St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church
St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church
ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE Catholic Church Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time † July 24, 2016 W S .M K ! 701 North Hiatus Road ● Pembroke Pines, Florida 33026 ● Tel 954.432.0206 ● PARISH PRAYER Heavenly Father, You have gathered us together as a parish to be Your visible life in our world. Here we unite in worship, proclaim Your word, celebrate the Eucharist, and are sent forth to share Your love and make disciples. Lord, we take your Great Commission seriously and long for our parish to be so on-fire that we draw people to You. Help us in that endeavor, as we strive to work together—ordained, religious and laity. Please make our parish amazing, through Your power and Your grace. Amen. PASTORAL STAFF PARISH REGISTRATION Pastor: Fr. Jeff McCormick Parochial Vicar: Fr. Carlos Cabrera Priest-in-Residence: Fr. Anthony Muraya Retired - Assisting: Msgr. Patrick O’Toole Deacons: Rev. Mr. Carl Carieri, Rev. Mr. Pierre Douyon, Welcome to all new families and individuals. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office. Registration indicates a desire to become an active steward of St. Max Parish by contributing of your time talent treasure. Rev. Mr. Scott Joiner, Rev. Mr. José Bermudez Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm 7:00 pm español PARISH OFFICE Fax: 954.432.0775 E : [email protected] H : Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, Saturday: 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Sunday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm FAITH & ACADEMIC FORMATION Director of Religious Education: Maryann Hotchkiss 954.885.7260 [email protected] Preschool Director: Jimena Hibbard 954.885.7250 [email protected] Director of Youth Ministry: Susan González-Llanos 954.432.0206 [email protected] SACRAMENTS Baptism English: every Sunday at 2:00 pm Español: one Saturday each month. Visit for more information. Parents: Baptism Preparation Class MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 6:00 pm (Life Teen) Weekday (Monday - Saturday): 8:00 am Healing & Bereavement Mass (4th Monday): 7:00 pm Holy Days of Obligation: Vigil: 7:00 pm (English) Holy Day: 8:00 am 11:00 am 7:30 pm (Bilingual) 2016 Holy Days of Obligation: Friday, January 1 Thurs, May 5 Mon, August 15 Tues, November 1 Thurs, December 8 Sun, December 25 CONFESSION/RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm or by appointment. NOVENA DEVOTION SCHEDULE Monday: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetural Help: 7:00 pm Saturday: Novena to St. Maximilian Kolbe: 8:00 am Primer sábado: Rosario de la Aurora: 6:30 am ADORATION SCHEDULE Contact the Parish Office. In the Chapel…Oh Come, Let Us Adore Him! Matrimony Monday - Friday (in Church): 8:45 am - 9:45 am after Mass Monday (except 4th Monday): 7:00 pm Tuesday: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Youth Ministry) Wednesday: 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm (Charismatic Prayer Group) First Friday: 8:30 am - 10:00 pm Third Friday: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Hora Apostólica) Couples must contact the Parish Office six months prior to the desired date of the wedding. Sick (including Homebound) Contact the Parish Office at onset of illness. In case of death in the family, contact the Parish Office immediately. PAGE 2 JULY 24, 2016 FAITH ● HOPE ● CHARITY ♥ LA FE ● LA ESPERANZA ● LA CARIDAD M I † I S M Saturday, July 23 8:00 am: † Daniel and Elías Colon Menéndez 5:00 pm: † Maria and Elpidio Segarra 7:00 pm: † Gerald Lee Thomasson, † Juan Alberto López, † Antonio Domínguez Sunday, July 24 8:00 am: † Deacon Ed Breitfelder 9:30 am: † Joseph Yamona 11:00 am: † Joan Wilson 12:30 pm: (L) James Edwards Hugh, (L) Imelda Samarista, (L) James Devine, † Alex, Renee and Alexander Severe, † Alicia G. Montes, † Mr. N.C. Augustine 6:00 pm: † Julio Herrera Monday, July 25 8:00 am: † Pauline Jacovino H †B M Monday, July 25 at 7:00 pm in the Chapel (L) Helena Avis, (L) Pilar Bendezu, (L) Fr. Michael Eivers, † Gemma Davis, † Florencia Reyes, † Andy Noel, † Mildred Sciarrillo, † Peter and Fortini Noutsatsos, † Karen Owens, † Libby Rosario, † Ian Orange, † David Andrizna Tuesday, July 26 8:00 am: (L) Jake Edwards Jacobson Wednesday, July 27 8:00 am: (L) Tim Anderson Thursday, July 28 8:00 am: † Josephine and Ken Green Friday, July 29 8:00 am: † David Meservier Saturday, July 30 8:00 am: † Bill Piedrahita 5:00 pm: † Thomas and Margaret Croke 7:00 pm: (L) Maria Fernanda Vieyra, † Francisco González Molina, † Flerida Mendoza-Delgado Sunday, July 31 8:00 am: (L) Alexander Cabrera 9:30 am: † America Arango 11:00 am: † Mary O’Shaughnessy 12:30 pm: (L) Mary Millar, † Polly Mathew, † Benito Fader, † Antonio, Santangeli, † Erika Bravo, † Eleanor Olevera 6:00 pm: † Lila J. Crown BULLETIN SUBMISSION We encourage all ministries to submit photos and articles of their events for the bulletin. Information must be received at least 10 days prior to the desired weekend publication date. Please email all submissions to David Wilson at [email protected] VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE AT WWW.STMAX.CC CORRECTION! Please disregard last week’s announcement regarding the opportunity to paint the St. Max Social Hall. Yours in Christ, David A PRAYER FOR LIFE Father and maker of all, you adorn all creation with splendor and beauty, and fashion human lives in your image and likeness. Awaken in every heart reverence for the work of your hands, and renew among your people a readiness to nurture and sustain your precious gift of life. