UK software company specialised in identity managem
UK software company specialised in identity managem
Co-operation profile details from Enterprise Europe SEIMED BOUK20150922005 - UK software company specialised in identity management seeks partners for joint venture agreements Business partnering opportunity Abstract The UK company specialises in providing comprehensive and unique solutions to address identity governance and administration (IGA), compliance management and data governance requirements. It provides businesses with the relevant reporting and analytics to improve IT security, maintain compliance and eventually minimize business risk in a cost effective manner. The company seeks partners for joint venture agreement in order to achieve a market expansion of their products and services. Description Established in 2009, this IT-software product company based in London owns a suite of products in the domain known as “Identity Governance & Administration (IGA)”. The company has won 9+ clients in a short span of 36 months since going into the market, winning many clients in open-tender completion scenario by beating their established competitors on grounds of their technical capabilities. Their clients are from many sectors including transportation, healthcare, police, government, etc. The company offers a layered approach that enables better visibility and control providing enterprises with the relevant reporting and analytics to improve IT security, maintain compliance and minimize risk. At a high-level, the company addresses the following challenges: - "who” has access to “what” - control of access to identities (e.g. employees, partners, vendors etc.) for applications, shared folders/files, internet of things (IoT) devices – in house/on cloud - to identify/qualify, confirm if the “who” is really what he/she claims to be or if he/she is miss-representing their identity - to help identify/ qualify if “what” happens to be the application/IoT device as it is intended/desired to be. The target market for their products is organizations with 500+ employees across all verticals. The company seeks a joint venture agreement with partners willing to improve IGA, compliance management and data governance requirements. Target partner expertise sought: - Specific area of activity of the partner: Partners are sought for joint venture agreements. Partner organisations would preferably be well conncected with larger companies and institutions. They could be based in developing or semi-developed countries, or alternatively be organisations based in developed countries who wish to share the experience gained in the UK. They must demonstrate a willingness to improve identity governance and administration (IGA), as well as, compliance management and data governance requirements of their clients. Moreover, they must be willing to invest to help initiate and support market expansion of their products and services. Key information: Country of origin: UNITED KINGDOM Listed under: Sistemas de tratamiento de información Profile created on: 27/05/2016 Last updated: 22/06/2016 Closing date: 22/06/2017 Si desea más información sobre este perfil por favor remítanos una expresión de interés vía web. Para ello deberá acceder al perfil de su interés y al final del mismo encontrará un recuadro sombreado en gris cuyas preguntas deberá contestar. Si le surgen dudas puede llamar a cualquiera de las organizaciones miembros de SEIMED y preguntar por el personal a cargo del proyecto. © Enterprise Europe SEIMED 2016