Local Workshop Report


Local Workshop Report
Local Workshop Report
Local Workshop Report
27 January 2014
Matadero Center Madrid
Marisol Mena Rubio-Ayuntamiento de
1. Participants
School’s representatives
Madrid Council city’s
advisors STARS
GEA 21
CEIP Ignacio Zuloaga
CEIP Puerto Rico
CEIP Rufino Blanco
CEIP San Ildefonso
Colegio Ágora
Real Colegio Santa Isabel-La
CEIP Manuel Bartolomé Cossío
Colegio Montserrat
CEIP Nuestra Señora de la
Colegio Estudiantes-Las Tablas
CEIP Ermita del Santo
Unidad de Medio Ambiente de la
Policía Municipal del
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Unidad de Educación Vial del
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Unidad de Educación Ambiental
del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Departamento de Educación
Ambiental del Ayuntamiento de
Ingeniería Ambiental del
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Rosa Fernández Menés
Ignacio Ramos
Irene del Pozo
GEA 21
GEA 21
Marta García
Marta Román
Isabela Velázquez
The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors.
It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither
the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that
may be made of the information contained herein.
Walter Post
Lucas Cavero
Milagros Martínez
Enrique Toledo
Pedro Romero
Loli Fernández
Ignacio Alba
Ramiro Gómez
Heliodoro de Iscar
Rafael García
Ángeles Fernández
Gonzalo Baños
Benito Patiño
José María de la Osa
Pilar Martín
Marisol Mena
José Luis Sanz
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Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe
Programme of the European Union
Local Workshop Report
2. Agenda
09.00 h. - Welcome and presentation results of surveys
09.45 h. - General review of Action Plans. Summary of activities and objectives (Annex 7
teachers guide)
11.30 h. - Coffee break
12.00 h. - Presentation of the website, the blog of the project and instructions on the use of
logos STARS (Ignacio Ramos).
12.20 h. - Introducing the Bike Training Program by Municipal Police (Benito Patiño,
Environment Unit).
12.40 h. - Introducing the pilot Intervention program made for STARS by Madrid Health
(Rosa Fernández).
13:00 h. Planning ahead STARS WEEK happening April 2014
STARS Convocatoria
y Orden del día del GT1 270114.doc
3. Output/ results
The level of enthusiasm in primary teachers is very hight, 12 schools have attended this
meeting and all people are willing to participate and to share their experiences and activities.
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Local Workshop Report
1- SURVEYS.-Isabela Velázquez made a presentation of the main results of the surveys
(included in the attached document).
2-ACTION PLANS.-General review of Action Plans by the teachers, advisors and Pilar
Martín (included in the attached document). In addition to naming the various actions
proposed by the schools, an open round was suggested were set in order people who had
raised or implemented activities, could go further detailing the contents of each activities
was set . This allowed not only know the extent of each school initiatives, but also sharing
ideas which might be implemented by other schools.
Highlights the interest to do joint activities among several schools.
There were varied and imaginative activities included in their action plans, as they can be :
- Carnival Parade
- Bicicletadas shared among several centers
- Cycling Driver Cart
- Night or day on wheels: bike, skateboard, scooter…
- Organization of symbolic traffic fines
- Career guidance.- An important point is Action’ plans are living documents, opened to be
improved along the school year or along the project length.
The Pedagogic Project “Con bici al cole” (By bike to school) is named several times:
http://conbicialcole.conbici.org/pdfs/proyectopedagogico.pdf . This project is included within
the Primary toolkit.
3-BLOG.- Presentation of the project blog.- Ignacio Ramos showed the blog as a tool for the
information to be shared among STARS schools as well as for publicizing the project. The
blog is opened to receive news, events and proposed schools and might be a great tool to
engaging families and teachers and educational community. Through the STARS Advisors,
schools may send their ideas and proposals. The blog address is:
4-TRAINING PROGRAM BY POLICE.-Benito Patiño show the training program set out
document attached on STARS web
The training program consists of six hours given along the period of three days, where
students receive theoretical and practical training: Knowledge about bike and basic safety
rules on bike, bike ability circuit (Pauwels’ test) and riding bikes on the road through traffic
calmed roads in the school neighbourhood.
Intervention performed within STARS by Madrid- Health.
Rosa Fernández offered a team of Madrid Health (doctors and psychologists) to assist in
the STARS project. This team of professionals has developed a proposal which may be an
experimental intervention with families, in order to emphasize the benefits of active and
independent children’s mobility.
The proposal is open and children may become "Journalists On Wheels Without Engine"
and develop an interview to health professionals of Madrid. The used means can be diverse:
development of a newspaper, a radio programme or a video.
6.1 . Schools’ Environmental Diagnosis
José Luis Sanz, City Council’s architect, proposed a plan of visits to schools. The aim is
making a diagnosis along with teachers, parents, police and mobility staff, in order to
analyzing the neighbourhood and improving cycling and traffic calmed measures.
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Local Workshop Report
6.2 . Accreditation of Teachers
Maria Sol Mena said that negotiations are underway with the Ministry of Education of the
Community of Madrid to demonstrate the STARS project hours spent by teachers in order
they can be awared with some administrative recognition.
6.3. Bicycle Parking o bikeracks
It will launch a new Bicycle Parking Plan and is looking at the possibility that in public
schools it can be installed
6.4 . Collaboration with the Festival “Con B de bici” ("With B of Bike ")
"With B of Bike" festival is happening at the Matadero Center at Spring season. It could be
possible for STARS schools to join the festival and collaborate in some activities.
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