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. BAPTISM † BAUTISMO Congratulations and Welcome to the Family of St. Maximilian Kolbe! July 16, 2016 Valeria Carrasco Nicole Alexis Carmona Samuel Perez-Calderón Sergio Perez-Calderón Carolina Salguero Ariana Gabriela Lopez OUTREACH MINISTRY Please help to keep our pantry full! You can make a difference in the lives of others. Drop off your donations of food or supermarket gift cards at the Church Office. Thank You For Your Generosity! Necesitamos Su Ayuda! Muchas familias vienen a pedir ayuda. Necesitamos comida o tarjetas de compra de Supermercados. Pueden traer su donación a la oficina de St. Max. Muchas Gracias Por Su Generosidad! PAGE 3 DECIMOSÉPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO LA IGNORANCIA 24 DE JULIO DE 2016 de las Escrituras es LA IGNORANCIA de Cristo - San Jerónimo, Padre y Doctor de la Iglesia Católica LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA DE 24 DE JULIO Por el bautismo fueron ustedes sepultados con Cristo y también resucitaron con él, mediante la fe en el poder de Dios, que lo resucitó de entre los muertos. - Colosenses 2:12 D | 24 Primera lectura — Génesis 18:20-32 Por el bien de los diez no destruiré la ciudad. Salmo — Salmo 138 Te damos gracias de todo corazón. Segunda lectura — Colosenses 2:12-14 Enterrados con Cristo en el bautismo, también fuimos resucitados con él, todas nuestras transgresiones son perdonadas. Evangelio — Lucas 11:1-13 Pidan y recibirán, el Padre da el Espíritu Santo a los que se lo piden. L | 25 2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 126 (125):1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 M | 26 Jer 14:17-22; Sal 79 (78):8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 M | 27 Jer 15:10, 16-21; Sal 59 (58):2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt 13:44-46 J | 28 Jer 18:1-6; Sal 146 (145):1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 V | 29 Jer 26:1-9; Sal 69 (68):5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42 S | 30 Jer 26:11-16, 24; Sal 69 (68):15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 D | 31 Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lc 12:13-21 CATECISMO DE LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA 520 Durante toda su vida, Jesús se muestra como nuestro modelo: El es el “hombre perfecto” que nos invita a ser sus discípulos y a seguirle: con su anonadamiento, nos ha dado un ejemplo que imitar; con su oración atrae a la oración; con su pobreza, llama a aceptar libremente la privación y las persecuciones. 521 Todo lo que Cristo vivió hace que podamos vivirlo en El y que El lo viva en nosotros. “El Hijo de Dios con su encarnación se ha unido en cierto modo con todo hombre”. Estamos llamados a no ser mas que una sola cosa con El; nos hace comulgar, en cuanto miembros de su Cuerpo, en lo que El vivió en su carne por nosotros y como modelo nuestro: Debemos continuar y cumplir en nosotros los estados y Misterios de Jesús, y pedirle con frecuencia que los realice y lleve a plenitud en nosotros y en toda su Iglesia... Porque el Hijo de Dios tiene el designio de hacer participar y de extender y continuar sus Misterios en nosotros y en toda su Iglesia por las gracias que El quiere comunicarnos y por los efectos que quiere obrar en nosotros gracias a estos Misterios. Y por este medio quiere cumplirlos en nosotros. PAGE 4 INVOCACIÓN ESCUCHADA A pesar de que no somos más que “polvo y ceniza”, podemos presumir de llamar la atención y hablar audazmente a Nuestro Señor, como Abraham se atreve a hacer en la primera lectura de esta semana. Pero incluso Abraham, el amigo de Dios (cfr. Is 41,8), nuestro padre en la fe (cfr. Rm 4,12) no conoció la intimidad que nosotros experimentamos como hijos suyos, herederos de las bendiciones prometidas a sus descendientes (cfr. Ga 3,7.29). El misterio de la oración, como Jesús revela a sus discípulos en el Evangelio de esta semana, es la relación viva que los amados hijos e hijas tienen con su Padre celestial. Nuestra oración es puro don, hecho posible por el “regalo gratuito” del Padre: el Espíritu Santo de su Hijo. Es el fruto de la Nueva Alianza por la cual somos hechos hijos de Dios en Cristo (cfr. Ga 4,6.7; Rm 8,15.16) Por el Espíritu que se nos ha dado en el Bautismo podemos clamar a él como nuestro Padre, sabedores de que cuando llamemos, Él responderá. Jesús enseña a sus discípulos a perseverar en su oración, como Abraham persistió implorando la misericordia de Dios por los inocentes de Sodoma y Gomorra. Por causa del único Justo, Jesús, Dios libró la ciudad de los hombres de la destrucción (cfr. Jr 5,1; Is 53), “borró el protocolo que nos condenaba”, como dice Pablo en la epístola de esta semana. Jesús clavó en la cruz las culpas de todos nosotros, cancelando así la deuda que le debíamos a Dios, la muerte que nos merecíamos por nuestras faltas. Oramos como quienes han sido liberados, sabiendo que hemos sido visitados en nuestra aflicción y salvados de nuestros enemigos. Rezamos siempre una plegaria de acción de gracias, lo cual significa literalmente Eucaristía. Hemos realizado la promesa del salmo de esta semana: nos postramos en su Templo santo, en la presencia de ángeles, santificando su Nombre. Pedimos con confianza sabiendo que recibiremos; que Él completará lo que ha hecho por nosotros: levantarnos de la muerte y traernos a la vida eterna con Él. Fuente: ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH FAITH ● HOPE ● CHARITY ♥ LA FE ● LA ESPERANZA ● LA CARIDAD IGNORANCE of Scripture is IGNORANCE of Christ - Saint Jerome, Early Church Father and Doctor of the Church ASKED AND ANSWERED READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 24 Though we be "but dust and ashes," we can presume to draw near and speak boldly to our Lord, as Abraham dares in this week’s First Reading. You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. But even Abraham—the friend of God (see Isaiah 41:8), our father in the faith (see Romans 4:12)— did not know the intimacy that we know as children of Abraham, heirs of the blessings promised to his descendants (see Galatians 3:7,29). The mystery of prayer, as Jesus reveals to His disciples in this week’s Gospel, is the living relationship of beloved sons and daughters with their heavenly Father. Our prayer is pure gift, made possible by the "good gift" of the Father—the Holy Spirit of His Son. It is the fruit of the New Covenant by which we are made children of God in Christ Jesus (see Galatians 4:6-7; Romans 8:15-16). Through the Spirit given to us in Baptism, we can cry to Him as our Father—knowing that when we call He will answer. Jesus teaches His disciples to persist in their prayer, as Abraham persisted in begging God's mercy for the innocent of Sodom and Gomorrah. For the sake of the one just Man, Jesus, God spared the city of man from destruction (see Jeremiah 5:1; Isaiah 53), "obliterating the bond against us," as Paul says in this week’s Epistle. On the Cross, Jesus