Donald Trump acted like an idiot: Fox
Donald Trump acted like an idiot: Fox
Publicado en El Universal ( Inicio > Printer-friendly PDF > Donald Trump acted like an idiot: Fox Sección Inglés Imagen Pie para la foto de esta nota o para el vídeo relacionado. "He just makes me laugh" said Fox (Photo: Archive/EL UNIVERSAL) Título: Donald Trump acted like an idiot: Fox Título abreviado Donald Trump acted like an idiot: Fox Resumen The former Mexican President and his wife were spotted by TMZ staff in LA. Submitted by: Submitted 1 año 5 meses ago by alicia.cruz. Post date: 5:41pm Last modified: 8:46pm Autor: alicia.cruz Lugar Newsroom Cuerpo Former Mexican President Vicente Fox was asked about Donald Trump's controversial remarks by TMZ staff. "He just makes me laugh" said Fox in Spanish. "He's acted like an idiot. I don't know how he's made so much money, he doesn't deserve it." "As punishment he should donate all that money to resolve the immigration problem" he added. In the TMZ video, Fox also says that Trump doesn't really know Mexico and that he should get to know it and what the Mexican people are about "hard working people with dignity." "He's made a mistake" Fox said. Tags Mexican immigrants TMZ Vicente fox comments donald trump video Notas Destacadas Field Collection Estilo de Imagen Miniatura Titulo minuto por minuto Donald Trump acted like an idiot: Fox Imagen en Apertura imagen_apertura Estilo de Imagen en Apertura Imagen Grande Ocultar comentarios de facebook Breadcrumb: Inicio Printer-friendly PDF Read more: Read more URL de origen: