WFU Southern Cone ACADEMIC PROGRAM This document lists the courses that WFU students are able to consider during their studies in Santiago, Chile at Universidad Diego Portales (UDP). Please note that not all courses are offered each semester. Final course selection depends on available courses and meetings times. Your final courses schedule will be set during registration at UDP. All students on the program must enroll in the following: o HMN 183 Contemporary Argentine Experience (1.5hrs, p/f), taught in Argentina o HMN 186 Contemporary Chilean Experience (1.5hrs, p/f), taught in Argentina o One course taught in Spanish, taught at UDP in Chile o At least one of the Resident Professor’s courses, taught at UDP in Chile Internships are available with limited options for English-only internships. Students must interview for the internship during registration in Chile. Students interested in independent study with a Wake Forest professor will need to contact the Center for Global Programs and Studies regarding the process. Departmental course restrictions o UDP CODE Politics & International Affairs majors: A maximum of 9 credit hours from additional domestic transfer credits or abroad courses may be applied towards your POL major requirements. If you have not received POL credit outside of the Reynolda Campus, you can take at most 9 credit hours of POL on this program. UDP COURSE TITLE WFU CODE WFU COURSE TITLE NOTES Historia del Arte I ART 198 Study Abroad- Art History Elective credit only Arte Contemporaneo I ART 198 Study Abroad- Art History Elective credit only Le Era De Las Vanguardias Historicas: Arte y Vida en los Comienzos del Siglo XX ART 198 Study Abroad- Art History Elective credit only Arte Contemporaneo en Chile ART 291 Individual Study Microorganisms: Origins and Pandemics BIO 301 Topics: Microorganisms: Origins and Pandemics Origen y Evolucion de la Vida BIO 314 Herpetology Soluciones Biologicas y Tecnologia BIO 357 Bioinspiration and Biomimetics Bioética y Sociedad BIO 366 Bioethics Cine Chileno: Una Visión de la Historia (1940-1979) COM 270 Special Seminar Imágenes e Historia de la Elite COM 270 Special Seminar Sociedad y Medios de Comunicación COM 270 Special Seminar Spanish major/minor credit. 1 of 5 UDP CODE UDP COURSE TITLE WFU CODE WFU COURSE TITLE NOTES The Documentary in Latin America: A Social Story COM 270 Special Seminar El Documental in Chile COM 370 Special Topics Spanish major/minor credit. Las Escuelas de Teoria Economica en el Siglo XXI ECN 262 History of Economic Thought Divisional Soluciones Biologicas y Tecnologia ESE 357 Bioinspiration and Biomimetics Energía y Políticas Públicas ENV 301 Topics: Energy in Chile Problemas Ambientales desde una Perspectiva Internacional. ENV 301 Topics: Env Policy and Law Sustainable Cities: Challenges in Latin America ENV 302 Topics in Environmental Studies Theories and Environmental Conflicts ENV 303 Topics in Environmental Studies Latin American Political Ecology and Environmental Conflicts ENV 305 Topics in Environmental Studies Jóvenes y Procesos Sociales en la Historia del Siglo XX HST 311 Educacion Superior en Chile: Desafios y Politicas Publicas HST 311 Chile en el Siglo XX, Sociedad, Política y Cultura HST 311W Revoluciones en la Historia Contemporánea HST 311 Environmental Science/Studies minor elective credit. Special Topics in History: Youth and Social Processes in the History of the 20th Century Special Topics in History: Educacion Superior en Chile: Desafios y Politicas Publicas Special Topics in History: Chile en el Siglo XX Sociedad, Politica y Cultura Spanish major/minor credit. Special Topics in History: Revoluciones en la Historia Contemporánea Historia de la Salud Pública en Chile HST 311W Special Topics: History of Public Health in Chile Ideologias y Utopias en el Chile del Siglo XXI LAS 310 Special Topics in Latin-American and Latino Studies Cultural Diversity Internship LAS 398 Individual Study: Internship Interview for placement upon arrival in Chile. Limited English placements. Música Latinoamericana Contemporánea y Movimientos Sociales MUS 210 Survey of Latin American Music Divisional Cultural Diversity La Teoría Moderna del Conocimiento PHI 241 Modern Philosophy The Limits of Experience PHI 385 Philosophy Seminar May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Introduccion a la Cincia Politica POL 114 Comparative Government and Politics Divisional Comparative Politics & Economics: Chile in World Perspective POL 114 Comparative Government and Politics Taught in English Divisional Teoria Politica Contemporanea POL 115 Political Theory Divisional Ideologias y Utopias en el Chile del Siglo XXI POL 239 State, Economy, and International Competitiveness 2 of 5 UDP CODE UDP COURSE TITLE WFU CODE WFU COURSE TITLE NOTES Comparative Politics & Economics: Chile in World Perspective POL 114 or POL 242 Comparative Government and Politics or Topics in Comparative Politics Chile en el Siglo XX Sociedad, Política y Cultura POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics Desgualdad: Definicion, Medicion y Casos de Politicas POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Elecciones y Política en Chile entre 1920 y 2010 POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Totalitarismo, Autoritarismo y Democracia POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Energía y Políticas Públicas POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Opinión Pública, Comunicación y Política POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Resistencias y Contiendas Politicas Indigenas en América Latina POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Desarrollo, Pobreza y Desigualdad Social en Chile POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics Spanish major/minor credit. May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Partidos y Sistemas de Partidos POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Problemáticas Sobre Etnicidad y La Nación en el Chile Contemporáneo POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics Spanish major/minor credit. May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Los Nuevos Procesos de Asambleas Constituyentes Latinoamericanos POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Políticas y Programas Contra la Pobreza en América Latina POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Población, Desarrollo y Políticas Públicas POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Historia de las Corrientes en Chile durante el siglo XX POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Sistema Politico en Chile y America Latina POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Topicos y Sectores de Politicas POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Topicos y Casos de Economia Politica POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Desarrollo Politico y Economico de America Latina POL 242 Topics in Comparative Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Las Guerra Fria: Origen y Formacion del Mundo Contemporaneo POL 252 Topics in International Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Topics in International Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. El Impacto de la Globalización en América Latina POL 252 Taught in English Divisional credit for POL 114 Approved for GTCS minor credit Spanish major/minor credit. May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Teoria y Concepto de Relaciones Internacionales POL 252 Topics in International Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. Environmental Crisis and Implications for Global Governance POL 252 Topics in International Politics May be retaken for credit if topic varies. 3 of 5 UDP CODE UDP COURSE TITLE WFU CODE Tópicos de la Política Latinoamericana POL 257 Interamerican Relations Relaciones Internacionales en America Latina POL 257 Interamerican Relations Social Thought of Latin America: Authors, Traditions, and Multiple Legacies POL 269 Topics in Political Theory Teoria, Conceptos y Metodo Comparado POL 269 Topics in Political Theory Teoria Politica Clasica POL 271 Classical Political Thought Toma de Decisiones. Aspectos Cognitivos y Neurocientificos PSY 374 Research in Judgment and Decisions Making This can fulfill hours requirement for majors but not fulfilling A or B course requirement. Problemas sobre raza y etnicidad en América Latina SOC 359 Race and Ethnic Relations Cultural Diversity Stratification and Inequality SOC 360 Social Inequality Cultural Diversity Public Policies SOC 364 Political Sociology Globales, Multiculturales y Cosmopolitas SOC 367 The Sociology of Culture American Social Movements: Past and Present SOC 369 Social Movements Sociedad y Medios de Comunicación SOC 385 Special Problems Seminar American Cities: Origins, Conflicts and Prospects SOC 390 Special Topics: American Cities: Origins, Conflicts and Prospects Elementary Spanish I SPA 111 Elementary Spanish Offered as needed. Elementary Spanish II SPA 112 Elementary Spanish Pre-requisite: SPN 111. Offered as needed. Intermediate Spanish SPA 154 Intermediate Spanish Pre-requisite: SPN 112 or SPN 113. Offered as needed. Hispanic Literature and Culture SPA 213 Encounters: Hispanic Literature and Culture Pre-requisite: SPN 154. Offered as needed. Conversation SPA 303 Conversation Offered as needed. Literatura Lationoamericana SPA 329 Intermediate Topics in Literacy and Culture Studies May be retaken for credit if topic differs. Arte y Dictadura en Chile SPA 366 Romantic Nationalism, Avant-garde Nihilism, and the Deconstruction of Utopia Poesia Hispanoamericana Contemporanea SPA 369 Special Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies May be retaken for credit if topic differs. Marginalidad y Teatro Social en Chile THE 290 Special Seminar Spanish major/minor credit. Teatro Chileno Contemporáneo THE 290 Special Seminar WFU COURSE TITLE NOTES Taught in English. 4 of 5 UDP CODE UDP COURSE TITLE WFU CODE WFU COURSE TITLE NOTES Cultural Diversity Teatro Chileno y Bicentenario THE 393 Special Topics in Dramatic Literature Debates Urbanos URB 250 Urban Planning Debates de genero: mujeres y hombres en el siglo XXI WGS 377 Special Topics May be retaken for credit if topic differs. Problemáticas Contemporáneas de la Sexualidad WGS 377 Special Topics May be retaken for credit if topic differs. Relaciones de Género, Familia y Violencia Conyugal Chile 1700-1900 WGS 377 Special Topics May be retaken for credit if topic differs. Revised 10/2016 5 of 5