bore the guilt of us all, canceled the debt we owed to God, the death we deserved to die for our transgressions. We pray as ones who have been spared, visited in our affliction, saved from our enemies. We pray always a prayer of thanksgiving, which is the literal meaning of Eucharist. We have realized the promise of this week’s Psalm: We worship in His holy temple, in the presence of angels, hallowing His name. In confidence we ask, knowing that we will receive, that He will bring to completion what He has done for us—raising us from the dead, bringing us to everlasting life along with Him. Source: VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE AT WWW.STMAX.CC - Colossians 2:12 S | J 24 First Reading — Genesis 18:20-32 Abraham bargains with God to spare the city. Psalm — Psalm 138 Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me. Second Reading — Colossians 2:12-14 Buried with Christ in baptism, we were also raised with him; all our transgressions are forgiven. Gospel — Luke 11:1-13 Jesus speaks of God’s sure response to those who pray. M | J 25 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 T | J 26 Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 W | J 27 Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt 13:44-46 T | J 28 Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 F | J 29 Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 S | J 30 Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 S | J 31 Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 520 In all of his life Jesus presents himself as our model. He is "the perfect man", who invites us to become his disciples and follow him. In humbling himself, he has given us an example to imitate, through his prayer he draws us to pray, and by his poverty he calls us to accept freely the privation and persecutions that may come our way. 521 Christ enables us to live in him all that he himself lived, and he lives it in us. "By his Incarnation, he, the Son of God, has in a certain way united himself with each man." We are called only to become one with him, for he enables us as the members of his Body to share in what he lived for us in his flesh as our model: We must continue to accomplish in ourselves the stages of Jesus' life and his mysteries and often to beg him to perfect and realize them in us and in his whole Church. . . For it is the plan of the Son of God to make us and the whole Church partake in his mysteries and to extend them to and continue them in us and in his whole Church. This is his plan for fulfilling his mysteries in us.[194] PAGE 5 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEMANA NACIONAL DE LA PFN 24 JULIO - 30 JULIO DE 2016 EL AMOR MATRIMONIAL Y EL DON DE LA VIDA Planificación Familiar Natural Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos El esposo y la esposa expresan el compromiso de su amor no solo mediante palabras, sino también mediante el lenguaje de sus cuerpos. Este “lenguaje corporal” —lo que el esposo y la esposa se dicen el uno al otro en la intimidad de las relaciones sexuales— expresa un compromiso total y la apertura a un futuro juntos. Por tanto, la pregunta sobre la anticoncepción es la siguiente: ¿El acto sexual en el que se utilizan anticonceptivos afirma fielmente este compromiso de amor? ¿O introduce un elemento falso en esta conversación de cuerpo y alma? El amor matrimonial es distinto a todos los otros tipos de amor en el mundo. Por naturaleza, el amor del esposo y la esposa es tan completo, tan ordenado a una vida entera de comunión con Dios y del uno con el otro, que está abierto a la creación de un nuevo ser humano, al que amarán y cuidarán juntos. Parte del don de Dios al esposo y a la esposa es esta capacidad de cooperar con el poder creador de Dios en este amor y mediante este amor. Por lo tanto, el don mutuo de la fecundidad es parte integral del poder unitivo del acto sexual marital. Este poder de crear una vida nueva con Dios es la esencia de lo que los cónyuges comparten el uno con el otro. Sin duda, los cónyuges a los que no se les concede el don de tener hijos e hijas pueden llevar una vida matrimonial llena de amor y significado. Como expresó el Papa Juan Pablo II a estas parejas, en una homilía de 1982: “Ustedes no son menos amados por Dios; su amor recíproco es completo y fecundo cuando se abre a los demás, a las necesidades del apostolado, a las necesidades de los pobres, a las necesidades de los huérfanos, a las necesidades del mundo” (versión del traductor). Sin embargo, cuando las parejas casadas actúan deliberadamente para suprimir la fecundidad, el acto sexual ya no es un acto plenamente marital. Es algo menos poderoso e íntimo, algo más “casual”. Suprimir la fertilidad al utilizar anticonceptivos niega parte del significado inherente de la sexualidad matrimonial y perjudica la unión de la pareja. La entrega total de uno a su amado, en cuerpo y alma, no es momento para decir: “Te doy todo lo que soy, excepto . . .”. La enseñanza de la Iglesia no solo supone observar una regla, sino preservar también ese don mutuo y total de dos personas en su integridad. Esta enseñanza puede parecer difícil. PAGE 6 JULY 24, 2016 Sin duda, es una enseñanza que muchas parejas en la actualidad, sin ser su culpa, no han oído (o no la han oído en una forma que puedan apreciar y comprender). Pero tal como expresan muchas parejas que han evitado los anticonceptivos, poner en práctica esta enseñanza puede contribuir a la honestidad, apertura e intimidad del matrimonio y ayudar a que las parejas se realicen plenamente. La planificación familiar natural es un término general para los métodos de planificación familiar que se basan en el ciclo menstrual de la mujer. El hombre es fecundo durante toda su vida, mientras que la mujer lo es solamente durante unos pocos días en cada ciclo menstrual durante sus años de procreación. Algunos creen que la PFN implica el uso de un calendario para predecir la época de fecundidad. En la actualidad, la PFN no consiste en eso. La mujer tiene señales claras y observables que indican cuándo está fértil y cuándo está estéril. Aprender a observar y comprender esas señales es la esencia de la educación para la planificación familiar natural. Cuando una pareja decide postergar un embarazo, la PFN puede ser muy eficaz. La PFN también es muy útil para las parejas