3H Presentación oral: ¡Muévete!
3H Presentación oral: ¡Muévete!
3H Presentación oral: ¡Muévete! Flórez Opción 2: Dando una clase como un entrenador personal Estás en un país hispanohablante y estás trabajando en un gimnasio llamado SE FIT y tienes que dar clases de ejercicios. Entran los clientes y hay un cliente que piensa que ejercitarse es inútil. Es tu deber profesional explicarle a él/ella la importancia de vivir una vida activa y saludable. Explícale todas las ventajas usando información que has aprendido. Vocabulario Gramática Pronunciación Contenido 4 Extensive use of vocab, including idiomatic expressions 3 Adequate use of vocab and idiomatic expressions Few or new grammatical errors Good intonation and largely accurate pronunciation with slight accent Thorough response with interesting and pertinent detail Minor grammatical errors Acceptable intonation and pronunciation with distinctive accent Thorough response with sufficient detail 2 Limited vocab marked with some anglicisms 1 Limited vocab marked by frequent anglicisms that force interpretation by the listener Some serious Serious grammatical grammatical errors errors Errors in Errors in intonation and intonation and pronunciation pronunciation with heavy that interfere accent with listener’s comprehension Some detail, but General, not sufficient insufficient response Presentation: • • • Create a Prezi/PPT with images that can help your audience understand the story. Absolutely, NO WRITING ON PRESENTATION. The writing portion will be typed up double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font in dialogue format (paragraph). Use rubric above as a guideline on how you will be assessed. All grammar points taught this year will be assessed as well as topics learned in previous years (uses of present tense, reflexives, preterit vs. imperfect, indirect object pronoun and direct object pronoun, articles, etc.).