GCSE SPANISH 1 DRAFT 26/11/15 STAGE 2 SUBMISSION WJEC GCSE in SPANISH For teaching from 2016 For award from 2018 This specification meets the GCSE Qualification Principles which set out the requirements for all new or revised GCSE specifications developed to be taught in Wales from September 2016. Page Summary of assessment 2 1. Introduction 1.1 Aims and objectives 1.2 Prior learning and progression 1.3 Equality and fair access 1.4 Welsh Baccalaureate 1.5 Welsh perspective 3 3 4 4 5 5 2. Subject content 2.1 Unit 1 2.2 Unit 2 2.3 Unit 3 2.4 Unit 4 6 9 10 11 12 3. Assessment 3.1 Assessment objectives and weightings 3.2 Arrangements for non-examination assessment 13 13 14 4. Technical information 4.1 Making entries 4.2 Grading, awarding and reporting 4.3 Tiering 17 17 17 17 Appendices A: Vocabulary list B: Grammar requirements © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 19 19 59 GCSE SPANISH 2 GCSE SPANISH (Wales) SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT Unit 1: Speaking Oral test: 7-9 minutes (Foundation tier) 10-12 minutes (Higher tier) 25% of qualification 60 marks Three tasks: Role play Photo card discussion Conversation – Part 1 and Part 2 Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. Unit 2: Listening Written examination: 35 minutes (Foundation tier) 45 minutes (Higher tier) 25% of qualification 60 marks Listening comprehension tasks with non-verbal and written responses Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. Unit 3: Reading Written examination:1 hour (Foundation tier) 1 hour 15 minutes (Higher tier) 25% of qualification 60 marks Reading tasks with non-verbal and written responses, including one translation task from Spanish into English/Welsh Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. Unit 4: Writing Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes (Foundation tier) 1 hour 30 minutes (Higher tier) 25% of qualification 60 marks Writing tasks including one translation task from English/Welsh into French Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. This linear qualification will be available in May/June each year. It will be awarded for the first time in summer 2018. Qualification Accreditation Number: Click here to enter accreditation number. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 3 GCSE SPANISH 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Aims and objectives This GCSE specification in Spanish for use in Wales is based on a conviction that learners studying a modern foreign language will develop their desire and ability to communicate with and understand speakers of Spanish in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes. The specification supports the aim that the study of a modern foreign language will broaden horizons, develop cultural knowledge and understanding and foster transferable skills such as confidence, communication, problem solving and creativity. The specification also aims to provide learners with a solid foundation on which to prepare them for future language study. This WJEC GCSE specification in Spanish will enable learners to: develop their ability to communicate confidently and coherently with native speakers in speech and writing, conveying what they want to say with increasing accuracy express and develop thoughts and ideas spontaneously and fluently listen to and understand clearly articulated, standard speech at near normal speed deepen their knowledge about how language works and enrich their vocabulary in order for them to increase their independent use and understanding of extended language in a wide range of contexts acquire new knowledge, skills and ways of thinking through the ability to understand and respond to a rich range of authentic spoken and written material, adapted and abridged, as appropriate, including literary texts develop awareness and understanding of the culture and identity of the countries and communities where the language is spoken be encouraged to make appropriate links to other areas of the curriculum to enable bilingual and deeper learning, where the language may become a medium for constructing and applying knowledge develop language learning skills both for immediate use and to prepare them for further language study and use in school, higher education or in employment develop language strategies, including repair strategies. The specification meets the Welsh Government's requirements for modern foreign languages. The content and structure have been developed based on consultation with practising teachers, senior examiners and subject experts. Consideration has also been given to the following: © WJEC CBAC Ltd. accessibility of assessments for learners of different abilities topics of interest and relevance to learners assessments which reward spontaneity and creativity by the learner length of each assessment. GCSE SPANISH 4 1.2 Prior learning and progression There are no previous learning requirements for this specification. Any requirements set for entry to a course based on this specification are at the school/college’s discretion. This specification builds on subject content which is typically taught at key stage 3 and provides a suitable foundation for the study of Spanish at either AS or A level. In addition, the specification provides a coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study for learners who do not progress to further study in this subject. 1.3 Equality and fair access This specification may be followed by any learner, irrespective of gender, ethnic, religious or cultural background. It has been designed to avoid, where possible, features that could, without justification, make it more difficult for a learner to achieve because they have a particular protected characteristic. The protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The specification has been discussed with groups who represent the interests of a diverse range of learners, and the specification will be kept under review. Reasonable adjustments are made for certain learners in order to enable them to access the assessments (e.g. candidates are allowed access to a Sign Language Interpreter, using British Sign Language). Information on reasonable adjustments is found in the following document from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ): Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments: General and Vocational Qualifications. This document is available on the JCQ website (www.jcq.org.uk). As a consequence of provision for reasonable adjustments, very few learners will have a complete barrier to any part of the assessment. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 5 1.4 Welsh Baccalaureate In following this specification, learners should be given opportunities, where appropriate, to develop the skills that are being assessed through the Skills Challenge Certificate within the Welsh Baccalaureate: • Literacy • Numeracy • Digital Literacy • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Planning and Organisation • Creativity and Innovation • Personal Effectiveness. 1.5 Welsh perspective In following this specification, learners must consider a Welsh perspective if the opportunity arises naturally from the subject matter and if its inclusion would enrich learners’ understanding of the world around them as citizens of Wales as well as the UK, Europe and the world. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 6 2 SUBJECT CONTENT The qualification is made up of four units: Unit 1 is a spoken non-exam assessment, Unit 2 is a listening examination, Unit 3 is a reading examination and Unit 4 is a written examination. The context for learning the language is organised under three broad themes: ● Identity and culture ● Wales and the World – areas of interest ● Current and future study and employment Each broad theme is divided into sub-themes. Identity and culture Wales and the World areas of interest Current and future study and employment Youth Culture Self and relationships Technology and social media Home and Locality Local areas of interest Transport Current Study School/college life School/college studies Lifestyle Health and fitness Entertainment and leisure Spain and Spanishspeaking countries Local and regional features and characteristics Holidays and tourism World of Work Work experience and part-time jobs Skills and personal qualities Global Sustainability Environment Social issues Jobs and Future Plans Applying for work/study Career plans Customs and Traditions Food and drink Festivals and celebrations The specification supports learners to be able to apply their language skills in a personal, public, work and educational context. Scope of Study When studying this qualification learners will be required to cover the following areas: Listening: understand and respond to different types of spoken language © WJEC CBAC Ltd. demonstrate general and specific understanding of different types of spoken language follow and understand clear standard speech using familiar language across a range of specified contexts identify the overall message, key points, details and opinions in a variety of short and longer spoken passages, involving some more complex language, recognising the relationship between past, present and future