que desean tener un hijo o hija, porque identifica el momento de la ovulación. Muchos especialistas en fertilidad la utilizan para este propósito. De este modo, una pareja puede tener relaciones maritales en el momento en que es más probable que la concepción se lleve a cabo. Es probable que muchos se sorprendan al enterarse del largo tiempo en el que todas las iglesias cristianas coincidieron en esta enseñanza contra la anticoncepción. Fue en 1930 que algunos credos protestantes comenzaron a rechazar esta posición sostenida durante tanto tiempo. Los que se opusieron a esa tendencia predijeron un aumento en las relaciones sexuales prematrimoniales, el adulterio, la aceptación del divorcio y el aborto. Más tarde, en 1968, el Papa Pablo V I advirtió que la utilización de los anticonceptivos daría lugar a que un cónyuge tratara al otro como objeto más que como persona y que, con el tiempo, los gobiernos se verían tentados a imponer leyes que limitaran el tamaño de la familia. El Papa Juan Pablo II destacó la estrecha conexión entre los anticonceptivos y el aborto, señalando que “los contravalores inherentes a la ‘mentalidad anticonceptiva’ […] son tales que hacen precisamente más fuerte esta tentación [del aborto] ante la eventual concepción de una vida no deseada” (Evangelium Vitae, no 13). Al usar anticonceptivos, las parejas podrían pensar que están evitando problemas o calmando tensiones, que están ejerciendo control sobre sus vidas. Pero el don de poder ayudar a crear otra persona, un ser humano nuevo con su propia vida, entraña relaciones profundas. A fecta nuestra relación con Dios que nos creó completos con este don poderoso. Es una demostración del verdadero amor y de la aceptación mutua de los cónyuges, tal como son, incluyendo el don de la fecundidad. Finalmente, implica la manera en que los cónyuges aceptarán espontáneamente a su hijo o hija como un don de Dios y fruto de su amor mutuo. Como todas las relaciones importantes con otras personas, no está sujeto únicamente a nuestro control individual. Al final, este don es mucho más rico y más gratificante. No son ustedes sus propios dueños, porque Dios los ha comprado a un precio muy caro. Glorifiquen, pues, a Dios con el cuerpo. (1 Cor 6:19-20) Dios los ama y desea su máxima felicidad. Amar como ama Cristo es una posibilidad que se nos ofrece por el poder del Espíritu Santo, como un don gratuito de Dios. ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH FAITH ● HOPE ● CHARITY ♥ LA FE ● LA ESPERANZA ● LA CARIDAD EL MATRIMONIO: EL AMOR Y LA VIDA EN EL PLAN DIVINO Carta pastoral de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos El matrimonio es una institución natural establecida por Dios, el Creador. Es una alianza permanente, fiel y fructífera entre un hombre y una mujer, establecida por su libre consentimiento mutuo. Tiene dos propósitos: el bien de los cónyuges, denominado el propósito unitivo, y la procreación y educación de los hijos. El matrimonio no es simplemente una institución privada. Es el fundamento de la familia, donde los hijos aprenden los valores y virtudes que los hacen buenos cristianos así como buenos ciudadanos. El matrimonio es importante para la formación de la siguiente generación, y por consiguiente es importante para la sociedad. Los hombres y las mujeres son iguales como personas. Como varón y mujer, son dos maneras diferentes de ser humanos. Estas diferencias los relacionan entre sí de una manera total y complementaria. Hacen posible una comunión única de personas en que los cónyuges se dan a sí mismos y se reciben mutuamente en el amor. Esta comunión de personas tiene el potencial de generar vida humana y así producir la familia. Ninguna otra relación simboliza la vida y el amor como lo hace el matrimonio. Los dos propósitos del matrimonio son inseparables; son dos aspectos del mismo don de uno mismo. El propósito unitivo del matrimonio significa que el marido y la mujer participan en el propio amor de Dios que se da de sí. Los dos se vuelven una sola carne, brindándose ayuda y servicio mutuo a través de su íntima unión. El propósito procreativo reconoce que el amor conyugal es, por naturaleza, transmisor de vida. Los hijos que resultan de esta unión son el don supremo del matrimonio. Algunas parejas experimentan la tragedia de la infertilidad y pueden verse tentadas a pensar que su unión no está completa; sin embargo, ésta sigue siendo una comunión de personas única. La sociedad contemporánea plantea desafíos fundamentales al significado y propósitos del matrimonio. Los anticonceptivos: Cada acto sexual debe estar abierto a la procreación, porque todo el significado del matrimonio está expresado en cada acto conyugal. VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE AT WWW.STMAX.CC Los anticonceptivos cierran la posibilidad de la procreación y separan los significados unitivo y procreador del matrimonio. Esto está objetivamente mal y es esencialmente opuesto al plan de Dios para el matrimonio y el desarrollo humano verdadero. Separar deliberadamente estos dos significados puede dañar o destruir el matrimonio y suscitar muchas otras consecuencias negativas, tanto personales como sociales. Los métodos de planificación familiar natural (PFN) posibilitan a una pareja planificar su familia de acuerdo con el designio de Dios. Las uniones del mismo sexo: La complementariedad entre el varón y la mujer es esencial al matrimonio. Hace posible la unión auténtica y la generación de nueva vida. Los intentos por hacer que las uniones del mismo sexo sean equivalentes al matrimonio hacen caso omiso de la naturaleza del matrimonio. Puesto que el matrimonio y las uniones del mismo sexo son realidades diferentes, no es discriminación injusta oponerse al reconocimiento legal de las uniones del mismo sexo. Estas uniones plantean una amenaza multifacética al bien de las personas y de la sociedad. El divorcio: El matrimonio está destinado a ser una unión y alianza para toda la vida, que el divorcio pretende romper. Las parejas en problemas así como las personas divorciadas son alentadas a confiar en la ayuda de Dios y acudir a los recursos de la Iglesia en busca de apoyo y sanación. La anulación es una posibilidad para algunas personas divorciadas. Se trata de la constatación, por parte de un tribunal, o corte, eclesiástico, de que no se formó ningún lazo matrimonial