had the chance to meet industry executives, authors, artists and
Bus transportation will be provided to participants on a limited basis. For more information about the
program and to see pictures and comments from last year’s conference, please see our website at
Enclosed you will find registration packets in English and Spanish; feel free to make additional copies.
Students may fill out the enclosed registration packets or use the online registration form at
http://www.gscnc.org/encuentro.html. Deadline for registration is June 15, 2011.
2011. There is a limited
amount of space for this conference, so please encourage your nominees to complete the registration
and return it to us as soon as possible. Registrations received after June 15th will be accepted as space
We look forward to welcoming the girls nominated from your school to the Encuentro de Chicas
Latinas de las Girl Scouts: A Convening of Latina Youth Leaders! Should you have any questions, don’t
hesitate to contact us at the numbers listed below.
Ana Lainez
[email protected]
Verónica Rosales-Sánchez
[email protected]
Todas las chicas Latinas que demuestren habilidades de liderazgo dentro y fuera del salón de clases. El
programa esta abierto a chicas de todas las escuelas secundarias y preparatorias de los estados de
Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland y Washington, DC actualmente no registradas como Girl Scouts.
Un encuentro de líderes Latinas, diseñado para inspirar a la juventud latina, ayudarles a reconocer sus
propias habilidades y volverse activas en sus escuelas y comunidades. El programa de tres días costara
$15.00 incluirá actividades desafiantes para las chicas, así como la participación de conferencistas con
mucha influencia en la comunidad Latina.
Los Objetivos para las Participantes son:
BUILD (Desarrollar) habilidades de comunicación y liderazgo.
BELIEVE (Confiar) en tu potencial para triunfar.
BECOME (Convertirse) en la mejor persona que puedas ser para tu futuro.
BELONG (Forma parte) de un increíble grupo de jóvenes lideres Latinas.
Del 6 al 8 de julio, 2011
Universidad George Mason
Fairfax, VA
$15.00 (no es reembolsable) Incluye estadía, transportación y comida para las participantes durante la
conferencia. Ayuda financiera disponible.
Para más información comuníquese con:
Verónica Rosales-Sánchez
[email protected]
Ana Lainez
[email protected]
Latina Girls, in middle and high school, who demonstrate leadership skills inside and outside of the
classroom. The program is open to all middle and high school age girls in Virginia, Maryland, and
Washington, DC who are not currently Girl Scouts.
A Convening of Latina Youth Leaders designed to inspire Latina youth to recognize their own abilities
and become active in their schools and in their communities. The three-day program cost $15.00 and
will include challenging activities for the girls and influential guest speakers from the Latina
Objectives for Participants:
BUILD communication and leadership skills
BELIEVE in your potential to succeed
BECOME your best future self
BELONG to an amazing group of young Latina leaders
July 6-8, 2011
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
$15.00 (non-refundable) Includes accommodations, transportation and meals during conference.
Financial aid available.
For more information please contact:
Verónica Rosales-Sánchez
[email protected]
Ana Lainez
[email protected]