events deduce meaning from a variety of short and longer spoken texts, involving some complex language and more abstract material, including short narratives and authentic material addressing a wide range of relevant contemporary and cultural themes recognise and respond to key information, important themes and ideas in more extended spoken text, including authentic sources, adapted and abridged, as appropriate, by being able to answer questions, extract information, evaluate and draw conclusions. GCSE SPANISH 7 Speaking: communicate and interact effectively in speech communicate and interact effectively in speech for a variety of purposes across a range of specified contexts take part in a short conversation, asking and answering questions, and exchanging opinions convey information and narrate events coherently and confidently, using and adapting language for new purposes speak spontaneously, responding to unexpected questions, points of view or situations, sustaining communication by using rephrasing or repair strategies, as appropriate initiate and develop conversations and discussion, producing extended sequences of speech make appropriate and accurate use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures, including some more complex forms, with reference to past, present and future events make creative and more complex use of the language, as appropriate, to express and justify their own thoughts and points of view use accurate pronunciation and intonation such as to be understood by a native speaker. Reading: understand and respond to different types of written language © WJEC CBAC Ltd. understand and respond to different types of written language understand general and specific details within texts using high frequency familiar language across a range of contexts identify the overall message, key points, details and opinions in a variety of short and longer written passages, involving some more complex language, recognising the relationship between past, present and future events deduce meaning from a variety of short and longer written texts from a range of specified contexts, including authentic sources involving some complex language and unfamiliar material, as well as short narratives and authentic material addressing a wide range of relevant contemporary and cultural themes recognise and respond to key information, important themes and ideas in more extended written text and authentic sources, including some extracts from relevant abridged or adapted literary texts demonstrate understanding by being able to scan for particular information, organise and present relevant details, draw inferences in context and recognise implicit meaning where appropriate translate a short passage from the assessed language into English / Welsh. GCSE SPANISH 8 Writing: communicate in writing © WJEC CBAC Ltd. communicate effectively in writing for a variety of purposes across a range of specified contexts write short texts, using simple sentences and familiar language accurately to convey meaning and exchange information produce clear and coherent text of extended length to present facts and express ideas and opinions appropriately for different purposes and in different settings make accurate use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures, including some more complex forms, to describe and narrate with reference to past, present and future events manipulate the language, using and adapting a variety of structures and vocabulary with increasing accuracy and fluency for new purposes, including using appropriate style and register make independent, creative and more complex use of the language, as appropriate, to note down key points, express and justify individual thoughts and points of view, in order to interest, inform or convince translate sentences and short texts from English/ Welsh into the assessed language to convey key messages accurately and to apply grammatical knowledge of language and structures in context. GCSE SPANISH 9 2.1 Unit 1 Unit 1: Speaking Oral test: 12 minutes preparation time 7-9 minutes (Foundation tier) 10-12 minutes (Higher tier) 25% of qualification 60 marks This unit requires learners to communicate orally in Spanish by participating in a role play, a photo card discussion and a conversation. Assessment of this unit will also take account of knowledge of, and accurate application of, grammar and structures. The three broad themes will be covered across all of the tasks. See section 3.2 for detailed information on arrangements for conducting the speaking nonexam assessment. Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. Task 1 - Role play (15 marks) In the role play a scenario will be set based on one of the broad themes. There will be 5 interactions and the learner will be required to; respond appropriately to questions or statements as prompted by the stimulus material formulate a question respond to an unexpected question. These responses will target vocabulary and structures from the themes and give opportunity for learners to cover aspects of the subject content including communicating and interacting in short conversations. The format will be structured to guide the candidate during this task. This task will assess the candidate's ability to manipulate language and apply linguistic knowledge to communicate a message clearly and coherently. Task 2 – Photo card discussion (15 marks) The learner will be given a photo stimulus and two seen questions to respond to during the discussion. An additional two unseen questions will be asked by the teacher/examiner. The teacher will lead the questions for the discussion; however, the candidate will have the opportunity to narrate events, speak spontaneously, exchange opinions and make creative use of the language. Task 3 - Conversation (2 x15 marks) The conversation will cover content from two of the three broad themes and will be divided into two parts. Part 1 will cover the theme not already covered by the role play and the photo card. Candidates will be given a broad theme with two points upon which to structure their discussion. It will give candidates the opportunity to produce more extended sequences of speech, demonstrate their knowledge of the subject content not covered in the role play and photo card discussion and provide evidence of their linguistic knowledge. Part 2 will offer candidates a choice based on the broad themes not covered in Part 1. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 10 2.2 Unit 2 Unit 2: Listening Written examination: 35 minutes (Foundation tier) including 5 minutes reading time 45 minutes (Higher tier) including 5 minutes reading time 25% of qualification 60 marks This unit requires learners to respond to a range of questions in English/Welsh and also in Spanish. Question types - These may include multiple choice with non-verbal and written responses; gap-fill one word answers; selecting correct/false statements; and short answer responses. Contexts - Learners will be assessed on their listening skills from the following contexts; personal, public, work and educational. Format - Learners will be assessed on a variety of different types of spoken language during the assessment which may include: monologues, conversations, discussions, interviews, announcements and messages. The spoken extracts will increase in complexity as the paper progresses. All questions target specific aspects of the subject content. Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 11 2.3 Unit 3 Unit 3: Reading Written examination: 1 hour (Foundation tier) 1 hour 15 minutes (Higher tier) 25% of qualification 60 marks This unit requires learners to respond to a range of questions in English/Welsh and also in Spanish. Question types - These may include multiple choice with non-verbal responses; match-up responses; gap-fill one word answers; selecting correct/false statements; short answer responses; completing information in a table; and longer responses. Contexts - Learners will be assessed on their reading skills from the following contexts; personal, public, work and educational. Text format and types - Learners will be assessed on different types of text format which may include: continuous text (prose) such as adapted extracts from novels, short stories, reviews, emails, letters and newspaper articles non-continuous text such as tables and graphs, adverts, and forms mixed texts with elements of both continuous and non-continuous formats such as a prose explanation supported by a graph or table multiple texts or short texts which can be linked together by theme or juxtaposed such as hotel adverts. The texts may be complementary or contradictory. Learners will also be required to translate short passages into English/Welsh (35-40 words for foundation tier and 50-55 words for higher tier). All questions target specific aspects of the subject content. Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 12 2.4 Unit 4 Unit 4: Writing Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes (Foundation tier) 1 hour 30 minutes (Higher tier) 25% of qualification 60 marks This unit requires learners to respond in Spanish to a range of written tasks. Assessment in this unit will also take account of knowledge of, and accurate application of, grammar and structures. Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. Foundation tier Learners will be required to produce the following: a short text in the assessed language a short text with specified content (approximately 60 words) an extended piece of writing such as an email, letter or promotional material with some specified content (approximately 90-120 words) a translation of simple sentences from English/Welsh into Spanish (35-40 words). Higher tier Learners will be required to produce the following: a piece of writing in the assessed language such as an email, letter or promotional material with some specified content (approximately 90-120 words) an extended more complex piece of writing such as a letter, email, web page, blog or report with some specified content (approximately 150-180 words) a translation of a short passage from English/Welsh into Spanish (50-55 words). All questions are linked to specific aspects of the subject content and will cover the three broad themes. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 13 3 ASSESSMENT 3.1 Assessment objectives and weightings Below are the assessment objectives for this specification. Learners must: AO1 Listening: understand and respond to different types of spoken language. AO2 Speaking: communicate and interact effectively in speech. AO3 Reading: understand and respond to different types of written language. AO4 Writing: communicate in writing. The table below shows the weighting of each assessment objective for each unit and for the qualification as a whole. AO1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Overall weighting © WJEC CBAC Ltd. AO2 25% AO3 AO4 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Total 25% 25% 25% 25% 100% GCSE SPANISH 14 3.2 Arrangements for non-examination assessment Non-exam assessment accounts for 25% of this GCSE. The following are general guidelines for the conduct of Unit 1: Speaking. All non-exam assessments must be conducted under controlled conditions as outlined below, and in accordance with regulatory requirements. Task setting Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment. Tasks will be set by WJEC. The assessment will be carried out by teachers at the centre, audio recorded and marked by external examiners. The assessment will consist of three tasks carried out in the following order: role play photo card discussion conversation divided into two parts (Part 1 and Part 2). Each task will cover one of the broad themes (see page 6). Part 2 of the conversation will be drawn from each of the remaining two broad themes not covered in Part 1 of the conversation. Example Task Theme Sub-theme Role Play Identity and culture Youth culture Photo Card Wales and the World – areas of interest Home and locality Conversation (part 1) Current and future study and employment Work of work Conversation (part 2) Identity and culture or Wales and the World – areas of interest Lifestyle (candidate choice) Global Sustainability The tasks will be contained in a four-page task booklet and will be clearly labelled as set 1 to 9. There will be a total of nine sets per series, each containing a different combination of broad themes. Once candidate entries have been made, a list allocating a set to each candidate will be randomly generated. Candidates must not be informed of which set number task booklet they have been allocated prior to their assessment time. Centres are required to ensure that each candidate uses the correct set. Task taking The speaking assessments will take place during a five-week period between April and May. Centres may open the packs up to three working days in advance of the first assessment date. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 15 Preparation On the day(s) when the assessment is conducted, each candidate will have 12 minutes supervised preparation time. The candidate will be given his/her pre-allocated set and can use the time to prepare the tasks. The supervisor must ensure that during the preparation time the candidate does not have access to additional materials and that the preparation timings are adhered to. During the preparation time the candidate has the option to decide which theme they would like to choose for Part 2 of the conversation task. The candidate may, if they wish to, make notes on a single side of A4 paper during the preparation time, and may refer to these notes during the assessment. The notes will then be handed to the teacher at the end of the assessment and retained by the centre until the end of the Enquiry about Results period. There will be no restriction on the number of words or the material which the notes contain, but the candidate should not write out complete and continuous sentences nor write on the task booklet. At the end of the assessment the task booklet must also be handed to the teacher. Timings The assessment for foundation tier candidates will last 7-9 minutes and 10-12 minutes for higher tier candidates. There is no requirement to supervise candidates before the formal preparation time or after the assessment. However, centres must be mindful to limit opportunities for collusion in the setting of their assessment schedules within the 5 week period. Centres will need to keep a record of the schedule (including dates) on which the assessments are conducted. The arrangements will be subject to JCQ inspections. There will be an authenticity form for the centre to sign and declare that assessments have been conducted according to the requirements and this must be submitted to WJEC with the audio recordings. Format of the assessment Approximate timings Task Role play Photo card discussion Conversation x 2 Foundation tier 2 minutes 2 minutes 3-5 minutes total Higher tier 2 minutes 3 minutes 5-7 minutes total All tasks 7-9 minutes total 10-12 minutes total The timings for each task as indicated in the table above are approximate; however, teachers must adhere to the overall timings of 7-9 minutes (foundation tier) and 1012 minutes (higher tier). Any speaking evidence that exceeds these timings will not be marked. Teachers’ prompts for the role plays, the seen and additional questions for the photo card discussion and guidance for the conversation will be provided in a composite booklet which will be sent to the Examinations Officer at the centre in a secure pack. Teachers are advised to familiarise themselves with the materials in advance of the assessments, up to three days prior to the commencement of the first assessment. Role play The role plays contain five interactions and candidates will be instructed who starts the dialogue on their task card. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 16 Photo card discussion The candidate will have two questions that they will see during the preparation period on their task booklet and will be asked two unseen questions. The teacher will lead the discussion by asking the two seen questions followed by the two unseen questions. Conversation Part 1 Part 1 of the conversation will cover content from the remaining broad theme not covered by the role play and photo card discussion. Part 2 The candidate will have a choice of one of the two broad themes not covered in Part 1 of the conversation. The teacher/examiner must ensure that each part of the conversation is given equal timings of between 1½ and 2½ minutes for foundation tier and between 2½ and 3½ minutes for higher tier. It is important that the candidate takes the lead during the conversation and is supported by the teacher. The teacher/examiner can facilitate the discussion by asking the candidate: for more detail to give and/or justify their ideas and/or opinions to narrate events or give an account of something that happened related to the topic for their future plans relating to the topic. Candidates’ performance depends not only on their own capacity and ability but also on the nature of the additional questions asked by the teacher/examiner. The teacher is therefore advised to familiarise themselves with the descriptors on the assessment grids for foundation and higher tier conversations and to ensure that their questioning gives candidates opportunities to achieve their potential in each section of the mark scheme. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 17 4 TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.1 Making entries This is a linear qualification in which all assessments must be taken at the end of the course. Assessment opportunities will be available in May/June each year, until the end of the life of this specification. Summer 2018 will be the first assessment opportunity. Where candidates wish to re-sit the qualification, all units must be re-taken. The entry code appears below. WJEC GCSE Spanish: Subject number The current edition of our Entry Procedures and Coding Information gives up-to-date entry procedures. 4.2 Grading, awarding and reporting GCSE qualifications are reported on an eight point scale from A*-G, where A* is the highest grade. Results not attaining the minimum standard for the award will be reported as U (unclassified). 4.3 Tiering This GCSE qualification in Spanish offers assessment at foundation and higher tier. WJEC is awaiting a decision from Qualifications Wales about mixed tier entry. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 19 APPENDIX A GCSE Spanish vocabulary list Vocabulary used in assessments will not be limited to the words on this vocabulary list. This vocabulary list is intended as a guide only and is not exhaustive. Inevitably there will be overlap between sub-themes. Foundation tier: Learners will be required to understand and respond to common or familiar words and/or forms of words that are not on the vocabulary list. Higher tier: Learners will be required to understand and respond to words and/or forms of words that are not on the vocabulary list and which are less common or familiar than those used in relation to foundation tier assessments. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 20 IDENTITY AND CULTURE: YOUTH CULTURE SELF AND RELATIONSHIPS Spanish la abuela el abuelo de acuerdo el adulto amar la amistad el amor el ático/el desván ayudar el bebé la casa casado casarse católico la cocina el comedor comprender/entender la comprensión comprensivo comprometido conocer conocido el/la conocido/a cristiano el cuarto de baño discutir divorciado / separado el dormitorio el círculo estrecho/cercano la familia gustar el hermano los hermanos la hija la hijastra el hijastro el hijastro el hijo único hindú el hombre injusto islámico © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English grandmother grandfather agreed adult to love friendship love attic to help baby house married to marry Catholic kitchen dining room to understand understanding, sympathy understanding, sympathetic engaged to get to know, meet known; acquainted acquaintance (person) Christian bathroom to discuss divorced, separated bedroom circle close family to like brother brothers and sisters daughter stepdaughter stepchild stepson only child Hindu man unfair Islamic GCSE SPANISH 21 el jardín llevarse bien / mal con la madrastra la madre la medio hermana el medio hermano mellizos/gemelos la mujer musulmán el niño la nuera odiar el padrastro el padre los padres la pareja el/la pariente el permiso permitir la prima el primo prohibir querer querido/a la relación la religión la sala de estar/el salón saludar el saludo la señorita ser amigos ser pariente de la sobrina el sobrino la suegra el suegro tener permiso de tener razón la terraza el tío el yerno © WJEC CBAC Ltd. garden to get on well/bad with stepmother mother (mum) half-sister half-brother twins woman Muslim child daughter-in-law to hate stepfather father parents couple relative, relation permission to allow cousin (female) cousin (male) to forbid to want to dear relationship religion living room to greet greeting young woman; Miss, Ms to be friends with related (to) niece nephew mother-in-law father-in-law to be allowed to to be right terrace uncle son-in-law GCSE SPANISH 22 Fashion Spanish a la moda el abrigo amarillo el anillo azul el bañador/traje de baño barato el billete blanco la blusa la bolsa / el bolso la bolsa/ el bolsillo la bota la bufanda el calcetín la camisa la camiseta caro la casa / tienda de modas la chaqueta el cinturón el collar la corbata corto a/de cuadros elegante estrecho la falda formal la gorra grande el guante el impermeable la joyería/las joyas llevar el maquillaje las medias la moda negro el oro pagar el pantalón corto los pantalones los pendientes pequeño © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English fashionable coat yellow ring blue bathing costume cheap note (money) white blouse handbag bag, pocket boot scarf sock shirt t-shirt expensive fashion shop, boutique jacket belt necklace tie short checked stylish, chic narrow, tight skirt formal cap big glove rain coat jewellery to wear makeup tights fashion black gold to pay shorts trousers earrings small GCSE SPANISH 23 la el plata probador probarse la pulsera/el brazalete (no) quedar bien a/de rayas /rayado rojo la ropa la sandalia el sombrero el suéter/pulóver/jersey la talla el tatuaje tradicional / clásico el traje verde el vestido la zapatilla de deporte el zapato silver changing room to try on bracelet to fit, suit striped red clothing sandal hat pullover size tattoo conventional suit green dress trainer shoe TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA el la el el los el la el el el Spanish acceso adjuntar agrandar apagar aplicación aplicar archivo archivo/la ficha arrastrar (el arrastre) auriculares bajar borrar buscador cancelar chatear contraseña/la clave correo electrónico crear cursor dar entrada a/inscribir dar un nuevo nombre directorio/índice editar un texto encender © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English access to attach to enlarge to switch off application to apply file file to drag headphones to download to delete search engine to cancel to chat password e-mail to create cursor to enter to rename directory, index to edit texts to switch on GCSE SPANISH 24 la la el la la el los el la la el la el el la las la la el el la enviar enviar un mensaje de texto flecha fuente guardar ícono impresora imprimir informática internet ipad/ipod medios sociales menú mover(se) navegar por Internet obsesionado opción orden ordenador/computadora pantalla personalizar/adaptar picar/imprimir/pulsar programa quitar/eliminar ratón recibir red informática redes sociales reducir restablecer seleccionar subir tableta tecla tecla de las mayúsculas teclado (teléfono) móvil usar/utilizar ventana © WJEC CBAC Ltd. to send to text arrow key font to save icon printer to print out ICT internet ipad;ipod social media menu to move to surf the Net obsessed option command computer screen to customize to hit/print/press program to remove mouse (computer) receive network social networks to minimise to restore to select to upload tablet key SHIFT key keyboard mobile (phone) to use window GCSE SPANISH 25 IDENTITY AND CULTURE: LIFESTYLE HEALTH AND FITNESS Spanish el accidente la adicción el alcohol la alergia alérgico la ambulancia la anorexia la ayuda/el socorro la boca el brazo la cabeza caer(se) cansado la cirugía la cita el consultorio/el hospital el cuello/la garganta el cuerpo/el organismo débil el dedo el/la dentista descansar la diarrea el diente la dieta doler el dolor el dolor de cabeza el dolor de estómago el dolor de garganta el dolor de muelas el dolor de oídos las drogas el e-cigarrillo el ejercicio enfermo la espalda el estómago la fiebre en forma, sano el frío fuerte la gota grave © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English accident addiction alcohol allergy allergic ambulance anorexia help, aid mouth arm head to fall tired surgery appointment clinic, hospital neck, throat body weak finger dentist to rest diarrhoea tooth diet (nutrition) to hurt pain headache stomach ache sore throat toothache earache drugs e-cigarette exercise ill back stomach fever, temperature fit cold strong drop serious GCSE SPANISH 26 la la la el el la el la el la el el la la la la la el la la la la el el la la el el el la gripe hacerse un esguince herida herida herir hombro hospital limpio mano mantenerse en forma medicamento medicina médico morir(se) muerto normal obesidad oído ojo operación óptica/el oculista oreja padecer pastilla perder peso/adelgazar picadura pie pierna poco saludable quemadura de sol receta recuperación recuperar(se) régimen resfriado romper(se) salud saludable sangrar sangre sin aliento síntoma tratamiento tratar ungüento/la crema vacuna vacunar © WJEC CBAC Ltd. influenza, flu to sprain injury wound to injure shoulder hospital clean hand to keep fit medicine medicine doctor to die dead normal obesity ear (inner) eye operation optician ear (outer) to suffer pill, tablet to lose weight sting foot leg unhealthy sunburn prescription; recipe recovery to recover diet (slimming) cold to break health healthy to bleed blood breathless symptom treatment to treat ointment, cream vaccination to vaccinate GCSE SPANISH 27 el el vendaje/la gasa vientre/la barriga vomitar bandage, dressing belly; abdomen to vomit SPORT al el ir en el el ir la de el ir al el la Spanish aerobics (hacer) aire libre atletismo bailar bicicleta dentro/adentro ejercicio (hacer) equipo escalar excursión gimnasia gimnasio gimnasio miembro/socio montar a caballo nadar participar en un deporte programa de competiciones piscina English aerobics outdoors athletics to dance to cycle indoors exercise team to climb walk/hike gymnastics gym go to the gym member to go horse riding to swim to take part in sport sports programme swimming pool ENTERTAINMENT AND LEISURE Spanish aburrido el actor/la actriz ahorrar el ajedrez bailar el ballet la banda/el grupo la batería ir bicicleta el billete en la cámara fotográfica la canción el/la cantante cantar la caricatura el centro comercial chistoso/gracioso el cine © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English boring actor to save chess to dance ballet band drums to cycle ticket camera song singer to sing cartoon shopping centre funny cinema GCSE SPANISH 28 la el el la las las ir de el el la el el la la el la el la el las la la la la la las la cita club club de jóvenes colección coleccionar comedias comprar compras compras conocer a/encontrarse con costar dinero dinero de bolsillo/la paga discoteca divertido documental empezar entretenimiento/el ocio escuchar espantoso estupendo estúpido fiesta flauta ganar gastar grupo guitarra gustar gustar/encantar instrumento interesante invitación invitar ir juego de mesa jugar a los bolos leer llamar por teléfono lobras musicales lotería nacional moneda música música pop/rock música rock noticias novela © WJEC CBAC Ltd. appointment, date club youth club collection to collect comedy to buy shopping to go shopping to meet to cost money pocket money disco funny, amusing documentary to begin entertainment to hear; listen to terrible great stupid party flute to win, earn to spend (money) group guitar to like to love instrument interesting invitation to invite to go board game to bowl to read to phone musicals national lottery coin music pop music rock music news fiction (book) GCSE SPANISH 29 la la la novela de terror novela histórica novela/película policíaca odiar policúiaca la ópera la opinión la orquesta el parque recreativo la película las películas de aventuras las películas de miedo (terror)/acción las películas románticas/de amor pensar (que) el periodico la pesca/ir de pesca el piano practicar preferir el programa el programa de concurso el programa de entrevistas el programa favorito el programa musical la programación la publicidad el/la radio el regalo la revista salir el sello/la estampilla la serie el televisor tener lugar el tiempo libre la trompeta el vendedor vender ver la televisión el viaje/el paseo el violín © WJEC CBAC Ltd. horror story historical fiction detective story/film to hate opera opinion orchestra leisure park film action/adventure films horror /action films romantic films to think, say, mean newspaper angling, fishing piano to practise to prefer programme quiz show chat show favourite programme music programme TV channel advertising radio present magazine to go out stamp series, serial TV set to take place free time trumpet salesperson to sell to watch TV trip violin GCSE SPANISH 30 IDENTITY AND CULTURE: CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS FOOD AND DRINK el el el las el el el el el el el la el la el la el el la la los el la la el el el el la el la la la la la la la Spanish English agua (fem.) agua mineral (fem.) albaricoque albóndigas almuerzo ambiente apetito asado asar a la parrilla asar/freír azúcar bacalao bar/la cafetería beber bebida bocadillo bolsa bombón botella café café caja caja de bombones calamares caramelo carne cena champiñón chile / el pimiento chocolate chorizo chuleta churro ciruela cocina cocoa col col de Bruselas coliflor comer comestibles/abarrotes comida water mineral water apricot meatballs lunch, midday meal atmosphere appetite roast; joint grill to roast; fry sugar cod bar, snack bar to drink drink sandwich bag sweet, chocolate bottle café coffee carton, box box (e.g. chocolates) squid sweet meat evening meal button mushroom pepper, capsicum chocolate Spanish sausage chop, cutlet fritter plum cooker, cooking (cuisine) cocoa cabbage Brussels sprout cauliflower to eat groceries meal; food © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 31 los la el el la los el el el la la la la las la el la el el el la la el el el la el el la la la la las el la la la la los el el la la cubiertos cuchara cuchillo desayunar desayuno ensalada entremeses estofado/guiso fideo flan frambuesa fresa fresco fruta galleta gambas gaseosa gazpacho goma de mascar/el chicle guisante hambre hambriento/tener hambre helado hierba / la planta horchata (horno de) microondas huevo huevos revueltos/fritos jamón judía jugo/zumo jugoso kilo langosta lata leche lechuga legumbres limón limonada mantequilla manzana margarina mariscos melocotón menú (del día) merluza mermelada © WJEC CBAC Ltd. cutlery spoon knife to have breakfast breakfast salad; lettuce hors d'oeuvres/starters stew noodle crème caramel raspberry strawberry fresh fruit biscuit prawns lemonade gazpacho chewing gum pea hunger hungry ice; ice cream herb; plant horchata (tiger nut milk) microwave egg scrambled/fried egg ham bean juice juicy kilogram lobster can, tin milk lettuce vegetables lemon lemonade butter apple margarine shellfish/seafood peach (set) menu hake jam GCSE SPANISH 32 la el la la la la el el el el el la la la las la el mostaza musli/muesli naranja nata olla paella pan panecillo paquete pastel pastel/la tarta patata patata asada/frita patata cocida patatas fritas pera pescado picante la pimienta la piña la pizza el plátano el plato el plato / la bandeja el pollo el postre el pulpo el queso la ración la receta saber (a) sabroso la sal la salchicha la salsa el/la sartén la sed sediento/tener sed servir (con cuchara) la sopa las tapas la taza el tenedor el tocino la tortilla francesa el turrón la uva la vajilla © WJEC CBAC Ltd. mustard muesli orange cream pot paella bread, loaf bread roll pack(et) cake cake; flan, tart potato roast/fried potato boiled potato chips, fries, crisps pear fish hot, spicy; sharp pepper pineapple pizza banana plate plate, tray chicken dessert, sweet, pudding octopus cheese portion recipe to taste (of) tasty salt sausage sauce (frying) pan thirst thirsty to spoon soup snacks cup fork bacon omelette nougat grape crockery GCSE SPANISH 33 el las el el la vaso/ el frasco verduras vinagre yogúr zanahoria FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Spanish un abrazo el Año Nuevo el belén la boda la cabalgata/el desfile el Carnaval las castañuelas el centro histórico la corrida de toros la costumbre el cumpleaños el Día de Reyes el día festivo la feria la fiesta la fiesta/festividad los fuegos artificiales/el cohete la Navidad la Nochebuena la Nochevieja la Pascua la Semana Santa el traje típico el Viernes Santo glass; jar green vegetables vinegar yoghurt carrot English a hug New Year nativity scene/crib wedding procession Shrovetide castanets old (part of) town bullfight custom birthday Epiphany public holiday the fair party festival fireworks/rocket Christmas Christmas Eve New Year’s Eve Easter Holy Week traditional costume Good Friday WALES AND THE WORLD - AREAS OF INTEREST: HOME AND LOCALITY LOCAL AREAS OF INTEREST el la © WJEC CBAC Ltd. Spanish abrir acantilado (terrano) accidentado actividad English to open cliff hilly activity GCSE SPANISH 34 el los el (grandes) el el el el el el el el la el el la la la la la la la el el el el la el la la el el la el el el el el la la la © WJEC CBAC Ltd. afuera agotado albergue juvenil almacenes aparcamiento aparcamiento de varias árbol plantas arroyo ayuntamiento balcón banco bar/la taberna barrios de las afueras alojamiento y desayuno biblioteca bosque buzón cafetería caja calle calle mayor cama cama doble/matrimonial cama individual camino camping/campamento campo campo de juego carnicería carrito (de la compra) casa de campo casa de veraneo/campo castillo alcázar catedral centro comercial centro turístico centro del pueblo/de la cerca ciudadde cerrado cerrar césped cine climatizado colina comisaría ir de compras comunidad/la parroquia outside sold out youth hostel department store car park multi-storey car park tree stream town hall balcony bank pub suburb Bed & Breakfast library forest, wood post box café cash desk, till street main/high street bed double bed single bed way; path; route camp site field playing/sports field butcher's shop shopping trolley country house holiday home castle castle, fort cathedral shopping centre holiday resort town/city centre near closed to close grass, lawn cinema heated hill police station to go shopping community; parish GCSE SPANISH 35 la la el un la la la el del el la la la la la el el el la las la la el el la la el el el del el del el las la la el el la la el © WJEC CBAC Ltd. construido (la oficina de) Correos costa dentro distante/lejano ducha edificio edificio alto escalera mecánica estación de autobuses estación de tren estadio este este farmacia droguería flor gente granja habitante hay histórico hospital hotel iglesia instalaciones recreativas isla librería lugar mercado mirar montaña montaña rusa monumento museo negocio norte norte oeste oeste ofertas oficina de turismo orilla/el borde país paisaje panadería papelería paquete built post office coast within; inside distant shower (wash) building high-rise building lift, escalator bus station railway station stadium eastern, easterly east chemist's, pharmacy hardware store flower people farm inhabitant there is/are historical hospital hotel church leisure facilities island bookshop place market to view mountain rollercoaster monument museum shop; business northern, northerly north western, westerly west special offer tourist information centre edge land, country landscape, scenery baker's shop stationer's packet GCSE SPANISH 36 la el el la la una la la la el la la el el el el el la el el la los un el del el el los la el el el/la las el la la © WJEC CBAC Ltd. parada parque parque acuático acera pintoresco piscina piscina al aire libre piscina cubierta pista de (patinaje sobre) planta hielo piso playa plaza del mercado polideportivo precio pueblo pueblo/la aldea puente reducido región río rural sendero sierra sitios/lugares de interés (está) situado sólo sentido supermercado sur sur teatro terrenos tienda tranquilo tranvía tren de cercanías turista urbano vacaciones vale la pena ver valle visitar zona zona peatonal bus stop park water park pavement picturesque