válido porque los requisitos para el consentimiento válido no se cumplieron en el momento de la boda. La cohabitación: Muchas parejas viven juntas en una relación sexual sin el matrimonio. Esto siempre está mal y es objetivamente inmoral, porque el completo don de uno mismo sólo puede realizarse dentro del compromiso público y permanente del matrimonio. La cohabitación puede tener efectos negativos sobre las parejas mismas, así como sobre los hijos que sean parte de la relación. La pareja casada cristiana, con sus hijos, forman una imagen del Dios Trinitario: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. El matrimonio y la vida familiar reflejan la Trinidad de dos maneras. En primer lugar, como la Trinidad, el matrimonio es una comunión de amor entre personas iguales entre sí, que empieza con el marido y la mujer y se extiende a todos los miembros de la familia. En segundo lugar, tal como el amor de la Trinidad es vivificante, así el amor de una pareja casada concibe y cuida de los hijos. Además de reflejar la Trinidad, la familia es un microcosmos de la Iglesia. La antigua expresión “iglesia doméstica” describe con precisión la familia, porque la familia es una pequeña comunión de personas que recibe su sustento de la Iglesia mayor y re. eja la vida de ésta de manera singular. Dentro de esta iglesia doméstica, los padres tienen la especial responsabilidad de enseñar a los hijos la fe y ayudarles a crecer en la virtud. La familia madura como iglesia doméstica participando en la vida y culto de la Iglesia mayor, especialmente en la Eucaristía dominical. En la Eucaristía, los miembros de la familia están más plenamente unidos a Cristo, unos a otros, y a sus hermanos y hermanas del mundo entero. Con la gracia de Dios, las parejas están llamadas a crecer en santidad. Un matrimonio santo está compuesto por muchas virtudes. Fundamentalmente, la pareja vive las virtudes teológicas de la fe, la esperanza y el amor. El amor está en el corazón de la vocación del matrimonio. Llama a los cónyuges a imitar a Jesús con su disposición a sacrificarse en las situaciones cotidianas el uno por el otro y por sus hijos. Las parejas deben también crecer en las virtudes morales de la prudencia, la justicia, la fortaleza y la templanza. Dos virtudes que a veces son pasadas por alto son la castidad y la gratitud. La castidad marital significa que el amor de la pareja es total, fiel, exclusivo y abierto a la vida. Protege un gran bien: la comunión de personas y el propósito procreador del matrimonio. Un matrimonio que está verdaderamente en Cristo es un signo del Reino que está llegando. Al final de los tiempos, en la celebración del banquete nupcial celestial, el amor al que los cónyuges han sido llamados encontrará su consumación cuando la Iglesia entera se suma en la gloria del Cristo resucitado. PAGE 7 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 24, 2016 MARRIAGE: LOVE AND LIFE IN THE DIVINE PLAN A Pastoral Letter by the Catholic Bishops of the United States Marriage is a natural institution established by God the Creator. It is a permanent, faithful, fruitful partnership between one man and one woman, established by their free mutual consent. It has two purposes: the good of the spouses, called the unitive purpose, and the procreation and education of children. Marriage is not merely a private institution. It is the foundation of the family, where children learn values and virtues that make them good Christians as well as good citizens. Marriage is important for the upbringing of the next generation, and therefore it is important for society. Men and women are equal as persons. As male and female, they are two different ways of being human. These differences relate them to each other in a total and complementary way. They make possible a unique communion of persons in which spouses give themselves and receive each other in love. This communion of persons has the potential to bring forth human life and thus to produce the family. No other relationship symbolizes life and love as marriage does. The two purposes of marriage are inseparable; they are two aspects of the same self-giving. The unitive purpose Of marriage means that husband and wife participate in God’s own self-giving love. The two become one flesh, giving mutual help and service to each other through their intimate union. The procreative purpose recognizes that married love is by its nature life-giving. The children who result from this union are the supreme gift of marriage. Some couples experience the tragedy of infertility and may be tempted to think that their union is not complete; however, it remains a distinctive communion of persons. Contemporary society poses fundamental challenges to the meaning and purposes of marriage. Contraception: Each act of intercourse must be open to procreation, because the whole meaning of marriage is expressed in each marital act. Contraception closes off the possibility of procreation and separates the unitive and procreative meanings of marriage. PAGE 8 This is objectively wrong and is essentially opposed to God’s plan for marriage and proper human development. Deliberately separating these two meanings can damage or destroy the marriage and bring many other negative consequences, both personal and social. Natural family planning (NFP) methods enable a couple to plan their family in accord with God’s design. Same-sex unions: Male-female complementarity is essential to marriage. It makes possible authentic union and the generation of new life. Attempts to make same-sex unions the equivalent of marriage disregard the nature of marriage. Since marriage and same-sex unions are different realities, it is not unjust discrimination to oppose the legal recognition of same-sex unions. These unions pose a serious threat to the fabric of society that affects all people. Divorce: Marriage is meant to be a lifelong covenantal union, which divorce claims to break. Troubled couples as well as divorced persons are encouraged to rely on God’s help and to use the resources of the Church for support and healing. An annulment is a possibility for some divorced persons. This is a finding by a church tribunal, or court, that no valid marriage bond was formed because the requirements for valid consent were not met at the time of the wedding. Cohabitation: Many couples live together in a sexual relationship without marriage. This is always wrong and objectively sinful because the complete gift of self can only take place within the public, permanent commitment of marriage. Cohabitation can have negative effects on couples themselves, as well as any children who are part of the relationship. The Christian married couple, with their children, form an image of the Trinitarian God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Marriage and family life images the Trinity in two ways. First, like the Trinity, marriage is a communion of love between co-equal persons, beginning with husband and wife and extending to all the members of the family. Second, just as Trinity’s love is life-giving, a married couple’s love conceives and cares for children. In addition to reflecting the Trinity, the family is a microcosm of the Church. The ancient expression “domestic church” accurately describes the family because it is a small communion of persons that draws its sustenance from the larger Church and reflects its life in unique ways. Within this domestic church, parents have a special responsibility to teach children the faith and help them to grow in virtue. The family matures as a domestic church by participating in the life and worship of the larger Church, especially Sunday Eucharist. In the Eucharist, members of the family are most fully united to Christ, to one another, and to their brothers and sisters throughout the world. With God’s grace, couples are called to grow in holiness. A holy marriage is made up of many virtues. Fundamentally, the couple lives out the theological virtues of faith, hope and love. Love is the heart of the vocation of marriage. It calls spouses to imitate Jesus by their willingness to sacrifice themselves in everyday situations for each other and their children. Couples must also grow in the moral virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Two virtues that are sometimes overlooked are chastity and gratitude. Marital chastity means that the couple’s love is total, faithful, exclusive and open to life. It protects a great good: the communion of persons and the procreative purpose of marriage. In the Eucharist Catholic couples meet Christ, the source of their marriage. This encounter moves them to reach out in love to the broader Church and to the world. The Eucharist nourishes the virtue of marital hospitality and helps the couple to recognize God’s image in others. This hospitality builds up the Church and makes it a stronger witness to Christ’s love in the world. A marriage that is truly in Christ is a sign of the Kingdom that is coming. At the end of time, at the celebration of the heavenly wedding banquet, the love to which the spouses have been called will find its completion when the entire Church is assumed into the glory of the risen Christ. ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH FAITH ● HOPE ● CHARITY ♥ LA FE ● LA ESPERANZA ● LA CARIDAD MARRIED LOVE AND THE GIFT OF LIFE Natural Family Planning ● United States Conference of Catholic Bishops A husband and wife express their committed love not only with words, but with the language of their bodies. That “body language”—what a husband and wife say to one another through the intimacy of sexual relations—speaks of total commitment and openness to a future together. So the question about contraception is this: Does sexual intercourse using contraception faithfully affirm this committed love? Or does it introduce a false note into this conversation? Married love differs from any other love in the world. By its nature, the love of husband and wife is so complete, so ordered to a lifetime of communion with God and each other, that it is open to creating a new human being they will love and care for together. Part of God’s gift to husband and wife is this ability in and through their love to cooperate with God’s creative power. Therefore, the mutual gift of fertility is an integral part of the bonding power of marital intercourse. That power to create a new life with God is at the heart of what spouses share with each other. To be sure, spouses who are not granted the gift of children can have a married life that is filled with love and meaning. As Pope John Paul II said to these couples in a 1982 homily, “You are no less loved by God; your love for each other is complete and fruitful when it is open to others, to the needs of the apostolate, to the needs of the poor, to the needs of orphans, to the needs of the world.” When married couples deliberately act to suppress fertility, however, sexual intercourse is no longer fully marital intercourse. It is something less powerful and intimate, something more “casual.” Suppressing fertility by using contraception denies part of the inherent meaning of married sexuality and does harm to the couple’s unity. The total giving of oneself, body and soul, to one’s beloved is no time to say: “I give you everything I am—except. . . .” The Church’s teaching is not only about observing a rule, but about preserving that total, mutual gift of two persons in its integrity. This may seem a hard saying. Certainly it is a teaching that many couples today, through no fault of their own, have not heard (or not heard in a way they could appreciate and understand). But as many couples who have turned away from contraception tell us, living this teaching can contribute to the honesty, openness, and intimacy of marriage and help make couples truly fulfilled. Natural family planning is a general name for the methods of family planning that are based on a woman’s menstrual cycle. A man is fertile throughout his life, while a woman is fertile for only a few days each cycle during the child-bearing years. Some believe that NFP involves using a calendar to predict the fertile time. That is not what NFP is today. A woman experiences clear, observable signs indicating when she is fertile and when she is infertile. Learning to observe and understand these signs is at the heart of education in natural family planning. When a couple decides to postpone pregnancy, NFP can be very effective. NFP can also be very helpful for couples who desire to have a child because it identifies the time of ovulation. It is used by many fertility specialists for this purpose. Thus a couple can have marital relations