Éxito en las grandes ligas, el fruto de la perseverancia
Éxito en las grandes ligas, el fruto de la perseverancia
E N AG RO 2 0 1 6 B U E N O S F RU TO S : “Éxito en las grandes ligas, el fruto de la perseverancia” E D U A R D O C H A DW I C K 3 OCTUBRE 2016 Viña Errázuriz Fundada en 1870 por Don Maximiano Errázuriz en el Valle de Aconcagua Viña Errázuriz: en 1983 Don Alfonso Chadwick Errázuriz y Eduardo (1983) Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve: Tradición y Legado 1870 Viñedo Don Maximiano: Primera Plantación en Laderas en Chile Viña Errázuriz: Bodega Ícono Don Maximiano (2010) “Errázuriz provides the quality benchmark from Chile” – Decanter’s The Top 50 power list, July 2005 Nuestro Equipo Monte y Río Aconcagua dan forma al Valle de Aconcagua Don Maximiano en la cumbre del Monte Aconcagua(2002) Eduardo Chadwick with a bottle of Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve at the summit of Mount Aconcagua Seña: Primer Joint Venture Internacional de un Vino Chileno (1995) Eduardo Chadwick & Robert Mondavi Viñedo Seña Plantado en Ladera: Cultivo Biodinámico desde 2005 Viñedo Chadwick: Un Tributo a Don Alfonso Chadwick Errázuriz 1999 Viñedo Chadwick: Terroir Único Imagen de vinos baratos sin reconocimiento de calidad Plenty of great values, but great wines are still elusive from Chile and Argentina Enero 1995 If you are looking for cellar-worthy reds, don’t look at Chile. Mayo 1995 “Chile has long established itself as a prime source of “Value” wines.” The result is a very low Vinos de Chile brand value. - Anthony Gismondi Visión de la Industria Constituirse al año 2020 en el productor número uno del mundo de vinos premium, sustentables y diversos del nuevo mundo, alcanzando exportaciones de vino embotellado por US$ 3.000 millones con un FOB promedio de $37 por caja. Visión de Viña Errazuriz “Liderar la venta de vinos finos de Chile y ser reconocido como una viña de clase mundial” Evolución del Vino Chileno Precio Promedio (US$/ caja 9 lts) 1,600 35.0 1,400 30.0 Precio (US/caja) 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 - 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 USD (Millones) Exportacionesde Vino Embotellado en USD 2000 2002 2004 2006 Años 2008 Años Precio Actual v/ s Industria Mundial Vino Embotellado (US$/ Caja) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Borgoña Burdeos NZ Francia USA Australia Italia Argentina Chile 2010 2012 2014 2016 The Berlin Tasting Búsqueda de Reconocimiento Internacional Cata a Ciegas – Justicia Imparcial Resultados World Tour • 18 Países • 22 Tastings • 1400 Key opinion leaders • Notable tasa de éxito de un 90% en las preferencias generales EL SIGUIENTE DESAFÍO: DEMOSTRAR POTENCIAL DE GUARDA SEÑA VERTICAL TASTING WORLD TOUR Elegido el Mejor Vino de Chile por AWOCA 2010 y 2011 THE BEST WINE OF CHILE 10th and 11th Annual Wines of Chile Awards “Don Maximiano is the only wine to obtain the highest award in two consecutive years at Annual Wines of Chile Awards, Chile’s leading wine competition with a highly qualified international judge panel” Rankeado el MejorVino de los Andes por James Suckling 99 POINTS Seña 2013 HIGHEST RATED CABERNET BLEND FROM CHILE “…It builds on the palate and shows the structure of a first growth Bordeaux but remains so Chilean.” Alcanzando la Distinción Máxima Viñedo Chadwic k 2014 100 POINTS FIRST CHILEAN WINE TO ACHIEVE THE WORLD’S HIGHEST RECOGNITION “…“Perhaps a sign of Chile truly coming of age is the 100-point rating in this report of the pure Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 Viñedo Chadwick. THE NEW CHILE “…By reaching indisputable recognition in the world wine scene, Viña Errazuriz’s wines have clearly demonstrated Chile’s tremendous vitivinicultural potential and have helped Chilean wines earn greater space and credibility in the international market.” JORGE LUCKI - BRAZILIAN WINE JOURNALIST, OCTOBER 2013 “In the world of wine, perceptions change slowly. Through his Berlin Tasting (and Seña vertical) initiatives, Eduardo Chadwick has been a tireless champion of Premium Chilean wine. Chile needs more like him to take on the challenge and take this message of Chile’s diversity, terroir, elegance and sheer quality around the world.” PETER RICHARDS MW - WINE WRITER, BROADCASTER AND UK EXPERT ON CHILEAN WINE, OCTOBER 2013 “Tastings like the Berlin Tasting and others like it have proven that Chile is capable of making excellent wines, particularly Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet blends.” MICHAEL SCHACHNER - CONTRIBUTING EDITOR TO WINE ENTHUSIAST MAGAZINE, USA, OCTOBER 2013 “The Berlin Tasting showed the world that Chile could make wines with the latest technology that could match the great wines of Bordeaux, Icon California Cabernets and Super Tuscans. Bravo Errazuriz.” TONY ASPLER- DEAN OF CANADIAN WINE JOURNALISTS, OCTOBER 2013 THE NEW CHILE Exciting wines from the Andes to the Pacific Wine Spectator, May 2014 Gracias Thank you Merci Grazie ありがとう Danke sehr 谢谢 Spasiba 감사합니다