swimming pool open-air pool indoor pool skating rink floor, storey floor, storey beach market place sports centre, leisure centre price; prize town village bridge reduced region river rural path chain of mountains sight(s) / places of interest (is) situated one-way street supermarket southern, southerly south theatre grounds shop quiet, peaceful tram suburban train tourist municipal, urban holidays worth seeing valley to visit area pedestrian precinct GCSE SPANISH 37 TRANSPORT Buying tickets el el el el el la la la el (de) la la el la el el la la lael la el la Spanish andén AVE billete billete de ida y vuelta cambio consigna de ida solamente dirección/con destino a directo estación de metro horario ida y vuelta información introducir llegada máquina expendedora de boletos metro moneda no-fumador pagar pasaje pedir/solicitar rápido RENFE reservación reservar reservar/hacer una reserva salida tarjeta /el abono terminal tren interurbano válido vía English platform Spanish High Speed Train ticket return ticket change (money) left luggage office single direction direct underground station timetable return information to insert (e.g. coin) arrival ticket machine underground coin non-smoker (compartment) to pay fare to order express train Spanish State Railways reservation to book to reserve departure season ticket main station Inter City train valid track, platform WALES AND THE WORLD - AREAS OF INTEREST: SPAIN AND SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES LOCAL AND REGIONAL FEATURES AND CHARACTERISTICS (See section on HOME AND LOCALITY, LOCAL AREAS OF INTEREST) HOLIDAYS AND TOURISM Making journeys Spanish la (placa de) matrícula © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English registration plate GCSE SPANISH 38 el el la el el la el el la el la la el el el el el la la la el/la el el el la el la la el © WJEC CBAC Ltd. abajo a buen precio a la derecha a la izquierda a tiempo abordo abrir acampar/ir de acampada accidente aceite aduana aduanero aeropuerto agencia de viajes alojamiento alquilar alquilar aparcamiento aparcar arriba atención/el cuidado aterrizar autobús/autocar autopista avería avión ayudar balneario bar de tapas barato barco ir en bicicleta de montaña buffet cabina telefónica cabina/el camarote caja camarero/a cambiar(dinero) cambio cambiar (de tren) camión capital carné de indentidad caro casa de cambio casa de huéspedes cerrado cheque downstairs reasonable (price) right left on time on board to open to camp accident oil customs customs officer airport travel agents accommodation to hire out to hire, rent car park to park upstairs care, attention to land coach motorway breakdown aeroplane to help spa (resort) snack bar cheap ship to ride a mountain bike buffet telephone box cabin cash desk, till waiter to change (money) change to change (trains) lorry capital city identity card expensive bureau de change guesthouse closed cheque GCSE SPANISH 39 el el el la el el el la la el el el el el el el la la la la la el el la el la las la la © WJEC CBAC Ltd. coche coche-cama coche-fumador cola comedor cómodo compartimento costar cruce cuenta cultura cultural declarar departamento descuento deshacer las maletas despegar despegue/la salida destino desvío/la desviación detenerse día libre dinero durar echar un vistazo edificio de aparcamientos embotellamiento/atasco hacer las maletas en días laborables entrada entrada/el entronque entregar/presentar esperar estación de servicio excursión, el paseo excusa extranjero folleto folleto (informativo) fotografía frenar freno de emergencia frontera gafas de sol gasolina gasolinera gratuito haraganear/holgazanear car sleeping car smoking (compartment) to queue dining room cosy, comfortable compartment to cost crossing bill culture cultural to declare (customs) department reduction, reduced rate to unpack to take off take off, departure destination diversion to stop day off money to last to glance multi-storey car park traffic jam; blockage to pack on working days entrance (building) entrance (motorway) to hand in to wait service station excursion, outing excuse foreign; strange brochure prospectus photo brake emergency brake border, frontier sunglasses petrol petrol station free (no cost) to laze about GCSE SPANISH 40 el el/la el la la la la el la el el el el la el la el el la la el la la la la el el el el la la la © WJEC CBAC Ltd. horas de apertura hostal/albergue huésped incluido irse kilómetro libra libre lista de bebidas llamada de emergencia llave llegar llenar el tanque/depósito lograr lugar/sitio lujo maleta maletero mantener libre mapa mar mareo media pensión menú mirada/el vistazo mirar/considerar mobiliario monedero multa nacionalidad neumático no acercarse no aparcar ocupado oficina de información oficina de objetos perdidos oficina de turismo parada parar/detener(se) parquímetro pasaje pasajero pasaporte pasar tiempo/quedarse en patria pensión completa pensión/casa de huéspedes opening times inn, tavern guest included, inclusive to go away (on a journey) kilometre pound free, vacant drinks menu emergency call key to arrive to fill up with petrol to reach; catch; achieve place luxury suitcase car boot to keep free/clear map sea sea-sick half board (set) menu view; glance to view furnishings purse/wallet parking ticket nationality tyre to stay away no parking engaged information office lost property office tourist information office stop to stop; hold parking meter fare passenger passport to spend (time) home (town/country) full board guesthouse GCSE SPANISH 41 la el la la la el (tener) la el la el el el el el el el el la la la la el el la la los el la la la la el el el el el © WJEC CBAC Ltd. perder(se) pernoctación pernoctar plano de la ciudad planta planta baja plaza, el sitio por/a través de precio preferencia préfijo/el indicativo (del país) prestar / tomar prestado propina protector solar puerto puesto de refrescos punto de reunión puntual quedarse recibir recibo reparar/componer restaurant/la cafetería retraso revisor sala de espera salida salida de emergencia salida/el entronque salir sello semáforo señal señora/la dama servicios sin plomo sótano tapas tarjeta de crédito tarjeta postal tasa de cambio/la paridad terraza todo recto transbordador/el ferry tranvía tren tren de cercanías tunel to lose (oneself) overnight stay to stay the night town map floor, storey ground floor place; square; seat via price (to have) right of way dialling code to lend/borrow tip sun screen port, harbour refreshment stand meeting point punctual to stay, remain to receive receipt to repair restaurant, café delay ticket collector waiting room exit emergency exit motorway junction to set off; drive away stamp traffic lights sign lady toilet lead free basement snack credit card postcard course; exchange rate terrace straight on ferry tram train suburban train tunnel GCSE SPANISH 42 el el/la turismo turista un viaje especial urgente venir viajar viaje viaje de ida y vuelta/redondo viajero visita visitar vivir volante volar vuelo el el el la el el tourism tourist special trip urgent to come to travel journey; drive round trip traveller visit to visit to live steering wheel to fly flight COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES el el el el el el el el el el el el Spanish Africa alemán/ana Alemania americano Asia Australia Austria austriaco Bélgica británico británico/a Bruselas Canada Dinamarca alemán Atlántico bosque Canal de la Mancha este extranjero francés italiano lago Mediterráneo oeste río Escocia escocés/escocesa © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English Africa German (m/f) Germany American Asia Australia Austria Austrian Belgium British Briton (m/f) Brussels Canada Denmark German Atlantic forest English Channel east abroad French Italian lake Mediterranean west river Scotland Scotsman/woman GCSE SPANISH 43 los la la los el el Eslovaquia España español/a español Estados Unidos Europa europeo francés/esa Francia Gales galés/esa galés Gran Bretaña Grecia Holanda Hungria India indio/a inglés/esa Irlanda Irlanda del Norte irlandés/esa Italia italiano/a montaña playa Alpes Luxemburgo mar Báltico mar del Norte norte norteamericano Noruega Paises Bajos Polonia Rumania Rusia Suecia Suiza sur Turquia un extranjero © WJEC CBAC Ltd. Slovakia Spain Spaniard (m/f) Spanish United States Europe European Frenchman/woman France Wales Welshman/woman Welsh Great Britain Greece Holland Hungary India Indian Englishman (woman) Ireland Northern Ireland Irishman/woman Italy Italian (m/f) mountain beach the Alps Luxembourg Baltic Sea North Sea north American Norway Netherlands Poland Romania Russia Sweden Switzerland south Turkey foreigner GCSE SPANISH 44 WALES AND THE WORLD - AREAS OF INTEREST: GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENT Climate el el el el el el el el el la el el la la el la Spanish aire acondicionado alto año anualmente bajo brillante brillar calentamiento global caliente cálido calor capa fina de hielo cielo clima climatizado chubasco despejado día efecto invernadero entregar estación fresco frío grado hay niebla helado/glacial helar(se)/congelar(se) hermoso invierno lentamente llover lluvia lluvioso malo mañana mes mojado natural naturaleza nevar © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English air