technology high school titan welcome orientation - Cotati
technology high school titan welcome orientation - Cotati
TECHNOLOGY HIGH SCHOOL TITAN WELCOME ORIENTATION If you are planning to apply to Technology High School, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to check out the school! Whether or not you have already experienced a ‘shadow day’ or attended an evening presentation about Tech High, this experience is designed to help you in your decision making process about what high school you will attend. December 15th - Tech High is hosting an orientation experience for students and parents! 1:00 P.M. Welcome Assembly at PERSON THEATER 1:20 P.M. Tour Tech High and the SSU campus. 1:45 P.M. Classroom Lesson Demonstrations 2:45 P.M. Conclusion and return to school by 3:00 Students attending Lawrence Jones Middle School, Technology Middle School, or Thomas Page Academy are invited to have your parent or guardian sign a Field Trip Permission Form and return it to your school office by Tuesday, December 8th. Then on December 15, bus transportation is arranged to pick you up at your school at 12:30 to return you to your school by 3:00. All parents interested in attending this orientation are asked to meet us at the PERSON THEATER on the SSU campus near the kiosk at the main entrance to SSU off of East Cotati Avenue. Our welcoming assembly will begin at 1:00 and the event will conclude at 2:45. We look forward to welcoming you at Tech High School on Tuesday, December 15 at 1:00!!! STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE ________________________________ Student (PRINT) STUDENT: 1. Please describe why you want to attend Technology High School, a school that focuses on science, math, and engineering and is project-based: 2. Successful participation in Technology High School demands a high level of motivation. Please describe how you see yourself as a motivated and reflective learner. 3. What are your goals after high school and how do you feel attending Technology High School will help you reach that goal? _________________________________________ Student Signature THIS SIGNED FORM MUST BE RETURNED TO YOUR SCHOOL OFFICE By Tuesday, December 8, 2015 COTATI-ROHNERT PARK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORM -LJMS This form must be completed and filed with the LJMS OFFICE by 12/8/2015 at 3:45PM or the student WILL NOT ATTEND. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE DUE DATE. IF THERE ARE ANY ISSUES, PLEASE CALL MS. MYERS AT 588-5602. The student must obtain the parent’s signature when the activity necessitates the student’s leaving the building. __________________________ (Student’s Name) (Nature of the field trip or activity) Technology High School, Sonoma State Campus (Location) PARENT AUTHORIZATION FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT (Confidential Information) Student’s Name ________________________________Grade_______ Address ____________________________________________________ Birth date ___________ 12/15/2015 (Date) 12;30PM (Leaving) 3:00PM (Returning) M F Telephone # ________________ Message/Cell Phone # ________________ ______________ 5TH PERIOD Teacher Technology High School– 8th Grade COTATI-ROHNERT PARK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Doctor’s Name _________________________ Phone ______________ Name of Health Insurance ____________________________________ Policy # ________________ Any known allergies _________________________________________ Father, Mother or Guardian’s Name(s) (please print) ________________ Mode of Transportation: Bus In the event of an emergency, if parents or guardian cannot be reached, please contact: Contact #1 ______________________ Telephone # _______________ Free (Cost to Student, if any) I understand that all students going on this trip will be responsible in conduct to teachers or adult sponsors. It is further understood that all trips begin and end at school and all students will go and return from the event in the transportation provided. ________ Date __________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHAPERONE FOR THIS TRIP, please email [email protected] or call 588-5602. Please leave the name of your child as well. (Name) Contact #2 ______________________ Telephone # _______________ (Name) (I) (We), the undersigned, parent(s) of __________________________, a minor, do hereby authorize the principal, or designee, as agent for the undersigned to consent to any X-Ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any physician and surgeon licensed under the provisions of the Medicine Practice Act, whether such a diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or as said hospital. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis treatment or hospital care being required but is given to provide authority and power on the part of our aforesaid agent(s) to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis. Treatment or hospital care which the aforementioned physician in the exercise of his best judgment may deem advisable. This authorization shall remain effective until _______________, 20__ unless revoked in writing. Parent/Guardian Signature Firma de Padre/Madre/Tutor Legal Print Name Nombre Date Fecha COTATI-ROHNERT PARK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PERMISO PARA EXCURSIÓN ESCOLAR (Escuela Secundaria) PERMISO PARA TRATAMIENTO MÉDICO (Información Confidencial) Este formulario debe completarse y entregarse a la OFICINA DE LJMS para el 12/8/15 a las 3:45PM o el estudiante NO PODRA ASISTIR. SE TRATA DE UNA ABSOLUTA DEBIDA FECHA. SI HAY CUALQUIER PROBLEMA, FAVOR LLAME AL MS. MYERS AL 588-5602. El estudiante debe obtener la firma de los padres siempre que la actividad requiera que el estudiante deje el recinto escolar. __________________ _________________ (Nombre del Estudiante) ___ _______ (Clase/actividad) Technology High School para 8vo Grado (Tipo de excursión/actividad/evento) Technology High School – Sonoma State Campus__ (Lugar) Modo de Transporte: 5TH P. TEACHER Dirección____________________________________________________ Feche de Nacimiento _________ M F Teléfono _______________ Teléfono para Mensajes ________________ Médico de Familia ______________________ Teléfono ______________ Seguro Médico ____________________________________ Número del Seguro Médico ________________ Alergias conocidas _________________________________________ Nombre(s) de Padre, Madre o Guardián/Tutor Legal (escribe con letra de molde por favor) 12/15/2015 (Fecha) _______ _12:30 pm_ (Hora de salida) Nombre del Alumno ______________________________ Grado________ __________________________________________________________________ 3:00 PM_ Hora de regreso) Autobús Escolar En caso de emergencia, si no es posible comunicarse con los padres o guardianes, por favor llamen a: Contacto #1 ______________________ Teléfono _______________ (Nombre) Contacto #2 ______________________ Teléfono _______________ Nada__________ (Coste al estudiante, si hubiese) Comprendo que todos los estudiantes que van en esta excursión seran responsables en su comportamiento a los maestros o adultos que les supervisan. Tambien entiendo que todas las excursiones empiezan y acaban en la escuela y que los estudiantes iran y regresaran en el transporte proveído. __________ _____________________________ Fecha Firma de Padre/Madre/Tutor Legal SI DESEA IR DE ACOMPAÑANTE EN ESTE VIAJE, favor mande un correo electrónico a [email protected] or hable al 588-5602. Favor deje el nombre de su estudiante. (Nombre) Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, padre(s) con custodia legal del menor de edad arriba escrito, autorizamos por la presente al director o personal escolar designado como agente para los abajo firmantes para dar consentimiento para cualquier examen por rayos X, anestesia, diagnosis médica o quirúrgica o tratamiento o cuidado médico que se juzgue aconsejable por, y que se vaya a administrar bajo la supervisión general o especial de cualquier médico y cirujano licenciado bajo las provisiones de la Ley de Práctica Médica, ya sea que se administre la diagnosis o el tratamiento en la oficina de dicho médico o en dicho hospital. Se comprende que esta autorización se da por adelantado de requerirse cualquier diagnosis tratamiento o cuidado de hospital especifico si no que se da para otorgar la autoridad y el poder por parte del antedicho agente(s) para dar consentimiento especifico para cualquier y todos los dichos diagnosis, tratamientos o cuidados de hospital que el médico antedicho pueda al ejercer su mejor juicio determinar aconsejable. Esta autorización permanecerá en efecto hasta el __ de _______, 20__, al no ser que se revoque por escrito entregado al dicho agente(s). Parent/Guardian Signature Firma de Padre/Madre/Tutor Legal Print Name Nombre Date Fecha