at a time when they know that conception is most likely to take place. VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE AT WWW.STMAX.CC NATIONAL NFP AWARENESS WEEK JULY 24 - JULY 30, 2016 Many would likely be surprised at how long all Christian churches agreed on this teaching against contraception. It was only in 1930 that some Protestant denominations began to reject this long-held position. Those opposed to this trend predicted an increase in premarital sex, adultery, acceptance of divorce, and abortion. Later, in 1968, Pope Paul V I warned that the use of contraception would allow one spouse to treat the other more like an object than a person, and that in time governments would be tempted to impose laws limiting family size. Pope John Paul II called attention to the close association between contraception and abortion, noting that “the negative values inherent in the ‘contraceptive mentality’ . . . are such that they in fact strengthen this temptation [to abortion] when an unwanted life is conceived” (Evangelium Vitae, no. 13). By using contraception, couples may think that they are avoiding problems or easing tensions, that they are exerting control over their lives. But the gift of being able to help create another person, a new human being with his or her own life, involves profound relationships. It affects our relationship with God, who created us complete with this powerful gift. It involves whether spouses will truly love and accept each other as they are, including their gift of fertility. Finally, it involves the way spouses will spontaneously accept their child as a gift from God and the fruit of their mutual love. Like all important relationships with other persons, it is not subject solely to our individual control. In the end, this gift is far richer and more rewarding than that. You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Cor 6:19-20) Living God’s design for human sexuality in marriage can be difficult. But husbands and wives have not been left alone to live out this fundamental life challenge. If you have failed to do so in the past, do not be discouraged. God loves you and wants your ultimate happiness. Loving as Christ loves is a possibility opened to us by the power of the Holy Spirit, as a free gift of God. Through prayer and the sacraments, including Reconciliation and the Eucharist, God offers us the strength to live up to this challenge. Recall the words of Christ, repeated so often by John Paul II: “Be not afraid!” The Church’s teaching on marital sexuality is an invitation for men and women—an invitation to let God be God, to receive the gift of God’s love and care, and to let this gift inform and transform us, so we may share that love with each other and with the world. PAGE 9 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 24, 2016 DISCIPLESHIP RETREAT “Our life loses its meaning when it is separated from the relationship with God.” - St. John Paul II What does your relationship with God look like right now? If your soul is seeking fulfillment, we encourage you to attend our parish’s Discipleship Retreat. (Must be 18 years or older and no longer in High School) WHERE: St. Maximilian Kolbe Education Center 601 North Hiatus Road Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 WHEN: August 26, 27 and 28 COST: $50 per person To register, please complete the registration form and return it with full payment or a $25.00 deposit to: St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church 701 North Hiatus Road, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 Questions? Please call Chuck Beesing at (954) 436-8612 or (305) 336-5790 PAGE 10 ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH FAITH ● HOPE ● CHARITY ♥ LA FE ● LA ESPERANZA ● LA CARIDAD WHY CATHOLIC? LITURGY When we begin the Why Catholic? sessions this fall, we will explore the meaning of the word "Liturgy" and how it helps us to better participate in the reception of the sacraments and help us increase our prayer life. Simply speaking liturgy is our cooperation in the work of God, placing God at the center of our prayer life. Liturgy is an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ. He is the principal actor, the "prime minister". The work done in any liturgical celebration (the Greek ergon, meaning " work", is the root of "liturgy") is his; we participants are his co-workers, cooperators and co-laborers. Liturgical celebrations are the doors to our union with God who is the center of the liturgy, the heart of the liturgy which gives strength to the Church. Therefore, when we make an effort to actively participate in any liturgical celebration we turn towards God both spiritually and physically. In other words we experience a true conversion. When we participate in Why Catholic? we will look at Liturgy in three sessions: Session 1: God acts through the Liturgy; Session 2: The Liturgy, the Work of God; Session 3: Celebrating the Liturgy. Join us this fall as we explore how we celebrate our Catholic faith in sacramental liturgy and focus on understanding what we mean by "liturgy" and "sacrament". VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE AT WWW.STMAX.CC "I G H ." - Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort “Yes, I believe it is a time for mercy. The Church is showing her maternal side, her motherly face, to a humanity that is wounded. She does not wait for the wounded to knock on her doors, she looks for them on the streets, she gathers them in, she embraces them, she makes them feel loved.” — POPE FRANCIS, ‘THE NAME OF GOD IS MERCY’ PAGE 11 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 24, 2016 MINISTRIES ST. MAX WEEKLY CALENDAR Contact leaders through Parish Office 954.432.0206 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Deacon Carl Carieri (English), Fr. Carlos Cabrera (Español), John Dietl (Hospital), Sandy Figueroa (Homebound) E M M is celebrated daily (Mon-Sat) at 8:00 am A daily at 8:45 am to 9:45 am ,J 25 Baptism Preparation 8:45 am - 9:45 am: Adoration (CH) 6:00 pm: AA - Beginners Mtg (SH) 7:00 pm: AA Mtg (SH) ● Novena + Adoration (CHP) ● Grupo Carismático Hispano - Spiritual Grow (EC205) ● Respect Life St. Joseph Project (EC206) 7:30 pm: Legion of Mary (EC208) ● ¿PorQueSerCatólico? - A (EC204) ● Divorce Care (EC201-202) ● Centering Prayer (EC207) 