conditioning high year annually low bright, light to shine global warming hot warm warmth black ice sky, heaven climate air conditioned / heated (swimming pool) shower (rain) clear day greenhouse effect to hand in season fresh cold degree (temperature) foggy icy to freeze beautiful, lovely winter slow(ly) to rain rain rainy bad morning month wet natural nature to snow GCSE SPANISH 45 la la la la el la el la la el el la la la el la el el niebla nieve noche nube nublado nublado/cubierto otoño primavera profundo, bajo pronóstico del tiempo relampaguear/destellar respirar salvaje seco selva tropical semana siglo sol soleado/hace sol temperatura temperatura más alta temperature más baja templado/no muy frío termómetro tormenta tranquilo tronar tropical trueno un relámpago/un rayo una tormenta eléctrica verano fog snow night cloud cloudy cloudy, overcast autumn spring deep, low weather forecast to flash to breathe wild dry rain forest week century sun sunny temperature highest temperature lowest temperature mild thermometer storm quiet, peaceful to thunder tropical thunder lightning thunderstorm summer Pollution el el el el la la el el Spanish ácido advertencia/aviso aerosol agujero ahorrar/salvar aire apagar aparato bruma (neblina)/el vapor) capa de ozono chófer/conductor coche © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English acid; sour warning spray can hole to save air to switch off gadget mist, haze; vapour ozone layer motorist, driver car GCSE SPANISH 46 el la combustible (fósil) contaminación contaminado contaminar la crisis cubierto dañar el daño el desastre los desechos nucleares desperdiciar/despilfarrar la destrucción destruir ecológico la energía la energía eólica la energía hidroeléctrica la energía nuclear la energía solar el entorno/el medioambiente la falta (de) la flor la fuente de energía los gases de escape la gasolina el hoyo impedir/evitar la industria la isla la madera la marea negra el modo de transporte la montaña mudar/cambiar ocasionar el peligro en peligro peligro de muerte peligroso perturbar/alterar el petroleo el problema los productos químicos público quemar reducir el ruido la solución © WJEC CBAC Ltd. (fossil) fuel pollution polluted to pollute crisis covered to damage damage catastrophe atomic waste to waste destruction to destroy environmentally friendly energy wind energy hydro energy nuclear energy solar energy environment lack (of) flower source of energy exhaust gas petrol hole to prevent industry island wood (material) oil slick means of transport mountain to convert/relocate to cause danger endangered danger to life dangerous to disturb oil problem chemicals public to burn (off) to reduce noise solution GCSE SPANISH 47 el la la sustancia nociva tráfico un país tercermundista una central nuclear usar utilizar vida vivir zona harmful substance traffic developing country nuclear power station to use to use life to live zone Recycling Spanish la basura la bolsa de plástico la bombilla la botella de vidrio el contenedor de papel el cubo de la basura el depósito los desperdicios los electrodomésticos embalaje extinguirse la lata llevar a la papelera reciclar separar tirar el vidrio el vidrio para reciclar English rubbish plastic bag lightbulb glass bottle paper container rubbish bin depot waste white goods packing to die out can, tin to take to (litter) bin, wastepaper basket to recycle separate to throw away glass glass for recycling SOCIAL ISSUES la la el el el la la las el gente ayuda humanitaria agua (fem.) agua potable (fem.) apoyar apoyo campaña organización benéfica obras benéficas comercio justo ayudar contaminar morir © WJEC CBAC Ltd. people humanitarian aid water drinking water to support support campaign charity (organisation) charitable works fair trade to help to pollute to die GCSE SPANISH 48 la la el la el la el el la la el el la la la la los la la el el el educación enfermedad gobierno guerra hambre (fem.) morir de hambre tener hambre hambruna higiene (fem.) huracán inmigración inundación limpiar limpio mundial mundo planeta pluviselva / selva tropical población pobreza contaminación proteger recursos (naturales) respetar salud sequía sin hogar estar sin hogar sobrevivir subvencionar sucio terremoto trabajo voluntario vivir education disease government war hunger, starvation to die of starvation to be hungry famine hygiene hurricane immigration flood to clean clean (adj.) global, world (adj.) world planet rainforest population poverty pollution to protect (natural) resources to respect health drought homeless homelessness to survive to subsidise dirty earthquake voluntary work to live CURRENT AND FUTURE STUDY AND EMPLOYMENT: CURRENT STUDY SCHOOL/COLLEGE LIFE la la Spanish (escuela) primaria (escuela) secundaria abrir aburrido © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English primary school comprehensive school to open (e.g. book, window) boring GCSE SPANISH 49 el el la el el el albergue estudiantil alfabeto /abecedario amiga por correspondencia amigo por correspondencia aprendiz aprendizaje artístico la asamblea asignatura obligatoria el aula (fem.) el aula de informática (fem.) ausente el bachillerato la bilbioteca la boleta escolar el bolígrafo el calendario la calificación calificar la cantina escolar la carta castigar el castigo la clase/la lección el/la compañero/a completar/terminar el curso complicado el conserje contestar controlar/examinar la conversación copiar el coro la corrección la corrección/la mejora correcto corregir corregir/mejorar cruzar el cuaderno el curso el curso avanzado los deberes decir dejar la escuela deletrear el departamento © WJEC CBAC Ltd. student hostel alphabet penfriend (female) penfriend (male) apprentice apprenticeship artistic assembly compulsory subject classroom ICT room absent (higher/upper school, sixth form library school report ball-point pen calendar mark, grade to mark school cantine letter (post) to punish punishment class colleague (m/f) to complete (e.g. course) complicated caretaker to answer to check, examine conversation to copy choir correction correction; improvement right, correct to correct, mark to correct; improve to cross exercise book course advanced course homework to say, tell to leave (school) to spell (subject) department GCSE SPANISH 50 el diálogo dibujar el diccionario el dictado dictar el director la directora durar la educación la educación/la formación educar educar/enseñar el ejemplo el ejercicio empezar enseñar entender el error escoger escribir escuchar la escuela de formación profesional estar castigado estricto el estuche el/la estudiante estudiar el examen el examen la experiencia laboral faltar la fecha el formulario de el fiche/el formulario matrículación/inscripción el fin/el final finalizar/terminar la flauta la flauta dulce el gimnasio graduado en educación hablar con fluidez secundaria obligatoria hacer hacer gimnasia el horario incorrect/falso insatisfactorio la inscripción © WJEC CBAC Ltd. dialogue to draw dictionary dictation to dictate headmaster headmistress to last education education, training to educate to educate, instruct example exercise to start, begin to teach to understand mistake to choose to write to listen vocational school, F.E. college to be kept in strict case student (m/f) to study examination examination paper work experience to be missing date registration form form (to fill in) end to end flute recorder (instrument) gymnasium (Spanish GCSE) fluent to make, do to do gymnastics timetable incorrect; false unsatisfactory (mark/grade) registration GCSE SPANISH 51 el instituto insuficiente intercambio el internado juego de roles jugar el laboratorio el lápiz la lección leer (en voz alta) la letra libre el libro la lista matricularse la mesa mirar la mochila el nivel el número los números la opción oral la orientación (profesional) el/la orientador/a (profesional) la palabra el papel la pared/el muro partir/salir el pasillo el patio de recreo pensar el piano pintar la pizarra electrónica practicar la pregunta preguntar prestar atención principiante el principio la pronunciación pronunciar el proyector la prueba el recreo la regla © WJEC CBAC Ltd. secondary/high school insufficient (mark/grade) exchange boarding school role play to play laboratory pencil, crayon lesson to read out letter of the alphabet free book list to register table to look at school bag, satchel level number numbers option subject oral careers advice careers adviser word paper wall to set off, leave corridor playground to think piano to paint electronic whiteboard to practise question to ask (questions) to pay attention beginner start, beginning pronunciation to pronounce projector test lunch breaktime ruler GCSE SPANISH 52 el la el la el la el la la la la el el los los la la el la las el el la rendimiento repetir resolver/solucionar respuesta resultado reunión/la conferencia rotulador saber sala/el salón de actos significado significar silla solución supervisión tarea, el ejercicio trabajar trabajo trabajo escolar trabajos de curso trabajos manuales traducción traducir trompeta último uniforme universidad vacaciones viaje de (fin de) curso violín visita performance; achievement to repeat to solve answer result meeting, conference felt pen to know assembly hall meaning to mean chair solution supervision task, exercise to work work school work coursework D and T / crafts translation to translate trumpet last school uniform university holiday class trip violin visit SCHOOL/COLLEGE STUDIES Spanish aburrido el alemán el arte dramático / teatro la asignatura la asignatura favorita la biología bueno cancelar la(s) ciencia(s) curso preparatorio el deporte el dibujo la historia difícil,duro © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English boring German drama school subject favourite subject biology good (mark/grade) to cancel (e.g. lesson) science(s) foundation course sport art history; story difficult, hard GCSE SPANISH 53 la el la el la la el la el el la las la la el la disfrutar educación religiosa español espantoso estupendo fácil fligero fantástico física francés geografía geología idioma extranjero/la lengua informática extranjera inglés interesante inútil latín lección matemáticas música odiar práctico química ruso satisfactorio ser divertido sociología un sobresaliente útil to like doing something. religious education Spanish terrible, awful great easy, simple easy; light great, smashing physics French geography geology foreign language information technology English interesting useless Latin lessons maths/mathematics music to hate practical chemistry Russian satisfactory (mark/grade) to be fun social studies very good (mark/grade) useful CURRENT AND FUTURE STUDY AND EMPLOYMENT: WORLD OF WORK WORK EXPERIENCE AND PART-TIME JOBS (See section on JOBS AND FUTURE PLANS, CAREER PLANS) Skills la el Spanish experiencia laboral poder (+ infinitive) trabajador/a trabajo a tiempo parcial © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English work experience to be able to hard working part-time job GCSE SPANISH 54 SKILLS AND PERSONAL QUALITIES Spanish agradable alegre amable ancho animado/alegre astuto/vivo atento atrevido/descarado English pleasant happy, cheerful nice broad, wide lively crafty, cunning helpful cheeky bonito bonito/hermoso comprensivo conocido da rabia/molesta de buen/mal humor débil delgado divertido/gracioso encantador enfadado engreído/presuntuoso envidioso espeso/grueso estricto famoso feliz femenino feo fuerte gordo grande hablar fuerte humorístico/gracioso inteligente limpio listo listo/inteligente/brillante llamarse malo marrón masculino mediano modesto nacido nervioso pretty beautiful, handsome; nice understanding, sympathetic (well-)known stupid; annoying in a good/bad mood weak thin /slim amusing, funny: cheerful sweet angry conceited, arrogant envious thick (object) strict famous merry, happy feminine; female ugly strong fat big to be loud (person) humorous intelligent clean clever light; bright to be called bad brown masculine: male medium - sized modest born nervous © WJEC CBAC Ltd. GCSE SPANISH 55 la ordenado orgulloso oscuro parecer perezoso pesado/irritante popular puntual quieto/tranquilo rápido recto redondo rizado seguro de sí mismo sensible serio simpático simpático/amable sociable tímido tonto tranquilo triste viejo voz tidy; respectable proud dark to look, appear lazy annoying popular punctual quiet, still fast straight round curly confident sensitive serious likeable friendly sociable shy daft, stupid calm, cool sad old voice CURRENT AND FUTURE STUDY AND EMPLOYMENT: JOBS AND FUTURE PLANS APPLYING FOR WORK/STUDY CVs la la la la el el el el el el la Spanish dirección edad formación/la educación fecha de nacimiento lugar de nacimiento currículo apellido número de teléfono nombre de pila domicilio/el lugar de residencia carta de referencia © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English address age training; education date of birth place of birth curriculum vitae surname telephone number first name, Christian name place of residence reference(s) GCSE SPANISH 56 CAREER PLANS el/la el el el el un la el el el el el la el/la el/la la el el el el la el/la la /la la la la el/la la el/la el el/la el el Spanish auxiliar de cabina albañil ama de casa (fem.) año libre apellido aprendizaje (hacer) arreglar asistencia sanitaria/médica buscando trabajo camarero carnicero carpintero cartero camionero/la camionera clase cliente contestar/responder decidir(se) dentista desempleado/en paro/parado dirección/el domicilio diseñador gráfico electricista empleado empleado empleador/patrón empresa/compañía enfermero/a entrevista escribir a máquina esperar experiencia experiencia laboral fábrica fontanero/a formación funcionario/a futuro ganar gerente gustar hacer de canguro hacer una solicitud de horario ingeniero © WJEC CBAC Ltd. English air steward/stewardess builder housewife gap year surname apprenticeship to arrange/sort out health care looking for work waiter butcher carpenter postman lorry driver class, lesson customer, client (m/f) to answer to decide dentist (m/f) unemployed address graphic designer electrician employee employed employer firm nurse (m/f) interview to type to hope experience work experience works, factory plumber (m/f) training civil servant (m/f) future to earn manager (m/f) to like babysitting to apply for plan; timetable engineer GCSE SPANISH 57 la el el/la el el el la el el/la el/la el/la la el/la el la el el el/la el /la el el el el el el/la licenciatura llamar por teléfono lugar de trabajo maestro/a mecánico médico negocio oficina pagar panadero peluquero/a periodista (agente de) policía profesión profesor/a programador prueba puesto querer recibir/obtener repartir salario secretario/a soldado sueldo taller título/el diploma trabajar trabajo trabajo a tiempo parcial vendedor/a vender viajar volverse/hacerse © WJEC CBAC Ltd. degree to phone workplace; job primary teacher mechanic doctor shop, business office to pay baker hairdresser (m/f) journalist policeman/woman profession secondary teacher programmer test position, job to want to to receive, get deliver (e.g. newspapers) wage secretary (m/f) soldier salary workshop; garage qualification to work work, job part-time job salesperson (m/f) to sell to travel to become GCSE SPANISH 59 APPENDIX B Grammar requirements Spanish GCSE students will be expected to have acquired knowledge and understanding of Spanish grammar during their course. In the examination they will be required to apply their knowledge and understanding, drawing from the following lists. The examples in brackets are indicative, not exclusive. For structures marked (R), only receptive knowledge is required. Spanish (foundation tier) Nouns: gender; singular and plural forms. Articles: definite lo and indefinite; plus adjective (R). Adjectives: agreement; position; comparative and superlative: regular and mayor, menor, mejor, peor; demonstrative indefinite (este, ese, aquel); (cada, otro, todo, mismo, alguno); possessive, short form (mi); possessive, long form (mío) (R); interrogative © WJEC CBAC Ltd. (cuánto, qué). GCSE SPANISH 60 Adverbs: formation; comparative and superlative: regular; interrogative (cómo, cuándo, dónde); adverbs of time and place (aquí, allí, ahora, ya); common adverbial phrases. Quantifiers/intensifiers (muy, bastante, demasiado, poco, mucho) Pronouns: subject; object (R); position and order of object pronouns (R); reflexive; relative: que; relative: quien, lo que (R); disjunctive (conmigo, para mí); demonstrative (éste, ése, aquél, esto, eso, aquello); indefinite (algo, alguien); interrogative (cuál, qué, quién). Verbs: regular all and irregular verbs, including reflexive verbs; persons of the verb, singular and plural; modes of address: tú and usted; radical-changing negative forms; interrogative reflexive uses verbs; forms; constructions (se puede, se necesita, se habla); of ser and estar; tenses; present © WJEC CBAC Ltd. indicative; GCSE SPANISH 61 present continuous; preterite; imperfect: imperfect in weather expressions with estar, hacer; (R); immediate future future; (R); perfect: most common verbs only; conditional: pluperfect gerund gustar only in set phrases; (R); (R); imperative: common forms including negative; subjunctive, present: (R) in certain exclamatory phrases (¡Viva! ¡Dígame!); subjunctive, imperfect: quisiera; impersonal verbs: most common only. Prepositions: common, por including personal a; and para. Conjunctions: common, including y, pero, o, porque, como, cuando Number, quantity, dates Time: use © WJEC CBAC Ltd. of desde hace with present tense (R). GCSE SPANISH 62 Spanish (higher tier) All grammar and structures listed for foundation tier, as well as: Articles: lo plus adjective. Adjectives: comparative and superlative; possessive, short and long forms (mi, mío); relative (cuyo). Adverbs: comparative and superlative. Pronouns: object; position and order of object pronouns; relative: all other uses including quien, lo que, el que, cual; possessive (el mío, la mía). Verbs: tenses: future; imperfect; imperfect continuous; perfect; pluperfect; conditional; passive gerund; © WJEC CBAC Ltd. voice (R); GCSE SPANISH 63 present subjunctive: imperative, affirmation and negation, future after conjunctions of time; (cuando), after verbs of wishing, command, request, emotion, to express purpose (para que); imperfect subjunctive (R). Time: use of desde hace with present tense; use of desde hace with imperfect tense (R). WJEC Wales GCSE Spanish specification from 2016/WP 26.11.2015 © WJEC CBAC Ltd.