Micron PUR LC
Micron PUR LC
micron PUR LC Gear pump This particular version of ‘micron gear series’ has been designed to be used with 2kg PUR blocks adhesive. The gear pump allows an equal and precise glue application by a control of the glue quantity through the gear speed. Multifunctional electronic control This new development combines the electronic ‘meler’ control that allows a very userfriendly handling and very effective and intuitive motor control. Easy Access The easy access to all the components of the ‘micron PUR LC’ is a big advantage in reference to others models. It allows a fast access to all internal components of the system (motor, controls,…) by the use of a double side-opening door, which provides total accessibility. Connections The hose connections of the ‘micron PUR LC’ can be installed at the rear side of the system, close to the main machine. Two hoses per pump and manifold can be installed with a maximum of two pumps per unit. Tank As the other ‘micron gear’ units the ‘micron PUR LC’ version has a large tank loading zone, as well as a tank drain valve, making its filling and emptying easier. In addition, it includes a large contact zones, providing an optimal fusion rate. In this particular version the lid is completely air-tight (with double closing system) and includes the installation to guarantee a non moisture atmosphere inside the tank to prevent adhesive’s reaction. As an option you can order the air-dryer assembly or not. Motor-pump The assembly of motor-gearbox-pump guarantees an equal hot-melt supply, which is controlled by the motor rotation speed. Compatibility The ‘micron PUR LC’ can be equipped with Pt100 as well as with Ni120 sensor technology. Therefore it is compatible with most of the commom hot-melt systems in the market. Safety The by-pass valve ensures, that excess pressure situations are avoided in the system. It also allows to maintain a constant system pressure even in intermittent applications with closed, non applying guns. Likewise air-dryer control guarantees a completely safety operation due to the detection of opening lid to remove the internal pressure in the tank. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tank volume Pumping rate Melting rate Number of pumps Number of outputs Motor power Pump speed Temperature range Temperature control Max. working pressure Pressure relief valve Max. input power 4 liters for 2 kg PUR blocks (air-tight lid) 4 cc/rev single pump (*) 6 kg/h (*) 1 2 250 W 0-100 rpm (10-80 rpm recommended) 40 to 200ºC RTD ±0,5ºC 90 bar (1.305 psi) pneumatic (standard) 5.750 W (230V 1~ 50/60 Hz) 2.900 W per phase (400V 3~ 50/60 Hz + N) Temperatures ok output Low level output (with external ligth beacon) External standby activation Outputs enabled external control Motor ON/OFF external contact Motor speed external control 230V 1~ 50/60 Hz + N + PE 230V 3~ 50/60 Hz + N + PE 400V 3~ 50/60 Hz + N + PE see drawing temperature control technology (Pt100 or Ni120) air-dryer assembly (pre-installation included as standard) External functions Electrical connection Dimensions Options 608 709 709 608 709 709 308 308 430 430 C 030-E Rev 00 MELER reserves the right to modify the contents of this catalogue without notice 839 839 * Depending on adhesive type IDENT FECHA REALIZADO CERTIFICACION/CERTIFICATION APROBADO TOLERANCIAS GENERALES/GENERAL TOLERANCES PESO/WEIGHT UNE EN 22768-1 F FECHA/DATE 724 TRATAMIENTO/TREATMENT DIBUJADO/DESIGN VALIDADO/COMFIRM NOMBRE/NAME 724 MODIFICACION MATERIAL/MATERIAL ESCALA/SCALE D.Z.D. J.Z.G. 28/01/2010 28/01/2010 TITULO/TITLE PLANO DE IMPLANTACION REFERENCIA REFERENCE DENOMINACION/DENOMINATION S/E Nº DE HOJAS 1 DE 1 www.meler.es SUS. A CATEGORIA Este pla no e s propiedad exclusiva de M EL ER APLICACIONES D E H OT - M ELT S.A. y su reproducción total o parcial está totalm en te prohibida y qu eda am parada bajo la legislación vigen te Los con traventores será n pe rseguidos leg alm e nte tanto en E spa ña com o en el e xtra njero. El uso,co pia , re producción o ve nta de esta publica ción, sólo podrá re alizarse con autorización e xpre sa y por escrito d e M ELER APLICACIO NE S DE HOT - M EL T S.A. MELER GROUP P.I. Los Agustinos, Calle-G, Nave-D-43 Corporate Headquarters E-31.160 ORCOYEN. Navarra (Spain) E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +34 948 351 110 - Fax.: +34 948 351 130