8:30 pm: Respect Life St. Joseph Project (CHP) Catholic Hospice T Lectors Deacon Carl Carieri (English), Fr. Carlos Cabrera (Español) Altar Servers Deacon Scott Joiner, Lisa Villaran Ushers Deacon Pierre Douyon Gilda Pietro (English), Alejandrina Martin (Español) Deacon Scott Joiner Centering Prayer Louse-Marie Moise, Ángelo Reyes Charismatic Prayer Group Gary & Linda Shaan Discipleship Ministry Chuck Beesing Feed the Homeless Marie May Eucharist Adoration Rosemarie Carieri Grupo Carismático de Oración Marielo y Pedro Hernández, Toñi Wilson ¿Por Qué Ser Católico? Marcela Gómez (Español) Respect Life Pauline Salois Respect Life–St. Joseph Project Brother Jay Rivera St. Max Kolbe Pillar Society Deacon Pierre Douyon Single Adult Group Cami Toro or Neil St. Vincent de Paul Society Tony Niosi Sunshine Ministry Joe and Judy De Caro Why Catholic? ,J 26 8:45 am - 9:45 am: Adoration (CH) 10:00 am: ¿PorQueSerCatólico? - B (EC201) 11:00 am - 3:00 pm: Bingo (SH) 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Teen Tuesday (SH) 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Lectio Divina (SH) 7:00 pm: Adoration—Life Teen (CHP) 7:30 pm: Spanish Choir Rehearsal (CH) 8:00 pm: CANCELLED LifeTeen + Edge Core Mtg W ,J 27 8:45 am - 9:45 am: Adoration (CH) 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm: Adoration—Charismatic Prayer (CHP) 7:00 pm: Baptism Class (SH) 7:30 pm: Charismatic Prayer Mtg (CHP) T ,J 28 8:45 am - 9:45 am: Adoration (CH) 10:00 am - 11:30am: Legión de María (SH) 6:00 pm: CANCELLED Children Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm: CANCELLED Sea Scouts ● Boy Scouts Nautical Troop 7:00 pm: CANCELLED Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm: ¿PorQueSerCatólico? - I (CR) 8:00 pm: Grupo Carismático Hispano (SH) F ,J 29 8:45 am - 9:45 am: Adoration (CH) 10:00 am: CANCELLED Clases Sobre el Catecismo 7:30 pm: ¿PorQueSerCatólico? - F (CR) S ,J 30 10:00 am: ¿PorQueSerCatólico? - G (CR) 1:00 pm: Why Catholic? - 7 (CR) Elsa Jimenez (English) [email protected] S ,J 31 Please prayerfully discern how God has uniquely gifted you – your time, your talents and your treasure. 2:00 pm: Baptisms (CH) 4:00 pm: LifeTeen Band Rehearsal (CH) 7:00 pm: NO Youth Ministry Activities Por favor discernir cómo Dios le ha dotado de una manera única a usted con – su tiempo, sus talentos y su tesoro. PAGE 12 ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH FAITH ● HOPE ● CHARITY ♥ LA FE ● LA ESPERANZA ● LA CARIDAD YOUTH MINISTRY PRE-SCHOOL Weekly Activities Calendar Sunday, July 24 Youth Mass at 6:00 pm Sunday, July 24 NO Youth Night Tuesday, July 26 NO Teen Tuesday, Lectio Divina, Adoration Sunday, July 31 Youth Mass at 6:00 pm Sunday, July 31 NO Life Night Build a Tuesday, August 2 Adoration 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the Chapel NO Teen Tuesday or Lectio Divina foundation Friday, August 5 Auditions - Murder Mystery Dinner 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the Social Hall for life-long Saturday, August 6 Auditions - Murder Mystery Dinner 11:00 am - 1:00 pm in the Social Hall learning! 9:00 - 11:00 (954) 885-7250 [email protected] Pray for the St. Max teens, who are participating in this pilgrimage! S 18 PK-4 F H N S , , F C S VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE AT WWW.STMAX.CC PAGE 13 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME R E Religious Education is a ministry of the Catholic Church. We assist families in Catholic faith formation and in sacramental preparation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation). We offer a continuous program for students in Kindergarten through Confirmation. Curriculum is based on Scripture, Roman Catholic doctrine, prayer, traditions, and principles in an age appropriate setting and is approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The effectiveness of our program assumes respect and cooperation between the students, parents and our staff. The program classes are held in the safe environment of our Education Center once a week, Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from September through May. All staff and volunteers are screened according to the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Miami Safe Environment Program. Volunteer in Religious Education and help a child grow in faith. Application forms are available in the Religious Education Office in the Education Center. At every session we need adults and confirmed high school students to serve on our Safety Team before, during and after class, on our Arts and Crafts committee to pre-cut and assemble activities used in class, as office help, as Catechists and Assistant Catechists. RELIGIOUS ED NEWS The Religious Education Office will be closed the month of July. It will reopen on August 8. During July Registration Forms may be turned in at the Church Office. Registrations and payments received in July will be processed the week of August 8. Registration will close September 5. Religious Education Classes will begin the week of September 25. Assignment letters will be mailed home the week of September 12. Catechists, Adult Assistants and High School Teens are still needed at all Sessions. Prayerfully consider serving Christ by sharing your faith with the children. Contact the Religious Education Office at 954-8857260 or E-mail: [email protected] for more information. PAGE 14 JULY 24, 2016 CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 11410 OCTOBER 1, 2016 Hollybrook Golf and Tennis Club 9320 S. Hollybrook Drive | Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 To Benefit: Knights of Columbus Charities, Autism Speaks, Respect Life (4) Man Best Ball, $100.00 per player - 1st-2nd-3rd Places, Hole-in-One Contest and Putting Contest closest to pin. Raffles, Auctions and more… SIGN UP NOW!!! FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: David M. May text or call 954-993-5339 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Lucky 250 Club JOIN NOW! Entrance to the Club is easy! Just buy a $25 raffle ticket Being a club member entitles you to: 40 6 2 1 $ 25 drawings $ 50 drawings $100 drawings $500 Grand Prize First Drawing: TBA Plus a free Dinner for all Club Members in the St. Max Social Hall S 17, 2016 Tickets are available in the Church Office. ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH