Afiche conferencia Trends in Telecommunications Industry


Afiche conferencia Trends in Telecommunications Industry
Trends in the Telecommunications Industry
5 de Octubre 2006
Celia Desmond
• Celia is the 2006 IEEE Vice President Technical Activities. She is also Vice
President Membership for IEEE Engineering Management Society. She was
2002-2003 President of IEEE Communications Society
• Celia Desmond is President of World Class Telecommunications, which
provides training in management skills in business and telecommunications
engineering environments
• Celia holds a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Carleton University, a
B.Sc. in Mathematics & Psychology from Queens University, an Ontario
Teaching Certificate and a Project Management Professional (PMP)
certification. Celia has taught kindergarten, high school, and at three
universities, Ryerson School of Business, Stevens Institute of Technology,
and University of Toronto.
Auditorio Edificio de Investigaciones Biológicas y
Tecnológicas - FCEFyN – Ciudad Universitaria
16.00 – 17.30
Secretaría de Extensión FCEFyN - UNC
IEEE Subsección Córdoba
Destinado a:
Profesionales y estudiantes avanzados de las carreras de Ingeniería
Eléctrica, Electrónica, Computación y de Telecomunicaciones